What are self-propelled vehicles, rules for driving them

Equipment for agricultural and repair work, some types of motor vehicles, and off-road vehicles constitute a special group of vehicles. To drive it, a regular driver's license is not enough. And ignorance of the nuances of operation can even lead to damage to an expensive mechanism and an accident. Read the article about how a self-propelled vehicle differs, what rules are used, and the features of monitoring its condition.

Categories of self-propelled vehicles

Self-propelled transport includes cars that require category “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” or “M”. Almost each of these categories has subcategories that more fully characterize the engine size and the ability to travel on such a vehicle. For example, Category “A” allows you to control motor vehicles that are not intended to travel on general purpose highways or have a high speed limit. It should not exceed 50 km/h.

Such transport includes:
  • snowmobiles,
  • quads,
  • swamp walkers,
  • motorcycles,
  • off-road cars,
  • airport apron buses and some other transport.

However, there are some subcategories that also need to be taken into account. Thus, the designation “A1” will indicate the ability to travel only on off-road vehicles, such as a moped, ATV or snowmobile. This subcategory is popularly called the tractor driver permit.

ATTENTION !!! Subcategory “A2” will talk about the ability to travel on off-road vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons. In this case there should not be more than 8 seats for passengers.

Subcategories “A3” and “A4” will allow you to drive an off-road vehicle with a total weight exceeding 3.5 tons, but at the same time, cars of the subcategory “A4” are used to transport passengers.

What does civil law say about a vehicle?

Civil legislation does not contain an unambiguous interpretation of the concept of a vehicle. But Federal Law No. 196 of December 10, 1995, which sets out road safety rules, contains the following definition: a vehicle is a device for moving on roads and moving people, animals, cargo and equipment pre-installed on it.

A set of traffic rules will help you figure it out: are trailers and tractors motor vehicles or not. By the way, in 1993, the Road Traffic Rules were adopted, which provide meaningful definitions of a vehicle and a trailer.

Category "B"

This category of vehicles includes tracked or wheeled vehicles, the engine power of which will not exceed 25.7 kW. It is usually opened for travel by passenger cars that can carry up to 8 passengers. Vehicles cannot have a total weight exceeding 3.5 tons. Category “B” also includes driving mini-tractors and mini-excavators. The most common words are “excavator operator” or “forklift operator”. If the vehicle is used with a trailer, then it is better to take care of opening the “BE” subcategory.

Correct operation

The operation of self-propelled vehicles is permitted in accordance with the rules approved by Government Decree No. 796 of 1999. It requires the driver to have a tractor driver's license. There should be a category of the vehicle that he learned to drive, icons in the “Special notes” field. For example, “forklift driver” or “excavator operator.”

What practical skills should the owner of the rights have:

  • move from a place along an upward section;
  • turn around in a narrow space when using the gear once;
  • bring the SM into the box, moving backwards;
  • the same thing, but with a trailer (except for categories A and F);
  • perform aggregation of a self-propelled vehicle with a tow hitch, starting the engine and approaching in reverse;
  • the same thing, but with attachments (not for SM types A and F);
  • braking at different speeds, including emergency maneuver.

Category "C"

When this category opens, drivers on wheeled vehicles with an engine power potential not exceeding 110.3 kW have the opportunity to travel. Most trucks can be classified as this type of transport. At the same time, subcategory “C” will be available to drivers whose transport does not exceed 3.5 tons. To drive a vehicle weighing up to 12 tons, you will need to open the subcategory “C2”, and above this weight - “C3”. If vehicles are used with a trailer, then it makes sense to open the “CE” subcategory.

Basic procedure for taking the exam

Exams for obtaining a license intended for driving self-propelled vehicles are taken in a certain sequence:

  1. Testing theoretical knowledge on the operation of special self-propelled vehicles, their safe operation (except category F).
  2. Theory for the operation of self-propelled vehicles and agricultural equipment. Available for category F licenses and for those who have already qualified as a tractor driver.
  3. Passing theory on traffic rules.
  4. Testing practical knowledge of complex practical driving skills, traffic rules and the safest operation of vehicles.

The practice is completed in two stages. The first part is rented out on a site closed from traffic, which is characterized as a tractor track. The second part is carried out on a pre-selected route, which creates real operating conditions for a self-propelled vehicle.

When passing the practical part of the exam, an employee of the training center will test the following skills:

  • starting to move uphill from a standstill;
  • turning on a limited-width road with a one-time gear shift;
  • putting the car into the box in reverse;
  • placing self-propelled vehicles in a unit with a trailer in a box in reverse;
  • aggregation of a self-propelled vehicle with a mounted vehicle and a trailer;
  • stopping and braking at different speed levels, practicing an emergency stop.

