Requirements for the safe operation of aerial platforms: rules and features

An aerial platform is a vehicle equipped with a special platform for working at height and a lifting device. Such cars are indispensable for a variety of jobs: at construction sites, in the repair of buildings, lamps and power lines, when installing outdoor advertising and air conditioners. This technique is used in various types of high-rise work by construction and manufacturing companies, facilitating many processes. But the operating procedure specifies the requirements for aerial platforms and the nuances of their use, which must be followed. These include safety rules before the start of work, during work, after completion of work on the aerial platform, as well as rules of conduct for workers in the event of emergency situations.

Features of working on an aerial platform

First of all, the rules for aerial platforms depend on what technical characteristics it has. Aerial platforms used in various types of work are classified according to different criteria. First of all, this is the height of the basket. The heights of the lifts are:

  • Up to 17 meters. Such aerial platforms are low-height; they are most often used by housing and communal services workers for work within the city. It is also possible to use it in construction, where a tower is indispensable, but the height of the object is small.
  • Up to 30 meters. This type of aerial platform is medium-height; it is used by builders to conveniently lift workers and loads. Also, most often these types of aerial platforms are owned by industrial enterprises.
  • More than 30 meters. These are high-rise towers used in the construction of multi-story high-rise buildings. It is precisely these towers that the fire service also uses in its work.

Aerial platforms also differ in boom types. It can be cranked, in which case it is not used for low-altitude work, but it has a large load capacity and can move the basket not only vertically, but also horizontally. The telescopic tower has a greater height than the articulated tower and is convenient for use when working near roads or in confined spaces. The articulated-telescopic design has short section lengths and a retractable boom; The lever-telescopic tower is not intended for cargo work, where the main criterion is the accuracy of bringing the basket. There is also a tower specifically designed for power lines and poles - with a vertical lift boom.

Set of papers

To maintain a vehicle tower, you will need the following certificates and passports:

  • passport for the chassis - PSM or PTS, which can be obtained from the traffic police or Gostekhnadzor;
  • lifting equipment passport;
  • certificate of conformity of the chassis lift;
  • proof of equipment ownership.

In order to operate the equipment smoothly, you will need to supplement the package of papers with registration with Gostekhnadzor. To carry out registration, you will need all the listed papers. Proof of ownership can be a contract of sale, gift, inheritance, etc.

Timely legalization and receipt of a full set of certificates for lifting equipment guarantees the legal and safe use of the equipment, as well as the absence of problems with taxation or private activities associated with the services of the machine. For example, when registering as an individual entrepreneur who owns a fleet of special equipment, you will need all the papers for all types of special vehicles.

Sample certificate of owner of aerial platform

Basic requirements for labor protection

The safety of an aerial platform also depends on the people working with it. To work as an aerial platform operator, you must be of age, undergo training for this profession and obtain a driver’s license for this technical device. Before work, he must undergo a medical examination, which will issue a conclusion on the driver’s clearance to operate the aerial platform.

To work in the device basket, a specialist must also undergo preliminary training. In addition to undergoing a medical examination, following which a certificate is issued indicating that there are no contraindications to work, the employee must undergo several instructions. These include introductory training, fire safety and electrical safety training. To be hired, a specialist must provide a document that confirms his qualifications to work in the aerial platform basket.

To work safely with aerial platforms, all employees must familiarize themselves with and comply with the requirements of the labor safety briefing and the rules of work at the enterprise.

Legislation regulating the field

  1. Federal Law No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities.”
  2. Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 26, 2020 No. 461 “On approval of federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used.”
  3. Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated May 24, 2021 No. 187 “On amendments to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the provision of state services for the registration of hazardous production facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated April 8, 2022 No. 140, and to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the provision of public services for maintaining a register of industrial safety examination conclusions, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and Nuclear Supervision dated April 8, 2019 No. 141.”
  4. Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated November 30, 2020 No. 471″. On approval of the Requirements for registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintenance of the state register of hazardous production facilities, the form of the certificate of registration of hazardous production facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities.”
  5. Order of Rostechnadzor dated 04/08/2019 N 140 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the provision of public services for the registration of hazardous production facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities.”

Safety rules before and during work

Before starting work, the worker must:

  • Wear special protective work clothing, a helmet, a belt, goggles, and tuck your hair under a hat.
  • By visual inspection, make sure that all requirements for aerial platforms are met before starting work: technical structures, mechanisms and fastenings are in good working order, and the site on which the aerial platform stands is stable and suitable for starting work.
  • Together with the driver, check all systems after starting at idle speed and their proper operation.
  • Make sure that there are no third parties nearby in the work area, the distance to power lines is at least 30 meters, the distance to buildings is at least a meter, the basket does not touch buildings or other structures when installed.
  • If malfunctions are found that cannot be eliminated on your own, inform the person in charge.

