Technical magazine "Truck: transport complex, special equipment" 

Technical magazine "Truck: transport complex, special equipment"

Dear authors!

When preparing articles, the following must be taken into account

  • Postgraduate students are not charged any fees for publishing articles.
  • The volume of the article proposed for publication should not exceed 15−20 pages of text, printed on white paper (A4 format), on one side of the sheet at one and a half to two intervals, 11−12 pt.

The following are submitted to the editor:

  • 1st option. Printed manuscript (on white A4 paper, on one side of the sheet) and necessarily an electronic version - a file with typesetting (Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word)
  • 2nd option. Manuscript sent by e-mail: [email protected]
  • The article must be accompanied by a certificate of verification for the presence of borrowings (plagiarism) from other sources on the official website

Requirements for the manuscript

1. The beginning of the article should be formatted according to the following model:

  • UDC;
  • Last names, first names and patronymics of the authors (author);
  • Academic degree, title, place of work, city, country (for foreign authors);
  • Email;
  • Article title;
  • Annotation;
  • Keywords.

2. The following must be attached to the article in English:

  • Last names, first names and patronymics of the authors;
  • Article title;
  • Abstract to the article;
  • Keywords.

3. A review of the article is presented.

4. Illustrations must be extracted from the text of the article and presented in the form of separate files - DOC, CDR, PDF, TIFF, JPEG with the highest possible resolution (600dpi recommended). Illustrations must be marked: figure number, author, title of the article.

5. Captions for illustrations should be presented in a separate list at the end of the article.

6. Formulas, letter designations (uppercase and lowercase, Latin and Greek alphabets), numbers, signs and their location must be clear and distinguishable. All Latin letters are typed in italics, Russian and Greek - straight.

7. It is recommended that the article indicate the purpose of the study , the problem and ways to solve it and draw appropriate conclusions.

8. Units of physical quantities and all calculations must be performed in SI .

9. After the text there should be a bibliographic list of sources used in writing the article. The list is compiled in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5–2008 and GOST 7.1–2003 .

10. Information about the authors is attached to the article : last names, first names and patronymics, academic degree, title, place of work, position held, home and business addresses, telephone numbers, fax and e-mail.

Materials sent to the editorial office will not be sent back.

By sending an article to the editor for publication, the authors agree that:

  • The article may be translated and published in English;
  • The article may be published in a specialized collection;
  • After publication in the journal, the article can be posted on the Internet;
  • No royalties are paid for the publication of the article.


Regulations on the review of manuscripts of articles submitted to the editorial office of the magazine "TRUCK"

1. Well-known experts in this subject area who have published in peer-reviewed sources on the topic in question over the past three years are invited as reviewers of manuscripts of articles submitted for publication in the journal “Gruzovik.” Reviewers may be members of the journal's editorial board.

2. In a review of an article, the reviewer must determine:

− profile of the article in accordance with the journal heading;

− scientific level and novelty (originality) of the results presented for publication, their practical significance;

− advantages and disadvantages in terms of content and form of presentation of the material;

− specific recommendations for improving or reducing the material of the article, if any;

− the possibility (or impossibility) of publishing a peer-reviewed article in a journal.

3. The review is submitted to the editorial office of the journal within the deadlines established by the editors.

4. When the editorial office of the journal receives positive (or negative) reviews of the article in question, one of the members of the editorial board, who is in charge of the section in which the article is expected to be published, gets acquainted with it. The editor-in-chief or deputy editor-in-chief makes a decision on the possibility of its publication or rejection.

5. Further work with the manuscript accepted for publication is carried out by the editors in accordance with the technological process of preparing the issue.

6. All reviews of the article, both positive and negative, are sent to the authors of the article for review. The anonymity of reviewers is guaranteed by the editors of the journal.

7. Manuscripts subject to revision are sent by the editors to the authors along with the text of the review containing specific recommendations for finalizing the article. The authorship of the review is also not disclosed.

8. The manuscript of the article, received after revision, together with the authors’ response, if necessary, is sent to the reviewer for review and additional review. The reviewer must submit (within a specified time frame) a second review to the editors, on the basis of which a decision is made on whether to accept or reject the article.

9. For manuscripts of articles rejected at a meeting of the editorial board, the editors send a notice to the authors with the wording: “Rejected by decision of the editorial board of the journal” with a brief justification, for example, “the article does not correspond to the profile of the journal, etc.”

