Selecting oil and gasoline for preparing the fuel mixture for a trimmer: dilution ratio table

Gasoline trimmers have long been used by many summer residents and owners of personal plots.

Their convenience is undeniable, because operation does not require a stationary power source, and the absence of electrical wires allows you to use these devices away from home.

With all this, the devices are quite powerful, and there are professional models among them.

To operate any gasoline trimmer, 2 types of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) are required, that is:

  • petrol;
  • oil.

However, the operating principles of two-stroke and four-stroke engines of lawn mowers are different, and this determines how much oil needs to be added per liter of gasoline and what kind of oil can be poured into the engine.

Therefore, next we will tell you:

  • how the lubrication system of two-stroke and four-stroke engines works;
  • what is the difference between oils for different types of engines;
  • what kind of gasoline and what kind of oil is best to pour into a lawn mower with different types of engines;
  • what happens if you confuse the type and method of using oil;
  • how to dilute gasoline with oil for a lawn mower with a two-stroke engine;
  • how much lubricant to pour into four-stroke engines;
  • What are the fuel consumption standards?

Lubrication system for two-stroke and four-stroke engines

Four-stroke engines and air-fuel mixture preparation
systems Therefore, the pump supplies oil directly to the rubbing surfaces, that is, the crankshaft bearing and the point of contact of the piston with the cylinder walls.

To do this, the lubricant is poured into a special container, from where it flows through channels to areas of high friction.

In addition, through the crankshaft and connecting rod, oil reaches the piston and washes it , reducing the temperature and lubricating the cylinder walls.

Two-stroke engines do not have a separate lubrication system, but they also have a crankshaft bearing that needs to reduce friction.

In such power units, the air-fuel mixture first enters the crankcase, where the crankshaft bearing is located, and then, under the influence of vacuum, passes by the piston, cooling it and lubricating the cylinder walls, and enters the combustion chamber.

However, gasoline does not have lubricating properties, so such devices are filled with a gasoline mixture, that is, liquid fuel to which special oil has been added.

The efficiency of lubrication with a fuel mixture is much lower than with engine oil, so the service life of a two-stroke engine bearing, and therefore the crankshaft and connecting rod, is noticeably shorter than the same part of a four-stroke engine.

In addition, the two-stroke lubrication system places special demands on the oil, because it must burn as much as possible in the cylinder and form a minimum of toxic substances.

Consequences of filling with a mixture with incorrect proportions

When diluting fuels and lubricants, it is very important to follow the ratio recommended by the brush cutter manufacturer. If there is not enough oil, scuff marks will form on the piston and cylinder, which will sooner or later lead to breakage of the piston ring.

Important! In addition, as a result of friction, the metal from the piston settles on the cylinder walls, and the engine may simply jam. This will require repair or replacement of the motor.

And if there is an excessive amount of oil, coking of the piston ring occurs, as well as the formation of carbon deposits on the piston, on the spark plug, etc. All this leads to severe wear and tear on the equipment and the need for constant cleaning.

How do oils differ for different types of engines?

The different operating principles of the oil system force the use of lubricants with different properties and characteristics.

In addition, in four-stroke engines, oil lasts the entire season, but in two-stroke engines it lubricates the parts, then burns in the cylinder , which also affects the requirements placed on it.


According to the principle of operation, the four-stroke power unit is completely identical to automobile internal combustion engines.
Therefore, the requirements for lubricating fluid are the same as for conventional motor oil for high-speed automobile engines.

The main parameter of a lubricant for four-stroke engines is viscosity, which describes how fluid the oil will be at operating temperature, and the parameter is designated by the letter “W” and the numbers before and after it.

The numbers in front of the letter describe the minimum negative temperature at which it retains its lubricity, however, this parameter is not relevant for trimmers, because it is not used during frosts.

The numbers after the letter describe the viscosity at operating temperature. Typically, 5W30 or 5W40 lubricant is used for four-stroke trimmers.

Another relatively important oil parameter for four-stroke engines is the type of lubricant, that is :

  • mineral;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • synthetic.

