What licenses are needed for an ATV, quadricycle and snowmobile - category and registration rules

ATVs have always been of interest to drivers who also want to drive off-road, over rough terrain, not to mention motorcyclists. The only question is what kind of license is needed for an ATV. This article explains everything in detail about how, where and how much it will cost to open an ATV and snowmobile category in 2022. The certification includes a theoretical and practical part.

The need for an ATV license

Let's figure out what kind of transport this is, which is also called an all-terrain vehicle. This is a motorized vehicle that has 4 wheels and is not intended for movement in the city or on public roads. However, even if traffic police stop you on a country road, they will have legal grounds to punish you in accordance with the law.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090 “On the Rules of the Road,” the driver is required to carry with him and hand over to the police a driver’s license and documents for the vehicle.

But if you do not have a license, they have the right to punish you in accordance with the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 12.7 part 1 . Namely, a fine of 5 thousand rubles. — 15 thousand rubles.

In the case of motor vehicles, just like with a car, there are requirements for the driver. This is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 12, 1999 N 796 ​​“On approval of the Rules for admission to driving self-propelled machines and issuing tractor operator (tractor driver) licenses”:

ATV or quadricycle - is there a difference?

The quadricycle resembles a small car:

Most often they have a roof, a sofa or an armchair, like in a car, and a car-type steering wheel.

The photo shows an example of a vehicle that belongs to quadricycles - the Soviet motorized stroller SMZ S3D, or, as it was popularly called, a wheelchair.

An ATV has more in common with a motorcycle, despite having 4 wheels. For example, it also has a motorcycle seat and control handles. However, there are also distinctive features:

If necessary

Many people associate this type of transport with various kinds of safaris and trips through forests. Indeed, an ATV is designed to travel in areas where there are no roads. It is a motor vehicle with four wheels.

A type of ATV is a snowmobile, which allows you to move off-road when there is precipitation in the form of snow.

According to GOST 52008-2003, these vehicles are classified as moto all-terrain vehicles. And they require mandatory state registration, which is carried out by Gostekhnadzor.

For these types of vehicles, the owner driver is issued a corresponding passport for a self-propelled vehicle.

It contains the following information:

  • name of brand and manufacturer;
  • technical and physical parameters (power, weight, dimensions);
  • information about the owner;
  • information about the issued registration certificate;
  • information about the functioning of the quad (snowmobile).

To have the right to drive such a vehicle you will need a special driver's license.

If the operation of a motor vehicle is carried out without a permit, then such actions are regarded as an offense, for which penalties in the amount of 5,000-15,000 rubles

Category of license for an ATV

But keep in mind that this is not a category for an ATV in the new license, as many might think if they look at the form of the new document and see such a column there. Here everything is much more complicated.

Since you do not have a title issued by the MREO, but a PSM issued by Gostekhnadzor, we are talking about a self-propelled vehicle. But here everything is regulated by a completely different legal act - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 1999 No. 796 “On approval of admission to driving self-propelled machines and issuing tractor operator (tractor operator) licenses.”

What is this new law about changing fines?

We are talking about a bill - to be more precise, it has recently moved from the status of projects to an officially adopted legal act. This is Federal Law No. 71-FZ dated 04/05/2021, which amends Article 9.3 of the Administrative Code.

Currently, this law has been adopted, signed by the President of Russia and officially published.

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Appearance of documents for driving an all-terrain vehicle

If you are stopped by a traffic police inspector, you are required to present exactly such a driver's license. It is illegal to drive an ATV with documents of any category issued by the traffic police. Even if you have them of a new type and all possible categories are open, including A1. Here it provides permission to drive a completely different type of vehicle.

How to get a license for an ATV? Very simple! You must be over 16 years old, meet medical requirements, undergo training in an organization that has the appropriate programs and equipment, and pass an exam to obtain a tractor driver's license.

Whether you have to undergo training or not depends only on you. Gostekhnadhor, unlike the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, provides freedom of choice in this matter:

  • You can study the theoretical foundations and prepare to take the practical part on your own . It is also possible, when taking an external exam, to pay only for practical hours of classes (as many as required). It's better to take them. Now I'll tell you why.

To be admitted to the exam, you must submit the following documents to the Gostekhnadzor inspector:

The test process is similar to obtaining a driver's license. It consists of a theoretical and practical part. If you don't pass the theory, you won't be allowed to practice.

