Strong and robust plants that produce rich harvests are the dream of many landowners. This cannot be achieved without regular fertilizing of the soil for the crops grown. Fertilizers are used for this purpose. They saturate the soil with necessary substances and microelements, which increase fruiting properties. Owners of small plots apply additives manually, at the root, or by spraying. But what about the owners of fields of several tens of hectares? The technique described above is impractical. To cope with the problem that has arisen, special agricultural equipment, spreaders and seeders for fertilizers are called upon.

How does the technology work?

The result obtained depends on how quickly the landowner fertilizes the soil with the necessary nutrients. Delay may result in the moment being lost and the additives not having the desired effect on the planted crops. For owners of fields and large plots of land, this is fraught with serious financial losses.

A technique has been developed especially for them that reduces the time and effort required to process large areas. It helps to increase the efficiency of agricultural work.

Equipment includes:

  • Frame. All components and assemblies are installed on it.
  • Bunker. Container filled with fertilizer.
  • Scattering device. It is represented by two disks with blades that rotate.
  • Drive with gearbox. Its task is to transmit torque to the diffuser. Obtained from the power take-off shaft of a tractor, the hydraulic system of a vehicle, or the rear wheel of a chassis.
  • Dosing device. Determines the amount of fertilizer supplied to the blades over a certain period of time. They are controlled from a computer, or by flaps that operate from the hydraulic drive of the tractor, or in manual mode.

The operating principle is based on the action of centrifugal force. A filled hopper resembles a funnel. The granules from the container are moved to the feed zone. At the bottom there is a diffuser consisting of two disks with blades. Rotating in one direction, they evenly distribute the fertilizer over the entire area. Less commonly, the blades are equipped with extensions. Adjusting the length helps ensure uniform delivery of granules to the blades. The range is adjusted by the speed of movement of the diffuser. Smaller models have dampers at the bottom that control the flow of the mixture.

It is allowed to apply fertilizer:

  • in granules;
  • dusty state;
  • liquid;
  • dung

The type of mixture affects the setup and preliminary preparation of the device.

What tasks does it perform?

Lack of proper feeding will lead to serious consequences in the future. We are talking not only about lost harvest, but also about soil depletion. Annual addition of mineral and organic nutrients will help avoid such complications. Experts recommend fertilizing the soil twice a year, in autumn and spring.

Spreaders are highly specialized equipment designed to solve a number of problems:

  • sprinkle fertilizer regardless of its form (granules, crystals, etc.);
  • distribute the substance evenly over the entire area;
  • adhere to certain application standards depending on the type of fertilizer (mineral, organic);
  • minimize human labor.

Review of manufacturers

If you choose among foreign brands, then German spreaders have proven themselves to be excellent. Belarusian models also have a good price-quality ratio.


A popular German company that has existed for several decades. It all started as a small family business and grew to the scale of several factories located in major European countries. The company vouches for quality with its reputation.


The spreaders in this line are semi-trailer models that are designed to work with powdered and granular mineral fertilizers. It is important to know that to operate these units, the angle of inclination of the site should be no more than twelve degrees.


Produced in the city of Neftekamsk since nineteen eighty-five. The unit is semi-trailer; its operation is based on multi-directional discs. The capacity for mineral fertilizers is limited to five tons, which is considered a fairly large tonnage for agricultural machinery. The maximum working width is also impressive - twenty meters.

The device is capable of scattering crystalline, granular, powder mixtures. Capable of spreading fertilizer only on one side, or even in the center. The concentration of the substance can be adjusted. Easy to set up and operate.


Units from German manufacturers, which are famous for their large range of models, as well as the quality of their products. Over the years, the company has received several prestigious awards in the field of agriculture.


Danish manufacturer of equipment for spreading mineral fertilizers. A special feature of the machines of this company are disc circles rotating inwards. Due to this, the scattered substances are divided into four zones.

The units of this company are distinguished by the uniform distribution of fertilizers over the entire soil surface area. The containers are equipped with filter systems, and the bottom of the bins has devices for uniform distribution of granules. All parts are made of durable, high-quality material, and the required surface is covered with a layer of special durable paint.


