Grain crusher Zubr 1, 2, 3, 5, Extra: feed chopper and feed cutter, reviews of the crusher

By using a grain crusher, grain is ground, which is subsequently used to prepare animal feed. This unique device is actively used in agriculture. The presence of various attachments allows you to expand the functional potential of such a unit. Of all the models presented on the market today, the Zubr grain crusher deserves special attention.

Feed cutter, grain crusher. Help me choose

Hello forum users!
I don’t know which category to put this discussion under, but I decided to put it under agricultural machinery. Now I have a question about purchasing a grain crusher/feed grinder. This is also equipment for agriculture, so I decided to post it here. I would like to know who has what kind of equipment, how it is used, and so on. I personally would like to buy a universal one to crush grain, root crops and grass, especially as I understand from the models reviewed on the Internet, the functions differ only due to the knife attachments, it turns out that you can take a regular grain crusher and put a knife there suitable for crushing grass or root crops and you will get a feed chopper. I couldn’t find a general topic on these devices, only on certain models. I also wanted to clarify that my farm is not large, I don’t need large volumes of productivity. Thank you in advance for your advice, dear forum farmers) there is no better vegetable cutter for private farms than a garden shredder. It’s better not to have a combine, but to have everything separately. I chop a lot of vegetables, but I don’t grind a lot of grain. The motors are different accordingly. and so the same one is raped all the time. But it depends on the quantity of course and on your livestock. Do you have a couple of goats or 20 cows. Accordingly, the load is different

The feed chopper and crusher should be in their own design, 2 in one is complete nonsense.

There is no better vegetable cutter for private households than a garden shredder. It’s better not to have a combine, but to have everything separately. I chop a lot of vegetables, but I don’t grind a lot of grain. The motors are different accordingly. and so the same one is raped all the time. But it depends on the quantity of course and on your livestock. Do you have a couple of goats or 20 cows. Accordingly, the load is different

what kind of garden shredder do you have, make and model please)) Let’s share our models and brands of our equipment, there are not enough answers, no one is interested in the topic?

There is no better vegetable cutter for private households than a garden shredder. It’s better not to have a combine, but to have everything separately. I chop a lot of vegetables, but I don’t grind a lot of grain. The motors are different accordingly. and so the same one is raped all the time. But it depends on the quantity of course and on your livestock. Do you have a couple of goats or 20 cows. Accordingly, the load is different

what kind of garden shredder do you have, make and model please)) Let’s share our models and brands of our equipment, there are not enough answers, no one is interested in the topic?

Viking 103-garden shredder. And grain crusher-Elikor-5. Elikor for grain, cobs and type can be used as a vegetable cutter. But it can be used as a grain crusher and I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to anyone then and took a combine, I simply overpaid. In Viking, it is written that chopping hay and grass does not chop hay well even on a new sharpened knife. But in addition to cutting very quickly vegetables and fruits, you can chop branches into crumbles for filling, for example, the bottom layer of floors with deep bedding, or for example, such crumbling of branches filled the frame partition, chopped needles into the feed. The knives in the chopper became dull due to the ingress of sand or small stones with potatoes, I read the passports and was already thinking about where to buy a new knife. In the end, I carefully sharpened it along the corner of the old sharpening with a grinder and again it crumbles.

There is no better vegetable cutter for private households than a garden shredder. It’s better not to have a combine, but to have everything separately. I chop a lot of vegetables, but I don’t grind a lot of grain. The motors are different accordingly. and so the same one is raped all the time. But it depends on the quantity of course and on your livestock. Do you have a couple of goats or 20 cows. Accordingly, the load is different

what kind of garden shredder do you have, make and model please)) Let’s share our models and brands of our equipment, there are not enough answers, no one is interested in the topic?

Viking 103-garden shredder. And grain crusher-Elikor-5. Elikor for grain, cobs and type can be used as a vegetable cutter. But it can be used as a grain crusher and I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to anyone then and took a combine, I simply overpaid. In Viking, it is written that chopping hay and grass does not chop hay well even on a new sharpened knife. But in addition to cutting very quickly vegetables and fruits, you can chop branches into crumbles for filling, for example, the bottom layer of floors with deep bedding, or for example, such crumbling of branches filled the frame partition, chopped needles into the feed. The knives in the chopper became dull due to the ingress of sand or small stones with potatoes, I read the passports and was already thinking about where to buy a new knife. In the end, I carefully sharpened it along the corner of the old sharpening with a grinder and again it crumbles.

