Technical characteristics of the T-150 tractor, advantages and disadvantages

Founded during the birth of the Soviet Union, the Kharkov Tractor Plant is a real legend of the Soviet, and now Ukrainian, engineering industry. This plant not only has not lost its competitiveness, but has also been completely modernized and now occupies one of the main places in European tractor construction. Since 1931, a huge number of different vehicles have been produced on its basis, which later became advanced. These samples are still used in agriculture today.

Tracked T-150 or wheeled T-150K.

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Please login or register. Which tractor is best for working in the fields? Which one is more reliable? I would like to know the opinion of distinguished “tractor drivers”.

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How can I answer you, both of them, frankly speaking, have crappy SMD 60 (62.64) engines, it’s much better if YaMZ. The T-150 also takes out the fucking boxes. I think that the T-150k is more suitable for transport work, where it travels for a long time, and is afraid of arable land like hell. The T-150 is good in arable land, but the engine and gearbox are. ehhhh leave much to be desired.

But, there is always a but, my father worked on the T-150k for 12 years and never opened the box, but only filled it with hydraulic oil and on time, the SMD-62 engine lasted 6 years (9000 engine hours) without capital until he filled it with diesel oil (engine knocked), and then repair after repair began until the SMD-60 was delivered from the Kolos combine. The work was carried out in different ways: plowing and cultivation and sowing and transport over distances of up to 200 km and forest, in short, all the work.

p/s if for arable land I would choose the T-4a Altai or DT-75 with the A-41 engine, or even better the K-701.

Who can say anything based on the caterpillar box. Is it reliable if it undergoes maintenance in a timely manner? And then they assured me that

from, like it’s leaking, the brake bands are burning - true or not.

Is it reliable if it undergoes maintenance in a timely manner? And then they assured me that it was leaking, that the brake bands were burning - true or not.

If you fill in good or excellent oil and change the filter more often, the box can and does last a long time. But it’s clear that this is crap!

Why is the T-150k afraid of arable land?

Why is the T-150k afraid of arable land?

SMD - 62 is not a gift, it is more of a transport vehicle, not high-torque. The SMD-60 is better in this regard, and even better with the YaMZ - these are indestructible.

It’s better not to even discuss the SMD, it’s a very capricious engine, and besides, there are no spare parts for it anymore. At least for us. Regarding the caterpillar or the wheel, here is the situation. The advantages of caterpillars are that you can plow in the dirt. The question immediately arises, why do this? I don’t see any other advantages of the caterpillar. The wheel is both transport, wear resistance of the chassis, and simplicity of design. Another feature is the tracked T-150 - it’s a “pig” in life. All the dirt and dust are on it. And the face of the tractor driver. On our farm, one of these was put into ferrous metal, it stood for seven years, not a single man agreed to sit on it. So my opinion is only wheeled, with YaMZ.

How can I answer you, both of them, frankly speaking, have crappy SMD 60 (62.64) engines, it’s much better if YaMZ. The T-150 also takes out the fucking boxes. I think that the T-150k is more suitable for transport work, where it travels for a long time, and is afraid of arable land like hell. The T-150 is good in arable land, but the engine and gearbox are. ehhhh leave much to be desired.

But, there is always a but, my father worked on the T-150k for 12 years and never opened the box, but only filled it with hydraulic oil and on time, the SMD-62 engine lasted 6 years (9000 engine hours) without capital until he filled it with diesel oil (engine knocked), and then repair after repair began until the SMD-60 was delivered from the Kolos combine. The work was carried out in different ways: plowing and cultivation and sowing and transport over distances of up to 200 km and forest, in short, all the work.

p/s if for arable land I would choose the T-4a Altai or DT-75 with the A-41 engine, or even better the K-701.

First of all, you need to have brains, but you don’t need to have too many of them to criticize a good tractor. Make up your own mind, he works for his father and he is a good tractor driver, but his son-rider’s tractor turned out to be bullshit ha ha woe is the tractor driver who ruined the primer at school and had to read it.

Artem, about which is better, tracked or wheeled, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, there is something to discuss, it all depends on the main use of the tractor and the work it performs, here the wheeled one has, in my opinion, more advantages, and if you add a twin to it, then it’s definitely a wheeled one .

As for the engine, I don’t argue, it’s a good and complex engine, and if it’s on a tractor, then while it’s working, there’s no point in driving it into YaMZ, treat it with care and work, its maintainability is not so great, it requires a qualified approach, you can change the piston, the turbine will work for the first time work, further repairs make little sense, I mean more complex ones: boring the crankshaft, for example, etc. and so on. After the connecting rod showed a fist in the block, I threw it out and installed YaMZ without hesitation.

