9 facts about BelAZ 75710, the largest dump truck in the world, which show how far progress has come in mechanical engineering

Over the half-century of its existence, the Belarusian Automobile Plant has repeatedly amazed the whole world with the size and power of its mining dump trucks. In the photo, BelAZ, in comparison with a person, seems like a real man-made monster. Just a few decades ago, the ultimate dream was a carrying capacity of 50–75 tons, but modern BelAZ models can transport up to 450 tons of loosened rock!

BelAZ 75710 is the largest dump truck in the world.

There are a large number of amazing inventions in the world. Many of them are so unusual or huge that it is difficult to believe in their existence.

Giant mining dump trucks from BelAZ are a clear confirmation of this. For several decades, the Belarusian holding has been producing huge vehicles for transporting goods for various purposes.

BelAZ 75710 belongs to the category of dump trucks, but is not considered a full-fledged truck. This is due to the fact that it cannot be used on public roads.

BelAZ 75710, released in 2012, is considered the largest dump truck on the planet . A dump truck refers to a giant machine that is used preferably in quarries. Previously, we described the no less interesting 45-ton EDumper, released by the Swiss company eMining AG. It also belongs to this class of trucks, but is inferior in weight.

The Swiss dump truck is capable of transporting up to 60 tons of cargo. At the same time, the BelAZ trailer can easily accommodate 7.5 times more . According to official data, none of the top five dump truck manufacturers have brought something similar to the market.

To understand how impressive the BelAZ 75710 is, it's better to look at the numbers. Many of them are simply unimaginable. We at 1Gai.Ru have collected facts for you about the world's largest Belarusian dump truck.

BelAZ-7550: Soviet record holder


In the last months of the existence of the Soviet Union, the most powerful mining dump truck of the USSR, the BelAZ-7550, saw the light of day. The carrying capacity of this vehicle was a record (at that time) 280 tons. The car was driven by a powerful power plant of 3150 hp. The truck was quite powerful, but when fully loaded it accelerated to only 40 km/h, while the maximum speed of most BelAZ mining dump trucks is 64 km/h.

World record for cargo transportation


At the beginning of 2014, BelAZ 75710 set a Guinness record (among European and CIS countries) by transporting a cargo weighing 503.5 tons across the test site .
see also

Top 10 largest mining dump trucks

The truck is larger than the average caravan.


Another record that this special equipment set was the volume of 654 cubic meters. m. This is several times more than the average house. There are three ladders at the front of the truck, one of which provides access to the engine compartment.

Taking into account the dimensions of the car, the lower bar is quite miniature, since it has a flat design. This is done to avoid excess load. The capacity of the dump truck is 268 cubic meters. m.

The height of the car is 8.17 meters. To see the cargo compartment, you need to be at a height comparable to the 4th floor of the building. No less impressive are the length and width - 20.6 and 9.87 m, respectively. A regular Solaris Urbino city bus is about 18 meters long.

The overall dimensions of the BelAZ are impressive only when it needs to be transported. This can only be done disassembled using rail transport. Individual elements, such as tires, have a diameter of 4 meters. According to representatives of the Belarusian company, about 25 wagons will be required for transportation.

The largest cars

The phrase “passenger car” evokes an association with a small car designed to transport a family. However, the largest passenger cars are more like trucks than cars.

American Dream

The limousine, designed by Jay Orberg, is the longest car in the world. The 30.5 m long machine was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 1986.

The limousine has 26 wheels and is equipped with a small swimming pool with a diving board, as well as a huge king-size bed. The vehicle weighs more than 10 tons, it is equipped with 30 windows and 2 panoramic hatches.

The car was designed based on the Cadillac Eldorado. The limousine has two cabins in opposite parts. The car is driven by two drivers at the same time, and 72 passengers can fit inside the car.

Bugatti Type 41

The Bugatti Type 41 is a luxury passenger car. It was produced in the 1920s. For its exceptional qualities it was nicknamed Royale. For a long time, the car held the title of the largest among production cars.

The car is not small in size:

  • length is 6.2 m;
  • the distance between the wheels is 4.3 m.

Bugatti Type 41: Wikipedia
During the entire production period, six such cars were assembled, all of which have survived to this day.

In 1987, 4,000 people fought for the right to buy a car at auction. The car went under the hammer for £5.5 million ($8 million). According to Forbes, the Bugatti Type 41 was, as of 2001, the most expensive car in the world on sale.

Chevrolet Silverado

The Chevrolet Silverado is a large pickup truck. Produced since 1999. The car line has gone through several modifications, the fourth generation has been produced since 2019.

