International transportation - delivery of goods and goods by any transport

International shipping

International transportation is used to deliver cargo and goods from various countries of the world to the Russian Federation, the so-called “import” to the Russian Federation, or vice versa from Russia abroad, the so-called “export” from the Russian Federation. The choice of mode of transport for international transportation depends on the characteristics of the cargo: its dimensions, weight, compliance with temperature conditions, location of loading or unloading, shelf life of goods and any other features that affect the speed of delivery and the transport used. The following modes of transport are used for transportation: road, air, rail, sea or multimodal “combined”, i.e. composed of several species. These types of transport can deliver any, even the most complex, cargo and goods, with the most complex requirements for their transportation. Such as: oversized, perishable, dangerous, live animals and any others. Delivery by road is widely in demand; it allows you to deliver cargo from door to door. Existing modifications of modern cars make it possible to transport cargo of various types, with different requirements for transportation conditions. By rail, goods are usually delivered over very long distances. Delivery by air is quite expensive, but very fast. International cargo transportation by water is cheaper, but is the slowest of all. At the same time, the feasibility of using a particular type of transport depends on various features and specific customer requirements.

Our company carries out international transportation of goods and goods by various modes of transport:

They can be used either individually or in various combinations. The choice of the type of transport used for international transportation and its routes are developed in such a way as to ensure the fastest possible delivery of cargo to its destination and minimize the client’s costs for transportation and customs clearance.

We provide services to any participants in foreign trade activities:

  • For individuals
  • Legal entities
  • For individual entrepreneurs

We deliver any cargo and goods of various sizes and volumes! These can be shipments for commercial purposes, sent or delivered to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. So, for example, non-commercial shipments received or delivered to individuals (moving to permanent residence abroad or vice versa).

We are happy to answer you on the cost and delivery time, the type of transport by which the cargo can be delivered. Offer various options at your discretion, and you can choose the most suitable ones. We are also ready to answer any questions related to customs clearance, certification, insurance and other questions that interest you!

Types of transport for international transportation of goods and goods

carries out international transportation

various modes of transport: road, sea, rail and air. They can be used either individually or in various combinations. For example, international transportation of goods to European countries is traditionally carried out by road or air transport, while combined transport can be used to transport goods from India or China: sea and land. When sending small consignments, usually of small volume and weight (up to 100 kg) and with the necessary urgency, air transport is used, which is the fastest delivery method.

The choice of transport used for international transportation, its routes are developed in such a way as to ensure the fastest possible delivery of cargo to its destination and minimize the client’s costs for transportation and customs clearance.

International transportation by road is one of the most popular services. The popularity of road transport of goods internationally is explained by its affordable cost, versatility, the ability to pick up cargo from the seller’s warehouse and deliver it to the buyer’s warehouse without additional overload, as well as quickly transport cargo over long distances. carries out cargo transportation by road of almost any type of cargo around the world. In particular, it can be used when delivering small consignments of goods as part of a consolidated cargo. Motor transport is mainly in demand in such segments as the CIS countries and the European Union. These directions are traditional, economic ties have developed over a long period of time, in the European direction and in the CIS countries there is a developed road network that facilitates the transportation of cargo. These advantages make cargo transportation by road one of the most accessible and economically feasible types.

International transportation by sea is one of the cheapest. This transport is widely used for the delivery of container cargo from Asian countries, North and South America and other countries with seaports. Sea transportation in the European direction is no less in demand. As a rule, during sea transportation a combined mode of transport is used: road-sea-vehicle. First, the cargo is delivered to the port by road, then delivered by sea from port to port, and then reloaded onto a vehicle for subsequent delivery to the recipient's warehouse. So, for example, delivery to Russia can be carried out through the ports of the Baltic states, Finland, Russia (St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga, Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don, Vladivostok, Nakhodka and other sea ports of Russia).

International transport by rail is also very popular. Since this transport is usually used for transporting large and heavy cargo over long distances, where it is inappropriate to use road and sea transport. It can also be used as part of combined cargo transportation or door-to-door work. For example, delivery by rail from European and CIS countries is often used. Or by combined transport through the ports of St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Nakhodka. In this case, the cargo is delivered by sea to the port, where its transshipment and customs clearance of the cargo are organized. After completing all procedures, the cargo can be placed on a railway platform or wagon and delivered to the recipient station.

International air transportation is no less popular. This type of transport is popular for small, urgent, and perishable goods. Delivery is carried out through the main airports of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, etc. For large volumes of cargo, this type of cargo transportation becomes impractical due to its high cost.

Multimodal international transportation by combined transport of goods is usually used for mixed modes of transportation by combined transport by road+air+auto; auto+sea+railway+auto; auto+railway+auto, etc. For example: cargo is delivered to a seaport by road, then transported by sea, after which from the port the cargo is again delivered by road to the recipient's warehouse.

Cost of transport services

The total cost of such common services as road freight transportation depends on a large number of factors. Specialists of the payment center of transport companies determine prices for services based on the following important factors:

  1. Category of transport used.
  2. Time spent on unloading and loading.
  3. The total distance of the selected route.
  4. Rates for mileage, which are individual for each company.
  5. The general condition of the route - is there a risk of traffic violations?
  6. Dimensions and weight of transported cargo.

