Tank T-150: review, technical characteristics, weapons

At the time the article was published - the end of 2018, the question “what kind of T-150 tank” is not relevant. 90% of WoT Blitz players know this car. But a little time will pass and new players will not know what kind of beast it is.
T-150 is a heavy tank (hereinafter referred to as TT) of the Soviet development branch. Until update 5.5, it was possible to upgrade the IS-4 branch for free at the 6th lvl after the TT of the 5th lvl KV-1. At level 6 the player had a choice - KV-1 S (popularly kvass), on the way there were imbo branches IS-3, IS-8 and the top IS-7.

The second option is a branch on the IS-4. At level 6 there was a choice - KV-2 or T-150. 90% of players chose the KV-2. But our hero was undeservedly bypassed. It is possible that this is what caused the car to be taken out of the game.

They didn't take him out completely. It was given a new status - collectible. Those who had our TT in the hangar remained. Some of the modules were cut for him, only the top ones remained (as in the premium ones). He was not given the opportunity to farm. The car is not available for new players (it is possible that it will be on sale, but this is not certain).

TTX T-150


Maximum speed35 km/h
Power density12.89 hp/t
Chassis traverse speed18 degrees/sec.
Turret traverse speed24 degrees/sec.


Number of units strength 880 units
Hull armor90 / 90 / 75 mm
Tower armor100 / 100 / 75 mm


Average one-time damage300 units
Average armor penetration167 mm
Mixing time3.4 sec.
Recharge time9.78 sec.
Gun spread0.45 m
Ammunition54 pcs.


View radius330 m


  1. [yuripasholok.livejournal.com/1911142.html KV-6 as a failed index]
  2. [yuripasholok.livejournal.com/2140266.html Drawing of the KV-6]
  3. [archive.is/20130504083203/img14.imageshost.ru/img/2013/04/28/image_517cfc055cc36.jpg TsAMO RF, fund 3722, inventory 95355, file No. 1, p. 88]
  4. [archive.is/20130616191306/img14.imageshost.ru/img/2013/04/30/image_517f5305dee48.jpg TsAMO RF, fund 3722, inventory 95355, file No. 1, p. 115]
  5. [archive.is/20130616191311/img14.imageshost.ru/img/2013/04/30/image_517f532b09051.jpg TsAMO RF, fund 3722, inventory 95355, file No. 1, p. 115]

Crew skills

Before upgrading the crew's perks, you need to study the strengths and weaknesses of the tank. Recommended skills that need to be upgraded step by step for the crew:

driver mechanic
radio operator

The heavy Soviet tank has a powerful weapon that needs to be upgraded. With the help of the “smooth turret rotation” and “smooth movement” skills, the gun will become more accurate in shooting while moving, and this is necessary for the T-150, since positional firefights and tanking will almost always be carried out. "Combat Brotherhood" will improve all characteristics, including slow chassis traverse speed and gun accuracy. The “radio interception” and “eagle eye” skills will be needed to increase the viewing radius, since the Soviet tank is too weak in viewing range. The “Off-Road King” will improve the vehicle’s cross-country ability, and the “sniper” perk will increase the chances of damage to modules when hitting an enemy.

Order of studying modules:

ChassisgunTowergunEngineRadio stationgungun

Experience: 42450

Credits: 279010

T-150M85 mm S-31T-150-220107 mm ZiS-6V-5F10RK122 mm U-1157 mm project 413
5110 experience - 16400 credits4350 experience – 33400 credits3940 experience - 19400 credits14400 experience - 68290 credits5500 experience - 39000 credits3100 experience - 18600 credits3750 experience - 45920 credits2300 experience - 38000 credits

More details on the research.

  1. The T-150M chassis will add carrying capacity and also increase the maneuverability of the tank.
  2. 76 mm ZiS-5 gun - provides access to the top turret and gun.
  3. T-150-220 turret - increases armor, visibility range and will allow the installation of more powerful weapons.
  4. The 107 mm ZiS-6 gun has high penetration, rate of fire and accuracy.
  5. The V-5F engine significantly increases dynamics.
  6. Radio station 10RK - increases communication range.
  7. The 122 mm U-11 and 57 mm Project 413 guns allow you to obtain the “Elite” status.


The T-150 is a heavy tank, so the following equipment must be installed:

A large-caliber rammer will speed up council reloading by 10%, and enhanced aiming drives will speed up gun aiming by 10%. Coated optics will improve the viewing radius, which is too weak on the T-150.

The council has many options for installing modules that will be effective in their own way. Another option can be noted:

A vertical stabilizer will improve shots on the move, and improved ventilation will improve the performance of the entire crew by 5%, including sight radius, aiming and reloading. But the absence of coated optics will make the TT blind.

T-150 armor

The T-150's armor is considered one of its advantages. The frontal part of the council is so armored that it is quite difficult for single-level vehicles to penetrate it.

The maximum armor value is in the frontal part and is 120 mm. The gun mantlet adds another 90 mm. In general, it turns out that the turret can hold back the shells of even some tier 8 tanks. Moreover, do not forget about the above reservation, which almost doubles the value. The hull is also well armored. The “ladder” frontal projection structure increases the chances of a rebound due to optimal angles.