Upon successful passing of all points of the exam, the driver receives a tractor driver's license for driving self-propelled vehicles against receipt.

What do special marks mean and why are they needed?

The driver of agricultural equipment undergoes training, like other motorists. The training program will differ significantly from learning to drive a conventional vehicle. For example, to become a tractor driver, you must undergo a training process of 2.5 months. In this case, the driver of a loader up to 4 kW does not need special marks. It is enough for him to have a forklift certificate. The cost of such a document is much lower, and the training period is shorter. The savings here, however, are relative. If ordinary rights need to be changed every 10 years, then annual testing is provided for this document.

ATTENTION !!! The assigned rank to the driver also plays an important role. It is usually indicated at the end of the course. Motorists of category “B” will have the 3rd category, and category “C” will have the 4th. The absence of a certificate of completion of these special courses may serve as a basis for verification of authenticity rights.

Recovering a lost document takes a lot of time and takes a lot of effort. In addition, some driving schools may close over time, which will significantly complicate the process of obtaining a duplicate.

Warehouse workers operating forklifts, electric pallet trucks or stackers must have valid medical certificates. They must indicate the absence of contraindications for driving this type of transport.

When undergoing a mandatory driver's medical examination, the driver must inform the commission about the relevant category he has. This will help save him from numerous checks and troubles in the workplace.

Rules for driving and behavior on the road according to traffic rules

Traffic regulations for self-propelled vehicles are considered in the same context as cars and trucks. Subclause 1.2 states:

“Mechanical vehicle” is a vehicle driven by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

That is, when driving on public roads, the rules for SM are the same as for other trackless vehicles. They must obey the requirements of traffic lights, traffic controllers, signs, and markings.

Small privileges exist for vehicles performing any work on the roads. For example, a self-propelled snowplow, in accordance with subclause 3.5 of the traffic rules, can drive without complying with the requirements of some symbols and marking lines. But provided that such behavior does not violate traffic safety. This does not apply only to signs 2.4 - 2.6, 3.11 - 3.14, 3.17.2, 3.20. SM drivers are allowed not to comply with clauses 9.4-9.8, 16.1 of the traffic rules, that is:

  • on country roads, where you can drive faster than 80 km/h, it is not necessary to occupy only the right edge of the road;
  • if the SM is unable to travel at a speed of more than 40 km/h, it is not required to drive in the right lane;
  • it is allowed to travel on tram tracks, including under symbols 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, but without creating obstacles to rail transport;
  • you can follow the marking line not only when changing lanes;
  • when entering an area with reverse traffic, it is not necessary to first move to the far right lane;
  • on highways you are allowed to drive in any lane, turn around and turn on buildings.

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Smirnova

Automotive Law Expert

But to be eligible for all this, a yellow or orange flashing signal must be lit on the SM.

What are the requirements for motorists?

To be admitted to theoretical and practical testing, the driver must complete a certain number of hours of training. He will need to ensure that he has a certificate of the appropriate form. This document should not contain any contraindications for driving a vehicle of the selected category.

Opening a certain type of category, perhaps with the achievement of the required age, or requiring driving experience. For example, for category “A1” the driver must be 16 years old. Access to driving under category “A2” can only be issued after reaching the age of 19. For categories “B”, “C”, “E” and “F” you must be 17 years old.

Why do you need to get PSM Stepan for your tractor, and not PTS? Topic author: Alexey

Maybe someone knows? PSM or PTS. Maybe someone knows?

The Vladislav tractor belongs specifically to self-propelled machines, which is why it is registered not with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, but with Gostekhnadzor

Igor, so he is registered not with the traffic police, but with Gostekhnadzor

Grigory Well, yes - everything is correct. This has been the case since Brezhnev’s times.

Egor because he is an agricultural self-propelled machine

Maxim, well, you almost answered your own question)) the tractor apparently does not belong to technical means, but belongs to self-propelled machines, so you need a PSM for it!

Dmitry Because a tractor refers specifically to self-propelled machines. We look at the “Rules for admission to driving self-propelled machines and issuing tractor driver licenses Vasily”: “2. Self-propelled machines in these Rules mean tractors, self-propelled road-building machines and other ground-based trackless mechanical vehicles with independent drive and having an internal combustion engine with a volume of over 50 cubic meters. centimeters or an electric motor with a maximum power of more than 4 kW Pavel. "

Tags: Self-propelled, agricultural, machines, what, relates to them

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. After this, the driver is assigned a date for passing the exams. First, he will have to pass the theory, which includes 20 questions. If the driver answered all of them correctly or made only a couple of mistakes, he is allowed to take the practical test. If you fail to pass the exam the first time, do not despair or panic. A retake can be scheduled in as little as a week. During this period, the driver will be able to fill in the gaps in his knowledge.