Another leader in the production of equipment for spreading mineral fertilizers. A special feature of the design is the scattering discs, which have a receiving chamber. Substances first enter the chamber for further acceleration and delivery at a higher speed. This method helps keep the granules intact, which facilitates their more uniform distribution over the soil surface. The device is fully automated; an electronic operation control system controls all processes.


Another German company that produces equipment for large-scale rural work, in particular for spreading mineral fertilizers. The maximum possible working width of some models reaches twenty-four meters, the maximum tonnage is four tons. The choice is also provided from various coupling mechanisms.


Unit for distributing powder fertilizers. It has two distributing rods that dose the amount of substance. This quantity is regulated by changing the speed of the apparatus. The tonnage is 12 tons, the strip is up to nine and a half meters wide.


The machine is designed to distribute granules and crystals. In addition to spreading fertilizers, it can be used in public utilities for sprinkling roads. The uniform supply of the substance is ensured by two discs in the design.

What is the reason for the popularity?

Automation of the process simplifies agricultural work and increases productivity. The use of technology has strengths and weaknesses. Before use, you must familiarize yourself with all aspects of the issue. This will help to get a complete picture of this technique.


  • reduction of time is necessary for feeding;
  • reducing the number of people involved;
  • application is carried out only while the unit is moving;
  • precise dosage allows you to apply the required amount to certain areas to restore balance;
  • spreading width adjustment;
  • versatility, it is allowed to carry out sowing work and add additional components to the soil (sand, salt, etc.).


  • high cost, purchasing professional equipment will require significant financial investments;
  • low payback (not applicable to manual devices and those assembled by hand, where dosage accuracy does not play a big role);
  • mounted and trailed models require tractors of a certain power. It is affected by the weight of the equipment and the volume of fertilizer.

Advantages and disadvantages

An undeniable advantage of purchasing the unit will be a huge time saving. It is necessary to prepare the soil twice a year, and every owner with large holdings will be physically unable to cultivate the fields efficiently and on time. With the help of a fertilizer spreader, this procedure will be faster and easier.

The price depends on the size, configuration and manufacturer. There are simpler models, but for large volumes of work and cultivated areas it is advisable to purchase a powerful device.

Process requirements

Restoring the mineral balance of the soil will bring the desired effect, provided that a number of agrotechnical criteria are met. Only in this case can you achieve maximum results and benefits for already planted plants and crops. What needs to be checked:

  1. No foreign objects in the mixture.
  2. Close adjacent passages. Eliminate errors.
  3. Make sure headlands are processed.
  4. Strict adherence to the immersion level (deviation does not exceed 15%),
  5. Compliance with time intervals between spreading and incorporation of fertilizers (for mineral fertilizers no more than 12 hours, for organic fertilizers up to 2 hours).

Precautionary measures

In order for the use of technology to proceed without all sorts of unpleasant surprises, you must adhere to a number of simple rules. This will avoid hazardous situations and unit breakdowns.

  1. Carefully study the operating instructions to ensure efficient distribution of the contents with the spatulas.
  2. Backfilling and other manipulations with the automatic spreader are performed when it is completely turned off.
  3. It is strictly prohibited for strangers to be in the treated area when the device is turned on.
  4. Transport of people is not permitted.
  5. Work only in close-fitting clothing.
  6. Before you start processing the area, you need to check all bolted connections.
  7. Ensure good visibility at the work site.

Before using the equipment, you must ensure that it is in working order. Users may encounter the following difficulties during long-term use:

  • wear of parts;
  • clogging: the problem is relevant for those who use wet fertilizers and foreign impurities;
  • damage from foreign objects;
  • incorrect selection of shaft rotation speed and movement speed;
  • violation of operating standards.

