Who is this sprinter? Athletics: sprinting

This term has other meanings, see Sprint.

Jeremy Wariner. Start. The starting blocks have a speaker that transmits the sound of the starting pistol.


- a set of athletics disciplines where athletes compete in short (sprint) distance running around the stadium. Sprints are considered distances up to 400 meters inclusive[1]. The program of the Olympic Games includes the 100, 200 and 400 meter races for men and women, and the 4x100 and 4x400 meter relay races for men and women.

What is a sprint and who is a sprinter?

Sprint is running with maximum acceleration over short distances, from 50 meters. Sprinting looks bright and spectacular, with pronounced power activity of the whole body. During a sprint, a runner works to the limit.

All processes in terms of physiology and biochemistry are launched at full capacity. When sprinting, the muscles of the athlete’s entire body, including the myocardium, are maximally activated, the respiratory system is mobilized, and the load on the ligaments increases. A sprinter is an athlete who runs and swims short distances.

Series 211 CDI van

Rear-wheel drive, real “workhorses” of the Euro-5 environmental class include three important advantages:

  • convenient 6-speed manual gearbox for smooth gear shifting;
  • modern electronic motion stabilization system ESP;
  • powerful diesel engine.

The volume of the van is close to 17 cubic meters. The M version of the 211 CDI van can be purchased in three versions: with an extended, compact or standard body.

Engine power is 116 horsepower. There is an additional liquid heater. The presented model comes with additional inclusions, such as: air conditioning, fire extinguisher, tachograph and more.

Features of sprint running

Sprint running has differences from other running styles.

The characteristic features of a sprint are as follows:

  • a powerful push is performed;
  • hips rise high;
  • the foot falls to the surface rigidly;
  • anaerobic respiration;
  • special breathing skills;
  • high level of energy and power costs.

Sprinting requires excellent fitness, discipline and proper training.

Features of training in sprint running

Before moving directly to the sprint, runners will have to undergo special training. Experienced trainers recommend starting with medium distances and then moving on to short distances.

Preparation stages:

  1. General endurance training: aerobic capacity, biomechanical and mental capabilities - steady running without a break from half an hour to 3 hours.
  2. Strength endurance: overcoming strength stress for a specific time, for example, when performing strength exercises with a short rest break.
  3. Development of speed stability: maintaining running speed - interval accelerations.
  4. Special endurance: fatigue resistance – tempo running;
  5. Long-term progress: improving running technique.

The transition to the high-speed part occurs gradually, with a consistent increase in load. To control the technique, first run at ½ the maximum intensity, then at 3/4 intensity.

The main elements of sprinting technique include a low start, powerful acceleration after the start, running in a straight line and around a turn, finish - shoulder throw to the finish line, training in running technique in general.

Running technique is taught at low intensity of movement and at a uniform pace. Then they move on to running with acceleration, with a maximum increase in speed indicators. Exit from the start is also trained separately.

When preparing for sprint running, the emphasis is on general and special exercises. Most often during training you have to:

  • run with high hips, raking legs and energetic movements of bent arms;
  • running with shin sprains;
  • run and mince in small steps;
  • jump sideways;
  • jump, pushing off completely from your feet, from foot to foot;
  • overcome obstacles with a running start;
  • step over the barrier back and forth;
  • step sideways over obstacles;
  • do a “bicycle” in a lying position;
  • run in place, raising your hips high;
  • work with your hands at different frequencies, while your elbows do not need to be spread to the sides.

Tourist bus 515-516 CDI

The main advantage of the 515-516 series bus, which distinguishes it from its counterparts, is a smooth and silent ride due to the soft suspension. The salon includes 19 seats. The high roof design and the front bumper with a step provide additional comfort in the Sprinter 906 515 CDI tourist bus.

At the beginning of the journey, you feel quite quick acceleration, and throughout the trip you feel economical fuel consumption. There is a starting assistance system called Start-off Assist.

The car maneuvers perfectly both on city streets and on the highway in strong wind conditions. Auxiliary grab handles and a spacious luggage compartment, as well as sun visors, ensure a pleasant ride.

