How to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor in 2022?

Good afternoon, dear reader.

On January 1, 2022, new Rules for state registration of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment came into force. Unlike the previous document (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation”), the new rules are more detailed and provide answers to many questions that may arise when registering tractors and self-propelled machines .

This article will discuss how to register a tractor or self-propelled machine with the Gostekhnadzor authorities:

  • What equipment is registered with state technical supervision?
  • Where can I register a tractor or self-propelled machine?
  • How long does it take to register a self-propelled vehicle?
  • What documents are needed for registration?
  • How to submit documents for registration to Gostekhnadzor?
  • State fees for registration with Gostekhnadzor.
  • Is it possible to keep the numbers of the previous owner?
  • Is a vehicle inspection required during registration?
  • What documents are drawn up when registering with Gostekhnadzor?
  • In what cases does a tractor need to be deregistered?
  • How to move equipment to another region?
  • How long does it take for Gostekhnadzor to register equipment?

What equipment is registered with state technical supervision?

Tractors and self-propelled machines are subject to registration with the State Technical Supervision Authority . Including:

  • snowmobiles;
  • ATVs;
  • all-terrain vehicles;
  • loaders;
  • excavators.

1. These Rules determine the procedure for state registration of self-propelled vehicles (tractors, self-propelled road-building machines, municipal, agricultural vehicles, off-road motor vehicles and other land-based trackless mechanical vehicles with an internal combustion engine with a volume of over 50 cubic centimeters or an electric motor with a maximum power of more than 4 kilowatts (except for ground-based self-propelled devices of categories “L”, “M”, “N” on wheels with an engine power (engines) of more than 4 kilowatts or with a maximum design speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, intended for the transport of people, cargo or equipment, installed on them, as well as trailers (semi-trailers) for them and vehicles, self-propelled vehicles, military, special and other types of equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, experimental (test) samples of weapons, military and special equipment , including those related in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on military-technical cooperation with foreign states to military products), for which passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment are issued (electronic passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment), and other types of equipment (trailers (semi-trailers) of self-propelled vehicles), for which passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment are issued (electronic passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment) (hereinafter referred to as equipment).

This paragraph states that vehicles whose engine meets one of the following conditions are registered with the State Technical Supervision Authority:

  • volume more than 50 cubic meters centimeters (for internal combustion engines);
  • engine power more than 4 kilowatts (for electric motors).

Note. Buses, cars and trucks are registered not with Gostekhnadzor, but with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Registration with the traffic police is discussed in a separate article.

Documents for deregistration of special equipment

  • A copy of identifying documents for the owner (legal or individual);
  • Original self-propelled vehicle passport (PSM);
  • Receipt of payment of the duty;
  • The license plate is clean;
  • Certificate of registration of a self-propelled vehicle;
  • Notarized power of attorney (only for individuals)

In case of loss of any document, you will need to write an explanatory note, and possibly an order to bring the “negligent” employee to disciplinary liability. In case of loss of PSM, a certificate from the police (internal affairs bodies) will be required.

If you need to dispose of self-propelled equipment, you will need an OS-4 certificate (on write-off of fixed assets) for legal entities and additional documents.

Where can I register a tractor or self-propelled machine?

8. State registration of equipment is carried out by the state technical supervision body at the place of application of the owner of the equipment, regardless of the place of registration of the individual, individual entrepreneur or location of the legal entity that owns the equipment, within one constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Unlike cars, which can be registered at any traffic police department in the country, self-propelled vehicles can only be registered in the region where its owner lives (individual) or is located (legal entity). At the same time, within the region, you can select any department of Gostekhnadzor that deals with vehicle registration.

Registration of vehicles

Self-propelled vehicles must be assigned to individuals or organizations that are indicated in the registration certificate of a specific self-propelled vehicle.

Equipment is registered at the place of permanent residence or temporary stay of its owner. In the second case, the period of registration of the vehicle cannot exceed the period of validity of registration at the citizen’s place of residence. Vehicles of individuals can also be registered in the names of their relatives with their written consent.

Military personnel can register self-propelled vehicles at their place of residence determined by the command. Registration of equipment temporarily imported into the territory of the Russian Federation for a period of more than six months is carried out under the obligation of re-export.