Tractor HTZ T-150

The HTZ T-150 tractor model is one of the best developments of the Kharkov Tractor Plant. There are two modifications of this tractor, depending on the drive: tracked and wheeled. During their design, the experience in creating similar equipment from global manufacturers was taken into account.

Despite the fact that both models are called T-150, they have differences in the design of the frames, gearbox and control mechanism. The T-150 was developed on the basis of the previous model T125. The T-150 dates back to 1967, when production of this equipment began.

However, KhTZ did not stop at the banal production of this machine, but constantly modernized and improved it, in accordance with the development of world technologies.

The T-150 wheeled tractor belongs to the 3rd traction class with all-wheel drive. He proved himself excellent in agriculture, construction and transportation work. A special feature of the tracked and wheeled tractor models is the ability to work with a wide range of attachments.

A tractor that is used even in Europe

For 40 years, which is how long this tractor has been produced, a large number of different modifications have been produced. Thus, on the basis of this technology, tracked vehicles with a raised drive sprocket and a reduced support area, an experimental 2-link model, and vehicles on rubber and metal tracks were produced.

In the same years, other models were released - the T-130 and T-170, but today only the T-150 (tracked and wheeled versions) continues to be actively used. Today the car has been completely updated and is produced not only for the domestic but also for the European market.

Model range overview

The power of the T-150 tractor was useful in many sectors of the economy and industry. KhTZ was mainly involved in the production of the T-150K wheeled model. The tracked model has not found wide use due to strong competition from similar equipment from ChTZ.

The following models were developed on the basis of the T-150K wheeled tractor:

  • T-155 is used as a light tractor
  • T-157 is designed for forest skidding
  • T-150KD is a bulldozer version of the tractor
  • The T-154 was designed specifically for use as an army tractor
  • T 150K 09 this machine was equipped with a YaMZ engine with 175 hp. and double cabin


  • Alexey, Kyiv. A powerful and versatile tractor for all types of agricultural work. Overall I liked the car. The T-150K model has great potential and a durable design, very reliable and maintainable. Allows you to perform hilling, harrowing, cultivation, plowing and other types of soil cultivation. With such a tractor you can sow grain and vegetable crops, tow heavy trailers, perform repair and installation work, etc. The machine is noisy and clumsy, minor breakdowns occur, but thanks to its good maintainability there are no problems with maintenance.
  • Mikhail, Kharkov. The tractor has been used on our farm for more than 15 years. Like any other equipment, the HTZ T-150 often breaks down, and once it came down to a major overhaul of the chassis - with the replacement of all suspension elements. The undercarriage is made from poor quality parts and it seems like every year these parts are getting worse in terms of reliability. But in general, the tractor is very productive and can work with any attachment.


Despite its high technical characteristics, the T 150K tractor is a relatively small and maneuverable piece of equipment. Overall dimensions are 6130x2460x3170 mm. The tractor weighs 8400 kg without fuel and attachments.

The length of the base is 286 cm. A plus is the ability to adjust the track width at a distance of 168 or 186 cm. The clearance height of the tracked model is 30 cm, and the wheeled model is 40 cm. The tractor is able to turn around in an area of ​​6.5 meters.


The T-150 was equipped with a six-cylinder diesel engine with 150 horsepower. On later versions, engine power was increased to 180 hp. Now, potential buyers are offered another modification of the T-150 tractor, with an engine from YaMZ with 175 horsepower.

Fuel consumption in operating mode is 258 g/kWh. The fuel tank volume of the first models was 375 liters, in later versions this figure was increased to 430 liters.

The main engine is started using a gasoline PD-10.

The motor is cooled using air, which is first cleaned using cyclone oil filters. To facilitate starting in the cold season, the fuel is preheated using PZHB-10.


The possible areas of operation have been significantly expanded thanks to the installation of a multi-speed gearbox. It has several modes: working, rear, transport and slow, each of them has 4 steps. The maximum driving speed is 30 km/h.

Chassis and transmission

The mechanical transmission of the T150 tractor has a number of features:

  • When changing gears, there is no interruption in power transfer (during driving or operation);
  • Adjustable traction characteristics;
  • Support the required operating speed with the appropriate attachments.

Torque from the gearbox is transmitted to the transfer case, and from there to the axles. At the transmission, power is taken off for special attachments, type KZK-10.

