Chainsaw Partner 371: features and technical specifications

Chainsaw “Partner” 352

A high-power gasoline tool, the design features of which are designed for heavy and prolonged loads.


  • confident motor resource, supported by sufficiently powerful cylinder-piston engines;
  • preliminary air purification using CCS technology;
  • proven anti-vibration equipment, the basis of which is steel springs;
  • fuel priming pump for simplified starting;
  • double principle of chain brake activation;
  • comfortable handles;
  • cutting set of exceptionally high quality;
  • modernized design of the gasoline tank.

In addition, this is one of those options that impress with its practicality not only in work, but also in care. Any of the user manipulations, including carburetor adjustment, do not require special knowledge and a lot of free time.


Based on the chainsaw, a technically improved version of the Partner P371XT Chrome has been developed. The modernized saw is distinguished by the presence of a vibration damper and booster pump, with increased power to 2.2 hp.

The detailed instructions included in the factory kit contain recommendations on preparing the tool for operation, self-service, and selecting algorithms for searching and eliminating possible failures.


The working unit includes a removable 16-inch guide bar and a saw chain with a tension mechanism. Cooling and lubrication of the headset is realized through an automatic system equipped with a variable displacement pump and a 200 ml oil reservoir.

Oil is supplied to the working area in measured quantities, depending on engine speed; the advantages of this design are significant savings in consumables.

The emergency stop mechanism blocks the chain when the tool is thrown away or when another traumatic situation occurs. The inertial brake is activated by moving the protective device forward. The function of blocking a broken chain is assigned to the built-in catcher.

Owner reviews

Thanks to cheap spare parts, Partner 371 was restored by me literally from scrap metal. The design is simple, and with proper assembly it is not difficult to obtain the desired result. I've been cutting wood for two years now without any significant problems. Nikolay

I am using a well-worn Partner with a 14-inch tire that already has some life remaining. Over many years of use, there was everything good and bad, but the overall impression of this model is positive. The condition of the tool is still working, if it fails thoroughly, I will take the Chrome model with a 16-inch tire and a built-in vibration damper. Arkady Vasilievich

Advantages and disadvantages

According to experts and users, the design and operating capabilities of the tool meet the requirements of current regulatory documents:

  • Due to the use of an engine with a balanced crankshaft, the absence of a vibration damper has virtually no effect on operator comfort.
  • The performance of complex sawing work is increased due to the convenient shape and modern design of the body, moderate weight, excellent balance, smooth chain movement and ergonomic shape of handles that are comfortable for a secure grip.

The most frequently mentioned disadvantages include moderate wear resistance of guide bars and chains, and the lack of visual control of the fuel and oil levels in internal tanks.

Features of application

  1. The Partner chainsaw provides a thin, high-quality sawing cut.
  2. Structurally, it is possible to quickly install the tire and tension the chain without the use of special equipment.
  3. Thanks to the optimal balancing of the design and comfortable grips, the chain saw is extremely ergonomic in operation, which ensures stable performance of the operator.
  4. It is not for nothing that the Partner P360S chainsaw is called the latest generation household model - thanks to its high performance characteristics, the tool is suitable for collecting firewood, constructing wooden structures, carrying out sanitary and preventive work in the garden and park.
  5. Despite the budget price of the Partner chainsaw, its design uses technological solutions typical for more productive models of the semi-professional category.
  6. Cooling of the chain during operation is carried out automatically under pressure.


The general arrangement is made in a traditional style. It is distinguished by its simplicity, which means high reliability of the unit.

Partner 350 chainsaw device

The diagram of the general structure of the Partner 350 chainsaw clearly confirms this.

Starting the engine is simple and reliable. This was made possible thanks to the presence of electronic ignition. The primer (fuel booster pump) plays a major role during startup.

The air filter is equipped with a double air purification system. As a result of equipping the starter drum with an impeller, large debris particles do not reach the filter at all. Thanks to this, its service life increases, and the degree of air purification increases. In general, this has a beneficial effect on engine performance.

Safe handling of a running saw is achieved by the presence of a chain brake operating in two modes - manual and automatic.

The oil pump only turns on while sawing. This means that the chain lubrication system operates automatically. It must be borne in mind that different types of oils are used to lubricate the chain and prepare the working mixture. Video will help you find out what oil is used for the Partner 350 chainsaw

Saw chains. The Partner 350 saw is equipped with an Oregon 91P052E 3/8″ 1.3 mm 52-link chain. Replacement with analogues is acceptable: Stihl 39970000052с and others. For example, Husqvarna 5776151-22

Pay attention to the fact that with a chain pitch of 3/8″ and a groove width of 1.3 mm, the number of links does not exceed 52. Less (46 – 50) is possible, more is not advisable. The anti-vibration system on the Partner 350 works a little harshly

Considering that this saw is not intended for professional use, the system as a whole can be considered satisfactory. By the way, significant improvements have been made in this regard on subsequent models.

The anti-vibration system on the Partner 350 works a little harshly. Considering that this saw is not intended for professional use, the system as a whole can be considered satisfactory. By the way, significant improvements have been made in this regard on subsequent models.