Among the Elicors, I saw Elicor 1 version 4. and grain and root crops and grass, change only the attachments, but I found reviews that it can only be used as a grain crusher, with root crops it clogs very well and does not spin. This is universality, manufacturers will first make them, and we ordinary users test them, although the tests should have been done at the factory.

Among the Elicors, I saw Elicor 1 version 4. and grain and root crops and grass, change only the attachments, but I found reviews that it can only be used as a grain crusher, with root crops it clogs very well and does not spin. This is universality, manufacturers will first make them, and we ordinary users test them, although the tests should have been done at the factory.

Here I am in the throes of searching. The main task for me is to find a normal grass cutter and especially a straw cutter. Crushing grain is necessary, but not the main function for me. I also took a closer look at Elikor 1.4, but am tormented by vague doubts. We continue to search.

correctly tormented if the grass cutter and straw cutter come first. Don't know. if only for a guinea pig, well, two to chop on it. In terms of grain, I’m silent, the device has been around for a long time and is still alive. I gave up thinking about grass cutters and straw cutters a long time ago ((((((

Among the Elicors, I saw Elicor 1 version 4. and grain and root crops and grass, change only the attachments, but I found reviews that it can only be used as a grain crusher, with root crops it clogs very well and does not spin. This is universality, manufacturers will first make them, and we ordinary users test them, although the tests should have been done at the factory.

Description of grain crusher feed cutter for household

Grain crushers for farms have become indispensable assistants, as they can accelerate the growth and increase the productivity of the farm. This is due to the fact that ground grain is better absorbed by birds, and processed feed is consumed in larger quantities by animals. Thus, grain crushers and feed grinders are necessary for the good maintenance of animals, which in turn will repay with high productivity.

There is no clear answer to the question of which crusher is best for the home. Many farmers use different approaches when feeding animals. However, based on the majority of owners’ preferences, others conclude that rotary and hammer crushers are the preferred options for preparing feed.

Grain crusher

Bison 2, 3, 1, 5, Extra: reviews of the crusher, feed chopper and feed cutter

Modern farming can hardly do without a number of special technical means that carry out rather specific work.

In particular, we are talking about grain crushers , with the help of which you can grind grain and other crops in order to produce compound feed and various feed mixtures for livestock from processed materials.

Among the models of this equipment, the Zubr grain crusher stands out, which is produced in a wide variety of technical classifications.

This technical tool allows you to process a wide variety of crops, which allows you to significantly save on the purchase of ready-made animal feed. Such savings are extremely important, especially for rural areas, where there have always been problems with financing.

grain crushers are manufactured and manufactured at , which is distinguished by a rich range of its products.

Using Zubr models

In order to get started, you need to place the selected model on the edge of the table with a rigid mount, using the bolts provided in the package. A special rotor is installed in the upper part of the structure, followed by a sieve and a grain tray.

The loading window is closed using a flap. The ground grain exits into a bag fixed at the end of the discharge pipe.

After final assembly, the device can be plugged into the electrical network. The mechanism is warmed up at idle speed for a minute. After this, the first batch of raw materials is laid out in the tray and new ones are added as they are processed.

For safe and high-quality operation of the device, it is necessary to remove debris, stones and foreign objects from the raw materials. The uniform flow of material can be controlled by a damper. When all processes are completed and the working chamber is empty, you can turn off the machine.

Overfilling the grain collection bag may cause damage. For long-term operation, it is necessary to keep the device clean.

After work, remove any remaining raw materials and dust from the mechanism parts. This approach will ensure long-term use of equipment without repairs or replacement of parts.

About the manufacturer

The Zubr grain crusher, the official website of which is located at, is produced simultaneously at two enterprises - Gidroagregat and Delta. The production capacity of these factories is sufficient to produce very powerful and practical units that are widely used in the agricultural sector.

In addition to grain crushers, the factories produce a wide variety of equipment:

  • electric separators;
  • plastic garden nets;
  • water pumping stations;
  • infrared gas burners;
  • drying machines;
  • gasoline motor pumps;
  • pumps and sprayers;
  • various garden tools, etc.

The representation of these companies is quite widely represented throughout Russia, which makes it possible to sell products in various regions of the country.