Cabin and controls

Many owners note increased comfort when carrying out work. The high ground clearance compensates for the fact that the T 150K tractor weighs more than 8 tons. The cabin frame is made of solid metal, thanks to which it has additional strength. The cabin is glazed on all sides, which allows you to see the situation on the road from all sides if necessary.

To maintain the required temperature, a fan and air conditioner were installed inside. The instrument panel on the T-150 tractor is standard and provides information to the owner regarding the speed of the machine, the volume of fuel and oil, and the temperature of the coolant.


Engineers designed and manufactured an all-metal cabin. It is of a closed type. To prevent the operator from being exposed to the environment, sealing is applied. The cabin is equipped with heating and ventilation systems, windshield wipers, and a sun canopy. To facilitate visibility, there is a rear-view mirror and a system for blowing the windshield in case it fogs up.

There are two soft chairs installed inside, while the operator's seat is equipped with springs and has height adjustment. Comfort systems include lighting, a thermos, a separate place for a first aid kit, as well as hooks for hanging clothes.

User manual

Each new owner of the T-150 tractor must initially study the operating instructions in order to understand the principle of the design and handling of the machine.

An electronic version of the operating instructions is available here. Your browser does not support frames Download the Operating Manual for the HTZ T-150 tractor


A feature of both tracked and wheeled tractors is their easy maintenance. This equipment is intended for use over a long period of time. Before each departure, you should check and, if necessary, add fuel, coolant and oil, check the functionality of the brake and steering systems, and the battery charge.

The engine oil should be changed after 500 hours of operation. In summer it is recommended to use oil of the M-10G2k brand, in winter - M-10DM. Transmission oil must be replaced once a year, before starting operation or after 1000 operating hours.

Basic malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

Many owners of the T-150 tractor note a problem with the cardan drive.

  • If there is a lot of heating of this node:

Check the radial clearance in the needle bearings. If the gap is more than 0.5 mm, then it is necessary to replace the cross together with the bearings. If it is less than 0.5 mm, then simply lubricate this unit additionally.

  • If there is radial runout of the cardan shafts:

Check for radial movement of the gearbox flanges. If their fastening becomes loose, remove the propeller shafts and tighten the bolts and nuts securing the flanges.

The following reasons could cause the hydraulic pump to not lift the attachment:

  • It's off;
  • Foreign particles have fallen onto the working edge of the bypass valve seat;
  • Cold oil.

Tractor HTZ T-150/T-150K - a completed project of a powerful station wagon

The design of the high-power general-purpose tractor HTZ-150 is one of the most successful developments by the designers of the Kharkov Tractor Plant. When creating the wheeled and tracked version, the latest trends in European mechanical engineering and our own developments were used. Both versions are distinguished by different designs of frames, gearboxes, control systems and turning mechanisms.

The project of the new tractor of the 150th model involves original technical and design solutions, as well as rich practical experience in operating the basic T-125 tractor. The first tractor in its series, the T-150, rolled off the assembly line of the Kharkov plant in 1967; over the next 4 decades of production, the model was repeatedly subjected to significant modernization.

A wheeled tractor of the 3rd traction category with an all-wheel drive chassis has proven itself in all respects in the agricultural sector, industrial construction and transport work of varying complexity.

Photo: tractor HTZ T-150K

The wheeled and tracked version of this model is designed to work with high-performance agricultural machines.

Chassis T-150

The crawler tractor is driven by track chains. They are mounted on special carriages and support rollers. The track drive has coil springs. The suspension also uses hydraulic shock absorbers. The chassis of the wheeled modification is equipped with four wheels with wide tires. This allows you to significantly reduce the pressure on the ground. All tires are the same for all wheels.

Design and scope of application

  • The power of the standard power unit allows the use of a multi-share plow, a wide-cut cultivator or energy-intensive harvesting units.
  • The size of low-pressure tires provides a moderate specific weight on the ground, increased cross-country ability in areas with waterlogged and sandy soils.
  • In practice, the effectiveness of aggregating the machine with different types of mounted, semi-mounted and trailed equipment has been proven. Moreover, technical developments from 40 years ago turned out to be relevant to this day.

The 150th model tracked tractor of the first series turned out to be less successful, however, during the production process many of its design and production shortcomings were completely eliminated.

Based on the basic tractor, several versions were developed, including the T-155 light tractor, the T-157 skidding version, and the T-150KD bulldozer. The army model T-154 was adopted as an engineering and artillery tractor.

Photo: T-150K at work


The operational capabilities of the T-150 are expanded due to a multi-range gearbox. The working, transport, slow and reverse modes each have four stages. The maximum transport speed of the T-150K version is up to 30 km/h.