While working on an aerial platform, the worker is obliged to:

  • Make sure that the load in the basket does not exceed the lifting capacity of the device.

  • Enter the basket only in the “landing” position.
  • Observe safety precautions for being on the aerial platform while lifting the basket. When lifting, cover the entrance to the basket with a fence. Do not lean out or climb over the railings, and ensure that the basket is lifted safely. In case of danger, stop the cart.
  • Do not throw objects off the raised basket or place objects on the floor of the basket to increase the work area.
  • Work in a safe environment.
  • Do not drink, smoke or eat while working in the basket.

While working on an aerial platform, the operator is obliged to:

  • Ensure safe lifting and moving of the basket.
  • Monitor the condition of the site on which the aerial platform is installed.
  • Monitor the serviceability of all devices and systems during their operation in accordance with the requirements for the operation of aerial platforms. If problems occur, do not continue using the device.
  • Do not move from place to place on an aerial platform with the boom extended, unless this is provided in the operating instructions for the device.
  • In case of danger, stop work and inform the responsible person.

AGP driver's rights

In addition to duties, the driver also has rights. You need to know them in order to understand whether management is not exceeding its authority, in which cases the demands and penalties are fair and in which they are not.

What can an officially employed AGP driver do:

  • count on all rights and social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • count on free provision of work clothes: cotton overalls, rubber boots, leather boots, mittens, suits with insulating padding and felt boots for winter.
  • to pay additional costs for medical, social and professional rehabilitation if the treatment was caused by a work injury.
  • get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.
  • demand from superiors assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.
  • request (personally or on behalf of the manager) documents, tools and materials that allow you to perform your job duties.

If a driver is dishonest about his work, he may be held accountable:

  1. for failure to perform or improper performance of official duties provided for in the instructions.
  2. for causing material damage to the employer.
  3. for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities.

We emphasize that the permissible boundaries on all three points are determined by the current civil, administrative, and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

Safety rules after finishing work

After completion of work, the aerial platform worker must:

  • Give the driver a signal to lower the basket to the “landing” position. Do not try to leave the basket until it has completely lowered and stopped;
  • Observe safety precautions when lowering the basket. Monitor the safety of the descent. If a dangerous situation arises, stop lowering the basket;
  • After lowering the basket and stopping in the “landing” position, get out of it.
  • After completing the work, remove protective clothing, helmet, belt, and goggles. Put it in a storage closet.
  • Be sure to take a shower and wash your hands and face with soap.
  • It is prohibited to use chemical cleaners for personal hygiene procedures.

Priorities of this business

This business can be profitable provided:

  1. A business opens in a city with a population of at least 30 thousand people, otherwise the business will not be profitable due to the lack of the required number of orders. The exception is when the aerial platform is an additional service to an existing business (special equipment fleet);
  2. The demand for such services in your city has been studied and the market is not oversaturated with competitors;
  3. With a limited budget and without relevant experience in this field, the business begins with the purchase of used ones. technology;
  4. All permits have been obtained and qualified workers have been selected.

This business can be successfully combined with the provision of other special equipment services in your region/city by registering a company. For example, you can provide the services of a sewer truck, tow truck or truck crane.

Safe actions in case of accidents

To ensure the safety of the aerial platform, in the event of an accident before, during or after work, employees must act in accordance with the safety instructions and take into account the specifics of the situation.

  • If the soil under the aerial platform subsides, which began while working on it, the operator must immediately stop lifting or moving the basket. After this, it is necessary to inform the workers about the emergency situation, lower the basket to the ground and establish the cause of the ground subsidence. If the emergency cannot be resolved on their own, workers must report it to the person in charge.

  • If the boom or basket of the aerial platform, as well as other elements, are energized, the operator must inform the workers about this and move the basket away from the voltage source. If necessary, he must leave the cabin. If workers are under voltage and there are victims, it is necessary to lower the basket to the ground and provide them with first aid. At the same time, you must ensure your own safety.
  • The rules for working with aerial platforms state that all safety devices must be in working order. If the driver discovers that the safety devices - load limit limiter, limit switches, tracking system for cradle orientation in a horizontal position - are faulty, it is necessary to inform the workers about this, stop work and find the cause of the problem. If it is impossible to find or fix problems on your own, you must inform the person in charge.
  • It is prohibited to work on an aerial platform during winds stronger than 10 meters per second, in rain, thunderstorms, fog, snow, which impede visibility. Operation is prohibited at ambient temperatures below those specified in the lift's passport. In unsuitable or difficult weather conditions, work should be stopped and continued only when suitable weather conditions return.

