DIY grain crusher from a washing machine, milking machine from a vacuum cleaner

Structure of a grain crusher

Grain crushers are mainly used for farms, but ordinary summer residents and people who regularly live in villages often resort to using grain crushers. Some of them, wanting to save money on its purchase, managed to use an ordinary washing machine for this purpose with minor modifications.

A grain crusher is a technical unit with which you can make feed for feeding livestock at home. It is made by crushing and grinding various grains to a fine consistency.

Video: Homemade feed crusher

For more details about the grain crusher with your own hands, watch the video:

It is known that the processed and crushed product is much better absorbed in the animal’s body, which has a positive effect on its reproductive functions and productivity, which is expressed in milk production and egg laying.

Thus, we can say that the grain crusher is an indispensable assistant for any farmer who maintains large or medium-sized livestock and poultry.

Frequent purchases of ready-made feed can significantly hit the budget, but making feed yourself will allow you to save quite a lot of money.

This link will tell you how to make a cultivator with your own hands.

The operating principle of all grain crushers is similar to the operation of a conventional household coffee grinder, only on a more global scale. The unit is first plugged into a regular power supply, after which the engine is started. This is very important, because the engine must first warm up before you can start working.

Next, raw materials for processing are poured into a special tank (hopper), after which it enters the crushing chamber, where the grinding process itself takes place. Grinding occurs using special knives located in this chamber.

Then, the raw materials are sifted through a sieve of a certain diameter (usually there are several of them in a set). It is the diameter of this sieve that will determine the fraction, i.e. degree of grinding of grain or other crops.

By the way, depending on the characteristics of a particular grain crusher, it can process a wide variety of raw materials:

  • rye;
  • barley;
  • legumes;
  • corn;
  • cake;
  • husk, etc.

Some units are equipped with a special disc grater that allows you to grind various root vegetables, fruits and herbs.

In general, the design of a grain crusher is quite simple, so it is quite possible to make it at home.

There are quite a few detailed methods with drawings describing this process on the Internet. The method of converting from a washing machine deserves special attention , because its device is already somewhat reminiscent of the notorious coffee grinder.

You will find all the information about the AID-2 milking machine in this article.

Crushing methods

The crushing device is not complicated. Main structural elements: body and cutting parts. For ease of transportation, the grain crusher can be equipped with handles and removable wheels. Different types of grain crushers differ from each other in the way they crush grain.

The most popular varieties include the following:

  1. Rotary.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Roller

The most common ones on the market are rotary and hammer grain crushers. The quality of work of both types is approximately the same, but the differences in design result in different parameters and characteristics.

The main components that make up the structure of electric grain crushers:

  1. Frame. Can be made of plastic or metal. The grain intended for grinding is poured into the housing.
  2. Work zone. Knives, hammers or rollers are located here, depending on the design of the grain crusher. The grain grinding process takes place here.
  3. Electric motor. Activates elements located in the working area.
  4. The container where the crushed grain goes.

Grain crushers for domestic use are divided into various models depending on the type of drive used. The simplest is a manual chopper, which operates mechanically. A pneumatic grinder does not require much physical effort and produces smaller grain fractions at the output. The main advantage of an electric shredder is its high performance.

Rotary grain crusher

A rotary grain mill grinds grain using moving knives. Sharpened on both sides, the knives are mounted on rotating shafts.

This machine has many advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • low energy costs;
  • small dimensions;
  • reliability during operation.

The parts of the rotary grain crusher are made from materials that have particularly high strength. The rotary chopper is a grain crusher with adjustable grinding. The level and size of the grain depend on the setting of the rotation speed of the shafts with knives. The output is finely ground grain. The downside is that the resulting pieces have different sizes and shapes.

Hammer grain crusher

For better crushing, a grain hammer crusher is used. The design consists of several units: a drum, a sieve and a deck. Grinding occurs when the drum with hammers attached to it rotates. The size of crushed grains is adjusted by choosing gratings with cells of different sizes. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain the desired dimensions of the final product.

