Chinese dump trucks. Features and Benefits

No matter what store you go to, almost everywhere you can see goods made in China. The same applies to technology. Chinese cars are popular all over the world. Dump trucks included. And the conviction that Chinese goods are of poor quality in this case loses its force. Chinese dump trucks replenish the market every year. Brands such as HOWO, Beifang Benchi, SAMS, Shaanxi, FAW, Shakman, Dong Feng, JAC and many others are in great demand. The quality of this equipment is not inferior to European cars, but the cost is significantly different, and repairing Chinese dump trucks can cost you very little. Among other things, they tolerate the vagaries of the weather well and are unpretentious. And another advantage is the ability to carry out prompt repairs. Below we will describe some Chinese dump trucks (photo attached).

HOWO dump trucks

Chinese dump trucks of this brand are the most popular among all their relatives. The engine power of such strongmen varies from 290 to 420 “horses”. Moreover, the engine parts of this car are produced by well-known and reliable companies. The engine of dump trucks is capable of operating for a long time at low speeds. Thanks to a certain technology that determines fuel consumption, the truck consumes 30 liters of fuel per hundred kilometers. In addition, many measures have been taken for the convenience of the driver. The cabin of such dump trucks is equipped with wide windows that let in enough light to the machine operator’s workplace and provide excellent visibility. The design of the cabin is resistant to external compression and shock, and the cabin itself, thanks to the air suspension, dampens all kinds of vibrations that are inevitable during operation. And if you get tired, here in the cabin there is a wide berth - stretch out to your heart's content! Comfortable conditions for you, among other things, will be created by the climate control system. Add here various sensors that allow you to monitor the status of the dump truck (all readings are displayed on an LCD monitor), a system of additional and main mirrors that allow you to monitor the situation on the road, as well as many additional equipment - and all this gives reason to assume that Chinese dump trucks are very convenient , thoughtful and inexpensive!

Trucks through the eyes of a driver

All dump trucks have one problem in common - poor steering adjustment. In the MAZ you can only adjust the steering wheel angle; the height adjustment did not function; the Shacman has the same problem - the adjustment knob is too tight. It turned out interesting with KAMAZ - everyone thought that it did not have such an adjustment, but it turned out that the handle was hidden under the handbrake.

Also, both Russian trucks and the Chinese dump truck shift gears very poorly. In this regard, KAMAZ stands out a little for the better, but still not very much. The Shacman shifts better than our trucks.

As for driver comfort, MAZ, as always, is inferior to its rivals. Its cabin is noisy and vibration from the road and engine is not dampened at all. KAMAZ is already better: a comfortable driver’s seat and a dashboard with a good arrangement of instruments and indicators.

KAMAZ also surpasses its compatriot in terms of dynamics. The suspension turned out to be the softest among the participating dump trucks. During testing, KAMAZ accelerated to 100 km/h, but this was the limit. But when turning, I had to “catch” the car.

The Shacman dump truck in terms of quality and aesthetics of interior trim . Leather steering wheel, comfortable seats and seat belt. There is a sun lounger behind the seats, although it is a bit narrow – 45 cm wide. The instruments on the panel are conveniently located, there is a radio and climate control. On the move, the Shacman turned out to be less dynamic than the KAMAZ, but one felt greater confidence: the car did not sway when cornering and held the road better, since the suspension was stiffer. The optics showed excellent results: they shine brighter than those of Russian trucks.

As a final test, we decided to overload the dump trucks. The first to be loaded, as they say, to capacity, was MAZ. Its weight was 44 tons with a body volume of 18.4 cubic meters, and 25.3 were loaded into the Shacman . It’s scary to imagine how much he weighs.

Beifang Benchi

Chinese dump trucks of this brand do not stand out with anything special in appearance, but the ratio of their price and good quality is optimal, and they are in great demand on the world market. They are produced using technology that is used in the production of Mercedes cars. The engine capacity of the car is 9.7 liters. The engine itself is diesel, with a manual transmission. The dump truck accelerates easily, but the maximum speed does not exceed eighty kilometers per hour.

Chinese dump trucks "Shaanxi"

The small Chinese plant Shaanxi produces dump trucks that are widely known among Russian consumers. Its models, somewhat similar to MAN, are equipped with a Euro-2 engine and a cabin with good sound and heat insulation. In addition, these cars consume little fuel, and their steering will please any driver. The six-cylinder engine has a volume of 10 liters. The body of a Shanxi dump truck can accommodate 19 m3 of cargo. Chinese Shanxi dump trucks are equipped with electric torch fuel heating, air floating cabin suspension and comfortable driver's seats with a place to rest.

CAMC dump trucks

Chinese dump trucks from SAMS have also gained great confidence. This is primarily due to the fact that these models have increased body volume. It can also carry quite heavy loads. This is due to the installation of powerful engines. In addition, such dump trucks are easy to control, which provides them with good maneuverability. We add to this a comfortable cabin design and good visibility. SAMS dump trucks have a warranty of one hundred thousand kilometers or one year of operation. And if it’s difficult to figure it out, then all documentation and instructions translated into Russian are included with the machine.