  • 8 questions on the safety of operating a self-propelled vehicle . 1 error allowed;
  • 20 questions on traffic rules . 2 errors are allowed. If you have a Russian driver's license for any type of transport, you are exempt from this part of the exam.

Video of the practical part of the exam:

Driver requirements

Not everyone can get the right to drive a snowmobile. There are basic requirements for a candidate to operate such equipment:

  • Age from 16 years.
  • A special medical commission has been passed and there is a corresponding certificate.
  • The candidate for the category has completed a full course of training and successfully passed the exams.

Also, not all citizens can undergo training to obtain a category that allows them to drive this type of vehicle. For example, people with epilepsy, impaired vision and hearing, hepatitis, mental disorders, etc. will not be allowed to study.

It is strictly prohibited to drive a snowmobile without a category A1 driver's license. If this fact is revealed, the violator will face a fine of 5 - 15 thousand rubles

Cost of a quad bike license

I note that even in one region prices can vary within 5 thousand rubles. If you want to save money, carefully study the offers of all organizations that provide training services for driving off-road motor vehicles.

If we take the average data, they are approximately as follows:

There are several other types of transport that raise questions regarding permits for driving them: a snowmobile and a tricycle.

Do you need a license to drive a tricycle? Definitely yes! Which? Category B1. However, there are nuances.

Note! Category B1 is automatically assigned to everyone who, having category B, exchanges their certificate for a new form.

If your tricycle has an engine capacity of less than 50 cm³, then it belongs to the category of mopeds, albeit three-wheeled ones. Accordingly, category M is sufficient for him.

  • A license is required to drive an ATV, snowmobile, or tricycle;
  • What license is needed for a tricycle depends on the size and power of the vehicle;
  • It is important not to confuse an ATV with a quadricycle . They require completely different driver's licenses;
  • A permit to drive an all-terrain vehicle and a snowmobile can be obtained from Gostekhnadzor by passing an exam for the AI ​​category of tractor driver;

Remember, despite the ease of driving and operation off public roads, any motorcycle can only be driven if you have the appropriate license. Which, as you now know, are issued not only at the traffic police departments, but also at Gostekhnadzor.

Riding ATVs is becoming a popular activity among Russians. However, not everyone has the right to drive this vehicle. They are usually not ridden on paved roads: inspectors or cameras will not issue a fine. But still, the law establishes that it is mandatory to obtain a license to drive an ATV. What category and what licenses are needed for an ATV? How and where to get a driver's license for this type of vehicle? At what age can you ride an ATV and at what age can you test for your license? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

Is registration required for a self-propelled vehicle?

After purchasing a snowmobile, it must be registered with the State Technical Supervision Authority within 10 days.

Otherwise, the owner will receive a fine of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. For legal entities, this amount will be even more impressive - 5,000-10,000 rubles.

So the procedure for registering a snowmobile is necessary. The amount of transport tax on some models can reach significant amounts, depending on the power of the equipment.

Failure to undergo a technical inspection or failure to pass it on time will also result in a fine. You can go through it in order of priority at traffic police departments or at commercial organizations that have a license for such activities.

Thus, driving a snowmobile, in addition to attentiveness and caution, requires the driver to have a full package of documents with him:

What kind of gasoline do you use?

AI 95AI 98

  • driving licence;
  • registration certificate;
  • a document indicating that a technical inspection has been completed.

The registration procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Insuring the mechanism and obtaining a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, if necessary. Not required for equipment with a design speed equal to or less than 20 kilometers per hour.
  2. A trip to the Gostekhnadzor department to receive an application and payment details.
  3. Collection of necessary documents and payment of fees.
  4. Contact the Gostekhnadzor department with a list of required papers.
  5. Acceptance of documents for registration.
  6. Obtaining registration documents:
  • state registration plate;
  • PTS with a registration mark;
  • registration certificate.

Documents required for the procedure:

  • application of the established form;
  • passport of the self-propelled mechanism, where the owner is indicated;
  • purchase and sale agreement and transfer and acceptance certificate indicating numbers;
  • certificate of conformity;
  • transit state registration plate, if available;
  • owner's identification card.

Since the beginning of 2015, the total cost of such a public service as snowmobile registration is 2,350 rubles.

A selection for you!

Download forms and sample documents for motorists to a safe place.

ATV license

The main document for an ATV driver will be a tractor driver’s license, no matter how strange it may sound. It is this document that represents the rights to it. Category AI is provided for self-propelled vehicles, which include ATVs, tricycles, snowmobiles and other types of automated motor vehicles. All of them do not provide for movement on roads and highways, so a special subcategory of rights is allocated for them.

