Tonar is the largest trailer plant in Russia. We show what he produces now

Some people call any dump trailer a “tonar”; for others, this word means successful import substitution, while others are hearing it for the first time. Let's figure it out: what is tonar and what is it for? So, first of all, Tonar is a machine-building plant located in the Moscow region (the name is from the abbreviation “goods to the people”). The plant specializes in the production of trucks, trailers and semi-trailers. The trucks that rolled off the assembly line of this car plant began to be called “tonars”.

Spare parts for trucks from Tonar Auto

The Tonar Auto company invites you to buy spare parts for trucks and trailers. In the company's catalog you can find and purchase original spare parts and analogues:

  • for cargo trailers "TONAR";
  • for tractors "TONAR";
  • for European trucks (MAN, Iveco, Scania, Volvo, Mercedes, etc.).

The main office and warehouse of the company are located in Yekaterinburg, delivery is carried out throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS by any transport company.

Spare parts for trucks and trailers from the Tonar Auto company - auto components at fair prices for long-term operation. Parts are sold wholesale and retail. For wholesale and regular customers, our company provides a flexible pricing policy and individual conditions for deferred payment.

Car history

MZ Tonar LLC was founded in 1990. At first, the plant made trailers for passenger cars, but real popularity came to the young company after the production of trade trailers (“shops on wheels”) began in 1992. Convenient trailers, equipped with counters, refrigeration equipment and everything necessary for street trading, quickly flooded the streets of Moscow and other cities - a stall on wheels provided sellers with flexibility and savings. However, the company did not stop there, but developed new niches.

The Tonar company manufactures various equipment

After 2000, the plant focused on trucks and opened the production of axle units for trailers. It was the opportunity to supply Russian freight carriers with a completely domestic product that helped the company survive the 2008 crisis, and its customers and partners to meet their needs for repairing vehicle fleets without using increasingly expensive imported spare parts. And the year before, in 2007, the Tonar plant achieved a peak in sales of dump semi-trailers. Spacious, reliable, adapted to Russian conditions and affordable, they quickly won the recognition of buyers. So much so that a tonar semi-trailer is for many a synonym for any tipper semi-trailer.

In 2008, the first models of agricultural machinery rolled off the assembly lines: specialized trailers and semi-trailers for transporting poultry and livestock, vegetables, and grain. Since 2010, the plant has actively collaborated with foreign partners, in particular Australian ones. The result of this cooperation was a line of tipper road trains.

Tonar dump trucks are reliable and durable equipment that can meet almost any needs of the Russian industry in the field of road freight transportation.

In 2013, the first Russian off-road mining dump truck TONAR-4525 was produced. The “Red Monster” with a 25-cubic-meter body and a gross weight of 67 tons was created to meet the growing needs of construction companies that were actively developing the Moscow region, and immediately gained popularity. Later it was modified, and today, for partner developers, Tonar is a vehicle capable of transporting anything anywhere. The plant presents a wide range of trucks for transporting almost any cargo.

Be sure to read: Volvo fh12 fuses: electrical diagram

Spare parts available in our own warehouse

The catalog contains a huge number of spare parts available in our warehouses. If the required part is not available, customers can count on prompt delivery, for which they will need to know the part number or VIN code of the vehicle. The range is represented by original and analogue products, which allows customers to fit within the allotted budget. Regardless of whether truck parts are purchased wholesale or retail, customers are guaranteed benefits. Regular customers can count on discounts.


