Truck tractor Scania R580LA 4x2 MNA (typ R4X20, cab CR19T Streamline)


Daniil Minaev, photo by the author

Manufacturer:Scania Sweden AB
Model:Scania R580LA 4x2 MNA
Start of sales in Russia:2010

If you ask a banal question: “What does a modern long-haul tractor need?”, it will sound rhetorical, because if you try to answer it seriously, you can simply reach a dead end. First, a lot of questions will arise about the operating environment, the nature of the cargo, climate, etc. The crowning of the string of conditions will be economic efficiency - the main component of the cargo transportation business. But Swedish Scania has several answers and no rhetoric.

Instead of entangling the customer in a network of options, configurations, versions and modifications, Scania offers several series of trucks with tailored packages of options to solve specific transport tasks. One of these projects is Griffin, well known to our carriers, which we talked about on the pages of our magazine (“GP”, No. 9, 2010, “GP”, No. 5, 2013). Today I had the opportunity to test a road train with a cab from the Streamline R series line on the roads of Sweden, and the history of this project dates back to 1991.

Aerodynamics and efficiency

Scania Streamline G and R tractors were created for operation in the absolute predominance of long-haul transportation. And if so, then the main attention is paid to aerodynamics, reducing drag and, as a result, increasing average speed and fuel efficiency. Of course, they didn’t limit themselves to spoilers and selection of transmission ratios. The declared savings compared to previous models are up to 8%, while strict Euro 6 standards are met, which indicates a serious refinement of the power unit. Well, how's it going?

When a qualified driver gets to drive a successful, perfect car, then after some time, called the inevitable period of adaptation, they merge together - “they call this groan a song.” But jokes aside, it seems like another version of the smoothly and continuously updated familiar “Bench,” but this “song” intuitively makes you want to sing. In a new way? Let's take a closer look at the details.

The angular outline of the dashboard, unchanged for several years, looks a little old-fashioned today, but I still admire the excellent visibility, almost vertical pillars and the absence of the feeling of crowding associated with the close placement of the windshield. When asked at the conference if and when Scania was going to change the cab, the answer was, although a little unexpected, quite logical. “Change for the sake of changing? Over the many years of existence of the current cabin, its design has been brought closer to perfection. Even in order to fit Euro 6 power units into the existing frame, which, as is known, require significant space for cooling system components, it did not have to be redrawn. By analogy with how the Opticruise automated transmission has changed, from a three-pedal unit to today’s two-pedal system with many additional functions and an adaptive control algorithm, the cabin is gradually being improved, fully meeting all modern requirements for safety, comfort, and ergonomics,” said Scania representatives.

In general, they are right. I have no complaints about the cabin. Involuntarily remembering the recent Griffin test, I noted with satisfaction that the ceiling had become higher, and the engine tunnel – on the contrary. The central display of the on-board computer has also grown in size. I would especially like to note the sound insulation. When driving, the V-twin engine is quiet in higher gears, but the materials create even greater acoustic comfort. But, interestingly, if desired, the driver’s sensitive ear can detect the sound of the tires and the hum of the main gear. The result was the so-called “note layout”. In general, no serious inconveniences or annoying mistakes. Just a more expensive version of a well-known car.

Cargoautoinfo. Freight transport in detail.

Karl Marx once expressed the idea that a capitalist will do anything to achieve a 10 percent profit. What lengths are truck manufacturers willing to go to? Scania introduced the Streamline line with a package of options that saves 8% fuel.

Everyone produces economical models, and until recently Scania argued that the greatest effect comes from driver training, and not from upgrading already good cars. But then she “broke” too. However, if the economical models of competitors are often deprived of even basic amenities, the Swedes from Södertalje decided not to deny anything to themselves or the drivers. True, there is one “but”... In our case, even a big “BUT”.

Big Brother

Of course, Scania is by no means going to abandon the driver training system. Moreover, it has expanded and deepened.

