Guide to the AltProto AMX 30 tank in the game World of Tanks

Hello, tank men and women, is here! Today we have in the spotlight a very comfortable and quite strong vehicle, an American self-propelled anti-tank gun of the ninth level - this is the T30 guide


In ancient times, this self-propelled gun was the top US heavy tank, but at some point the developers revised the development branches, heavy tanks of levels 9 and 10 were replaced, and the T30 WoT

migrated to the branch of turret-mounted tank destroyers, settling at the ninth stage of development. Now we will talk about the characteristics of this machine, highlight its pros and cons, equip it, and also look at tactics.

Leveling up

  • Research requires 145,000 experience points. Previous tank - T28 Prototype;
  • First of all, we study the chassis. This will slightly increase the dynamics and allow the installation of heavy equipment;
  • We consistently study the pre-top and top guns. As a result, we get a huge alpha, a long reload and mixing.
  • Then the top engine is examined. It will add some power;
  • We study the radio station last;
  • To obtain elite status, you must study T110E4. This requires 211,000 experience points.

Equipment for T30

In order for the tank in your hands to be transformed, to become more comfortable and strong, you need to pay attention to its advantages and disadvantages, that is, correct them by installing additional modules. To achieve optimal results, equipment on the T30 tank

You can install the following: 1. – the most important module in our case, because our damage per minute and reload speed really need improvement. 2. – adjusting the aiming speed is also very important, because it determines how quickly you can aim and shoot. 3. – will complement all the necessary characteristics at the same time, increasing DPM, visibility and speeding up mixing.

Top equipment

Price3.550.000 kr.
Strength1650 HP
Weight/max.64.35/69.05 t.
Power860 hp
Speed35/10 km/h.
Agility22 °/s
Frame102/76/51 mm.
Tower279/127/102 mm.
Ammunition34 pcs.
Damage750/750/950 HP
Breakthrough276/320/90 mm.
Reload21 sec.
GN speed18 °/s
Angles VN-10…+15°
Review380 m.
Connection745 m.

Crew training

An equally important, but even more responsible aspect is to make the right choice in the process of learning the skills for the tankers sitting inside. By the way, our crew consists of as many as six people, and this is good, because you don’t have to sacrifice anything. Based on everything that was said earlier, the perks for the T30 tank destroyer are

should be taught in this order: • Commander – , , , . • Gunner – , , , . • Driver mechanic - , , , . • Radio operator – , , , . • Charger – , , , . • Charger – , , , .

How to play

The key to playing on the T30 is making the most of the map's undulations and the various objects that hide your flimsy body. The strong forehead of the turret and excellent vertical aiming angles allow you to distribute damage without receiving it in return.

He rolled out, set up the turret, came down, gave damage and rolled back for a long reload. If you properly tank from the tower in this way, you can not only hold back superior enemy forces, but also storm the enemy’s heavily fortified redoubts.


First of all, every owner of this unit must understand that he has at his disposal a low, but quite standard by the standards of the PT-9, safety margin, as well as a mediocre basic viewing range of 380 meters.

Regarding what the T30's characteristics

reservations are all very relative. Let's start with the obvious and not the most pleasant sides. The point is that our hull is very poorly protected, it can easily be shot at in any projection, but sometimes you can tank on the side, since our harps are wide and can “eat up” enemy shells.

But you can and should play from the tower, but you need to do it correctly. The bottom line is that the American T30 tank

It has a very large and strong gun mantlet, which penetrates very hard, that is, it holds the blow perfectly. But if the enemy hits us on the cheeks, the thickness of which does not exceed 216 millimeters, or targets the commander’s turret on the roof, damage can rarely be avoided.

An important parameter for any self-propelled gun is the camouflage coefficient. In the case of tank destroyer T30 WoT

stealth is not our strong point, since the dimensions of the car are large in all senses and, above all, it is tall, which is why it will not be difficult to detect us.

In terms of mobility, everything is relative again. Basically, T30 World of Tanks

It has very good dynamics and an acceptable maximum speed, but the problem is maneuverability; we turn very slowly, which is why we should be wary of mobile enemy equipment that can spin us.

Historical reference

The T30 was developed in parallel with the T29. The main differences were the installation of an 810 hp Continental air-cooled engine. instead of Ford and 155 mm T7 gun instead of 105 mm.

A rammer for separately loaded rounds was mounted in the turret. The remaining characteristics of the T30 were similar to the T29 with the exception of the following: combat weight - 144,500 pounds, ammunition - 34 rounds, maximum speed - 26.6 km/h.


Armament is considered the main part of each anti-tank installation; in our case, there are two guns to choose from, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, I would like to say that the T30 has a weapon

caliber 155 millimeters, the strength of which lies in powerful one-time damage. But at the same time, reloading in this configuration is very long, which is why the DPM is only about 2140 units, which is very small for a PT-9.