Additional inclusions:

Seat belt indicator, immobilizer, climate control, metric instrument panel and halogen headlights with anti-glare optics. The leaf spring suspension consists of a rear parabolic and a front transverse leaf suspension. There is an interior rearview mirror.

The tourist bus also includes a battery for extreme conditions with a charge of 12 V / 95 Ah.

The braking system is represented by a Duo-Servo parking system on the rear axle, as well as disc brakes with all the additional functions of ABS, ASR and EBS. Reinforced front and rear axle stabilizer. Manufacturers have installed a seat belt tensioner and a hydraulic jack here.

Sprint running shoes

The right training shoes are the key to success. For sprinting, you need sneakers with soft textured studded soles for better traction on the surface. This sole reduces fatigue of the foot and allows it to be fixed more firmly.

Characteristics of running shoes for sprinting:

  1. Rigid fixation of the foot.
  2. A light weight.
  3. Comfort
  4. High-quality adhesion to the surface.

Before starting, you should check the lacing to ensure that an untied lace does not cause injury or reduce speed. Poorly fitting sneakers on your feet create discomfort when moving, which can seriously affect your speed.

Spikes for sprinting: description, selection criteria, best manufacturers

An excerpt characterizing the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

- Mon ami! [My friend!] - said the mother in a pleading voice, again touching her son’s hand, as if this touch could calm or excite him. Boris fell silent and, without taking off his overcoat, looked questioningly at his mother. “Darling,” Anna Mikhailovna said in a gentle voice, turning to the doorman, “I know that Count Kirill Vladimirovich is very ill... that’s why I came... I’m a relative... I won’t bother you, dear... But I just need to see Prince Vasily Sergeevich: because he is standing here. Report back, please. The doorman sullenly pulled the string upward and turned away. “Princess Drubetskaya to Prince Vasily Sergeevich,” he shouted to a waiter in stockings, shoes and a tailcoat who had run down from above and was looking out from under the ledge of the stairs. The mother smoothed out the folds of her dyed silk dress, looked into the solid Venetian mirror in the wall and walked briskly up the staircase carpet in her worn-out shoes. “Mon cher, voue m'avez promis, [My friend, you promised me,” she turned again to the Son, exciting him with the touch of her hand. The son, with lowered eyes, calmly followed her. They entered the hall, from which one door led to the chambers allocated to Prince Vasily. While the mother and son, going out into the middle of the room, intended to ask for directions from the old waiter who jumped up at their entrance, a bronze handle turned at one of the doors and Prince Vasily in a velvet fur coat, with one star, in a homely manner, came out, seeing off the handsome black-haired a man. This man was the famous St. Petersburg doctor Lorrain. – C'est donc positif? [So, is this true?] - said the prince. “Mon prince, “errare humanum est”, mais... [Prince, it is human nature to make mistakes.] - answered the doctor, gracing and pronouncing Latin words in a French accent. - C'est bien, c'est bien... [Okay, okay...] Noticing Anna Mikhailovna and her son, Prince Vasily bowed to dismiss the doctor and silently, but with a questioning look, approached them. The son noticed how suddenly deep sorrow was expressed in his mother's eyes, and smiled slightly. - Yes, in what sad circumstances did we have to see each other, Prince... Well, what about our dear patient? - she said, as if not noticing the cold, insulting gaze directed at her. Prince Vasily looked questioningly, to the point of bewilderment, at her, then at Boris. Boris bowed politely. Prince Vasily, without answering the bow, turned to Anna Mikhailovna and answered her question with a movement of his head and lips, which meant the worst hope for the patient. - Really? - Anna Mikhailovna exclaimed. - Oh, this is terrible! It’s scary to think... This is my son,” she added, pointing to Boris. “He himself wanted to thank you.” Boris bowed politely again. - Believe, prince, that a mother’s heart will never forget what you did for us. “I’m glad that I could do something pleasant for you, my dear Anna Mikhailovna,” said Prince Vasily, straightening his frill and in his gesture and voice showing here, in Moscow, in front of the patronized Anna Mikhailovna, even greater importance than in St. Petersburg, at Annette’s evening Scherer. “Try to serve well and be worthy,” he added, turning sternly to Boris. - I'm glad... Are you here on vacation? – he dictated in his dispassionate tone. “I’m waiting for an order, your Excellency, to go to a new destination,” answered Boris, showing neither annoyance at the prince’s harsh tone, nor a desire to engage in conversation, but so calmly and respectfully that the prince looked at him intently. - Do you live with your mother? “I live with Countess Rostova,” said Boris, adding again: “Your Excellency.” “This is the Ilya Rostov who married Nathalie Shinshina,” said Anna Mikhailovna. “I know, I know,” said Prince Vasily in his monotonous voice. – Je n'ai jamais pu concevoir, comment Nathalieie s'est decidee a epouser cet ours mal – leche l Un personnage completement stupide et ridicule.Et joueur a ce qu'on dit. [I could never understand how Natalie decided to marry that dirty bear. A completely stupid and funny person. Besides, he’s a player, they say.] – Mais tres brave homme, mon prince, [But a good man, prince,] – Anna Mikhailovna remarked, smiling touchingly, as if she knew that Count Rostov deserved such an opinion, but asked to have pity on the poor man old man. – What do the doctors say? - asked the princess, after a short silence and again expressing great sadness on her tear-stained face. “There is little hope,” said the prince. “And I really wanted to thank my uncle again for all his good deeds to both me and Bora.” “C’est son filleuil, [This is his godson,” she added in such a tone, as if this news should have greatly pleased Prince Vasily. Prince Vasily thought and winced. Anna Mikhailovna realized that he was afraid to find in her a rival in the will of Count Bezukhy. She hastened to reassure him. “If it weren’t for my true love and devotion to my uncle,” she said, pronouncing this word with particular confidence and carelessness: “I know his character, noble, direct, but he has only the princesses with him... They are still young...” She bowed her head and she added in a whisper: “Did he fulfill his last duty, prince?” How precious are these last minutes! After all, it can’t be worse; it needs to be cooked if it is that bad. We women, Prince,” she smiled tenderly, “always know how to say these things.” It is necessary to see him. No matter how hard it was for me, I was already used to suffering.