For the period of operation in another region

Self-propelled vehicles that were exported to another region for a period exceeding 60 days can, at the request of the owners, be registered at a temporary address. If necessary, such registration can be extended.

If equipment is subject to transit movement

If the equipment leaves the territory in which it is registered, its owner must receive a special “Transit” sign (Type 16) within 5 days. It is valid from 5 to 20 days, and is used to transport a self-propelled vehicle to the area of ​​permanent registration.

How long does it take to register a self-propelled vehicle?

5. The owner of the equipment is obliged to register it or change the registration data with the state technical supervision authorities during the validity period of the state registration mark “TRANSIT” or within 10 calendar days from the date of release of the equipment for free circulation in accordance with the law of the Eurasian Economic Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs regulation, either from the date of issue of the equipment passport (for equipment not subject to customs declaration), or from the date of temporary importation of equipment into the territory of the Russian Federation for a period of more than 6 months, or from the date of acquisition of the rights of the owner of the equipment, deregistration, replacement of numbered units or the occurrence of other circumstances that required changing registration data.

You must register a tractor or self-propelled machine within 10 days from the date of purchase.

Where do they register?

Owners of self-propelled vehicles and special equipment falling under any of the above categories should contact the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia at their place of permanent residence or temporary stay. Owners of self-propelled vehicles must apply for:

  • Registration at a permanent or temporary address.
  • Making any amendments to the registration data of self-propelled vehicles already included in the register.
  • Deregistration.

What documents are needed for registration?

For state registration of equipment, the following documents are submitted:

  • application in the form according to Appendix No. 1 or 2;
  • a document certifying the identity of the owner of the equipment or his representative (to be presented when submitting an application), except in cases of filing an application in accordance with paragraph two of paragraph 7 of these Rules;
  • a document confirming the authority of the representative of the owner of the equipment, if the documents are submitted by a representative;
  • a document confirming ownership or other legal basis for possession and use of equipment or main components;
  • a vehicle passport with a note on payment of the recycling fee or a note on the basis for non-payment of the recycling fee in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or an extract from the electronic passport of equipment with the status “valid” in the system of electronic passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment, issued in accordance with the Introduction Agreement unified forms of vehicle passport (vehicle chassis passport) and passport of self-propelled vehicle and other types of equipment and organization of electronic passport systems dated August 15, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the electronic passport of equipment), with a note on payment of the recycling fee or a note on the basis for non-payment of the recycling fee collection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, except for the cases specified in paragraph 16 of these Rules;
  • a copy of the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity if mandatory certification is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (can be submitted at the initiative of the applicant);
  • insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner (can be submitted at the initiative of the applicant);
  • a document identifying the equipment as temporarily imported, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • receipt (payment order) for payment of state duty (can be submitted at the initiative of the applicant).

Information on the fact of payment of the state duty, on the issuance of an electronic passport of equipment, a civil liability insurance policy, information on the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity in the event that mandatory certification is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs can be requested using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. … 26. State registration of equipment is carried out only by one legal entity or individual.

State registration of equipment belonging to 2 or more owners is carried out by one of them with the written consent of the remaining owners, submitted by them to the state technical supervision body during the state registration of equipment.

Required documents for registration of self-propelled vehicles:

  • Statement. You can fill it out on the spot (at Gostekhnadzor) or submit it electronically through the Public Services portal.
  • Passport of the owner or representative who applies to Gostekhnadzor.
  • A purchase and sale agreement or another document confirming ownership of the equipment (including a certificate of inheritance, a gift agreement).
  • Equipment passport (analogous to PTS).

Additional documents that will be required in some cases :

  • Power of attorney. If it is not the owner, but his representative who contacts Gostekhnadzor.
  • A document identifying the equipment as temporarily imported . In case of temporary import into the territory of Russia.
  • Consent is not registration . If the equipment has several owners at the same time. The document is drawn up by analogy with consent to registration with the traffic police.

