Registration of an excavator in Gostekhnadzor, registration and deregistration of an excavator

The question arises for the owners of excavators: do they need to register the self-propelled machines they own or lease?

Periodically, regarding such issues, they go to the traffic police, where they refuse and inform about the need to register the excavator with Rostechnadzor. However, this is incorrect, since such equipment should be registered (registered) with Gostekhnadzor , i.e. state supervision (technical inspection) over the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment in the Russian Federation.

Registration of excavators with Gostekhnadzor often causes difficulties due to incorrectly completed documents.

Cost of registration services

Do you want to register your excavator with Gostekhnadzor without wasting time?
Registration of special equipment of an individual (deregistration) - from 5,000 rubles. Installation of an excavator for a legal entity (deregistration) - from 6,000 rubles. consultations departure delivery payment upon delivery

Excavators are really popular among special equipment. No construction site can do without this type of equipment. Excavators are designed for excavating soil, as well as loading bulk materials; equipment equipped with a bucket is also used for moving minerals and other objects.

The design of special equipment implies two possible bases - tracked and wheeled. In the first case, the excavator is characterized by higher power and maneuverability. Tracked vehicles are designed for operation in extreme conditions, for example, in swampy areas or quarries. The disadvantage of such excavators is their low speed of movement and the need to organize their transportation to the work site. Wheeled vehicles, on the contrary, drive well on public roads and are used specifically for their construction and repair, as well as for the construction of buildings. Registration of an excavator with Gostekhnadzor is a mandatory procedure, regardless of the configuration of a particular model.

In accordance with the Rules for the state registration of tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines and trailers for them by the state supervision authorities over the technical condition of self-propelled machines and other types of equipment in the Russian Federation (Gostekhnadzor), approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 1995 and Government Resolution dated August 12 .94 N 938 “On state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation” all self-propelled equipment with a displacement of an internal combustion engine of more than 50 cubic meters are subject to mandatory state registration. cm or an electric motor power of more than 4 kW.

You need to know that the equipment is not automatically re-registered, as in the MREO of the State Traffic Inspectorate. When purchasing an excavator, you should make sure that it is not registered with any Gostekhnadzor; otherwise, it must first be deregistered, since this registration action can only be performed by the owner on whom the excavator is registered.

Almost no equipment is allowed onto any construction site without confirmation of its technical suitability for work. In order to have a technical examination, the excavator must be registered in the prescribed manner.

Who can contact about the service

To register equipment, the corresponding application can be submitted:

  • Citizens - if the applicant is under 18, representatives of the owner who have the necessary powers can apply. Minors over 14 years of age can submit an application with the consent of their parents or representatives of the guardianship service;
  • Organizations that directly own an excavator or have entered into a lease agreement, representative offices of foreign companies or companies that have not received the status of a legal entity;
  • Individual entrepreneurs who own or rent an excavator.

To register an excavator, the owner can contact the Gostekhnadzor department at the address of residence or actual location. The owner must be registered in the region where the application is submitted.

Documents for registration of an excavator in Gostekhnadzor

  • Original passport of the self-propelled vehicle;
  • Original purchase and sale (leasing) agreement with all attachments, powers of attorney and specifications;
  • Acts of acceptance of transfers to contracts;
  • An MTPL insurance policy will be required for special equipment that has a wheeled chassis with a maximum design speed of more than 20 km/h; for vehicles with lower speeds or tracked vehicles, compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance is not required.

The law sets aside 10 days for registering an excavator from the date of acquisition or leasing; for missing this period or for lack of registration, an administrative fine is provided for citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles, as well as other adverse consequences in the form of inspections.

Responsibility measures

The legislation allocates the owner 10 days from the date of purchase, rental or validity of the transit sign, during which the excavator must be registered. Otherwise, violators, in accordance with Art. 19.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation , faces an administrative fine imposed in the following amount:

  • citizens – from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles;
  • officials – from 2 to 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • organizations – from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

If the equipment is registered in a timely manner, the owner does not have to worry about the legality of its operation. Otherwise, enforcement measures provided for by current legislation are not excluded.

What difficulties may arise during registration?

Gostekhnadzor has established quite strict criteria for the documents provided. The most common mistake is to issue a passport for a self-propelled vehicle improperly. If there is the slightest clerical error, typo, or any correction, not only will you be denied registration, but there is also a high probability that your passport will be damaged, and in this condition you will no longer be able to present it for registration. In such a situation, you will need to obtain a duplicate passport, which entails additional costs and a lot of time, since the procedure is quite complicated.

In addition to issuing a passport for a self-propelled machine, there are many nuances regarding the documentation that you provide for registration; it is impossible to describe them all in this article, therefore, in order to save time and money, as well as to avoid unpleasant situations associated with the lack of registration of an excavator, we advise You should contact specialists.

Tractors (except walk-behind tractors), self-propelled road-building, reclamation, agricultural and other machines with a power plant power of more than 4 kW and the presence of a Self-Propelled Vehicle Passport (PSM), issued by the relevant authority. All applications to Gostekhnadzor of the city of Moscow are initially submitted electronically through the portal (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs must use an electronic digital signature to submit applications). Applications to Gostekhnadzor of the Moscow Region can be submitted electronically through the portal www.mosreg. ru and the MFC branch (the process can take a long time), and in paper form directly to the branch closest to you on a first-come, first-served basis (faster than through the MFC, but less predictable in terms of wait).