The standard equipment of Partner 360 includes the function of easy chain tensioning and bar installation without the use of additional tools. The side cover has a built-in mechanism with which the tire is securely attached to the body of the chainsaw. The function is convenient, because The operator does not have to carry a set of maintenance tools with him at all times.

Another useful improvement is the manual fuel pump (primer). Due to the possibility of forced pumping, starting a cold engine is significantly easier, which means the starter’s life is increased.

The primer is not only responsible for pumping fuel, but can serve as a diagnostic tool for faults. For example, if the carburetor depressurizes, the filling capacity of the primer will deteriorate, the number of air bubbles will significantly increase, this will warn of the need for repairs.

Important! Correcting air leaks in a timely manner will allow you to avoid troubles associated with exceeding the maximum speed and scuffing of the CPG. Automatic inertia brake. At the moment, this function is available in almost all modern chainsaws, and Partner 360 is no exception

The system is responsible for instantly stopping the rotation of the chain at the moment the chainsaw rebounds

At the moment, this function is found in almost all modern chainsaws, and Partner 360 is no exception. The system is responsible for instantly stopping the rotation of the chain at the moment the chainsaw rebounds

Automatic inertia brake. At the moment, this function is found in almost all modern chainsaws, and Partner 360 is no exception. The system is responsible for instantly stopping the rotation of the chain at the moment the chainsaw rebounds.

This function should not be underestimated, because... it can prevent injury or even save the life of the operator.

A starter with an additional spring that reduces engine resistance at start-up. The function is not mandatory, though. The compression on the Partner P360S is not too high, but it adds comfort and allows you to start the engine with 60% less effort.

Also, the Partner 360 chainsaw uses an anti-vibration system consisting of metal spring shock absorbers and an air pre-cleaning system to cool the engine. This system reduces the harmful impact of the tool on the operator’s hands, which adds comfort.

Why does the Shtil chainsaw not start when it's hot? Why does a chainsaw have trouble starting?

Main reasons:

  • fuel and air filters;
  • reduced compression;
  • carburetor adjustment;
  • spark plug;
  • ignition coil;
  • gap between the ignition coil and the flywheel;

Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Fuel and air filter

Contamination of the main filter elements of a chainsaw negatively affects its operation.

For example, a dirty air filter will not provide enough air to the carburetor, which will affect the quality of the air-fuel mixture and normal engine starting. A dirty fuel filter will make it difficult or even cut off the flow of gasoline to the carburetor and make it impossible for the engine to operate.

Reduced compression

One of the common cases of difficult starting of a chainsaw is wear of the CPG (cylinder-piston group).

As you know, for a chainsaw to start normally, compression must be present in its engine. It is necessary for normal compression of the fuel mixture in the engine cylinder, and it also affects the operation of the fuel pump.

During the operation of the tool, the compression value drops and the chainsaw begins to have difficulty starting.

The reasons for the lack of compression or its decrease may be natural, because The engine wears out during operation. Problems can also be caused by a serious breakdown, for example, a scuffed CPG, or a broken piston ring.

A sign of low compression is weak starter resistance when starting. With reduced compression, a decrease in the power of the chainsaw is observed, which negatively affects its performance. The problem is eliminated by replacing the piston rings, or the entire CPG.

Carburetor adjustment

Incorrect carburetor adjustment will cause the chainsaw to not develop full power. It will be difficult to start, or not start at all. Carburetor settings directly affect the quality of the air-fuel mixture, which is necessary for normal starting and further operation of the engine.

If the carburetor is incorrectly adjusted, there will be more or less gasoline in the fuel-air mixture than required, and the mixture will not ignite even with normal sparking.

Excess gasoline in the mixture is usually called overflow. A characteristic sign of overflow is a wet spark plug, after several unsuccessful attempts to start the chainsaw.

Spark plug

The spark plug is one of the main elements of the ignition system. A spark is formed at its electrodes, and if this element fails, starting will be difficult or not possible at all.

The spark plug may fail completely, or work intermittently or produce a weak spark. Checking the spark plug is quite simple; to do this, you need to unscrew it from the engine, attach it to the cap of the high-voltage wire and, placing it on the cylinder, pull the starter. If the spark plug is in order, the spark will be powerful with a bluish tint. A weak spark with a reddish tint is a sign of a problem. A defective spark plug needs to be replaced.

Ignition coil

The reason that a new chainsaw does not start, or starts poorly, may be the ignition coil. Modern chainsaws are equipped with electronic ignition coils. This part cannot be repaired, and, as a rule, if there is a defect, it is completely replaced.

Gap between ignition coil and flywheel

An incorrectly set gap between the flywheel and the ignition coil contacts affects the quality of spark formation, which in turn is responsible for normal starting and stable operation of the engine.

Chainsaws Partner – troubleshooting and troubleshooting

Like other household equipment equipped with an engine, Partner brand chainsaws require repairs from time to time. This may be due to improper operation of the saw, or to simple wear and tear of spare parts. Be that as it may, the chainsaw needs to be repaired, and it is quite possible to do it yourself.