The crushed grain obtained after processing in a hammer machine is considered to be of higher quality than after processing in a rotary machine.

This result is due to the large amplitude of movement of the hammers. They are able to grind all grains, including those located far away. When deciding which grain crusher to choose - rotary or motor, you should take into account that a rotary grinder consumes much less electricity, while having more power. In addition, its productivity is higher than that of a hammer one, and it takes less time to process. The rotary machine has a lower price and is cheaper to maintain.

Both rotary and hammer grain crushers have both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, which grain crusher to choose can be determined correctly by understanding for what purpose it is going to be used.

If you have large birds and cattle on your farm, a rotary grain crusher is suitable. In the presence of small birds and small or young individuals, the hammerhead will be preferred.

We should not forget that different models of the same type have their own characteristics.

Roller grain crusher

The peculiarity of a roller grain crusher is that it can not only crush grain, but also grind it. This is explained by its design. The main detail is the grooved rollers. As grains pass through them, grinding occurs.

A good result is obtained only after pre-soaking the grain.

A grain roller crusher can process not only grain, but also malt used to make beer. If flat teeth are installed, then not only crushing is carried out, but also flattening. In this case, the grain remains intact, but is cleared of its shell.

The product after processing by a roller grain crusher can be obtained in various types. This depends on the machine settings and the shape of the teeth installed on the rollers. It is possible to set different speeds at which the rollers will rotate. The size of the gap between them is also subject to adjustment. After correctly setting all the parameters, the product can be obtained with the required degree of grinding, suitable for feeding different animals.

Mini grain crushers

Mini grain crushers are widely used on private farms. They save time and significantly solve the problem of feeding pets, even with a small number of them. For a low cost you can get an excellent helper in the household.

Despite the simple design of mini crushers, you should read the instructions for use before use.

How to make it yourself from a washing machine

The advantage of this method is that when you independently convert a washing machine into a grain crusher, you do not need to resort to welding and turning.

Necessary materials

In order to make a homemade unit, we will need the following tools and materials:

  • actually, the washing machine itself (any top-loading machine will do, for example, SMR-1.5);
  • additional electric motor;
  • drill and drill bits (from 3 to 16 mm);
  • chisel and hammer;
  • various keys;
  • bolts and nuts (M4, M6 and M8).

We will also need a pair of steel plates (32x5x0.15 cm and 42x5x0.15 cm), which can be cut from a two-handed saw or other piece of metal.

In addition, we will need additional consumables:

  • metal corner (3×3 cm);
  • M8 swivel bolts with wing nuts - three pieces;
  • 3-liter tin paint cans - three pieces;
  • “frog” type locks – three pieces.

The washing machine comes with numerous bolts and nuts , which will also be useful to us later.

You can find prices for household grain crushers and feed grinders here.

Drawing and design conditions of the DCU

It is hardly advisable to give specific dimensions of certain working units of a homemade grain crusher. The fact is that a particular person may have a completely different model of washing machine, which has its own individual parameters and structure.

In this case, the most important thing is the understanding of the conditional design , as well as the operating principle of the entire device.

A do-it-yourself grain crusher from a washing machine and its drawings are quite conventional, based on the example of a specific model. However, by looking at them, you can understand the approximate progress of further work and the structure of the main components:

Scheme of a homemade grain grinder

Let's look at the example of the Oka washing machine, which we will convert into a grain crusher. We don't have to disassemble it; we just need to unscrew the plastic part of the activator from the device. We will need the rest of the structure later.

Find out what the Doyushka milking machine is here.

In place of the unscrewed activator there will be an additional engine, as well as cutting elements - knives, which must be made double-edged.


