Guide to the seventh level tank destroyer T25/2 World of Tanks from

Hello everyone and welcome to! Friends, today we will look at a somewhat unusual, but still quite strong vehicle, an American tank destroyer of the seventh level - here is the T25/2 guide


Once upon a time, having a fully rotating turret on a self-propelled anti-tank gun was a dream, but now this will not surprise anyone. However, this is not what is “unusual”; the T25/2 has performance characteristics

in general, they are not entirely typical for the general understanding of tank destroyers as a class of equipment, but let’s take a closer look at this device.

TTX T25/2

Let's start, as always, with the fact that we have a typically small safety margin for a level seven self-propelled gun, but a very good basic viewing range of 380 meters for its class of equipment.

There’s no need to talk about the survivability of our American for too long, since the T25/2 characteristics

bookings leave a lot to be desired.
No matter how you look at it, the thickness of our armor plates is very mediocre. Unless the impressively sized gun mantlet is 75 millimeters thick, behind which there is also the same amount of conventional armor, sometimes it will allow you to catch an accidental ricochet. But this would really be a happy accident; it’s not worth thinking that the T25/2 WoT tank destroyer
can play from the tower, it can’t. By the way, don’t be fooled, our tower is of an open type, and this shield on the roof, which is a screen, does not take damage if the enemy hits it specifically.

As often happens, if the vehicle is not armored, then its mobility should be quite good. Yes, this rule rarely applies to self-propelled guns, but we were lucky, because the T25/2 tank World of Tanks

got an excellent top speed, impressive dynamics and pretty good maneuverability.

Engine of the Scout T-25 minitractor

The Scout T-25 minitractor is equipped with a ZS1115-T diesel engine. This is a four-stroke, single-cylinder, horizontal diesel power unit. The maximum power it produces is 20 horsepower, or 14.71 kilowatts. Its rated power is 18.1 hp. / 13.31 kW. The working volume of this engine is 1195 cubic centimeters. Its speed is 2000-2200 rpm.

The cylinder diameter is 115 mm and the piston stroke is also 115 mm. The cooling system is liquid. Lubrication system - gear pump, with oil spray. The engine is started by an electric starter, and, if necessary, by a manual starter (Z-shaped handle). The type of power take-off shaft is a pulley on the flywheel. The weight of the ZS1115-T diesel engine is 197 kg. Its overall dimensions are: 910 x 760 x 440 mm. Fuel tank capacity is 9 liters of diesel fuel.

The ZS1115-T diesel engine is quite powerful and reliable, has been produced for a long time and is a well-tested professional power unit with a declared engine life of 4500 hours until the first replacement of the piston rings. Tests at the stand demonstrated: after an hour of operation at peak power, no overheating of the coolant was detected, and overheating of the engine oil (the temperature of which rose to more than 90 degrees) was recorded after 54 minutes, at 95% of engine speed.


If the general characteristics are more or less typical for the PT-7, then our weapons are truly unusual, if not strange.

T25/2 gun

has modest one-time damage, but what’s even worse is that our rate of fire allows us to deal only about 1850 damage per minute, which is low for a vehicle that specializes in destroying tanks.

Even greater disappointment awaits you in the penetration parameters, the usual armor-piercing projectile for the T25/2 WoT tank destroyer

has the worst armor penetration rate at the level, get ready for the fact that in battles at the bottom of the list you will have to charge gold frequently.

However, our American pleasantly surprises each of its owners with very good accuracy, which partially compensates for the lack of penetration. T25/2 tank World of Tanks

got a good spread, very fast convergence and truly enviable final accuracy. In addition, the gun bends down 10 degrees, this is also a significant plus in the piggy bank.


“Ugly Ducklings” Tier V: T-25 Hello, dear adherents of armor, tracks and powerful weapons! Summer is heating up, many have swapped their keyboard and mouse for a bicycle, barbecue and other amenities. But 3G and other Internet access points do not leave tankers without their favorite hangar, even in nature, and therefore the battles in the game never subside. Your humble servant was also caught in the net of the summer sun, but he cannot deny himself the pleasure of writing a new review for you.

