How does a bulldozer differ from a tractor - the advantages and disadvantages of each

When dealing with the question of how a bulldozer differs from a tractor, it is worth saying that both machines are extremely necessary to help a prudent businessman. Bulldozers and tractors of various sizes and power are used in the following areas: agriculture, industry, farming, municipal services, construction.

How is a tractor different from a bulldozer and an excavator?

To determine the main differences between a tractor, an excavator and a bulldozer, you need to familiarize yourself with the design features and areas of use of special equipment.

This is specialized equipment needed to perform various tasks.

Using a tractor you can cope with the following work:

  • Plow various soils, including virgin soil;
  • Harrow the soil and prepare the ground for planting;
  • Hill up the beds;
  • Plant tuber crops and sow seed crops;
  • Harvest;
  • Spray fertilizers and pest control products. For this purpose, a special attachment is used - a tractor-mounted sprayer;
  • Mow weeds;
  • Transport crops, equipment or waste;
  • Transport garbage, hay, and mown grass.

Bulldozers, unlike most wheeled tractors, are tracked. Therefore, they are resistant to use. With a tracked mechanism, the weight of the equipment increases significantly, which makes it possible to cope with complex tasks.

Works that a bulldozer can handle:

  • Drilling of the wells;
  • Uprooting stumps and trees;
  • Clearing the territory from traces of natural disasters;
  • Digging trenches and pits during construction;
  • Removal of the obsolete layer of asphalt and upper layers of rocks.

The bulldozer is actively used in the construction industry, when planning sites, for cleaning areas, and during road work. The tractor is agricultural machinery.

Why do you need an excavator?

This technique is a classic representative of earthmoving machines used for working with soil. The design is almost the same as that of a bulldozer:

  • tractor or tractor, including a cabin and chassis;
  • a working unit designed to perform excavation work.

An excavator is used to excavate soil, dig trenches and pits, load bulk materials and move them to a given location.

Please note: Excavators, like bulldozers, can sometimes be used to clear areas.

What is the difference between a tractor and an excavator?

An excavator is an earth-moving machine with a bucket. The equipment loads bulk materials and develops soils. The excavator can be supplemented with various equipment: booms, hooks, handles and other working elements.

In terms of design, excavators are equipped with buckets of various sizes, which are not found on tractors.

Industries where excavators are used:

  • Construction, demolition of old buildings;
  • Road construction;
  • When working in the mountains and quarries.

The types of buckets used are:

  • Standard methods are used to destroy buildings and clear areas;
  • Loaders fill trucks with mined-out rocks;
  • Grab grabs with two or more jaws carry large materials;
  • Hooks are used to hang and carry large items that are held on cables;
  • Rippers crush the upper layers of rocks for further extraction of minerals.

Excavators come in different sizes, which also affects the scope of their operation. Large heavy machines operate in open areas. Small-sized equipment is suitable for use in enclosed spaces (warehouses, factories, etc.).

Where to rent reliable special equipment

offers organizations and individuals in Saransk the rental of excavators and other popular special equipment. It is more profitable to rent cars for a long time. For example, operating a crawler excavator for up to a day costs 1,800 rubles/hour, and up to a month—1,700 rubles/hour. If you rent equipment for a period of more than a month, the tariff will drop to 1,500 rubles per hour. To order a service, contact StroySpetsTrans managers by phone or request a call back.

What is the difference between a tractor and an excavator?

Excavators, like tractors, are also included in the class of special-purpose equipment. They are quite similar in design, but there are also differences between them. The first of them is that the standard equipment of the excavator includes buckets of various sizes, while the tractor does not initially have one.

Another important difference between a tractor and an excavator lies in their areas of application.

The excavator is used in the following industries:

  • during the construction and demolition of obsolete buildings;
  • in road construction;
  • in quarries and mine workings.

The main feature of modern excavators is the availability of a wide selection of working elements used for operation. If necessary, instead of buckets, handles, booms, and also pile driver masts can be installed on the unit.

To operate an excavator, it can be equipped with the following types of buckets:

  • standard excavator buckets – used for demolishing buildings and clearing areas;
  • loading buckets – are actively used in rock mines for loading trucks with mined ore;
  • clamshell buckets with two or more jaws - special load-grasping devices used for transporting large materials;
  • bucket hooks - these structures are used for the purpose of hanging and carrying large products held by cables;
  • ripper buckets - used in mining to crush the upper layers of rocks.

