How to Calculate Fuel Consumption for an Excavator Example • Toyota 7fg15

Specific fuel consumption formula calculation calculator

Tell me how to calculate fuel consumption for various types of equipment. Are there any standards for this or how is this generally determined?

The issue of diesel consumption is the most important one when purchasing special equipment with internal combustion engines.

Any device must initially be put on balance. In this case, the fuel is written off according to existing regulatory documents. However, for special equipment there are no clear indicators of consumption per 100 km. Manufacturers, on the contrary, set the consumption per unit of engine power.

In order to calculate fuel consumption per one hour of operation, you must use the appropriate formula: (N*t*G*%)/p.

To determine and accurately calculate the formula, you must clearly know all the necessary components:

  • N is the engine power, measured in kW;
  • t – fuel consumption time, that is, 1 hour;
  • G – specific fuel consumption of the vehicle, g/kWh;
  • % – percentage of machine load during operation;
  • p – fuel density. For diesel, the density is constant and is 850 grams per liter.

Engine power is mainly determined in horsepower. In order to find out the power in kW, you need to look at the equipment documents from the manufacturer.

Specific fuel consumption is a measure of engine consumption information at specific loads. Such data cannot be found in documents about the equipment; they must be clarified upon purchase or from authorized dealers.

The main component in the calculation formula is the percentage of equipment load. It refers to information about the operation of the internal combustion engine at maximum speed. The percentage is indicated by the manufacturer for each type of transport. For example, for some MTZ-based loaders, out of all 100% of the working time, the engine will work approximately 30% at maximum speed.


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Determination of hourly fuel consumption of diesel engines

Hitachi Zaxis 3 series excavators

Hourly fuel consumption can be determined by the well-known relationship:

GT = (Ne * ge) / 1000, where:

GT — hourly fuel consumption (kg/hour);

Ne—effective engine power (kW);

ge—specific effective fuel consumption (g/kW*hour).

To obtain the hourly fuel consumption, expressed in liters per hour, it is necessary to divide the Gt value by the value of the density of the fuel used Pt, expressed in g/cm³. Taking into account the power utilization factor of an excavator diesel engine, the formula for determining the hourly consumption of diesel fuel, expressed in liters (Gtl), will finally take the following form:

Gtl = (Ne * ge * C) / 1000 * RT, where:

C is the diesel power utilization factor;

Pt is the density of the diesel fuel used (g/cm³).

Specific effective fuel consumption (ge)

The values ​​of specific effective fuel consumption for each brand of diesel engine at a certain operating mode are presented in Table 1.


1. The sign (*) indicates data corresponding to the full load of the diesel engine;

2. For diesel engines of the 6WG1XYSA model range, the values ​​of specific effective fuel consumption in practice will be higher by ≈ 5% due to the fact that the data given in the table does not take into account the power consumption for driving the cooling system fan.

Density of diesel fuel (Pt)

In accordance with GOST R 52368-2005 “EURO diesel fuel. Technical conditions for all classes, grades and types of diesel fuel are regulated by its density, determined at a temperature of 15 ºС and equal to 820 - 845 kg/m³. In this case, the lowest values ​​apply to fuels used in winter, and the highest values ​​apply to fuels used in summer.

Diesel power utilization factor (C)

The power utilization factor (C=1) is determined from the conditions for applying the maximum load. Actual fuel consumption depends on the machine model, modes and type of operation, the material being processed and, to a large extent, on the qualifications of the operator. Approximately coefficient C, depending on the type of work, is determined as follows:

C = 0.35 - 0.45 - relaxed operation of the machine, as a rule, this is work with light soils, loading work;

C = 0.45 - 0.60 - work related to digging soil and loading medium category soils;

C = 0.60 - 0.90 - work related to the development of heavy soils.

Hourly fuel consumption (Gtl)

The hourly consumption values ​​(in liters) for the average density of diesel fuel Рт = 0.8325 g/cm³, depending on the power utilization factor for various diesel engines of excavators, are summarized in Table 2.

Note: the average density of diesel fuel is defined as the arithmetic mean of the lowest and highest values ​​at an ambient temperature of 15º C.

Note: the average density of diesel fuel is defined as the arithmetic mean of the lowest and highest values ​​at an ambient temperature of 15º C.

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Your Hitachi excavator will not fail for a long time, thanks to the wide range of spare parts for excavators in the catalog and timely deliveries of these parts anywhere in Russia.

Forklift fuel consumption rate. Practical aspects

With such a fixation system, it will not be possible to accurately convert engine hours into hours, since depending on the operating mode of the engine, a different number of engine hours accumulate per unit of time. That is, currently the main consumers of forklifts in Russia are enterprises and companies from various industries, and not logistics, although the latter is developing at a fairly rapid pace.