Ranks in sprint running

To receive a rank, you must pass the appropriate standards provided for each category of athletes. In addition to the time and distance criteria for assigning a sports category or title, you must adhere to the rules of the judging panel.

When passing the standards, for example, three judges of category I must be present on the panel of judges. Timing, which can be manual or automatic (electronic), is crucial. Nowadays, the electronic version is most often used in competitions.

There are also qualifying starts for championships or competitions to obtain ranks. They are usually held in athletics sections and are an incentive for achieving certain results through systematic preparation.

Table of rank standards for stadium running for men

Table of rank standards for women's stadium running

Records in sprint running

Records serve as an example of the development of outstanding abilities and an indicator of motivation to achieve higher results. All over the world, women's and men's records are usually separated due to the difference in physical indicators. Kenyan athletes set the most running records. Commentators joke that Kenyans are helped by lions moving freely on the roads.

Men's world records:

  • 1972 – 100 m and 200 m – Valery Borzov (USSR) – 10.14;
  • 1980 – 400 m – Viktor Markin (USSR) – 44.60;
  • 08/06/1992 – 400 m hurdles – Kevin Young (USA) - 46.78;
  • February 9, 1996 - 60 m - Bailey Donovan (Canada) - 5.56;
  • 08/16/2009 – 100 m – Usain Bolt (Jamaica) – 9.58;
  • 08/20/2009 – 200 m – Usain Bolt (Jamaica) – 19.19;
  • 09/07/2021 – 110 m hurdles – Aris Merritt (USA) – 12.80;
  • 08/14/2016 – 400m – Weide Van Niekerk (South Africa) – 43.03;
  • 01/20/2018 – 60 m – Christian Coleman (USA) -6.37.