When mistakes were made again during re-testing, the driver will be able to retake the theoretical part. After successfully passing the driving practice, he will be issued a license. This year, the certificate is obtained using a simplified system. Many State Traffic Inspectorate offices are fully automated, so the driver does not need to provide a photo. It is better to first clarify this issue with the authority responsible for issuing rights, but it is very rare to find a non-automated service in our country.

What does the issued certificate look like?

When passing exams in the categories of self-propelled equipment, the specialist receives a professional tractor driver certificate.

Previously issued rights of such a plan are withdrawn from him, and all authorizing records and marks are transferred to a new document.

The necessary restrictive, permissive and informational entries are entered in the “Special notes” column . This may be length of service, qualification restrictions, blood type, mark of control in lenses or glasses, and so on.

A tractor driver's or simply a tractor driver's license is issued for a period of up to 10 years . After this time, the document must be replaced as it is considered invalid.

Payment of state duty

For the issuance of a new license, the driver will have to pay 2,000 rubles. In this case, it does not matter at all whether he receives them for the first time or opens a new category. Wanting to acquire an international license, the driver will have to spend 3,000 rubles. You can pay the state duty through self-service terminals, electronic wallets, a bank card, at the post office, on the State Traffic Inspectorate website or through the State Services portal. The last option will be preferable for many drivers, because in this way they can save up to 30% of the payment. When paying the state duty by other means, the driver will need to pay the full amount.

It is very important for the driver to have permission to drive the appropriate type of transport. In this case, offenders will face serious administrative penalties. Only compliance with traffic rules will help you avoid significant fines and save time and effort. When driving a car without the appropriate category, when the offender is stopped by a representative of the State Traffic Inspectorate, a protocol will be drawn up. The driver will face a significant administrative penalty, as well as the evacuation of the car to a fine area. The unpleasantness of the situation is aggravated by the fact that payment for tow truck services and storage at a specialized vehicle parking lot also falls on the driver.

IMPORTANT !!! For driving a vehicle without the appropriate category, the penalty can reach 15,000 rubles. The only exception is training driving in a specially equipped car with an instructor. The tow truck fee can be up to 2,000 rubles, and every day the car is stored at a fine site will increase the amount that will have to be paid quite significantly. Given this information, it is much easier and cheaper to obtain a license of the appropriate category, rather than spending huge sums on releasing your car or paying fines.

Avoiding the need to incur significant financial losses is quite simple. To do this, you need to travel, following all traffic rules strictly. Only in this case can the driver count on a safe and comfortable ride in the city or on the highway.

Inspection and supervision of technical condition

The technical condition of self-propelled vehicles is monitored in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1291 of December 13, 1993. The legal document establishes that the main regulatory body in this area is Gostekhnadzor. It includes an inspection for self-propelled vehicles from the Ministry of Agriculture and the same commissions at the regional level. Employees of these organizations have the positions of engineer inspectors. In a regional city or town there may be only one such specialist.

Supervision of self-propelled vehicles includes:

  • Carrying out technical inspections of the equipment;
  • their registration;
  • monitoring the technical condition of the SM during operation;
  • monitoring the use of machines in compliance with safety conditions for people and the environment;
  • control in agriculture over the certification of services for the repair and operation of equipment;
  • supervision during the manufacturing process of a self-propelled vehicle so that it complies with the certification conditions;
  • issuing permits to educational institutions involved in training tractor drivers;
  • taking exams for future drivers' licenses;
  • determining the resources of old equipment, assessing its serviceability based on requests from owners or government agencies;
  • consideration of claims from SM owners regarding the poor quality of purchased or restored equipment;
  • consideration of administrative violations under Article 23.35 of the Administrative Code;
  • control of compulsory driver liability insurance by vehicle owners.

The measures are carried out regardless of whether the equipment belongs to a private or legal entity.

We recommend reading about the driving characteristics of a slow-moving vehicle. From the article you will learn about which vehicles are classified as low-speed, the rules for their movement on the road, and whether it is possible to overtake them. And here is more information about when driving on tram tracks will be allowed and strictly prohibited.

A self-propelled vehicle is an equally complex and, under certain conditions, dangerous unit. Therefore, the same high demands are placed on it, its owner and driver as for cars. Their implementation is the key to successful use of technology.

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