How to refuel a Partner chainsaw?

As the instructions indicate, to refuel the Partner chainsaw you should use gasoline of at least AI-92 grade. It must be mixed with oil designed for 2-stroke engines.

The optimal ratio of gasoline and oil for a Partner chainsaw is 50:1, that is, 20 ml of engine oil should be diluted in 1 liter of gasoline.

How to set the ignition on a Partner chainsaw?

If you cannot understand why the Partner chainsaw does not start, then first check the ignition system of your tool. Checking and adjusting the gap looks like this:

  • First of all, remove the cover to which the starter is attached. To do this, we recommend using a T27 hex bit, tools included with the chainsaw, and additional attachments;
  • Carefully inspect the ignition coil, flywheel with magnets and, especially, the gap between these parts. To do this, use a specially designed gasket;
  • Installing the ignition on the Partner chainsaw is done by turning the screws, which brings the coil and flywheel closer to each other.

After completing the above steps, install the starter in place, and start the Partner chainsaw. If the saw starts up, you can screw in the screws securing the cover all the way and continue working.

How to remove the clutch on a Partner chainsaw?

Repairing the tool clutch is often required in cases where the Partner chainsaw starts and stalls when you press the gas. However, not all novice gardeners know how to remove the drive sprocket from a Partner chainsaw. You can do this in this order:

  1. First turn the lever and remove the saw chain brake cover;
  2. Unscrew the nuts securing the clutch system using the wrench from the Partner chainsaw kit;
  3. Remove the clutch from the chainsaw and completely disassemble it. If necessary, replace worn parts and clean the walls of the standard clutch elements.

At first, you will need to pull the starter rope several times before the saw starts. This is required to ensure that the installed spare parts finally fit into their intended places.

How to replace the oil pump on a Partner chainsaw?

If you find that the chain on your Partner chainsaw does not spin, then the cause of this problem most likely lies in the wear or breakdown of a separate pump designed to pump lubricant to the chain. The design of the oil pump includes 2 elements - a storage chamber and a working part. Repairing the pump involves disassembling the mechanism, but it is not recommended to take any actions with its working part. The next steps are as follows:

  1. Carefully inspect the inlet and outlet tubes through which the lubricant passes - as a rule, all pump malfunctions are associated with them;
  2. If the channels are clogged, then all debris must be removed. simultaneously blowing them with compressed air;
  3. If cracks appear on the channels, they need to be replaced;

If, after assembling the Partner chainsaw, the lubricant again does not pass to the saw chain, then the pump will need to be completely replaced.

How to adjust the carburetor on a Partner chainsaw?

Setting up the carburetor of Partner brand chainsaws is slightly different from the procedure with chainsaws of other brands. The difference lies in the markings and meaning of the adjustment screws. For adjustment, the manufacturer equipped the Partner chainsaw with three screws - the left fuel quantity screw, the right fuel quality screw and the “T” idle speed adjustment screw. All these screws are located on the left under the top cover of the chainsaw body. Adjusting the Partner chainsaw carburetor is as follows:

  1. Remove the cover and clean the parts underneath;
  2. Unscrew both screws fully clockwise and then turn them 1/5 turn in the opposite direction;
  3. Start slowly turning the quantity screw until you hear the motor start to run at its highest possible speed. Immediately after this, turn this screw ¼ turn in the other direction. As a result, the Partner chainsaw should hold idle speed steadily;
  4. Next, use the quality screw to set the maximum speed for the Partner chainsaw.

If it works like a 4-stroke engine, then the chainsaw carburetor has been configured correctly.

The lineup

In their price range, Partner branded chainsaws are in high consumer demand. The presented review shows the characteristics of models with high ratings.

Partner P340S

  • for the preparation of firewood for a stove or fireplace;
  • maintenance of garden and forest park areas;
  • crowning woody plant decorations.

With a moderate cylinder volume of 35 cm, the two-stroke carburetor drive develops power up to 1.0 hp.

The traction parameters are sufficient to drive a 14-inch professional-level headset set. Autonomous operation is ensured by a supply of fuel and chain lube in supply tanks with a capacity of 300 and 150 ml.

The 4.5 kg tool is well balanced and the body shape provides a secure grip. Operator comfort is facilitated by low vibration levels and control elements located on the rear handle.

Partner P350S

The commercial success of the P340S model initiated the development of a chainsaw with improved traction and performance properties. The next saw in the lineup received a 38 cc power unit with a power of 1.96 hp. and a productive 410 mm professional-grade headset.

The selling price of the new development increased to 6,800 rubles, weight - to 4.7 kg. The partner saw of the P350S series has been improved in terms of increasing the reliability and service life of the clutch mechanism and the oil pump drive of the automated lubrication system.

The tool differs from analogues of the same type:

  • the presence of semi-automatic control of the carburetor air damper;
  • additional vibration protection of the rear handle.