Technology for introducing different types of fertilizers

Organization of the process of adding nutrients to the soil includes the following activities:

  1. preparatory work: leveling the surface of fields, marking cultivated areas, grinding fertilizers, bringing machines and devices into working condition;
  2. transportation of goods and equipment to the site;
  3. the very application of fertilizers to the soil;
  4. quality control of work.

Technological maps for organizing all necessary operations are compiled for each farm individually, taking into account the available equipment, fertilizers used, application rates, etc.

Technological schemes for performing work

Organic and mineral fertilizers can be applied to the soil using 4 methods:

  1. Direct-flow: fertilizers are loaded into spreaders at the place of their storage, transported to the field and distributed over the cultivated area by special units.
  2. Reloading: fertilizer mixtures are delivered to the field, where they are reloaded into spreading machines, and then applied to the soil.
  3. Transshipment: fertilizers are transported to the field using transport equipment, and at refueling or temporary storage sites they are reloaded into spreaders for further application to the soil.
  4. Spreading from heaps: fertilizers are transported to the fields, unloaded into heaps, from which the nutrient mixtures are subsequently scattered using rotary units.

The choice of method of performing work is individual for each farm, as it depends on the specific characteristics of the fields being processed, the units used and many other indicators.

What are they?

The equipment speeds up fertilization of the soil and can act as an assistant in sowing work. It is presented in a wide range on the market.

Depending on the type of fastening, the spreader is divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Trailed. They have the same shape on wheels. He received a hydraulic drive to start the system. The equipment has phenomenal capacity. One-time transportation of up to 3.5 tons of dry fertilizers is allowed. Attaches to the rear of the tractor frame. The working width is several tens of meters. Wide wheels make it easier to move on damp soil. With them, dependence on weather conditions disappears. A chain of wavy-shaped rods is used as a conveyor. It is driven by the left running wheel through a rubber-coated pressure roller. A separate hydraulic braking system allows you to transport a loaded container on public roads without any problems. The dosing device is implemented with a sectional valve. There is a grate installed at the back, which is responsible for the uniform distribution of nutrients. Adjustment is carried out by changing the position of the metering valve. This affects the speed of the unit. The main advantage of trailed spreaders is that they require less power to move the tractor.
  2. Semi-trailer. The group is used for distribution of goods and transportation to their destination. Able to work independently. Drive from the power take-off shaft, or rear wheel axle shaft.
  3. Self-propelled. A universal group that does not need to be connected to agricultural machinery. Consist of a vehicle and equipment connected to it. This duo easily replaces several trailed spreaders. The only drawback is the cost, which significantly exceeds the types described above.
  4. Mounted. The optimal solution used to automate the process, suitable for owners of small plots where the sowing area occupies 400 - 500 hectares. It is possible to transport equipment using equipment of any power. Basically, tractors with 80 and 100 hp engines are used for these purposes. With. The spreader consists of a metal frame, a hopper with 2 funnels and mounting brackets. Loading grids prevent large particles from entering the unit. There are 2 funnels installed at the bottom that distribute the fertilizer. The steel frame can withstand significant loads. The structure is mounted on a tractor and thus cultivates a large area. Models with a streamlined shape are available on the market. They make it easier to clean the body from soil, various types of contaminants and fertilizers. The equipment is compatible with the navigation system and other equipment. One of the main advantages is the ability to adjust the working width. Thanks to this, the unit is almost universal.
  5. Manual. A budget solution available to many. It is chosen by owners of small fields, dachas and personal plots. The spreader is used not only for applying fertilizer, but also for sowing crops. In winter, it is allowed to spread salt, sand and other reagents in the surrounding area. The unit is a compact fertilizer hopper mounted on two wheels and having a handle. Outwardly it resembles a cart. To propel it, you must push forward along the field in front of you. Despite the mediocre uniformity of distribution, as well as the low processing speed, they are in demand among farmers. The wheels, through a chain drive and cables, transmit torque to the disk diffuser. The amount of reagents distributed is controlled using a screw-adjustable shutter. The filler is sifted with a special mesh while loading the container.
  6. Homemade manual spreader. If you wish, it will not be difficult to make such a tool yourself. It is enough to acquire a suitable container, 2 running wheels and provide mounting. Make 2 holes at the bottom of the tank and cover them with homemade spreading plates with blades. A turner is placed inside the container and wheels are attached to it. The connection must be made in such a way that the mechanism works only while moving. Things are different if you manage to acquire a cone. It is necessary to cut off the top and install it on the wheels with the narrow part down. The hole is closed with a disk with blades. It rotates when moving. The role of the damper is played by a metal strip placed around the top of the cone. It should change the vertical position between the cone and the disk. Thus, the supply of the mixture amount is adjusted.

