Chinese-made trucks - popular brands of trucks from China

China's economy is perhaps the most rapidly developing in the modern world. It has already achieved global leadership in the production of consumer goods and various electronics. The automotive industry has become widespread. For the last five years, China has been the leader among the world's car markets. And Chinese trucks have half of that market. The equipment is supplied to Southeast Asia, but very little is known in the CIS countries. This article is intended to expand knowledge about their products, and perhaps help decide which Chinese truck is better, writes -

Pros and cons of Chinese trucks

The production of such equipment in the region developed very rapidly, this was facilitated by good demand for it from the countries of Southeast Asia. These cars are chosen for their relatively low prices, short delivery times, good technical characteristics for this class of equipment, the use of systems and assemblies from world manufacturers and their confirmation with various certificates of conformity. Unfortunately, along with the pros, there are always cons, and Chinese dump trucks could not avoid them. The dealer and service networks were underdeveloped and, as a result, there were regular interruptions in the supply of spare parts, the lack of vehicles themselves that met Euro-3 environmental standards, sometimes low product quality and quite serious transportation costs.

Features of Chinese dump trucks

Dump trucks from China successfully make up for the shortage of similar vehicles from the domestic auto industry, while having an advantage over it in the following points:

  1. Cars are quickly delivered and repaired.
  2. The main parts are produced at the factories of well-known manufacturers.
  3. Successful experience of operation all year round in any conditions.
  4. Good quality at a price lower than competitors.
  5. No shortage of spare parts.

Like any other cargo equipment, Chinese dump trucks have the following modifications:

  1. By type of unloading – inclined and forced.
  2. By body type - bunker, sliding or stable platform.
  3. In the direction of unloading - universal or in any one direction.
  4. Lift type: hydraulic, telescopic.
  5. According to potential load and dimensions from 4x2 to 10x6.

A little history

We will start with the history of the appearance of Chinese dump trucks on the Russian market.

We are already accustomed to the fact that there are a lot of Chinese cars on our roads. And although you can talk for a long time about their quality and reliability, recently the quality of Chinese passenger cars has been improving.

However, few people previously had any idea about heavy Chinese equipment, in particular Chinese dump trucks.

This may have been the case further, but at one fine moment for China, a significant problem arose in Russia with heavy dump trucks at the very beginning of the construction of the Chita-Khabarovsk road, which was carried out in 2004 - 2010.

The old, still Soviet equipment could not cope with the tasks assigned to it and constantly broke down. The remoteness of the construction areas and the cost of new Russian heavy equipment based on KamAZ did not have a favorable effect on the pace of construction of the route.

Then, for the first time, it was decided to turn to China for help, the border with which lies close, and the Chinese side offered an adequate price for dump trucks.

This was the beginning of the appearance of Chinese dump trucks on the Russian market.

Appearance in Russia

Another reason for choosing Chinese dump trucks was the banal lack of domestic equipment in the Far Eastern region that meets modern requirements. The problem was solved quite quickly, since the Chinese border is very close, and the entire variety of the Chinese heavy machinery market was easily accessible.

The first large deliveries of Chinese equipment were for the construction of the federal highway

This is how Shaanxi, Howo and other companies from the Middle Kingdom delivered their first trucks to Russia. After a short time, the Russian dump truck market began to be actively filled with equipment from Foton, Dong Feng, JAC, FAW and CAMC.

It is worth noting that with the volumetric influx of technology, some problems also appeared. There are a lot of manufacturers, as well as a range of equipment, in China, and the inexperienced Russian buyer is often faced with the problem of choice. Fraudulent schemes were not left out, under which cars that were no longer new, refurbished or defective were imported into the country. As a rule, having completed a deal with a Russian purchasing company, the front office disappeared and there was no one to make demands, which is why the reputation of Chinese equipment at first suffered greatly.