The second advantage of this barrel is its penetration ability. With him a T30 tank

It can easily fight even against level ten vehicles, penetrating everything that moves, especially if you target vulnerable areas. And in case a heavily armored enemy is too advantageous, carry about 10 gold shells with you.

Accuracy American tank T30

it is not the most pleasant, the spread is large, you have to spend a lot of time on information, and the stabilization is frankly weak. But the UVNs are excellent, the barrel bends down 10 degrees, and the presence of a fully rotating turret completely solves all problems with horizontal aiming angles.

The second configuration option is a 120 mm gun, featuring a more modest alpha strike. But with him is a T30 tank destroyer

shoots much more often, making the damage per minute much better, it is approximately 2500 units.

Unfortunately, this barrel has much worse problems with penetration. With a preference for damage per minute, T30 World of Tanks

you will have to more carefully target vulnerable spots in the enemy’s armor, or buy more gold sub-calibers, which is not suitable for every player.

Despite the fact that this gun is aimed much faster, its dispersion, and therefore its accuracy, is much worse, that is, the aiming process automatically becomes more complicated. Otherwise, stabilization, as well as elevation and elevation angles of the T30 tank

gets the same.

Of course, you can choose the barrel that you like best and suits your playing style. But due to the fact that it is often easier to play as an alpha, and besides, the first gun is more accurate and punchy, here is a guide to T30 WoT

will take into account the choice towards a 155 mm gun.


While our tank is very good in engine power and speed, the armor here is completely “cardboard” and can be penetrated by everyone. The durability of the tank is at the level of its classmates with an indicator of 1,100 units.

We're looking at a light tank, so we shouldn't rely on thick armor shields. Reservation of the frontal projection of the hull is 25 mm. By the way, this is the highest booking value. The sides are equipped with 20 mm armor plates.

The tower is even worse protected. Here the parameters of both the forehead and the body are reduced to a value of 20 mm.

The body is large, which also does not add up to the advantages of this technology, because this reduces invisibility. You definitely need to upgrade your “Disguise” from the crew.

T30 game tactics

Before we touch on any tactical tips, I would like to say that this vehicle can be perceived as a tank destroyer, as well as a heavy tank. This is explained by the fact that the T30 tank

has an armored turret and in general, it is not too different from the premium US TT - T34.

However, due to the weak protection of the hull, clumsiness and very long reloading, especially for the T30 tactics

is to support allies in some direction. To do this, it is better to choose an average distance to the enemy (our gun is quite oblique for long distances) and deal damage by playing from the alpha strike, that is, making a shot, moving away while reloading, and then again entering the position to shoot.

But unlike most self-propelled guns, the American T30 tank

can not only shoot from behind, we are quite capable of taking the blow ourselves. To do this, you definitely need to hide the hull and show only your tower, tanking with it and dealing damage in response, exchanging a plus in HP.

In addition, the mobility of the T30 Wo tank destroyer

T will allow you to change the flank or direction of attack if necessary, or even return to defend the base, but the second must be done in advance, calculating your speed and distance.

Otherwise, try to play carefully, under no circumstances let the enemy into your side or stern, otherwise you may be spun around and even if you have a full-fledged turret, it will be difficult to fight back. And one more thing, playing on T30 World of Tanks

Beware of artillery, take positions so that you can get an advantageous shot or effectively tank with a turret, but at the same time remain safe from the “suitcase” from the sky.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to better understand this tank in battle, we need to analyze in detail all the strengths and weaknesses of this vehicle.


  • dynamism, maximum speed and maneuverability;
  • viewing radius;
  • armor penetration parameters, considering that this is an LT-8;
  • DPM;
  • UVN.


  • tank strength;
  • booking;
  • big size;
  • cross-country ability on some types of soil (soft and medium).

User manual

All necessary maintenance and repair work for major faults is described in the operating instructions. Your browser does not support frames


To extend the service life of the T-30 tractor, it is necessary to carry out maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions. The tractor must be cleaned of any remaining dirt and dust at the end of each trip. This will help prevent corrosion on the device elements.

Oil M-10G2k Oil M-10V2 OilTAD-17i Oil STOU

Recommended oils:

  • Change the engine oil every 250 hours of operation. The Soviet M-10G2 or M-10V2 are best suited for replacement.
  • Hydraulic oil must be changed after 500 operating hours. For the hydraulic system, you can use any universal STOU type oil.
  • Transmission oil must be replaced only once at the beginning of seasonal work. It is recommended to use Soviet TEP-15V or TAD-17i as a fresh lubricant.

Video reviews


T-10 – It doesn’t get any better!!!

“HARD BENDER...8000 DAMAGE on T-10” / WHAT IS THE T-10 CAPABLE OF? #The best for you

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