Existing configurations

Each of the existing modifications of the JCB 4CX has power steering with three operating modes. The driver can turn all the wheels in the opposite direction, turn four or two wheels.

The jcb 4cx tractor weighs 7.9 tons, which includes a fixed arm and bucket. The same tractor, with an additional metal handle and forks, already weighs 8.6 tons.

In addition, in any configuration, the JCB 4CX has a four-speed JCB Powershift transmission, which operates in automatic mode.

Options for calculating your own standards How to reduce consumption

How to calculate fuel consumption per hour Equipment sellers often do not know what tests are carried out at factories; in order to obtain this indicator, they simply obtain the value and report it to the buyer. It is at these moments that peak engine loads occur, but the rest of the time the crankshaft speed decreases, because the units perform warehouse work inside the warehouse without excessive intensity.
  1. Only 60% of the cost goes to movement.
  2. 15% is taken away by the air conditioner being on.
  3. 12% is spent on starting a cold engine.
  4. 5% is taken by lighting - the generator “asks” for more fuel.
  5. 4% - open windows.
  6. 4% - tires and too low pressure in them.

How to calculate fuel yourself? • loading, unloading and moving soils of categories I-II - 4.6 D.

Purpose of the equipment

The machine is universal and can be used both on flat surfaces and on rough terrain. Indications for use:

  • territory planning (leveling areas);
  • digging pits, forming trenches;
  • soil movement;
  • loading of various materials.

The excellent maneuverability and dimensions of the JCB 3 CX make it possible to carry out transportation and digging work in limited, hard-to-reach areas. The efficiency and long service life of the units set the equipment apart from its analogues, making it a leader in various operational parameters. There are several modifications of the model , among which the JCB 3 CX Super should be noted, characterized by an increased diameter of the front wheels and, accordingly, better cross-country ability.

JCB 3 CX backhoe loader


Let's return to specific consumption. It is expressed in relation to the fuel consumed per 1 unit of power. Thus, to calculate everything in theory, for the maximum value you need to use the formula Q=N*q. Where Q is the desired indicator of fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation, q is the specific fuel consumption and N is the power of the unit.

For example, there is data on the engine power in kW: N = 75, q = 265. In one hour of operation, such a unit will consume almost 20 kg of diesel fuel. With this calculation, it is worth remembering that the unit will not operate directly at maximum speed the entire time. Also, the calculation is carried out in liters, so in order not to translate everything according to tables and not make mistakes in the following calculations, it is necessary to use the improved calculation formula Q = Nq/(1000*R*k1).

In this formula, the desired result Q determines the fuel consumption in liters per hour of operation. k1 – is a coefficient indicating engine operation at maximum crankshaft speed. R is a constant value corresponding to the fuel density. The rest of the indicators remain the same.

The maximum engine performance factor is 2.3. Calculated using the formula 70% normal operation / 30% operation at high speeds.

It is worth remembering that in practice, theoretical costs are always higher, since the engine operates at maximum speed only part of the time.

Dimensions of the Hitachi 330 excavator and some performance characteristics

An excavator is a large-sized machine.

  • Its length, taking into account the length of the boom (without canopy) is 11 meters,
  • Machine width 3190mm,
  • Height – 3570 mm,
  • Ground clearance – 50cm,
  • Crawler pitch length – 4940mm,
  • Track width – 60 cm
  • The ground pressure is 740g/cm2.

The photo cannot convey the actual dimensions of the Hitachi 330 excavator. It is difficult to imagine that the space occupied on the platform by the engine alone (with a width of 3.19 and a length of 3.39 meters) is half the room in a standard five-story building. And this whole colossus with an arrow is hardly capable of squeezing into the volume of two rooms connected together in the same five-story building. The Hitachi zx 330 excavator is equipped with a high-strength pneumatic-wheeled or tracked chassis that will withstand the loads even during intensive long-term use. At the point where the bucket is attached to the boom, a tungsten alloy is used, which increases the wear resistance of this unit. A platform rotating 360 degrees is mounted on the frame; the operator’s cabin, boom and engine are located on the platform. The excavator is fully rotating.