Monitoring systems have become commonplace; most vehicle fleets are under constant surveillance. At any moment, the owner can find out where the car is, in what mode it is moving, and even how much fuel it consumes. Remember Orwell: “Big Brother can see you?” But if before he only saw you, now he also talks to you! That is, you’re driving along, and suddenly a call comes: “What happened to you? Are you nervous? Perhaps you didn't get enough sleep? The point is that you are not using our lessons effectively.” It was your personal trainer who decided to point out mistakes, help and encourage. Nah...

And all this because, as practice shows, the effect decreases over time, drivers pay less attention to their own actions and fuel consumption increases.

The training program consists of 35 hours of theory and practice, but they must be completed within five years. Seven hours a year, plus constant contact with a coach.

But this is not enough. Now, in addition to the coach, there is also active cruise control, which predicts the most effective driving mode taking into account the terrain using the navigation system.

Essentially, a driver in a car is only needed for emergencies. No, everything is correct, and such systems are certainly needed. But they work where there are detailed maps with the terrain, that is, in Western Europe, but here we have to do it the old fashioned way - do everything yourself. And this is where the machine helps.

If earlier the ergonomics in Scania were not satisfactory, now they are beyond praise, and the adjustment ranges are still the largest in the class.
First acquaintance

Without a hint, only a very attentive person will be able to find out that the modernized car in front of you is in front of you. The main difference from the regular R and G series cabs is the absence of side deflectors. Now their function is assigned to invisible spoilers and stampings. New bumpers and shields covering the sidewalls have appeared. And not only at the tractor, but also at the trailer. We worked long and hard on aerodynamics.

As a result, without changing the load-bearing frame and the outline of the cabin, we achieved a significant reduction in air resistance. This is important, given that Scania will receive new cabs no earlier than 2015. In the meantime, we were able to test the new line. And what’s important is that it rained on the day of the test, but the side windows and mirrors remained clean. This is also thanks to the new sun visor. Now its edges are no longer adjacent to the cabin, but work as spoilers, directing the air flow and cutting off dirt and dust flying from the road. True, all this happened in pure Sweden...

LED rear lights, running lights and turn signal indicators in the front optics provide additional savings - 30 liters of fuel per year. And the service life of LEDs, if they are not broken, is, of course, comparable to the service life of a car.

There are also few changes in the interior. Now, instead of some of the best-in-class private seats, you can order luxurious Recaros with ventilation and heating.

The lower bunk is also the widest in the class - 960 mm. It was available before, but as an option, and for the Streamline package it is basic equipment. Plus the same advanced navigation system, combined with a radio, on the screen of which images from six optional viewing cameras can be displayed!

The right steering column switch, responsible for controlling the Scania Opticruise automated transmission and retarder, has acquired another mode - economical. There are four of them: power, standard, off-road and economical. However, you can only order a combination of three at a time. Which of the three modes is currently in use can only be tracked on the instrument panel; the lever itself is located in the blind spot and is blocked by the steering wheel.

Economy mode is effective at partial loads, as well as when driving at a constant speed in flat terrain. Naturally, this mode makes maximum use of the coasting motion and the engine brake.

At the same time, the maximum (up to 80 km/h) and average speed is slightly reduced, but fuel economy is more expensive for Western European carriers than speed. The fact is that fuel consumption does not grow linearly with speed, but exponentially. Thus, according to Scanian engineers, a 40-ton road train at a speed of 90 km/h consumes one and a half times more fuel than at 70 km/h!

Of the four modes of the Scania Opticruise automated transmission control system (Power, Standard, Economy or Off-Road), only three can be ordered at a time

power line

It's even more interesting under the cabin. Here is the second generation of Euro-6 engines! The main difference from its predecessors is an increase in efficiency by 2-3%. But for us the most interesting is the 13-liter engine with a power of 410 hp. The fact is that in it Euro-6 standards are achieved only with the help of SCR technology (injection of synthetic urea AdBlue into the exhaust tract). This means that this engine will be able to run on our fuel with a high sulfur content!

It uses a constant geometry turbocharger and a throttle body. The absence of an EGR pipeline allows for simplified auxiliary systems and even saves up to 40 kg of weight compared to engines equipped with both systems. However, the latter require less AdBlue reagent. The exhaust gas aftertreatment system remained unchanged. In addition, a standard compact muffler is used - the same as for 5- and 6-cylinder Euro 6 engines.

