Registration of a tractor with Gostekhnadzor: procedure, required documents and registration deadlines

A tractor is a self-propelled vehicle; it can be tracked or wheeled. The main purpose is to perform agricultural, road, construction and earthmoving work. The vehicles can move either independently or with a trailer. However, when purchasing such equipment, not all citizens are aware of the upcoming registration procedure.

Some owners of ATVs and mini-tractors are mistaken in thinking that such “small” equipment is not registered. But the legislative framework has approved the procedure for registering all self-propelled vehicles and their trailers. In the material below we will talk about the standards for registering special equipment and where and when it needs to be done.

Where are special equipment registered?

Special equipment can only be registered with the State Technical Supervision Authority. State supervision over the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment in Russia is an inspection body that registers the technical condition of equipment, road construction vehicles and trailers for them, assesses the level of safety of use by citizens and harm caused to the environment. The powers of these bodies also include inspection of agricultural machinery in order to verify compliance with the rules of the machines being operated.

List of equipment subject to registration

According to regulatory protocols, the following self-propelled equipment must be subject to state registration:

  • tractor (except walk-behind tractor);
  • mini tractor;
  • loader;
  • ice rink;
  • special equipment with a drilling rig;
  • excavator;
  • snow removal vehicles;
  • harvester;
  • pipelayer;
  • road roller;
  • snowmobile;
  • asphalt paver;
  • electric car;
  • reach truck;
  • electric stacker;
  • ATV;
  • tinger;
  • all-terrain vehicle;
  • road construction equipment;
  • reclamation system complexes;
  • agricultural machinery.

Self-propelled vehicles with an engine capacity of less than 50 cubic meters are not subject to registration with the Gostekhnadzor authorities. see. Moreover, equipment independently assembled from various spare parts and assemblies is not registered.

Do you need a license to drive a tractor?

Anyone who plans to drive a self-propelled vehicle needs a license. First of all, let's define what a self-propelled machine is. Self-propelled vehicles are vehicles that are capable of moving independently and are equipped with a large engine. Large volumes start from 50 cc. or, if it is an electric machine, then the engine power must be at least 4 kW. In this case, the speed of the unit should not exceed 50 km/h.

Types of categories

For ease of classification, all vehicles have been divided into categories according to which corresponding licenses are issued that allow driving these vehicles. The exams are taken at a driving school, where a driver's license is issued. There are:

  • A – this category includes all equipment that should not travel on public roads, and is also not capable of increasing speeds above 50 km/h. The prescribed age for issuing the category is 16 years.
  • B - allows you to travel on tracked and wheeled vehicles with an engine power of no more than 27.5 kW. This includes crawler tractors, mini tractors, small excavators and harvesting units. The age at which you can apply for this category is 17 years old.
  • C – category gives the right to drive special-purpose machines whose power varies from 27.5 kW to 110.3 kW. Persons over 17 years of age can also receive it.
  • D – issued to persons who reach 18 years of age and give the right to drive wheeled vehicles with an engine power of 110.3 kW or more. This category includes cranes on pneumatic wheels and large tractors.
  • E is the right to drive vehicles on tracks with a motor power of 25.7 kW or more.
  • F – this category includes all heavy agricultural equipment that is intended for work in the field. You can get this category from the age of 17.

Category A tractor driver's license
In addition to the categories, there is a rank grid that gives various opportunities to the tractor driver. They can only be assigned by a Gostekhnadzor inspector after successfully passing the appropriate exam and completing training at a driving school. The following categories are distinguished:

  1. Ability to control special equipment, but in the presence of an instructor. You can repair various mechanisms and devices.
  2. The employee gets the opportunity to operate battery-powered forklifts, as well as other types of machines that can load. The employee is allowed to carry out storage of goods and can carry out repairs and maintenance.
  3. Machinists are allowed to work on equipment such as a loader and the like, which has a power of up to 100 hp.
  4. Issued to drivers for the purpose of carrying out work on special equipment with a power of more than 100 hp. This includes scrapers, bulldozers and excavators.
  5. Machinists have the right to work on equipment with a power of over 200 hp.

Registration of walk-behind tractors and cultivators

I would like to especially note the registration of walk-behind tractors or cultivators. In accordance with the law, they are not registered, but problems may arise with traffic police inspectors when driving them on public roads.

Therefore, when traveling, owners of such vehicles are recommended to have at least a category A license, which allows them to travel legally on such a vehicle. In addition, it is advisable to travel on walk-behind tractors with an attached trailer not on highways, but on dirt roads or those roadways that are not controlled by the traffic police.

And if there is a need to move the walk-behind tractor over a long distance, then it is better to use the services of a trailer. We will learn how to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor in accordance with 2019 standards from the next paragraph of the article.

What documents must be available for a tractor?

To use this vehicle legally, the owner must have certain documents. These primarily include a technical passport. It includes information about the technical condition and equipment of the property. Additionally, a certificate confirming the registration of this equipment is required.

