Indispensable: why the GAZelle truck turned out to be the best project of the Gorky Automobile Plant

How can you tell if a car is a truck or a passenger car based on the documents?

Note. By decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, an increase in speed may be allowed (with the installation of appropriate signs) on sections of roads or lanes for certain types of vehicles if road conditions ensure safe movement at a higher speed. Vehicles transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods are allowed to move at a speed not exceeding the speed established when agreeing on the terms of transportation.

Category M2 – Vehicles used for the transport of passengers, having, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than eight seats, the technically permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 5 tons.

Category L3 - Two-wheeled vehicles whose engine displacement (in the case of an internal combustion engine) exceeds 50 cm3 (or) the maximum design speed (for any engine) exceeds 50 km/h. This is the second digit after the letter abbreviation. If this number is 1, then the car is a passenger car, 2 is a bus, 3 is a cargo (flatbed), 7 is a van, 9 is a special vehicle (Classification and designation system for automotive rolling stock...).

In the third line “Name (vehicle type)” of the vehicle passport, in accordance with the above-mentioned Regulations, the characteristics of the vehicle are indicated, determined by its design features, purpose and given in the Vehicle Type Approval, for example: “Car”, “Bus”, “Cargo - dump truck, van, cement truck, crane”, etc.

Attention! When determining the type of car, you should not rely on the “B” category assigned to it.

The form is intended solely for reporting the absence or incorrect information on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and does not imply feedback. The information is sent to the editor of the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for information.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the roadway is permitted only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in places marked with sign 6.4 with one of the signs 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6 - 8.6.9.

But unfortunately this is not the case. The limitation of load capacity is not associated with springs and suspension, but with the purely mechanical properties of the design of some vehicle components. First of all, with the brake system. The brakes on the gazelle do not have pneumatic assistance, but only a vacuum booster. It is clearly not enough to transfer large braking force to the pads.

The Vehicle Registration Certificate states: 1. Make, vehicle model: GAZ-3302. 2.Name (vehicle type) FLOORBOARD CARGO. 3. Vehicle category (A, B, C, D, trailer) “B”. 4. Engine power, hp (kW) 139.9 (102.9). 5. Engine displacement, cubic cm. 2464. 6.Allowed max. The second character of the digital designation of the vehicle model indicates its type. For example: “1” – passenger car, “7” – vans, “9” – special.

At the same time, please note that in accordance with Art. 357 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code), taxpayers of transport tax are persons to whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, vehicles recognized as an object of taxation are registered.

What categories of rights are needed?

Having determined the parameters that the selected car corresponds to, you can easily determine within which category the driver has the right to drive the Gazelle:

  • In order to be able to drive a Gazelle with a category B license, the vehicle must have the following characteristics: maximum weight up to 3.5 tons, transporting no more than 8 people as passengers. It is allowed to drive cargo modifications of the Gazelle, provided that the length is 1.8 meters and the load capacity is within one and a half tons.
  • To drive a Gazelle weighing more than 3.5 tons, you must have a license with an open category C. This requirement must be fulfilled, regardless of how much the cargo being transported actually weighs, and what the intentions for operation of the motorist and the owner of the car are.
  • If the vehicle is equipped with seats for more than 8 passengers, you cannot do without a license with category “D”. It allows you to legally transport people in Gazelle minibuses. The passenger modification involves comfortable transportation of 8-15 passengers occupying specially designated seating areas.

Video about categories of rights

Despite its modest dimensions, the Gazelle is an excellent work car, actively used in various areas of business, but do not underestimate the requirements for a driver’s license for this or that modification. Failure to comply with the driver category required by the regulations entails administrative liability in the form of a fine of up to 15 thousand rubles, according to Art. 27.12 Code of Administrative Offences. And the car itself will be transported to a impound lot with subsequent additional payment.


The dimensions of a Gazelle car can be known approximately, but sometimes it is necessary to know exactly all its dimensions. For example, a car needs to get into a cramped yard or drive under a low-lying power line. Here is a small table with the main dimensions:

ModelLength, metersWidth, metersHeight, meters
GAZ 33025,52,0982.2 (without awning) 2.57 (with awning)
GAZ 2705 all-metal body5,472,0752,2
GAZ 33023 "Farmer"5,472,0982.2 (without awning) 2.57 (with awning)
GAZ-2752 "Sable"4,812,032,2
GAZ-2217 "Barguzin"4,812,032,2
GAZ-3221 minibus5,472,0752,2
GAZelle Next (short wheelbase)5,632,0682,137
GAZelle Next (long wheelbase)6,7092,0682,137

But not only these basic models are produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant; in addition to this, there are also other modifications.

This is what onboard gas 330202 looks like. Onboard gas 330202 has an extended base, and with all the same dimensions as the base car 3302, its length has been increased to 6.6 m.

Obtaining a driver's license

In accordance with the requirements of Decree No. 1097 dated October 24, 2014, which regulates the procedure for admission to driving a vehicle, each driver must have a license with open categories in accordance with the type of car. To obtain a driver's license, you must undergo training at a driving school, pass exams at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on traffic rules, and also confirm your practical driving skills.

Our driving school provides theoretical training and helps to acquire safe driving skills in accordance with Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 995 of October 20, 2015.

Contact our driving school to get quality training and get a driver's license. The help of qualified instructors will allow you to learn accident-free driving and obtain a standard license without any problems.

