9 facts about BelAZ 75710, the largest dump truck in the world, which show how far progress has come in mechanical engineering

BelAZ 75710 is the largest dump truck in the world.

There are a large number of amazing inventions in the world. Many of them are so unusual or huge that it is difficult to believe in their existence.

Giant mining dump trucks from BelAZ are a clear confirmation of this. For several decades, the Belarusian holding has been producing huge vehicles for transporting goods for various purposes.

BelAZ 75710 belongs to the category of dump trucks, but is not considered a full-fledged truck. This is due to the fact that it cannot be used on public roads.

BelAZ 75710, released in 2012, is considered the largest dump truck on the planet . A dump truck refers to a giant machine that is used preferably in quarries. Previously, we described the no less interesting 45-ton EDumper, released by the Swiss company eMining AG. It also belongs to this class of trucks, but is inferior in weight.

The Swiss dump truck is capable of transporting up to 60 tons of cargo. At the same time, the BelAZ trailer can easily accommodate 7.5 times more . According to official data, none of the top five dump truck manufacturers have brought something similar to the market.

To understand how impressive the BelAZ 75710 is, it's better to look at the numbers. Many of them are simply unimaginable. We at 1Gai.Ru have collected facts for you about the world's largest Belarusian dump truck.

Caterpillar 797F

This mining dump truck is one of the most popular in resource development in North and South America. It is not surprising that the Caterpillar 797F is also one of the most popular trucks in its class. The first models were made back in 1999. The most load-bearing model appeared in 2008. It “overwhelms” by 363 tons.

World record for cargo transportation


At the beginning of 2014, BelAZ 75710 set a Guinness record (among European and CIS countries) by transporting a cargo weighing 503.5 tons across the test site .
see also

Top 10 largest mining dump trucks

Industrial tour of BelAZ: large and very large cars

Every third dump truck in the world is made in Belarus. It is not surprising that for many our country is associated with big cars. A Planet Belarus correspondent went on a tour of the Belarusian Automobile Plant to look at dump trucks the size of a two-story house and find out how they are made.

At the entrance to the plant territory, a ticker invites everyone to a tour: “Give joy with BelAZ!” Why not? Field tours of BelAZ began to be held in July last year as part of the project “BelAZ is a brand of Belarus.” In one year, the plant was visited by more than 10 thousand people, among them tourists from 14 countries, most of them from Russia.

The plant in Zhodino was built in 1948, and exactly 10 years later they began producing dump trucks here. The very first one had a carrying capacity of 25 tons, then for a long time dump trucks that could transport 40 tons were produced here.

The load capacity of a machine depends on how much the tires can support. At one time we had to stop at 40 tons for the reason that there were no suitable tires. But quarries around the world became deeper, more vehicles were needed, and BelAZ began to actively increase the power of its dump trucks. From 25 tons in the late 1950s, the capacity of Belarusian trucks increased to 450 (!) tons.

Today, the smallest dump trucks, the kids, that BelAZ produces, look like this. Their capacity is 30 tons.

The biggest ones, which look like goosebumps in the quarries, on the territory of the plant amaze you with how huge they are, like this:

The vehicle with a carrying capacity of 450 tons is the pride of BelAZ. This dump truck is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. During testing, the vehicle handled a load with a total weight of 503 tons, although its declared power was 450 tons, which is comparable to the forces of a herd of 4,600 horses.

This dump truck weighs 360 tons, its height is just over 8 meters. Each of the eight dump truck tires can support about 100 tons. On average, such a car takes 5 months to make. BelAZ has already produced two dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 450 tons. The first one is already transporting coal in Russia, the second one is still on the territory of the plant, but will soon also go to Russia. Such cars are made only to order.

The car is driven by one person. To drive it, you need to have a category C license, a certain amount of driving experience, and also take special courses. The canopy above the driver's cabin is designed specifically to protect the driver of the car. For such a dump truck to operate for approximately 10–12 hours, about 5,600 liters of fuel are required.

BelAZ is not going to stop there. The nearest plans include a dump truck with a carrying capacity of 560 tons.

BelAZ dump trucks cannot travel on roads due to their size. Cars that look like toys in quarries are too big for Belarusian roads. After collection, the dump truck is tested at a test site, and then disassembled into blocks and sent to its destination by rail or sea.

On the territory of the automobile plant there is a testing ground with unevenness and slopes for testing assembled cars. The largest slide here has an angle of 14 degrees. This is the maximum slope for a dump truck. By the way, the machines can operate in weather from −50 to +50 degrees.

BelAZ is a city-forming enterprise. 8.5 thousand people work here, a large percentage of the Zhodino population is involved in production. The territory of the plant is 154 hectares. BelAZ is essentially a city within a city.

Mechanical Engineers' Day is considered one of the main holidays in Zhodino; it is also celebrated at the plant. It is on the last Sunday of September that an open day is held here with concerts, competitions and test drives. The enterprise receives guests for two hours, during which time about 5 thousand people visit the plant.

Organizing a tour of the plant (including a visit to the plant museum) on any other day is not at all difficult. It is advisable to call and make an appointment in advance. A tour can be conducted without a preliminary call only if one of the guides is free.

At an enterprise, guests are most often gathered in groups. Typically excursions are conducted for groups of about 10 people. The cost for an adult is 7 rubles, for a child - 3 rubles. If the tourist is not a citizen of Belarus, the cost for an adult increases to 15 rubles. The plant’s employees try to accommodate guests and, as a rule, conduct excursions for several people. These events take place regularly - about three to four excursions a day.