13-liter engine with 410 hp. provides maximum torque throughout the entire speed range, starting from 1000 rpm. This engine is approximately 3% more fuel efficient than a 400 hp engine. Euro-5 standard with EGR.

AdBlue consumption for Scania Euro-6 engines equipped only with the SCR system does not exceed 6% of diesel fuel consumption. The equivalent value for an engine with EGR and SCR systems is approximately 3%, or slightly more at very high loads, driving speeds or in cold weather.

We have already talked about the Scania Opticruise robotic transmission. Now its torque is transmitted to the new bridge, which is lighter and stronger than the previous one.

Two words about the suspension. The pneumatic system uses a new electronic level control system. The new remote control has four memory buttons. There are two options: basic and fast; the latter is suitable for applications requiring frequent operation of the air suspension system.

Another new feature is load management. The load is distributed between two or even three axles of the rear bogie (on dump trucks).

Instead of two batteries - four. Two power all consumers in the parking lot, and the remaining two are always charged and ready to start the engine even in the most severe frosts

We're trying to take off

Let's get comfortable behind the wheel. Scania already had the largest ranges of adjustments in the class, and with the new seats there was even space. We start the engine, drive out onto the road, activate the economy mode and active cruise control, and that’s it... Then all that remains is to monitor the direction of travel. Not a car, but a relaxation center, I wouldn’t be able to sleep.

Here the very concept of a driver is no longer acceptable - you rather feel like a skipper on a yacht. Scania engineers believe that this relaxed driving style is the most effective - the driver gets tired less, fuel is saved, and the cargo is delivered on time. But we are not used to this. In our conditions it is impossible to drive relaxed. Anything can happen, and therefore you have to always be on the lookout, looking for a hole in the road, a crazy summer resident changing lanes across three lanes, or a guest worker driver who has fallen asleep from fatigue...

But apparently you’ll have to get used to it, because fuel is getting more expensive. And 8% savings is, whatever one may say, about 3 liters for every hundred kilometers, that is, about 100 rubles. Total savings: a ruble per kilometer - it's worth it.

Read about the history of Scania Streamline in the article Return of Scania Streamline trucks

Streamline exterior and interior

  1. At the factory, the tractor is equipped with a full set of air deflectors and spoilers, and the rounded corners of the cab are designed to prevent dirt from sticking to the door handles.
  2. Specially shaped sun visor with integrated LED side lights and additional cornering lights.
  3. Special Scania Premium seats.
  4. Pull-out bed with thick spring mattress.
  5. The interior in the sleeping area is made in darker colors for a comfortable sleep.
  6. Special instrument panel and door sills.

Reviews of Scania R730 V8

Reviews about the “Bench”, as truckers call Scania, are very different, but among them there is no indifference. Many have noted the Scania R730 V8's excellent road-absorbing qualities, holding the road especially well with a load on its back. The curved instrument panel creates a feeling of complete control over the situation. The elegant steering wheel shakes from small irregularities, but stands rooted to the blows of changes in the road surface. In the cabin there is a slight creaking of the panel when there are distortions on the road.

Road control and tracking sensors prevent the robotic gearbox from making a mistake when choosing a gear on the snowy roads of Russia. Truckers call the Opticruise gearbox “intelligent” for its softness and precision of switching and the ability to “stretch” a long climb at 65 km/h. You can switch to manual mode by simply pressing the end key on the box control lever. The insightful Scania R730 V8 anticipates the driver's actions.

In their reviews, drivers often compare the Scania R730 V8 with the MAN, and most comparisons are far from in favor of the latter. There are many complaints about service centers and the quality of service, but with careful selection of personnel for long-distance transportation, many breakdowns can be avoided.