Prices may be determined by the general specifics of the goods being transported. It is often necessary to transport goods that are classified as perishable and require compliance with a certain temperature regime. For their transportation, bulky refrigerators are used, and this automatically entails additional cash expenses, which affects the cost of the services provided. In addition, the price for road freight transportation depends on the provision of a variety of additional services, including escorting goods during transportation, security, safekeeping along the route, and so on.

The most favorable terms of cooperation and a high level of professional service when providing services related to such a process as road freight transportation are offered by companies with a high level of profitability. They set relatively low transportation prices, while their vehicles are in perfect technical condition and provide a high level of service.

Geography of international cargo transportation

We carry out international transportation of goods and absolutely any goods, of various sizes and volumes, from any country in the world to the Russian Federation or from Russia to any country in the world. The geography of international transportation is very extensive and covers almost all countries of the world, with the exception of some where military operations are taking place.

Transportation and delivery from China

One of the areas of activity is international cargo transportation from Asian countries: China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, etc.

In the segment, international transportation from China is one of the most popular directions, since entering one of the fastest growing markets for Russian companies is one of the most important stages of development. The international transportation of goods from China allows importing companies to effectively carry out foreign economic activities, ensuring fast and timely delivery of goods.

International cargo transportation from Asia is carried out mainly by sea through the ports of St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and other large port cities of Russia, where the cargo undergoes customs clearance.

Transportation from China

Transportation from Europe

International transportation from Europe is a traditional direction. Economic ties between Russia and European countries have developed over decades and are stable. Road freight transportation from Poland, Germany, Holland, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, England, the Czech Republic, Finland and other European countries is one of the main areas of activity.

In addition, we carry out cargo transportation from Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria.

Depending on the destination, delivery can be carried out through the territory of the Baltic states, Belarus or Ukraine. In this direction, road transport is most often used, but in some cases it is convenient to use sea transport.

Transit transportation through Germany is in great demand due to its convenient geographical location. Through Germany, goods from various countries are transported in transit to Russia by land or sea, which are delivered to the ports of St. Petersburg.

Road transport is widely used for the delivery of goods from Finland. The use of this type of transport is due to economic feasibility and its versatility. Modern cars make it possible to carry out international cargo transportation from Finland of almost all types of goods.

Transportation from Europe

Pallet loading

The transition from a manual loading method to a pallet one should be based primarily on economic feasibility, the calculation of which is a long and painstaking work that requires costs to create an adapted software product, a creative approach from the company’s technological services (when optimizing the assortment), sales and marketing services. Pallet loading is used where it is possible to place the range of products on standard and non-standard pallets, which makes it possible to develop loading schemes using mechanized means for loading and unloading operations. Unlike the manual method of loading products, the pallet method significantly reduces loading time; it is possible to develop standard loading schemes; simplified accounting of shipped products; risks associated with the human factor are reduced; the number of personnel required for loading is reduced several times; it is possible to use product separation technology; it is possible to accurately calculate the loads on the vehicle axles and control the mass of loaded products, preventing overload.

Transportation to CIS countries

carries out transportation from Russia to the CIS countries and vice versa from the CIS to Russia. This is the most popular direction due to preferences at customs for goods produced in these countries.

Cargo transportation from Georgia, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Moldova is in significant demand, but at the same time requires knowledge of the peculiarities of customs clearance. Goods from CIS countries are usually subject to only VAT without paying customs duties. The most striking example is the free movement of goods from the countries of the Customs Union: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. Cargo transportation from these states is carried out without passing customs control and within the framework of free trade between them.

International transport to the Americas

We carry out international transportation from the countries of North and South America to the Russian Federation or vice versa. As a rule, when transporting goods, sea or air transport is used. When transported by sea, delivery times differ significantly from delivery times by air and can range from 30 days versus 1-2 days when delivered by air.

Transportation from South America

Schemes "Door to Door"

provides comprehensive . Such a scheme is one of the most profitable for the client, who completely entrusts all concerns regarding the delivery and customs clearance of cargo to professionals.

The door-to-door scheme includes a number of stages:

  • Preparing cargo for shipment, developing a logistics scheme;
  • Transportation of cargo to Russia;
  • Customs clearance of cargo;
  • Delivery of cargo to the owner's warehouse.

One of the most important stages of the scheme is customs clearance of cargo. Its peculiarity is the need to fill out various declarations, issue certificates and other permitting documentation. Even the slightest errors when filling out documentation can subsequently lead to problems with the registration and further sale of products.

Cooperation with ensures fast delivery of goods, reduction in the cost of international transportation and quick customs clearance.

If you need international cargo transportation from Europe, the CIS, Asian countries, North and South America or other countries of the world. We will be happy to become your reliable partner!

How containers are attached

During loading operations, various devices and fastening technologies are used:

  • Fixed or removable restraints. These are rigid guides that are commonly used to secure even a large container on a utility or cellular container ship. Lashing (rigid) fasteners include rod, chain and cable options. The safest are bar fasteners.
  • Fitting fastening of containers allows you to place and securely fix the container on board. The fasteners are in the form of steel castings that are welded to the deck.
  • Cellular and cellular means allow you to securely secure cargo, maintaining its integrity in the tier and increasing the convenience of cargo operations. Cellular fasteners or guide strips divide the hold in the transverse and longitudinal directions.

To protect against vertical and horizontal movement of containers on the deck, locking elements are used - twistlocks, which are mounted in the lower corners of each tier. When choosing a fixation technology, you should take into account the actual weight and size of the container, external factors (wind, storm), stress in the ship’s hull, level of stability and other factors.

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