The complexity of the gearbox design is compensated many times over:

  • shifting down and up gears without interrupting power;
  • flexible traction characteristics;
  • multi-mode activation of working parts of mounted units.

Routine repair of the gearbox is possible without removing its housing from the transmission. The design of the power transmission provides the ability to disable the front axle.

Located in the center of the frame, the HTZ cabin of the 150th model has received a rigid internal frame since 1913, as well as more efficient heating. The list of standard equipment includes a comfortable steering column, a seat adjustable for operator weight and height, a fan, heated front glazing and rear hemisphere viewing mirrors.

Photo: T-150 crawler tractor

Wheel modification: design features

The wheel unit is equipped with a frame that consists of two parts. These two parts are connected using a hinge joint. Among the features is the ability to rotate in horizontal planes. The front part of the frame is designed to mount the engine, gearbox, cabin and fuel tank. The second part is intended for installing a mounted system and agricultural implements. Both the front and rear axles are driven, and the rear axle has disengagement functions.

Power unit

The T-150 tractor is equipped with an economical V-shaped six-cylinder diesel engine of the SMD brand with a capacity of 58 horsepower.

The fuel consumption of the turbocharged engine in operating mode is 258 g/kW per hour. Long-term autonomy of the tractor at a distance from the base is ensured by a fuel tank with a capacity of 375 (430 in new versions) liters.

Air intake for the engine is realized through an efficient and easy-to-maintain two-stage cyclone-oil air cleaner. To start the main engine, a carburetor two-stroke PD-10 with remote control from the cabin is used. Starting the power unit in winter is simplified by turning on the PZHB-300 heater.

The traction properties of the latest series of vehicles have been increased by installing a more advanced YaMZ power unit with a capacity of 180 hp.

T-150 then and now

The model has changed significantly over 40 years. Today these tractors are equipped with more powerful engines produced in Yaroslavl. These are diesel YaMZ-236D. Their volume is 11.15 liters. Unit power - 180 l. With. at 2100 rpm. The engine design is traditionally V-shaped, it has not changed. The starting system has been changed - now it consists of one stage, and an electric starter is used instead of a gasoline engine. With this engine there is no longer a shortage, and you can purchase any spare parts for tractors. The transmission system has also undergone minor changes, but its dual-flow nature has been preserved. Kinematic turns also remained unchanged.

The technical characteristics of the T-150 tractor are changing and adapting to the modern situation. And the overall dimensions, despite all the changes, remained the same as they were when the car was released in 1983. Thus, the length of the unit is 5 m, width is 1.88 m, height is 2.68 cm. Weight is 7.95 tons in the old version and 8.15 tons in the modernized one. The size of the base for the tracked series is 1.8 m, and the track is 1.43 m.

Thanks to the upgrades, the repair of the T-150 has been significantly simplified, and modern spare parts for these machines are now available for sale. In a modern tractor, engineers have managed to overcome one important drawback. Due to the short wheelbase, the car galloped and yawed. Increasing its length made it possible to significantly reduce the pressure of the machine on the ground and make movement smoother.

Big changes affected the cabin, since in 1983 engineers cared little about operator comfort. Today the cabin is closed, insulated from moisture and noise. Specialists have optimized the location of controls as much as possible for convenient operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The overall dimensions and weight characteristics of the wheeled version of the T-150 determine the possibility of its use on city streets and general roads.

  • Of no small importance is versatility and multifunctionality, compatibility with a wide range of different mounted and trailed units.
  • There is an increase in operator productivity due to improvements in cabin comfort, convenient placement of monitoring instruments and controls.

The disadvantages of wheeled vehicles still include a third less traction force on the hook, an insufficiently efficient radiator of the cooling system, which initiates engine overheating when operating at high speed modes.

There are complaints about the sharp increase in the cost of tractors of the latest series. Manufacturers justify new prices by installing a more powerful engine and a safe cabin with a rigid internal frame.

Video: review of HTZ-150

Price of new and used tractor

You can purchase a new tractor of any version at technical centers and representative offices of intermediary companies. Depending on the model and standard equipment, the purchase will cost 580-620 thousand hryvnia ($21,000 - $23,000).

The price range of used tractor equipment of this brand ranges from 150 to 300 thousand hryvnia ($5,000 – $10,000). The high repairability of the product and an affordable range of spare parts, components and assemblies unified with other machines of the same type make it possible to completely restore the technical condition of the tractor by 90-95% at optimal costs.

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