Where and how to change a tractor driver's license

If a person is driving a wheeled or tracked self-propelled vehicle, he or she must have a driver's license. The lack of a driving license does not give grounds to take part in the road process. However, a driver’s certificate is issued for a certain time, and it can be lost or become unusable. Being in the cabin of a self-propelled unit with an expired license is equivalent to its absence, which threatens the driver with an administrative fine. Therefore, the question arises: how does Gostekhnadzor replace tractor licenses?

The concept of the rights of a tractor driver and their features

A driver who has a tractor operator's certificate can be behind the wheel or the clutch levers of any self-propelled unit.
This category includes agricultural machinery, four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles, and snowmobiles. The main features of obtaining a driver's permit are determined by:

  • completing training and passing exams in accordance with current legislation;
  • a Russian ID is valid only on the territory of a subject of the federation;
  • The format of the rights form is regulated by the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of the country.

A new form of certificate appeared in Russia four years ago, and is represented by a plastic card equipped with a photograph of the driver, his data, and a matrix of categories. There is also information about driving experience, blood Rh factor, and existing medical contraindications. In addition to alphabetic and numeric characters, the card is equipped with a bar code containing the above information.

Obtaining and replacing the certificate of self-propelled wheeled and tracked vehicles is carried out only by the Federal Supervision Authority - Gosgortekhnadzor. It is recommended to apply here to open a new category, obtain temporary or permanent rights if they are lost, damaged or confiscated.

Where can I change permissions?

If the driver does not know where to change the license for the tractor, he should contact the nearest branch of the Federal Supervision. Only this state body of Russia has the right to exchange certificates and issue new permanent or temporary ones. The certificates issued to them have state status.

In addition to Gostekhnadzor, some private organizations, for example, driving schools, take on the responsibility of obtaining new or exchanging old licenses. After completing training there, a future tractor driver can count on receiving a state certificate. Having collected the documents of the cadets or the certificates subject to exchange, the driving school applies to the technical supervision department with a request to issue a driving license.

Of course, this will significantly save applicants’ time and save them from standing in line and paperwork. However, all this is not done for thanks; organizations additionally take commissions.

If a cadet has extra money, he can use this opportunity, but everyone is still recommended to contact the Federal Supervision themselves, and not through intermediaries.

Passing a medical examination

The certificate is issued after examination by a therapist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist and narcologist. Usually everything goes quickly, the driver will spend a maximum of 2-3 days to obtain the certificate. In general, it is possible to go through all the doctors in 1 day, especially if you use the services of paid clinics.

Separately, standard examinations are carried out by a psychiatrist or narcologist - the driver visits either a municipal dispensary or uses the services of private medical centers. You can get examined by these doctors both at your place of registration and residence. But in any case, you will have to pay about 200-500 rubles for inspections.

An examination by an ophthalmologist and a therapist can be done for a fee at a center that provides such a service, and a certificate will be issued there immediately on the spot. Usually the price of the issue does not exceed 1000 rubles. You can also go for free under your compulsory medical insurance policy by getting an appointment with an ophthalmologist and then with a therapist. You need to come to the latter after receiving certificates from all other specialists.

Initially, the driver undergoes an examination at psychiatric and drug treatment clinics, only then can he be examined by other doctors and receive a certificate.

When replacement is required

A permanent tractor driver's license is issued for 10 years. After such a period has passed, it must be exchanged for a new one, regardless of its condition. The replacement of the certificate for the right to drive special equipment is carried out by the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision authorities, and may be determined by various situations. The new permit form contains all the information about its owner that can be seen with the naked eye.

Replacing an old certificate with a new one is provided for in an exhaustive list of cases:

  1. Expiration of the old permit.
  2. Accidental loss, its theft.
  3. Replacing the old model with a new one.
  4. Change of personal information by the holder of a tractor driver's license.
  5. Damage, wear and tear to an unreadable state.

Holders of certificates issued using forged documents will have to undergo an examination interview to obtain a new form.

Deadlines for replacing expired tractor licenses

An expired certificate can be changed at Federal Supervision offices without waiting for its expiration date. A license to drive special equipment is issued for a period of 10 years. After the specified period of time has expired, it must be returned to Gosgortekhnadzor to receive a new one.

An expired document does not give the right to drive the steering wheel or clutch levers, which is equivalent to their absence. Stopping a tractor driver without this certificate by the traffic police will result in criminal punishment.

State supervision officials recommend not to delay replacing the document, and advise you to contact the nearest branch no later than 10-15 days before its expiration date. Of course, the certificate must be replaced within the specified period with a new one for those persons who are employed in this profession.

If a person does not operate agricultural machinery for any period and has an expired permit, he is free to change it at any time without any administrative or penalty sanctions. Of course, if he does not want to sit in the cockpit of the self-propelled device at this time.

