Methodological recommendations for conducting examinations for obtaining access to driving self-propelled machines and issuing tractor operator (tractor operator) certificates (page 2)

On July 1, 1994, traffic rules were put into effect, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1090 of October 23, 1993 “On the Rules...” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

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The rules are mandatory for compliance throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation by all persons who in one way or another take part in transport traffic (clause 1.1 of the Rules). Self-propelled (hereinafter also referred to as self-propelled) vehicles are fully covered by the Rules.

Preparation for the tractor driver exam from GosTechNadzor

The number of tasks in tasks is related to the selected identity class. At certification, the candidate receives traffic tickets for the tractor. To acquire permission for the practical part of the test, you can make one mistake. If the result is poor, a second test is expected, which will be organized in a week.

In order to teach better, internal control is recommended not only in the training center, but also at home. When preparing on your own, it is important to choose the right electronic or printed cards, in accordance with the category being opened.

If it is convenient to study from books, then for a theoretical test on the safe operation of self-propelled AI vehicles, you can choose the appropriate manual with detailed explanations. The book contains 45 exam cards with questions that relate not only to the technical, but also to the legal side. Each AI category ticket contains eight questions with several examples, but only one of them is correct. If the examinee has completed seven or more questions, he is given an o. If there are six or fewer correct topics, the result will be “fail”.

Decisions 2003-2016 are outdated, new ones have been prepared in accordance with modern requirements and rules for issuing tractor driver licenses.

It is worth noting that persons over 16 years of age are allowed to take the AI ​​category exams.

Punishment for traffic violations

Based on Art. 23.35. The Administrative Code, Gostekhnadzor and its territorial bodies are authorized to consider cases under only one article of Chapter 12 of the Administrative Code - 12.37. (failure to purchase an MTPL insurance policy or driving during a period not provided for in the insurance contract).

Cases under all other articles are considered in the general order - that is, either by judges, or by the heads of the traffic police, their deputies, by the heads of TsAFAP, their deputies, or by traffic police inspectors with a special rank (part 5 and part 6 of article 23.3 of the Administrative Code) .

Here are the violations for which the driver of a tractor or other self-propelled equipment may well be held accountable:

Driving a tractor not registered with GostekhnadzorLiability is provided in the form of a fine from 500 to 800 rubles on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 12.1. Code of Administrative Offenses
The tractor driver does not have a driver's license of the appropriate categoryIf the tractor driver forgot his license at home, punishment will be imposed in the form of a warning or a fine of 500 rubles (Part 2 of Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code). Exactly the same sanctions await those who do not take a “motor citizen” policy with them on the road.
Operating a tractor if you don’t have a license at allPunishment – ​​a fine from 5,000 to 15,000 in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 12.7. Code of Administrative Offences. If a tractor driver drives on the roads while deprived of his license, the sanctions will be harsher - either a fine of 30,000, or arrest for up to 15 calendar days, or compulsory labor from 100 to 200 hours
Over speedSanctions are regulated by Art. 12.9. Code of Administrative Offences, and depend on how much the tractor driver exceeded the maximum speed limit. The maximum penalty under this article is deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year.
Driving a self-propelled car on a highwayThe sanctions are not so stringent - a fine of 1000 rubles based on Part 1 of Art. 12.11. Code of Administrative Offenses
Driving a tractor through a red traffic lightFine 1000 rubles. You can pay at a discount if you do it within the first 20 days from the date of the decision
Failure of the tractor driver to comply with the requirements of clause 11.6. Rules If the driver of a tractor or other self-propelled vehicle moves at a speed of 30 km/h or less outside a populated area, while transporting dangerous or large cargo, he will need to move as far to the right as possible, or stop and let the vehicles behind him pass. For failure to comply with this requirement, a fine of 1000 to 1500 rubles is imposed in accordance with Part 1.1. Art. 12.15. Code of Administrative Offenses
Movement under sign 3.6.Minimum liability - a warning or a fine of 500 rubles in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 12.16. Code of Administrative Offenses
Violation of any paragraph of Section 23 of the RulesWhen transporting goods on self-propelled vehicles, the requirements of this Section must be observed, otherwise the driver will face a warning or a fine of 500 rubles based on Part 1 of Art. 12.21. Code of Administrative Offences. If the procedure for transporting large-sized or dangerous goods is violated, special norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses are applied - Art. 12.21.1. and Art. 12.21.2.

