Is it necessary to register a tractor and in what cases?

Such an event as registering a mini tractor, snowmobile, other special equipment, and even more so a self-assembled auto-moto unit, often causes serious concerns among their owners, it seems complicated and fraught with troubles. Meanwhile, much more troubles, difficulties and even financial costs may arise if, while driving his mini tractor on a public road, the owner meets traffic police officers and is unable to present them with the necessary documents for his vehicle.

However, registration with Gostekhnadzor of almost any special equipment was invented not for protection from the traffic police, but to ensure its safe use. After all, the registration procedure includes a full technical inspection or verification of documents confirming it - for example, when the tractor is factory-made and new, this means that the manufacturer is responsible for its technical condition. In addition, Gostekhnadzor is obliged to monitor, in a monitoring mode, compliance with the necessary operating rules for special equipment (including access to certain types of work), the level of its maintenance and acceptable technical condition.

Mini tractors with an engine capacity of less than 50 cubic centimeters

Mini tractors with an engine capacity of less than 50 cubic centimeters and an engine power of up to 5.5 liters. With. are means of small-scale mechanization for gardening use / agricultural machine and tractor units (motorized tools, object position code according to OK 005-93 - 473791). Taking into account their technical characteristics, they are not subject to the requirements for issuing passports for self-propelled vehicles; to operate them, it is not necessary to obtain a tractor driver’s (tractor driver) license. Mini tractors with an engine capacity of less than 50 cm3. are not a vehicle, nor a self-propelled machine, are intended for agricultural work only within the garden plot and cannot be used for transporting people, cargo or equipment on roads.

* “Agricultural machine-tractor unit” is a complex that is a combination of a mobile power vehicle with a trailed, semi-trailer or mounted machine (or machines) and is intended for performing technological agricultural operations; — TR TS 10/2011.

*"Motor vehicle" is a vehicle driven by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines. — Traffic regulations.

Legal status and rights for a mini tractor

On the one hand, a mini tractor is a production tool, a means of mechanization, and on the other hand, it is a self-propelled machine that belongs to the category of vehicles. It is quite obvious that it is precisely because of the approach to technology - a tool or a vehicle, that there are endless discussions about whether to register a mini tractor or not, to obtain a license or not.

License plate for mini tractor

What is a recycling fee?

On January 1, 2016, the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 came into force. No. 392-FZ, which amended the wording of Article 24.1 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998. No. 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”, which obliges the payment of a recycling fee in the amount of 69,000 rubles for tractors with an engine power of 5.5 liters or more. With. up to 30 l. pp., 86,250 rubles for tractors with an engine power of more than 30 hp. pp., but not more than 60 l. s., and 120,750 rubles for tractors with power from 60 to 90 hp. With. The importing company can pay the recycling fee immediately and include it in the cost of the equipment, or it can provide the choice of whether to pay the end consumer. In any case, payment of this fee ultimately falls on the shoulders of the end consumer.

We, as a retailer, sell equipment directly, and also, if necessary, undertake the obligation to issue a Self-Propelled Vehicle Passport (PSM), subject to a corresponding application from the buyer, and payment by him of the recycling fee in the amount established by current legislation.

What management rights are needed?

Driving a tractor and other special equipment differs from driving a car, so separate tractor operator licenses with their own categories have been developed:

  1. Category A gives the right to drive vehicles not intended for public roads (snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, mining dump trucks - each type of special equipment has its own subcategory).
  2. Category B includes tracked and wheeled vehicles.
  3. C and D apply to wheeled tractors (with power up to 150 hp or more, respectively)
  4. Assignment of category E gives the right to drive tracked tractors, and F - self-propelled agricultural machines (combines, seeders, etc.).

From this classification it is easy to understand what licenses are needed for a mini tractor - categories B, C and E. Let us emphasize once again that we are talking about tractor licenses, not car licenses! They are issued by the Gostekhnadzor service, and not by the traffic police.

What documents are issued when purchasing a mini-tractor?