Often, “gray” dump trucks had weak frames because they were made from cheap metal that could not withstand the loads placed on it, temperature changes, corrosion, etc. But time passes and everything changes; today, one might say, the market for trucks made in China is normalizing and taking on civilized shape. Finally, official representative offices have appeared in Russia, which are responsible for the quality of imported equipment, service and the provision of dealer services.

It should be noted that not all Chinese equipment has become as widespread as dump trucks. What is the reason for this effect and why did onboard vehicles or tractors not take root? According to dealers and those who actually operate special equipment, the main reason for such a high popularity of Chinese dump trucks has Russian roots, namely, the lack of domestic vehicles.

Sales of medium and heavy trucks in Russia in 2012 increased to 138,000 units.

This is due to the fact that over the past 10-12 years the construction market has been developing very actively and domestic manufacturers of special equipment have not been able to properly navigate in time.

In turn, Chinese manufacturers were able to offer customers very interesting conditions. For example, they committed to deliver equipment within 20 days after ordering, versus 2 months from the Russian manufacturer.

It is also important that Chinese dump trucks are cheaper (on average by 200,000 rubles) than their Russian and Belarusian counterparts. But suppliers did not stop at dump trucks alone, and today tractor units and trucks with a manipulator are being actively supplied to Russia; on-board vehicles with a crane-manipulator produced by Zoomlion have begun to appear.

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There is an opinion that most Chinese technology is similar to each other. Indeed, as for the range of engines, almost all of them are identical. All vehicles are equipped with six-cylinder diesel engines with a volume of 9.7 liters, equipped with Bosch fuel equipment, which, together with new engine control units and exhaust systems, allows this equipment to meet EURO 3 and 4 environmental standards.

Among the similarities, it should also be noted the 9-speed manual transmission, manufactured by Fuller, which is installed on almost all Chinese dump trucks. This is where the similarities end; in everything else, like other manufacturers, Chinese ones have serious differences. Both in price and quality.

Field proven reliability

Throughout construction, heavy Chinese equipment has proven its reliability and unpretentiousness when working in difficult climatic conditions. Working around the clock, it rarely broke down, which affected the pace of road work.

Having passed difficult tests, Chinese dump trucks attracted the attention of many enterprises and organizations, and within a few years they began to compete well with domestic manufacturers of similar equipment.

Especially Chinese dump trucks began to appear in large quantities in the regions of the Far East, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, where the need for such equipment is constantly increasing, and there is a shortage of new domestic heavy equipment.

Chinese dump trucks are produced in different regions of China and by many companies.

Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese trucks

Due to the good demand for Chinese dump trucks, the production of such vehicles is rapidly increasing every year. Several very important factors influence the pace of sales, among which experts highlight:

  • low price that distinguishes Chinese trucks;
  • delivery lines are short;
  • good technical characteristics;
  • use of some units and spare parts of famous world brands;
  • quality confirmation with relevant certificates and documents.

Along with the positive qualities, Chinese dump trucks have some disadvantages that should be taken into account before purchasing these machines:

  • disruptions in the supply of spare parts for repairs;
  • lack of number of cars on the domestic market;
  • no quality of the product in comparison with similar vehicles in Europe;
  • significant transportation costs.

Chinese cars in general cannot be called completely low-quality and unable to withstand significant operating loads. That is why they continue to be popular, despite their negative qualities.

It is also worth noting that the repair of Chinese trucks has not been a problem in Russia and the CIS countries lately.