Before registering a tractor, you should prepare all the documents received from the seller. The more specific and specialized equipment a citizen buys, the more complex the registration procedure will be. Where to register a tractor? To do this, you will have to contact the Gostekhnadzor department.

How to properly register a tractor in 2022?

To go through the procedure for registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor or other self-propelled equipment, there is a special procedure that car owners must adhere to. The rules have been developed and introduced into the registration system since the mid-90s.

Of course, as the economic situation developed and new types of self-propelled transport appeared on the market, additions were made to the rules. In 2022, the latest changes were approved, which related to the amount of state fees for registration actions. According to the new amendments, the amount of state duty has increased. If previously the owner paid 1,000 rubles to obtain new registration plates for a tractor, now this amount has increased by 500 rubles. Obtaining a registration certificate will cost 250 rubles. expensive. And to obtain temporary registration or make changes to the transport passport, you will have to pay 300 rubles, although previously similar procedures cost 200 rubles.

Tractor owners should remember that they must pay the state duty not only when registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor, but also when deregistering it.

In accordance with the rules of the Administrative Code, a self-propelled vehicle can be registered not only for an individual, but also for an enterprise and organization. If a tractor is registered to an individual, the procedure is carried out at the place of residence or stay of its owner. For example, in order to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor in Samara, you must have permanent or temporary registration in this city.

If the owner is a citizen of another state, then the vehicle is registered using a temporary registration or at the residential address indicated in the permit to stay in Russia. For an individual who has refugee status, equipment is registered at the address specified in the refugee certificate.

When registering self-propelled equipment for a legal entity, the address of the organization is indicated. If transport is issued by a foreign company, and the equipment is brought to Russia for more than six months, temporary registration is made at the address of the enterprise.

List of required documents for registration

It is necessary to provide the following documents to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor:

  • passport or other identification document of the owner;
  • if the registration is carried out by the owner’s representative, then he will also be required to provide a passport;
  • motor vehicle insurance policy;
  • tractor passport;
  • signed application;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • supporting documents confirming payment of transport tax for the reporting period, but if the transport is new, then a certificate will not be required;
  • temporary number;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • certificate of technical inspection of the vehicle by a Gostekhnadzor specialist.

When equipment is registered with an enterprise, it is also necessary to provide a power of attorney for the responsible employee and the constituent documentation of the legal entity.

You will have to present documents confirming ownership of the vehicle. These include:

  • contract of sale or gift;
  • certificate of inheritance;
  • court decision;
  • resolution of the customs service;
  • documents issued by social security authorities.

The entire package of documents submitted to the Gostekhnadzor authorities must be drawn up only in Russian, without corrections. If a document is written in a foreign language, it must be accompanied by a translation certified by authorized organizations.

A Gostekhnadzor specialist is obliged to inspect the tractor and draw up a report. Most often, the procedure takes place on the territory of this organization. But it is allowed to call an employee to the location of the equipment.

An MTPL insurance policy is required for those cars whose driving speed can reach 20 km/h.

Registration of a tractor with Gostekhnadzor in Moscow and other large cities can be done online.

A few facts about OSAGO

A civil liability insurance policy is a mandatory document that any driver must have. It allows you to minimize your losses in the event of an accident on the road. Compensation is due only to the injured party; the culprit restores his transport and health himself. The main features of the “motor citizen” are:

  • The issued MTPL policy is valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation, its minimum period is 1 year.
  • If there is no completed document at the time of inspection, the vehicle owner will be issued a fine. It is 800 rubles; in case of systematic violation of the law, administrative liability is possible.
  • The maximum limit of compensation payments is established at the legislative level and currently amounts to 400,000 rubles.
  • It is not the driver’s own equipment (car, motorcycle, tractor) that is insured, but the driver’s liability to the injured person. That is, if an accident occurred due to his fault, he will not need to pay compensation.
  • In the event of an insured risk, car insurance allows you to receive compensation in the form of car repairs, payment for treatment and restoration of health, or transfer of funds to a personal account.

Insurance does not cover race cars or accidents during city practice runs. In addition, payment will be refused in the event of force majeure. This applies to mass unrest in the country, civil unrest, and strikes.


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Design algorithm

To facilitate the procedure, we recommend using the following rules for registering tractors with Gostekhnadzor:

  • As soon as you bought a tractor, contact your insurance company to apply for a motor vehicle insurance policy.
  • Then start collecting documents according to the list above.
  • Make an appointment at your local branch of Gostekhnadzor.
  • Fill out a special application.
  • Inspect the tractor.
  • Give the package of documents to the employee for registration.
  • During the registration process, the owner and equipment are subject to verification of the data specified in the documents, as well as for the presence of any restrictions.
  • As a result, the owner receives a registration certificate; license plate; tractor passport; civil insurance policy.

Which branch of Rostechnadzor should I contact?