Mineral oil is produced by thermal distillation (distillation) of petroleum and heavy petroleum products. It is cheap, but has mediocre lubricating properties and low resistance to high temperatures.

Synthetic oil is obtained from various gases that come out of the earth along with oil. It is much more expensive, but has noticeably better lubricity and resistance to high temperatures . Semi-synthetics are a mixture of both bases.

However, base oils of any type have extremely mediocre characteristics, so they are modified using various additives that change the properties of the finished product.

Moreover, the requirements for oil depend on the characteristics of the engine and its operating conditions , however, trimmer engines operate in much more comfortable conditions than automobile ones, so oil designed for any engine is suitable for them. For this reason, the containers with lubricating fluid for trimmers do not indicate the API class, that is, compliance with certain automobile engines.


Since the oil for such engines works only for a few moments, after which it burns in the cylinder, it is not required to have the same durability as the lubricating fluid of four-stroke engines.
In addition, it must have higher lubricity, because such oil reaches the bearing being highly diluted with gasoline.

Since all two-stroke engines of garden equipment operate under approximately the same conditions, the oil for them is not divided by viscosity or any classes.

Two-stroke oil is suitable for a trimmer, even if it is written on the packaging or container that it is intended for the following two-stroke devices :

  • lawnmowers;
  • chainsaw;
  • garden equipment.

An important condition is complete combustion in the cylinder, otherwise the trimmer will greatly pollute the environment, and the smell of its exhaust will be extremely unpleasant.

This is why an incorrectly composed fuel mixture produces thick, dark or bluish exhaust with a sharp, unpleasant odor. The same effect appears when the device is operating with a faulty or untuned engine/carburetor, as well as during severe over-gassing.

Storage recommendations

It is better to prepare the mixture in quantities that should be enough to complete one-time work. The problem is the irreversible deterioration of the working properties of the mixture during storage. It is recommended to use the finished composition over the next few days.

A mixture of gasoline and month-old oil impairs the traction capabilities of the engine. There is also the formation of resinous compounds in the fuel system and intense carbon formation in the combustion chamber, loss of mobility of the piston rings.

  • With minimal damage to quality, it is advisable to store gasoline and oil for no more than 2 weeks. At an ambient temperature of 25 degrees Celsius or more, this period is reduced to 8-10 days.
  • In order to save money, the expired mixture can be gradually consumed by mixing it into the fresh composition in an amount of no more than 10% of the total volume.

To avoid problems associated with fuel system failure, it is recommended to filter the prepared mixture through a non-fibre material such as suede, or a fine-mesh twill weave or metal mesh.

What gasoline is suitable for different types of engines?

The motor of any trimmer, regardless of type, is designed to run on AI-92 unleaded gasoline.

However, the engine can also operate on other types of gasoline, for example, AI-76 or AI-95, but this is only permissible for a short time, that is, tens of minutes.

Long-term operation on unsuitable fuel will lead to burnout of valves and other problems , after which the power unit will have to be repaired or replaced, so you need to know exactly what kind of gasoline can be filled with your specific model of brush cutter.


More stringent criteria for selecting an oil component. The best option is a mineral or semi-synthetic motor oil recommended by the manufacturer, designed for use in high-speed two-stroke air-cooled internal combustion engines.

The advantage of mineral oils is their lower cost. Their more expensive semi-synthetic and synthetic analogues compare favorably with improved performance characteristics and compliance with environmental standards.

  • maintain performance properties over a wide range of operating temperatures;
  • do not form soot;
  • contain detergents, antioxidants, preservatives and other additives useful for the operation of the power unit.

What happens if you mix up the type and method of using oil?

If you pour mixture for a two-stroke into a four-stroke engine, the following will happen::

  • power will drop;
  • fuel consumption will increase;
  • spark plugs will quickly fail;
  • during long-term operation, the gasket, valves or piston may burn out;
  • the smoke will become darker and smellier;
  • Over time, the carburetor will clog, so the engine will run poorly even with the right gasoline.

