Making your own grinder attachment for a chainsaw

The drill is used for construction work, installation of vineyard supports, poles and fences, as well as for winter fishing and other activities. It can be used to drill holes of various depths and diameters on surfaces made of different materials. To make working with a thick layer of ice, frozen ground and other hard surfaces easier, use a drill attachment for a chainsaw, which you can create with your own hands. The homemade unit is suitable for soil, sand, ice and other things. An ice drill made from a chainsaw can function correctly under all kinds of climatic conditions and temperature conditions.

Homemade grinder attachment for chainsaw

To make a homemade device, you need appropriate pulleys, a bearing assembly with a shaft, a tire, and a belt.
According to reviews from the owners, it is quite difficult to create such a device with your own hands; you should prepare drawings and diagrams and make the appropriate calculations. If you opt out of the tire option, you can use an adapter to mount the cutting wheel directly on the clutch. At the same time, chainsaw manufacturers warn against using various adapters. This is because the saw is capable of delivering torque up to 14,000 rpm, and the sanding disc is designed to operate at 7,000 rpm. With such intensive use, disk destruction is inevitable, as mentioned above. The only way out is to significantly reduce the speed of the chainsaw by installing a gearbox.

This installation method, which is not entirely safe, is presented in the video review:

In fact, the main advantages of a chainsaw grinder are rational mobility, low cost and high power. It is very convenient to use the grinder attachment in non-electrified places. If you choose between a homemade device and a factory device, then it is wiser to give preference to the latter option, which fully complies with safety requirements.

Before converting a chainsaw into an angle grinder, you need to responsibly weigh the pros and cons, realistically evaluate your technical training and the real need to implement such a project.

What devices can you make with your own hands?

Many “garage” craftsmen do not spend money on buying chainsaw attachments, but make them themselves. In fact, there is nothing complicated about them and almost everything can be made with your own hands. All you need for this is a welding machine, sandpaper and the necessary knowledge and experience; spare parts from old tools and mechanisms, for example: chains, belts, pulleys, shafts, etc., can also be useful.

On the Internet you can find information on how to make an angle grinder attachment, a pump, a winch or a drill. In order to dispel doubts, we suggest watching a video that shows a homemade attachment for a Shtil chainsaw made from an old fishing drill.

Features of the grinder attachment for chainsaws

With the help of such a mechanism, you can combine as many as two in one device - the gasoline power of the main unit - the saw itself, and many advantages of an angle grinder, better known as an angle grinder. This combination can be extremely beneficial if there is a need to carry out cutting work with various materials and structures (not wood), and there are no power sources nearby to which a regular mains angle grinder could be connected.

A gas cutter made from a saw with an attachment can be used to cut the following materials:

  • metal;
  • natural stone;
  • brick;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

In addition, they are often used for cleaning weld seams. With most of the attachments available today, cutting wheels - reinforced or diamond - and circular saws are used.

This is interesting: Technical characteristics of popular models of alko chainsaws (al-ko)

Purpose of the nozzle

The name itself - corder - positions the attachment as a device for removing bark from whole tree trunks. This is a labor-intensive operation. Previously, it was carried out manually using an ax, a scraper in the form of a sharp blade with two handles, or a bayonet shovel cut into a rectangle and sharpened.

Debarker does this job easily, quickly and efficiently.

But this is not its only purpose. With its help, recesses and grooves are quickly and accurately made in logs for planting the upper tier of crowns during the construction of log houses.

The corroder is also used for rough jointing and leveling of any wood surfaces.

A separate area of ​​opportunities that the use of a debarker opens up is:

  • wooden architecture;
  • sculptures made from solid logs;
  • landscape design elements;
  • any non-standard products of the most bizarre shapes.

All this can be done with one device, without a numerous set of axes, cutters, chisels, jointers and other hand tools.

Pros and cons of the solution

Various types of hand-held electric and gasoline tools are suitable for making grinders. The simplest and most convenient option is a device assembled on the basis of a saw with a chain. Advantages of homemade devices:

  1. Great power. If we compare a homemade nozzle with factory models, then its power is 2 times greater.
  2. Independence. The tool does not require electricity, so it can be used anywhere.
  3. Easy assembly. All the necessary tools and materials can be purchased at the store or searched on your farm.
  4. Affordable price. If you compare it with a ready-made tool, then you will need 2 times less money to assemble an angle grinder.

Despite all its advantages, the tool has a number of disadvantages. The air filters of the grinder become clogged with metal dust. Because of this, the engine gradually stalls and fails. A person can also get injured from using an angle grinder. Sometimes during operation the disks cannot withstand the load and burst. Under the influence of traction they fly apart. To protect yourself from injury, you need to choose discs up to 115 mm in diameter and use a protective cover.