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In 1983, the government of the country instructed US to begin developing a new family of 1.5-ton delivery trucks. In 1984-85, the first two prototypes of NAMI-0267 were assembled, distinguished by an all-metal body and an increased cabin height.



They used the classic half-hood design and rear dual-pitch wheels of small diameter. Under the hood was an experimental 70-horsepower 4-cylinder diesel engine of its own design.

Body volume

In addition to dimensions and load capacity, the Gazelle body is also characterized by such an indicator as volume. There are light but large cargo, and therefore it is important whether this cargo can be placed in the back of the car. The standard GAZ 3302 body with an awning has a volume of 8 cubic meters. m. Here is a table with body volumes of basic models:

ModelVolume, m³
GAZ 33028
GAZ 2705 all-metal body9
GAZ 33023 "Farmer"From 4.5 to 6 (according to various sources)
GAZ-2752 “Sable” all-metal body6.1–6.9 (total volume, low roof model)
GAZ-2217 "Barguzin"3.7 (combi), 6.9 (total interior volume)
GAZ-3221 minibusFrom 9 to 11 (total interior volume, low and high roof models)

The volume of a van can vary and depends on the base chassis and body height. The volume can be from 10 to 18 cubic meters. m. Vehicles of the Gazelle class are designed for transporting goods over long and medium distances (up to 500-700 km). The average speed on the highway is 100 km/h. The truck's cabin accommodates up to three people, including the driver. Minibuses with a short wheelbase (“Sobol”, “Sobol Barguzin”) can accommodate up to 6 passengers, the GAZ 3221 model and modifications can carry up to 13 people.

What category can you drive a GAZ 2705 with?

Last edited by support; 03/17/2010 at 22:28. Reason: image size

If the weight does not exceed 3.5 tons and there are no more than 8 seats, then B!

You need to look at someone's PTS. If memory serves, on “loaves”, for example, both categories are found, depending on the seated ones.

with cat B..if there was a GAZ 322132 then it would be D..

look at the data sheet it says exactly there

If GAZ 2705 then category B, because they are less than 3.5 tons and there are only three or seven seats in them, depending on the model. But if you put a trailer, it will be more than 3.5 tons and then will category C be needed or not? (This question always tormented me when driving my GAZelle) Maybe someone knows.

+1. It's written in the license

But the thermal booth, what category is this?

if the trailer weight is more than 750 kg then E

Thermal booth is also B. All GAZelles, except minibuses (GAZ 32213 and 322132 they are D) are category B... there are also semi-trailers. but this is already cat.E.

I meant that the total weight of the GAZelle is just 3.5 tons, then when attaching a trailer the weight, for example, is less than 750 kg. The whole question disappeared, as I took out my license and read what category E is. “Convoys of vehicles with a tractor belonging to categories B, C or D, which the driver has the right to drive but which are not themselves included in one of these categories or in these categories. Those. with any trailer, even if it weighs 1 kg, the GAZelle will be category E. It seems so.

The wide distribution of cars known as “Gazelle” owes its popularity to the low cost of the car and the variety of modifications available, allowing you to purchase a car for a variety of purposes. When planning to actively use the Gazelle for traveling on the road, transporting cargo or people, you need to find out in advance what category of driver's license is needed for a specific modification of the Gazelle.

DESIGN advantages

Made from a single sheet of cold-rolled steel:

  • Durability
  • Corrosion resistance


  • Unloading from any side
  • Reduced time for unloading/loading and access


  • Stability of platform fastenings to high dynamic loads
  • Consistent quality thanks to automated production
  • Reliability, confirmed by global practice in use in trucks
  • Durability under high torsional loads
  • High maintainability
  • Easy to install any add-on thanks to the straight frame design
  • The optimal solution for trucks
  • Resistance to critical loads
  • Durability
  • Easy to repair


  • Large safety margin
  • Highly smooth running

We have already dealt with the pure gas pain of the brain of GAZ engineers under the proud name EVOTEK (aka slightly redesigned UMZ 4216) in the article - New branded gas-engine Gazelle NEXT. And who needs it? . We continue to look at the classic Gazelle on propane. How safe is this for the engine? As always, we start with quotes from the owners:

Despite such sad results, the author makes financial calculations at the end. comparing it with the amount of payment for gasoline and concludes that it is in the black. This is the main mistake, you need to compare it with a diesel engine, and if you really want to “finish it off” then with a gas diesel engine. Google yourself on the same topic.

The essence of the problem is the following - when working on propane, the correct installation of gas equipment is very important, and with the obligatory installation of an ignition timing correction module. If correction is not made, then the propane will not have time to burn properly and problems with the cylinder head will inevitably occur. The octane number of propane is not high (compared to methane), so some loss of power is inevitable (if you try to minimize it, then this is the right path to problems). The same goes for switching to gasoline; if you do it too late, then expect problems, but too early there will be no savings.

Reason for the question

Having begun its history on the Russian market back in 1994, the car has gone through many transformations and improvements, primarily affecting the development of special models designed to perform certain jobs (for example, transporting passengers, frozen products, agricultural products, building structures in a trailer, etc. .d.).
One of its most frequent uses was the well-known minibus, maneuverable, fast, comfortable, not requiring expensive spare parts, and therefore economical to maintain and reliable in operation.

If with regard to traditional car models there is no question of being assigned to one category or another, then modifications of Gazelles that can serve as a truck and bus require separate consideration.

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