If you pour oil into the fuel instead of the crankcase, then in addition to the troubles described, the crankshaft bearing will soon first knock and then jam, because it cannot work normally without lubrication . If you pour pure gasoline into a two-stroke engine, it will soon fail, because the crankshaft bearing will lose its lubricant.

If you mistakenly add four-stroke oil to the fuel mixture for a two-stroke engine, then:

  • the crankshaft bearing will quickly fail;
  • over time, the operation of the carburetor will be disrupted;
  • valves, piston or gasket will quickly burn out.

Oil for lawn mowers - how to choose, in what proportions to dilute

Many of you have gas-powered tools in your household; for example, in a private home you can’t do without a chainsaw. You understand that preparing firewood for the winter comes in handy during construction and repairs, and in general, it is a very necessary tool. If a country house also has a decent-sized plot, then to combat the grass you simply need a trimmer or lawn mower, which also runs on gasoline.

Of course, you can buy them electric, but not everyone likes to pull a 30-meter extension cord to mow an area overgrown with knee-deep grass. Therefore, most people prefer to work with gasoline tools. As you know, special oil for two-stroke engines must be added to gasoline. That’s what we’ll talk about, because this is a very important aspect; if you don’t add oil and add it in the wrong proportions, then your engine will “crack” very quickly and your path will be to a service center. To avoid all these troubles, add only high-quality oil and in the correct proportions.

STIHL is a great solution

The most popular products for chainsaws, brush cutters and trimmers are the products of the well-known company STIHL. It is sold in 2 packages - 1 liter and 100 ml. For those who work a lot, a liter bottle is suitable, but a small bottle will be enough for “one-time use”. A container of 1 liter costs 250 rubles, and a container of 10 ml costs 60 rubles. If you take a large one, the savings are obvious.

Oil is added to gasoline in a ratio of 1 to 50, that is, for example, add 100 ml to 5 liters of gasoline. As you can see, a small bottle is great for getting 5 liters of gasoline mixture to refill your chainsaw or trimmer. The large bottle has special marks on the side by which you can determine how much oil has been poured out of the bottle. If you bought a large 1 liter bottle, then buy a 20 ml syringe at the pharmacy. Very convenient - 1 syringe of oil per 1 liter of gasoline.

Experts advise using branded oil for your equipment; it is ideal because it was developed and tested specifically on Shtil instruments. I note that calm has its own brands, such as Viking (popular models of gasoline trimmers). For them, also use Shtilev oil and there will be no problems at all.

If you have added more gasoline mixture than you can use, it is best to store the remainder in a metal canister or glass container. Never store the mixture in a plastic bottle. Of course, if you use up the leftovers after a couple of days, you can pour the remaining mixture into a plastic one and a half containers, but if the mixture will be stored for a long time, then either a canister or glass container. The thing is that the gas mixture corrodes the plastic bottle, microscopic deposits of plastic appear in the mixture and this is very bad for the engine. Keep this in mind if you want your tool to work for a long time and without problems.

HUSQVARVA - high quality

The second most popular brand of oil is the well-known Huksvarna. Of course, if you think about it like that, more people still use Stihl chainsaws, at least all my friends and their friends use only them in their work.

However, there are those who dote on Husqvarna instruments and I understand them, because personally I don’t see much difference between Husqvarna and Shtil, both instruments are of very high quality. But I saw satisfied owners of Husqvarna chainsaws - they say the saws are just super. I haven’t cut it myself, but I always listen to people’s opinions. So, if you have a Husqvarna power tool, then it would be better to use a special branded oil for it. Although nothing bad will happen if you dilute gasoline with calm water. But since the manufacturer recommends using only its products, then we will do so.

On sale you can find liter containers. Black stylish bottle, on the side there are the same marks as Shtil's (to know how much oil was poured from the bottle). As for me, absolutely identical quality. This bottle costs 270 rubles, a little more expensive.

Both oils are of high quality, the cost is approximately the same, each is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 50. So feel free to buy any, of course, it’s better to take the oil of the brand that you have - then everything will be perfect, as the manufacturer advises . Good luck with your sawing and grass cutting, and may your gas-powered tool work for a long time without breakdowns.