10. Reviews are stored in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.

11. The editors of the journal send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editors of the journal.


The editorial board of the journal is guided in its activities by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media”, the charter of the editorial board, as well as the recommendations and standards of the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications ( COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors )

Principles of professional ethics in the activities of an editor and publisher

─ Articles submitted for consideration must contain scientific results obtained by the authors that have not previously been published anywhere. All manuscripts received by the editor are sent for review to members of the editorial board or external reviewers. The journal editor decides which manuscripts should be published. The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for the decision to publish the article.

In case of a positive decision of the reviewers and the editors, the article is published in the next issue of the journal, copyrights are retained by the authors.

─ The editors evaluate manuscripts solely on their scientific content, without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship or political views of the authors.

─ The editor and all editorial staff have no right to disclose information about submitted manuscripts to anyone other than the authors, potential reviewers, editorial consultants and the publisher. The editor and editorial staff have no right to use in any way unpublished materials used in the submitted manuscript without the consent of the author.

─ In case of a conflict of interest related to submitted manuscripts, the editor transfers the manuscript for consideration to another member of the editorial board.

Editors should seek disclosure from all participants in the process of existing competing interests. If competition of interests was identified after the publication of the article, the editors are obliged to ensure the publication of amendments.

Ethical principles in the activities of a reviewer

─ Peer review helps the editor in making editorial decisions and can help the author improve his work.

─ A reviewer who believes that his qualifications are not sufficient to objectively evaluate the submitted scientific work, or knows that its review will be too long, must notify the editor and withdraw from the review process.

─ Any manuscript submitted for examination must be treated as a confidential document. The manuscript cannot be shown to other reviewers or discussed with other experts without the permission of the editor-in-chief.

─ Reviews of scientific papers must be objective. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. Reviewers are required to express their views clearly and reasonably.

─ Reviewers should identify published material in the manuscript under review that has not been cited by the authors. Any statements, conclusions or arguments that have been previously used in any publications should be appropriately formatted as quotations. The reviewer is also obliged to inform the author about any similarities with any other published work.

─ Proprietary information or ideas obtained during peer review must remain confidential and not be used for personal gain. Reviewers should not take part in the review and evaluation of manuscripts in which they have a personal interest.

Principles that should guide the author of scientific publications

─ The authors provide reliable results of the work done, and also objectively assess the significance of the study. The article must contain sufficient factual and reference information to enable the research to be replicated.

─ Authors may be asked to provide raw data if possible. Authors must retain original materials for a reasonable period of time after publication.

─ Authors must guarantee the originality of their works. When using information obtained from the works of others, references to the relevant publications or written permission of the author are required.

─ The author should not publish the results of his work in more than one journal.

Submitting an article to more than one journal at the same time is considered unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

─ All borrowed materials in the manuscript must contain links to the authors. Information obtained privately through conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties should not be used without obtaining their written permission.

─ The list of authors should be limited to those who made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported research. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Those who have been involved in some significant aspect of the research project should be listed as project participants.

The author must ensure that the names of all co-authors and participants in the project are included in the lists of co-authors and participants, and that all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the scientific work, and have also given their consent to its publication.

─ All authors must disclose information in their work regarding financial and other significant conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the study or their interpretation. All sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed.

─ If the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his published article, he must immediately notify the editor or publisher of the journal and assist them in eliminating or correcting the error. If an editor or publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains significant errors, the author must immediately remove or correct them, or provide the editor with evidence of the correctness of the original article.

Copyright (c) 2015, LLC Publishing House "Innovative Mechanical Engineering"

Spin Tires 2022 download torrent


Have you ever wanted to become a professional truck driver of domestic brands? Well, then you get the opportunity to evaluate the new version of the popular simulator. The game itself is quite complex, because you will not have to drive trucks along the highways, but will have to transport various resources throughout Russia. There will be quite a lot of obstacles and problems, because your routes will run through hard-to-reach mountain ranges and forest paths. There is no trace of asphalt here – just pure off-road terrain. If you like the presented game project, then follow the provided link to our game repository to download the Spin Tires 2022 torrent absolutely free. Select a truck, get a route, accept the cargo and deliver it to the specified address. Yes, it sounds banal and simple, but only the roads will become the main problem for you during the entire gameplay. Constant mud, as well as fog, rain, and bad weather conditions will prevent you from completing already difficult routes. This is why the game has a training mode. You can't get by without it

Game plot

The main task in the project will be timely delivery of cargo. You have a certain time allotted for this entire process, so you need to invest in the deadlines. During the trip, keep a firm grip on the steering wheel because slippery roads are a dangerous place. The car may drift to the side of the road and then you will lose the cargo. The list of transportation includes various resources, among which there are some that are especially valuable. During transportation, pay close attention to the road, because there is a risk of driving off the road. If you suddenly find yourself in a swamp, you can quickly change your vehicle to be able to pull out the SUV that is trapped. This is one of the features of the presented simulator. It will be very difficult to deliver goods at night and when there is fog. During such periods, visibility on the road is limited and you can easily end up in marshy areas. During the game you can improve your vehicle. There are also additional tasks to complete. The dispatcher will closely monitor the movement of your truck, so listen to his advice. You also need to constantly monitor whether there is fuel in the tank, because without it the mission will be considered a failure.