Driving Resources

The main idea of ​​Streamline is to extract driver resources to improve transportation efficiency. Now I'll explain everything. It goes without saying that no one, when designing this line of tractors, set out to suck out all the possible performance of the person behind the wheel, so that he would then fall on his face as soon as he slammed the cab door. Moreover, in humane-loving Europe. The goal of the designers was exactly the opposite: to make driving the road train so comfortable and, let me emphasize, relaxed, in order to reduce fatigue and stress. Naturally, then on the other side of the scale there is a smaller number of human operator errors, and then, “like clockwork,” safety, efficiency, and the overall economic effect of transportation.

The driver is helped in this not only by a wide range of on-board electronic systems, which have already been written about more than once, but also by clever telematics. Now, with the help of remote monitoring, not only all car systems are diagnosed in real time, but even the longitudinal profile of the road is monitored using GPS, so that the car itself (!) calculates the acceleration and braking dynamics specifically for a given slope.

Mod Scania R & Streamline Modifications version 21.12.9 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.43.x)

Version 21.5.22 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.40.x, - 1.42.x):

Not the author's update! The author has stopped supporting his mods, is updating LoaderSaints Standalone Own interiors (several options) A lot of tuning Support for advanced hitches Support for trailer cables Support for all DLCs In v2.2.3 we had to make some technical changes to make the new trailer cables work, so there will be errors associated with missing ones accessories in a gaming magazine. These errors will not crash the game, but it is recommended that you sell and repurchase your RJL truck. If you don't want to do this, you can also just ignore them (the least recommended option). Addon for compatibility with Mighty Griffin DLC For previous versions, use the previous versions button


Fixed the shadow of the front bumper Fixed the missing shadow of the chassis deck Fixed the shadow of the rear bumper Fixed the missing turn signal light on the H4 headlights Converted all texture files to the appropriate format Adjusted the light mask of the headlights and taillights Adjusted the intensity of the interior lighting Optimized the light of the fog lights Changed the sound of the pneumatic signal to Streamline Added localization to the gallery trucks Changes 21.4.24 Updated for game version 1.40 Updated light sources Updated headlight definitions, textures and materials Adjusted mirror materials Adjusted glass and interior lighting materials (instruments on the panel and instruments) Adjusted steering wheel materials

Uploaded by: modsets April 24, 2022 at 5:54 pm Published: May 23, 2021 at 9:24 am

Version 2.3 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.39.x):

Autonomous Own interiors (several options) Lots of tuning Support for advanced hitch Support for trailer cables Support for all DLC In v2.2.3 we had to make some technical changes to make the new trailer cables work, so there will be errors related to missing accessories in the game log. These errors will not crash the game, but it is recommended that you sell and repurchase your RJL truck. If you don't want to do this, you can also just ignore them (the least recommended option). Attention! Here is a temporary version of the mod updated to work in 1.40 in the description of themes with Scania 4 Series there is a fix for their work in 1.40 Addon for compatibility with DLC Mighty Griffin For 1.35, - 1.38 use the previous version, button previous versions, for 1.37, 1.38 fix in the description


-Updated the mod for patch 1.39 -Added support for openable windows and the FMOD® sound system introduced in 1.37. -Minor improvements have been made to the interior of the 4 Series. -Fixed missing DT12 18 440 Euro 3 engine badge. -Added more plastic/paint combinations for front fenders. -Added DXT5 compression for many uncompressed DDS textures -Lowered the 4 Series cockpit by 7cm to the correct/more realistic position. -Fixed problems with advanced coupling and collision on the rear of the truck. -Fixed DX11 bugs with 5 Series low bumpers -Some minor changes, -Renamed several incorrectly named locators. The truck may be missing parts after the upgrade, but you can reinstall them in the upgrade workshop. There may also be errors about missing parts in the game log. You can remove them by selling and buying your truck again, Renamed locators: bumper -> f_bumper bumpergrill -> g_bumper f_plate -> f_plate_a spoiler -> wing_s intakec -> c_intake mirrorslots -> (removed because it's already outdated)

Uploaded by: modsets October 30, 2022 at 2:57 pm Published: October 31, 2022 at 10:34 am

Version 2.2.4 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.35.x, - 1.38.x):