A chainsaw is capable of not only performing transverse or longitudinal cuts of wood, it allows creativity and invention based on many tools and devices that are useful in the household, making everyday work easier or even relaxing for your own pleasure.

Remember that when using homemade attachments for a chainsaw, you should be careful and not overload its engine, and you should also not forget about safety precautions, since all responsibility in case of injury lies with you.

Advantages and disadvantages

An angle grinder attachment can be made from a variety of hand-held gasoline and electric tools. But the simplest and most convenient method is using a chain saw.

Advantages of the device:

  • they are autonomous, that is, a gasoline device will not depend on electrical power, like electric angle grinders, which, on the contrary, need electrical sockets and extension cords;
  • the nozzle can have very high power;
  • it is easy to design and assemble, the main thing is to have the necessary drawings and tools, which can be purchased inexpensively at a hardware store;
  • the price of homemade equipment will be cheaper than the cost of the original.

The disadvantages of homemade nozzles include the following:

  • they are too sensitive to metal dust: chainsaw filters begin to become clogged and fail, and the engine may deteriorate: first it stalls, and then it will not be able to maintain speed and will wear out;
  • grinding discs can constantly break and fly around, and this is very dangerous for the worker himself and the people around him.

To make your device more secure, you need to follow some rules:

  • limit the engine speed of a gasoline saw;
  • you need to use disks that are designed for increased rotation speed;
  • work must be carried out only using a protected casing;
  • the design must have an inertial brake;
  • You need to use models that have a kickback protection function.

The angle grinder attachment has:

  • a pulley that can wear out or break, so you need to monitor the device and, if necessary, change the pulleys on it;
  • In order for the nozzle to work, it must have an adaptive key, consisting of a metal plate, having a hole and 2 steel pins;
  • a special V-belt can transmit torque from the engine to the cutting wheel (the belt is a consumable material);
  • For attachments such as angle grinder 1 and NK - 100, spare bearings are needed, because the bearings themselves are a consumable item.


It is not necessary to buy a specialized machine or contact specialists who can do the work for you. When working with bars periodically, it makes sense to purchase this attachment. With its help you can quickly plan the bars. This unit is bolted into place in place of the tire. The clutch is replaced with a drive pulley. You need to put a belt on it to set the entire structure on which two knives are installed. The system is quite simple, and the efficiency of operation directly depends on the speed of the chainsaw.

Manufacturers do not recommend using this attachment for more than 20 minutes without a break, as the chainsaw is forced to work at maximum power. If you do not follow this recommendation, the tool will break quite quickly.

The attachment is not universal. It is necessary to change the sprocket, which differs among different chainsaw manufacturers. Therefore, it is necessary to check with sellers whether the improvement is suitable for a particular model.

Rules for using a homemade grinder

When using a homemade tool, you need to follow a number of important rules.

Their list includes:

  • When operating the device, the operator's hands and eyes must be protected. In addition, to work with the tool you will need to wear a suit made of thick fabric. It must be remembered that the cutting disc of the grinder is quite fragile to break, so at any moment a part of it can break off and cause harm to the operator;
  • before using the homemade product, it will need to be equipped with a protective casing;
  • You cannot install a large cutting disc on an angle grinder made from a low-power chainsaw. This will increase the load on the engine of the garden tool and lead to an increase in the amount of fuel consumed.

The tension belt plays an important role in the overall operation of the homemade device. Not only the effectiveness of the tool, but also the safety of the operator depends on its tension. To adjust the tension level of the element, you need to grab its central part and try to rotate the belt around its axis. A correctly tensioned belt will turn no more than 900. If this value is greater or less when turning the belt, then it will need to be adjusted.

How to properly use a homemade corer?

The bark beetle attachment for a chainsaw will only serve properly if its owner uses and regularly maintains the device.

To do this you need:

  • from time to time lubricate parts that are constantly in contact with each other. If homemade elements run dry, this will lead not only to their accelerated wear, but also to breakdown of the motor, which will operate under increased loads;
  • regularly paint the bark beetle - when rust is first detected on the metal parts of the nozzle, you will need to apply a primer and several layers of paint to the problem area. Otherwise, corrosion will spread over the entire surface of the bark beetle;
  • store the nozzle in places with a temperature of about 10–20 ⁰C. There should be no dampness in the room, otherwise the nozzle will begin to rust.

Another important factor is the timely replacement of faulty parts. This will protect other elements of the bark beetle from accelerated wear and improve the quality of wood processing.

