The chainsaw does not gain momentum: an overview of the reasons and do-it-yourself repairs

Malfunctions occur both in expensive German or American modifications of chainsaws, and in their cheap Chinese counterfeits. It’s nice when the power tool starts up smoothly: the saw warms up and gradually reaches the rated power declared by the manufacturer, which is provided throughout the entire operating cycle. Things are worse if everything happens the other way around: after pulling the gas cable, the unit begins to slip, runs jerkily after short pauses, stalls and restarts with the pusher.

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, as well as scenarios for the development of events. Let us consider in detail each working situation and the breakdowns that preceded them.

What to do if the chainsaw does not idle?

Problems with idle speed are considered constant companions of chainsaws. There may be several prerequisites that could lead to stalling at the time of start-up and cranking of the chain when idling, the main ones being:

  • air and gasoline filters are clogged;
  • poor quality fuel mixture or improper preparation;
  • problems with the ignition module;
  • a carburetor whose settings no longer correspond to the load on the saw;
  • motor elements are deformed or rusted.

A series of actions are performed sequentially:

  • wash the fuel hose or replace it with a new one,
  • Clean the air filter, which could be clogged with sawdust and dirt particles. Modern air filters are reusable, they can be washed with the addition of detergent, completely removing them from the saw body;
  • check gasoline and motor oil, which may be of poor quality or simply not suitable for working with this saw;
  • testing spark plugs and carburetor.

Eliminating one or more possible problems will usually restore the saw to its former strength.

Summing up

When the first signs of improper operation of the chainsaw appear, it is worth carrying out a full diagnosis. To avoid damage to the saw as a result of improper maintenance, it is better to entrust the work of identifying and eliminating engine malfunctions to professionals. And most importantly, you should not use a chainsaw with minor defects, as this will lead to even bigger problems.

The Partner brand belongs to a subsidiary of the petrol tool manufacturer Husqvarna. The Partner 350 chainsaw is a widely used model that is popular due to its optimal price-quality ratio, high reliability, performance and efficiency.

Why doesn't the chainsaw gain momentum?

Starting up is a complex multi-level process in which almost all life support systems of the saw are involved. That is why the fact that the chain saw loses speed, turns on intermittently and feels confident only at idle should be considered from different angles.

The following factors could lead to this:

  • a faulty motor - its service life could be exhausted, and the piston rings and cylinder could wear out, become deformed, or even succumb to corrosion;
  • a faulty spark plug or the coil itself - as a result, the spark necessary to ignite the air-fuel mixture is not produced;
  • unbalance of the carburetor screws, as well as a number of reasons that could cause it to fail.

The chainsaw starts and stalls - the reason

If the chainsaw starts and stalls during the first attempts to do the job, then the reason may be problems with the chain brake or its jamming due to lack of lubrication. In this case, measure the oil level. If the amount of lubricant is sufficient, then the reason may lie in the tube that leads it to the lubrication mechanism.

Another reason could be a carburetor failure. If it only needs adjustment, you can do it yourself according to the instructions. If the carburetor needs cleaning or repair, then you cannot do without the help of professionals.

Another possible cause of this malfunction is a low fuel level in the tank. In this case, the chain saw stalls when tilted, since the remainder of the fuel mixture ends up in the part of the tank opposite to the place where the suction tube is located.

The chainsaw does not develop speed: we test the device for malfunctions

The ignition module can be diagnosed for problems visually. To do this you need:

  • turn out the spark plug;
  • evaluate its appearance (it should not be filled with gasoline or contain a black coating);
  • check the distance between the coil and magnets (up to 0.2 mm);
  • if necessary, examine the spark plug block for spark supply using a working power cable.

If after checking no defects were found, you should proceed to checking the carburetor unit.

This working unit is one of the most vulnerable in modern chainsaws. New tools that go on sale from the factory have basic settings for low and high speeds, which must be reinstalled after running in and running in all the parts. Similar actions are performed if the saw does not develop traction corresponding to the maximum torque according to the instructions.

Try also growing Black Prince tomato in your garden.

The figure shows a typical three-jet adjustment circuit.

In this case, you need to reconfigure one of them - the “H” jet, which is responsible for the operation of the saw under load. To do this, it is enough to adjust the fuel supply with the engine running at the highest chain rotation speed, using the tachometer and the operating instructions.

Checking the spark plug and ignition system

According to manufacturers' recommendations, the spark plug should be changed annually, regardless of the intensity of use of the tool. Failure to follow these tips leads to a completely natural result: failures at idle speed and subsequent failure.