  1. Armenia ErAZ¹
    Belarus 140th repair plant • AMAZ • Amkodor • BARZ • BelAZ • BelGee • Belkommunmash • GARZ • GZTO¹ • MAZ • MAZ-MAN • MZKT • MoAZ • Neman • Ford Union¹ • Unison¹
    Georgia Delta • KAZ¹ • TTRZ
    Kazakhstan Asia Auto • AgromashHolding • ARKZ¹ • KPI • SaryarkaAvtoProm
    Kyrgyzstan BASZ • TAvZ²
    Latvia AMO Plant • Dartz Motorz ​​• Ford-Vairogs² • OSC • RAF¹ • REAF¹ • ROMZ¹ • Russo-Balt¹ • Baltijas Džips Ltd.¹
    Lithuania KAG¹ • VFTS¹
    Moldova Dnestr-Auto²
    Russia 101 TsARZ² • 172 TsARZ • AvtoVAZ • AvtoKuban¹ • Automotive special equipment • Avtotor • Alterna • AMZ • AMUR (UAMZ) • Aremkuz¹ • ATUL¹ • BAW-RUS Motor Corporation • BAZ • BZKT • BRMZ² • VIS • VARZ • VZMO² • Volzhanin • GAZ • GZSA • GolAZ • Derways • ElAZ • yo-Avto¹ • ZIL • ZMA • IzhAvto • Izhora plant • IASZ • KATASI¹ • KAVZ • KAMAZ • Komatsu-Rus • KZKT¹ • Krasny Putilovets • Lesselmash² • LiAZ • MADI • MARZ • Marusya Motors¹ • MZSA • MMZ • Moskvich¹ • NAMI • NefAZ • OZTP • PAZ • Pskovavto • Renault Russia • RIAT² • RoAZ² • RAZZ • RosLada • RMZ • SAZ • SeAZ² • SemAR • Sollers • TagAZ • Tonar • TMZ • UAZ • UralAZ • Uralets² • TsARM¹ • ChebARZ • Chechenavto • YaMZ • Yarovit
    Tajikistan CHAZ² • Khujand-ZIL²
    Turkmenistan not available
    Uzbekistan GM Powertrans Uzbekistan • GM Uzbekistan • GM Uzbekistan Khorezm • Land Rover Uzbekistan¹ • MAN Auto-Uzbekistan • Ravon • SamAuto • UzAutoSanoat • UzDaewoo²
    Ukraine Aviakon² • Avtomash² • Automotive equipment • Autotechnology • Anto-Rus¹ • Bogdan • BAZ • VEPR • Vipos² • VOEZ² • GalAZ • GARZ • DAB² • DAZ • Dobrota² • DUAC • EARZ² • Eurocar • ZAZ • ZLK • ZhBTZ • ZEZTS² • IVECO-Motor Sich² • IVECO-Ukraine² • ISAA² • KamMotor¹ • KARZ MOU² • KBTZ • KZET² • KMZ² • KrAZ • KrASZ¹ • LAZ² • LASZ¹ • LBTZ • LuAZ • LEK¹ • MeMZ • NBTZ • OdAZ¹ • Practice • Reform • SARB² • SBM • SZ M² • Skif¹ • SKEM • Stasyulevich¹ • Stry Avto² • Ukravtobusprom • Ukrainian armored vehicles • Foton¹ • HADI • HASZ¹ • KHARZ • KhZSM • KhZTM • KHKBM • Cherkasy bus • CHAZ² • ChZSA² • ChRZ² • Elektrontrans • YuMZ²
    Estonia Combat Armoring Group • Esttec¹ • TARK¹ • TARTS² • VIHUR¹
    ¹ do not function, ² car production has ceased

History of creation and purpose

Tonar’s mastery of the production of such a “monster” is connected not only with the desire to gain a foothold in a new segment, but also with the needs of a specific client - a diamond mining company, which requires the transportation of up to 130 tons of bulk cargo in one flight. At the end of October last year, the Verkhne-Munskoye diamond deposit in Yakutia was launched, where ore reserves are estimated at 65 million tons - this is enough for more than 20 years of operation.

The tractor operates in conjunction with two dump trailers with a length of 9400 mm and a volume of 38 m³, which are articulated through an intermediate bogie with a saddle. Optionally, the inner surface of the body is covered with a special material made of supermolecular polyethylene Okulen, which can withstand extreme operating conditions and prevents sticking and drying of bulk cargo. In addition, it serves as additional protection for the metal from damage and corrosion. In addition, the lower and more stable coefficient of friction of this material speeds up unloading - stalling begins earlier

But here’s the problem: the processing factories and the city are located 170 km from the Udachnaya pipe. Moving or duplicating the entire infrastructure is a huge expense. Transportation by standard cargo vehicles is also expensive due to the low carrying capacity by mining standards. That is why huge road trains were needed, whose productivity is 1.5–2 times higher, and the cost of transportation is 20–35% lower, and which are capable of operating in the harsh climatic and road conditions of Yakutia.

Each body has two folding sides with a lower and upper axis of rotation, which open to the left. When opened, the lower side covers the wheels from the dumped ore, protecting them from a possible puncture. The body lift angle is 44°. To prevent spontaneous opening of the side, the hydraulic cylinders of the Italian company Penta are equipped with special valves that serve as hydraulic locks

Two Italvibras MVCC 3/1500 surface vibrators with a driving force of 14.9 kN each are installed at the front and rear of each body to prevent freezing and improve cargo shedding

