How are self-propelled vehicles deregistered from Gostekhnadzor and when should this be done?

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Sooner or later, a moment may come when it will be necessary to deregister self-propelled vehicles belonging to a citizen. Regardless of how many times the vehicle changes owners using the mechanism of issuing a power of attorney for management, the deregistration action will have to be carried out by the one who is listed in the state database as the owner of the car or other vehicle.

In what cases is it necessary to deregister a tractor?

The legislation regulates the use and management of any type of equipment that travels on public roads. Otherwise, driving a vehicle that is not registered is a serious offense and entails consequences in the form of penalties for the owner. Gostekhnadzor is responsible for processing documents and performing registration functions. This is where you need to go to register and deregister.

Department employees carry out all necessary procedures and checks, after which they put a mark in the vehicle’s passport. In some cases, the owner needs to deregister his tractor or self-propelled equipment. Let's consider common reasons for the procedure:

  1. The owner of the vehicle has changed his permanent place of residence, as well as his legal address.
  2. Moving to another region for the purpose of subsequent residence and activities.
  3. If the consumer decides to sell his equipment and draws up a purchase and sale agreement with the buyer.
  4. The vehicle is unsuitable for further use and must be scrapped.
  5. When transporting the tractor outside the Russian Federation. If the vehicle leaves the country for a certain time, then it is not necessary to complete the procedure.

This service is provided to individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs upon personal request.

Organization of issuance and use of state registration plates

All registered vehicles must be issued with signs in accordance with GOST R 50577-93. Gostekhnadzor issues a sign of one of three types:

  • Type 3 – self-propelled vehicles that are the property of legal entities and individuals with Russian citizenship.
  • Type 14 – vehicles owned by foreigners and persons without Russian citizenship.
  • Type 16 – “Transit”, which is issued to owners of cars temporarily allowed to drive outside the region of registration.

Receiving services electronically

The procedure for removing a tractor and self-propelled equipment is as follows:

  1. First, you should contact Gostekhnadzor. The exception is tricycles, in which case it is necessary to visit the regional department of the State Traffic Inspectorate.
  2. Prepare the required documentation package. Write an official statement using the established template and submit it to the employee for review.
  3. After this, officials will inspect the equipment.
  4. If the check is successful, the vehicle will be deregistered and the corresponding notes will be made in the passport.

Deregistration of a tractor through State Services: procedure

It should be taken into account that such a service is available in electronic format only for residents of the capital and the Moscow region. In other regions, submitting an application to deregister a tractor online is not available.

The application process will take place not on the official website of government services, but on the Moscow mayor’s portal Essentially, this is the same platform that allows direct interaction with almost all government agencies and federal services. To apply, all you need is a mobile phone or computer with internet.

Let's consider the procedure for deregistering an ATV, snowmobile or tractor without leaving home:

  1. Go to the website of the capital of Russia –
  2. On your desktop, find the system authorization button.

  3. Use an account from the official government services portal. To do this, click the appropriate button.
  4. Click on the section available src=»» class=»aligncenter» width=»1235″ height=» 795″[/img]
  5. You will see a complete list of functions that are divided into categories. Choose personal transport.

  6. After this, you need to indicate the self-propelled equipment and registration.

  7. Click on the item to deregister a vehicle.

  8. A detailed service card, its description and restrictions will be displayed on the screen.

  9. In the form you need to fill out only current information about yourself and the tractor. Select type src=”” class=”aligncenter” width=”1387″ height=” 758″[/img]
  10. Provide personal information about the applicant, passport details and permanent registration address.

  11. Write down the characteristics of the self-propelled vehicle, information from the vehicle passport and registration certificate.
  12. Select the desired department where the inspection will be carried out and submit an application for consideration.
  13. Pay the state fee.

On the appointed day, visit the authorized agency to inspect the vehicle and provide original documents. Expect results.

List of documents

Before submitting your request, collect a complete set of necessary documentation, which includes the following papers:

  1. Vehicle owner's passport.
  2. Certificate of registration of vehicles and PTS.
  3. Reg. signs of a tractor or other implement. It is not necessary to rent out rooms if you are moving to another region.
  4. Receipt of payment of the duty.
  5. In case of removal due to disposal, a write-off certificate will be required.
  6. For legal entities, you must attach the constituent documents of the organization.

What are such vehicles and what types are they?

To find out which vehicles are subject to state registration, you must first determine their types. Self-propelled transport is divided into categories, each of which includes a specific technique.

  1. A. This includes motor vehicles that are not intended for use on public highways, or equipment that is not capable of accelerating faster than 50 km/h. Also included in this category are swamp vehicles, side-by-side vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, airport buses, snowmobiles and ATVs (read more about whether all ATVs are subject to registration and how to do it, read here, and about registering snowmobiles, read this material ).
  2. B. This should include vehicles with a power of no more than 25.7 kW on tracks or wheels. Most electric forklifts and mini-excavators fit into this category. To have the right to drive such equipment, the driver must have a driving license of category B and O.
  3. C. The power of wheeled vehicles belonging to this category ranges from 25.7 to 110.3 kW and accounts for the majority of self-propelled vehicles. It includes: forklifts running on gasoline and diesel fuel, tractors, small front loaders, mini versions of BOBCAT, several Amcord models. To be able to operate these self-propelled machines, you need a category C license, which will be marked as a driver or excavator operator.
  4. D. This includes wheeled special vehicles with engines exceeding 110.3 kW. First of all, it includes front-end loaders with high lifting capacity, as well as special loaders for transporting ship containers. The driver of such self-propelled vehicles can be a citizen who has a category C license with the appropriate marks.
  5. E. Special tracked vehicles with power greater than 25.7 kW. To drive such special transport, the driver must have a license with an o or “excavator operator”.
  6. F. This category includes all types of machines for performing agricultural work.

Main reasons for refusal

In some cases, the consumer may be denied the procedure. Let's look at common reasons:

  1. The vehicle is under arrest or stolen.
  2. The applicant provided false documents or incomplete documentation.
  3. The application form contains information that is not true.
  4. The application was completed with errors.
  5. The owner did not pay the state fee for the service.

To avoid such situations, it is recommended to comply with the requirements for tractors in Gostekhnadzor and carefully check the documents before submitting them for consideration and deregistering them.

The article looked at how to deregister a vehicle, namely tractors or other self-propelled units. Gostekhnadzor is responsible for performing this service. The consumer can fill out an application in electronic format, but only on the website of the mayor of Moscow. The government services portal does not support this function.

Violations and liability

Part 1 art. 19.22 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ provides for administrative liability. Penalties may be applied to violators:

  • from 1500 to 2000 rubles for individuals;
  • from 2000 to 3500 rubles for officials;
  • from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for legal entities.

Any vehicle that falls under the category of self-propelled vehicles is required to be registered. The registration authority for such equipment is not the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, but the Gostekhnadzor authorities.

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