Partner 351XT CHROME

In chainsaws of the Partner Chrome series, the service life of petrol engine drives is extended by covering the inner diameter of the cylinder with a wear-resistant chromium-nickel layer. The 351XT CHROME performs at semi-professional levels.

A full-fledged drive of a professional headset with a length of 400 mm is realized due to the traction properties of a 38 cc, two-stroke carburetor engine with a nameplate power of up to 1.9 hp. The battery life has been increased by increasing the fuel tank volume to 380 ml.

The use of light metals allowed the model to remain in the same weight group of 4.7 kg. The design of the tool is supplemented with an inertia-type emergency brake activator and a starting primer. The latest price of the 351XT CHROME model is fixed at 7,700 rubles.

Partner P352XT

The model has been modified in terms of increasing productivity, increasing the power of the 39 cc economical carburetor drive to 2.15 hp. The engine thrust reserve is sufficient for full operation of a 400mm headset.

The operational advantages of the tool:

  • simplified refueling;
  • the presence of a booster pump and a reliable electronic ignition system;
  • CCS system, which stabilizes the traction properties of the drive and extends the time intervals between maintenance of the air intake filter.

A design feature of this chainsaw is a special design of the fan impeller, which protects the air filter from sawdust.

Partner P360S

The characteristics of this model positioned by the manufacturer are confirmed by the assigned European certificate of conformity. A household chainsaw costing from 5,000 rubles and weighing 4.8 kg is driven by an engine with a cubic capacity of 40 cm3 and a power of up to 2.1 hp.

The set of branded sawing equipment includes a productive and wear-resistant 450 mm tire and a wear-resistant low-profile chain. Problems with starting a cold power unit are eliminated by an easy start mechanism such as SoftStart.

The ability to set up standard sawing equipment without tools and install an air intake with combined air purification helps reduce forced downtime.

How to start a chainsaw correctly: instructions

Let's look at the main steps that need to be followed in order to properly start the Stihl chainsaw.

  • Before starting, the chain brake must be activated. It is activated by pressing it forward (as shown in the photo).
  • Remove the protective cover from the tire.
  • If the model has a decompression valve, it should be set to the on position, which will make it easier to start the tool’s motor.
  • Press the fuel pump to reduce the number of pumps and make starting easier.
  • The combination lever must be turned on in cold start mode. To do this, you need to lock the gas lever and press the combination lever all the way down.
  • Before starting the system, it is necessary to ensure a level surface. In this case, the cutting part must be at a distance from the ground, otherwise it will become dull when starting.
  • Hold the tool with both hands and keep it on the ground. The left hand should be on the chainsaw handle, and the right hand should be on the starting cable. Secure the tool with your right foot by stepping on the rear handle.
  • Gently pull the starter rope with your right hand until you feel strong resistance. Using force, pull the starting rope several times, starting the engine briefly. In this case, to avoid abrasion, it is recommended to pull the cable upwards from the body.
  • After a short start, the engine stalls. Now move the combination lever up one click. The lever should take the half-throttle position.
  • Pull the starter cord again to start the chainsaw engine.
  • When the engine is started by briefly pressing your finger, operate the throttle lever. The combination lever will automatically return to idle speed.
  • Without touching the gas lever, move the chainsaw.
  • Pull the handle towards you to release the chain brake. The position of the left hand remains unchanged, the hand is on the handle. The chain will be unlocked after the appropriate click.

You can see a detailed description on how to start a chainsaw correctly in the video. Using these detailed instructions, you can gain skills on how to start a chainsaw.

What to do if the chainsaw does not start?

But what to do if all the steps specified in the operating instructions have been followed, but the chainsaw still does not start? Regardless of the manufacturer of the chainsaw - Shtil, Husqvarna, Partner, Ural, Druzhba - a number of general activities can be identified for the tool factory.

Below are practical tips from professionals that have been tested in practice and have proven effectiveness:

  1. Don't be nervous and don't try to adjust the chainsaw's carburetor.
  2. Set the instrument aside and let it rest. The reason may simply be that the candles are flooded. Give them a chance to dry.
  3. Take the instruction manual. Try starting the saw again. There is no need to turn on the saw brake.
  4. If this does not help, try removing the cover from the chainsaw body and removing the air filter. This way you can check the cleanliness of the filter and at the same time make the starting process easier.
  5. Replace the spark plugs. If it is not possible to install new spark plugs, you can use the old ones by first removing and calcining them.
  6. If a strange, pungent odor appears, it means that excess fuel has entered the chainsaw engine. To correct this situation, you need to remove the spark plug and, turning the saw over with the hole down, drain the excess. Without returning the saw to its normal position, sharply pull the starter several times. This way you will ensure that combustion products leave the chamber. The spark plug must be wiped dry and calcined, and then screwed in again and started without installing the filter.
  7. It is necessary to check the surface of the piston for the presence of fuel. If you unscrew the spark plug and notice through the hole that it is dry inside, you need to inject some fuel into the chamber using a syringe. The cause of problems in this case may be a blockage that interferes with the supply of fuel to the engine. If the engine can be started with a small amount of fuel, then the thrust will clear the blockage and the problem will be solved.
  8. The last two actions can be performed only if the candle is dry.
  9. Check the starter for serviceability. It is impossible to start a chainsaw without a starter.
  10. Check the ignition unit for spark.
  11. Try carefully removing the tool's muffler and starting it without it.