Let's continue to consider the unpopular premium equipment of the fifth level. In the last review, we met the Soviet-British Matilda IV, who turned out to be a real “iron lady”, despite the modest performance characteristics. Today we will pay attention to a tank wearing a white and black cross and painted in steel shades. I'm talking about the Czech T-25 medium tank project.

“Paper” tank from the Czech Republic The Czech medium tank T-25 existed only in the form of a project, so this is another “theoretical” tank in the treasury of the German development branch. The order to create the tank came after the Wehrmacht became acquainted with the Soviet T-34 and KV-1. The management realized that these tanks were no worse than German ones, and in some cases even surpassed them in their characteristics. Particular importance was attached to the use of sloping armor, which prominently featured the Soviet T-34 tank. The tank was supposed to be armed with a long-barreled 75mm gun. Among the projects of the German companies MAN and Daimler-Benz, developed in accordance with the new order, was the project of the T-25 tank (then listed as T-24) from Skoda.

The T-25 project was characterized by a high hull that would make the crew's work comfortable. The frontal armor sheets were supposed to be installed at an angle and made up to 60mm thick. The crew of the designed tank included the following members: driver, radio operator, loader and commander. Visibility was provided through viewing devices in the armor plates, and it was also decided to abandon the commander's cupola (a periscope was made for the commander). The technical “stuffing” of the tank included a Skoda A13 gun with 50 rounds, a machine gun with a reserve of 3 thousand rounds. Engine 380 hp. With. and a volume of 16,200 “cubes” was supposed to be installed in the stern. Subsequently, the design was refined and changed, as a result of which the T-25 tank project was born. The gun was supposed to be replaced with a more powerful one - KwK 41/1, and an additional machine gun was added. The engine has changed: 450 hp. With. and auxiliary engine 60 HP. With. The project was ready by the summer months of 1942. However, at that time testing of prototypes of the Panther tank had already begun, and the T-25 tank project was rejected. This is where the story of this Czech tank in German service ends, but in World of Tanks it is just beginning.

Medium tank that doesn't want to turn I'm serious. When you take the T-25 into battle, you get the feeling that its ancestor is a tram or even a train. The tank does not want to turn either while standing or in motion, and it also turns the turret very lazily.

It was not for nothing that I first of all paid attention to all sorts of turns of the tank. As you can see, the chassis of the T-25 is not the most agile. In numbers, it still seems more or less maneuverable (30 degrees per second), but in reality, even turning on the spot requires effort. The turret traverse speed is more suitable for a heavy tank - 22 degrees per second. For comparison, the turret of the average German Pz 3\4 tank rotates at a speed of 53 degrees, and the Soviet T-34 rotates at a speed of 49 degrees per second. The T-25 turret has a very small field of view for a medium tank - only 320 meters. Therefore, in my opinion, it is not worth installing coated optics on this tank - the percentage increase in visibility will be negligible. Let's get back to the turns. Or rather, to what comes next to turns - the speed and dynamics of the T-25 tank. The T-25 weighs just over 20 tons, and the engine has a power of 450 hp. With. The result is good power density, and you can immediately feel it. The T-25, although it does not like to turn, performs very well when moving forward and backward. The tank easily accelerates to maximum speed (60 km/h). The T-25 confidently overcomes even steep hills. The main condition is not to turn. In addition, the tank gains speed in reverse (20 km/h) almost instantly, and if you remember this, you can save the vehicle from destruction more than once.