Be sure to read: Caterpillar 320 excavator

Monitoring the operation of mechanisms using Voyager. Toyota 02-7fdjf35-13110

Fuel consumption standards MTZ - AutoGRAPH With an eight-hour shift, the consumption of a loader with a lifting capacity of 1,500 kilograms is 2.2 liters, and with a lifting capacity of 1,800 kilograms up to 2.95 liters per hour. Thus, we can conclude that fuel consumption is an important value, knowing which, the driver will not only be able to more thoughtfully control his finances, but also has the opportunity to promptly detect a malfunction of tires, air filter, engine or other vehicle components.
  • N is the engine power, measured in kW;
  • t – fuel consumption time, that is, 1 hour;
  • G – specific fuel consumption of the vehicle, g/kWh;
  • % – percentage of machine load during operation;
  • p – fuel density. For diesel, the density is constant and is 850 grams per liter.

Case SV 300

264 of the Code, other costs associated with production and sales include the costs of maintaining official transport by road, rail, air and other types of transport. Therefore, in order to recognize expenses for the purpose of calculating income tax, it is necessary to have documents drawn up in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

Calculation example

Let's assume that a diesel forklift was rented to load trucks and unload wagons. It works for the entire shift (8 hours), without overcoming slopes and without using the maximum fork lift height, since the sites it serves are located at a height of only 1,500-2,000 mm. The maximum engine speed is only used when the unit is accelerating to cover the distance between the loading and unloading areas. This operation takes approximately 30% of working time.

But it may be so. The company operates 24 hours a day. But shipment of materials (products) during this time is carried out only 2 times for 2 hours. The remaining time the loader is operated with minimal or medium intensity.

JCB 4CX cab

The excavator has a comfortable cabin with a heated seat and lined with sound-proofing material. For ease of control, the cabin is equipped with an LCD panel that displays data on the operation of the unit. If problems occur with fuel or steering, the driver will receive a signal and will be able to fix the problem.

The rear window is located so that the driver can see where the bucket is working: a trench, road or platform.


Fuel consumption standards for tractors of various brands. The Voyager 2 Light device has an input for connecting to the ignition; Voyager Premium tracking systems additionally have 5 discrete inputs for monitoring additional equipment. The predominance of forklifts is explained by the fact that the processes of industrialization, the development of industry and construction in our country are still a greater incentive for the loading equipment market than the development of warehouse logistics.
Calculation of fuel consumption rates for a forklift Group broken, with deep ruts, thawed after long thaws, ridged, arable land with normal humidity and frozen, field after harvesting root crops, waterlogged, off-road in spring thaw, virgin snow. Komatsu AX50 series loader operating at maximum speed for 1 to 3 working hours, the calculated indicators according to the formula will be 3.49 liters of engine-hour.
  • for loaders with a lifting capacity from 1,500 to 1,800 kilograms - 1.7 liters per hour;
  • for loaders with a lifting capacity from 2,000 to 2,500 kilograms - 2.5 liters per hour.

Calculation of fuel consumption per 100 km (formula) • To overcome the air curtain, the car also has to burn additional fuel.

Factors affecting fuel consumption

When the conversation turns to tires, many drivers for some reason doubt that the type of tire can affect gas mileage. But in vain, since the influence is obvious. Do you know what fuel consumption the T-34 tank has? On average about 185 liters per 100 km. Yes, a terrible indicator! However, this is not only due to the fact that 19 horsepower is directed per ton of weight. The total area and mass of the track creates enormous traction and this consumes a lot of fuel. The situation is the same with tires: the smaller the mass of the tire and its surface area, the less gasoline is required to spin the crankshaft and, therefore, to turn the wheel.

How to calculate fuel consumption rate

The fuel consumption rate for forklifts is determined by the following formula:

Q = (N*q)/(1000*R*k), where

N is an indicator of the power of specific diesel engines, which is installed in a specific model for which the calculation is being carried out.

q is the nominal fuel consumption, which is specified in the relevant documentation for the engine.

R is an indicator of the density of the diesel fuel used. This parameter is known initially, according to the approved standard (840 kg/m3 for winter and 860 kg/m3 for summer). For convenience, the general indicator is set at 0.85 kg/dm3.

k is a certain coefficient that reflects the time period in percentage terms when the front loader was operated in normal mode and the amount of time when it was used at maximum crankshaft speed.

Option “Winter package” Engine features

Hitachi ZX 330 crawler excavator. Technical characteristics, analogues and prices Focus on operator comfort Easily accessible location of controls Panoramic cab of the Hitachi ZW250 front loader The panoramic cab provides almost all-round visibility, which is facilitated by a wide windshield and the absence of pillars in the corners of the rear of the cab. Accessory Devices for Operator Comfort and Operating Efficiency of Hitachi ZW180 Front Loader Limit Valve The limit valve can effectively reduce the shock load when the loader arm moves up and down.
Crawler excavator Hitachi ZX 70/160/200-3/230-3/240-3/250-3/270-3/330-3/350-3/400/450-3. Improved lifting-moving combination To increase the productivity of loading, unloading and transport operations, the bucket is lifted while moving simultaneously. For Russia, where Tier 2 standards are in force, raising the environmental standard by one level is an advanced step by HITACHI in the development of equipment for the Russian market.