So, let's get started using the following procedure:

  • We install the knives made in advance on a pulley whose thickness is 60 mm. For these purposes, we need a flange that would secure the knives when placed on a pulley.
  • Then you need to equip a special funnel through which the processed raw materials would exit. In the design of these washing machines, the drain is located, which is very useful in our case. It is the drain that we will convert for these purposes.
  • Using a chisel, we need to expand the diameter of the drain so that it is approximately 150 mm.
  • We insert the pipe into the resulting hole, and then take it out to the side. That's it, the grain outlet is ready.
  • Then we need to install the grille at the required angle. This is a rather difficult stage of work, so you need to strictly follow the instructions.
  • We determine the radius of rotation of the cutting elements, after which we make a notch at the maximum point.
  • We make a small indent from the serif, and then draw a line. This is where our grid will be located.
  • We cut the grate so that it fits from one wall of the bunker to the other. We fix it in the structure.
  • We remind you that we do not use the welding method in our work. Therefore, if there are any gaps in the structure, we cover them with automotive sealant.

In principle, the work process has come to an end. Now comes an equally important stage - the first launch of the device and testing it for normal operation. On the washing machine panel, select the fastest activator rotation mode, and then start the device.

The technology for creating a sprayer with your own hands is described in this material.

Let it run for five minutes, watching for any extraneous noise or vibration. You also need to check the degree of heating of the electric motor installed in place of the activator.

Installing knives on a pulley

How to choose a grain crusher

To make the right choice, you should answer the following questions:

  1. What type of animal is the future purchase intended for?
  2. The amount of grain to be crushed.
  3. Type of product being crushed, its density and size.
  4. Acquisition cost.

Engine power

After the analysis, it will be easier to move on to choosing among existing models. One of the main factors when solving the problem of choosing a grain crusher is the required productivity. Pets should be fed on time, but leftover unsold products will lead to losses. Performance is directly dependent on engine power.

For an hour of operation of a grain crusher, depending on its power, the output is from 60 to 350 kg of the final product.

It should be taken into account that with a powerful engine, energy consumption increases. Therefore, the question of which electric motor is best for a grain crusher should be decided based on the size of the farm. A powerful electric motor will pay off if you have a large farm, but for a regular farmstead you can save money by purchasing a motor with low power. There are different types of motors, but asynchronous ones are most often used.

To avoid failure of the grain crusher, continuous operating time should not exceed 6 hours. When choosing a unit, you should pay attention to the presence of an automatic shutdown function if the engine overheats. This may occur in high ambient temperatures. The reason may also be jamming of one of the knives. Automatic shutdown eliminates the need to constantly be near a working grain crusher and extends its service life without repairs.

Dimensions and weight

When choosing a grain crusher, you need to take into account its dimensions and weight. If there is enough space in the yard for the grain grinding process, then the dimensions can reach significant sizes. If stored in a utility room, the heavy weight will cause problems when moved. For this option, a compact model weighing no more than 12-14 kg is more suitable. It is also necessary to clarify the voltage at which the device operates and the length of the electrical cord.

If you plan to grind not only grain, but also grass, hay, and root crops, then you should study the capabilities of the selected model. A plus is the availability of spare parts. You must make sure that a warranty card will be issued upon purchase.

When choosing, you should give preference to reliable manufacturing companies that have been on the market for a long time and carry out quality control of the products they produce.

There are various ways to purchase grain crushers. The most common is buying in a store. You can carefully examine units of various models and find out the characteristics from the data sheet. It is important to have the opportunity to consult with a seller who is a professional in his field. You can save money by ordering a grain crusher from an online store. Their existing service will deliver the purchase to the specified address.

Motor protection

It is worth noting that the electric motor located at the top of the structure will operate in a fairly aggressive environment (dust from grain, small particles, etc.). In order to avoid this, we cut out a protective casing from a tin can, which we screw in with bolts in the immediate vicinity of the engine.

By the way, in the place where the drain used to be located, i.e. in the grain outlet area, you need to place a sufficiently capacious container. Processed raw materials will go there.

If you are involved in livestock farming and have cows, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the prices of milking machines for cows.

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