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“Made with us” and on Yandex.Zen

Automotive expands the range of manufactured products every year and another piece of evidence confirming this is the new telescopic auto-hydraulic lift Chaika-Socage 12VT installed on the base of the all-metal GAZelle NEXT van.

A compact telescopic hydraulic lift is installed inside the van on the GAZelle NEXT chassis frame. The van can be used to transport the necessary tools for high-altitude work.

The operating principle of the lift is somewhat different from previous models, which operate using a power take-off (PTO). Chaika-Socage 12VT works by using a gasoline generator, which is installed near the AGP column, that is, in the van. At the customer's request, the generator can also be diesel or electric.

This model is characterized by the following indicators:

  • maximum height - 12 meters;
  • maximum reach - 7.6 meters;
  • The maximum load capacity of the cradle is 200 kg.

It is worth noting that the cradle has a strong carrying capacity of 200 kg. Also, the cradle, or basket as it is commonly called, does not have a rotating mechanism, which has a positive effect on the cost of the useful superstructure. The basket is entered through a special opening.

The cradle of the Chaika-Socage 12VT hydraulic lift is made of fiberglass reinforced with special carbon fiber with electrical insulation up to 2000 V. In the transport position it is installed on a special rear platform. The cradle is also equipped with a control panel. At the customer's request, the cradle can be made of aluminum.

All Chaika-Socage auto-hydraulic lifts are equipped with insulators around the perimeter of the cradle, there are 4 of them in total.

Features that will please you

The supports/outriggers of the hydraulic lift do not protrude even a centimeter beyond the dimensions of the GAZelle NEXT, as they are installed around the perimeter. The front outriggers are located in the vehicle interior, the rear outriggers are located in the van. For convenience and safety, each outrigger is protected by a special box.

The key feature and main advantage of such a car is its moderate dimensions (length - 7350 mm; width - 2070 mm; height - 3500 mm), which do not change depending on whether the AGP is working or not. Due to its maneuverability, such a lift is ideal for work within a busy city.

In addition to everything, the new lift is equipped with a remote control cord, which allows you to control the work process from any vantage point.

New project

The emergence of a new project is associated not only with the expansion of the list of products, but also with the active demand for low-altitude hydraulic lifts among utility and advertising services. Auto-hydraulic lifts with a height of 12 to 18 meters are usually used for installing advertising billboards, firewalls, etc. The use of auto-hydraulic lifts for a variety of cleaning jobs (cleaning house windows, cleaning roofs, etc.) has also become popular.

All products undergo acceptance tests in accordance with regulatory documents. The plant provides all the necessary documents to the AGP for further operation and registration of the lift with Rostechnadzor.

You can find out more about the high quality of auto-hydraulic lifts from Chaika-Service by clicking on the link:

AZ "Chaika-Service" installs several types of lifts: telescopic with the boom located above the cabin, telescopic with the boom located behind the cabin, combined telescopic, telescopic with a jib, and also combined with a jib.

"Chaika-Service". Two new car lifts

Nizhegorodskaya is introducing two new car lifts to the Russian market.

The first of them is a truly unique car! This is the TJJ75 model, which is a telescopic hydraulic lift with a jib. It is designed for installation on a chassis with a gross weight of 32 tons or more. The boom of the car lift is equipped with a second jib, which allows you to perform operations that are inaccessible to other similar equipment. Thanks to this feature, the TJJ75 is able to work under load-bearing surfaces, such as bridges and viaducts. That is, having reached the bridge, the lift can easily lower the cradle below the level at which it is located! The characteristics of this car lift are also impressive! Thus, its maximum working height is 75 m, maximum reach is 40 m, and its load capacity reaches 600 kg, which allows six workers to fit in the cradle at once, with all the necessary tools. The control panel located in the cradle is equipped with a 7-inch LCD display, with the help of which the operator receives the necessary information in real time. We would like to add that for safety reasons, the TJJ75 car lift is equipped with a multi-zone stabilization system.

The second new product is the Chaika-Socage T322 auto-hydraulic lift. It is already installed on a variety of foreign and domestic chassis, but now a model based on the off-road GAZ-33081 “Sadko” with a standard wheelbase and a two-row five-seater cab has appeared in this line. The only thing is that the frame of the SUV has been reinforced.

The lifting height of the cradle of the Chaika-Socage T322 car lift reaches 22 m, the maximum reach is 15.5 m, the load capacity is 300 kg, and the rotation angle is 360 degrees.

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03/10/2015 at 07:00

Chaika-Service 4784RB

The magazine "Autopark" is finishing a special project to monitor the first batch of Chaika-Service 4784RB special vehicles operating in the capital's housing and communal services system

Autopark magazine
Supplier: MZ "Chaika-Service". Operator: State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodostok". Date of placement under surveillance: June 2012. The Avtopark magazine is finishing a special project to monitor the first batch of Chaika-Service 4784RB special vehicles operating in the capital's housing and communal services system. During the year, all 10 vehicles operated with minimal downtime, and the minor failures that occurred did not affect the economic effect obtained by the State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodostok as a result of the fleet renewal. This is confirmed by the purchase of the next batch of multifunctional equipment.