How to make an angle grinder from a chainsaw

The combination of an attachment with a saw not only allows you to effectively cut various materials, but also carry out work regardless of the availability of an electrical outlet. After all, an ordinary angle grinder, angle grinder, or grinder, as the tool is simply called, is equipped with an electric motor, and therefore is completely dependent on the power supply source.

Demand creates supply, and grinder attachments for chainsaws of various modifications have appeared on sale. And folk craftsmen mastered this niche of transformation much earlier. The most common tools used for alterations are Druzhba, Shtil, and Ural.

Finished nozzle - grinder

Creating an angle grinder from a chainsaw is one of the first places in the popularity of such transformations. However, before installing it on the saw, you should understand the features of the transformations and possible failures. As a rule, a ready-made device can be purchased without any problems at the appropriate store.

It should be taken into account that the attachment is not a universal device; it is chosen for a specific modification of the saw. Often, manufacturers do not indicate in the instructions which models the nozzle is suitable for or provide an incomplete list. To ensure compatibility, compare the diameter of the saw crankshaft with the diameter of the attachment pulley, after first removing the clutch from the saw.

Which chainsaw is suitable for the conversion?

Before you start choosing a chainsaw, you need to understand what advantages this tool has and why it is chosen as a basic one.

  1. The presence of an engine of excellent performance and power.
  2. Compact motor.
  3. The motor does not need to be modified; it is completely suitable for use.
  4. The unit can be used in any conditions, even in more difficult conditions.
  5. The design feature allows the saw to be used in various positions.
  6. The clutch is located in a special way, protecting the main components of the tool from damage.
  7. A convenient output shaft makes it possible to attach additional devices.

Additional Information

Compared to a regular saw, an angle grinder:

  • works faster;
  • takes up less space;
  • increases work productivity;
  • noticeably lighter;
  • lasts longer (if the tool is used correctly).

To cut wood, you can use special cutting discs with a chain. However, it is very difficult to find the type of nozzle suitable for a particular model. A sawing wheel that combines the features of a disc and a special chain, suitable for processing boards no thicker than 4 cm

Extreme caution must be used when using it. It will not be possible to run the angle grinder at higher speeds than the disk allows

There is also a serious limitation on the size of the processed workpieces. To increase it, you have to use larger disks. However, their use is limited by the size of the insulating casing. And if it does not allow you to install a 125 mm nozzle, problems will arise. But peeling wheels connected to chainsaw chains allow you to remove bark and branches from the trunk.

This device will also help prepare a log house no worse than a high-quality ax. But you should not use such a disk instead of a cutting wheel. The cut line will be jagged and too much wood will be wasted. Another type of attachment - a disk with large abrasive grains - is no longer intended for primary processing, but for rough milling. This accessory is safer than a hand rasp.

For more information about chain saw attachments for an angle grinder, see the video below.

Winch - for lifting and moving loads

If the farm has a winch, but there is no drive to it, then a motor from a chainsaw will replace it. The store also has ready-made winches for connecting to chainsaws. The capabilities of an electric winch are not as high as those of a motorized device.

The attachment is attached to the shaft of the unit, after which it can be used for loading and unloading heavy loads, as well as pulling stuck cars out of mud captivity. The winch is a universal device with which any heavy operations are performed with ease and high speed.

This is interesting! Using a winch, you can lift a load weighing up to 500 kg. This is quite enough for loading heavy loads into a car trailer.

In addition to those attachments that were described in detail in the material, you can connect a wood splitter to a chainsaw to split sawn stumps. The wood splitter has a cylindrical shape with a pointed point, which makes it possible for the nozzle to enter inside the wood, and upon reaching a certain recess, the hemp is split. This attachment eliminates the need to work with an axe.

If buying a chainsaw attachment is considered a luxury, then you can make any attachment yourself. To do this, you will need old tools, for example, to make a pump, you can take an old pump and weld an attachment for a chainsaw from it

It doesn’t matter what brand your chainsaw is Shtil, Husqvarna, Makita or Partner. All attachments are universal, and you can be sure of this when purchasing

By purchasing an attachment, you not only simplify your work, but also save a lot of money, because purchasing electric tools will cost 3-4 times more.

Ready-made attachment - grinder for chainsaw

Today, an attachment for a chainsaw, including the “grinder” type, can be bought without any problems at any petrol tool store. There are no problems with installation either, since detailed instructions are supplied with it, after studying which you can install the grinder on the chainsaw yourself, except in cases where the attachment is chosen incorrectly.