Documents that can be provided at the request of the applicant (if they are not provided, Gostekhnadzor will check the information independently):

  • A copy of the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity.
  • OSAGO policy.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

Grounds for refusal

Gostekhnadzor may refuse registration in the following cases:

  • If a non-conformity in the design of the vehicle is identified that would compromise the safety of people or the environment.
  • If the submitted documents contain corrections, additions, or are simply formatted incorrectly.
  • Instead of original documents, the applicant will submit copies.

Possibility of appeal

The Gostekhnadzor authorities will notify the reasons for the refusal in writing, where the situation will be described in detail. If registration was denied for a fair reason, you can eliminate it and resubmit documents to register the self-propelled vehicle.

How to submit documents for registration to Gostekhnadzor?

7. The application of the owner of the equipment or his representative for state registration of the equipment and the documents attached to it can be submitted by the owner of the equipment or his representative personally to the state technical supervision body.

The specified application and documents can be submitted by the owner of the equipment or his representative to the state technical supervision body using the federal state information system “Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)” and (or) regional portals of state and municipal services (hereinafter referred to as the Unified Portal) and signed using a simple electronic signature key without the need to submit such an application in another form. The state technical supervision body informs the applicant about the progress of the service through notifications in the personal account on the Unified Portal.

The rules offer 2 options for submitting an application to Gostekhnadzor:

  • in person;
  • in electronic form through State Services.

Registration of a tractor in Moscow and the Moscow region

What happens if you don’t register your tractor?

As we wrote earlier, if the new owner of the tractor does not register it within 10 working days, then according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Art. a fine of up to 2000 rubles is imposed on an individual

, a legal entity is subject to
a fine of up to 10,000 rubles
. If you continue to ignore the legislation and do not register the equipment, the owner will receive another fine, according to the Administrative Code.

If you do not have the time or opportunity to register a tractor in Moscow or the region with Gostekhnadzor, our company will provide you with the appropriate service. Our specialists will conduct a competent consultation and check the necessary documents in our office or remotely at your place. If necessary, they will help you arrange a technical inspection of special equipment with a visit from a Gostekhnadzor representative to the equipment parking area. The cost of registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor starts from 5999 rubles. You can always find out the exact cost by contacting us or using the feedback form on our website. Our contact phone: +7 495 136 58 06

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We recommend! Limitation period for transport tax for individuals

You can also always independently carry out registration actions at Gostekhnadzor; for this you will need a certain list of documents, which we will outline below, and also describe the features of this list.

Documents for registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor.

To independently register a tractor with the State Tax Service of Moscow or the Moscow region, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

For individuals:

  • A copy of the passport of the owner of the SM;
  • purchase and sale agreement with transfer acceptance certificate;
  • passport of a self-propelled vehicle with a note on the transfer of ownership of the self-propelled vehicle;
  • MTPL policy (for wheeled vehicles with speeds over 20 km/h according to PSM);
  • Certificate of conformity for equipment (for new equipment and if one is indicated in the PSM);
  • state duty in the amount of 2350 rubles (provided that it is not required to obtain a duplicate of the PSM);
  • power of attorney for the owner's representative in the state. organ;
  • access or the ability to submit an application electronically to an individual’s personal account on the portal (for Moscow) and (for the Moscow region)

New technology for legal entities:

  • Card with details of the new owner;
  • A purchase and sale agreement with a transfer acceptance certificate, a leasing agreement with a transfer and acceptance certificate (if the equipment was purchased on lease);
  • MTPL policy (for wheeled vehicles with speeds over 20 km/h according to PSM);
  • Certificate of conformity for equipment (for new equipment and if one is indicated in the PSM);
  • State duty in the amount of 2350 rubles (provided that it is not required to obtain a duplicate of the PSM);
  • Power of attorney for the owner's representative in the state. organ;
  • Having an electronic digital signature (EDS) to submit an application electronically on the portal (for Moscow) is not required for the Moscow region.

Please note that if the owner personally registers the equipment, then in both cases a power of attorney for the owner’s representative is not needed.

State fees for registration with Gostekhnadzor in 2022

Article 333.33 of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following state duties:

SizeProcedureA comment
1,500 rublesissuing a number (registration plate)
800 rublesissuance of a self-propelled vehicle passportif your old passport is lost or there is no free space in it
350 rublesmaking changes to the passport of a self-propelled vehicleif there is free space in your passport
500 rublesissuance of a registration certificate
800 rublesissuance of metal transit numbers
200 rublesissuance of paper transit numbers

For example, if you register a new tractor with Gostekhnadzor, you will have to pay 3 fees: 1,500 + 350 + 500 = 2,350 rubles .

