How many rows of firewood can fit in a gazelle? Transportation of firewood: is it possible to use Gazelle

Calculation and weight

They indicate the approximate weight of 1 cubic meter of different breeds. For example, fresh oak weighs 1000 kg, but with natural humidity of 15% it weighs only 710 kg.


4 stackers of dry split oak logs with a length of 0.25 meters and a moisture content of 15% were purchased. You need to check their weight:

  1. The coefficient of such firewood is 0.76: 0.76*4 = 3.04 cubic meters. meters;
  2. 3.04 * 710 kg = 2158.4 kg - this is approximately how much the purchased firewood should weigh. If the difference deviates excessively in any direction, it means the seller is trying to deceive.

If the tree was brought in the back of a car, for example, a Gazelle or a dump truck, not in a woodpile, but thrown somehow, it is necessary to multiply the volume of the body by 0.8 with a log length of 0.25 meters and by 0.75 with a length of 0, 5 meters. These are the average values ​​of air occupied for such installation.

Take note: the storage meter is a useful value for the buyer, allowing you to avoid paying for “air”. When purchasing wood by cubic meters, it is worth remembering how to correctly calculate the total, otherwise the amount will look somewhat inflated.

How to calculate cubic capacity, see the calculation example in the following video:

How much does a cubic meter of chopped firewood weigh?

The moisture content of firewood varies significantly. Wood can absorb water up to 100% of its volume. Thereby doubling the weight. Such wood not only burns somewhat worse, but also pricks disgustingly. And of course it is inappropriate to transport it.

Comparison of wood firewood by moisture content:

  • Wet or 100% humidity - long stay in water;
  • Fresh 60-90% humidity - freshly cut wood;
  • Dry and semi-dry from 20 to 8% long stay in a heated room;
  • Exceptional dryness, 0% humidity - drying at a temperature of 103 degrees.

Up to 23% of the firewood is damp, from 14% of the firewood is dry. All this is very conditional. And in each specific case, individual conditions must be taken into account.

Counting chopped firewood by volume is not very convenient, due to the large number of air cavities and uneven stacking. Which significantly increases the volume of firewood. But a special formula for a folded cube has been developed, which can be used to count a woodpile and find out its volume and weight.

It looks like this:

The width of the woodpile, multiplied by the length, multiplied by the height, multiplied by 0.7. You will get the true volume of cubic meters.

To derive weight from cubic meters, the most important thing is to know the humidity:

  • Freshly cut birch 870 kilograms per cubic meter;
  • Birch dried by 50% - 790 kilograms;
  • Almost dry wood 15% humidity - 640 kilograms.

The most popular and optimal vehicle for transporting firewood is the Gazelle. And therefore it is important to know the next paragraph.

A firewood storage meter is how many cubes: how to calculate the weight of a tree and the amount of firewood when purchasing

the volume of solid wood (real cubic meters) is 7.5 * 0.7 = 5.25.

Each region has its own rules for the sale of firewood. Firewood can be sold in bulk, stacked, in nets, on pallets, in boxes, etc.

Few sellers use 1 real cubic meter of wood when calculating the volume of firewood. They almost always say 1 cubic meter of firewood meaning 1 stacked cubic meter.

If they tell you that firewood costs “1,400 rubles per cubic meter,” this means that 1 folded cubic meter of wood costs 1,400 rubles. If you ask for a price for a “real” cubic meter of wood, the seller will simply divide the cost of a folded meter by a factor of 0.7. In this case, the cost of a real cubic meter of firewood will be 1400 / 0.7 = 2000 rubles. per cubic meter

In rural areas, volume calculations are often not used when selling. Firewood is sold in carts or vehicles (lawns, Zils, KAMAZs, gazelles). Often the seller of a cart of firewood, when asked “What is the volume of firewood in the cart?” — he simply doesn’t know the answer.

stacked, in bulk and in nets

How to count one cubic meter of firewood: stacked, in bulk and in grids

Surely every person who has ever ordered firewood has wondered whether the suppliers deceived him? How to determine exactly how much firewood was brought to you? Perhaps you have encountered a villager or an experienced forestry worker who, with one meaningful glance at a pile of firewood, said an almost correct result. In fact, there is nothing difficult in determining the volume of firewood, and this can be done either by eye, with the proper experience, or with high accuracy, using the calculation method. Let's take a closer look at this.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when preparing for the calculation is the type of stacking of firewood. Let's start with the most common - in bulk. In this case, the firewood is thrown into a body or a pile; at first glance, it is quite difficult to estimate the volume, because the logs are not packed tightly. First you need to calculate the total volume of brought firewood. For this purpose, it is necessary to measure the piled firewood. If you have a cone-shaped pile, then we will find out its diameter and height; if the firewood is in the back, we measure the length, height and width; it is better to first level the pile for more accurate calculations. Having calculated the volume, you should convert it into storage meters; for this we use coefficients. Usually the average is 0.7, since this number is used in further calculations, but if an accurate calculation is necessary, the normative document GOST 3243-88 should be used. It indicates exact coefficients that depend on the type of wood, its condition, length and thickness of the logs.