Typical ignition system defects are as follows:

Faulty chainsaw spark plugs.

  1. The spark plug was filled with fuel at the time of start-up. It is necessary to remove it from the socket, dry it, and, if possible, blow it with compressed air. Drain the remaining fuel from the cylinder through the installation hole and blow it out with compressed air. Then install the spark plug, connect the high-voltage wire, and start it.
  2. No spark at the spark plug electrodes. You need to disconnect the high-voltage wire and check for a spark on it. If the spark is normal, check the connection and eliminate any defects found. The absence of a spark on the high-voltage wire indicates a malfunction of the ignition unit. This device cannot be repaired; it must be replaced with a new one.
  3. The gap between the spark plug electrodes is broken. This parameter for different types of devices can range from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. Checking and adjustments must be performed using a special probe or caliper. The required value can be found in the operating instructions for the tool.
  4. By the appearance of the candle, you can determine the direction of the search. If the spark plug turns out to be dry after several attempts to start the engine, it means that gasoline is not entering the cylinder. It is necessary to check the fuel supply system and carburetor.
  5. The presence of black soot or carbon deposits on the electrodes indicates incorrect carburetor adjustment or a clogged air filter. Possibly low-quality fuel with a high oil content is used. During normal operation of the ignition system, the electrodes have a uniform gray color and a brown coating on the insulators.

Other chainsaw malfunctions

Many users encounter problems when the chainsaw does not slow down. The device reaches maximum power in a matter of seconds, which cannot be reduced.

This may be due to the fact that:

  • the throttle valve does not function - its spring or traction element has weakened;
  • the power switch does not switch well;
  • The throttle shaft has lost its spin.

But the opposite situation can also happen - when the saw gains power uncontrollably. The reasons why the chainsaw itself gains momentum should be looked for in:

  • carburetor - it needs to be cleaned or reconfigured;
  • fuel supply system - gas filter, fuel hose;
  • malfunctions of the cylinder-piston pipes or pipes connecting them to the carburetor.

There are quite a lot of breakdowns that manifest themselves through speeds that are atypical for a particular part of the operating cycle. But careful attention to the instrument will help to diagnose them in time and return it to normal operation.

To sum it up...

Definitely, every item we buy has its own expiration date and sooner or later it breaks, and it becomes a shame when the degree of its breakdown is so great that it cannot be repaired. But you must admit that quite often we simply treat technology negligently, and when it stops working, then we try to find ways to fix the breakdown, turning to a huge number of services.

The quality of the cut and the overall efficiency of the chainsaw are influenced by many factors, the main one of which is the speed of its engine. Their intensity or absence can indicate the most typical malfunctions of garden tools, including damage to the engine CPG, breakdown or need to adjust the carburetor, as well as wear and tear on the ignition system elements.

Carburetor repair of a Carver saw: possible malfunctions and their elimination

After the chainsaw has used up 50-70 or more liters of gasoline, filters and jets may become clogged.

The unit is disassembled, washed, blown with compressed air and returned to work.

Most mechanical failures of a Carver carburetor are caused by the elastic diaphragm becoming rough over time and unable to function properly.

You can disassemble the carburetor and replace the membrane if you can find such a spare part. However, such components are of little use for repair, and it is easier to replace the entire carburetor of a Carver chainsaw, and sometimes the entire used chainsaw.

To adjust the carburetor of a Carver chainsaw, it is enough to know the structure and principle of operation. Knowing them, using simple tools, and following the setup algorithm described in the article, you can easily set it up with your own hands at home. It is worth understanding that adjustment is still a serious process and if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to take the chainsaw to a workshop.

Switches off when under load

The video discusses a fairly common malfunction of chainsaws and not a 100% method of carburetor options. How did you do it?

Often massive chainsaws stall from the load. The main thing is that your fuel filter is clogged; it is not the one that needs to be replaced. If this does not help, then you need to check the quality of the fuel mixture and prepare a new one.

Sources: html

Everything about the speed of gasoline saws

Modernization does not stand still. And the old chain saws, which, apart from the fact that they could only cut wood, emitting a terrible roar and vibration that could be heard almost kilometers away, have long been a thing of the past. In fact, silent, thorough tools, which have now become a pleasure to hold in your hands, have flooded the market, giving users a feeling of complete happiness and technical freedom.