Replacing a driver's permit is preceded by collecting a package of documents for submission to the Federal Supervision Unit. It is probably worth recalling that preparation must begin in advance, without waiting for the expiration of the old certificate.

The package of documents requires the following documents:

  • civil passport of the applicant;
  • unified application for replacement;
  • special medical certificate;
  • certificate of completion of a driving school or other educational institution on completion of courses in driving self-propelled units;
  • tractor driver's license or another type of permit allowing you to drive self-propelled vehicles, if available;
  • two photographic cards of a color image measuring 30x40 mm without a corner, always on a matte medium;
  • an official certificate from the traffic police department confirming that the driver’s license has not been withdrawn for any reason;
  • payment of state duty;
  • an individual card or other written confirmation of the issuance of a previous certificate for driving wheeled and tracked vehicles.

Probably, now the driver will not have questions about how to change the license for a tractor if it is expired, having prepared the documents according to the list above.

Do I need to take an exam when exchanging rights after 10 years?

Some car owners who are not properly informed mistakenly believe that this is a mandatory condition for changing their license. Not really. The legislation does not provide for the obligation of drivers to retake traffic rules.

However, you should know that you will have to undergo a medical examination again in any case. Without this it is not possible. Therefore, the motorist will need to visit several doctors: a psychiatrist, a narcologist, an ophthalmologist, and a therapist. It is they who will subsequently issue conclusions whether a person is fit to drive a vehicle or not.

Recently, cases of purchasing certificates without passing a commission have become more frequent, which is a gross violation of the law. The traffic police is trying to stop such fraud. Therefore, do not be tempted to avoid going to the medical staff, think about the consequences:

  • physicians who issue false certificates face administrative liability;
  • those who use illegal services face heavy fines.

The situation is quite tough, it’s definitely not worth the risk. After all, by becoming a participant in fraudulent activities, you knowingly violate the provisions on the rules for using and managing a technical device.

What is needed to replace rights

Changing a certificate for any reason requires the availability of mandatory relevant documents, an application and payment of the State Service for issuing a certificate.

A new certificate is issued after the driver submits an application to Gorgostekhnadzor.

The document contains a list of information established by law:

  1. Name of the organization replacing the certificate.
  2. Full name, place of residence or registration, cell phone number, personal information of the applicant.
  3. The name of the document itself.
  4. Reason for obtaining rights.
  5. Previous permission information.
  6. List of attached documents.
  7. Date of writing the application, personal signature.

The application is supported by two color photographic cards, a notarized photocopy of the previous driver's certificate.

The reason for the replacement is indicated by crossing out unnecessary lines.
The form must not contain errors, corrections, erasures or blots. Passport data and the personal formula must be indicated in full and not contain abbreviations, unspecified corrections, or ambiguous interpretations. All documents must be submitted as originals or notarized copies.

The notary's seal can replace the confirmation of the organization that issued the document.

Payment of state duty

Soon after sending the request, information about the acceptance of the application and the need to pay the state fee will appear in the applicant’s personal account. It’s convenient that you can pay for it immediately in your personal account, and payment using this method of payment is carried out with a 30% discount.

VK The state fee for issuing a driver’s license is 2,000 rubles. When paying online through a personal account on the State Services portal, the citizen will be charged 1400, that is, a 30% discount is applied.

Most often, citizens pay with a bank card; you can also make a payment from an electronic wallet or mobile account (take into account the presence of a commission). If convenient, you can pay the fee in cash through any bank. Then you will need to download the receipt; discounts do not apply to this form of payment of state fees.

Other documents for Federal supervision

The package includes the provision of other documents:

  1. Special medical certificate form 003ВУ.
  2. Previous driver's permit, if available.
  3. When issuing a permit in another country, the document must be translated into Russian and notarized.
  4. Written confirmation of graduation from a driving school or other educational institution.
  5. Written confirmation of completion of courses on driving wheeled and tracked vehicles.
  6. Certificate from the traffic police confirming that the license has not been withdrawn.
  7. Individual card for first receipt of a certificate.

A special permit from Gosgortekhnadzor is required for applicants who want to work on hoisting and transport machines. Tractor drivers do not require such a permit.

Visit to the traffic police department

Those who have completed the procedure for exchanging rights through the State Services portal should come to the selected unit after some time. You must have all the necessary papers with you. Try to show up a little earlier than the appointed time - according to the electronic queue code sent in advance.

Wait until you are invited to the office. Depending on the number of people and the workload of the staff, the waiting time can be up to half an hour.

Required documents

When planning a visit to the traffic police, you need to have on hand:

  • passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • former VU.

The application is submitted online, so there is no need for a printed version. Presentation of a receipt for payment of the state duty is also not provided. However, just in case, take it with you too.

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