Now we know how many folded cubic meters were brought to us, but we ordered cubic meters, which means solid wood without gaps. On average, it is believed that one folded meter is equal to 0.7 cubic meters of solid wood. It is this coefficient that is used in most cases, although for accurate calculations, you should return to the conversion table set out in GOST 3243-88.

Another popular method of delivering firewood is in grids or stacked in rows. In this case, determining the number of cubic meters brought is quite easy. We don’t have to convert the bulk volume to the folded volume; the only thing that needs to be done is to measure the woodpile, calculate the volume, and then make calculations using the coefficient already known to you.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the calculations. To accurately determine the number of cubic meters, you just need to find out the volume of brought firewood, convert it into storage meters, and then, using the coefficient, find out the number of cubic meters.

And if you are interested in the weight of firewood, then after reading our article, you will know the many parameters that need to be taken into account when calculating the weight of wood: How much does firewood weigh?

We work without cheating! We always deliver the exact amount of firewood you ordered!

It’s very easy to order firewood in Moscow and the Moscow region!

Capacity 131

The next car is called ZIL 131. It is an all-terrain vehicle with all-wheel drive. It was intended for the army. - link

Length: 2.8-3.2 m (extended options up to 4.5 m exist) Width: 1.8 - 1.9 m Height: 1.7 - 2 m Volume: 9-11 m3 Load capacity: 1.5 - 1.7 tonsBased on their main consumer qualities (tonnage, volume, overall dimensions), various models of domestic and imported trucks can be classified as Gazelle class vehicles. The cargo compartments of these vehicles may differ slightly in overall dimensions and, accordingly, volumes.
Cars of this class are actively used on intracity and intercity routes of short and medium range (500-700 km). Technical characteristics allow us to guarantee a fairly high average speed (up to 100 km/h) and the cabin layout provides space for one or two passengers (forwarders).

The tilt version of the cargo compartment suggests the ability to open the cargo compartment and get an open cargo compartment. The car can be equipped with fastening belts and other additional equipment (elevator, hard sides).

Length: 3.7 m Width: 2.1 m Height: 2.2 m Volume: 17 m3 Load capacity: 3.5 tonsBased on their main consumer qualities (tonnage, volume, overall dimensions), various models of domestic and imported trucks can be classified as ZIL-Bychok class vehicles. The cargo compartments of these vehicles may differ slightly in overall dimensions and, accordingly, volumes. Cars of this class are actively used on intracity and intercity routes of short and medium range (500-700 km). Technical characteristics allow us to guarantee a fairly high average speed (up to 80 km/h); a small axle load allows this vehicle to drive unhindered in areas with restrictions on the entry of freight vehicles
Length: 3.5 - 4 m Width: 2-2.3 m Height: 2.45 m Volume: 14-21 m3 Load capacity: 5 tonsBased on their main consumer qualities (tonnage, volume, overall dimensions), various models of domestic and imported trucks can be classified as ZIL class vehicles. The cargo compartments of these vehicles may differ slightly in overall dimensions and, accordingly, volumes. Cars of this class are actively used on intracity and intercity routes of short and medium range (500-700 km). Often used for transporting personal belongings and moving.

What about the carrying capacity?

There is another approach to this issue. People are starting to measure the amount of firewood by the carrying capacity of the machine. They add and subtract so-called fill factors.

Many believe that the weight of birch is 600-700 kg per cubic meter. But this is not true. These data take into account the weight of the wood without air gaps and bark. But no one will pack them so tightly.

The volume of firewood is really equal to a cube. But it weighs about 500-550 kg. And if the wood is dry, the weight will be even less - ≈450 kg.

The carrying capacity of the GAZ 3302 is 1500 kg. Based on this, a standard Gazelle can lift 3 cubes of birch wood.

However, every second car has reinforced springs. They are able to withstand a load of more than 2 tons. Plus, drivers constantly overload their cars.

Don't forget about density

Internet experts often forget that the weight of wood depends on the type of wood. Firewood made from alder and aspen is much lighter than birch.

Gazelle 3302 with overload will bring 5 cubic meters of chopped birch firewood. Alder firewood is much lighter. Therefore, it will include all 6 cubic meters of volume. And they will bring you about 4 cubic meters of oak. - link

How much firewood is in UAZ

This question is asked by UAZ owners. After all, driving it into the forest or to the lake is easier than driving other cars. And if you have a chainsaw, cutting firewood will not be difficult. In 2-3 times you can bring firewood for the whole winter.