Autonomous Own interiors (several options) Lots of tuning Support for advanced hitch Support for trailer cables Support for all DLC For 1.31 - 1.34 use the previous version In version 2.2.3 some technical changes have been made to make the new trailer cables work, so there will be errors related to missing accessories in the game log. These errors will not crash the game, but it is recommended to remove them using the command "g_remove_missing_accessories 1" or sell and re-buy your RJL truck. If you don't want to do this, you can also just ignore them (the least recommended option). Fix for working in 1.37, 1.38


Mod adapted for 1.35 Fixed bugs related to baking Updated axle weight values ​​Updated mirrors Added more combinations of plastic / paint / chrome for mirrors Added slots for mirrors (slots were moved from the “mirrorslots” locator to the main mirrors) The color of the headlight beam now depends on the type of headlights, truck mounted (H4, H7 and Custom = Halogen / Streamline = Xenon)

Uploaded by: modsets June 8, 2022 at 6:52 pm Published: June 9, 2019 at 9:18 am

Version 2.2.3 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.31.x, - 1.34.x):

Autonomous Its own interiors (several options) A lot of tuning Support for advanced hitching Support for trailer cables Support for all DLC This version is only for 1.31 and higher, for 1.30 use the previous version In version 2.2.3 some technical changes have been made to make the new trailer cables work, so there will be errors related to missing accessories in the game log. These errors will not crash the game, but it is recommended to remove them using the command "g_remove_missing_accessories 1" or sell and re-buy your RJL truck. If you don't want to do this, you can also just ignore them (the least recommended option).


-Adaptation for patch 1.31 -Added 6x2 with single tires in the rearmost axle (non-steer version of 6x2*4) -Old engines now consume more fuel overall than new ones (based on Euro rating) -Equipment and turrets can now be installed on any chassis -Adjusted the height of the equipment tower to avoid clipping by the rear fenders -Attachments for air hoses and equipment towers have been moved to "trlr_cables" by the locator for technical reasons, you must re-purchase them from the upgrade store

Uploaded by: modsets June 21, 2022 at 9:30 pm Published: June 22, 2018 at 7:33 pm

Version 2.2.2 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.28.x, 1.30.x):

Autonomous Your own interiors (several options) A lot of tuning Support for advanced coupling Support for all DLC This version is only for 1.28, for 1.27 use the previous version


— Updated for patch 1.30 — Fixed paint jobs (skins) of Streamline — Corrected some colors — Fixed bugs

Uploaded by: modsets December 3, 2022 at 5:58 pm Published: December 3, 2022 at 6:32 pm

Version 2.2.1 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.28.x, 1.30.x):

Autonomous Your own interiors (several options) A lot of tuning Support for advanced coupling Support for all DLC This version is only for 1.28, for 1.27 use the previous version


-Updated for patch 1.28 -Advanced hitch issue fixed -Changed saddle position for 8x and 10x chassis for DLC Heavy Cargo Pack -Added 3.80 rear differential for use with heavy loads -Added Streamline skin

Uploaded by: modsets August 8, 2022 at 6:49 pm Published: August 8, 2022 at 8:55 pm

Version 2.2 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.27.x):

Autonomous Your own interiors (several options) A lot of tuning This version is only for 1.27, for 1.26 use the previous version


-Updated for patch 1.27 -Added dashboard indicators for the differential and trailer lift axle -Added animated dashboard buttons for the brake, differential lock, truck lift axle and trailer lift axle -Fixed problems with crashes from the game when using the mod in OpenGL mode (mod SHOULD be OpenGL compatible) -Moved saddle forward on 8x and 10x chassis to reduce understeer under heavy loads -Added more weight to 8x and 10x chassis to reduce understeer under heavy loads -Moved hook position by 25mm on 4x2 Lowdeck -Bug fixes and other small changes

Uploaded by: modsets March 16, 2022 at 2:07 am Published: March 16, 2017 at 4:11 am

Version 2.1 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.26.x):

Changes from V2.0 to V2.1: -Updated Mod for Patch 1.26 -Rebuilt Tachograph -Added 3.42 rear differential for use with smaller engines or heavier loads -Added Different type of 6 Series bottom grill -4× Hook Position Adjustment 2 Lowdeck to make some trailers not clip off with rear fenders -Adjusting Wheel Position to reduce steering problems Credits: RJL/Fordsonmies, GT-Mike, 50keda, Sheryo, Anaheim, Mr. Poland, Szeryff123

Uploaded by: modsets November 14, 2016 at 12:15 pm Published: November 14, 2016 at 12:15 pm

How is the marking designation of SCANIA vehicles deciphered?

