Where and how to change a tractor driver's license

If a person is driving a wheeled or tracked self-propelled vehicle, he or she must have a driver's license. The lack of a driving license does not give grounds to take part in the road process. However, a driver’s certificate is issued for a certain time, and it can be lost or become unusable. Being in the cabin of a self-propelled unit with an expired license is equivalent to its absence, which threatens the driver with an administrative fine. Therefore, the question arises: how does Gostekhnadzor replace tractor licenses?

When is it necessary to replace a tractor driver's license?

Replacement of tractor licenses in Gostekhnadzor is carried out in the following situations:

  • loss of previous ID;
  • the information cannot be read;
  • personal information about the driver or his qualifications has changed;
  • the vehicle that will be driven by the applying citizen has been replaced;
  • the validity period has expired;
  • serious change in health status.

The standard validity period for a tractor license is 10 years from the date of issue. When the paper becomes unusable, the driver loses the legal ability to drive the tractor. If, during an inspection by a traffic police officer, it is determined that a citizen is driving a vehicle, he will be held liable for the expiration of the document. If the license is expired, the driver will be fined in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles. The tractor will be confiscated and parked for a fine.

Specific examples of popular tractors and self-propelled machines by category

For clarity, check out the selection of specific vehicles belonging to the relevant categories of tractor licenses.

  • A- I : Yamaha ATV, Stealth; snowmobile "Tundra", all-terrain vehicle "Kunitsa", "Ataman".
  • A- I I : Snow and swamp-going vehicles “Marsh” (based on the VAZ “Niva”); “Vector 4×4” (on a UAZ chassis).
  • A- I I I : Cargo snow and swamp-going vehicles “Mamontenok” (with a cabin from “GAZ-3307”); "Tungus" (from "KAMAZ").

  • A- I V : Low-floor apron buses (“MAZ”, “LiAZ”, “Neoplan”, etc.) for transporting passengers from the airport building to the aircraft and vice versa.
  • Q: Mini tractors “Rusich”, “Uralets”, etc.; any walk-behind tractor with a trolley and a motor with a power of up to 25.7 kW. Tractor "T-25 Vladimirets". Mini excavator "JCB 8026CTS". Warehouse electric forklifts.
  • C: Tractors “MTZ-80/82”, “T-40”, “Agromash-85”; excavators "EO-2621" ("Petushok"), "JCB 3СХ". Diesel warehouse forklifts.

  • D : Tractors “Kirovets K-744”, “MTZ-3522”, “KAMAZ XTX-215”.
  • E: Tractors and bulldozers “DT-75”, “VT-150”, “MTZ-1502”, “MTZ-2103”. Snow and swamp-going vehicle "GAZ-3409 "Beaver".
  • F : Grain and forage harvesters of all types.


During the procedure for obtaining new and replacing old rights, it is necessary to submit a certain package of papers sent to Gostekhnadzor, and not the traffic police. In all other nuances, the procedure is identical to the submission of standard documents for driving a vehicle.

To change the license for a tractor, you need a package of papers, including:

  • written request in the form of an application;
  • a certificate from a medical institution;
  • citizen's passport;
  • confirmation of completion of training;
  • previous tractor driving license;
  • driver's license;
  • color photographs 3*4 cm format.

Important! The application drawn up to obtain rights is filled out on a special separate form.

An application to replace a tractor license upon expiration must include the following information:

  • name of the institution where papers for exchange are submitted;
  • personal information about the applicant;
  • a request for a replacement indicating the reason;
  • data of previous rights;
  • list of attached papers;
  • date of compilation and signature.

The formulation of the reason should not be formed by the person submitting the application independently. There are lines on the form where you will need to cross out the excess. All information that must be entered by the applicant himself cannot have errors or typos, as well as corrections. Otherwise, government agencies will refuse to issue a license.

Necessary documents and procedure for replacing a driver's license - video:

Where to take the internship?

They take a practical exam at the Gostekhnadzor department, where they then receive a license to drive a tractor. The test is divided into two parts:

  • testing driving skills at a training ground (tractor track);
  • in open areas in conditions close to real ones when operating a vehicle within the received category.

It is permissible to take the practical part without prior training in courses. In this case, the candidate has two attempts. If the test is not passed, next time you can submit documents only as part of a group from the educational organization.

Do I need a medical certificate?

It is impossible to obtain a tractor driver's license without a medical certificate. Permission to operate special equipment from specialists is a prerequisite. But to replace a driver’s license, this document will not always be required.

Before submitting papers for replacement, you will need to undergo a medical examination for the following reasons:

  • expiration;
  • opening a new category;
  • health change.

Important! Change of personal data, damage or loss of a driving license are not reasons for the need to submit a medical certificate attached to other documents.

The certificate is drawn up in form No. 003-В/у, in which the following specialists must enter information:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist.

The results of the functional diagnostic test are also entered.

If a driver goes to a public clinic, then here he will only be able to undergo examinations by a psychiatrist and a narcologist. All other procedures are paid and can only be performed by medical institutions that have the appropriate license to operate.