Features of operation

In order for the device to work for a long time and properly, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. Use the grain grinder only for processing the raw materials specified in the instructions,
  2. Do not use the device in the rain or in a room with high humidity,
  3. Before the first start, as well as after a long period of inactivity, you need to pre-warm the engine for ten minutes,
  4. Before starting work, you need to check the condition of all connections and fastenings,
  5. It is necessary to regularly clean the device from dust and grain residues, and after processing wet food, wash the knives, working chamber and sieve every time,
  6. The device must be stored in a dry place.

Specifications and prices

All models of Zubr grain crushers are distinguished by a high level of energy saving. At the same time, it is able to function even in the most difficult weather conditions, which makes it practically indispensable in the conditions of our country.

Before purchasing this device, you need to carefully study all the technical characteristics of models that differ in power ratings.

The Zubr 1 grain crusher is a hydraulic unit used exclusively for domestic needs, because its functionality is quite limited. In particular, it is used for grinding cereals and corn, while the use of other products for processing is impossible.

The Zubr 1a grain crusher is a more advanced device than the previous model. However, the configuration changes are minimal, which does not provide a significant increase in performance.

Technical characteristics of Bison 1a:

  • device type – electric;
  • power indicators – 1800 W;
  • productivity – 180 kg/h;
  • rotation – 3 thousand revolutions per minute;
  • type of grain crusher – hammer;
  • bunker material – metal;
  • grain crusher length – 35 cm;
  • grain crusher width – 29.5 cm;
  • grain crusher height – 51.5 cm;
  • total weight – 13 kg;
  • working volume – 0.04 m3.

Bumblebee grain crushers, household feed grinders, for households, Zubr 1a, the price of which is approximately 6 thousand rubles, is more suitable for small farms where there are not many livestock.

For large farm complexes, the use of this device is impractical.

For more information about the Zubr-1a grain crusher, watch the video:

hammer knives in its design , which crush and process grain crops and root crops. To process the latter, you need to install a special nozzle, which is supplied with the device.

This attachment allows you to chop beets, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin and other vegetables. In addition to the attachment for cutting root crops, the Zubr 2a package includes:

  • feed chopper;
  • corrugated screen;
  • replaceable sieve;
  • disk grater;
  • nuts and washers;
  • bolts;
  • instruction manual and product warranty.

Technical characteristics of Bison 2a:

  • device type – electric;
  • power indicators – 1800 W;
  • productivity (for grain) – 180 kg/h;
  • feed cutting capacity – 650 kg/h;
  • rotation – 3 thousand revolutions per minute;
  • type of grain crusher – hammer;
  • bunker material – metal;
  • grain crusher length – 44.5 cm;
  • grain crusher width – 29.5 cm;
  • grain crusher height – 51.5 cm;
  • total weight – 17 kg.

The cost of this grain crusher is about 7800 rubles.

Grain crushers Khryusha, Cyclone, Kolos, Zubr 3a are designed for grinding grain crops.

Due to its fairly light weight, this device is highly mobile without losing the power of the unit.

In addition, the device has a replaceable sieve system, which allows you to set different fraction sizes, i.e. degree of grinding of grain and other crops.

Technical characteristics of Bison 3a:

  • device type – electric;
  • power indicators – 1800 W;
  • productivity (for grain) – 180 kg/h;
  • productivity (for corn) – 85 kg/h;
  • rotation – 3 thousand revolutions per minute;
  • type of grain crusher – hammer;
  • bunker material – metal;
  • grain crusher length – 40 cm;
  • grain crusher width – 29.5 cm;
  • grain crusher height – 51.5 cm;
  • total weight – 15 kg.

Technical and operational features of the device

Among the advantages of the device is the economical consumption of electricity. The ability of the device to operate at different temperatures positions it favorably against the background of analogues.

To prevent water from getting inside the shredder in a humid environment, you need to start the mechanism indoors. After this, you can begin your main activity.

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The parts of the device rotate at a speed of more than a thousand revolutions per minute. This indicator means that the required level of performance can be achieved from the device even in the most difficult conditions.

Different models of this brand differ in power level.

Before you buy a Zubr grain crusher, you need to carefully study all the characteristics that the manufacturer has endowed with its products. In addition, the performance of the unit depends on the quality of the feedstock.