The first letter of the index indicates the cabin type - P, G, R. The next three numbers are the rounded engine power in horsepower.
The following letters are the purpose of the model: L – mainline, C – construction equipment. Then comes the designation of the wheel formula. The next letter symbol will be of fundamental interest to the Russian carrier. It denotes the design operating conditions of the equipment: M - normal, N - heavy, E - especially heavy. Next comes the chassis height marking. From top to bottom, sequentially: H, N, L, E. The marking is completed by the suspension design index: A – front spring, rear pneumatic; B – all axles are on pneumatics; Z – all axles are spring. But the drivers, out of habit, get scared and take control into their own hands the old fashioned way. For this purpose, a special program for their retraining has been developed. Here Scania, having analyzed the situation with the composition of today's professional driver workforce, proposed its original approach. As you know, the contingent of heavy truck drivers are predominantly middle-aged people who have only a special (not higher) education. For teachers, this is the most difficult group in terms of learning ability. So, instead of a voluminous 35-hour program, the training center specialists came up with the idea of ​​training drivers for only... 7 hours once a year. And so on for five years. This technique will save the equipment owner’s pocket and improve the driver’s perception of information with which he will not be overloaded. And annual consolidation and repetition of acquired skills reduces the likelihood of returning to incorrect piloting techniques. I wonder how much this practice will take root here, with the huge staff turnover everywhere...

External speed characteristics of the DC16 102 580 engine

Despite the separate cylinder heads of Scania engines (only the lazy don’t argue about such a design solution today), the efficiency of the retarder is excellent

Technical Resources and Features

Of course, using only the driver’s resources to increase the economic effect of transportation is wrong and unfair. The designers had to seriously work on the technical part.

The fundamental difference between Scania and most competitors is its completely independent unit base. There are no gearboxes made by ZF, Albion axles, Cummins engines, etc. here. All components are developed by Scania themselves. Although it is expensive, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Take, for example, the engine design with separate cylinder heads. On the one hand, this increases reliability and maintainability. Even with a broken gasket on one of the cylinder head, you can continue driving, and repairing it is less labor-intensive.

Another important advantage of this scheme is modular solutions for spare parts: the same cylinder head is used on engines of different displacements and with different numbers and layouts of cylinders. The most well-known drawback of this scheme is problems with the design and layout of the motor compression retarder. However, during the test drive I did not fail to use it and was pleased. I especially liked the clear relationship between the choice of lever position and progressive deceleration, which was especially lacking in the fourth generation Mercedes-Benz Actros. The test 580-horsepower road train was fully loaded (gross weight 40 tons), and, using only the engine retarder, I used the service brake system only to come to a complete stop in a parking lot or at a traffic light.

Other powerline features of the new Scania Streamline range include a switchable air compressor (instead of triggering an overpressure relief valve, it simply turns off) and a lower gearbox oil level to reduce internal losses.
To prevent lowering the oil level from worsening the lubrication of parts and raising the oil temperature, the gearbox housing was redesigned: ribs appeared that perform two functions. The first is stabilization of the oil level when driving on a slope, the second is cooling. The viability of such modernization was tested by tests on a 16% slope and further trial operation in Norway and Brazil. Technical characteristics of the Scania R580LA 4x2 MNA (type R4X20, cab CR19T Streamline)

Total weight, kg19 000
Gross weight of the road train, kg40 000
Permissible load on 1st/2nd axles, kg7500/ 11 500
  • type
  • working volume, cm3
  • power, hp
  • torque, N∙m
Scania DC16 102 580 turbodiesel, V-8 15 607 580 at 1900 min-1 2950 at 1000–1350 min-1
  • type
  • number of steps forward/backward
GRSO905R Automated 12/2
Axle ratio3,23
SuspensionFront spring, rear pneumatic
Brake systemPneumatic
Wheel formula4x2
Tire size315/80 R22.5