When purchasing equipment first, you must make sure that the Seller has all registration documents, namely the Passport of the self-propelled vehicle (where the seller is listed as the owner), the Vehicle Registration Certificate (if the equipment was previously registered with the seller). If the Seller has state registration of equipment, he must first deregister it.

To transfer ownership of equipment, you must draw up a purchase and sale agreement with an act of acceptance and transfer of equipment. Agreements must be drawn up in 3 copies. One for the seller, the second for the buyer, the third for Gostekhnadzor. When purchasing equipment from an individual whose self-propelled vehicle passport (PSM) is an old-style form (pre-2015 sample), it is necessary to involve a Commissioner in the transaction.

When drawing up a sales contract and a transfer and acceptance certificate, be sure to indicate all the unit numbers indicated in the Self-propelled Vehicle Passport (PSM). You should also indicate the PSM number, who issued it and the date of its issue.

Obtain an MTPL policy if necessary (wheeled vehicles with a design speed equal to or less than 20 km/h are not insured)

Equipment is registered with Gostekhnadzor only at the place of registration of an individual, individual entrepreneur and legal address of the company. It is possible to register on the basis of temporary registration of an individual, or at the legal address of a company branch.

If you purchased used equipment, then before registration you are required to submit the equipment for inspection to verify the number plates.

If your equipment has not previously been registered with Gostekhnadzor, then in Moscow registration is carried out without actual inspection of the equipment. In the Moscow region, upon registration, all equipment is subject to actual inspection and verification of numbered units.

In Moscow, a Gostekhnadzor inspector can come out to inspect equipment only if you have a snowmobile or if you have 3 or more pieces of equipment from the same owner in one place. In other cases, the equipment must be submitted for inspection. Registration for an examination is carried out in advance (sometimes up to two weeks of waiting) through electronic submission of an application. in the Moscow region the situation is a little simpler; any visit by an inspector is pre-agreed upon a personal visit to the department (fees are charged for the inspection in addition to the duty).

BUT! If your equipment is located in another region, the Gostekhnadzor inspection where you are going to register it will not be able to inspect it! In this case, you should contact the regional office of Gostekhnadzor in the territory where your equipment is located.

After you have submitted an application on the portal, you will receive a message in your personal account with the date and time of the examination.

After inspecting the equipment, the Gostekhnadzor inspector accepts the following set of documents from you:

— a passport of a self-propelled vehicle indicating the owner of the self-propelled vehicle, inscribed under the seal of the previous owner or commission agent;

— certificate of registration of self-propelled equipment (if the equipment was previously registered);

— a purchase and sale agreement (or another document confirming ownership) and a transfer and acceptance certificate indicating the unit numbers;

— a policy of compulsory civil liability insurance (hereinafter referred to as OSAGO) for vehicle owners. An MTPL policy is not required for agricultural machinery and self-propelled vehicles whose maximum permitted speed is equal to or less than 20 km/h;

— certificate of conformity of self-propelled equipment specified in the passport of the self-propelled vehicle;

— transit state registration plate, if it was issued;

— passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for individuals), a set of statutory documents of the organization (for legal entities applying for the first time).

— act of reconciliation of numbered units (must be attached by the inspector inspecting your equipment)

Registration actions are carried out within 5 working days after submitting a complete package of documents.

Upon receipt of registration documents for equipment, Gostekhnadzor must issue you the following:

  • state registration plate;
  • passport of a self-propelled vehicle with a registration mark;
  • registration certificate;

Working hours and reception hours for applicants of the Gostekhnadzor of the city of Moscow: Monday-Thursday - from 8:00 to 17:00, (break from 12:00 to 12:45) Friday - from 8:00 to 15:45 (break from 12:00 until 12:45)
Use the services for registering equipment

Our advantages:

  • High level of competence in the field of registration of excavators;
  • Extensive experience in preparing documents to meet Gostekhnadzor requirements;
  • Registration in the shortest possible time;
  • Flexible system of discounts for the number of units of special equipment;
  • Ability to solve non-standard situations in various ways.

It is important to remember that registering an excavator with Gostekhnadzor and registering a car with the MREO are different things; you should not rely on your existing experience in the traffic police. Leave this issue to our lawyers.

Consultation for clients from regions of the Russian Federation on your PSM and documents - 1000 rubles. Drawing up an application, powers of attorney for registration of an excavator - also 1000 rubles. We will examine your documents for errors! We'll explain the exact procedure!

When should ATVs, snowmobiles and similar vehicles be deregistered?

According to Chapter Five of the “Rules for State Registration of Tractors...” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 27, 1995 N 785), deregistration of equipment should be carried out in several cases :

  • If the owner has changed his place of residence or legal entity. address.
  • If it is outside the scope of registration.
  • The title to the vehicle has expired.
  • Recycling and destruction of equipment.
  • Removal of a vehicle outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

The exception is the temporary removal of a car outside the country . In this case, there is no need to deregister the self-propelled vehicle.

Individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, can apply for this service.

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Where to do this?

Deregistration of self-propelled vehicles is carried out at the place of registration in Gostekhnadzor. During this procedure, the Gostekhnadzor specialist must :

  1. Inspect the car.
  2. Check out the full documentation.
  3. Check vehicle numbers. They must match the numbers indicated in the registration documents. Otherwise, the procedure for deregistering the vehicle may be denied.

An exception is an ATV that has a PTS (instead of a PSM) . For this vehicle, both registration and deregistration must be carried out at the traffic police department. Read about whether all ATVs are subject to registration and how to do it here.

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