It is worth noting that the sides are quite well booked. But there is nothing to be surprised here, since the entire branch is famous for its strong sides, which can be used to fend off shells from even the most powerful guns. The thickness of the sides is 90 mm, but at the right angles the armor doubles, and frequent ricochets will occur.

The most vulnerable spot is under the tower and NLD. These places will be broken through most often. If few people know about the tower, then you should always try to hide the bottom sheet from your opponent.

You can also highlight the commander's hatch on the roof of the tower. Its armor is only 60 mm, so it will be able to penetrate almost all tanks. But its size is not so large that the opponent regularly breaks through. At the same time, you can see that the hatch is located on one side of the tower, which means that when tanking you can hide it behind the building.

Historical reference

Other names are KV-150 and Object 150. Chief engineer of the project L.N. Pereverzev. Developed in the early 1940s at SKB-2 in Kirov. The reason for the start of development of the KV-1 modification was the results of the winter war in Finland in 1940. The new vehicle was supposed to have better armor - 90 mm. Options with 76 and 85 mm guns were considered. A version with a 76 mm gun was built in metal for testing.

At the beginning of 1941, intelligence received information about the possible production of heavy armored vehicles in Germany and a decision was made to change the characteristics of the project. The updated vehicle was to receive the serial name KV-3. However, the tank never went into production.

The prototype entered service in October 1941. Presumably in May 1943 it was written off.

How to play T-150

The Soviet heavy tank is one of the most armored vehicles at level 6, so it should be played in most cases on the 1st line. The style of play will change depending on the level of the opponent. Playing at the top, the T-150 will be a breakthrough technique, so the gameplay will be attacking and aggressive.

The Council has a powerful 107 mm cannon capable of inflicting 300 damage. damage per shot.

Armor penetration with a basic projectile is 167 mm. For a tier 6 tank, this is, of course, enough, but in confrontations with tier 8 heavy tanks, you will often have to use premium shells. A powerful weapon comes at the cost of poor accuracy, so it is still recommended to improve accuracy using the “smooth motion” and “smooth turret rotation” skills, as well as with the “vertical aiming stabilizer” or “reinforced aiming drives” equipment installed. This will at least somehow improve shooting at close and medium distances. A large spread will not allow you to regularly hit at long distances, so when playing even at the bottom of the list, it is not recommended to move further than the 2nd line. Reservations will play a major role in firefights, as this is what the T-150 is famous for. The frontal part will hold back the projectiles of classmates, but against high levels it is better to use the sides. You should always try to play with the sides, hiding behind buildings. At optimal angles, 8-level projectiles will ricochet, and this will allow you to survive longer in battle.

Declination angles of -7 degrees will allow you to play on terrain, but this tank will feel more comfortable in urban buildings.

The reason for this is weak dynamics. The T-150 can reach a maximum speed of only 35 km/h, and with a specific engine power of 13 hp/t, the tank will not reach this speed confidently. The traverse speed of the chassis and turret is also too low, so you should always be wary of fast and maneuverable tanks in open areas, as spinning the board won't take much effort.

Playing from the tower you can be safe, but the opponent will try to target the commander's hatch, so you should always move back and forth while tanking and not stick your head out too much. In urban buildings, it is better to hide the commander's tower around the corner. This will allow you to tank confidently without exposing your most vulnerable spot.

As for reloading, it's pretty good. The standard 9 seconds can be accelerated with the help of a rammer, improved ventilation and the “combat brotherhood” skill. Having pumped the council to the maximum, it will be able to recharge in 8 seconds, and this is an excellent indicator for one-time damage of 300 units.

The viewing radius of 330 m is too small even for level 6. Despite the fact that the T-150 will play mainly on the 1st line, it still needs visibility, and standard indicators must be improved. The “radio interception” and “eagle eye” skills, as well as the “coated optics” or “stereo tube” equipment will help with this. The Council will not become a good scout, but it will have the opportunity to spot vehicles firing at it. For example, when destroying an enemy on the flank, the tank will need to move further to the enemy base. This is where the viewing radius will help, since it will most likely be fired upon by vehicles protecting the approaches to the base. Of course, everything will depend not only on the allied tanks, but also on the level of the opponent waiting at the base. You should also know who can defend the base. There are tank destroyers that can only be seen by a light tank, and only at close range.

In short, the T-150 tank is quite powerful and armored, but it has disadvantages such as dynamics, visibility and accuracy. You should always use your strengths to achieve the desired result.


The only operational model of the tank in question was sent to the front in the fall of forty-one to the 123rd Tank Division. According to archival information, the vehicle was removed from service in May 1943 due to irretrievable combat loss. However, in July of the same year, the equipment was assigned to the 31st Separate Guards Regiment.

Now this tank can be found in the famous multiplayer game “The World of Tanks”. It is a heavy vehicle of the sixth level. Unlike the real prototype, the virtual analogue can be equipped with a diamond-shaped KV-220 turret and a special ZIS-6 weapon.

Advantages and disadvantages

one-time damageconvergence speed
armor penetration with a basic projectilegun dispersion
tower reservationmaximum speed
hull armorspecific engine power
gun elevation anglescommander's hatch
recharge time

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