“All these games are not for us”

This is how one of the largest European manufacturers of trucks and buses sees its approach to consumers.
If you follow all the recommendations in principle, then operating Streamline trucks can save up to 8% of expensive fuel, and on the scale of even an average vehicle fleet these are not small numbers. But today's Russian roads and business methods are far from the perfection that such “greenhouse” operating conditions for modern road trains can provide. Therefore, for now my choice is the Griffin line. But this does not mean that forever, I do not exclude the possibility of choosing Streamline tomorrow. Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Mature, perfect car.
  2. Efficiency with high engine power gives wide possibilities for using the tractor: be it for high-speed transportation or in construction.
  3. Developed service network.
  1. Before the owner feels the economic effect, he will have to shell out a tidy sum - the tractor is not cheap at all!
  2. Russian carriers, both operators and drivers, are not ready for many of the options offered.
  3. The tractor is demanding on fuel quality.

Scania range Streamline tractor unit

A Scania truck is every driver's dream. The distinctive style and excellent cabin comfort have received worldwide recognition. Excellent handling and stability will leave a lasting impression.

Fuel efficiency and trouble-free operation are characteristic features of Scania brand products. Guaranteed optimum operating economy will provide your business with special advantages.

Powerful, renowned eight-cylinder V-twin and in-line engines provide high performance and excellent driving characteristics. Turning the key in the ignition and feeling the power of these cars will make you feel more confident.


Basically, the transported products are large in size and light in weight. Profitability depends, in this case, on the space occupied by the product. With our range of chassis and cabs, the load capacity of your Scania can be optimized depending on the type of load.

Scania offers the lowest chassis heights on the market for all possible wheel configurations. The maximum space for a loading platform on a chassis with a fixed or swap body is approximately 120 m3. The super-low tractor unit with the extra-large semi-trailer provides approximately 100 m3 of space.


Uptime and productivity are important metrics for your vehicle to ensure timely delivery of perishable goods. Scania can guarantee you the level of performance you need with quality vehicles and a global network. And with a choice of engines from Scania's range of power and torque, your vehicle can deliver the goods when you need it.


When transporting bulk cargo and liquids, every minute counts. High quality Scania equipment, as well as service throughout Russia, confirm that you can trust Scania. We help you choose the vehicle specification that is best suited for your work - this will provide maximum payload with the lowest fuel costs. Plus, we'll never force you to skimp on driver comfort, handling, ride quality or safety. These values ​​come first for Scania.


When transporting liquids such as fuel, or milk or other liquids in tanks, any delays are simply unacceptable. After all, the operation of entire industries depends on your cargo and the reliability of your truck. For the transport of liquids and chemicals, it is important to comply with safety procedures when loading on factory premises, as well as compliance with European requirements for the transport of dangerous goods (ADR).

Bulk goods Powder, grain, granular products or other bulk goods are transported by Scania trucks with the lowest fuel consumption. Our experience and fuel-efficient engines ensure optimal productivity in all operating conditions.


With low chassis and a choice of cabs for both tractor and box trucks, Scania vehicles will take on any task. We also enable bodybuilders to tailor chassis to suit your requirements. As always, Scania offers exceptional levels of comfort and control, even when cab space is limited, and load distribution is tailored to customer requirements.


If you're a general hauler, then Scania will build a truck just for you, no matter what or where you're hauling. Your dealer will always help you quickly in choosing the right transmission, cab and chassis. Every trucking company needs to be able to save fuel, reduce downtime, ensure productivity, maximize load capacity and attract drivers. Make the right choice for a Scania vehicle.


When you select and order a complete truck, you complete all necessary paperwork with one sales representative. Scania provides an official warranty and warranty service for all vehicles and special orders. You can customize the truck according to your requirements. You'll also get: excellent fuel economy, high reliability, trouble-free operation and low operating costs.

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