Note. Until January 1, 2023, you can pay these fees through the government services portal with a 30% discount. In this case, the fee will be 1,645 rubles .

Registration result

It is mandatory to register the tractor!

After carrying out all the necessary procedures, the owner of the tractor receives permission to operate his vehicle and the following documents:

  • MS passport as amended;
  • State registration plates;
  • Technical ticket inspection;
  • Registration certificate.

As a rule, the registration period does not exceed 5 days, regardless of who submits the application - an individual or a legal entity. The received permit is issued for an unlimited period. It will be necessary to re-register a tractor only if the special equipment will be sold or transferred to another user.

Is a vehicle inspection required during registration?

63. When state registration of equipment, changes in registration data, issuance of certificates of state registration of equipment to replace lost or unusable equipment, duplicates of equipment passports, owners are required to present the equipment for inspection in order to check the compliance of the main components of the equipment with registration data.

When submitting an application for state registration of equipment or to make changes to the registration data of equipment in the form given in Appendix No. 1 or 2 to these Rules, using the Unified Portal, the place and time of inspection are chosen by the applicant independently, but no later than the expiration of the mandatory period for state registration of equipment specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules.

Inspection of tractors and self-propelled machines is mandatory in all cases when Gostekhnadzor issues documents for the specified equipment.

The inspection is carried out even when the owner of the tractor does not change and only the issuance of a duplicate of the lost document is required.

20. Inspection of equipment is carried out by a state engineer-inspector of the state technical supervision body at the place of filing the application for state registration of equipment or the location of the equipment, and in the case of inspection of a group of equipment - at the location of the equipment.

When inspecting equipment, it is identified and verified that there are no signs of alteration, concealment, or destruction of the factory identification number of the equipment or the number of the main component of the equipment.

When inspecting equipment, the compliance of its design with the submitted documents is checked, and, if necessary, the compliance of changes made in the design of the equipment with documents on the compliance of the equipment with the changes made in its design with safety requirements is checked.

Upon completion of the inspection of the equipment, a note about its result is included in the application for state registration of the equipment. The validity period of the equipment inspection results is 30 calendar days from the date of its conduct.

Inspection of equipment can be carried out either by Gostekhnadzor authorities . or at the location of the equipment. Naturally, in the second case, you should contact Gostekhnadzor in advance and agree with the inspector on the time and place of inspection of the tractor or self-propelled machine.

During the inspection, the Gostekhnadzor employee checks:

  • VIN - number and engine number;
  • that the design of the equipment corresponds to the submitted documents (there are no design changes);

The inspection results are valid for 30 days . During this time, the owner must contact Gostekhnadzor to register and obtain numbers.

Responsibility for late registration of equipment

Measures that can be applied to the owner of such vehicles who have not had time to properly register them with Gostekhnadzor are listed in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 19.22. The fine for late registration will depend on the status of the owner:

  • 1-1.5 thousand rubles for individuals;
  • 2-3.5 thousand rubles for officials;
  • 5-10 thousand rubles for legal entities.

To avoid this type of problem, it is necessary to begin the registration process immediately after purchasing the tractor, since the procedure in some cases can last up to 5 days or more.

The need to register a unit, the ownership of which was acquired by acquisitive prescription, arises after the court decision on its appropriation comes into force.

What documents are drawn up when registering with Gostekhnadzor?

18. When state registration of equipment (amending registration data, deregistration of equipment) in the equipment passport (in the absence of electronic passports of equipment) in the cases provided for by these Rules, the state technical supervision authorities make appropriate notes about the state registration of equipment (amending the registration data, deregistration of equipment).