A tractor driver's license documents the citizen's ability to drive a self-propelled vehicle. Category A is allocated for motor vehicles that are not used for travel on public roads or have a speed of no more than 50 km/h. Subcategory I was introduced specifically for off-road motor vehicles.

By law, ATVs must only reach a maximum speed of 50 km/h. A restriction was also introduced on engine size. But this is according to the old rules. Some exceptions have now been introduced. Thus, holders of category A licenses obtained before November 5, 2013, can ride ATVs and other motor vehicles, regardless of their displacement. For three years now, future drivers have been receiving updated driver's licenses. First of all, the transformations affected the distribution of vehicles into categories and subgroups.

Driver requirements

Not everyone can get an ATV driver’s license, because the authorized body puts forward a number of requirements for an applicant for category A1:

  1. Age must not be less than 16 years.
  2. You have a medical permit to drive a motorcycle.
  3. The citizen completed training and passed the exam.

Not everyone can take training courses either, because people with a number of diseases (epilepsy, disorders of the endocrine system, musculoskeletal system, vision and hearing, hepatitis, mental disorders and addiction to alcohol or drugs) are not allowed to take part in this.

For driving without a license, a fine ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Where can I get a driver's license?

The driving school offers training courses to everyone over the age of 16. In order to become a holder of a certificate, you must submit a certificate confirming the passage of a medical examination. The document indicates that the person is capable of driving a self-propelled vehicle, that is, this paper differs from that issued to future motorists. To prepare, it is not even a prerequisite to complete a full course at a driving school. There is an opportunity to learn the necessary skills on your own:

  • Complete professional training or receive special education in a specialty that involves driving self-propelled vehicles. Accordingly, a person can prepare for both categories AI and B without the participation of a driving school;
  • Contact Gostekhnadzor to obtain a certificate. This is not so difficult to do due to the less popularity of ATVs compared to cars. As a result, there will definitely not be huge queues there.

But if the final exam is too difficult to study on your own, you can always contact a driving school. By the way, in most such organizations they will teach you everything you need in the shortest possible time, sometimes in one day. Immediately after this, you can apply for the exam and obtain your license. In this case, an applicant for a certificate with category AI must prepare and submit several papers:

  • Identity document;
  • Completed application;
  • Medical certificate;
  • Document confirming completion of a driving course (if available);
  • Tractor driver's license, if available;
  • Photos 30×40 mm.

When the application has been reviewed, the candidate is informed of the location of the test, its date and time. In general, the Gostekhnadzor exam is very similar to the more familiar analogue for cars and motorcycles in the traffic police, that is, a citizen will also have to pass a theoretical exam and demonstrate driving skills - a practical exam.

When does it take effect?

By default, new laws in Russia begin to take effect 10 days from the date of official publication. However, if the Federal Law itself specifies a different period (but not less than 10 days), then the one specified in the law itself has priority.

In our case, there is no separate information about the date of entry into force of the new law. And the official publication occurred on April 5, 2022. Consequently, the new fines will officially come into force on April 16, 2022.

How is the exam conducted?

The test consists of two standard parts: theory and practice. The first involves answers on a ticket, and the questions in them are approved by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. If the candidate is preparing to take the exam on his own, he should find the tickets and carefully read and memorize them. An unsatisfactory assessment of knowledge postpones the test for at least a week (similar rules apply if the practical part is failed). If you fail to show off your knowledge even the third time, then the candidate is sent for additional training. It will no longer be possible to pass without documentary proof of completion of the course. Accordingly, poor preparation entails costs for a driving school. The results of the theoretical block are valid for three months, after which you will have to come back for the oral part. The practical stage is divided into two parts: the racetrack and urban conditions. At the race track you need to demonstrate the following skills:

  • Start moving on an uphill slope;
  • Make a U-turn in a confined space;
  • Drive in reverse and stop in the box;
  • Drive vehicles together with a trailer;
  • Brake and stop vehicles at various speeds, including making an emergency stop.

In the urban part of the practical block, knowledge of the rules for the safe operation of a motor vehicle and traffic rules must be tested. Usually it is necessary to perform some maneuvers in conditions as close as possible to real ones, perhaps in city traffic. It is important that the test subject can correctly assess the operational situation and respond to it in a timely and effective manner. If the exam is passed based on the results of two parts, the person receives a driver’s license within a few days.

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