Such machines weigh from 7 kg. Thanks to this, all models are compact and portable, which greatly simplifies work.

The main components of the device:

  • electric drive;
  • loading hopper;
  • working chamber and others.

The main selection criterion should be the size of the economic production, the volume of work and the need for feed processing. The larger the farm, the greater the productivity and power of the machine should be.

The chopper kit includes a feed cutter. This is due to the variety of products used to prepare animal food.

Raw materials can include not only cereals, but also root crops, fruits and vegetables. Hammer knives are used to grind such products.

Some models are capable of cutting straw. This makes it possible to prepare a wide variety of feed mixtures without wasting time.

The more extensive the functionality of the structure, the greater its weight and dimensions. The maximum productivity is 165 kg/h. Using a powerful machine on a farm can give it intensive development.

The cost of a Zubr brand shredder allows you to purchase it for any farm without the risk of exceeding your budget. At the same time, the models under consideration do not have the common drawback when a large amount of dust fraction is released during crushing.

Thus, the feed is processed more efficiently with losses amounting to only 5% of the total weight.

Attention! The grain fraction is changed by installing a sieve with the desired hole diameter. The grinding range varies from large visible pieces to fine flour, depending on the need.

Properly processed raw materials and properly selected proportions in the feed mixture will provide the livestock with healthy nutrition at any time of the year. Among the animals whose maintenance requires the use of a grain crusher, the following can be noted:

  • birds;
  • sheep;
  • pigs;
  • dogs;
  • cattle.

The Zubr brand differs from other devices in the same price segment in its safety of use and consistently good results. The source of energy for operating the machine is the electrical network.

To change the purpose, you just need to use other knives, which is provided for by the design of some models. The manufacturer notes in the instructions that such grinders are intended only for private household use and are not able to withstand industrial loads.


The Zubr grain crusher has a fairly typical device, characteristic of many similar devices. Its device includes the following components:

  • electric motor for the Zubr 2a grain crusher, as well as other models;
  • cutting elements (knives);
  • a special hopper containing material for further grinding;
  • a replaceable sieve onto which the crushed material falls, after which it is sifted;
  • the working chamber where the grinding itself takes place;
  • a special gate with which you can regulate the supply of material;
  • surface mounting connections;
  • disc grater for cutting root vegetables.

The disc grater and hammer knives can be swapped, depending on what exactly needs to be chopped - either grain or root vegetables.

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This is not available in all Zubr grain crushers, but only in those that support the ability to grind vegetables and root crops.


The grain crusher consists of several main elements. This:

  • Electric motor powered by mains.
  • Hammer type cutting mechanism.
  • The working chamber in which the grinding process is carried out.
  • Grain loading hopper located on top.
  • A sieve (replaceable) through which the finished product is sifted.
  • A valve used to change the grain feeding speed.
  • The fastening screw that holds the hammer mechanism or grater disc.
  • Feed cutter, which includes a grater disc and a special loading tray.

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Depending on the required operation (grinding or chopping root crops), either a hammer rotor or a grater disc is mounted on the motor shaft of the hydraulic unit. Read more about this below.

User manual

Zubr grain crushers are presented on the market in quite a variety of models, differing from each other in power indicators, sizes and other technical characteristics.

Therefore, there is no point in reviewing the instructions for each model, which can take a long time, and the information provided in it is quite similar. For a clear example, we will use the instructions for the grain crusher Zubr 2 and Zubr 2a, as the most common and best-selling devices on the market.

So, here are the manufacturer’s basic recommendations that allow you to properly operate these devices:

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to secure the grain crusher on a flat surface using the fastening joints included in the kit.
  • First, you need to let the engine idle for one minute - this will allow it to warm up and also get into a normal rhythm.
  • Do not load food into the hopper if the engine is not running. This can lead to its overload and failure.
  • The engine must be turned off when there are no unprocessed materials left in the hopper.
  • In case of emergency situations, you should immediately disconnect the device from the network. Then you need to empty the bunker of the existing material, and only then begin to eliminate the causes.

Compliance with these recommendations will significantly increase the operational life of the grain crusher. According to the manufacturer, this period is at least 10 years, but if you work with the unit correctly, this period can be much longer.

The lineup

The popular Russian grain crusher Zubr is presented in the Incubatorus online store in a huge range of different power, performance and functionality. The catalog contains solutions for every taste, ranging from simple options to new and improved developments.

