Minibuses and the necessary categories to drive them

To drive a vehicle in Russia, the driver must have a driver’s license for the right to drive a vehicle (Article 2.1.1 ). Driver's license categories mean what kind of transport the license holder can drive. There are five main groups: A – refers to motorcycles, B – to cars, group C – to trucks, D – to buses, M – to mopeds. There are also four general subcategories: A1, B1, C1, D1 and with trailers: BE, DE, C1E, D1E .

What categories and subcategories of rights were introduced in 2022 (Table)

There were no new categories added to driver's licenses in 2022. The types listed below were approved by the Consolidated Resolution in November 2013.

Categories and subcategoriesTransportDescriptionMaximum weight
MMopeds, light quadricyclesA moped is a two-wheeled or three-wheeled vehicle that reaches a speed of no more than 50 km/h. A quadricycle is a four-wheeled vehicle. A lightweight version of this vehicle has an engine capacity of up to 50 cc. and speed no more than 50 km/h.
AMotorcyclesAny motorcycles, in particular with a sidecar, snowmobiles.
A1MotorcyclesMotor vehicles with an engine capacity of no more than 125 cc. and power up to 11 kW.
INCarsCars with no more than 8 seats for passengers. The use of a trailer up to 750 kg is allowed. It is possible to use a trailer with a larger weight, but in general it should not exceed 3.5 tons. 3.5 tons
IN 1Tricycles, quadricyclesTricycles are three-wheeled motorized vehicles. Quadricycles include those that have an engine capacity of more than 50 cc and a speed of over 50 km/h. 400 kg
BEPassenger cars with trailerMachines cat. “B” with a trailer that weighs more than 750 kg, and the total weight of the vehicles exceeds 3.5 tons.
WITHTrucksMedium (from 3500 kg to 7500 kg) and heavy (more than 7500 kg) trucks. Possibility of attaching a trailer weighing no more than 750 kg. 7.5 tons (for medium truck) 750 kg (for trailer)
C1Light trucksTrucks, with the exception of vehicles cat. "D". Permissible weight is 3.5-7.5 tons. It is allowed to attach a trailer weighing up to 750 kg. 3.5-7.5 tons (for truck) 750 kg (for trailer)
SETrucks with trailerTrucks with a larger trailer or semi-trailer – over 750 kg.
C1ELight trucks with trailerTrucks with a trailer weighing more than 750 kg, but not more than the unladen weight of the vehicle itself.12 tons
DBuses, passenger gazellesBuses that carry passengers. The number of seats is over 8, not counting the driver's seat. A trailer weighing no more than 750 kg can be used. 750 kg (for trailer)
D1Small busesBuses with a number of seats from 9 to 16. A trailer weighing no more than 750 kg can be used.750 kg (for trailer)
DEBuses with trailerBuses with a trailer weighing over 750 kg, as well as articulated buses
D1ESmall buses with trailerBuses that transport goods. A trailer weighing over 750 kg can be used. 12 tons

Driving license category A

1. In the Russian Federation, the following categories and their subcategories of vehicles are established, for which a special right to drive is granted (hereinafter referred to as the right to drive vehicles):

category "A" - motorcycles;

A category A driver's license allows you to drive any motorcycle, including motorcycles with a sidecar.

In addition, it gives the right to drive motorized wheelchairs, which are extremely difficult to find on the roads in 2022.

Let me remind you that, in accordance with the traffic rules, motorcycles include two-wheeled vehicles with or without a side trailer. In addition, category A allows you to drive three-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles that, when loaded, weigh no more than 400 kg.

Vehicles that do not require a special license (license) to drive

There are several types of equipment for which a driver’s license is not required at all. This means that there is no need to take separate exams and the subcategory is assigned automatically upon receipt of the main category.

Do you need a driver's license for bicycles and e-bikes?

There is one interesting rule associated with them - when driving, you are considered a driver, and if you are driving along the road, you automatically turn into a pedestrian. Regardless, a driver's license is not required.

However, traffic rules must be followed. Cyclists are only allowed to ride in designated areas:

  • on bicycle paths;
  • sidewalks;
  • edge of the roadway.

As for sidewalks, there is one caveat - you can ride a bicycle on them if there is no special bike path.