Types of spreaders

As stated above, there are several main types of spreaders:

  • mounted, which are divided into disk and pendulum;
  • trailed;
  • manual, suitable for cultivating small plots.

Mounted fertilizer spreader

The mounted structure looks like a metal or plastic container that is attached to the tractor using special fasteners. They can work with any model of tractor, the main thing is the presence of a suitable attachment, which, however, can be easily purchased.

The disk apparatus has special blades inside the container for mixing substances in order to distribute them evenly. Above them there is a screening system in the form of a lattice. Under the container there is an outlet for granules with dampers to regulate the process. How it works: the mixture in the container flows through the valves onto the disks, from where it is evenly poured onto the ground using special shovels.

The pendulum system has a slightly different supply of granules. From the name it is clear that the design contains a part similar to a pendulum. It is she who moves the contents from side to side. Experts note several negative qualities of such equipment - uneven supply of the substance, and technical vagaries, due to which the unit often fails.


Trailed units are not much different from mounted ones. The main difference is in the structure itself - they have a trailer, which is the container. It is clear that this container can have a fairly large tonnage. The advantages are also considered to be the presence of wide wheels, which will allow you to work in any weather conditions, a significant working width of the cultivated land, and cost-effectiveness of use.

Manual spreader

The simplest and most budget-friendly is a manual fertilizer spreader. The unit must be rolled manually, but despite this, it is used on small lands and can also be used as a grain sower.

How the system works: the movement of the disk occurs from the movement of the wheels due to a chain reaction. Fertilizer is spread through an opening controlled by a flap. It is important to know that you can create a manual spreader yourself.

How do they disperse?

  1. Disk. This unit is equipped with stainless steel blades and a cardan shaft. The amount of emitted substance is monitored using dampers. It is controlled directly from the tractor cabin. The position of the disks also influences the volume of incoming fertilizer. Thanks to the combination of processes behind the tractor, a flat strip is obtained on the field.
  2. Pendulum. Less common group. This is largely due to the fact that such equipment is developed mainly by foreign companies. The mixture enters the field through a special tube. It swings and ensures uniform flow. The element is made of high quality plastic with good strength characteristics. Incorrect setting of the oscillation frequency can damage the mechanism. In this case, each node in the system must be replaced. The operation of the mechanism is accompanied by loud noise. Poor performance forces the driver to significantly reduce speed. The maximum spreading width is 8 m. With such indicators, productivity is at around 2 hectares/hour. This significantly reduces the processing speed of large fields.

Belt fertilizer application units

In advanced cropping technologies, the main application of fertilizers uses the belt method, which involves sowing fertilizer granules in rows at a set depth with equal intervals between doses in the row.

This method ensures application without blocking parallel passages of the unit, eliminating excess consumption of fertilizers. In addition, when integrating the unit into a precision farming system, such devices can make differentiated applications taking into account electronic maps of field fertility. That is, during the operation of the unit, the rate of fertilizer application can change in accordance with the built-in digital program, reflecting the level of fertility of individual sections of the field. In general, such units increase the efficiency of mineral fertilizers by 25-50%.

Belt fertilizer application unit

The principle of operation of the belt application unit is to pneumatically supply granular material to the sowing disc coulters, which form the rows and provide the depth of application to the level of root formation. The seeding rate of granules is adjusted from the tractor cabin manually through the unit control panel or automatically when integrating the unit into a precision farming system. The drive of such vacuum installations is carried out using hydraulic motors as part of the machine, powered from the tractor hydraulic system.