The main breakdowns and disadvantages of Chinese trucks

Owners of dump trucks from Chinese manufacturers may encounter the following typical problems:

  1. Load capacity. Carriers often overload vehicles, and they are not afraid of fines and breakdowns, since these amounts are already included in the cost of transportation. For this purpose, the sides of domestic trucks have always been extended. The situation became significantly worse with the advent of dump trucks from China. The problem is that the rated load capacity is exceeded due to the placement of a disproportionately large platform on the vehicle. For example, a Chinese three-axle truck with a platform volume of 18 m3 can transport 29 tons of sand, but its permitted load capacity is only 22 tons. Or a four-axle dump truck with a body of 25 m3 and a load capacity of 25 tons can accommodate 40 tons, resulting in an overload of 15 tons.
  2. Unreliability of individual components and parts. Some car models have a disproportionately weak engine, or the unit itself contains low-quality parts, for example, friction linings that crumble during operation. On the first batches of Hovo, after several tens of thousands of km. The brake drum could fail, and the system itself could leak. Shanxi's starter broke down after 10 thousand and the body lifting mechanism stopped working. If the truck had Chinese tires, they quickly failed and swelled from overload.
  3. Short service life. Cars break down quite often, and although this factor depends on timely maintenance, working conditions and the professionalism of the driver, in comparison with new European trucks, breakdowns occur more often. This is especially noticeable after two years of operation.
  4. Low speed indicators. The operation of Chinese trucks leads to their rapid wear. They are not designed for high speeds; moreover, under such operating conditions, the car begins to overuse fuel (up to 40%).
  5. Poor quality spare parts. Spare parts purchased in stores last much less than original ones. This applies to bearings, rods, bushings, fasteners, and other consumables. Some carriers find analogues to Chinese spare parts from European manufacturers.
  6. Weak electrics. The electrical systems in some trucks are not designed to withstand harsh climates, and they use iron wiring (instead of copper), which rusts and fails.
  7. Low residual value. A used truck cannot be sold for a high price, except to an inexperienced buyer.

Price issue

Now Chinese dump trucks can be purchased for 200 thousand rubles cheaper than their Russian and Belarusian counterparts. Although it is clear that the price is tied to the dollar exchange rate and will most likely change upward.

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I would like to note that Chinese dump trucks from different manufacturers are not alike.

The only thing that unites them is the same 9.7 liter diesel engines with the same fuel equipment, mainly from Bosch.

All Chinese dump trucks have the same nine-speed manual transmission from Fuller.

Chinese dump trucks are presented in a large assortment on the Russian market. Naturally, the manufacturer's firms began to wage fierce competition for the buyer.

But we’ll talk about which Chinese dump truck manufacturers are the main players in our market in the next article.

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The first Chinese truck

Ahead we will consider the brands of the most famous trucks, most often supplied to the CIS countries. In the post-Soviet space, there is an active demand for light and medium-duty trucks, so the equipment we will mainly consider will belong to this class. All suppliers exporting Chinese trucks to the American and European markets occupy leading positions in the auto industry. Beijing Light Automobile Co. — The Beijing Light Car Plant was the first to begin supplying this type of transport (until 1988 - Beijing Automobile Plant No. 2). In May 1966, it was at this plant that the first Chinese light cabover truck rolled off the assembly line.


JAC trucks are very popular due to their low price. Typically, JAC 1020, 1020K or HFC 10120K trucks are used in our country. These are small-sized trucks that are used for urban transportation.

JAC vehicles are distinguished by their simple and reliable design, good maneuverability, carrying capacity and spaciousness. This Chinese truck is simple and easy to operate and maintain.


This brand is an independent development of Chinese designers. A distinctive feature is the balance of the most important characteristics. In crash tests, the car showed decent reliability and received well-deserved points. The cabin suspension copes well with vibrations on any road surface, successfully dampening them. The steering wheel has standard tilt and vertical control mechanisms.

The package includes an air conditioner with heating function, and when installing a full package of options, climate control will also be present. An ergonomic sleeping place that will provide all the comforts for the driver.

The cabin soundproofing system also passed the most stringent tests, allowing it to achieve world-class noise reduction in the cabin. There is a diagnostic system that works independently in automatic mode.

Large trucks of the HOWO 7 Series use 9, 8, 6-speed Fuller or ZF gearboxes. In addition, trucks in this class boast an option that other Chinese trucks do not have - a fully automatic transmission that comes to China from the United States.