Our company is a supplier of agricultural machinery for the end consumer. We purchase mini-tractors directly from the importing company, and provide you with the documents that accompany the equipment directly from the importer.

When purchasing equipment, you receive:

  • Contract of sale;
  • The act of transfer and acceptance of goods;
  • Consignment note;
  • Warranty card;
  • Operating instructions in Russian.

If necessary, we can provide assistance in obtaining a passport for a self-propelled vehicle at the customs authorities. This requires an application from the buyer and payment of a recycling fee.

Is it possible to drive a mini tractor on public roads?

If the vehicle is registered and the driver has the appropriate license, then you can drive onto the highway. In this case, the tractor must be equipped with light and reflective elements. However, without them, not a single vehicle will pass inspection, which means it will not be allowed to operate.

To register equipment you will need a set of documents

Let us remind you what lighting devices we mean:

  1. The headlights are white. Must be installed on absolutely any type of transport, even on a walk-behind tractor with a trailer or a bicycle.
  2. Red reflectors. Installed at the rear and on the side of the trailer (if equipped).

If the tractor is used in road, utility or other work and is sent to the place where it is being carried out, a special pass is issued. It is issued by the relevant service (for example, highway). This may be useful if the village administration involves owners of mini-tractors in cleaning or other work.

You need to move along a public road in such a way as not to interfere with the main traffic: keep to the right lane, and if the road is narrow and the traffic is heavy, pull over to the side of the road and let the cars that have accumulated behind you pass. It is also important to remember that transporting people on mini-tractors and walk-behind tractors is prohibited, no matter how equipped they are for this purpose. This violates paragraphs. 1 and 22.8 traffic rules.

What documents are required for an individual to register a new tractor?

To register a mini-tractor, you must bring it to the nearest registration office and provide the following documents:

  • Identification documents of the owner (passport). If the registration process is not carried out by the owner of the vehicle, then a notarized power of attorney and a passport of the representative of the owner of the technical device are required.
  • Documents confirming ownership of the tractor (purchase and sale agreement);
  • OSAGO policy;
  • Self-propelled vehicle passport;
  • Completed application;
  • A document confirming payment of the state fee.

*Requirements may vary by region

Rights and other documents

If you have purchased a mini tractor and are absolutely sure that under no circumstances will you have to drive onto public roads and intersect with the State Traffic Inspectorate, then you don’t have to get a license. Since it is the traffic police authorities who are responsible for everything that moves on the roads, they have the right to ask the violator to the fullest extent of the law.

Moving the tractor on the roads

But, as life experience shows, if the owner does not have documents for a mini tractor, he does not have the right to drive or actually control the vehicle. If a mini tractor is used not only within farmland, but also has to transport cargo along roads with a trailer and get to a place of work, the owner will need special driving documents - a tractor driver’s license.

A license to drive a mini tractor is obtained from the MREO department.

The tractor driver's license has six categories: A, B, C, D, E, F. Category A gives permission to drive motor sleighs, snowmobiles and other off-road vehicles. Category F is reserved for drivers of large tractors.

The remaining four categories are allocated for owners of wheeled and tracked vehicles, depending on engine power.

Characteristics of categories of rights

CategoryChassis typeEngine power, kW\hp
INTracked, wheeledUp to 25.7\35
WITHWheeled25,7-110,3 \ 35-150
DWheeledMore than 110.3\150
ETrackedMore than 25.7\35

In the case of using a tractor for construction, economic, and municipal work, the question of obtaining a license is clear, since, in these cases, during operation, the minitractor becomes a full-fledged participant in road traffic. Only a certified driver who has completed training and passed the appropriate exams will be able to drive the car. In addition, you will need a pass to the place of work from the employing organization.

Driving a tractor with a trailer

When such a vehicle with a connected trailer enters a public road, it becomes a participant in the traffic.