Chevrolet Silverado: Wikipedia

Several wheelbase options have been developed for the car. The largest of them is 4.2 m, and the total length of the vehicle is 6.5 m. Based on the vehicle, the LSSV military vehicle has been produced since 2001.

The car was filmed in films: it appears in Tarantino’s films “Kill Bill” and “Sabotage” with Schwarzenegger. In 2007, the car received the prestigious North American Car of the Year award.

Dodge Ram

The Dodge Ram is a full-size pickup truck produced by Dodge's subsidiary Ram.

The car has been produced since 1981. Thanks to modifications, there have already been five generations of Dodge Ram. The car is created using a 4x4 wheel arrangement. Available in the classic load capacity categories for full-size pickups:

  • half a ton;
  • ¾ tons;
  • ton.

Dodge Ram: Wikipedia
Since 2022, the fifth generation of the car with an 8-speed automatic transmission and a 6.7 liter turbodiesel engine has been available. The car's wheelbase is 3.9 m. Stellantis magazine called the new generation Dodge Ram the standard of performance, capability, technology and luxury.

Two giant diesel units and a hybrid drive


The drive system on this monster is much larger than that of a Swiss electric dump truck. The main working unit in this car is a diesel power unit, consisting of two V16 engines with a volume of 65 liters each. In this case, each engine is started separately. Together they generate 4660 hp. With. power with a thrust of 18,626 Nm. It is extremely difficult to believe such figures, since they are comparable to the parameters of the 12 engines of the fastest car in the world, the Bugatti Veyron.

The cooling complex for such engines has a volume of 1380 liters , but that’s not all. The power of the fan responsible for blowing the radiator is 128 KM. Identical parameters are present in the power plant of the compact urban hatchback.

The system is subject to special efficiency requirements, since the car is designed to operate in a wide temperature range - from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

8 filters installed at the front (they resemble lights) are responsible for the cleanliness of the air that enters the engines.

The capacity of the lubricant reservoir is 550 liters . This volume would be enough to change the oil in a regular passenger car 100 times (about 1,000,000 km). It is interesting that BelAZ has an outstanding operational resource. It easily covers 100,000 km annually, working in quarry conditions.

Let's summarize: all new products with the BELAZ brand for 2022

In the past year, BELAZ continued to introduce innovative developments. Battery-powered dump trucks, diesel trolley trucks, unmanned technologies, robotic control systems, an “intelligent” quarry—the Belarusian Automobile Plant has been developing these areas for several years now. The time has come to embody the developments, so to speak, in metal!

In June, the first mining dump truck operating exclusively on electricity was presented - BELAZ-7558E with a lifting capacity of 90 tons. It is equipped with 15 lithium-ion batteries, the total capacity of which is 675 kWh. On one charge, the electric dump truck will be able to operate for at least 2 hours with a full load of 90 tons and driving up a slope of no more than 10 percent. After several cycles of “loading – transporting – unloading”, recharging will be required for 20-25 minutes from a special charging station.

The Belarusian Automobile Plant was one of the first in the world to produce a battery-powered mining dump truck of this class. As calculations show, the cost of transporting a ton of cargo on a BELAZ-7558E will be much lower than on a dump truck with a diesel engine. According to preliminary estimates, savings when using a battery-powered vehicle compared to a serial BELAZ dump truck of the same payload over 10 years of operation can amount to about $1 million. Another big plus: the transition to clean electric traction will significantly improve the environmental situation in quarries.

Currently, a prototype electric dump truck is being tested. But already in 2023, BELAZ-7558E will begin to be mass-produced. The plant is confident that at first it will be possible to sell at least 20 of these machines annually.

Another new technology using alternative energy sources is the diesel trolley carrier BELAZ-7530E with a carrying capacity of 220 tons. The use of such a machine requires the creation of special infrastructure, but the benefits of the new transportation technology should more than cover all additional costs.

Thus, a diesel trolley truck can move on an incline 1.8-2 times faster than a similar diesel dump truck, and this promises a corresponding increase in productivity and an increase in transportation volumes. A diesel trolley carrier ensures a reduction in diesel fuel consumption by up to 80%, and this is not only a significant saving in money (diesel fuel itself is now expensive, plus its delivery to remote mines and quarries), but also a corresponding reduction in emissions of harmful substances into the environment. Lower maintenance costs for the diesel engine and its systems will help save money, as well as the possibility of using an internal combustion engine on such machines with less power (sufficient to ensure movement in the loading/unloading zone and on the descent) and, therefore, lower cost.

At the same time, BELAZ is ready to offer its customers not only the diesel trolley vehicles themselves, but also comprehensive solutions for organizing all the necessary infrastructure, which significantly increases the attractiveness of the project as a whole.