Usain Bolt (Jamaica) is the only athlete who managed to win the 100 and 200 meter sprint distances at three Olympics in a row. He received the nickname "Lightning" for his speed.

10 best sprinters on the planet: biography and history of development

Among women, two athletes have the largest number of records at once: Florence Griffith-Joyner (USA) and Tegla Lorupe (Kenya). Each has three historical results.

Entered the world record history (women):

  • 1980 – 100 m – Lyudmila Kondratyeva (USSR) – 10.87;
  • 1982 –400 m –400 m – Jarmila Kratokhvilova (Czechoslovakia) – 49.59 seconds;
  • 1985 – 400 m – Marita Koch (Germany) – 47.60;
  • 1987 – 400 m – Olga Bryzgina (USSR) – gold medal;
  • 1988 – 200 m – Florence Griffith-Joyner (USA) – 21.34 seconds;
  • 1988 – 100 m – Florence Griffith-Joyner (USA) – 10.49;
  • 1992 – 400 m relay race – Olga Bryzgina (USSR) – gold medal;
  • 1993 – 60 m – Irina Privalova (Russia) – 6.92;
  • 1995 – 50 m – Irina Privalova (Russia) – 5.96;
  • 1996 – 400 m – Marie-Josée Perec (France) – 48.25;
  • 2003 – 400 m hurdles – Yulia Pechenkina (Russia) – 52.34;
  • 2016 – 100 m hurdles – Kendra Harrison (USA) – 12.20.

Paralympians can also run. Paraathlete Oscar Pistorius, who ran the 400m in under 47 seconds while wearing artificial limbs on both legs below the knees.

Interesting! According to the rules of sprint running, if the maximum tailwind speed at a competition is more than 2 m/s, the final result is not recorded for the athletes as a personal record.


  1. [auto.lenta.ru/news/2010/12/23/sprinter/ Daimler and GAZ agreed to produce Mercedes in Russia]. auto.lenta.ru
    (December 23, 2010). Retrieved December 23, 2010. [www.webcitation.org/619WW7nBr Archived from the original on August 23, 2011].
  2. [www.kommersant.ru/doc/2050097 The fifth homeland of the Sprinter]. kommersant.ru
    (07.11.2012). Retrieved November 7, 2012. [www.webcitation.org/6CnVQBZrF Archived from the original on December 10, 2012].
  3. [cheaprvlivingblog.com/2013/05/is-a-sprinter-the-right-van-for-you/ Is a Sprinter the Right Van for You]. Cheap RV Living Blog (1 April 2013). Retrieved November 4, 2013.
  4. [sprinter-source.com/wiki/index.php/Sprinter#NCV3_Sprinter_2nd_Generation_.282006_.E2.80.93_present.29 Sprinter – Sprinter-Wiki]. Sprinter-Source.com (11 April 2013). Retrieved November 14, 2013.
  5. [www.mbsprinterusa.com/sprinter/cargo-van/specifications/ Sprinter Cargo Van Specifications]. Sprinter USA. Retrieved November 8, 2013.
  6. Sanchez, Edward
    [www.trucktrend.com/roadtests/van/163_1304_2014_mercedes_benz_sprinter_first_look/index.html#ixzz2TCWAzjeZ 2014 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter First Look.
    Major Powertrain Updates Prep Benz's Van for Stiffer Competition]. Truck Trend magazine
    . Truck Trend. Retrieved May 13, 2013.
  7. Stoklosa, Alexander
    [www.caranddriver.com/news/2014-mercedes-benz-sprinter-photos-and-info-news 2014 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter.].
    Car and Driver Magazine
    . Retrieved May 13, 2013.