They also ask how many cubes are in the UAZ 452, popularly called “loaf” or “tablet”. Less often in a UAZ 3303 with a flatbed body.

Firewood can also be imported into the UAZ 3151, popularly known as the “goat”. At one time, I imported logs for the garage in a UAZ 3151.

What's the best way to chop wood?

The hardness of the deck depends on the type of wood and its storage conditions. A cleaver is used to prepare logs, since it is only possible to properly chop firewood with a special blunt ax. It ensures that the wood splits without getting stuck in it. A well-sharpened ax is also used, but it will get stuck in the block, slowing down the work. And in order to knock down knots and chop wood chips, you will need an ax.

Both tools are selected subject to the following conditions:

  • the metal must be well-hardened (checked by the sound when you click on it: it should be ringing);
  • It is better to choose a wooden ax handle; this will allow it to be wedged correctly and increase the safety of the tool;
  • The cleaver and ax should feel comfortable when swung with one and/or two hands.

A metal or plastic ax handle can crack at the most inopportune moment

This is especially important for a beginner, since chopping wood correctly means not only being able to work with an axe, but also providing yourself with a safe tool. You can make an ax handle yourself, and the best wood for this is birch

It should be noted that modern people do not necessarily spend a lot of energy preparing logs. You can buy them ready-made, but you can also do it yourself without significant physical costs. There is a special technique for this:

  • gasoline wood splitter,
  • electric wood splitter

Expensive equipment is purchased if a large number of logs are required. You can prepare them for a fireplace or stove yourself if you learn how to chop wood and how to do it correctly. So, the ax and cleaver have been purchased, all that remains is to learn how to divide logs into quarters, logs, and logs.

How to chop logs correctly?

You can grab the ax handle with one or two hands, and chop with a cut through the entire block of wood at once, or chop it and lift it up together with the ax. Then split it on the deck as it lowers. For the base, prepare a deck in advance: take the widest block of wood and place it vertically on level ground. The place where firewood is collected must be sunny and the weather must be dry. Wind at low humidity will not hurt; on the contrary, it will help dry the logs faster.

So, you raise your hands with the ax up. This is not entirely correct, as it leads to rapid fatigue. It is better to lift the ax along the body. This will not be difficult, since the force of gravity, moving during work, swings the body. The block of wood is installed vertically with the knots down and they try to hit the cleaver in the middle. Thus, it splits in two.

Then it is divided into 2 more parts, if width allows. You can do it differently: immediately chop off the logs from the edge of the log if it is too large in diameter. Firewood is stored under a canopy so that precipitation does not absorb into it and impair the quality of combustion.

How to buy high-quality and inexpensive goods

To purchase a quality product, you must order it from a trusted supplier who has been doing his business for a long time and has regular customers. At the same time, the prices of such companies are an order of magnitude lower compared to “young” manufacturers.

High quality birch firewood

Many companies that sell birch logs hold various types of promotions. For example, if you order crushed fuel in large quantities, delivery will be free.

Birch firewood should look healthy. In this case, the wood fuel must be equal in size and free from knots and painful growths. Dry logs burn better, but have a shorter shelf life

This is important to consider if the order volume is large.

To purchase a high-quality and inexpensive product, you need to carefully study the timber market.

What is a cubic meter

This value is usually used to measure gas, water, snow, sand and other bulk and liquid materials.

However, this value is only suitable for measuring one whole piece of wood, for example, pine: after all, if you fold a cube of individual firewood and boards, there will still be a distance between them, albeit a few millimeters.

It is important to know: in construction, the cubic capacity of wood is also measured in cubic meters: this is necessary when transporting and storing building materials.

Consequently, when purchasing firewood, boards and other “non-pillar” pieces, cubic meters are not suitable: you would have to measure each block from all sides and try to fit them within the given parameters. This is too long and can still lead to errors.

How much is a cubic meter of firewood?

If you decide to buy firewood, then when placing an order and receiving firewood you may encounter the following question: How to determine the volume of firewood? Indeed, the most common question when buying firewood is the question of volume measurement.

How many cubic meters of wood are in the car? How to calculate the volume of chopped firewood? How to check the seller? Let's figure it out.

The cubic meter is a common unit of measurement for forestry. For round timber (round timber) the concept of a dense cubic meter (solid wood without gaps) is used, and for firewood - a folded cubic meter (counting gaps).

Heat transfer from wood

In addition, there is another indicator - heat transfer. It will come to the aid of those who use wood as firewood for heating. The higher the hardness, i.e. The density of the wood species, the higher its calorific value. Of course, no one will heat a room with boxwood, but when choosing between linden and pine or birch and acacia, you can get much more heat if you know which of these species is the hardest. Information about the density of each tree can be gleaned from the tables, since all this information is systematized for ease of use.