The first to test the new technology is the Eastern Mining Company (VMC), one of the largest coal producers in the Far East. In 2022, on the territory of the Solntsevsky coal mine in the Uglegorsk district of the Sakhalin region, it is planned to build the appropriate infrastructure for conducting comprehensive operational tests of BELAZ dump trucks in the diesel-trolley version.

Another promising direction is the creation of unmanned dump trucks that are capable of flawlessly performing all necessary operations and can work around the clock without lunch breaks, in almost any weather conditions and in the absence of good visibility.

BELAZ began work on creating robotic machines back in 2009. The first in this series were the 130-ton BELAZ-7513R dump trucks with an intelligent control system. And they have already proven themselves as high-performance equipment in real operating conditions in Russian quarries. Now the Belarusian Automobile Plant is working to expand its model range.

A pilot batch of BELAZ-7558R robotic dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 90 tons was manufactured. The vehicles are equipped with a set of systems for autonomous movement, which includes an on-board computer, positioning and navigation equipment, sensors of internal systems, sensors for automatic scanning of the environment, video cameras for remote presence and control. Robotic dump trucks are able, based on data obtained during operation, to build a movement model, determine its possibility and direction, and also detect foreign objects in its path.

As part of the BELAZ robotic industrial complex, new dump trucks passed the first stage of testing on the territory of the largest enterprise in Europe for the extraction and processing of dense rocks, RUPP Granit (Mikashevichi). Here, at the Sitnitskoye deposit, a section of the intelligent quarry system was organized: a mobile control center building was erected; network and electrical infrastructure was installed; 48 masts were installed, through which more than 4 km of cables were stretched; equipment has been placed to ensure coverage of the facility’s territory with a 5G network to control the robotic quarry complex. A front loader with a remote control system BELAZ-7825D with a bucket volume of 11 cubic meters also took part in the tests.

BELAZ is implementing several breakthrough projects in the segment of quarry equipment using gas engine fuel. Interest in this topic on the part of mining companies has been constantly growing recently, since the use of natural gas as a motor fuel not only saves money, but also improves the environmental situation in heavily polluted quarries. BELAZ is working on gasification of its dump trucks in two directions - gas diesel and clean gas.

This year, tests of the BELAZ-7513C gas-diesel dump truck with a carrying capacity of 130 tons were successfully completed. A 30% substitution of diesel fuel with liquefied natural gas has been achieved, which allows reducing fuel costs during the year of operation by approximately $56,000. Now in Zhodino preparations are underway for mass production of this model.

The dump truck, running exclusively on natural gas, was developed jointly with Russian (Smolensk) and Technology 1604 (Ekaterinburg). This is a 45-ton BELAZ-75476 with a Kungur-550 gas piston engine. And just the other day it became known that the assembly of a 90-ton BELAZ-7558N mining dump truck with a gas engine from the Chinese company Weichai had begun in the experimental workshop of the automobile plant.

The Belarusian Automobile Plant, having fallen under Western sanctions and having lost several engine suppliers, is working to replace them. Motors from the Chinese company Weichai Power have already been used on BELAZ dump trucks. This year, the 240-ton BELAZ-75319 dump truck with a 12DM-185A engine with a power of 2536 hp, which was created by the Ural Diesel Engine Plant (part of Sinara-Transport Machines OJSC), completes the phase of pilot industrial operation. Test reports say that in terms of its technical characteristics, the new dump truck is practically in no way inferior to other modifications of this series, which use Cummins QSK 60-C and MTU DD 16V4000 engines.

BELAZ introduces alternative electric drive systems to its equipment. So, this year a new modification of the largest 450-ton dump truck appeared - BELAZ-75711. On this machine, instead of a Siemens MMT500 transmission, a KTE-450 AC traction electric drive from the Russian company was installed.

Another interesting new product is the BELAZ-75520 mining dump truck with a lifting capacity of 60 tons, which is a copy of the Chinese Weichai WT90. The car was first shown at the Open Day on September 25, but so far nothing has been officially said about it. Several of these dump trucks were assembled in Zhodino from Chinese vehicle kits. Will there be a sequel?

What do you think of the new airfield tractor from Zhodino? BELAZ-54010 is designed for towing aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 150 tons. It has a comfortable cabin with panoramic glass, air conditioning and heating. The instrument panel is electronic with a liquid crystal display. When reversing, a video surveillance system helps. Modern noise-insulating materials are used in the cabin design.

The designers have provided the new tractor with amazing maneuverability: the driver can control each of the axles separately, can make the car move like a crab, or turn the front and rear wheels towards each other to reduce the radius. This model is equipped with a 136-horsepower Deutz diesel engine with an electronic control and diagnostic system, as well as a modern hydromechanical transmission.