Like most premium tier 5 tanks, the T-25 has an increased HP of 610 units. And he really needs it, because our “Czech” doesn’t particularly stand out with its armor: 50mm in the front hull plate. Although the sheet is tilted, this tilt is quite far from rational, and most often the forehead is easily broken through. The forehead of the tower is slightly thicker - 60mm, but this does not play any role, because the sheet is located vertically. It turns out that all the T-25 can hope for in terms of survival under enemy fire is a stray ricochet or an omnipresent hit without damage. The T-25 gun is a 7.5 cm A18 KwK. It has a rate of fire that is not the best at its level - 14 rounds per minute, mediocre accuracy - 0.41m, but at the same time it has excellent penetration for the fifth level - 116mm. The premium shell can penetrate 167mm of armor, and I would recommend having a few premium "arguments" with you for particularly thick enemies. And you will definitely encounter particularly tough enemies: the T-25 does not have such a preferential balance as, for example, the same Matilda IV or Churchill III. The tank is balanced in the same way as regular medium tanks of the fifth level, which means that very impressive enemies like the IS or Tiger P, which are invulnerable to a regular T-25 armor-piercing projectile, can resist us.

The damage of the T-25 gun is normal for level 5 - 110 HP. The aiming time is 2.5 seconds, so it would be a good idea to install reinforced aiming drives on the T-25. Since I’m talking about additional equipment, I’ll say that the second slot is occupied by a rammer, and the third by improved ventilation. I mainly install coated optics on medium tanks, but, as I wrote before, the T-25’s visibility is 320 meters, and the increase from coated optics will be imperceptible. But ventilation will be very useful in order to at least slightly improve the controllability of the tank and increase its efficiency.

In addition to crew ventilation, the first thing I do is learn the Brotherhood of Battle skill, which goes well with this module. Perhaps in the future, when I upgrade German medium tanks to E50 or Indien Panzer, I will change the skill set. I would also advise you to pay attention first of all to what tank you are getting the crew for the T-25 from.

If you are preparing a crew for the E50, then it would be a good idea to pay attention to The Sixth Sense, Repair and Brotherhood. The “Bam Master” is recommended for the driver mechanic (after all, the E50 is good at this), the gunner “Smooth Turret Rotation”, the radio operator “Radio Interception” and the loader of the “Non-Contact Ammunition Rack”. If your goal is Leopard 1, then I won’t risk giving specific advice here, because the tank is still quite new. I will only say that on the forums it is highly recommended to study “Non-contact ammo rack”, “Sixth Sense” and “Repair”.

T-25: we realize speed, but avoid contact. This is the combination that is best to fight with the T-25. And my weak statistics on it indicate that I do not always cope with this task. Perhaps, on the tank from the previous review - Matilda, good results were obtained because it takes a long time to drive it, there is time to decide where to go and how to act.

But on the T-25 there is a very tempting opportunity to rush somewhere into the thick of things and be sure to get some soup there. This happens to me often. Therefore, I advise everyone, including myself: use speed not to get into a close fight, but to take an advantageous position from which you can escape in time. Among other things, speed allows you to “pull” to enemy artillery in time. Close combat is contraindicated for the T-25 not only because of its thin armor - it is thin on most medium tanks at level 5. This type of combat is also not recommended due to the tank's terrible maneuverability and slow turret. Where the T-34 will spin and circle, the T-25 will only pretend to turn.

But on this tank you can fight well in the “swing” style, because the T-25 starts sharply both forward and backward. Rolling out from around the corner, you can provoke the enemy into a “nervous” shot, after which you can drive out again and fire a couple of volleys. Naturally, there are many situations, and all cases cannot be described. The main thing to remember is that the T-25 requires patience most of all, because this tank is quite easy to destroy.

The money side of the issue The T-25 costs 1,500 gold coins in the store. It’s quite rare for a tank to be offered at discounts, but I still don’t regret buying it. I liked the tank at least because it has clear advantages and equally clear disadvantages. It does not look “average” and faceless and certainly requires an original playing style. Along the way, with a fan of the T-25, you can earn a little credit. Here is a plate of the last ten battles on this tank. The profit shown is NET.

The average tank income per battle is about 20 thousand silver with a premium account. As you can see from the combat achievements, the battles were not particularly successful, but the T-25 never played a negative game, and in total over 10 battles it brought in just over 200 thousand credits. Not Lev, of course, but it’s not farm you should expect from tier 5 premium tanks, but interesting battles. This concludes the review. Don't forget about summer, dear tankers!

