9 facts about BelAZ 75710, the largest dump truck in the world, which show how far progress has come in mechanical engineering

BelAZ 75710 is the largest dump truck in the world.

There are a large number of amazing inventions in the world. Many of them are so unusual or huge that it is difficult to believe in their existence.

Giant mining dump trucks from BelAZ are a clear confirmation of this. For several decades, the Belarusian holding has been producing huge vehicles for transporting goods for various purposes.

BelAZ 75710 belongs to the category of dump trucks, but is not considered a full-fledged truck. This is due to the fact that it cannot be used on public roads.

BelAZ 75710, released in 2012, is considered the largest dump truck on the planet . A dump truck refers to a giant machine that is used preferably in quarries. Previously, we described the no less interesting 45-ton EDumper, released by the Swiss company eMining AG. It also belongs to this class of trucks, but is inferior in weight.

The Swiss dump truck is capable of transporting up to 60 tons of cargo. At the same time, the BelAZ trailer can easily accommodate 7.5 times more . According to official data, none of the top five dump truck manufacturers have brought something similar to the market.

To understand how impressive the BelAZ 75710 is, it's better to look at the numbers. Many of them are simply unimaginable. We at 1Gai.Ru have collected facts for you about the world's largest Belarusian dump truck.


The design of the BelAZ 75710 has little in common with classic dump trucks. For a 45-ton vehicle, we had to look for a unique solution. As a result, 2 hinge elements were inserted into the frame. Huge controlled axles rotate on them. The hinge elements are equipped with bearings with a diameter of 2750 mm. The frame itself is made using a coffered section used in shipbuilding. Swedish high-strength steel (Weldox) was chosen to create the frame. Not every machine can process this material, so ready-made blanks come from Sweden, which are modified and welded at the Belarusian Automobile Plant.

The chassis uses a dependent pneumatic-hydraulic suspension with a hydraulic shock absorber. The front and rear axles of the car are the same. There are no ball joints or kingpins in the BelAZ 75710, and both axles are steerable. Despite its enormous size, the dump truck is quite maneuverable.

The engines generate colossal power, which is necessary for the uninterrupted generation of electricity and the operation of 2 YJ177A generators (power - 1704 kW), which direct current to the traction motors and hydraulics.

The BelAZ 75710 is equipped with 4 electric motors 1TB3026-0G-03 (located inside the wheel hubs). The power of each electric motor is 1200 (1630) kW (hp). Generators together with electric motors are called traction units. The vehicle uses Siemens MMT500 traction units. In the future, the Belarusian Automobile Plant plans to use traction units, the production of which is being mastered in St. Petersburg. This complex, together with the UVTR brake unit and the power control cabinet, is called an electromechanical transmission. This is what is used to control the BelAZ 75710 dump truck.

The vehicle uses a combined hydraulic system with a common tank for hydraulic fluid. The mechanism is powered by a Bosch Rexroth pumping station. The steering hydraulics involve 4 hydraulic cylinders. The turn begins with the front axle, and then the rear axle is driven. When the platform is raised, the steering is switched off so that the full volume of hydraulic oil goes up. The cargo platform is connected to the frame with safety cables, which, in the event of a hydraulic system failure, keep the body from falling sharply.

Each wheel of the BelAZ 75710 has double-disc brakes with hydraulic drive. However, they are unable to provide effective braking for a fully loaded vehicle, so an additional electrodynamic braking system is used here. Braking in this case is also carried out using an electric motor that drives the car. An air cooling system is used to remove heat generated during braking.

Special attention is paid to safety in the BelAZ 75710. For the first time in the history of mining dump trucks, a stabilizer bar appeared in the design of the model. Due to this, the smoothness of the ride increased and additional protection against lateral rollover was provided. A 360-degree video surveillance system with cameras, motion sensors and special radars that detect people approaching equipment came in very handy. The dump truck also received electronic scale indicators (installed on each side). Through them, the excavator operator could see in real time how much cargo was in the back. In case of problems with the steering hydraulics, a safety system was provided, which made it possible to stop safely.

The cabin of the BelAZ 75710 is very different from other dump trucks and is more reminiscent of the cabin of a huge airliner. It is full of various sensors and devices and is located very high. The cabin contains everything that is necessary for the safe operation of the machine in normal mode. The upper platform of the car has a large width and is called the deck.

In terms of comfort, the BelAZ 75710 is not inferior to advanced European standards. The driver feels as comfortable as possible inside the dump truck. Inside there is everything you need, including a climate control system, a modern audio system and special compartments. The work seat has many settings that allow you to choose the optimal position for a person of any size. Due to this, ease of use is ensured even in harsh and difficult climatic conditions.

World record for cargo transportation


At the beginning of 2014, BelAZ 75710 set a Guinness record (among European and CIS countries) by transporting a cargo weighing 503.5 tons across the test site .
see also

Top 10 largest mining dump trucks

The truck is larger than the average caravan.


Another record that this special equipment set was the volume of 654 cubic meters. m. This is several times more than the average house. There are three ladders at the front of the truck, one of which provides access to the engine compartment.

Taking into account the dimensions of the car, the lower bar is quite miniature, since it has a flat design. This is done to avoid excess load. The capacity of the dump truck is 268 cubic meters. m.

The height of the car is 8.17 meters. To see the cargo compartment, you need to be at a height comparable to the 4th floor of the building. No less impressive are the length and width - 20.6 and 9.87 m, respectively. A regular Solaris Urbino city bus is about 18 meters long.