Each saw has its own manufacturing characteristics. You can watch the video on how to start a Husqvarna chainsaw. Follow the instructions carefully and the saw will serve you for a long time.

Description and characteristics

The partner is a well-known manufacturer of various chainsaws, it is a subsidiary of the famous HusqvarnaOurdoorProducts. Chainsaws from Partner are manufactured in different parts of the world, but the main workshop is located in the USA. Among the models, buyers can find good examples for both professional and home use and small jobs.

The brand is famous for its simple and inexpensive chainsaws that are ideal for average homeowners. Partner 371 is a very good example of a typical product from this company. The carburetor of the Partner 371 chainsaw is easy to adjust. But it is worth noting other characteristics of the chainsaw. The model has a plastic “body”, which, together with a light chain, will make the work process convenient and easy.

Many other models are really heavy, but not this one. To be honest, this is both a plus and a minus. Unfortunately, due to its lightness, a chainsaw lacks power, so almost any more complex work will be more difficult. Other distinctive features of this tool are low speed, safety chain and safety bar.

This is almost an ideal option if you want to prune trees or cut out the roots of shrubs safely and with maximum pleasure. Partner 371 is the best choice for beginners. Partner 371 is not the newest model; the first chainsaw was released a long time ago and is still in production. It is very easy to use, even beginners will understand the principles of operation the first time. Users will appreciate the good ability to clean all the important parts of this model and replace parts, including the Partner 371 chainsaw with an easy-to-replace chain. The manufacturer guarantees 5 years of operation if the end user does not use the saw in harsh working conditions.

Advantages of the Partner 371 model

This option is one of the best for beginners, and there are several reasons to think so.

First of all, it is a very reasonable price for a chainsaw of this kind. For this price, you will be pleased with the durability of the model and the confidence that is felt during operation. The third reason for purchasing this device is its ease of operation and cheap spare parts. As for the process of replacing parts, everything is easy and clear. The guide will help with all difficult moments. An important, but certainly not the least important point is the pleasure of using this tool. Professionals can also buy the Partner 371 if they need a reliable saw for basic woodworking

This group of buyers must take into account one of the most important facts. The chainsaw is ideal for simple work thanks to its power and size.

For serious and complex operations, it is better to buy a good professional chainsaw. This model can be an excellent backup device if the main devices do not work. Partner 371 will pleasantly surprise you with its interesting design; users will receive a wonderful experience not only from working with it, but also from its appearance. Pleasant colors along with a simple and convenient form will bring many hours of fruitful work to both professional and ordinary users.

Comparison with competitors

If the Partner 371 chainsaw is intended as a tool for your own plot, where from time to time you need to cut down thin branches, bushes, prepare firewood or saw something, then it may well be considered a good option.

If the work is expected to be regular, or the trees to be cut down are massive, then it is better to purchase a chainsaw adapted for this. For example, the Chinese 180th Shtil costs about 2000-3000 more, but there is no doubt about its quality. The fairly budget Husqvarna 140 or 236 also have good performance, although they are somewhat more expensive.

The Partner's classmates include such chainsaws as: Champion, Patriot, Bison, Carver. All of these saws fall into the low-cost tool segment. Partner and Carver can easily be called the best among them.

Note! Among Chinese chainsaws, this specimen is one of the best, but you should treat it with care, give the tool a rest, and do not extract performance from it that is higher than stated.

Bar and chain

The sawing mechanism of the Partner 371 chainsaw is made of high-quality materials, using modern technologies and includes everything necessary for safe and efficient operation:

  • tire and chain;
  • automatic chain brake;
  • automatic chain lubrication system;
  • tension mechanism;

Bar and chain characteristics:

  • tire length - 35 cm;
  • chain pitch - 3/8 inch;
  • number of chain links - 52 pcs.;
  • chain thickness - 1.3 mm;

When choosing spare tires or chains for the Partner 371 chainsaw, you need to take their parameters into account. When replacing one of the components of the saw set, if the replaced part does not fit, a breakdown may occur. For example, if you install an unsuitable new tire, the result may be that the old chain breaks. If the chainsaw is powerful, then the damage to the headset will be significant; if it is weak, you can get away with just a jammed chain

Therefore, when choosing a chain, always pay attention to parameters such as the number of links

Why is the tabular version of presenting information the best?

The chainsaw chain selection table is the most convenient way to visualize summary data. With this indicator, there will no longer be a need to puzzle over whether the dimensions of the new components correspond to the elements that were installed on the factory model. The key characteristics were used:

The first parameter is determined by many factors and is usually within the range of 30-45 cm, although there are exceptions.

Chain pitch is the distance measured between 3 nearby rivets.