Electric bicycles require a cat. “M” if the engine power exceeds 250 W. It opens automatically upon receipt of any other license.

Scooters and mopeds

This is a vehicle with two wheels and an engine capacity of no more than 50 cc. They require "M" to operate them. But there is no need to undergo training or take separate exams; it is issued automatically to everyone who has received any other category. For this reason, many are sure that a driver’s license for a scooter and moped is not needed.


Confusion is possible with this type of vehicle. If it is produced with all the necessary attributes for road traffic (headlights, turn signals, brake lights, etc.), then it must have a title and must be registered with the traffic police. To control it, you need “B1”, which opens automatically along with “B”.

If such a vehicle does not have a title, it also needs to be registered, but as an all-terrain vehicle through Rostekhnadzor. After the procedure, the owner is given a passport for the self-propelled vehicle. In this case, another category is required - “A1”, it is assigned automatically if “A” is available.

Scooters, skateboards

These devices are set in motion due to the physical impact of man. Therefore they cannot be called vehicles. People riding them are considered pedestrians. You do not need to obtain a driver's license.

Segways, hoverboards, electric scooters, unicycles

These new generation devices appeared in Russia recently, so there are no regulations regarding them in the laws yet. Technically, they can be classified as vehicles, but you don’t need a driver’s license to drive them.

Walk-behind tractor

The traffic regulations do not specify such special equipment. The device is designed to cultivate the soil. A person does not ride on it, but walks behind it. Therefore, it cannot be called transport.

But sometimes people who have high-power walk-behind tractors attach different trailers to them, which can be used to transport cargo. It is prohibited to drive them on public roads, for which the owner faces administrative liability.

Category M

category "M" - mopeds and light quadricycles;

Category M was introduced on November 5, 2013. It allows you to control mopeds and light quadricycles.

Drivers who do not have category M, but have any other category of driver's license, can also drive vehicles of category M.

Please note that a tractor driver's license and a foreign driver's license do not allow you to drive mopeds.

Driving license categories for driving with a trailer

No separate license is required for light trailers weighing up to 750 g. It does not matter which vehicle they are attached to. For heavier ones, owners of trucks and buses will need an open “E”.

On vehicles that fall under “B”, it is allowed to use a trailer weighing from 750 kg without “E” and with a total weight of no more than 3.5 tons.

Subcategory C1

subcategory “C1” - cars, with the exception of cars of category “D”, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 3500 kilograms, but does not exceed 7500 kilograms; cars of subcategory “C1” coupled to a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 750 kilograms;

Subcategory C1 includes medium-sized trucks, the permissible maximum weight of which is in the range from 3.5 to 7.5 tons.

This subcategory also allows you to transport a light trailer (up to 750 kg).

Drivers with main category C can also drive vehicles of subcategory C1.


subcategory “C1E” - cars of subcategory “C1” coupled to a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the weight of the vehicle without load, provided that the total permissible maximum weight of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 12,000 kilograms;

There is also an additional subcategory C1E, which allows you to drive cars of subcategory C1 with heavy (more than 750 kg) trailers. In this case, the total permitted maximum weight of the truck and trailer must not exceed 12 tons.

Drivers with a senior CE category can also drive vehicles of subcategory C1E.

Types of driver's licenses in the Russian Federation

The VU classification includes 2 types of rights:

  1. National ID. Gives the right to drive a vehicle in the Russian Federation. Issued after passing the exam at the traffic police for 10 years.
  2. International VU. Confirms the right to drive a vehicle outside of Russia. To obtain it, you do not need to take an additional exam at the traffic police. Valid for up to 3 years. But its duration should not be less than the period of validity of the Russian document.

An IDP is not valid without a national one!

Deciphering a new driver's license point by point

The ID looks like a plastic card on which the citizen’s personal data is indicated. The document is protected with holographic signs. The driver's photo is transferred during plastic production rather than glued.

Front side

The following is indicated:

  • Full name in Russian and Latin letters;
  • date of birth;
  • city ​​and country where the citizen lives;
  • the date on which the document was issued;
  • period of validity of the license;
  • the name of the inspection that issued the certificate;
  • document series/number;
  • a list of which categories of rights are open.