An additional service at the plant is the opportunity to ride in the cabin of a dump truck with a lifting capacity of 130 tons. Rolling around the test site takes 8 minutes. This entertainment costs 75 rubles. After the rental, the tourist receives a special certificate, although, of course, he is not allowed to drive the dump truck.

The service is popular, tourists order rentals almost every day, and dump truck rental certificates have become a popular gift.

The truck is larger than the average caravan.


Another record that this special equipment set was the volume of 654 cubic meters. m. This is several times more than the average house. There are three ladders at the front of the truck, one of which provides access to the engine compartment.

Taking into account the dimensions of the car, the lower bar is quite miniature, since it has a flat design. This is done to avoid excess load. The capacity of the dump truck is 268 cubic meters. m.

The height of the car is 8.17 meters. To see the cargo compartment, you need to be at a height comparable to the 4th floor of the building. No less impressive are the length and width - 20.6 and 9.87 m, respectively. A regular Solaris Urbino city bus is about 18 meters long.

The overall dimensions of the BelAZ are impressive only when it needs to be transported. This can only be done disassembled using rail transport. Individual elements, such as tires, have a diameter of 4 meters. According to representatives of the Belarusian company, about 25 wagons will be required for transportation.

Komatsu 980E-4

A Japanese manufacturer producing not only trucks, but also road construction, mining, military and other equipment. Founded in 1921, the company has 14 models of mining dump trucks, the largest of which is the 400-ton Komatsu 980E-4. The length of the machine with a rigid frame is 15.7 meters, width – 10 meters, height – 8 meters. The engine flywheel power is 2495 kW, and the total engine power is 2610 kW or 3393 horsepower.

Two giant diesel units and a hybrid drive


The drive system on this monster is much larger than that of a Swiss electric dump truck. The main working unit in this car is a diesel power unit, consisting of two V16 engines with a volume of 65 liters each. In this case, each engine is started separately. Together they generate 4660 hp. With. power with a thrust of 18,626 Nm. It is extremely difficult to believe such figures, since they are comparable to the parameters of the 12 engines of the fastest car in the world, the Bugatti Veyron.

The cooling complex for such engines has a volume of 1380 liters , but that’s not all. The power of the fan responsible for blowing the radiator is 128 KM. Identical parameters are present in the power plant of the compact urban hatchback.

The system is subject to special efficiency requirements, since the car is designed to operate in a wide temperature range - from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

8 filters installed at the front (they resemble lights) are responsible for the cleanliness of the air that enters the engines.

The capacity of the lubricant reservoir is 550 liters . This volume would be enough to change the oil in a regular passenger car 100 times (about 1,000,000 km). It is interesting that BelAZ has an outstanding operational resource. It easily covers 100,000 km annually, working in quarry conditions.


One of the first to engage in the assembly of auto giants is the American company General Motors, which in 1968 opened another direction in its activities. Its child, created in 1974 under the name Terex 33-19 Titan, is one of the largest dump trucks.

This multi-ton truck reaches seven meters in height, and with a loaded body can weigh 650 tons . It is equipped with an engine consisting of sixteen cylinders, which works in conjunction with a generator. A qualified driver is required to operate such a heavy machine.

A dump truck of this brand was produced in a single copy, since during the crisis the plant did not have the funds to manufacture such huge machines.

The heavy truck was used for a long time to work at a quarry in the city of Sparwood in Canada. This concern is not particularly widespread in the European market, but due to the decline in prices for American dump trucks, many countries have already become interested in this company.

In fact, Belaz is a hybrid


Two diesel engines are only part of the drive system, since in practice the dump truck has a hybrid drive. The car has generators with a capacity of up to 3500 kW, which generate electricity for electric motors . In total, BelAZ has 4 generators of 1600 liters each. With. The total is 6400 liters. pp., distributed between 4 wheels (eight wheels (four gable).

The dump truck is designed to perform a large number of tasks because it has dual wheels and each tire weighs 5.8 tons. A total of 46.4 tons of weight. Tire size - 59/8-R63. They can hold up to 7 atmospheres of air.


But not only American manufacturers are famous for their dump trucks. The German company offers its model of the Liebherr T282B dump truck, which was made to order.

Its weight is 222 tons , and its loading capabilities reach 336 tons. A diesel engine with twenty cylinders allows the car to accelerate to 64 km/h .

The dump truck differs from its counterparts from other countries, since the conventional panel has been replaced with an electronic one. Such a dashboard shows not only the speed, but also a lot of other useful information, for example, everything about the operating status of the engine.

In addition, German engineers installed a special button on the machine, which instantly de-energizes the dump truck and thereby stops all its work.

The cost of the largest machine produced by German engineers ranges from 120 to 160 million rubles .

Price $7,000,000+


As for the cost, it ranges from $7 million , but can be much higher depending on the configuration. At the moment, only 3 units of such equipment . Orders can be placed directly at the plant, which is engaged in the development and production of special equipment and has a fairly extensive range of products.


This American company has long been firmly established in the market of lifting machines. Its cars, which it has been producing since 1933, are distinguished by their particularly robust construction, which has led Euclid to such popularity. Producing dump trucks with various load capacities, the concern has the largest customer base.

You can read about how and which snowblower to choose for your home from the article we prepared. By clicking on the following link, you can learn everything about dismantling semi-trailers.

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