The benefits of sprinting

Sprint running can be used not only as a competitive athletics discipline in preparation for the Olympic Games, but also as a mandatory component of training, both professional and amateur. Many people engage in sprinting not for the sake of sporting victories, but solely for their own pleasure. The short-distance running technique has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • Increased endurance.
  • Dexterity of movement.
  • Development of coordination of movements and sense of balance.
  • Improving the efficiency of the respiratory system.
  • Improved blood circulation, more oxygen enters the blood.
  • Increased muscle tone.
  • Strengthening the muscular frame.
  • Acceleration of metabolism and energy.
  • Subcutaneous fat is actively burned.
  • Weight correction in a weight loss program.
  • Increasing the level of adaptation to physical activity.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Safety precautions

Failure to comply with safety precautions in sprint races leads to falls and injuries. No one is immune from unpleasant consequences. Unfortunate accidents happen even to experienced athletes who can leave the race literally one step away from victory. The main type of injury is muscle strain as a result of high load on the back of the thigh. Sprains are very painful and take a long time to heal. A short reminder to avoid injuries

  • Do not start running without warming up to avoid sudden strain on the muscles.
  • Do not endanger the heart muscle.
  • Before the race, do some stretching exercises to warm up your muscles and improve their tone.
  • To gradually transition to higher loads, first jog for 10 minutes.
  • Try to run only in your own lane so as not to collide with other race participants.

If a traumatic situation could not be avoided, you should take a break from training and do not load the damaged muscles and tendons. If training is started prematurely, the result may become irreversible, and the athlete will have to say goodbye to races and the dream of victories forever. Only runners who thoroughly train their muscles at least three times a week can count on winning the sprint. It is the developed muscle groups, especially those directly involved in running, that determine a champion.

Minibus taxi 515 CDI EL MRT

The ideal car with a capacity of 17+1 passengers, specially created for a noisy city, has amazing sound insulation. The side door opens automatically to let passengers into the cabin. There is a security door locking system (especially important for small children).

Quick acceleration will be provided by the 6-speed Eco Gear 360 and a powerful 150 hp engine. A hydraulic dual-circuit braking system is installed with all the additional functions of ABS, ASR and EBD (electronic brake force distribution).

The system has a built-in special indicator that starts making sounds if the driver is not wearing a seat belt. Side turn signals are located on the rear view mirrors. Additionally, there is a wheel chock, and in case of fire there is a hydraulic jack.

Sprint competition

There is a special protocol for sprint competitions at the world level. Sprint running up to 100 meters takes place on a straight treadmill, at other distances - in a circle. Stadiums selected for sprint running competitions must have certain parameters:

  • Length at least 400 m.
  • Radius 36 m.
  • Number of tracks: 6-10.
  • All paths are the same width within 1.22-1.25 meters.
  • The start and finish are indicated by white lines 5 cm wide.
  • Left-hand running direction.

A smaller training stadium is not suitable for high world level competition. At distances up to 400 m inclusive, each participant runs on a separate track. Amateur sprinting competitions are not popular. They require careful preparation.

Although the competition is amateur, it does not include runners who take up running as a hobby. Sprint running is suitable for serious and purposeful athletes.

First generation

The first generation was produced from 1995 to 2006 (until 2011 in Argentina).

Production in Russia

On December 23, 2010, Daimler AG and GAZ Group signed a memorandum of partnership to organize the production of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

series W901-W905 at the Gorky Automobile Plant. The production of the cars was scheduled for 2011[1].

On November 7, 2012, the president of the GAZ group, Bo Andersson, and the head of the Mercedes-Benz Vans division of Daimler AG, Volker Morninweg, signed an official final agreement. This event took place within the framework of the International Economic Forum held in St. Petersburg.

According to official press releases, Daimler AG's investment should amount to more than 100 million €, and the GAZ Group should invest more than 90 million €. The parties refused to name the expected production volumes, although it was initially stated that 25 thousand Sprinters per year would be assembled at the plant in Nizhny Novgorod. It is planned that part of the production equipment for assembly will be relocated to GAZ from Argentina, where until recently this particular Sprinter model was assembled. However, a significant part of the production capacity must be created anew at GAZ (in particular, a new painting booth and assembly line). The painting booth, costing over €50 million, is to be supplied by the German company Eisenmann. [2].

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