Game mechanics

If you get stuck in the mud, you can involve another vehicle in resolving the situation. But you can also use the winch that comes with your SUV. Along the way you will have to make stops for sleep and rest, because the driver is an ordinary person, not a robot. The body has a tendency to get tired. If the delivery of the goods is successful, you will be credited with game points. With their help, you can improve your car, its characteristics and technical performance. For fans of the presented game project, it is recommended to visit the rental Internet resource. There you can download the Spin Tires 2019 torrent, where you can earn points for additional tasks.


If it happened that you did not manage to deliver the goods at the specified time, then your task fails miserably. Explore your SUV, go through the training mode, only after that you can start transporting resources. This is a rather entertaining version of the popular simulator, where you can also enjoy contemplating the beauties of Siberia.

Features of Spin Tires 2019

- Roads. It is unclear what you will have to drive on, it is extremely difficult to call roads. And all the routes in the game will be difficult to pass, so no smooth asphalt roads, get used to Russian roads. - Cars. You will have the opportunity to ride not only in trucks of a domestic manufacturer, but also in a small UAZ. - Car park. Before starting the activity, you can choose any of the available SUVs; you will have quite a large choice, because the updated version has added more cars. — Weather. It rains all the time in the game, so you have to learn how to drive a vehicle in different weather conditions and at any time of the day.

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Secondary market for trucks and special equipment in the first half of the year: demand has increased, so have prices

According to Avito Auto, from January to June 2021, there was 26% more interest in used trucks and special equipment than a year earlier, with active growth recorded in all categories. But at the same time, a decrease in consumer interest was observed directly in June: overall demand was almost equal to last year’s figures.

The most popular vehicles on the secondary market in the first half of 2021 are trucks; they accounted for more than 50% of total demand. And the greatest increase in demand at the end of this period was demonstrated by tractors (+40%), in addition, this category leads in demand both in the second quarter (+32.7%) and in June (+21%). Also in the first six months, demand for light commercial vehicles (+38%) and forklifts (+30%) increased.

Dynamics of demand for used trucks year on year, all of Russia

Type of equipment First half of 2022 (January-June) Second quarter 2022 (April-June) June 2021
All types 25.6% 13.8% 2.9%
Trucks 20.5% 7.5% -2.7%
Light transport 37.7% 24.6% 7.8%
Loaders 29.9% 19.3% 5.5%
Trailers 24.3% 13.2% 3.7%
Tractors 39.9% 32.7% 21.0%

Experts note that, as in the market for new trucks and special equipment, in the secondary market demand exceeds supply. According to Avito Auto analysts, the growth of interest was influenced by several factors, including: the restoration of long-distance transportation, the increase in the logistics capacity of enterprises, as well as the expectation of an increase in recycling fees.

The total supply of used trucks and special equipment in Russia in the first half of 2021 increased slightly (+4%), in the second quarter it decreased (-5%), and in June of this year, analysts noted negative dynamics in each category on the secondary market.

But prices for used equipment have increased, also in every category. The greatest growth in January-June was demonstrated by trailers (+35%), trucks (+32%) and loaders (+21%). The same categories had the biggest “pluses” in June: trailers – an increase of 50%, trucks – by 40%, loaders – by 31%. Avito Auto experts say the main factors behind price increases are unsatisfied demand and a general shortage of trucks and light commercial vehicles.

Average cost of new freight transport and price dynamics, all of Russia

Price, rubles Price, change over the year, %
First half of 2022 (January-June) Second quarter 2022 (April-June) June 2021 First half of 2022 (January-June) Second quarter 2022 (April-June) June 2021
Trucks 660,003 699,004 700,000 32.0% 39.8% 40.0%
Light transport 400,000 420,000 410,000 12.7% 20.0% 13.9%
Loaders 850,000 899,000 950,000 21.4% 26.8% 31.9%
Trailers 229,976 230,000 240,000 35.3% 43.8% 50.0%
Tractors 1,380,000 1,438,869 1,461,049 10.4% 14.2% 21.8%
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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