Due to the “whim” of the electric drive for lifting the cab, which is equipped with one of the cars, I had to contact the service center. Photo: Mikhail Ozherelev and State Unitary Enterprise “Mosvodostok”

In the summer, the emergency crews of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodostok" servicing storm sewers have no less work than during the spring flood. Firstly, the equipment must be ready to immediately go to eliminate flooding (for example, after heavy rain). And secondly, to prevent roads from turning into lakes and rivers overnight, it is necessary to carry out scheduled maintenance of the city drainage network and timely replacement of failed wells and grates. Taking into account just such work, 10 Chaika-Service 4784RB special vehicles were ordered. Let us remind you that the vehicles we have been observing since June last year are equipped with an Amco Veba hydraulic manipulator, a compressor, an onboard platform for transporting building materials and, most importantly, a two-row cabin. “The main thing here is the effect of a systematic approach, which provides for high-quality solutions to production problems at minimal cost and reducing the negative impact on city life,” notes the management of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodostok. Indeed, if earlier a mechanized team would have three vehicles with an excess capacity to repair a storm well, now the repair team can easily handle it with just one vehicle, having everything they need on board.

The pressure in the hydraulic line is adjustable from 50 to 250 bar, which allows you to expand the range of tools used. Photo: Mikhail Ozherelev and State Unitary Enterprise “Mosvodostok”

So, taking into account work around the clock, the mileage of our employees per year (per 1 car) was approximately 30 thousand km, the operating time of the hydraulic crane was about 700 hours, and the operating time of the compressor was about 600 hours. During the year, each car underwent a total of four maintenance services (three services at intervals of 10 thousand km plus one break-in maintenance). During this period, the total maintenance costs amounted to 48,600 rubles, of which almost half (25,500 rubles) accounted for payment for work. Now the cars are sent for scheduled maintenance to the Chaika-Service partner service network. However, in the near future it has been decided to switch to servicing these cars on our own, as it will be cheaper. State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodostok has all the technical capabilities - the enterprise has a large repair area equipped with modern equipment, there is even a technical inspection line.

By the way, if we talk about the quality and reliability of new equipment, then based on the results of annual operation, these indicators turned out to be at a fairly high level. There were no serious malfunctions, and among small things, drivers recall the repair of the electric drive for raising the cab, the replacement of the suspension bearing and the power take-off control cable (everything was fixed under warranty). Agree that for 10 cars this is quite a bit. However, the operator still has wishes for the designers. For example, it is worthwhile to provide additional protection for the air filter housing in the future. Considering that from time to time the car has to drive into yards and overcome obstacles such as curbs, the low location of this fragile plastic part can definitely be considered a minus.

Photo: Mikhail Ozherelev and State Unitary Enterprise “Mosvodostok”

To complete the picture, it is worth mentioning those improvements that the operator performed independently. Readers who closely follow our publications will remember that even at the beginning of operation, the operator had to make an additional barrier for the compressor - a kenguryatnik. A year of operating experience has confirmed the need for such a device, because it has a dual purpose - on the one hand, it protects the compressor from damage by the cargo on board, and on the other, the lower part of the structure serves as storage for working tools, such as jackhammers.

In general, the advantages of the design, identified during 12 months of operation, served as the basis for ordering the next batch of 9 of the same special vehicles. But this time, taking into account the requests of the operator, the model received some design changes. In particular, the rear compartment of the cabin has become more spacious and comfortable, it now has air conditioning and a wide window in the rear wall. As for the future plans of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodostok", they are based on the principle of a radical renewal of the vehicle fleet based on lightweight, but at the same time multifunctional vehicles.

The low position of the air filter requires increased attention when maneuvering. Photo: Mikhail Ozherelev and State Unitary Enterprise “Mosvodostok”

Andrey Krapivin, head of the technical department of the special vehicle depot of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodostok"

– About a year ago, we put into operation 9 Chaika-Service 4784RB special vehicles on the Hyundai HD78 chassis with a double-row cab and a hydraulic manipulator. Another similar car was purchased as a test sample earlier. The vehicles were created by designers to meet the specific needs of the emergency crew. We need the special vehicle to perform several functions at once: transport a team of 7 people with the appropriate tools to the work site, deliver the necessary materials for the work, and have a hydraulic manipulator on board for installation and lifting operations. The listed tasks have hitherto been solved using three different vehicles - a minibus, a truck and a truck crane, so replacing outdated equipment with new universal machines promises significant savings on driver wages and other operating costs. Add here the cost of maintenance and repair of the released equipment - materials and standard hours. As a result, we received a payback for the purchased equipment within one year, increased reliability and quality significantly, reduced the congestion of Moscow roads with technological transport, and the opportunity to use the freed-up funds for updating the fleet of vehicles and development. By the way, in April we received the next batch of 9 such machines.

Operating data for the year

Number of cars18
Operating mode24/7
Price of 1 car, rub.2 400 000
Average mileage of 1 car, km30 000
Fuel costs* (per 1 car), rub.172 800
Maintenance and repair costs* (per 1 car), rub.48 600

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