Depending on their size, excavators can be used for work in different enterprises. Large-sized machines are successfully operated in open bases, while small-sized excavators have found their application in closed warehouses.

How is a bulldozer different from a tractor?

Before you start getting acquainted with the differences, you should understand that a bulldozer and a tractor are classified as special equipment. Today, these salting units are produced in different dimensions and different capacities.

They can often be found in such areas of human activity as:

  • Agriculture;
  • construction of facilities for various functional purposes;
  • farming;
  • utility services;
  • road and land works.

This list can be expanded and expanded, because today a large number of labor-intensive works have been transferred to the “shoulders” of technology.

With a bucket and shovel at the ready

Now it’s hard to believe, but in the urban planning of the 1930s, mechanization in the maintenance of underground communications was not used at all. During routine restoration and emergency work in cities, only manual labor was used. The idea of ​​carrying out major renovations of neighborhoods (when all residents are evicted and the neighborhoods are rebuilt anew) using construction mechanization was too expensive. Housing stock and life support systems in cities wear out unevenly and simultaneous replacement of everything is ineffective.

Features and differences of modern tractors

The technical characteristics of most tractor models allow them to be used as tractors. Also, thanks to the increased cross-country ability that tractors have, their use is possible on various types of soil. Thanks to attachments, the scope of use of tractors is significantly expanding, namely they can be used:

  • when cultivating the soil, sowing grain and industrial crops, during harvesting;
  • moving various types of waste over a short distance;
  • transportation of building materials and waste over short distances.

In addition, due to their high power, tractors can be used as a tug for other vehicles.

What is the name of the shovel on a bulldozer?

Its working body, which is called the blade (shovel), fills up when the forward movements of this equipment are made.

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Functional purpose of the bulldozer

A bulldozer is a self-propelled vehicle, usually on caterpillar tracks. Experts associate a large class of construction equipment with bulldozer equipment located outside the chassis. The main functions that a bulldozer can perform include the following types of work:

  • digging pits, trenches;
  • drilling;
  • removal of rock layers and worn asphalt;
  • uprooting of trees, stumps.

As can be seen from the functionality of the bulldozer, it cannot be used to perform work related to agriculture (plowing, sowing and harvesting). This type of special equipment is more focused on road work, area planning and clearing areas of debris and snow.

In conclusion, we can conclude: a tractor and a bulldozer are power units that belong to the same category “Special equipment”. However, there are certain tasks that a tractor can handle that a bulldozer cannot and vice versa. Using a tractor, you will not be able to dig a deep pit, and using a bulldozer, you will not be able to harvest the crop.

Why do you need a bulldozer?

The main purpose of a bulldozer is to work with soil and bulk building materials. It has a simple design consisting of three parts:

  • chassis;
  • cabin with controls;
  • work block.

The working unit of the bulldozer is a forward curved blade. It is highly durable. A bulldozer can cut, dig and transfer large volumes of soil, so its main functions are as follows:

  • leveling of territories during terrain planning;
  • removing a layer of fertile soil when organizing a construction site;
  • development of slopes and clearing of slopes;
  • creation of shallow channels and backfilling of trenches;
  • cleaning areas from debris, snow, etc.

Unlike an excavator, a bulldozer does not have a bucket and is not capable of digging deep trenches or pits.

What is the difference between a tractor and a bulldozer?

The main difference between a tractor and a bulldozer lies directly in the work for which they are intended to be regularly performed. The tractor used on the farm is designed to quickly solve the following tasks:

  • soil cultivation, including plowing virgin soils;
  • sowing seeds and planting cultivated tuberous plants;
  • harrowing;
  • hilling and other types of work related to caring for beds;
  • spraying grown crops with mineral fertilizers and applying organic masses;
  • removal of weeds;
  • harvesting and transportation of crops;
  • transportation of prepared bales of straw, hay and grass remaining after mowing.

Bulldozers, unlike tractors, are less commonly used in agriculture. The main area of ​​their operation is urban utilities and the construction industry.

What is the difference between a bulldozer and an excavator

The difference between an excavator and a bulldozer is the attachment. An excavator has a bucket with a boom, not a blade. This is what distinguishes these types of special equipment from each other. The difference in working bodies determines the scope of application. Therefore, it cannot be said that one special equipment is better than another. They just have different functions:

  • an excavator uses a bucket to dig trenches and pits;
  • A bulldozer removes soil layer by layer and moves materials along the surface of the earth.

Please note: if you need multifunctional earth-moving equipment, rent a backhoe loader in Saransk.

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