The Shaanxi plant can be called small compared to other players in this area. Trucks of this brand supplied to the Ukrainian market are nothing more than the F2000 MAN series and are noticeable only by the radiator grille. The cabin of the Shaanxi dump truck is one hundred percent analogous to the cabin of the MAN F2000. It is equipped with a proven and proven Bosch fuel system, a Schwitzer turbocharger and a FleetGuard filter. Can be equipped with a FULLERС nine-speed manual transmission. Especially for the Ukrainian market, dump trucks are equipped with electric torch fuel heating and an electrically heated fuel filter. There is a cabin heater.

Since 2008, SHAANXI equipment produced for export has been supplied under the SHACMAN brand.


Dong Feng occupies a leading position in the Chinese automobile industry. The company was founded in 1969. She works closely with the Cummins American campaign. The cooperation is so close that there is a common design bureau.

A distinctive feature of Dongfeng is the presence of a towing device as standard. The engines are equipped with a Bosch fuel system, just like the Shaanxi manufacturer, but the turbocharger and air filter are already developed in-house. The gearbox is still nine-speed.

Dongfeng has completed the technological preparation of its production facilities and is now in full production of trucks that meet the Euro-3 standard. Moreover, assemblies with such a quality standard could only be carried out in specially equipped areas. All this has led to a significant reduction in production costs, and accordingly, distributors offer their customers much more attractive prices for products.

Repair work

Mechanics claim that Chinese dump trucks have a weak engine, and the friction linings are not at all clear what they are made of. They do not burn, but crumble.

On the first Chinese Howo, after 40 thousand kilometers the brake drum could crack and the fuel system began to leak. And in Shaanxi, after 10 thousand, the starter burned out and the body stopped lifting.

Tires deserve special attention. If dump trucks have Chinese tires, they will quickly wear out. Bubbles swell from overload. Therefore, it is better to change these tires to tubeless ones.

IVECO dump trucks

Jiangtiuat Automobile Co, Ltd. (JAC) is a young Chinese company, founded only in 1991, however, it has already managed to gain popularity not only in its native market. We can say that it is a pioneer in the production of trucks. The company's ideology is aimed at creating dump trucks for the whole world, embodying in its brand the best experience accumulated by various enterprises.

The cabin of dump trucks of this brand boasts enviable comfort. There are anatomical seats, a very informative instrument panel, with which not a single important indicator of the equipment’s operation will be left without due attention. There is a sleeping place. The steering wheel has now standard height and tilt adjustments.

A distinctive feature of JAC dump trucks, which sets them apart from their competitors, is amazing visibility from the cab, which, undoubtedly, is facilitated by large rear-view mirrors.

The frame of these dump trucks is also equipped with a complex structure. It is made of two channels, with a diameter of 5 and 8 millimeters. As you already understood, the smaller one is inside the larger channel. Thus, the design has added strength.

Major Chinese truck manufacturers

Shacman. Cars from this manufacturer are produced using technology similar to Mercedes and have an optimal price-quality ratio. Equipped with a 6-cylinder 9.7 liter turbocharged engine and manual transmission.

The driver's seat is equipped with air suspension and is adjustable to suit the driver's body characteristics. The maximum speed of dump trucks is up to 80 km/h, which is achieved quite quickly.


Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co. (DLMC) at the end of 2014 introduced a new modification LZ4251QDCA (6x4) of the Balong M7 long-haul truck tractor (Baylon 507 family). It is designed to operate as part of a road train with a gross weight of 39.5 tons. The new product is the automaker's response to the increased demand for more powerful and efficient trucks with improved dynamic characteristics.

The main task - increasing speed - was solved by installing a 6-cylinder 11.59-liter Weichai WP12.430E40 engine with a maximum power of 430 hp. and maximum torque of 2060 N∙m. The motor with Bosch electronic control system meets the requirements of the China-4 environmental standard using SCR technology. The engine is mated to a Fast 12JSD220T 12-speed manual gearbox. Fang Sheng FS160 drive axles with a main pair gear ratio of 3.08, which provides high starting acceleration, so the acceleration time to 80 km/h does not exceed 85 seconds.