In general, the Belarusian Automobile Plant has adopted a strategy that provides for the introduction to the market in the future of a full range of equipment for servicing airports. Therefore, along with powerful tractors for towing aircraft, which have been produced for several decades, BELAZ will produce mini-tractors. The model presented above with index 34010 will carry luggage and container carts. It is intended to operate as a shuttle between the airport baggage terminal and aircraft.

And this is the BELAZ-34020 universal tractor, which will be able to tow a variety of ground handling equipment at airports.

Both machines are largely unified. They are equipped with an 80-horsepower diesel engine and a hydromechanical transmission (3+3). The traction force of a luggage tractor is 32 kN, and that of a universal tractor is 40 kN. Both cars received all-wheel drive with the ability to disable the front drive axle.

In fact, Belaz is a hybrid


Two diesel engines are only part of the drive system, since in practice the dump truck has a hybrid drive. The car has generators with a capacity of up to 3500 kW, which generate electricity for electric motors . In total, BelAZ has 4 generators of 1600 liters each. With. The total is 6400 liters. pp., distributed between 4 wheels (eight wheels (four gable).

The dump truck is designed to perform a large number of tasks because it has dual wheels and each tire weighs 5.8 tons. A total of 46.4 tons of weight. Tire size - 59/8-R63. They can hold up to 7 atmospheres of air.

BelAZ-75601: to new records


The truck, created for the 50th anniversary of the plant’s design bureau in 2010, held the palm on the Olympus of the largest mining dump trucks for three years. Despite the appearance of the more powerful model 75710, the BelAZ-75601 is still in production and is successfully exported to dozens of countries near and far abroad.

This dump truck, equipped with a powerful 3807 hp power plant, can transport up to 360 tons of cargo, reaching speeds of up to 64 km/h. It is successfully operated in different regions of the Russian Federation, including beyond the Arctic Circle.

Price $7,000,000+


As for the cost, it ranges from $7 million , but can be much higher depending on the configuration. At the moment, only 3 units of such equipment . Orders can be placed directly at the plant, which is engaged in the development and production of special equipment and has a fairly extensive range of products.


As noted earlier, the presented BelAZ crossover absorbed the features of several classes of SUVs. The new product stands out for its compact proportions, which are emphasized by a smoothly sloping roofline that ends at the upward-pointing sports wing. Despite such outlines, landing in the Belarusian novelty should not cause discomfort. Published images show that there is enough free space between the heads of second-row passengers and the roof.

The front support pillars of the presented cross-coupe BelAZ-75131 2021-2022 are strongly inclined back. This feature once again emphasizes that when developing this concept, modern trends in the development of design thought were taken into account. The new product received an original hood. There are pronounced folds along its sides, which visually increase the dimensions of the car. But in the center of the hood there is a rectangular recess that performs decorative functions.

The front end of the new crossover was probably designed with an eye on the latest Mercedes-Benz models. At least the head optics were definitely borrowed from German SUVs. It not only follows the shape of their headlights, but also contains a curved LED strip that stretches along the bottom and slightly covers the side. At the same time, inside the head optics of the Belarusian new product there are 2 rectangular lights with a ladder arrangement. This feature of the headlight architecture is not typical for German models.

Another remarkable detail of the new product from BelAZ is the large radiator grille, which has a noticeable bend at the top and gradually narrows as it approaches the bottom of the bumper. Inside it, in the manner of narrow shelves, there are horizontal slats, on one of which the brand name rests.

The third interesting detail is located on the top of the front bumper. Here the developer placed deep rectangular cutouts into which additional ventilation holes are built. This feature, combined with some details of the stern configuration, allows us to assume that a powerful engine is installed under the hood of the presented new product. But in reality, these solutions are primarily decorative in nature.

At the bottom of the front bumper, the crossover has additional cutouts with fog lamp strips, on which a kind of visor is formed due to the bending of the body panels. Beneath them stretches another decorative strip, which seems to separate this part of the body from the black plastic body kit stretching along the wide wheel arches.

The rear of the cross-coupe BalAZ-75710 2021-2022 is designed in a sporty style, which is manifested in the form of strongly inclined support pillars, to which wide glazing is attached, and a developed wing. This image is complemented by a characteristic protrusion on the tailgate, which visually resembles a spoiler.

The rear optics of the Belarusian model are presented in the form of one wide lamp, inside of which there are 2 LED strips. The trunk door underneath curves inward, which is also characteristic of a number of modern sports crossovers. Another important detail of the presented new product lies in the rear bumper: it is designed in such a way that it seems as if there is a large diffuser here.

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