Your attention:

  • Devices with limited functionality. They grind one specific raw material: feed grain, corn cobs, succulent feed.
  • Multifunctional models with an additional set of replaceable elements: knives, graters. Allows you to grind legumes and, when changing attachments, root crops, fruits, hay, and grass on one unit. For example, Zubr-2, 2A, 5.

For households and farms with small livestock, Zubr-1, 1A will be practical in terms of price and performance.

Bison grain crusher – ample opportunities for large and small farms

The bison grain crusher is a multifunctional device for grinding corn cobs, grains, grass and root vegetables.
This technique is practically indispensable in any farm, regardless of its size. Products processed by a grain crusher form the basis of the diet of poultry, pigs, cattle, sheep, and even dogs - reliable protectors of the yard. The bison grain crusher, which has some of the best reviews, is small in size and distinguished by its compactness and versatility. By purchasing a household device, you can significantly save money on purchasing animal feed.

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What is a Zubr grain crusher?

Domestic Zubr equipment is a powerful grain crusher with an impact hammer device. According to experts, they are more durable than rotary units. Manufactured in the Rostov region in the city of Zernograd.

The Zubr single-phase grain crusher, which can be purchased at Incubatorus at the best possible prices, is presented in a unique series. Its models are varied and carefully thought out for different farm sizes. Open the catalog and you will definitely find an option that meets your specific request.

Popular models

The manufacturer of the bison grain crusher provides the market with several models of the device, which differ from each other in certain qualities.

Grain crusher Zubr-Extra

The Bison extra grain crusher, reviews of which allow one to conclude that its performance is excellent, is capable of processing more than 500 kg of dry grain in one hour, and in some cases more.

This machine can work with the following raw materials:

The power of the equipment is 2.3 kW, which indicates its high performance. A hammer cutting tool is used here, which ensures high efficiency of the equipment.

The Extra model can maintain its performance in the temperature range from - 25 to +40 degrees Celsius.

Before you start using it, you must first read the instructions that can be found in the package. The model has a compact size, therefore, it is very easy to store. The dimensions of the machine are 44.5x29.5x51.5 cm, weight 28 kg.

Grain crusher Zubr-2 and 2A

The grain crusher bison 2 and the grain crusher bison 2a are equipped with a feed cutter. The average capacity of the equipment is 180 kg/h for grains and 650 kg/h for root crops.

The bison 2a grain crusher, reviews of which indicate its high functionality, involves the use of hammer knives, which is very convenient when working with dry products. When working with root vegetables, manufacturers suggest using a special attachment, which is included in the kit.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Simplicity of designs.
  • Small size, light weight.
  • Minimum energy consumption.
  • Uninterrupted operation.
  • Uniform grinding.
  • Adjustment of grinding degree.
  • Ability to work with different types of raw materials.

Despite the significant advantages, there is a small disadvantage - the absence of a lid on the hopper. Vibration may cause slight grain ejection.

Recommendations for use

  • Do not load the engine immediately, wait until it warms up.
  • During the grinding process, regulate the flow of grain portions using the damper.
  • At the end of the work, do not leave the source material in the hammer knives or disc grater. At the time of the next startup, this omission may damage the installation.

Zubr grain crushers are suitable for almost any climate zone and can withstand temperature changes. They function properly at sub-zero temperatures and in hot summer conditions.

Choose, study the characteristics in the catalog and ask our managers questions. Order Zubr grain crushers at the best prices Incubatorus!

You can also purchase a Niva grain crusher on the website.

Bison grain crusher – ample opportunities for large and small farms

The bison grain crusher is a multifunctional device for grinding corn cobs, grains, grass and root vegetables.
This technique is practically indispensable in any farm, regardless of its size. Products processed by a grain crusher form the basis of the diet of poultry, pigs, cattle, sheep, and even dogs - reliable protectors of the yard. The bison grain crusher, which has some of the best reviews, is small in size and distinguished by its compactness and versatility. By purchasing a household device, you can significantly save money on purchasing animal feed.

Find out everything about the cascade walk-behind tractor.

Features and characteristics of Cayman walk-behind tractors here.

Grain crusher Zubr-2a

This grain crusher is a domestic product; it is made in the city of Zernograd, Rostov region. The manufacturing company is called "Hydraulic Unit". It produces a whole series of models of the Zubr brand, differing from each other in performance, power and functionality.