Attachments • Arrangement of rack and pinion hydraulic cylinders.

Fuel consumption standards for excavators

With tires, the situation is also the same: the smaller the mass of the tire and its surface area, the less gasoline will be required to spin the crankshaft and, therefore, to turn the wheel. The new Still Gmbh RX70 diesel loader is equipped with a hybrid drive and consumes 2.5 liters of fuel per hour. Measurements were carried out on the basis of a 2.5 t model according to the new VDI 2198 criteria, i.e.

How to determine the consumption rate for 1 engine hour? How to reduce consumption

As a result, the loader accelerates, overcomes the rise with the load, lifts it to the maximum permissible height and all this, mind you, at maximum speed. Fuel consumption is, of course, affected not only by the duration of operation at maximum speed, but also by engine power and specific fuel consumption.

EngineLoad capacityWorking hoursFuel consumption
FD30T-163 tons9 hour work day2.5 l/h
4D92E1,5-1,824 hour shift1.7 l/h
4D92E2-2,524 hour shift2.5 l/h
4D92E1,58 hour work day2.2 l/h
4D92E1,88 hour work day2.9-2.95 l/h

Advantages and disadvantages

The multifunctional machine successfully performs its main task: the device digs, plans, and transports bulk materials. He does it quickly and carefully. Here are the main advantages of the technology, voiced by users:

  • Automatic compensation of the bucket angle during boom lifting. The technology eliminates soil spillage when working on inclined surfaces.
  • Mechanism for parallel lifting of the loading bucket. The unit relieves the operator of the need to manually control the position of the working body in space.
  • Ability to move independently between construction sites. The excavator does not need an additional tractor for delivery to the work site.
  • Equipping the machine with a number of auxiliary equipment. Attachable tools can break concrete or stones, compact buried soil, mill asphalt, and dismantle buildings.
  • Economical consumption of fuel and lubricants.

Along with the positive aspects, a foreign brand also has negative aspects. As I have said many times, the price of the device and subsequent maintenance is high. In addition, equipment owners unanimously declare that they lack open information on the repair and restoration of equipment.

Gasoline forklift engine... How to reduce consumption

Specific fuel consumption formula calculation calculator | Auto Bryansk It’s easier to explain using the following example. The norm for an idle engine hour is 5 l/h; The norm for engine hours at a load is 8 l/h; 100 8 5 160, then the Basic operating condition is 60; Seasonal allowance 50; The vehicle worked according to the waybill for 10 engine hours, of which 5 hours under load, 5 hours idling; We calculate the consumption as 5 h 5 l h 1. If we additionally load or unload these soils, then for all MTZ-based excavators the consumption will be equal to 4.6 liters per 1 hour of work.
  1. The equipment works at the railway station, loading and unloading railway cars. The shift is about 8 hours without a break. Workers are located on a platform that is located higher than the level of the special equipment, so the front loader forks do not rise to the height of the maximum boom reach. Maximum rotation of the engine crankshaft occurs only when the operator presses the pedal all the way, covering the distance between two certain points.
  2. The warehouse is open 24 hours a day. During the entire working day, there are two arrivals of trucks, which are unloaded in a few hours using the available equipment. It is at these moments that peak engine loads occur, but the rest of the time the crankshaft speed decreases, because the units perform warehouse work inside the warehouse without excessive intensity.

General design

The technical structure of the backhoe loader, as seen in the JCB 3 CX photo, includes several main parts, assemblies and mechanisms:

  • chassis – all-wheel drive chassis with pneumatic wheels;
  • comfortable cabin;
  • brake system;
  • power point;
  • hydraulic system;
  • electrical equipment.

The location of the units provides easy access to them for maintenance and inspection. There are about 10 basic JCB models and more than 30 modifications. Below are examples of some of them. The technical characteristics of the JCB 3 CX 4 WS SM differ slightly in some respects, for example, its weight has increased by 700 kg, it is about 8 tons, and the digging depth has increased to 5.46 m. ​​The technical characteristics of the JCB 3 CXS 14M 2NM are the same insignificant differences: unloading up to 3.13 m, digging depth – 5.93 m, range – 6.54 m. In addition, the front and rear wheels are the same size. The main parameters that affect the working life, functionality and practicality do not differ significantly between different modifications.

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