Fuel to Oil Ratio for Two-Stroke Engines

Oil for such engines is supplied in different concentrations, so for one part of lubricating fluid there are 20–50 parts of fuel , and the correct ratio is indicated on the packaging or container with oil.
To make the right mixture, use special containers (canisters), which indicate the volume of contents at different levels.

First, the optimal proportion of both liquids is determined, then the required amount of gasoline is poured in (tracked by the marks provided for this) and oil is added to a special outlet in the container, and its amount is also tracked by the marks .

When both liquids reach the desired marks, they are mixed together, shaking the canister thoroughly.

Rules for preparing the fuel mixture

For many beginners who have bought a brush cutter, the issue of diluting gasoline with oil to prepare a gasoline mixture becomes a problem. After all, you need to know the proportions and adhere to them very scrupulously. The instructions for the product usually indicate in what ratio to dilute the components: 1:25 or 1:32, or 1:40, or 1:50. This means that for 1 part oil, you need to take 25, 32, 40 or 50 parts gasoline and mix them.

It is, of course, inconvenient to measure in such categories, so it is better to use simple mathematical calculations to determine how much oil is needed per liter of gasoline. To do this, divide 1 liter, which is equal to 1000 ml, by a known proportion. The following mixing table is obtained.

RatioGasoline (ml)Oil (ml)

Most often, mineral oils should be diluted in a ratio of 1:40, and synthetic brands should be diluted in a ratio of 1:50. Whereas for budget Chinese lawn mowers the proportions are completely different - 1:32 or 1:25 . This is because low-power models made in China use a different assembly and the distance between the piston and cylinder is much greater.

Advice! To measure fuel, it is best to use a graduated measuring container. Even a regular syringe is suitable for this.

Further actions have the following sequence.

  1. First, you need to fill the container (canister) with gasoline, and then add the required amount of oil. If you pour out the oil first, due to its greater density it will settle on the walls of the container and mix poorly.
  2. The next step is to thoroughly mix the contents of the canister using circular movements of the closed container.
  3. After diluting until smooth, the fuel must be poured into the fuel tank of the lawn mower.

Important! Do not immediately use the gas tank to prepare the mixture.

More detailed and clear instructions can be seen in the video.

How much lubricant should I pour into four-stroke engines?

Due to its small size, the trimmer engine crankcase holds 80–200 ml of oil, but the exact value is indicated in the operating instructions and is often written next to the filler plug.

Check the lubricant level with the engine turned off by placing the trimmer on the table and unscrewing the plug to which the dipstick is attached.

Marks on the dipstick help estimate the amount of oil and therefore a lack of lubricant will be immediately detected.

Consumption rates for fuels and lubricants

Fuel consumption for gasoline trimmers depends on:

  • engine power;
  • engine volume;
  • state of the power unit;
  • grass characteristics;
  • operator skills.

Therefore, fuel consumption is individual for each engine, and also changes in different situations.

This parameter is measured in various units, the most popular of which are:

  • g/kWh (grams per kilowatt-hour of engine power);
  • l/hp h (liters per horsepower per hour);
  • liters per square meter or hundred square meters (100 m2).

Manufacturers do not always indicate the actual fuel consumption of this or that trimmer, so the owner of such a device will have to find out this parameter experimentally. Usually this parameter fits into 0.3–2 liters per hundred square meters .

Oil consumption for two-stroke engines is always tied to the amount of fuel and corresponds to the fuel mixture ratio set by the lubricant manufacturer.

The amount of oil for a four-stroke engine is always the same, because it is changed once a season.

Huter GGT-1500TX

Warranty and service official guarantee at the company service center


The power of the Huter GGT-1500TX is 1.5 kW, which, along with the features of the cutting tool (line/knife), classifies it as a semi-professional class of similar devices. Therefore, the model can be used not only in dachas and country farms, but also in small farms. The GGT-1500TX will do an excellent job of both mowing grass and tidying up areas with small bushes. The trimmer weighs 6.78 kg, which makes transportation relatively simple, including in a regular passenger car.