The citizen’s signature is also affixed.

back side

A table is located. It shows the categories. When a citizen opens a new one, the date of receipt of the license and the expiration date of its validity are entered in the cells opposite it. Additional marks are placed in the last column if necessary:

  • GCL: Glasses or contacts required when driving. The citizen must also be depicted wearing them in the photo at the VU. The designation is made on the basis of a certificate from an ophthalmologist.
  • ML: there are restrictions for medical reasons.
  • AS: it is allowed to drive a vehicle only with a car steering wheel.
  • MS: You are allowed to ride a motorcycle, but you do not have a license to drive a car.
  • AT: you can drive a car only with an automatic transmission.
  • MS: driving a car equipped with manual controls is allowed. The mark is intended for drivers with a disability group, if medical indications so require.
  • APS: You can only drive cars that are equipped with an automatic parking system.
  • HA/CF: Required to wear a hearing aid when operating a vehicle.

The series and document number are again duplicated on the reverse side. Driving experience is also indicated below.

Domestic or foreign? ↑

In addition to exclusively “consumer” characteristics, all minibuses can be divided into domestically produced vehicles and foreign analogues. In many ways, this classification is already outdated, if only because a considerable part of the “foreigners” are assembled under license by Russian craftsmen, and therefore it is no longer possible to call them foreign cars. Although if we consider, for example, the Gazelle, Sobol or Barguzin, assembled at the Gorky Automobile Plant, the Chinese Groz Polarsun, created under license from Toyota, and the cozy Mercedes Vito, then yes... National identity, as they say, is obvious.

In the Russian passenger road transport market, only Chinese models so far provide significant competition to Russian gazelles. They match each other in capacity, in addition, spare parts for Asian vehicles are much easier to find than for the same Mercedes.

At what age can you get a driver's license?

A driver's license in 2022 will be issued upon reaching the following ages:

Age (years)Categories and subcategories
16"M", "A1"
18“A”, “B”, “C”, “B1”, “C1”
21"D", "Tm", "Tb", "D1"
18, if the driver has owned “B”, “C”, “D” for at least a year"BE", "CE", "DE"
18, if a citizen has had “C” or “C1” open for over a year"C1E"
18 years old if you have had a “D” or “D1” for more than a year"D1E"

You can take the exam earlier - from the age of 17. This applies to “B” and “C”. However, a permit will be issued only upon reaching the age of majority.

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Citizens undergoing military service have the right to take the exam to open “D” and “D1” after 19 years of age. But the certificate is received when you turn 21 years old.

Subcategory A1

subcategory “A1” - motorcycles with an internal combustion engine displacement not exceeding 125 cubic centimeters and a maximum power not exceeding 11 kilowatts;

Subcategory A1 allows you to drive motorcycles with a small engine capacity and low maximum power.

I note that drivers with a category A license can also drive vehicles of subcategory A1.

An important difference between subcategory A1 is that it can be opened at the age of 16.

Grounds for termination of the right to drive a vehicle

A driver's license becomes invalid if:

  • the term of the temporary residence permit has expired;
  • medical contraindications or restrictions for driving motorcycles or motor vehicles have been identified;
  • the personal data indicated on the ID has changed;
  • the document has become unusable, which is why it is impossible to read the necessary information on the computer;
  • the certificate was obtained using forged papers;
  • The driver's license is stolen or lost;
  • the driver was issued a new driving license.

For the above reasons, the driver’s license is canceled completely; it can only be reissued.

Deprivation of a driving license is not a reason to terminate the validity of the document, it only suspends it. When the sentence expires, the same DU is returned to the citizen. It will have to be replaced only if the validity period of the document expires during the deprivation.

Rules for obtaining rights for non-resident citizens

Taking the exam to obtain a driver's license is possible at any traffic police department, regardless of your permanent residence permit. It is even possible to study at a driving school in one city, and pass theory and practice in another. But this rule only works for the population with Russian citizenship.

Foreigners who use cars in the Russian Federation for personal and not commercial (earning money) purposes have the right not to obtain a Russian license. It is enough for them to have foreign national or international driving licenses.

If a person from another country drives a vehicle in order to make a profit, for example, works in a taxi, then he is obliged to obtain a Russian license.

How to open a new category?

It is necessary to study again at a driving school and take exams at the State Traffic Inspectorate. Each of them requires you to reach a certain age.

From 2022, when “B” opens, you need to take the internship not at the race track, but right away in the city.