Advantages of Chinese dump trucks

Today, most of the dump trucks in Russia are imported from China, while the range of companies and models is constantly expanding, adding to the well-known brands those that few have heard of. This equipment is positioned as the cheapest, combining reliability and modern technological innovations.

Certain disadvantages of dump trucks are associated with incomplete compliance with modern technological requirements, since many machine components are borrowed from previously created European vehicles. But this is compensated by the relatively low price, which is 10-20% lower compared to domestic analogues.

Shaanxi dump trucks

The company that produces Chinese dump trucks under this brand is one of the largest in the country. Shaanxi is the main supplier of heavy military army vehicles. It works in collaboration with a German company. Dump trucks of this brand can install fuel tanks with a volume of 450 liters, and the engines have increased power due to the installation of turbines.

Chinese Howo dump trucks

The main manufacturer of Chinese dump trucks is the Howo brand. It was the first to appear on Russian roads and received positive ratings in a number of tests, including head-on collision testing. Hovo dump trucks consume an average of 30 liters of fuel per 100 km, and their main engine components are manufactured at famous factories around the world.

The convenient control panel of these cars, where the control devices are located, has a liquid crystal display. The cabin of Hovo dump trucks is equipped with a high-quality sound insulation system, air conditioning and a comfortable seating area.

FAW dump trucks

FAW stands for First Automobile Works. This company has now changed its name, but the abbreviation remains. FAW produces not only dump trucks, but these are the ones that have gained recognition and become very in demand among buyers. The engine of these Chinese dump trucks is not at all weak: its power is about 350 horsepower, and its volume is 8600 liters. The carrying capacity of such machines is about forty tons. All dump trucks comply with the Euro-3 environmental standard. Among other things, these models have a number of additional useful functions, such as air conditioning, a fuel and fuel tank preheating system, a coarse fuel filter, etc.

Features of Chinese dump trucks

Dump trucks from China successfully make up for the shortage of similar vehicles from the domestic auto industry, while having an advantage over it in the following points:

  1. Cars are quickly delivered and repaired.
  2. The main parts are produced at the factories of well-known manufacturers.
  3. Successful experience of operation all year round in any conditions.
  4. Good quality at a price lower than competitors.
  5. No shortage of spare parts.

Like any other cargo equipment, Chinese dump trucks have the following modifications:

  1. By type of unloading – inclined and forced.
  2. By body type - bunker, sliding or stable platform.
  3. In the direction of unloading - universal or in any one direction.
  4. Lift type: hydraulic, telescopic.
  5. According to potential load and dimensions from 4x2 to 10x6.

Shacman cars

The rather simple appearance of these dump trucks does not mean that they are not worth paying attention to. The optimal price-quality ratio ensured their high demand among consumers. These dump trucks are multifunctional, the engine capacity is 9.7 liters, and the seats of the vehicle can be adjusted in accordance with the characteristics of the driver's figure.

"Don Feng"

This company produces several types of dump trucks with different configurations. For example: a body volume of sixteen cubic meters, an excellent set of interior equipment, including climate control and a comfortable sleeping place. Other parameters vary, but all types of products are in great demand and receive good reviews.


This Chinese automobile company is called in full: Jiangtiuat Automobile. Co.Ltd. The cabins of dump trucks of this type are designed in such a way that the driver can work in it as comfortably as possible. There is a rest for the left leg, a sleeping bag, and a convenient and clear instrument panel. There is also an anatomical seat with a headrest that is fully adjustable and adapts to the driver’s body. Also, for the convenience of the driver, there are heel stops on the brake and gas pedals. Convenience is also created by the rear-view mirrors, which provide maximum visibility. Also, if you wish, additional equipment can be installed on the dump truck. Such as an electro-hydraulic drive for tilting the cab, an autonomous liquid heater, a central locking of the cab doors with a remote control, electrically driven and heated side mirrors, an air-suspended driver's seat, as well as an autonomous heater control panel near the bottom shelf.

Major Chinese truck manufacturers

Shacman. Cars from this manufacturer are produced using technology similar to Mercedes and have an optimal price-quality ratio. Equipped with a 6-cylinder 9.7 liter turbocharged engine and manual transmission.

The driver's seat is equipped with air suspension and is adjustable to suit the driver's body characteristics. The maximum speed of dump trucks is up to 80 km/h, which is achieved quite quickly.

HOWO dump trucks

Hovo. It is considered a leader in the production of dump trucks. On Russian roads, after passing a series of tests, it received high marks, including in frontal collisions. Fuel consumption on dump trucks is about 30 l/100 km, spare parts are manufactured at many well-known factories.

The car cabin has good sound insulation, air conditioning, a comfortable seating area and an LCD display in place of the control devices.