If there are no records in the equipment passport about the owner, his address, or the date of sale (transfer), during the state registration of the equipment, the state technical supervision body fills out these lines on the basis of documents submitted by the owner of the equipment confirming ownership of the equipment. ... 21. When carrying out state registration of equipment that is not related to the termination of state registration or deregistration after disposal of equipment, the state technical supervision body issues a certificate of state registration of equipment to the owner of the equipment or his representative in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

Entries in state registration certificates and equipment passports are made using printing devices. The certificate of state registration of equipment in the form of an electronic document is subject to certification by an enhanced qualified electronic signature. When submitting an application for state registration of equipment using the Unified Portal, a certificate of state registration of equipment is sent to the applicant’s personal account on the Unified Portal. At the request of the applicant, a certificate of state registration of equipment, in addition to the electronic document, can be issued on paper by the state technical supervision authority. ... 34. State registration of equipment is accompanied by the assignment of a state registration number to the equipment - an individual alphanumeric designation assigned to the equipment by the state technical supervision body, and the issuance of a state registration plate in accordance with GOST R 50577-2018 “National Standard of the Russian Federation. State registration signs of vehicles. Types and main sizes. Technical requirements". … 36. The issuance of state registration plates is carried out in accordance with the codes of the regions of the Russian Federation and the assigned series of state registration plates provided for in Appendices No. 4 and 5.

As a result of a visit to Gostekhnadzor, the owner of a tractor or self-propelled machine must be issued :

  • passport of the vehicle to which changes have been made;
  • certificate of registration of equipment;
  • plate with number.

Unlike cars, a registration certificate can be issued electronically . In this case, at the request of the owner, an additional paper certificate may be issued.

As for vehicle numbers, their assignment has certain features. Unlike cars, which are issued all series of numbers within one region, Gostekhnazdor issues in each region only numbers of certain series, assigned in the application.

For example, in the Tula region (region 71) they can issue numbers of the 3 series TA, TV, TE, TM, TN, TO, TU, TX.

How to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor

When finding out where tractors are registered, it is necessary to become more familiar with Gostekhnadzor, the agency that deals with such issues. This is a specialized structure that checks the technical condition of vehicles to ensure the safety of their use. The rules require all owners of tractors to register them within 10 days from the date of purchase, otherwise the owner will face a fine . Having figured out where to register a tractor, you should remember that such a procedure takes quite a lot of time, but with the right approach it can be completed in just 2-3 days.

In order to successfully register a device with Gostekhnadzor, it is necessary to collect the necessary documentation, provide the unit for inspection, and wait for the registration actions to be completed. The registration process for homemade tractor equipment will differ significantly from new ones, which should be taken into account in advance.

All tractors are subject to mandatory registration

Registration procedure

The registration procedure itself is quite simple, but due to the abundance of formalities, it can take a long time. Registration with Gostekhnadzor involves performing the following algorithm of actions:

  1. After purchasing a vehicle, if necessary, contact the insurance company to issue a policy.
  2. Collect all necessary documents.
  3. Visit the registration department of the department, where you will need to fill out an application in accordance with the current sample.
  4. Go through the inspection procedure of the unit by an inspector.
  5. Obtain permission, as well as a number of related documents.

These primarily include the MS passport with a description of the changes made, registration plates, a registration certificate, as well as a technical inspection certificate. Despite the fact that you can register equipment using the State Services portal, subsequently the owner will still have to visit the department.

Be sure to read: Official website of the Lipetsk Tractor Plant

In what cases does a tractor need to be deregistered?

49. Owners are required to remove equipment from state registration in the event of:

  • termination of ownership of equipment;
  • write-off (disposal) of equipment;
  • export of equipment from the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases of temporary export.

Please note that equipment is deregistered even if it is sold or donated.

51. Removal from state registration of equipment in the event of its alienation is carried out by the state technical supervision body on the basis of an application from the previous owner of the equipment to remove equipment from state registration in the forms given in Appendices No. 1 and 2 to these Rules, with the attachment of identification documents of the applicant, documents confirming the conclusion of the transaction , aimed at alienating equipment, equipment passports, state registration plates and certificates of state registration of equipment, provided there is no confirmation of the state registration of the equipment for the new owner.

When equipment is removed from state registration due to its write-off (disposal), no inspection is carried out.

An application from the previous owner of the equipment to remove the equipment from state registration can be submitted using the Unified Portal and signed with a simple electronic signature without the need to submit such an application in another form.