There is also an upgrade from automatic to manual transmission. For example, a citizen received a cat. “B”, but with a note that you can only drive cars with an automatic transmission. To drive manual cars, you need to improve your skills. For this, theory is not required, only practice (city).

What advantages does the truck have?

This truck has many different advantages. Here are its main advantages:

  • — maneuverability;
  • — durability;
  • — body capacity;
  • - efficiency.

These are not all the advantages of this truck. If you live in a metropolis and need to use a truck on the roads of a huge city, then you will definitely appreciate the maneuverability and size of this Hyundai. Thanks to this great truck, you can get where you need to go relatively quickly.

What is the reliability of this truck? The truck chassis is mounted on a rigid frame, for the manufacture of which a steel profile is used. That is why the truck will work for a long time and at the same time trouble-free, which will certainly be appreciated by people who understand what unexpected breakdowns mean and how much precious time it can take to restore the truck.

Procedure for replacing a driver's license

A driver's license change is necessary in the following cases:

  • the document has expired;
  • the citizen’s personal data has changed;
  • defects have appeared on the plastic, preventing the information from being read;
  • rights are stolen or lost;
  • during registration, expired or false documents were presented;
  • There were restrictions on driving a car based on doctor’s indications.

If you do not change your license that has expired and continue to drive with it, you will face a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

The ID replacement process consists of three stages.

Medical commission

A medical examination is required to identify possible contraindications or restrictions on driving a vehicle. There is no need to go through it if the identity card changes due to a change in personal data, loss or severe wear of this document. In other cases, a medical examination is required.

You can take a driver's examination at a public or private clinic of your choice. But a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist is allowed to be obtained at state dispensaries.

Submitting an application for replacement of rights

As soon as the medical report is in hand, you can begin filling out and submitting the application. There are three ways to submit it:

  1. At the MFC. Not all multipurpose centers accept such applications, so please check with this question. You need to come in person, pay the state fee, draw up and hand over the application along with the documents to the employee.
  2. At the traffic police department. Everything goes the same way as in the previous version, only the queues are longer.
  3. Portal "Government Services". The fastest and most economical way. You fill out and send the application on the official website, pay the state fee there, and with a 30% discount.

Please attach a standard list of papers to your request – personal passport, old driver’s license, medical report.

Obtaining new rights

If you submitted an application to the MFC or the traffic police, then you need to pick up your license there. If you sent a request through the State Services portal, you need to go to the traffic police. For those who filled out an application on the website, there is a separate window where they are called by last name.

As soon as it’s your turn, go to the window and hand over the package of documents. Next, you need to take a photo, then sit for a few minutes waiting for the ID to be issued.

Compatibility of categories in a driver's license

There are subcategories that open automatically when you get the main one.

MainAssigned automatically
"A""A1" and "B1" with motorcycle seat or motorcycle-style handlebars
"IN"“B1” (except for vehicles with a motorcycle seat or motorcycle-type handlebars)

National Russian licenses with any category confirm the right to drive a vehicle of cat. "M". If a person has received a license with “C”, then he automatically acquires an additional right to “C1”, as well as to “M”.

Subcategory D1

subcategory “D1” - cars intended for the transport of passengers and having more than eight, but not more than sixteen seats, in addition to the driver’s seat; cars of subcategory “D1” coupled to a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 750 kilograms;

Subcategory D1 allows the driver to drive small buses with 9 to 16 seats. This category also allows the use of a light trailer weighing up to 750 kg.

This category includes small minibuses, for example RAF-2203 or GAZelle-3221, which were previously widely used as minibuses. Currently, minibuses of foreign brands are widespread, which have more than 16 seats, and for which subcategory D1 is not enough to drive.


Subcategory D1E is intended for driving small buses with heavy trailers:

subcategory “D1E” - cars of subcategory “D1” coupled to a trailer that is not intended for the carriage of passengers, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the weight of the vehicle without load, provided that the total permissible maximum weight of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 12,000 kilograms.

Please note that the trailer, firstly, should not be designed to transport passengers, and secondly, the total permissible maximum weight of the bus and trailer should not exceed 12 tons.

I note that drivers with category D can drive buses of subcategory D1, and drivers with category DE can drive buses with trailers of subcategory D1E.

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