The thickness of the drive links or the height of the tire groove can be measured with a regular caliper. Usually it is in the range of 1.1-2.0 mm.

The total number of cutting links is also taken into account when selecting a chain.

Chainsaw Partner 350 – malfunctions and their elimination

Most owners of this Partner model encounter problems that can be considered typical for this configuration of the tool. To be able to eliminate them, you should understand the causes of breakdowns and study the most effective methods of repairing them.

Chainsaw Partner 350 starts and stalls - how to solve the problem?

The most common cause of this breakdown is a clogged air filter. Due to dust, debris and insects, it is not able to pass the amount of air that is necessary for the normal operation of the Partner 350 chainsaw. In this case, you will need to remove the filter and wash it with clean gasoline. If this does not help, then the filter element should be replaced completely.

Another common cause is a faulty spark plug. To check, you will need to unscrew the part and inspect it. If there are small light spots on the spark plug, it means the part is working properly. However, if the ceramic walls of the candle are covered with a thick layer of soot and oil, then it needs to be cleaned. To do this, you need to heat the candle with a lighter and carefully scrape off the carbon deposits. If this does not help, the spark plug will need to be replaced.

What to do if the Partner 350 chainsaw does not start?

In this case, you need to carefully check the ignition system of the tool. Most often, the saw will not start if the gap between the magneto and the ignition coil is broken. In this case, you will need to disassemble the saw and adjust the distance between these parts. If you don’t have a sample on hand, you can use a pocket calendar or a paper business card instead.

Also, the Partner 350 chainsaw may not start due to a clogged fuel filter. If a lot of debris has accumulated in it, then it will not allow the amount of fuel the engine needs to pass through. In this case, the filter will need to be replaced.

The chain on the Partner 350 chainsaw is not lubricated - troubleshooting

The main reason for this malfunction is a loss of tightness or a break in the hose through which oil circulates for the chainsaw chain. In this case, you need to remove the top and side shields of the chainsaw body, and also inspect them for stains. To solve the problem you need to replace the worn hose. When installing, sealant will need to be applied where it is attached to the pump.

If the cause of the breakdown does not lie in the hose, then you need to inspect the oil pump. It may be clogged or broken. If you cannot wash the part, then it is best to replace it with a new one.

Filling a spark plug on a Partner 350 chainsaw - troubleshooting

Often the spark plug on a chainsaw begins to flood due to prolonged use of an incorrectly prepared fuel mixture. If you mix a large amount of oil in gasoline, this will cause the fuel pump to malfunction. Oil will flow from it into the housing, including onto the spark plug of the chainsaw.

Another common problem is a broken fuel pump. To check its operation, you should remove the tool body and start the engine. Next you need to press the gas trigger several times. If oil flows out of the pump, it means it is faulty.

As a rule, chainsaw fuel pumps cannot be repaired. It's best to replace it completely. To extend the life of the new pump, in the future you need to use only high-quality fuel and motor oil to refuel the Partner 350 chainsaw.

When working in the country or in the countryside, you often need a saw. Sometimes this work can be done with a hand hacksaw, but often a more serious tool is needed. Today the choice is very large. A large assortment of saws, both hand and chainsaws, and electric chain saws. It is very difficult to make the right choice, given the ratio - price and quality. One of the best solutions are chainsaws.

Very reliable, convenient and easy to use. “Partner” produces various chainsaws (340s, 350,351, etc.), with different engine power and tire lengths. An excellent choice would be Partner 350. For reliable and durable operation of the cutting tool, it is necessary to operate it correctly.

"Partner" 340s

Refers to semi-professional class equipment. Also known under the label P340C. Adapted for logging conditions, construction and household tasks.


  • maneuverability;
  • optimal tire size;
  • impact-resistant magnesium alloy housing;
  • reinforced piston, additionally treated with chrome;
  • a primer that forcibly pumps the combustible mixture to the carburetor for its trouble-free and immediate start;
  • 2-level aero cleaning;
  • access to the air filter and spark plug is through quick-release fasteners;
  • active vibration absorption produced by steel springs;
  • ergonomic handles, the surface of which is rubberized for additional convenience and reliable fixation in the hands of the sawyer;
  • economical consumption of gasoline and oil;
  • The device is equipped with practical operating instructions, which greatly simplifies its repair.


  • Power level 1440 W;
  • Maximum torque – 3 thousand rpm;
  • Guide – 0.35 m;
  • Oil reservoir – 150 ml;
  • Gasoline container – 250 ml;
  • The pitch of the cutting part is 3/8 inch;
  • Weight – 4500 g.


The characteristics of the chainsaw, in particular the engine, indicate that it belongs to the household class. According to numerous reviews, Partner 371 may well compete with the semi-professional class of saws.

  • power - 1400 W / 1.9 l. With.;
  • rotation speed - 12000 rpm;
  • engine capacity - 36 cubic meters. cm;
  • fuel tank capacity - 0.4 l;
  • oil tank capacity - 0.3 l;
  • weight - 4.7 kg (without tire and chain);
  • spark plug - NGK BPMR 7A;
  • noise level, dB (A) – 111;

To prepare the fuel, regular gasoline with an octane rating of 92 and oil for two-stroke engines are used, in a ratio of 1:50, respectively. Only after purchasing a chainsaw, during the break-in period it is recommended to use it with increased addition of oil. This is described in detail in the operating instructions.