Weight of a dense cubic meter, kg

BreedHumidity, %
- fluffy63064065067068073079084089094010001050
- ribbed680690700720730790850900960102010701130
- Daurian7207307407607808409009601020108011401190
- iron960980100010201040112012001280
- petiolate680700720740760820870930990105011101160
- eastern6907107307507708308809401000106011201180
— Georgian77079081083085092098010501120118012501310
- Araksinian790810830850870940101010801150121012801350
- cedar430440450460480410550580620660700730
- Siberian430440450460480410550580620660700730
- ordinary500510520540550590640680720760810850
- Siberian370380390400410440470510540570600630
- white-haired390400410420430470500530570600630660
- whole leaf390400410420430470500530570600630660
- white420430440450460500540570610640680710
- Caucasian430440450460480510550580620660700730
- Manchurian64066068069071077082088093099010401100
- ordinary670690710730740800860920980103010901150
- acute-fruited790810830850870940101010801150121012801350

The table shows average mass values. Possible maximum and minimum mass values ​​are 1.3 and 0.7, respectively, from its average value

Let's deal with the volume

In terms of volume, the Gazelle will fit 5 or even 8 cubes. The most common GAZ 3302 has the following internal body dimensions: length 3056 mm, width 1978 mm, side height 380 mm.

Let's multiply the dimensions and find that a regular side with a height of 38 cm allows you to take away 2.29 cubic meters.

If you increase the side by another 38 cm, you can already take away 4.58 cubic meters. It is enough to lengthen the walls of the body and lay the logs in a pile. So much for 5m³ of volume.

If the car has an awning installed, then there is no need to increase the height. When loading, the firewood will rest against it. And they will get to their destination perfectly.

Gazelle 330202 has an increased body length. Its dimensions: length 4166 mm, internal width 1978 mm, internal height 380 mm. If you multiply these numbers, you get 3.13 m3.

In such a car you don’t even have to increase the sides. By stacking the firewood with a heap, it will come out to 5 cubic meters.

Firewood is often delivered by GAZ 3310 Valdai car. It has the following internal dimensions of the cargo platform: length 3494 mm, width 2176 mm, height 518 mm. The volume of the car body is 3.93 cubic meters. The coveted 5 cubes can be obtained simply by stacking the dies in a pile.

What is the difference between a real cubic meter and a bulk cubic meter?

Real cubic meter

A real cubic meter is the basic reference point for measuring firewood or volumes of other materials. Let's take a cube that has equal sides (1 meter long, 1 meter wide and 1 meter high). This way we get a real cubic meter. The space inside this cube has a volume equal to 1 cubic meter. Real cubic meters of firewood measure tightly stacked firewood. If we pack chopped firewood tightly into a cube with dimensions of 1m x 1m x 1m, we will get a cubic meter of firewood.

Let's give an example of calculating the volume of firewood supply. Let's say we have a stack of densely stacked chopped firewood, measuring 2 m x 3 m x 1.5 m. Let's multiply the dimensions to calculate the number of cubic meters of firewood. 2m x 3m x 1.5m = 9 cubic meters.

Bulk cubic meter

Bulk cubic meters measure chopped firewood that is not stacked, but simply poured randomly. In order to calculate the number of real cubic meters of bulk firewood, you need to recalculate them using special coefficients.

The most common coefficients for converting bulk cubic meters of chopped firewood into real cubic meters are as follows:

  • 0.8 (with chopped wood length 25 cm)
  • 0.78 (with chopped wood length 33 cm)
  • 0.75 (with chopped wood length 50 cm)

Let's give an example. Let's imagine that we ordered a car of unstacked, chopped firewood 25 cm long, which was simply poured into the body. Let's say we measured the dimensions of the body and got a volume of 10 cubic meters. It turns out that there are 10 bulk cubic meters of firewood in the back. Now we convert bulk cubic meters into real cubic meters: 10 x 0.8 = 8. That is, in 10 bulk cubic meters of chopped firewood 25 cm long there are 8 real cubic meters of firewood.

How to calculate the price of a real cubic meter of firewood?

Most often, firewood sellers indicate the price for a real cubic meter of firewood, and not for bulk. This is convenient for both the seller and the buyer. Unloaded firewood can be immediately measured and the volume of delivery and cost can be calculated.