Important: the grinder attachment is not universal; it must be selected for a specific chainsaw model. Manufacturers of attachments do not indicate in their documents a complete list of chainsaw models for which they are intended, which makes it difficult to make the right choice

How to choose a grinder for a chainsaw

When choosing an attachment for your tool, first of all, you need to read its technical documentation. If your model is not listed in the list of chainsaws for which it is intended, this does not mean that an angle grinder attachment cannot be installed on it.

To check compatibility, you need to compare the diameter of the chainsaw crankshaft with the diameter of the mounting hole on the pulley from the attachment kit (you will need to remove the clutch from the chainsaw).

The drive pulley of the nozzle can have several types; we’ll talk more about the types a little later. When choosing, it is necessary that the type of the chainsaw drive sprocket and the attachment pulley match, otherwise it is not possible to install the pulley instead of the clutch.

Types of attachment pulleys - grinders

There is no official classification of chainsaw pulleys and clutches by type, but it would be more convenient if there was one. We will try to explain the differences between the pulleys in clear language and show photographs.

Pulley type “Shtil 180” is a closed cup for installation in a regular place, instead of a clutch, combined with a pulley. The pulley is non-separable, the diameter of the mounting hole corresponds to the diameter of the crankshaft with a needle bearing installed on it. Used in Shtil MS 180, 170, 250 chainsaws.

A pulley without a cup, installed on the chainsaw drive sprocket, without removing the clutch. May have several options, depending on the sprocket pitch. The advantage of this type is ease of installation (for Shtil MS 180 with a closed clutch cup, in those chainsaws where the clutch is open, you will need to remove it for installation) and low cost (can be sold separately as spare parts). This pulley is more universal and can be used in chainsaws Husqvarna, Partner, Taiga and other Chinese analogues.

For clutches in which it is possible to replace the drive sprocket, these are most often installed on professional chainsaws; manufacturers make special pulleys. Unfortunately, we did not find a photo of a pulley with such a landing, but there is a photo of the clutch and replacement link, by looking at which you can understand what it looks like.

We looked at the most popular pulley models, but this is not all that can be found on sale.

Now we invite you to watch a video in which the master shows and explains how to make an angle grinder from a chainsaw using a purchased attachment. By the way, this video uses a rarely used and expensive pulley; it could have been replaced with a pulley without a cup, which we talked about above.

DIY installation on a chainsaw

Not everyone knows how to install a grinder attachment on a chainsaw, so we will tell you more about this.

Installation work should begin, oddly enough, with cleaning the chainsaw. It is necessary to remove the side cover, bar, chain and blow out the chainsaw with compressed air; small particles of wood are compressed and accumulated under the side cover, which can get into the bearing when disassembling the clutch.

Next, you need to unscrew the spark plug and limit the piston stroke using a piece of thin and dense rope with knots tied to it. To do this, you need to insert the rope into the cylinder through the spark plug hole. These manipulations are necessary in order to block the stroke of the piston and, accordingly, the crankshaft as safely as possible and unscrew the clutch.

Next, the clutch cup is removed from the crankshaft and, depending on the type of pulley attachment, it is either changed or a pulley is installed on it instead of the drive sprocket. Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Now let's move on to installing the attachment itself - the grinder. It is mounted in place of the standard tire, nothing complicated, you just need to install the attachment on the two mounting screws, close the side cover and tighten it with the screws.

At the final stage, the belt is tensioned. We described above how to check the tension.

Design and principle of operation of the device

The corder attachment consists of the following main parts:

  • pulley for the drive belt;
  • drive belt;
  • bracket with working head.

There are many types of working heads:

  • narrow, large diameter;
  • wide, smaller in diameter;
  • with open fastening of knives (cutters);
  • with a closed mount, like electric planers;
  • with and without a table for limiting and adjusting the gripping depth;
  • with figured cutters of different profiles for different purposes.

They are united by a common design principle. Essentially, it is a shaft on two bearings in carriages with a pulley. The same as for electric planers. The difference is in the size, shape of the shaft and knives (mills) and methods of attaching them.

What else should you pay attention to?

Despite the fact that DIY equipment is increasingly becoming an integral part of our everyday life, leading manufacturers of both grinders and saws still strongly advise against such modernizations completely.
And the point here is not at all a matter of competition between production technologies and handicraft production. This warning is based on the fact that modern chainsaws have a very huge torque, several times higher than the same parameter for an angle grinder. What could this threaten? Firstly, the grinding disc may not withstand such a load and fall apart right in the middle of work. Accordingly, the tool itself will lose its functionality and may fail.

