Determining the vehicle category

A car like the UAZ cannot be ignored. This is an excellent domestic manufacturer, thanks to which we have safe ambulances, ubiquitous hunting vehicles, and so on. Thanks to the convenience and affordable price, many drivers, especially residents of small towns and villages, buy a car of this particular brand. But, if you ask what category of rights for a UAZ is required, you will receive more than one answer, because this brand has many models and modifications. But first things first.

First, we compiled a table with brief information about cars, which will help you quickly understand what category of rights is required for a particular UAZ model.

ModelVehicle weight, kgNumber of passengers, people
Loaf2790*2 — 11*

*indicator may vary depending on modification and configuration

What category of rights is needed for a UAZ?

A car like the UAZ cannot be ignored.
This is an excellent domestic manufacturer, thanks to which we have safe ambulances, ubiquitous hunting vehicles, and so on. Thanks to the convenience and affordable price, many drivers, especially residents of small towns and villages, buy a car of this particular brand. But, if you ask what category of rights for a UAZ is required, you will receive more than one answer, because this brand has many models and modifications. But first things first. First, we compiled a table with brief information about cars, which will help you quickly understand what category of rights is required for a particular UAZ model.

ModelVehicle weight, kgNumber of passengers, people
Loaf2790*2 – 11*

*indicator may vary depending on modification and configuration


Bukhanka is an all-terrain UAZ, which is designed to transport passengers or cargo. So what category of rights is needed for the UAZ-2206 “Loaf”? There are two options: if the number of passenger seats in the cabin is less than 8, then category B, but if more, then you need to open category D. This is spelled out in the changes to the law “On Road Safety” dated November 5, 2013:

. category “B” – cars (except for vehicles of category “A”), the permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 3500 kilograms and the number of seats, in addition to the driver’s seat, does not exceed eight;

. Category “D” – vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat.

Law “On Road Safety”


This is what the UAZ-3303 is called. It is considered a light truck, so to drive this vehicle you need to open category C1. Read more about this category here.

. subcategory “C1” – cars, with the exception of cars of category “D”, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 3500 kilograms, but does not exceed 7500 kilograms.

Law “On Road Safety”


This is a UAZ-3303, only with off-road capability. It is used everywhere where a regular car would have difficulty passing. Plus, such a car can withstand heavy loads and is distinguished by its durability. At the same time, its weight does not exceed 3.5 tons, so in order to drive an on-board UAZ, you need a license with category B. Read more about this category in this article.


This is certainly the leader among SUVs on Russian roads. Powerful, reliable and, of course, ubiquitous car. Many drivers choose this particular domestic jeep, since it is the leader in both price and quality, and is also perfectly adapted to our roads. To drive a Patriot SUV you need a category B driver's license.


This UAZ will certainly appeal to lovers of fishing and hunting. It is characterized by increased maneuverability, copes well with roads of varying quality and endures long distances. There was a long debate about which category was needed for this car - a tractor or a passenger car - in the end, they agreed on category B. How to get trained for this category is described in this article.

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UAZ is a truck or car

This year I also received a tax on a Volga station wagon calculated as for a Gazelle. Wrote. A month later they sent a normal one, I went and paid. I didn’t go anywhere and didn’t call anyone! Good luck!

I'll use the information provided, thank you.

I wonder if the UAZ 3303 (flatbed) is a truck or a car? Could it be that, for example, for the tax authorities it is a truck, but for the insurers it is a passenger car?

I have a 452D (the same as 3303), the passport says “cargo”, but category B. By the way, since the carrying capacity is 1 ton, I can travel to the center of Moscow without problems at any time (unlike gazelles).

Trucks have their pros and cons: steering play can be up to 20 degrees and tire wear can be up to 1 mm (although I would not allow both

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