If the firewood seller indicates the price for a bulk cubic meter of firewood, and not for a real one, you can calculate the price of a real cubic meter of firewood by dividing the price of a real cubic meter of firewood by the conversion factor for bulk cubic meter into real cubic meter. Let's say in our example the cost of a bulk cubic meter of firewood is 1,500 rubles. In order to find out the price of a real cubic meter of firewood, we divide 1,500 rubles by 0.8. It turns out that a real cubic meter of firewood, in our example, costs

Now you know the basic formulas for calculating the volume of supplied firewood. They were invented for the convenience of manufacturers and buyers and will help you more objectively compare suppliers’ offers, measure the volume of firewood ordered and protect yourself from unscrupulous sellers. Save this article to bookmarks or share on social networks with friends. Perhaps this information will help your friends save time, money and nerves.


The effect of humidity on the weight of wood

The weight of wood does not always have the same value. What does it depend on? First of all, from the moisture content of the wood. If we compare, for example, oak and birch, it turns out that a cubic meter of oak weighs 700 kg, and a birch weighs 600 kg. But it could be different. Weighing a cubic meter of birch, we get 900 kg, and oak will show the same 700. Or in both cases it will be 700 kg. Why do we get such different numbers? In this case, the moisture content of the wood plays a role.

There are four degrees of humidity: dry (10-18%), air-dry (19-23%), damp (24-45%) and wet (above 45%). Thus, it turns out that different rocks with the same humidity have different weights, as in the first example above. If the humidity is not the same, then the weight may fluctuate in one direction or another. The standard humidity is 12%.

Number of firewood in terms of load capacity

The old type tractor cart is capable of lifting 4 tons of cargo. According to the villagers, they transport 6 tons.

Knowing the average weight of various types of wood with natural moisture, you can calculate how many cubes are in a tractor trailer. Provided it is overloaded.

With overload, the tractor cart includes:

  • 10 cubes of birch wood;
  • 8 cubic meters of oak;
  • 11.2 cubic meters of aspen dies.

The calculation is made on the condition that the firewood is chopped and stacked in the body.

The new tractor cart marked 2PTS-4.5 has a load capacity of 4.5 tons. We do not have data on how much this model can be overloaded. But since the design has not changed radically, we will assume that it will withstand an overload of 2 tons.

The carrying capacity of the 2PTS-4.5 cart is close to the previous model. This trailer will accommodate 0.8 cubic meters more firewood.

  • Birch firewood can fit 10.8 m3;
  • Split alder fits 13.8 cubic meters;
  • Oak trees will fit 8.8 cubic meters;
  • There will be 12 cubic meters of aspen firewood. - link

How many cubic meters of firewood are there in the Lawn?

Determining the volume of firewood neatly stacked for storage is quite simple. It is much more difficult to find out how many cubic meters are in the car that was brought to you. Let's consider, for example, how many cubic meters of firewood are in a GAZ 53.

First, we must find out the full volume of the car body. The standard Lawn has a body volume of approximately 4.8 cubic meters. If you see that the firewood is loaded without a slide, then its volume clearly cannot be higher.

There are body modifications with silo (extended) sides, whose volume is increased by 1.5 - 2 times.

In addition to the volume of the body, the laying method influences how many cubes of firewood are in the lawn. More precisely, the presence of stacking: if the firewood is neatly stacked, then it occupies almost the entire volume of the body, but if it is dumped in bulk, then there is a lot of free space between them. There is a special coefficient for converting the bulk volume into the volume of folded cubic meters. The coefficient depends on the length of the log. For example, for a log of a quarter meter the correction factor is 0.8, and for a log of 3 quarters of a meter it is already 0.73.

This means that 4 cubic meters of firewood with an average length of 25 cm, brought in bulk, will turn into 3.2 cubic meters after stacking.

Is it possible to fit 6 cubic meters of firewood in a GAZ 53?

As we have already said, if the car has extended sides or if you load the body with a significant slide, then it is possible. This becomes more likely if the firewood is loaded by stacking rather than in bulk. In the latter case, even in an 8-cube body there may be 2-3 cubic meters of firewood.

Let's consider how many cubic meters of firewood are in the GAZ 66. The volume of the body of this car may vary depending on the type, but, on average, it is 3 - 4 cubic meters, without extended sides. This is also the maximum volume of transported firewood, taking into account normal stacking along the sides.

So, to estimate the volume of firewood brought, you need to know the volume of the body and the method of stacking the firewood. The situation becomes somewhat more complicated when loading “heaped”, but its volume can also be calculated by dividing the firewood into 2 conventional geometric shapes:

  • Body parallelepiped along the sides;
  • Separate slide. For ease of counting, you can even level the slide, making it flatter.

By adding the volume of both figures (obtained by multiplying the length, height and width) we get the approximate volume of firewood. — link

Body dimensions of GAZ 53 - 3740*2170*680 mm. Multiplying these indicators, we get a volume of 5.2 cubic meters. This is the volume of the factory body along the edges of the sides. Load capacity - 4 tons. Of course, the cubic capacity of the body can be easily increased by making stripes. Craftsmen increase the cubic capacity by 1.5, 2, or even 2.2 times. Usually, stripes of the same height are made on factory sides. Then the body volume will be about 11 cubic meters.