Advantages of Huter GGT-1500TX

  • The presence of a two-stroke gasoline engine makes the device more autonomous compared to electric types of lawn mowers.
  • The engine is distinguished by sufficient power to solve problems and high reliability. It is also equipped with an anti-vibration system and is easy to put into operation.
  • The trimmer design includes a translucent fuel tank, which is convenient to fill with fuel and monitor its level.
  • There is a convenient and reliable trimmer control system located on the ergonomic handle.
  • The 1500TX boom has a split mechanism for easy and convenient transport.
  • The trimmer is easy to disassemble and assemble, but when assembled it is distinguished by the reliability of all components and fastenings.
  • Included with the model, the buyer receives a comfortable backpack-type belt, goggles to protect the eyes during operation, and a 40 TP disk.

Work conveniently and safely

Of course, the operator must follow all recommendations and safety requirements and follow the rules for operating the trimmer. However, in addition to this, the manufacturer has taken a number of measures regarding the design of the device to increase the level of safety when working with the lawn mower. These include in particular the presence of:

  • protective cover to prevent flying stones and debris from hitting the user,
  • trigger that blocks the gas so that the operator cannot accidentally pull the trigger and start rotation
  • cutting tool when the engine is running,
  • anti-vibration system to prevent the harmful effects of the vibrating elements of the trimmer on the hands and other parts of the operator’s body.

Features of operation of Huter GGT-1500TX

The assembled trimmer can now be prepared for upcoming work on the site. Preparation for operation begins with preparing the fuel mixture. At this stage, follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the brands and quality of fuel mixture components, and also accurately follow the procedure for preparing the fuel mixture, which, in reality, is not very difficult.

Since the Huter GGT-1500TX is equipped with a two-stroke air-cooled engine, to prepare the fuel mixture you need high-quality oil, specially produced for this type of engine. According to the classification, this oil is API TV/API TC, JASO FB/JASO FC. It is recommended to use oil produced by Huter itself under the label Huter 2T. The second component of the mixture must be high-quality gasoline with an octane number of at least 92. The use of oils produced for water-cooled engines in the fuel mixture is strictly prohibited. The fuel mixture is prepared in a ratio of 1:40 (1 - oil, 40 - gasoline) or according to the recommendations of the oil manufacturer.

Important Japanese mini tractor manufacturer Yanmar

For the process of preparing the mixture, use a special measuring container. The amount of mixture should be calculated for only one cycle, so that after completion of work there is no residual fuel mixture in the tank (it cannot be left in the tank until the next cycle of work). Also, never use the tank itself to prepare the mixture, and also do not perform operations with the components of the fuel mixture near the fire and do not smoke while preparing the fuel.

After the correctly composed fuel mixture is poured into the tank, you can proceed to the actual preparation of the trimmer for work. To do this, the user must first put on a backpack-type belt and fasten it securely, but comfortably. After this, using a special carabiner, the trimmer is attached to the belt and adjusted if necessary. For details on preparing the trimmer for use, see the User's Manual.

How to fill with fuel?

In four-stroke trimmers, pour both liquids into the corresponding holes, closed with sealed lids.
If you spill any liquid during pouring, remove it with a clean, dry cloth , do not leave it on the body.

Two-stroke engines have only one hole for pouring mixture into the tank.

Remember, the mixture for two-stroke engines must be used within two weeks, after which the mixture will lose its lubricating properties, so the crankshaft bearing will run dry without lubrication, which will lead to it seizing and expensive repairs.

the fuel using a funnel, so there is less chance of spilling it , but with sufficient skill, it can be poured immediately from a mixing canister or even a plastic bottle.

Measuring containers

To maintain the correct proportion of gasoline and oil, a calculation table applied to the saw body can be used. Branded containers of leading motor oil manufacturers are equipped with built-in measuring devices that provide accurate dosage of oil for different volumes of the fuel mixture.

Measuring utensils are included in the factory kit of many budget chainsaw models. In some cases, a medical syringe with a volume of 20 cm3 will help gasoline

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