Author: Ilya Goncharov (DynastyCrusher)

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can see, this machine has its strengths and weaknesses, however, this can be said about any machine in our favorite game. In order not to lose face on the battlefield or even influence the outcome of the battle, you need to clearly understand the main advantages and disadvantages of the T25/2 World of Tanks

. Pros: • Good mobility; • Very good review; • Excellent accuracy; • Comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: • Weak armor; • Worst penetration among PT-7; • Small alphastrike; • Low damage per minute.

Equipment for T25/2

Frankly, we have so many really worthwhile additional modules to choose from that would truly improve the performance of this device. However, there is still plenty to choose from, so the equipment on the T25/2 tank destroyer

you can put this: 1. - of course, with our rate of fire and damage per minute, there is no way without this module, it is the most important. 2. – we already have excellent mixing speed, but, as mentioned earlier, there are few alternatives. 3. – with good visibility and suitable mobility, this option will be very useful.

However, several significant changes can be made to this configuration, but I want to say right away that they are suitable only for those who like positional and more passive play on self-propelled guns. So, we leave the first point, it’s impossible without it, but we change the other two as follows: 1. – they will give an even greater increase in viewing range, which is very effective if your crew is not pumped up. 2. – our car has large dimensions and the camouflage is lame, if you want to stand in your mouth and not glow when fired, such a solution will help, and besides, it goes well with the previous point.

Design features of Scout T-25

The design uses a gearbox with a forced locking planetary differential. It distributes the torque of the drive wheels, depending on the degree of resistance. A gearbox of this design increases the traction performance of the minitractor and its cross-country ability. Rubber wear is reduced to a minimum.

The adjustable wheel track of the Scout T-25 minitractor of the second generation is adjustable, from 110 to 145 cm wide, to perform any agricultural tasks in which it is necessary to maintain row spacing. A track width of 145 cm provides greater stability to the minitractor when used together with an excavator unit.

The muffler pipe is located vertically on this minitractor, which is more in line with fire safety standards, does not pollute the cultivated soil and does not reduce the ground clearance of the minitractor itself.

Magnets for catching foreign small metal elements (splinters and pieces of shavings) are installed in the engine, gearbox, diesel fuel and hydraulic oil tanks.

As an additional option, weights can be installed on the Scout T-25 Generation II minitractor. The rear wheels weigh 22 kilograms each. They increase the efficiency of a mini tractor by 15 percent. The front weight, “on the nose,” weighs 80 kilograms and increases the efficiency of the mini tractor by another 25 percent. Thanks to the weights, the hooking power of the Scout T-25 increases by 48%. These weights consist of three hollow metal forms, with a metal thickness of 4 mm, which are filled with concrete. The weight of a set of hollow molds is 30 kg, and the weight of the finished products is 122 kg (front ballast 80 kg and two rear ballasts 22 kg).

T25/2 game tactics

Here is a vehicle with good driving characteristics, a fully rotating turret and impressive visibility, more like a medium tank than an anti-tank self-propelled gun, right?

However, for T25/2 tactics

combat can still, and in some cases even must, be reduced to the classic standing in the bushes. Indeed, with such accuracy, it is a pleasure to fire at allied light from long distances; the only thing that hinders you is poor penetration and you will often have to charge gold, especially being at the bottom of the list.

But the passive style is not the only one possible, at the top of the list is the T25/2 WoT tank destroyer

really capable of playing as a moderately agile CT. Just remember that you have little armor, which means it’s better to play from the overview, gradually moving forward and realizing damage.

At the same time T25/2 World of Tanks

is an excellent support tank, using the same active style you can perfectly help your heavies push through directions, dismantling one enemy after another from behind the backs of their armored partners.

In other words, with a creative approach, our self-propelled gun opens up unique tactical capabilities. The main thing is to remember that you need to act according to the circumstances and always try to realize the advantages of the machine. T25/2 tank

able to quickly change position, return to defend the base, support different flanks both in attack and defense, it all depends on your attentiveness and ingenuity.

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