The equipment of the Partner 371 chainsaw does not differ from its competitors and includes a standard set.

  • chainsaw;
  • tire and chain;
  • 1 year warranty;
  • tire cover;
  • combination key;
  • refill container;
  • user manual.

Sometimes the completeness differs from that declared by the manufacturer, because... some stores run promotions and can supplement it, for example, with a file for sharpening a chain.

The configuration of the Partner 371 chainsaw cannot be less than that declared by the manufacturer; when purchasing, always check the compliance according to the instructions!

Note! The websites of many stores indicate either the manufacturer - Sweden, or the homeland of the brand - the USA. They don't do assembly. The country of assembly is China, although Partner was originally a Swedish company, a subsidiary of Husqvarna.

Adjusting the carburetor of a chainsaw Partner

Over time, every Partner chainsaw owner is faced with a deterioration in the operation of the tool’s internal combustion engine, as well as a sharp increase in the amount of fuel it consumes. The first thing to do in this case is to adjust the carburetor on the Partner chainsaw.

Immediately before tuning, you will need to clean the carburetor and all parts located next to it. You also need to wash or replace the air and fuel filters. After this, you will need to find 3 standard holes in the upper part of the protective cover of the tool. Inside them are adjusting bolts marked H, L and T. The letters are always indicated on the protective cover of the Partner chainsaw. The right bolt marked H is needed to adjust the quality of the fuel mixture. Accordingly, the left screw is designed to adjust the amount of fuel supplied, and is designated by the letter L. The third screw has a small spring on it. It is designated by the letter T, and is needed to adjust the position of the throttle valve when the engine is idling.

Setting up the Partner chainsaw carburetor is performed in the following order:

  1. First, with the saw motor turned off, bolts H and L must be completely tightened clockwise, and then immediately unscrewed 1/5 of a turn in the opposite direction;
  2. Then you need to start the engine of the tool and give it time to warm up. As soon as the engine warms up, you will need to start turning bolt L until the internal combustion engine reaches maximum speed. Immediately after this, the bolt must be turned 1/4 turn in the opposite direction. If the idle speed of the engine is too low or very high, then they should be adjusted with screw T;
  3. Next, you need to connect a tachometer to the saw motor. After this, you will need to start turning bolt H until the engine reaches its highest speed. If the readings on the tachometer coincide with the instructions in the instructions for the tool, then you can proceed to the last stage of setup:
  4. At the end, you need to make sure that after all the actions the saw chain does not start moving along the bar. If the headset moves, you will need to start turning the T screw in different directions. As soon as the chain stops moving, you can turn off the saw engine.

Advantages and disadvantages of chainsaws

Partner brand products have a number of features that distinguish them from analog models. So, these include:

The latest technical developments that ensure reliable and stable operation. Autonomy of operation, which allows you to use the saw without uninterrupted access to a constant power source. Increased service life of the chain, which does not require frequent replacement. High fire safety, which is especially important during continuous operation. An enlarged bar that allows you to cut thick logs and lumber with a large cross-section without any problems. High levels of ergonomics. The vibration reduction system ensures comfort during operation. There are practically no serious design flaws in gasoline-powered equipment Partner

According to user reviews, some comments relate to the quality of plastic, the budgetary resource of the saw set, and increased waste of chain lube

There are practically no serious design flaws in Partner gasoline equipment. According to user reviews, some comments relate to the quality of plastic, the budget resource of the saw set, and the increased waste of chain lube.

Most popular models

Due to their simplicity and ease of use, the presented products are perfect for both beginners and professional users. The Partner company produces saws with both electric and gasoline drives.

In this article we will talk about Partner brand chainsaws.

The most common Partner chainsaws include the following models:

  • Partner P340S: fuel tank volume – 250 ml; tire length – 355 mm; engine power – 1.9 hp\1440 W; weight – 4.5 kg. Availability of automatic chain lubrication and power button locking.
  • Partner P350S: fuel tank volume – 250 ml; tire length – 400 mm; engine power – 2 hp\1520 W; weight – 4.7 kg. Availability of automatic chain lubrication and power button locking.
  • Partner P360S: fuel tank volume – 250 ml; tire length – 450 mm; engine power – 2 hp\1520 W; weight – 4.8 kg. The presence of an automatic chain stopper and keyless tensioning.
  • Partner BP 45-3.9-2: fuel tank volume – 550 ml; tire length – 450 mm; engine power – 3.9 hp\2900 W; weight – 6.1 kg. Availability of chain brake and anti-vibration system.
  • Partner P740: fuel tank volume – 340 ml; tire length – 400 mm; engine power – 2 hp\1500 W; weight – 5.5 kg. The presence of combined throttle control, automatic chain lubrication, and chain blocking.
  • Partner DC 45: fuel tank volume – 550 ml; tire length – 450 mm; engine power – 5.6 hp\4100 W; weight – 6.3 kg. Anti-kickback protection and chain stop system.
  • Partner P371: fuel tank volume – 400 ml; tire length – 400 mm; engine power –1.9 hp\1400 W; weight – 4.7 kg. Availability of automatic chain lubrication and power button locking.
  • Partner P4900: fuel tank volume – 450 ml; tire length – 450 mm; engine power – 3.1 hp\2300 W; weight – 4.9 kg. Availability of a cooling system to reduce vibration.
  • Partner DC 52: fuel tank volume – 550 ml; tire length – 457 mm; engine power – 5.5 hp\4100 W; weight – 5.2 kg. Availability of keyless chain adjustment and vibration damping system.
  • Partner P351 XT CHROME: fuel tank volume – 380 ml; tire length – 400 mm; engine power – 1.9 hp\1900 W; weight – 4.7 kg. Availability of automatic lubrication and chain brake.