The mechanism of grain crushing in Bison hammer-type grain crushers. Compared to a rotary one, it crushes the original product more evenly and does not require a high rotation speed from the engine. This makes the devices durable. And low power consumption contributes to savings.


This device comes with a very useful device – a feed cutter. With its help, you can enrich the diet of farm animals and poultry with chopped vegetables, fruits or juicy stems of chopped grass. In addition, this model is equipped with two sieves: with two-millimeter and four-millimeter holes. This foresight of manufacturers allows you to vary the fineness of grain grinding.


The device operates over a wide range of temperatures: from frost at minus twenty-five to heat at plus forty. Therefore, it is suitable for use in almost all climatic zones of our country.

And by loading carrots, potatoes, beets or cut grass into the side tray, we get a vitamin supplement for our little brothers. Everything will be used: vegetable tops, fallen apples, cabbage leaves, Jerusalem artichoke. Piglets, sheep and goats, cows, birds and even dogs respond gratefully to such an expansion of the diet.

Popular models

The manufacturer of the bison grain crusher provides the market with several models of the device, which differ from each other in certain qualities.

Grain crusher Zubr-Extra

The Bison extra grain crusher, reviews of which allow one to conclude that its performance is excellent, is capable of processing more than 500 kg of dry grain in one hour, and in some cases more.

This machine can work with the following raw materials:

The power of the equipment is 2.3 kW, which indicates its high performance. A hammer cutting tool is used here, which ensures high efficiency of the equipment.

The Extra model can maintain its performance in the temperature range from - 25 to +40 degrees Celsius.

Before you start using it, you must first read the instructions that can be found in the package. The model has a compact size, therefore, it is very easy to store. The dimensions of the machine are 44.5x29.5x51.5 cm, weight 28 kg.

Grain crusher Zubr-2 and 2A

The grain crusher bison 2 and the grain crusher bison 2a are equipped with a feed cutter. The average capacity of the equipment is 180 kg/h for grains and 650 kg/h for root crops.

The bison 2a grain crusher, reviews of which indicate its high functionality, involves the use of hammer knives, which is very convenient when working with dry products. When working with root vegetables, manufacturers suggest using a special attachment, which is included in the kit.

The Bison 2 grain crusher with a feed cutter allows you to quickly chop horseradish, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets and other root vegetables. The special tray for raw materials has a convenient shape, which makes working with the equipment much easier.

The size of the grain crusher is 44.5x29.5x51.5 cm, weight - 22 kg, making it very convenient to store. Another advantage of the technology is that you can start the engine with just one press of a button.

The following accessories are included with the machine:

  • grater disk;
  • feed chopper;
  • bolt;
  • corrugated screen;
  • replaceable sieve;
  • washer.

More details about the operation of this model can be found in the “grain crusher bison 2a video.”

Grain crusher Zubr 5

This model from the manufacturer is equipped with a feed cutter for root crops.
Its productivity is 180 kg/hour for grain and 650 kg/hour for root crops. The weight of the machine is only 21 kg, thanks to which its storage does not bring any difficulties. The machine weighs 21 kg, which allows it to be stored in a utility room despite its small dimensions. In addition to grain, the device can crush legumes, chop fruits and vegetables. The model is able to withstand significant temperature changes. The bison 5 grain crusher, reviews of which indicate that its productivity may vary slightly depending on environmental conditions, is capable of processing almost all types of grains and root crops.

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Grain crusher Zubr 1A and grain crusher Zubr 1

These models differ from the previous ones in their structure, due to which their weight is only 19 kg. The equipment productivity is 85 kg/hour for corn and 180 kg/hour for cereals. It is impossible to process other products in a grain crusher. As a rule, such models are used in small-sized farms.

Grain crusher Zubr 3a and 3

These models do not process root vegetables, but have a number of important improvements.
The Bison 3 grain crusher weighs only 15 kg, which ensures the mobility of the structure and makes it possible to use it in any convenient conditions. At the same time, the performance of the device does not decrease. The device of the bison grain crusher allows you to produce products of different fractions. This is ensured by changing the sieve.

As you can see, all models from the manufacturer have approximately the same qualities, only their weight and the ability of the equipment to work with different types of raw materials change. The choice of equipment by consumers is influenced by its future purpose on the farm.