Clause 51 of the registration rules, which talks about deregistration of equipment upon sale, raises certain questions. It is not clear from the text at what point deregistration is required.

On the one hand, the list of required documents includes a document concluding a transaction (purchase and sale agreement) and technical documents (passport, registration certificate). That is, it turns out that the equipment must be deregistered immediately after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, but before its transfer to the new owner.

On the other hand, the paragraph states that deregistration is carried out subject to the absence of confirmation of registration for the new owner. From this part it follows that after purchasing the equipment, the new owner can pick up all the documents and register it himself.

Alexander sold the tractor to Boris on January 10, 2022. They agreed that Boris would register the equipment himself. On January 15, 2022, Alexander learned that Boris had not registered the equipment and had no intention of doing so. Alexander wants to contact Gostekhnadzor to deregister the tractor, but he cannot do this, because documents and numbers were transferred to the buyer.

In general, this point raises questions, because It is not clear what the situation must be in order to apply it.

Conditions for registering tractors without documents

Before going down the path of complete restoration of documents and going through the procedure through the court to obtain the status of the legal owner of movable property, it is recommended that you obtain advice from a state technical supervision inspector with the existing numbers of tractor components and assemblies. Using the database of a government organization, you can try to find out the last legal owner of the equipment and its status. Thus, you can find lost documents, restore or issue property documents confirming ownership of equipment, which will greatly simplify registration.

In case of complete loss of documents for equipment for registration and subsequent lawful legal possession and use, the following procedures must be performed:

  • Rewrite all numbers of serial components and assemblies included in the machine and provided by the machine manufacturer.
  • Obtain a document - a “certificate of purchase” from the local administration (village council, district council, city council) stating that the tractor has been in your use for at least 5 years, listing the number details of components and assemblies. If available, all available receipts and invoices confirming the purchase of license plates are attached to this certificate.
  • Obtain a certificate from the traffic police stating that this unit of equipment with the listed unit numbers is not wanted or stolen.
  • Based on two documents, the state technical supervision authority carries out a technical inspection of the machine and issues a certificate of technical condition and a certificate stating the impossibility of registration due to insufficient documents confirming ownership.
  • From the organization “for the assessment of movable and immovable property”, obtain a document on the value of the car. (it is advisable that the cost of the car be valued at no more than 50,000 rubles, since a higher amount requires a more complex legal registration procedure).
  • Based on the collected package of documents, with the help of a lawyer, an application to confirm ownership is drawn up in court.
  • After confirming ownership and receiving a corresponding court decision, the owner of the tractor can register the equipment in the prescribed manner by contacting the state technical supervision authority

In order to comprehensively establish order in the registration of the mass of unregistered equipment, the State Technical Supervision Authority pursues a loyal policy in registration. Therefore, in a standard situation, technical supervision inspectors are interested in legalizing cars that are not registered due to lack of documents.

How to move equipment to another region?

It was discussed above that the previous owner can stop registering a self-propelled vehicle, and the new owner must register it in his own name. However, the situation becomes more complicated if the equipment is purchased in a “foreign” region and needs to be transported. In this case, the buyer needs to obtain transit numbers :

43. For equipment transported to the place of registration from organizations that manufacture this equipment and trade organizations, state registration plates “TRANSIT” are issued by these organizations after they are received by the state technical supervision authority at the location of these organizations.

For equipment transported to the place of registration by its owners, state registration plates “TRANSIT” are issued by state technical supervision authorities at the place of application of the owner of the equipment.

Transit numbers for transportation to the place of registration can be obtained from any department of Gostekhnadzor in any region.

How to restore documents for a tractor?

There are often cases in which a person buys an inexpensive used tractor, but without documents for it. In such situations, the equipment also needs to be registered, but this cannot be done without the necessary papers.

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To register the unit, the first thing you need to do is contact the nearest branch of Gostekhnadzor. It must indicate the reason confirming the need to obtain documents, after which government agency employees are required to issue acts for completion. This includes the deed of purchase and sale and other papers required for registration.

Next, with certified documents, you need to go to court, where after consideration, the plaintiff will be issued documents confirming his legal ownership of the tractor. With the received documents, you need to contact Gostekhnadzor again, where all other documents that will be required to register the tractor will be issued.

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