Excerpt characterizing Tonar

– Qu'est ce que c'est? [What is this?] - someone asked from another room. “Encore un petitionnaire, [Another petitioner,”] answered the man with the help. - Tell him what's next. It's coming out now, we have to go. - After the day after tomorrow. It’s too late... Rostov turned and wanted to leave, but the man in the arms stopped him. - From whom? Who are you? “From Major Denisov,” Rostov answered. - Who are you? officer? - Lieutenant, Count Rostov. - What courage! Give it on command. And go, go... - And he began to put on the uniform handed to him by the valet. Rostov went out again into the hallway and noticed that there were already many officers and generals on the porch in full dress uniform, whom he had to pass by. Cursing his courage, frozen by the thought that at any moment he could meet the sovereign and in his presence be disgraced and sent under arrest, fully understanding the indecency of his act and repenting of it, Rostov, with downcast eyes, made his way out of the house, surrounded by a crowd of brilliant retinue , when someone's familiar voice called out to him and someone's hand stopped him. - What are you doing here, father, in a tailcoat? – his bass voice asked. This was a cavalry general who earned the special favor of the sovereign during this campaign, the former head of the division in which Rostov served. Rostov fearfully began to make excuses, but seeing the good-naturedly playful face of the general, he moved to the side and in an excited voice conveyed the whole matter to him, asking him to intercede for Denisov, known to the general. The general, after listening to Rostov, seriously shook his head. - It’s a pity, it’s a pity for the fellow; give me a letter. Rostov barely had time to hand over the letter and tell Denisov’s whole business when quick steps with spurs began to sound from the stairs and the general, moving away from him, moved towards the porch. The gentlemen of the sovereign's retinue ran down the stairs and went to the horses. Bereitor Ene, the same one who was in Austerlitz, brought the sovereign's horse, and a light creaking of steps was heard on the stairs, which Rostov now recognized. Forgetting the danger of being recognized, Rostov moved with several curious residents to the porch itself and again, after two years, he saw the same features he adored, the same face, the same look, the same gait, the same combination of greatness and meekness... And the feeling of delight and love for the sovereign was resurrected with the same strength in Rostov’s soul. The Emperor in the Preobrazhensky uniform, in white leggings and high boots, with a star that Rostov did not know (it was legion d'honneur) [star of the Legion of Honor] went out onto the porch, holding his hat under his hand and putting on a glove. He stopped, looking around and illuminating everything around him with his gaze. He said a few words to some of the generals. He also recognized the former chief of the division, Rostov, smiled at him and called him over. The entire retinue retreated, and Rostov saw how this general said something to the sovereign for quite a long time. The Emperor said a few words to him and took a step to approach the horse. Again the crowd of the retinue and the crowd of the street in which Rostov was located moved closer to the sovereign. Stopping by the horse and holding the saddle with his hand, the sovereign turned to the cavalry general and spoke loudly, obviously with the desire for everyone to hear him. “I can’t, general, and that’s why I can’t because the law is stronger than me,” said the sovereign and raised his foot in the stirrup. The general bowed his head respectfully, the sovereign sat down and galloped down the street. Rostov, beside himself with delight, ran after him with the crowd. On the square where the sovereign went, a battalion of Preobrazhensky soldiers stood face to face on the right, and a battalion of the French Guard in bearskin hats on the left. While the sovereign was approaching one flank of the battalions, which were on guard duty, another crowd of horsemen jumped up to the opposite flank and ahead of them Rostov recognized Napoleon. It couldn't be anyone else. He rode at a gallop in a small hat, with a St. Andrew's ribbon over his shoulder, in a blue uniform open over a white camisole, on an unusually thoroughbred Arabian gray horse, on a crimson, gold embroidered saddle cloth. Having approached Alexander, he raised his hat and with this movement, Rostov’s cavalry eye could not help but notice that Napoleon was sitting poorly and not firmly on his horse. The battalions shouted: Hurray and Vive l'Empereur! [Long live the Emperor!] Napoleon said something to Alexander. Both emperors dismounted from their horses and took each other's hands. There was an unpleasantly false smile on Napoleon's face. Alexander said something to him with a gentle expression. Rostov, without taking his eyes off, despite the trampling of the horses of the French gendarmes besieging the crowd, followed every move of Emperor Alexander and Bonaparte. He was struck as a surprise by the fact that Alexander behaved as an equal with Bonaparte, and that Bonaparte was completely free, as if this closeness with the sovereign was natural and familiar to him, as an equal, he treated the Russian Tsar. Alexander and Napoleon with a long tail of their retinue approached the right flank of the Preobrazhensky battalion, directly towards the crowd that stood there. The crowd suddenly found itself so close to the emperors that Rostov, who was standing in the front rows, became afraid that they would recognize him. “Sire, je vous demande la permission de donner la legion d'honneur au plus brave de vos soldats, [Sire, I ask your permission to give the Order of the Legion of Honor to the bravest of your soldiers,” said a sharp, precise voice, finishing each letter . This was said by the short Bonaparte, looking directly into Alexander’s eyes from below. Alexander listened carefully to what was said to him, and bowing his head, smiled pleasantly.


Number of seats/doors2/2
TypeDiesel, with battery injection and turbocharging
Engine locationFront, longitudinal
Number and arrangement of cylinders6, in a row
Working volume, cubic meters cm 18 900
Power, hp at rpm 760/2100
Torque, Nm at rpm3084/1500
Drive unitConstant full
FrontDependent, spring-pneumatic
RearDependent, balanced, on rubber elastic elements
Length/width/height, mm28 589/3060/4629
Wheelbase, mm4815
Ground clearance, mmN. d.
Curb/gross weight, kg71 500/198 500
Total volume of fuel tanks, l1220
Total volume of bodies, m³76
Tires385/95 R25
Maximum speed, km/h65
Cruising range, km (approximate)500
Approximate42 000 000
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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