Carrying capacity and transport volume

How many cubes of firewood fit into a Gazelle depends on several factors. Considering that the carrying capacity of Gazelles is almost the same (about 1.5 tons), other factors influence the capacity:

  • Type of wood. Basically, relatively soft species are used for firewood, so the weight of a cubic meter can be taken at 500-750 kg. This means that the Gazelle will contain 2-3 cubic meters of wood. But firewood is not wood in its pure form.
  • Wood processing. If we compare how many cubes of chopped firewood are in the Gazelle, and how many cubes are unprepared (not chopped, with bark), then in the first case we will be able to load a larger volume. Split firewood adheres better to each other, so there is less empty space between them.
  • Humidity. How many cubes of firewood are included in a Gazelle depends on how much they weigh. That is why the drier the firewood, the better, because a well-dried tree weighs less than a damp one (and it burns better).
  • Loading methods. If you load the body “heaped”, the volume of transportation will increase. However, in the case of the Gazelle, you can rest against the maximum carrying capacity. In addition, the configuration of the body does not always allow for “heap” loading.

In the end, how much firewood will fit in a Gazelle? On average, this is 1.5 - 2 cubic meters. It is not recommended to significantly exceed this figure.

It doesn’t matter how many cubic meters of firewood are in the Gazelle, transportation will go without problems if:

  • the firewood is well stacked and does not hang all over the body;
  • there are clamps that prevent the firewood from spreading (especially important when the level of the sides is exceeded);
  • the cargo is protected from moisture (at least covered with a tarpaulin).

The most common method of delivering chopped firewood is Gazelle. GAZ is the cheapest and most common vehicle, which allows the transportation of cargo weighing up to 1.5 tons. Cargo capacity depends on whether the car has a tilt body or a van. Stacked firewood in a regular side of the Gazelle 3302 fits about 2 cubic meters. The presence of an awning will allow you to increase the volume of firewood in the Gazelle to a maximum of 5 cubic meters.

There is a GAZ 330202 model with an increased body length. It can hold up to 3 cubes of firewood stacked along the edge of the side. How much firewood can fit in a gazelle?

When ordering chopped firewood for Gazelle, do not forget about the weight of the firewood. Dry crushed ones weigh up to 20% lighter. An increase in the volume of transported firewood creates a load on the chassis and engine of the car, and also violates the Traffic Rules.

For a large order, the cost depends on the delivery distance, the urgency of the order and how much firewood is included in the Gazelle

at once

GAZ 3302 includes more dry chopped firewood than raw wood

How many cubic meters of firewood are there in ZIL

The Internet is often asked how many cubic meters of firewood a ZIL can hold. But there are no good articles on this topic. We decided to be the first and answer how much can fit in the 130th.

It should be said that there are several modifications of ZIL that are used to transport firewood. This could be the 131st, the flatbed 130th, or the ZIL Boat dump truck marked 555. And the firewood can also be stored in the 554th. This is also a dump truck, but with a regular square body.

In terms of carrying capacity, all vehicles from the plant named after. Likhachev are the same. They take on board up to 5 tons of cargo. If the driver does not spare the car, it will load 6.5 tons. Based on the weight of the wood, we can say that the car can take away 7-8 cubic meters of birch.

All ZIL models have different platform sizes. Accordingly, different amounts of wood fit into them.

Firewood cube

Determining the volume of lumber is quite simple if it is neatly folded: multiply the length by the width and by the height and you’re done. It is more difficult to calculate the volume of chopped firewood or firewood in logs. For this, a unit of measure is used - a “folded” cubic meter, i.e. cubic meter of firewood at intervals.

To convert from stored cubic meters to cubic meters of wood, a conversion factor is used, which depends on the type of wood and the size of the logs. In most cases, a coefficient of 0.7 is used for recalculation.

For example: If they bring you firewood stacked, then we measure the length, height and width of this stack. We multiply the parameters and multiply the resulting volume by a factor of 0.7.

Volume = width * length * height * 0.7 - thus, we get the real volume of firewood.

Birch wood price

How much does a cube of firewood cost? The answer to the question is ambiguous. It all depends on the moisture content of the wood, the region of residence, the volume of the order and other factors that influence the setting of the price. Chopped firewood is more expensive than logs made from this tree. To save money, you can split the logs yourself. This requires a minimum of equipment.

A deck and an ax are the main tools. But it’s better to pierce on the ground, since there is less stress on the hands, since the shock absorption from the impact of the cleaver goes into the ground. Also, this type of splitting is convenient for people with short stature.