But, to our great chagrin, no matter how thorough the advanced technology is at the technical level and visually, its breakdowns are a fairly common occurrence, which manufacturers talk about only “by default.” Chainsaws are no exception to this, functional working units that require great attention from the user in order to recognize the “catch” and stop the problem at the earliest stages.

The main of these aspects usually relate to the moment of start-up, which should be taken with full responsibility. Let's look at the main processes that can occur with a chainsaw when the engine is turned on.

What is the difference between adjusting the carburetor on a Huter BS 52 chainsaw?

This chainsaw has a carburetor identical to the carburetor of the Huter BS 42 chainsaw. Therefore, the settings are made in the same sequence.

There is practically no difference, both visually and internally. At least the carburetor setup is identical.

For a successful outcome of independently adjusting the carburetor of a Huter chainsaw, it is important to be aware of the principle of operation and strictly follow the instructions for adjusting it. And also do not forget that timely and proper care of the tool will ensure its long service life.

Fuel filter is dirty

If the option with an air filter is not suitable for you, then we try to change the fuel one. It is located in the gas tank and is attached to a hose through which fuel is drawn from the tank.

myth, you need to carefully pry the hose with something and pull its edge out of the gas tank, where the filter is attached. Here, it is better not to use the option with a service without a filter, as for which the design with an air filter is intended, because you have no way of knowing for sure whether there are any unnecessary impurities in the fuel.

Why does a chainsaw engine stall when you press the gas?

Despite the high performance of chainsaws, sometimes moments arise when the tool stops working normally. In particular, a common situation is that the chainsaw begins to stall when you press the gas. For experienced tool owners, this problem is known, but beginners who are faced with this for the first time will have to turn to specialists for help. But don’t rush, in the material you can find all the important causes of the malfunction, and also try to eliminate them.

Air filter clogged

The main reason for a clogged air filter is fine dust generated when sawing wood. Cutting raw wood is especially hard. Of all the reasons for a chainsaw stalling, this is the most common. The exception is some models. For example, a STIHL chainsaw stalls for various reasons, but not because of a clogged air filter. Because its carburetor is equipped with a compensator that takes in air if the filter fails. Wood dust particles penetrate under the housing and are sucked into the filter installed on the carburetor. A clogged mesh creates resistance to air, and less air enters the carburetor. In order to clean the air filter, it is necessary to remove the closing cover and separate it from the carburetor. Before removing, you need to brush off the sawdust or blow with air. Then remove the filter so that debris does not get into the carburetor. During cleaning, cover the carburetor with a cloth. Then the filter must be blown out from the inside with compressed air, and then installed in place.

The main reasons for chainsaw failure

Although the chain saw is a simple device, from time to time problems arise in its operation, which can only be eliminated by disassembling it. Examples include the following faults:

  • the chainsaw
    does not gain speed;
  • the chainsaw stops functioning when cutting;
  • the chainsaw
    starts and stalls;
  • the chainsaw loses its power;
  • The chainsaw stalls when pressed.

Most often, malfunctions are associated with interruptions in the functioning of the motor, as well as with malfunctions of other systems and components. Proper handling of this equipment is of great importance. If all the rules of use are followed, problems with a high probability lie in the most obvious ones. When looking for the causes of problems, it is advisable to start by checking the simplest part of the chainsaw and finish with the most complex.

Carburetor operation in winter

People who work with chainsaws have repeatedly noticed that an inexpensive tool that works great in the summer loses its performance in the winter. chainsaw , which works flawlessly in warm weather, stalls with the onset of cold weather. What is this connected with? On saws of an expensive price category, the carburetor has two operating modes - winter and summer. Initially, the chainsaw is configured for the summer. In order to switch it to cold operation mode, you need to open a special damper. Then air will be sucked into the carburetor not from the street, but from the hot cylinders, which will ensure stable operation in the cold. However, this solution does not solve the problem of cold starts in winter.

READ How to Adjust the Carburetor on a Carver Chainsaw

Setting up the fuel system

Qualified carburetor adjustment allows you to bring the power unit to a combination of maximum traction parameters and economical fuel consumption.

The success of the work is facilitated by preliminary cleaning of the air intake filter, warming up the engine to operating temperature, and performing adjustments in the sequence specified in the instructions.

The result of correct carburetor adjustment is:

  • rapid acceleration without the “failure” characteristic of a lean mixture when accelerating sharply;
  • absence of increased smoke from the muffler;
  • stable idle speed.
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