So, drivers of self-propelled vehicles registered in accordance with the established procedure must also follow all the Rules, like other motorists.

There are certain requirements for self-propelled vehicles - for example, when they transport goods. There are also special signs that apply only to such equipment.

What is an obstacle on the road according to traffic regulations? Find the answer in the article: obstacle according to traffic rules. Read about tram tracks in traffic regulations here.

When you can turn on fog lights according to traffic regulations, find out from this information.

Category C

These are tractor licenses that allow you to drive wheeled vehicles with engines of no more than 110.3 kilowatts. The examination papers for the operation of self-propelled vehicles in the category with a standard number of questions and tasks. It is advisable to choose the wording of the questions with amendments, but the theoretical part looks something like this:

Features of parking a self-propelled vehicle in the security zone of power lines:

  • parking allowed;
  • possible subject to lightning protection;
  • prohibited.

Features of driving a tractor or loader in the absence of registration plates;:

  • movement is possible within agriculture;
  • movement is prohibited in any case;
  • movement is possible, but without exiting the highway.

Features of operating a vehicle with a trailer in the absence of a “Road Train” sign;

  • allowed to be used for work inside the farm;
  • allowed to be used in the field;
  • at the discretion of the driver;
  • forbidden.

Features of working on a machine with a missing dirt apron:
  • possible if the public road is dry;
  • if the work is carried out inside the farm;
  • there is no right option.

reference Information

Documents • Laws • Notices • Document approvals • Contracts • Requests for proposals • Technical specifications • Development plans • Document management • Analytics • Events • Competitions • Results • City administrations • Orders • Contracts • Work execution • Protocols for consideration of applications • Auctions • Projects • Protocols • Budgetary organizations Municipalities • Districts • Education • Programs Reports
: • by references • Documentary base • Securities
: • Financial documents
: • Categories by topic • Finance • cities of the Russian Federation • regions • by exact dates Regulations
: • Scientific terminology • Financial • Economic
: • Dates • 2015 • 2016 Documents in the financial sector • in the investment sector • Financial documents - programs

Category D

Here, theoretical knowledge regarding power plants over 110.3 kilowatts is taken into account; the equipment is distinguished by its wheel drive. You can find out what Category D tractor Gostekhnadzor tickets look like below:

Providing medical care for traumatic shock:

  • pain relief, providing rest;
  • ammonia combined with cool water;
  • applying a bandage to the head.

Cases that require putting a chain on the drive wheels:

  • traffic safety on ice;
  • to increase traction and grip properties;
  • off-road driving.

Possible distance from the wires to the tractor if the power line has 10 kV:

  • 0.5 meters;
  • more than two meters;
  • from three meters.

You need to know traffic tickets for a category D tractor driver, since this affects not only the initial issuance of the document, but also for obtaining a license after deprivation of rights.

Textbooks for different categories are the best choice for self-study. Here you can find all the answers to the exam papers, as well as comments to the questions. In addition to tests, it is advisable to additionally study the following literature:

  • safe operation of self-propelled vehicles;
  • normative and methodological materials;
  • rules for admission to management;
  • requirements for tractors or mandatory certification.

Traffic rules for tractors

Traffic rules apply not only to ordinary cars, but also to tractors. Studying this part of the theory is mandatory for safe driving. Self-propelled vehicles are full participants in road traffic.

The future driver studies cases of prohibited movement on special equipment, compliance with the speed of movement. Most of the theoretical course is devoted to possible punishments. For example, driving self-propelled vehicles without a license in a field, in a closed area, or in a city is punishable. Training and passing exams are a mandatory step in obtaining a driver’s license.

Advanced driver categories

The theoretical exam for operating self-propelled vehicles of category E is not taken at a driving school, but at an educational institution that has the appropriate license. Knowledge in this part concerns machines with engines over 25.7 kW.

Another category of tractor driver F is considered a full-fledged profession, which many students study in vocational training programs. Students receive knowledge, skills and abilities that are competent for further work.

At the same time, educational institutions often use correspondence or part-time forms of education, including distance educational technologies and e-learning. Advanced professional retraining is organized for people who already have working specialties. Under these conditions, advanced training will take about two weeks. If there is no working profession, another training program is provided, which affects the timing and cost. For example, the following features are often provided:

  • vocational training program – training for persons who have not previously had a blue-collar profession;
  • retraining program - for persons who previously had a blue-collar profession: excavator, bulldozer operator, all-terrain vehicle driver, tractor driver;
  • advanced training program – improving knowledge in an existing profession.