Unit for local belt application of fertilizers

Taking into account modern trends in technologies for cultivating agricultural crops, the main part of such machines is aggregated with energy-rich tractors of traction class 4 - 5.

How to choose?

Mineral and organic fertilizers are necessary to restore the fruit-bearing qualities of the soil. They carry vitamins that are vital for the good growth of crops. Considering this, it is difficult to overestimate the purchase of a spreader-seeder. It is possible to avoid problems and inconsistencies by knowing the technical specifications.

  1. Working width. The value characterizes the size of the created stripe. Has a direct impact on performance. The wider the better. The optimal dimensions are 12 - 24 m. The choice is made based on the size of the site.
  2. Capacity. Affects the size of the treated area, without stopping for additional loading. After an interruption, it is impossible to create exactly the same concentration as before reloading. Experts recommend paying attention to models with a volume of at least 0.9 m3.
  3. Bunker material. To extend the service life, stainless steel is used. Powder paint with a special composition prevents corrosion and is resistant to chemicals.
  4. Weight with empty hopper.
  5. Movement speed during operation. The time spent fertilizing the soil depends on it. The optimal rate for small farms ranges from 8 to 18 km/h.
  6. Number and rotation speed of disks. European standard 540 rpm. Modern spreaders comply with this standard. Any deviation will require additional manual adjustment of the equipment.
  7. Familiarize yourself with the minimum permissible power of the tractor. The equipment may not be compatible with existing agricultural machinery.
  8. Dimensions. The dimensions must match the site. Compact models are easy to use and do not take up much space, but are inferior in performance and functionality.
  9. Wheels. The cross-country ability and controllability of the vehicle depend on them. With wide tires, the device is less dependent on weather conditions and moves better on damp soil. Optimal handling on 12-inch wheels.
  10. Recommended treatment area. The characteristics are indicated in m2. Large models are of interest to owners of large fields.
  11. Additional accessories. It includes various optional little things that make the device easier to use. These include a tow rope for comfortable transportation, a hopper cover that protects the fertilizer from moisture, and much more.
  12. Compatible with the type of fertilizer (salt, sand, granules, powder, etc.).

Belarusian PRT spreaders

The Belarusian company has been producing machines for distributing organic fertilizers since nineteen seventy-four.

  • PRT 10 - a machine for spreading solid organic substances, with a lifting capacity of up to eleven tons, with a width of the processed strip from seven to ten meters;
  • PRT 7 - works well on soft soil surfaces. Tonnage - 7 tons, processing capability - from five to eight meters;
  • PRT 16 - designed for supplying solid types of fertilizers. Possible tonnage is up to sixteen tons, processing strip is from five to eight meters.

The best budget fertilizer spreaders and seeders


One of the best budget solutions on the market. It is used not only for its intended purpose, but also for sprinkling roads with reagents in winter. Recommended for areas not exceeding 90 m2. The spreader is driven by a manual drive. The distribution mechanism ensures a uniform supply of the substance. It is divided into levels 0, 1, 2, 3. This is how the size of the hole in the hopper is adjusted.



  • nice price;
  • made of polypropylene;
  • comfortable use;
  • volume 3 l.


  • Periodic jamming of the diffuser is observed.


The instrument has a plastic body. The material is weather resistant and easy to clean. Just fill the container with the necessary material, select the desired shape and get to work. The lid with a locking mechanism makes transportation easier. The translucent design makes it easy to control the amount of material remaining.



  • rotating knob to change the dosage intensity;
  • 3 hole diameter settings (loose, coarse, fine);
  • easy refueling;
  • made in Finland.


  • small volume (2.3 l).

GARDENA 431-20

A universal model for distributing salt, seeds and fertilizers will become an indispensable assistant in home gardening and lawn care. She stands out from the rest with her performance. The absence of wheels solved the problem associated with cross-country ability. The freewheel device can be carried in the hands without unnecessary effort. Uniform distribution of materials is achieved using a fan method. The intensity of spreading is controlled by a handle.