The overall dimensions of the BelAZ are impressive only when it needs to be transported. This can only be done disassembled using rail transport. Individual elements, such as tires, have a diameter of 4 meters. According to representatives of the Belarusian company, about 25 wagons will be required for transportation.

Two giant diesel units and a hybrid drive


The drive system on this monster is much larger than that of a Swiss electric dump truck. The main working unit in this car is a diesel power unit, consisting of two V16 engines with a volume of 65 liters each. In this case, each engine is started separately. Together they generate 4660 hp. With. power with a thrust of 18,626 Nm. It is extremely difficult to believe such figures, since they are comparable to the parameters of the 12 engines of the fastest car in the world, the Bugatti Veyron.

The cooling complex for such engines has a volume of 1380 liters , but that’s not all. The power of the fan responsible for blowing the radiator is 128 KM. Identical parameters are present in the power plant of the compact urban hatchback.

The system is subject to special efficiency requirements, since the car is designed to operate in a wide temperature range - from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

8 filters installed at the front (they resemble lights) are responsible for the cleanliness of the air that enters the engines.

The capacity of the lubricant reservoir is 550 liters . This volume would be enough to change the oil in a regular passenger car 100 times (about 1,000,000 km). It is interesting that BelAZ has an outstanding operational resource. It easily covers 100,000 km annually, working in quarry conditions.

How are these monsters made?

The construction of a peat engineering plant near Minsk began 75 years ago - in 1947. The Belarusian automobile plant was built in an open field - far from large quarries, metallurgical plants and large power plants. But over time, the unremarkable settlement of Zhodino became the place where the largest quarry equipment plant in the world and the only one in the territory of the former USSR is located.

Most of the parts for a unique dump truck are not purchased, but are made at the factory. The technological process was built and debugged back in the 1960s: parts are transferred from one machine to another according to the technological chain. True, today's models require new equipment and new approaches to production. Therefore, the interiors of BelAZ are not made linearly, as before, but in one place, on modern five-axis machines. The turner-setter just needs to correctly install the workpiece, and then the computer will do everything itself.


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After the finished part is removed from the machine, it is sent to the measurement laboratory, where each product undergoes strict control. A special probe with an artificial ruby ​​at the end carries out an inspection and checks the parameters of the product with an electronic drawing in the computer. Only if the deviation is within the normal range (hundredths of a millimeter), the part receives a certificate of conformity.

Photo: Aliaksandr Kushner / Shutterstock.com

All new parts are tested in an experimental workshop, where they are brutally abused, that is, tests are carried out: they are compressed, stretched, tested for strength and wear resistance. Before a gear goes into production, testers will mercilessly destroy about a hundred of its “sisters.”

Miners are constantly demanding higher and higher lifting capacities from mining trucks. Designers have to come up with more and more new technological solutions, metal scientists have to constantly invent innovative materials. If 60 years ago the first model of a dump truck could transport only 27 tons, then in 1977 the carrying capacity was already up to 110 tons, and in 2013 the giant BelAZ-Bogatyr, with a capacity of 450 tons, came off the assembly line.

In fact, Belaz is a hybrid


Two diesel engines are only part of the drive system, since in practice the dump truck has a hybrid drive. The car has generators with a capacity of up to 3500 kW, which generate electricity for electric motors . In total, BelAZ has 4 generators of 1600 liters each. With. The total is 6400 liters. pp., distributed between 4 wheels (eight wheels (four gable).

The dump truck is designed to perform a large number of tasks because it has dual wheels and each tire weighs 5.8 tons. A total of 46.4 tons of weight. Tire size - 59/8-R63. They can hold up to 7 atmospheres of air.


Research and design developments at the enterprise are ongoing. On the eve of the anniversary, a pilot batch of BelAZ-7555 H mining dump trucks with hydromechanical transmission and planetary gearbox, oil-cooled brakes and a new drive axle with an increased service life was assembled.

The range of increasingly popular mining dump trucks of the BelAZ-7558 series with a payload capacity of 90 tons has been replenished with a new product - BelAZ-75585. The dump truck of this modification uses a new AC transmission from the Ruselprom concern.

Mining dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 136 and 220 tons with AC transmission have been modernized. The equipment uses an innovation from BELAZ OJSC - a contactless transmission control cabinet based on the operation of semiconductor devices. The first machine with this unit, BelAZ-75306, is being successfully operated at the Bachatsky open-pit mine (Kemerovo region).

In the future, the development will significantly reduce the cost of maintenance of dump trucks with an AC-DC transmission and increase the reliability of their operation.

The family of mining dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 240 tons was replenished with new models, which were first presented for the 70th anniversary of the plant. At the end of 2022, design documentation was developed for the BelAZ-75313 mining dump truck with an electromechanical transmission manufactured by PJSC Power Machines and a Cummins QSK-60C engine.

After a long break, BELAZ OJSC resumed cooperation with the leading Russian machine-building enterprise for the production of diesel engines and diesel generators, Ural Diesel Engine Plant LLC. As a result, a 240-ton BelAZ-75319 mining dump truck was manufactured with a 12DM-185A engine manufactured by UDMZ LLC and an electromechanical AC transmission manufactured by Power Machines PJSC.

Price $7,000,000+


As for the cost, it ranges from $7 million , but can be much higher depending on the configuration. At the moment, only 3 units of such equipment . Orders can be placed directly at the plant, which is engaged in the development and production of special equipment and has a fairly extensive range of products.

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