But this is not the worst thing that awaits lovers of homemade products. The worst case scenario is associated not only with damage to health, but also with a threat to the lives of both the operator himself and those nearby.

Therefore, before deciding on such an improvement, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons, and only then making rational conclusions and actions.

Video reviews

Below is a video review demonstrating the chainsaw attachment

Alexander Mikhailovich:

Getting two tools in one is a great idea. A friend who is well versed in repairing such equipment helped me implement it. We used all the necessary parts from the angle grinder and got a multifunctional device. It works great, but I realized that it is better to install a small 115 mm disk, the work will be more efficient.

Advantages: not expensive, multifunctional device.

Disadvantages: Must be used with caution as this is a homemade device

Why choose a chainsaw

Another advantage of this tool is the ability to use the unit anywhere, because it works offline. The design is well executed, and its breakdowns are almost excluded. If you have a chainsaw, but it is idle, you can familiarize yourself with how to operate it using special attachments. The chainsaw thus becomes a tool with truly phenomenal capabilities. With the help of devices you can drill, generate electricity, swim, cultivate the soil, drive and even fly.

Let's cut everything around or grinder on a chainsaw

The cutting disc is used in a large size, this is taken taking into account the maximum speed that the chainsaw can produce.

List of materials:

- plywood; - wood screws; — bolts with nuts; - thin sheet metal; - Sheet steel; - a piece of leather or thick rope; — square steel pipe; - cutting wheel.

List of tools:

- rivet gun; — drill and drilling machine; - jigsaw; - lathe; - wrenches, pliers, clutch release wrench, spark plug wrench; — belt grinder; - Bulgarian; — semi-automatic welding machine or inverter; - wood glue; - pencil, ruler, tape measure, paper.

Homemade manufacturing process:

Step one. Preparing the grinder

First of all, remove the tire from the angle grinder, then you will need to remove the clutch along with the sprocket. This task can be quite difficult, since often the clutch is tightly stuck to the shaft and cannot be unscrewed without a service center. To try to unscrew the clutch, you will need a special wrench, it is similar to the one used to unscrew the nut on an angle grinder. Remove the top cover from the angle grinder and remove the spark plug.

Stick as much rope or a piece of leather into the candle hole as you can pull out. This will allow you to block the piston and try to unscrew the clutch. If it works, great!

Step two.
Thrust sleeve Step three.
Making the drive pulley Step four.
Cut out the fastener Step five.
Making a driven pulley Step six. How is the cutting disc attached?

Step seven.
Bearing platform Step eight.
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How to convert a chainsaw into an angle grinder?

Before you make a grinder from a chainsaw, you need to prepare the components required for the job.

To assemble a homemade product, the manufacturer will need:

engine from a chainsaw - it is important that the internal combustion engine has a reserve of power, which will be sufficient for sawing hard metal products. It is best to use a motor with a power of more than 4 liters

With.; working mechanism - a unit from any old household grinder will do. It must be fully operational, otherwise it will not withstand the load from the engine; 4 guide rails, length from 40 to 50 cm; belt; 2 reels.

The work algorithm looks like this:

  1. First, the belt used must be installed parallel to the standard chainsaw bar;
  2. After this, you will need to install a pulley on the utility saw. You can attach the element to the standard drive sprocket of a garden tool;
  3. Then, from the working mechanism of the old grinder, you need to remove the gear built into it and carefully grind it;
  4. After this you will need to assemble the pulley. It must be attached to the general structure of a homemade grinder by welding;
  5. The 2 guide bars remaining from the manufacturer must be shortened. As a result, they should fit tightly into the seats and not interfere with the operation of the belt while it is moving. It is best to sharpen one of the used tires for installing the working mechanism from an old grinder;
  6. Next, all remaining parts of the structure will need to be welded together. After this, the manufacturer will only have to buy cutting wheels and start using the grinder.

When using homemade products, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the air filter from the chainsaw. It must be kept clean, otherwise the homemade device will quickly fail.

Preparing for self-assembly of the drill

Before you begin making your own equipment, it is important to study the detailed drawings. The finished diagram should tell the manufacturer exactly how to install the elements of the drill, in what sequence to do this, and what sizes all the components used should be.

Next you need to start looking for parts.

The manufacturer should have at hand:

  • a working body that can be taken from an old motor drill. If it is not possible to find a ready-made tip, then it can be made from a round solid metal pipe;
  • engine from a working chainsaw;
  • gearbox - its task is to convert and transmit rotational force from the motor to the working element;
  • metal pipe and ties - needed to assemble the protective housing.

The operator will need a welding machine, a drill, a grinder and a grinder.

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