GARDENA 431-20


  • container made of impact-resistant plastic;
  • corrosion protection;
  • working width varies from 1 to 4 meters;
  • universal purpose;
  • high build quality;
  • compact sizes.


  • gets clogged quickly.

Organization of application of bulk fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers produced in bulk form are applied using the direct-flow or transfer method: the first is used on fields with an area of ​​6 hectares, located no more than 4 km from the warehouse, the second is relevant for cultivated areas, regardless of their area, located further than 4 km from storage sites mineral fats.

Field preparation includes dividing the area into paddocks, marking headlands and marking the first pass line. The direction and method of movement across the field is determined based on the following conditions:

  1. using single-seeder devices and disc spreaders, they move across the field using the shuttle method;
  2. areas with small headlands are processed using the headland method with loopless turns (the same option is relevant when using wide-cut units);
  3. in uneven areas in light winds or in calm conditions they move in the direction of plowing;
  4. Well-leveled surfaces are treated perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

The quality of the work performed is assessed visually (checking how evenly and symmetrically the fertilizing is scattered, whether there are any flaws) and through control measurements of the actual consumption of fertilizers.

The best fertilizer spreaders and seeders in the mid-price segment


The new product makes it easier to fertilize the soil and plant seeds. She received a durable plastic basket with a steel handle. Capacity of the container is 12 l. The bunker is equipped with wheels with a diameter of 185 m. A special tread is necessary for comfortable movement on any type of surface, including plowed ground.



  • dosage switch with scale from 0 to 10;
  • 10 sowing speeds;
  • high cross-country ability;
  • maximum processing area 400 m2.


  • complex fertilizer is not distributed evenly.

WOLF-Garten WE 330

The new product is designed to improve the ease of distribution of nutrients and other bulk materials. The container with a volume of 15 liters is made of durable plastic. It can withstand moderate impacts. The length of the hopper is 41 cm. Large wheels with deep tread overcome the surface regardless of its condition.

WOLF-Garten WE 330


  • ergonomic handle;
  • spacious plastic bowl;
  • light weight.


  • The quality of the wheels is questionable.

GARDENA 432-20

The new product will appeal to owners of suburban areas and those who grow crops in the country. It is compatible with seeds, road salt and similar bulk reagents. A wide range of applications makes the spreader a universal tool that will be useful all year round. Designed to work on areas up to 400 m2. The housing is made of impact-resistant anti-corrosion plastic and is resistant to minor physical impact. Can be cleaned with water.

The soft plastic limiter ensures uniform distribution of bulk material. The two-component lid fits tightly to the body and prevents spillage.

GARDENA 432-20


  • Convenient dosage adjustment on the handle is implemented;
  • wheels provide optimal traction regardless of weather conditions;
  • anti-corrosion coating;
  • maneuverability;
  • optimal volume for home use;
  • versatility;
  • Made in Germany.


  • the aluminum axle on which the wheels are attached and the baking powder oxidize without proper care;
  • The quality of the screws in the handle is questionable.

Organic fertilizers

Humanity has been using organic matter to fertilize arable land since the very beginning of the development of civilization. To feed depleted soil and increase fertility, decomposition products of substances of animal and plant origin are used. As a result, the soil is enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other plant nutrients, and its structure and composition improves. Whatever is used as organic fertilizers, but the main ones are the following complex substances:

  • manure - a rotted mixture of bedding material and droppings of domestic animals;
  • bird droppings - the most valuable are chicken and pigeon;
  • peat - a mass of rotted remains of marsh plants;
  • silt, sapropel - bottom sediments of ponds, lakes, rivers;
  • feces - the contents of cesspools, are not directly added to the soil, but are a component of peat composts;
  • sawdust, mulch and tree bark are waste products from wood processing; they become fertilizer after decomposition or rotting, for which they are stimulated by slurry;
  • green manure - stems of plants plowed into the soil, in particular legumes, buckwheat and sunflower, capable of rapid decomposition;
  • composts are mixtures of soil and plants that have been transformed into humus under the influence of internal heating and the work of bacteria.