Models of grain grinder Zubr

Bison Extra

The Zubr Extra grain crusher has high productivity. The device can process in an hour:

  • up to 270 kg of grain, 3 mm fraction,
  • up to 650 kg of grain, fraction 5 mm,
  • up to 335 kg of corn, 3 mm fraction,
  • up to 500 kg of corn, 5 mm fraction.

The feed chopper copes well with barley, wheat, rye, and any legumes. The power of the device is 2.3 kW, and it operates at temperatures from minus twenty-five to plus forty degrees, which is convenient for household use. The dimensions of the chopper are 445*295*515 mm, and the weight is only 28 kilograms. In operating mode, the device produces up to three thousand revolutions per minute.

Bison 2 and 2a

The device for grinding grain Zubr 2 is supplied to the market in two modifications: Zubr 2 and 2a. The models are equipped with a feed cutter and have an average productivity per hour of about 180 kilograms of grain or about 650 kilograms of root crops. The grain is ground with sharp hammer-type knives, and vegetables and root crops are chopped with a special cutting attachment. The operating power of the models is 1.9 kW.

The feed cutter and grain crusher Zubr 2a copes well with:

  • Hell,
  • Sugar or fodder beets,
  • Potatoes
  • Celery roots
  • carrots,
  • Rutabaga,
  • Turnips,
  • Turnips,
  • pumpkin,
  • Radish,
  • Sweet potato,
  • Fresh cut grass,
  • Senom,
  • Straw.

Grains and root vegetables are placed in different containers, which is also very convenient to use.

During operation, the device produces up to three thousand revolutions per minute. Dimensions of the grain crusher: 445*295*515 mm, weight - twenty-two kilograms. Thanks to its compactness, the device is easy to store and move, and can be installed on any smooth, flat surface. Standard equipment for models includes:

  1. Feed chopper,
  2. Grater,
  3. One replaceable sieve,
  4. Fastening elements,
  5. Corrugated screen,
  6. Warranty and instructions for use.

Bison 5

The grain grinder is equipped with a feed cutter for root crops, which allows farmers to use this device to produce a wide variety of feed mixtures for cattle, small livestock, poultry, rabbits, fish and even dogs.

Machine productivity: 180 kilograms of grain or 650 kilograms of root crops per hour. The weight of the fully assembled device is only twenty-one kilograms. The feed chopper copes well not only with different types of grain, but also with fruits, vegetables and root crops. The Zubr 5 grain crusher works well in different temperature conditions, it is not afraid of cold, heat and direct sunlight.

Bison 1A

The small and compact grain grinder weighs only 19 kg and shows excellent performance. The machine can produce up to 180 kg of grain or up to 85 kg of crushed corn per hour. The low cost is due to the impossibility of processing fruits or root vegetables, but this does not in any way affect the quality and reliability of the device. Bison 1A is most often used on small farms.

Bison 3 and 3a

The Zubr 3 grain grinder is supplied to the market in two configurations: 3 and 3a, and is intended exclusively for grain processing.

The model has a number of advantages over other grain grinders. The first of them is light weight - only 15 kg. Another plus is high performance and efficiency in energy consumption. The Zubr 3 grain crusher is capable of producing grain of various fractions depending on the installed sieve. Model dimensions: 40*30*52 cm. Operating power: three thousand revolutions per minute.


The Zubrenok grain crusher is a universal and very functional device that can cope with a large volume of grain in a compact size. The model is available in two modifications: Zubrenok and Zubrenok Mais. Modifications differ not only in power, but also in the ability to process various feeds.

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The Zubrenok grain grinder works only with grain, coping with both soft and very hard varieties. The working chamber is equipped with hammer-type cutting knives, and the productivity is about 350 kilograms per hour. The weight of the device is only nine kilograms.

The grain crusher Zubryonok Maiz is more powerful and heavier. Its weight is already thirty-five kilograms, it is possible to replace the sieve and adjust the grain grinding fraction. The Zubrenok feed cutter is designed for processing both grain and corn cobs.

Productivity depends on the type of raw material being processed: per hour the machine produces up to 140 kilograms of crushed grain or up to 800 kilograms of crushed corn. The rotation of the knives in the working chamber also depends on the raw material. The grain chopper makes 2800 revolutions per minute, and the corn cob chopper makes 1400 revolutions.

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