Mini tractor with trailer

For drivers of mini tractors there are the following requirements:

  • The weight of the transported cargo and the load distribution along the axles must not exceed the values ​​​​established by the manufacturer for this vehicle.
  • Before starting and while driving, the driver is obliged to control the placement, fastening and condition of the load in order to avoid it falling and creating obstacles to movement.
  • Transportation of cargo is permitted provided that it:

— does not limit the driver’s visibility;

— does not complicate control and does not affect the stability of the vehicle;

— does not cover external lighting devices and reflectors, registration and identification marks, and does not interfere with the perception of hand signals;

— does not create noise, does not create dust and does not pollute the road or the environment.

Controlling a homemade mini tractor

Some craftsmen, with their own hands, manage to make unique samples from improvised materials that work no worse than their factory counterparts. However, you cannot drive homemade equipment on public roads. According to the law, such a product, like a walk-behind tractor, is considered an obstacle to traffic or a traffic participant with the license of a pedestrian with a wheelbarrow.

Homemade mini tractor

However, in order for such vehicles to be able to legally move on the roads, they must undergo technical inspection and have mandatory elements in their design: mirrors, turn signals, brake lights, license plates, etc. Naturally, completing all the examinations may take longer than the invention itself, so such masterpieces rarely receive official status.

All-wheel drive conversions, just like factory-produced tractors, must be registered with Gostekhnadzor.

Documents for registering homemade equipment:

  • application for registration of a converted or manufactured tractor;
  • an identity card with a mark of permanent or temporary residence;
  • originals or copies of sales receipts for purchased components, parts and assemblies that were used to manufacture the tractor.

Based on these documents, the Gostekhnadzor service carries out a technical inspection of the tractor:

  • Conducts examinations for compliance with state standards.
  • An act is drawn up indicating whether the assembled structure meets technical standards.
  • Checks whether the equipment meets environmental and road safety requirements: whether it is equipped with the necessary signaling and lighting devices, whether there is enough stability against rollover, whether the braking properties are sufficient, etc.

If all technical and environmental standards are in order and it is proven that the mini tractor assembled on its own is suitable for use, its owner is issued a technical passport and license plate, and after passing the appropriate driving tests - a tractor driver’s license with the designated category.

Regardless of what minitractor you bought, immediately contact the State Technical Supervision Authority of the Russian Federation with the necessary package of documents for timely registration of the legal status of your assistant.

Fines for driving a walk-behind tractor

The driver may be held administratively liable for driving a vehicle without a driver's license. In this case, the fine for driving a walk-behind tractor is determined by the severity of the offense committed. With each repeated violation, the amount increases. If you regularly drive without a license or while intoxicated, the owner may lose his equipment. The degree of guilt and the amount of the penalty will be determined by the court as part of the consideration of the case.

It is also possible to hold the driver accountable for obstructing traffic. This article of the Code of Administrative Offenses covers almost all types of mini-equipment: both factory-made and home-made.

Our catalog contains several models of walk-behind tractors for country work from leading manufacturers. For questions about ordering and registration of vehicles with trailers, call the single number 7870


What to do if a driver is stopped by a traffic police officer?

An inspector from the State Traffic Inspectorate has the right to stop a walk-behind tractor moving on public roads and ask the driver to present the following documents:

  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • driver's license;
  • pass to the place of work (in cases where the walk-behind tractor is transported to a road repair site or for public works).

In the absence of an appropriate document, an administrative violation report will be drawn up against the driver. Reason: the unit creates an obstacle for other road users.

At what age can you drive a walk-behind tractor?

There are no strict age restrictions, since a walk-behind tractor is one of the types of garden equipment. To work with it on the site, it is enough to have physical strength to control it. The unit is heavy, so women rarely perform such work, and young men begin to help their fathers from adolescence. With a good level of physical development, you can operate equipment at the age of 12, but under the full responsibility of an adult. This kind of work is unsafe for a child.

If you plan to travel on the road, you will need a license to drive a walk-behind tractor, which you can only obtain if you are 18 years old. This age is required to obtain category E and D licenses.

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