Chainsaw Partner DC52
Chainsaw Partner DC-45

Chainsaw Partner P340S

Chainsaw Partner BP 45-3.9

Chainsaws Partner – troubleshooting and troubleshooting

Like other household equipment equipped with an engine, Partner brand chainsaws require repairs from time to time. This may be due to improper operation of the saw, or to simple wear and tear of spare parts. Be that as it may, the chainsaw needs to be repaired, and it is quite possible to do it yourself.

How to refuel a Partner chainsaw?

As the instructions indicate, to refuel the Partner chainsaw you should use gasoline of at least AI-92 grade. It must be mixed with oil designed for 2-stroke engines.

The optimal ratio of gasoline and oil for a Partner chainsaw is 50:1, that is, 20 ml of engine oil should be diluted in 1 liter of gasoline.

How to set the ignition on a Partner chainsaw?

If you cannot understand why the Partner chainsaw does not start, then first check the ignition system of your tool. Checking and adjusting the gap looks like this:

  • First of all, remove the cover to which the starter is attached. To do this, we recommend using a T27 hex bit, tools included with the chainsaw, and additional attachments;
  • Carefully inspect the ignition coil, flywheel with magnets and, especially, the gap between these parts. To do this, use a specially designed gasket;
  • Installing the ignition on the Partner chainsaw is done by turning the screws, which brings the coil and flywheel closer to each other.

After completing the above steps, install the starter in place, and start the Partner chainsaw. If the saw starts up, you can screw in the screws securing the cover all the way and continue working.

How to remove the clutch on a Partner chainsaw?

Repairing the tool clutch is often required in cases where the Partner chainsaw starts and stalls when you press the gas. However, not all novice gardeners know how to remove the drive sprocket from a Partner chainsaw. You can do this in this order:

  1. First turn the lever and remove the saw chain brake cover;
  2. Unscrew the nuts securing the clutch system using the wrench from the Partner chainsaw kit;
  3. Remove the clutch from the chainsaw and completely disassemble it. If necessary, replace worn parts and clean the walls of the standard clutch elements.

At first, you will need to pull the starter rope several times before the saw starts. This is required to ensure that the installed spare parts finally fit into their intended places.

How to replace the oil pump on a Partner chainsaw?

If you find that the chain on your Partner chainsaw does not spin, then the cause of this problem most likely lies in the wear or breakdown of a separate pump designed to pump lubricant to the chain. The design of the oil pump includes 2 elements - a storage chamber and a working part. Repairing the pump involves disassembling the mechanism, but it is not recommended to take any actions with its working part. The next steps are as follows:

  1. Carefully inspect the inlet and outlet tubes through which the lubricant passes - as a rule, all pump malfunctions are associated with them;
  2. If the channels are clogged, then all debris must be removed. simultaneously blowing them with compressed air;
  3. If cracks appear on the channels, they need to be replaced;

If, after assembling the Partner chainsaw, the lubricant again does not pass to the saw chain, then the pump will need to be completely replaced.

How to adjust the carburetor on a Partner chainsaw?

Setting up the carburetor of Partner brand chainsaws is slightly different from the procedure with chainsaws of other brands. The difference lies in the markings and meaning of the adjustment screws. For adjustment, the manufacturer equipped the Partner chainsaw with three screws - the left fuel quantity screw, the right fuel quality screw and the “T” idle speed adjustment screw. All these screws are located on the left under the top cover of the chainsaw body. Adjusting the Partner chainsaw carburetor is as follows:

  1. Remove the cover and clean the parts underneath;
  2. Unscrew both screws fully clockwise and then turn them 1/5 turn in the opposite direction;
  3. Start slowly turning the quantity screw until you hear the motor start to run at its highest possible speed. Immediately after this, turn this screw ¼ turn in the other direction. As a result, the Partner chainsaw should hold idle speed steadily;
  4. Next, use the quality screw to set the maximum speed for the Partner chainsaw.

If it works like a 4-stroke engine, then the chainsaw carburetor has been configured correctly.

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