On average, in the Russian Federation, the price for 1 cubic meter of birch firewood is 1000 rubles. Split logs, unlike logs, are 100 rubles more expensive. In the Moscow region, for example, 1 cube of birch costs 1,500 rubles; in the Leningrad region, the price per cube of pine is only 400 rubles. So, a car of birch firewood costs approximately 6,000 rubles.

How much does a birch machine cost? The number of firewood in the machine is determined by its carrying capacity and is measured in tons. How many tons of wood are in the car? It all depends on the make of the car. One ton is equal to 1.56 cubic meters of wood. If the logs are chopped, then 1.56 needs to be multiplied by 0.82, as described above. The carrying capacity of the GAZelle is 1.5 tons, the ZIL is 6 tons, and the KamAZ is 20. To determine the price of a birch car, you need to multiply the main indicators.

How much does firewood weigh?

How much does firewood weigh? How to determine the weight of firewood? How many cubic meters of firewood are there in a Kamaz, ZIL, gazelle? And how much will this volume of firewood weigh? Our managers are asked such questions every day. The answers to these questions are not as simple as they seem.

The weight of wood depends on many parameters:

  • on the weight of pure wood cellular tissue, its structure, the content of liquids and other substances in it;
  • from wood moisture content, wood moisture content (moisture content in wood) is the percentage ratio of the mass of water to the mass of dry wood;
  • depending on the density of the wood, the denser the wood structure, the heavier it is;
  • from a part of a tree, the weight of the wood of the same tree is different in different parts - the least weight of wood is at the roots, the greatest is at branches and twigs;
  • from the content of salts, dyes, resins, as this all increases the weight of the wood.

Average weight of 1 m3 of wood of the main species in the Moscow region at different humidity levels:

Wood typeAverage weight of 1 m3 of wood, kg
Humidity 15% (dry wood)Humidity 50% (wet wood)Freshly cut

This table shows the weight of 1 “real” m3 of wood. But to calculate the volume of firewood, 1 storage meter is used. To calculate the weight of 1 stacked cubic meter of firewood (log length 35-40 cm), we use a coefficient of 0.7.

How much firewood is in UAZ 3151 “goat”

This model is widespread. I drove it for firewood with the interior disassembled. I filmed everything, even the back seats. This way it held about 2 cubes.

But the UAZ cannot carry so much. This machine performs well under a load of 1 m3. With a larger load, there is a high probability of getting stuck during muddy times. And the load on springs and wheel bearings from 1.5 cubic meters is quite large.

You can fit 1.5-2 cubic meters into a UAZ 3151. Of course, if you don't mind the car. - link

How many cubic meters of firewood are in KAMAZ

There is little material on this topic on the Internet. The authors copy each other, which does not add credibility to the articles. It seems like you are reading the same article on different sites. When you read that such and such a truck carries such and such a volume, this information is obviously unreliable.

Let's figure out how much firewood is included in KAMAZ.

We must start with the fact that, firstly, KAMAZ trucks are different. The most popular are 4 modifications:

  • Model 55111 is the popular name for “scoop”.
  • Model 55102, popularly known as “collective farmer”.
  • The 5320 is a flatbed version of the regular flatbed truck.
  • 20-ton dump truck marked 6520.

Other models are rare when delivering firewood; we will not consider them.

Secondly, drivers increase the height of the body. To take away more. Some increase the height by 2 times. And the firewood is heaped up. Small vehicles are capable of transporting huge volumes.

Thirdly, the tonnage of KAMAZ trucks is different. They write on the Internet that the 55111th has a lifting capacity of 13 tons. However, the authors forget that machines produced before 1987 lifted 10 tons.

Drivers install reinforced springs. And a 10 tonic can lift 13 tons, and a 20 tonic, all 22 tons.

Chopped firewood. Delivery by Gazelle

Knowing how much firewood is included in the Gazelle, the customer can think about how much he needs now. Firewood for the bath.

The Russian wood-fired sauna is popular.
Having bought a plot of land, they usually immediately install a bathhouse. You can relax in it, recuperate, and just wash yourself. You need to order as much firewood for a bath as will be consumed during the season. Gazelle firewood, if you visit the steam room once a week, will be enough for 3-4 months. Birch firewood loses its healing qualities over time, so it no longer makes sense to order it once. Firewood for barbecue
Picnics don’t happen often, so a cube or two is enough for the summer. A machine of firewood and delicious kebabs on the grill are guaranteed for a long time. Firewood for the fireplace. Chopped birch and alder firewood are ideal for a fireplace. It does not consume much fuel, so you can bring firewood to the Gazelle once every 2-3 months. Firewood for heating
. If you have sheds or a woodshed, it is better to purchase as much as is needed for the entire heating period. KAMAZ firewood will replace up to 10 walkers with Gazelle. Delivery savings are obvious

Very often our managers have to deal with the fact that customers have no idea about the volume of firewood. That is, for the average person it is very difficult to understand how much firewood will fit into a Gazelle or Zil.