The received certificate of preparation gives the right to apply to the State Technical Supervision Inspectorate for a state service related to taking exams. After this, a tractor driver’s license is issued.

It is easier to understand the decoding of the rights of the categories of tractor driver-driver when it is presented in the form of a table or map by numbers:

BControl of a vehicle on wheels with a power of up to 34 l/s. Electric forklifts, forklifts, trucks and light tractors
CControl of a wheeled vehicle with power up to 150 l/s. Loaders, tractors such as Belarus, MTZ
DControl of wheeled equipment with power above 33 l/s. Various loaders and heavy tractors
EControl of tracked vehicles with a power of more than 33 l/s. Excavators, drilling rigs, bulldozers
FControl of agricultural machinery: different combines.

Basic requirements for drivers

To obtain all of the categories of rights listed above, the driver must meet certain requirements.

To be admitted to the exams you will need:

  1. Complete specialized training and receive professional basic or additional education. Programs are being studied that are directly or indirectly related to the management of self-propelled vehicles of the listed categories. After completing the courses, you will receive a corresponding document confirming the assigned qualification.
  2. Pass a special medical examination to obtain a medical certificate. The document must confirm the complete absence of medical contraindications for driving self-propelled vehicles.

Each category of rights requires an appropriate age and a certain length of work experience:

  • Category AI - from 16 years old;
  • Category A II - from 19 years old, 12 months of experience in automobile category B;
  • Category A III - from 19 years old, 12 months of experience in category C;
  • Category A IV - from 22 years old, total experience of 12 months for category D driving license;
  • Category B, C, E, F - from 17 years old;
  • Category D - from 18 years old.

Only if all of the above conditions are fully met can you undergo special training and pass the relevant exams.

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Category F

Tickets in this category include questions regarding combine harvesters. For example, you will have to solve the following tasks online:

Features of transporting passengers on a combine:

  • allowed;
  • forbidden;
  • It is allowed to transport workers within the site.

Operating a combine harvester with a weakened steering column:

  • allowed until scheduled maintenance;
  • at the discretion of the driver;
  • forbidden.

Features of operating a stacker filled with straw during long stops of the combine:

  • allowed for no more than a day;
  • prohibited;
  • at the discretion of the driver.

Features of starting a combine engine using towing:

  • take precautions into account;
  • forbidden;
  • at the discretion of the driver.

Full-fledged free training in the profession of a combine harvester takes place at the agricultural college. The examination tickets for tractors of category C contain the following disciplines:

  • characteristics of the crops grown;
  • repair of units and attachments;
  • basics of computer science;
  • practical part.

The license for a combine harvester is a state-issued certificate that allows you to operate any equipment. The examination control procedure in Rosgosnadzor is identical to other categories, but there are age, medical and other restrictions that must be taken into account by candidates.

To obtain a license to drive special equipment, it is not enough to undergo training and pass exams at Rostekhnadzor. For example, a medical examination must confirm excellent health. Other required documents include a passport, an application on a form that can be downloaded from the website, and photographs.

Any worker involved in driving special equipment knows how to refuel the car and maintains all components and attachments in good condition. In addition to lubrication of all trailer devices, performs minor routine repairs. The driver is required to constantly monitor the operation of the equipment, taking into account the readings of the dashboard sensors, and in most modern devices it is electronic.

Procedure for taking exams

If a person who has received a certificate at a school wishes to take a tractor traffic rules exam at the State Technical Supervision Authority, he must provide the following:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate;
  • photos.

If the candidate cannot attend the certification on the appointed day, he must refuse in writing. In this case, the deposited money is returned.

Persons with the following range of limitations will not be allowed to take technical inspection exams to drive self-propelled vehicles:

  • previously received a certificate with the exception of certain points of the rules;
  • deprived of management rights;
  • if there are medical contraindications;
  • if a complete package of documents is not provided;
  • if the state duty has not been paid;
  • if there is no required age.

The examination block includes tractor tickets of category C for safety, except for category F. Traffic rules are studied by those wishing to obtain a license for any category. Driving skills are demonstrated in combination with other practice by testing participants in terms of driving at the test site.

The theoretical part is taken using state technical inspection tickets for a tractor using a survey or using examination units - personal computers.

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