Chinese Shaanxi dump trucks

Shaanxi. A small plant is engaged in the production of dump trucks, which has become famous in Russia thanks to its products similar to the automaker MAN. All dump trucks are equipped with a Euro-2 engine, have good heat and sound insulation, are economical, with comfortable steering and body, with a capacity of 19 m3.

The cars are equipped with electric torch fuel heating, a floating cabin suspension, a seating area and a comfortable driver's seat.

Beifang Benchi dump trucks

Beifang Benchi. This brand produces vehicles jointly produced by DaimlerChrysler and FIRMAKO based on the licensed production of truck models that are not new and are no longer produced in Europe. The design of the dump trucks is simple, and the vehicles themselves have an optimal price-quality ratio.

The power unit is 9.7 liters. turbocharged diesel, 280 hp The transmission is 9-speed manual, with center differential lock.

Foton dump trucks

Foton. A state-owned enterprise, it has been producing since 1996, leading the market for large machines. Dump trucks are supplied under the AUMAN brand, which are technologically identical to Shaanxi in most components and assemblies.

Dump trucks manufactured by DongFeng

Dongfeng. The company has been producing cars since 1969 and is closely associated with Cummins, whose engines it equips its trucks with. All modifications of dump trucks are produced on a 6x4 wheelbase with a 16m3 body, an engine pre-heater, an autonomous interior heater, climate control, a seating area, etc.

JAC dump trucks

JAC. The dump trucks of this automaker are distinguished by excellent comfort - an informative dashboard, anatomical seats, a berth, a tilt- and height-adjustable steering wheel, a viewing cabin and large rear-view mirrors. In addition, the car frame is reinforced with a specially designed channel.

FAW dump trucks

FAW. The automobile corporation began operations in 1953 and owns a large number of subsidiaries. FAW dump trucks are characterized by moderate fuel consumption, durability and low price. These are reliable and unpretentious machines that can cope with high loads.

Chinese dump trucks: owner reviews

Based on the reviews we have studied, we can draw the following conclusion about all the brands mentioned: these machines have very few disadvantages. Only minor damage occurs. The dump truck will not stall in the middle of the road at the most crucial moment. These machines are very stable and unpretentious. But they really don’t like overloads. Although our people tested their cars for this: they overloaded them, drove them, and the dump trucks withstood such tests with a bang. There's just no need to take risks. Who knows how long the poor thing will last at such a fast pace. The prices have already been mentioned above - they do not bite at all and are quite consistent with reality. And even if it breaks down, you don’t need to spend a lot of time and money to find the necessary part: everything is easy to find and the price is reasonable. And you don't have to worry about quality either. Chinese dump trucks have proven themselves quite well in the market. And there was plenty of time to make sure that they lived up to the trust - they have been used in various domestic industries for so many years. As the owners of such dump trucks themselves say, the machines have been in operation for a long time and are quite successful. If, of course, you treat them with care.

The main breakdowns and disadvantages of Chinese trucks

Owners of dump trucks from Chinese manufacturers may encounter the following typical problems:

  1. Load capacity. Carriers often overload vehicles, and they are not afraid of fines and breakdowns, since these amounts are already included in the cost of transportation. For this purpose, the sides of domestic trucks have always been extended. The situation became significantly worse with the advent of dump trucks from China. The problem is that the rated load capacity is exceeded due to the placement of a disproportionately large platform on the vehicle. For example, a Chinese three-axle truck with a platform volume of 18 m3 can transport 29 tons of sand, but its permitted load capacity is only 22 tons. Or a four-axle dump truck with a body of 25 m3 and a load capacity of 25 tons can accommodate 40 tons, resulting in an overload of 15 tons.
  2. Unreliability of individual components and parts. Some car models have a disproportionately weak engine, or the unit itself contains low-quality parts, for example, friction linings that crumble during operation. On the first batches of Hovo, after several tens of thousands of km. The brake drum could fail, and the system itself could leak. Shanxi's starter broke down after 10 thousand and the body lifting mechanism stopped working. If the truck had Chinese tires, they quickly failed and swelled from overload.
  3. Short service life. Cars break down quite often, and although this factor depends on timely maintenance, working conditions and the professionalism of the driver, in comparison with new European trucks, breakdowns occur more often. This is especially noticeable after two years of operation.
  4. Low speed indicators. The operation of Chinese trucks leads to their rapid wear. They are not designed for high speeds; moreover, under such operating conditions, the car begins to overuse fuel (up to 40%).
  5. Poor quality spare parts. Spare parts purchased in stores last much less than original ones. This applies to bearings, rods, bushings, fasteners, and other consumables. Some carriers find analogues to Chinese spare parts from European manufacturers.
  6. Weak electrics. The electrical systems in some trucks are not designed to withstand harsh climates, and they use iron wiring (instead of copper), which rusts and fails.
  7. Low residual value. A used truck cannot be sold for a high price, except to an inexperienced buyer.

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