Almost all organic fertilizers, except green manure, can be dried and granulated. That is, acquire a form convenient for mechanical application to the ground by spreading. This is what industrial agricultural technologies require, namely, machines for applying fertilizers.

The best spreader-seeders for premium fertilizer

Texas CS2500

In addition to its main purpose, the new product is a good addition to a motor cultivator and a snowblower. This is largely due to the spacious bowl with a capacity of 25 liters. The volume is sufficient to cover medium-sized areas. They are referred to as fan-type devices. In other words, the bulk substance in a certain dosage falls on 3 disks with reflectors connected by a mechanical wheel drive. Soft grips with air suspension smooth out bumps.

Texas CS2500


  • quick and easy assembly;
  • high cross-country ability;
  • versatility;
  • air suspension;
  • stainless steel pendant;
  • reinforced frame.


  • The calibration lever on the handle is not convenient to use.

Ryobi OSS1800 One+ 5133003729

The new product has a stylish, bright body that will definitely attract attention. Among its competitors, the device stands out due to its battery. A 4-liter volume bowl is enough for continuous work with lawns and garden plots. Distribution area 2.5 - 3m.

Ryobi OSS1800 One+ 5133003729


  • compatible with One+ range of tools;
  • anti-clog mechanism;
  • shockproof plastic;
  • autonomy depends on the battery;
  • professional line of tools;
  • Japanese quality.


  • Charger and battery are purchased separately.

Classification of fertilizer application machines

Like all agricultural machines, by their design, in terms of aggregation, they are divided into: mounted, semi-mounted, semi-trailed, trailed machines. The drive to the application bodies is transmitted through the power take-off shaft or to the hydraulic motors included in the agricultural machinery. machines from the tractor's hydraulic linkage system.

It should also be noted that, along with machines designed purely for working with fertilizers, there are a number of agricultural devices that perform fertilizer along with the main operation being performed. This list includes: seeders of various types, equipped with the function of simultaneous feeding of crops with mineral fertilizers, row-crop cultivators with the function of simultaneous feeding of seedlings.

Interesting facts and misconceptions

There are quite a lot of misconceptions regarding the use of fertilizers. One of them is based on the fact that any chemistry is harmful, and organic matter is extremely beneficial. At first glance, manure and compost seem harmless due to their natural origin. If we turn to the facts and compare the composition of the chemical mixture of Mittlider and manure, the conclusions may be surprising. A comparative analysis of the amount of substances entering the soil with manure at one time and with a specialized fertilizer throughout the year looks like this:

  • manure - 1.2 nitrogen, 0.6 phosphorus, 1.44 potassium and 0.312 magnesium;
  • Mittlider mixture - 0.305 nitrogen, 0.168 phosphorus, 0.305 potassium and 0.0432 magnesium.

It turns out that a one-time entry into the soil of the listed elements with manure is 4–7 times higher than the dosage distributed over the site using chemical fertilizers. Plants are not able to absorb such a huge volume of substances, and the resulting excess salts do not have the best effect on the harvest. As a result, due to manure, vegetables are oversaturated with nitrates, and general salinization is observed in the soil.

Organization of application of dust-like compositions

Fine-grained fertilizers are applied to the soil, adhering to technological schemes that eliminate the procedure for unloading nutrient mixtures in the fields. When determining the method of application, the level of soil moisture, the topography of the cultivated areas, and transportation distances are also taken into account. Thus, flat fields with moderately moist soil, where the length of transportation routes does not exceed 10 km, are fertilized directly using automobile or tractor spreaders.

On hilly fields, the distance to which from fertilizer warehouses is more than 10 km, the overload processing method is used in the rainy season. Mineral compositions are transported to the application sites, loaded into tractor spreading devices, which are used to apply fertilizer to the soil. The cars move perpendicular to the wind in a shuttle fashion, making loop turns.

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