Business startup technology

After studying the potential client base, you can start searching for a car, because when providing services at low altitudes, there is no need to buy equipment that will not be in demand in the region. It is also worth worrying in advance about obtaining the right to drive special vehicles. Having completed all permits and purchased a car, you can safely provide services. Today, an aerial platform is a profitable special transport vehicle that is used by large and small companies.

10 ratings, average: 3.00 out of 5)

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How dangerous is it to be near a tower?

Cellular communication technology is based on the transmission of electromagnetic waves from a repeater (base station) to receiving devices. The signal is transmitted in the ultra-high frequency range. Many factors influence the radius of propagation:

  • The communication standard used by the operator;
  • Current network load;
  • Building density;
  • The quality of the equipment used.

The construction of base stations is done outside the city. To distribute the signal, signal amplifiers (repeaters) are added to them, contributing to greater coverage of territories. The level of electromagnetic radiation around such stations is the highest.

But even these indicators are within normal limits and do not have a harmful effect on the body. People who live close to a mobile operator tower are not in danger if the equipment is installed above residential buildings and complies with all technical standards.

The installation of antennas on the roofs of high-rise buildings is not prohibited by law, but the following requirements must be met:

  • Electromagnetic field level up to 10 mW/cm2 and no more;
  • Installed transmitters 1.5 - 5 meters above roof level (depending on the power of the repeater);
  • The location of the object is no closer than 10-25 meters from another house;
  • Access to the roof and to the towers is isolated for people.

Before installing new equipment, the mobile operator submits a request to the relevant authorities. At the same time, experts check compliance with sanitary and technical standards. If the request is granted, this means that the installed towers do not harm human health.


A map of cell towers in Russia from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is available for public use. With its help, you can determine the overall availability of communication quality in a particular region. The location of the towers is not shown on the map for security reasons. But the approximate location on the ground to the nearest tower can be determined using special programs that allow you to determine the marks of the captured signal.

Vyshkin events

Every academic year, HSE hosts large university-wide events that bring together students, faculty and university staff and give everyone the opportunity to feel like part of a large HSE family.

HSE Day in Gorky Park (September)

The main holiday of the year, to which all of Moscow is invited. On this day, Gorky Park turns into a large university campus, where they initiate freshmen, give lectures, answer questions from applicants and their parents, participate in sports competitions and master classes, and perform on stage with songs and dances. And on this day you will have the opportunity to run your first 5 km as part of the university-wide race together with your classmates and professors. The culmination of the holiday is an evening concert of one of the famous performers, whose name is kept secret until the last moment. At past HSE Days we rocked out to “Degrees”, Noize MC, “Zverey”, “Spleen” and “Bi-2”. This year we will continue dancing on September 13, save the date.

Golden Tower (November)

HSE people are the most important and interesting thing about the university. Every year, the HSE awards the most active, efficient, progressive and significant of them with a special award called the “Golden HSE”

Nominees can be nominated by any department of the university, and finalists are selected by a distinguished jury that includes representatives from all departments and campuses.

355 - so many applicants for the “Golden HSE” were nominated last year, and so far this is a record number, but there are more and more talents at the HSE every year.

Festival "Night" (November)

The “Night” festival is a revival of the traditional “Night at the Cultural Center”, which brought together all HSE students under one roof until 2014. Last year's "Night" program was so extensive that it was impossible not to find something to do to your liking. Judge for yourself: scientific battles, talk shows with the participation of blogger Nikolai Sobolev and Dozhd general director Natalya Sindeeva, scary quests, office basketball, soul-meeting and much more.

HSE Snow Fest (February)

Every winter, HSE takes over the ski slope for one day, where students, teachers and university staff ski. Until 2022, this event was called the HSE Winter Health Day, and many still call it that. But no matter what you call it, it still remains the most sporting and winter holiday for all HSE residents.

650 - this is how many people gathered at the HSE Snow Fest on one slope in 2018

April Conference (April)

The April conference has been held annually at HSE since 2000. Among all social science conferences held in Russia, it is the largest in terms of the number of participants and representation of the international research community. If HSE Day is the main student event of the year, then April Day is its equivalent (no less exciting) for the university’s scientific community.

Election of the best teachers (May)

All-Higher voting, during which the best, favorite and professional teachers are selected according to the opinion of students and graduates of the university.

University graduation (June)

Summer party at which HSE congratulates its graduates on graduating from university. In the last few years, the graduation theme has been one of the works of modern popular culture (the film “Back to the Future”, Bond, the universe of “Star Wars” and Harry Potter), so that guests could feel like heroes of famous films and books. The theme of the upcoming graduation is kept secret, but you can fantasize and place bets now.

5 - so many large-scale university graduations have already taken place at HSE, and you could even meet the rector there with a magic wand or in a Jedi costume.

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