What is a new document?

A tractor driver's license is a paper or plastic document. They still contain on the front side all the necessary information about the driver: last name, first name and patronymic, photo, date of issue and validity period of the license, date of birth and more. On the reverse side there is a table with categories . Special marks are made at the bottom - this can be a working profession (for example, “ driver ”) and ranks. The code is indicated in the lower right corner.

Cost of the procedure

To exchange a license to operate a tractor, you will need to pay a state fee. Funds are transferred according to Gostekhnadzor details, which can be obtained from the authority’s employees. A receipt confirming payment is attached to the application or submitted before receiving a new certificate. Until the fee is paid, the citizen will not be able to obtain his rights.

The amount of the state duty is established by Article No. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, depending on the type of certificate:

  • 500 rubles – paper;
  • 2,000 rubles – plastic.

How much does it cost to get a tractor license?

The financial part of the issue is payment of tuition and state fees. In the first case, the amount depends on the chosen educational institution and region. On average, this is 15,000 rubles for a full course.

The state duty depends on the type of document received:

  • rights on paper will cost 500 rubles;
  • plastic version – 2000 rubles;
  • temporary certificate valid for 60 days – 800 rubles.

Candidates who want to obtain a license for a tractor can save on state duty if they pay it through the State Services portal. To do this you need to have a verified account. The discount will be 30%:

  • rights on paper – 350 rubles;
  • plastic version – 1400 rubles;
  • temporary certificate valid for 60 days – 560 rubles.

Step-by-step instruction

The procedure for obtaining a license for a tractor is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food No. 807, according to which to obtain a certificate you will need to contact Gostekhnadzor with an application and documents. If the reason for the replacement implies the need to attach a medical certificate, then it is better to undergo a medical examination in advance, since the received document will be valid for one year.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a tractor license:

  1. Collection of documentation.
  2. Visit to Gostekhnadzor.
  3. Filling out the application.
  4. Payment of state duty.
  5. Transfer of the application and documents to the authority employee.
  6. Waiting for a new document to be issued.

Training at a driving school will only be required in the following cases:

  • registration is made for the first time;
  • when returning in accordance with the expiration of their validity period;
  • previous rights were obtained outside the Russian Federation.

Important! Old rights must be transferred to Gostekhnadzor, where they are destroyed.

In most cases, new documents are issued on the day of application or the next day. Delay can only be caused by a large number of applications or doubts about the information or documentation provided. In this case, an inspection will be carried out, which will take up to two months.

Self-propelled vehicles

Self-propelled vehicles are vehicles with large engines, from fifty cubic centimeters, or electric units with a power of more than four kilowatts. At the same time, a self-propelled vehicle cannot reach a speed of more than fifty kilometers per hour.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all transport in our state is divided into several types, which require different types of driver’s licenses to drive:

  1. “A” - technical types of vehicles intended for use on public roads;
  2. “B” - tracked and wheeled vehicles with a power of less than 25 kilowatts;
  3. "C" - vehicles on wheels with a power of up to 110 kilowatts, but more than in category "B";
  4. “D” - vehicles on wheels with a power higher than in category “C”, that is, more than 110 kilowatts;
  5. "E" - tracked vehicles with a power of more than 25 kilowatts, such as bulldozers and excavators;
  6. “F” - wheeled agricultural machinery for harvesting crops;

Self-propelled vehicles can be tracked or wheeled, and they also include equipment for road work.

To drive self-propelled vehicles, special education is required, after which the driver will receive a special certificate of tractor mechanics. This document is issued by state technical supervision after passing the relevant exams.

How to check the authenticity of a document

To check a document that allows you to legally drive a tractor, you must send a request to Gostekhnadzor, which issued the license. The structure does not have an online form for submitting an application, so the request will have to be made using a letter.

On the website of the Gostekhnadzor of the region, you must enter the following information in the free fields:

  • series and number of the certificate, spaces are not required;
  • date of issue.

Afterwards, you need to “request verification” and enter a verification code to confirm that the request is made by a real person.

You can also find out about the authenticity of your rights by contacting a traffic police officer at the nearest stationary traffic police post. In most situations, inspectors do not refuse to verify information.

Who can receive

An applicant must be at least 18 years of age to obtain a forklift license. there are no contraindications regarding health status. The presence of contraindications is determined by a medical commission, which is mandatory for all applicants.

The student is also expected to have taken a driving course. This will be due to the fact that special equipment can move on public roads in the same way as other vehicles.

Individuals who plan to undergo not only training, but also re-certification, choosing work related to the operation of special equipment, apply to obtain rights.

How to train and obtain a license for a forklift:

Replacement of expired rights

To replace an expired license, you will need to re-pass the exam at a driving school, which includes theoretical and practical parts. The cost of the procedure will depend on the region where it is performed by the citizen. After this, the replacement of the expired certificate is carried out in accordance with the standard step-by-step instructions.