Every equipment owner should understand the rules for registering tractors. It is important to wisely choose the direct branch of Rostekhnadzor, where the owner of the equipment will have to contact. If the owner is an individual, then the equipment is registered at the citizen’s place of residence, for which the address indicated in the passport is taken into account.

If the owner of the tractor is a company, then registration is carried out at the legal address indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

If the applicant is a foreign citizen or stateless person, then at least temporary registration is required. It is at this address that equipment is registered.

Temporary registration of a self-propelled vehicle

Temporary registration of a vehicle is possible with the written permission of the owner at whose address the vehicle is listed. For this procedure you will need:

  • owner statement;
  • document confirming the identity of the owner or his representative;
  • STS, issued at the place of registration;
  • a check confirming payment of the state duty;
  • certificate of inspection of the technical condition of the tractor.

To perform the temporary registration of a self-propelled vehicle, you must:

  • collect a complete package of documents;
  • pay the state fee;
  • fill out an application form for temporary registration of transport;
  • pass a vehicle inspection;
  • receive an act and temporary certificate.

The temporary certificate, in addition to information about the owner and the tractor, contains the expiration date of its validity. By this date, the equipment should be taken out of the territory of our state.

Removal from the register

We found out how to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor. Let's figure out how equipment can be deregistered. When the owner of a tractor decides to sell it or change his place of registration, the equipment must be deregistered. To carry out such an operation, it is also necessary to contact Gostekhnadzor, having previously prepared the following documents:

  • civil passport of the tractor owner;
  • technical passport of the equipment;
  • previously issued certificate of registration;
  • license plate;
  • written request for deregistration;
  • confirmation receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • If the machine is subsequently disposed of, then a decommissioning certificate for the tractor is provided.

Please note: if the tractor is deregistered for further sale, then the license plates do not need to be changed.

After deregistration, the owner of the special equipment receives a vehicle passport with new data entered and temporary state signs (in the case of transporting the vehicle to another region of the country).

Do I need to register?

All special equipment without documents that is planned to be used for agricultural purposes must go through the procedure of obtaining documents from Gostekhnadzor. The specialists of this institution determine whether the rules for operating machines, which are prescribed in regulatory documents, are being observed.

Registration of the tractor must be carried out no later than 10 days from the date of its purchase. If the car has been deregistered, cleared through customs, or license plates have been replaced, then all these procedures should be reflected in the Gostekhnadzor register.

If for some reason an individual does not register the tractor in a timely manner, then a fine of up to 1,500 rubles will be imposed on him. Officials will have to pay up to 3,500 rubles. In case of delays, legal entities are charged up to 10,000 rubles.

How to register a tractor through the MFC

To facilitate the collection of information and reduce the time for registering a vehicle, you can contact the offices of the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services in your region.

In order to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor at the MFC, you must provide the same documents as when contacting the department in person. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • An application and a package of documents are submitted according to established templates for individuals and legal entities separately.
  • If MFC employees find inconsistencies or errors, you will be denied registration.
  • If there are no inaccuracies in the document, then they are accepted by the employees for work, and a date is set for inspection of the tractor by an employee of Gostekhnadzor.

As a result, after the inspection, the owner receives:

  • a document confirming the registration of the tractor;
  • technical passport for the car;
  • certificate for the released license plate;
  • temporary license plate.

You can also obtain a duplicate registration from the MFC if previous documents have been lost or become unusable. Registration deadlines for self-propelled vehicles may vary in different cities. For example, in order to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor in St. Petersburg, it is necessary to wait 11 working days from the date the applicant submits all the necessary documents.

How to complete the procedure through State Services?

Not everyone knows, but you can deregister a vehicle not only in person, but also via the Internet . To do this you need:

  1. Register on the State Services website.
  2. Choose .
  3. After this, a separate window will open in which you will need to enter all the data about the vehicle and its owner, as well as attach photocopies of documents.

The submitted application is reviewed within 2 working days . After this, you will need to bring the originals of all documents to the territorial body of Gostekhnadzor. After a couple of days, the vehicle will be deregistered.

Penalties for violation of registration deadlines

If the owner violates the deadline for registering the tractor with Gostekhnadzor, then in addition to the state duty, he will have to pay a fine. The amount of punishment depends on the type of equipment:

  • if the tractor is owned by an individual, the penalty will be from 1 thousand to 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • if the person responsible for the equipment is an employee of the enterprise, then the amount will be from 2 thousand to 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • The big punishment will be for the head of the enterprise - from 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles.

Reasons for refusing to register a tractor

Before you start registering your tractor with Gostekhnadzor, you need to study the recommendations issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The main reason for failure may be the non-compliance of equipment mechanisms with standards that relate to the safety of civilians, property and the environment.

The fastest way to register is equipment from the manufacturer, the design of which has not been changed. If the tractor was assembled independently, then an examination will be necessary to determine the level of safety.

Only original documents are accepted for registration. If there are copies, you will be denied the procedure.

From the presented material it follows that registration of a tractor with Gostekhnadzor must occur without fail. Equipment must be registered within 10 days.

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