So will the Gazelle fit five cubic meters of firewood? No, it won’t fit, since the Gazelle’s carrying capacity is 1.5 tons. For example, it weighs: 750-950kg, let’s take an average of 800kg. That is, if the Gazelle is loaded as expected, then it will only carry 2 cubic meters of birch firewood. But in Russia everything is different, here they load with overload, that is, Gazelle will take 3 cubic meters of firewood, but it will be difficult for it, since there will be an overload of 900 kg.

And Valdai has a carrying capacity according to its passport of 3 tons, so if loaded as expected, then Valdai will take away only 4 cubic meters of firewood. But in reality, Valdai is carrying 6 cubic meters of birch firewood. True, with an overload of 1800 kg.

Zil5301 (bull) has a carrying capacity of 3 tons according to the passport, but in reality it easily carries up to 7 cubic meters of firewood inclusive. With an overload of 1600 kg.

Gas 3309 (lawn) has a carrying capacity according to the passport of 4.5 tons, respectively, if loaded as expected, the Lawn will take away only 6 cubic meters of firewood. But in reality, Lawn carries 10 cubic meters of firewood with an overload of 3700 kg.

And the ZIL130 has a carrying capacity according to its passport of 6 tons, respectively, it will carry 8 cubic meters with a slight overload. In reality, the ZIL130 carries up to 10 cubic meters of chopped firewood. Depending on the volume of the body.

All of the above vehicles were operated in our fleet, that is, we have an idea of ​​the load-carrying capacity of a particular vehicle.

In any case, if you still have questions related to the delivery of firewood, they will be happy to advise you and select the best delivery option for you and the vehicle in which the firewood will be delivered.

In order to transport birch firewood correctly, quickly and optimally for both the seller and the buyer, you need to know what the weight of the cube is and how much birch firewood is in a cubic meter.

The question is actually voluminous and debatable. Because firewood in dry and wet form is different. The age of the plant also affects the weight, because wood tends to accumulate mineral and organic substances. In addition, the density of the tree varies due to the presence of knots and cavities. And it depends heavily on the environment.

Model 6520 - cubic capacity

This is a fairly new truck. You can distinguish it by its restyled bright orange cabin and large body.

Firewood is rarely transported in it. Such huge trucks are designed for transporting sand, crushed stone and other bulk materials.

This KAMAZ has a special feature. It comes out of the factory in two versions. With standard side heights and increased ones. Standard body dimensions: 4878 mm by 2300 mm by 1098 mm. 12.3 cubic meters of firewood will fit there. If the plant increases its height, the volume will increase to 20m3.

The load capacity of the machine is 20 tons. With overload they carry 21-22 tons.

Based on the tonnage, the car can carry 26 cubes of birch and 24 m3 of oak with natural moisture. Dry firewood can take: 44 m3 of birch, 36 cubic meters of oak and 48 m3 of alder. — link

How much firewood is in a tractor cart?

Firewood is delivered not only by KAMAZ, ZIL, and Gazelles. Sometimes they are carried in tractor carts. Such transport is common in small towns and numerous villages.

There are many trailers (carts) for tractors. But the most common is a biaxial one with the marking 2PTS-4. 5-6 years ago an updated version appeared under the label 2PTS-4.5.

Tractor trailers differ in volume and load capacity. Therefore, you can answer the question of how much firewood is in the cart from two positions.

From the perspective of the contained volume. And from the point of view of the weight that it can lift if the sides are increased.

How much does Gazelle firewood cost and how much can be delivered at a time?

The answer to the question “How much does Gazelle firewood cost” depends on the cost of direct logs and the peculiarities of transportation, since the delivery of firewood

is also included in the total amount.
What kind of firewood are you going to carry on the Gazelle
The weight of different types of wood differs significantly. Dry split birch
weighs approximately 600 kilograms 1 m 3.
Chopped oak firewood of the same volume will weigh a couple of centners more. Freshly cut birch firewood is 15-20% heavier than dry firewood, and raw oak firewood already weighs from 1000-1100 kilograms 1 m 3. The weight of chopped firewood on a Gazelle
should not exceed the maximum permitted weight of the transported cargo of the vehicle.
Exceeding the weight is prohibited by traffic regulations, and also leads to severe wear and tear on the equipment. Where are you going to transport firewood to Gazelle
? If transportation will be carried out over significant distances, then the logs must be transported stacked and not overload the transport. Delivery of firewood over short distances usually involves a slight (!) overload. So, with a norm of 2 cubic meters, Gazelle can carry 3 cubic meters of dry birch firewood. Elongated more.

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