Expert opinion

Artemyev Dmitry

Experience as a forensic expert in the field of automotive technical examination for more than 2 years, more than 3 years of work in the field of insurance disputes, appealing guilt in road accidents.

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It is recommended to contact Gostekhnadzor within six months after the expiration date. This will reduce the package of required papers and simplify the process of replacing rights.

A fine for the very fact of having expired rights will not be assessed. This is possible only in the case when the owner of the license was stopped by a traffic police officer and determined that the driving was carried out after its validity period.


Since the beginning of 2015, the right to independently learn to drive a tractor has been abolished at the state level. Now, before obtaining a license, you must take specialized courses from Gostenadzor. The training school has created a special program based on the instructions of authorized government bodies. You can study and obtain a license based on the registration of an educational institution. An instructor will be present at the driving test.

Where to train to become a tractor driver

Now in almost all settlements of our country there are educational institutions where it is possible to obtain an education as a tractor driver.

The cost of training is paid independently by the applicant. Each school sets its own prices for obtaining a driver's license. For example, in Moscow the price for the theoretical part of training is on average about 11,000 rubles, and for the practical part about 1,500 rubles.

I would like to note that usually all educational institutions use the same program.

Replacement of rights is also carried out at an educational institution, for which a state fee of 400 rubles is charged.

Duration of training

There are two options for completing training as a tractor driver:

  • courses;
  • vocational education.

Studying at a technical school and obtaining secondary specialized education will take longer. How much to study in this case depends on how many classes in a secondary school were completed: 9 classes - 3 years; 11 classes - 10 months.

All the skills of the profession can be learned in a shorter period of time by completing training courses, which usually last 2-4 months.

When permissions cannot be changed

Replacing a tractor driver's license will not be available if a citizen has been deprived of a license to drive another type of transport. The encumbrance applies not only to one category of ID, but to all of them at once. Therefore, it will be possible to change the old tractor driver’s license only after the expiration of the deprivation period.

The reason for refusal to issue a tractor driver's license may be the presence of health problems. It is to identify such citizens that in most cases a certificate of completion of a medical examination will be required to complete the paperwork.


When obtaining the specialty of a tractor driver, not only the category is determined, but also for category A the ranks of special equipment drivers are established.

The first category is assigned to drivers of cars whose speed does not exceed 50 km per hour.

The second category is assigned to SUV drivers. The car cannot be heavier than 3.5 tons. You must learn to transport passenger vehicles separately.

The third category acts as an analogue of the previous type of group of rights.

The fourth category was created for drivers of SUVs with more than 8 passenger seats.

Is it possible to lose a driver's license if a tractor driver's license is revoked?

The rules for operating equipment apply to every citizen who has any type of license. Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that deprivation of the rights of a tractor driver entails deprivation of the rights to drive any other vehicle. It will be possible to restore the certificates only after the expiration of the sentence.

A new certificate will need to be obtained in a number of situations. Depending on the reason for the replacement, the package of required documents will change, and the need to pass the examination committee will be determined.

Documents for returning a driver's license - video:

Do you need a license for a mini-tractor?

Mini tractors are used in agriculture, construction and public utilities. Despite the fact that such vehicles are most often used off public roads, the driver’s knowledge of traffic rules is still required.

Drivers who have undergone special training and received permission from Gostekhnadzor have the right to drive mini-tractors. Therefore, having rights to this type of technology is necessary.

Receipt procedure

Course training will be required. After completing the training, the applicant is required to undergo testing. This is an incomplete exam, but a difficult stage of obtaining a license that cannot be neglected. In the event that the test is passed, the candidate is given a corresponding certificate stating that he has completed the full course of classes. This is required for a subsequent trip to Gostekhnadzor.

It is also necessary to bring a medical certificate and a certificate of completion of training to the regulatory authority, where the recipient of the license is tested. Gostekhnadzor sets a day, as well as an exact time for testing.

Important! The package of documents must be accompanied by a student’s identity certificate.

Is a regular driver's license required?

It is worth noting that having a driving license will be a condition for obtaining admission to take special courses. A driver's license must be of any category. But, if such a document is not on hand, this will not become a critical condition that should be emphasized.

This factor will complicate the learning process, because in parallel with this, you will have to master traffic rules and the specifics of driving a car. To enroll in a driving school, you will need to prepare and submit documents. In this case, the time spent on training can increase to three months. Training under this program is carried out in separate specialized rooms equipped with the necessary infographics and simulators.

How the forklift driver exam and courses work:


The main task is to check the actual level of knowledge and skills of the person being certified, to make sure that the person can operate a special device without risking the life and health of other workers involved at the facility.

The exam is administered by a separate engineer-inspector working in the federal service:

  • To pass the theoretical part, you must answer questions in the computer class, set out in the form of tickets, and also pass an oral test (depending on the wishes of the person authorized to take the exam).
  • Only those examinees who have properly mastered and answered the theoretical part are allowed to take the mastered practical part.

If the first attempt was unsuccessful, you will need to wait a week and then take the test again.

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