The cab has a 4-point suspension with an internal height of 1.92 m. The vehicle is equipped with cruise control; WEVB Weichai engine brake; electrically adjustable rear view mirrors with electrical heating; electronic data logger; driver's seat with air suspension; Wabco braking system with ABS function as standard, 600 liter aluminum fuel tank, providing 1500 km of range. The curb weight of the truck is 8.5 tons. The maximum speed does not exceed 100 km/h. The permissible load on the SSU should not exceed 17,995 kg.


The Chinese company Baotou BeiBen Heavy-Duty Truck Co., Ltd in March this year for the first time introduced the most powerful version of the 3-axle truck tractor Beiben V3. The presentation of this model range took place at the Auto China 2010 International Exhibition, and until 2015, the cars were equipped with Weichai engines with power ranging from 290 to 400 hp.

The new flagship tractor Beiben V3 2546 model ND4253B34J7 (6x4) is equipped with a 12-liter 460-horsepower Weichai WP12.460E40 engine with electronic control and a Common Rail fuel supply system. The engine, which meets the requirements of the China-4 environmental standard using SCR technology, is combined with a 12-speed manual gearbox Fast 12JS240T. With a high engine torque of 2110 N∙m and an optimized transmission, the car will be the optimal vehicle for transporting heavy loads. The tractor is equipped with a tandem of driving 13-ton axles with a gear ratio of 4.73, a Wabco brake system with ABS, a comfortable cabin with a four-point suspension system, airbags, air conditioning, a multimedia system, an adjustable steering column and an electric sunroof. The curb weight of the truck is 8.8 tons.


China produces trucks that are quite diverse, both in their technical characteristics and in appearance. This is due to the rather long history of automobile production in this country. The FAW company was at the origins of this business, creating its first plant in 1953. The reliability of cars of this brand has been proven for decades.

Repairing Chinese FAW trucks in Russia is not very difficult, since in the domestic space the number of these vehicles is constantly increasing, which is why there are more and more companies servicing them. Also, spare parts can be ordered directly from China, which is a fairly economical option.


Chinese Howo brand dump trucks are trucks characterized by a balance of all technical characteristics. Crash tests have shown very good reliability and quality indicators of these machines.

The suspension of Howo equipment has shown good results in damping vibrations created by uneven road surfaces, which is quite important for many CIS countries. The steering of the car is unremarkable - the steering wheel has standard tilt levels.


The need to catch up with the global industry forced Foton Motors to launch a new platform of rear-wheel drive delivery vans and minibuses of the new Toano series.

The car is equipped with a 4-cylinder 2.7-liter Foton Cummins ISF2.8s4161P engine with a power of 161 hp. (120 kW). The engine, which meets the requirements of China-4 environmental standards, is combined with a 5-speed Chzhetszyan ZM001AD gearbox (for the domestic market) or a 6-speed Getrag MT82 manual gearbox. The curb weight of the van is 2.5 tons, and the total weight should not exceed 3499 kg. Initially, consumers will be offered one body option with overall dimensions of 5990x2000x2415 mm. Wheelbase – 3750 mm. The number of installed seats, as well as variations in the useful volume of the cargo compartment, will be decided by each buyer independently.

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Guangzhou Automobile Company GONOW Auto Co. Ltd (GAC) is preparing to release the GA1027 pickup trucks, which should hit the market in early 2016 under the name Gonow GP150. The car will complement the current Troy 500 family, but will cost more – from 175,000 yuan. The car, developed by GAC, will be equipped with a 2-liter in-line gasoline “four” with a capacity of 200 hp. with a turbocharger or a 170-horsepower 2.5 liter turbodiesel.

XCMG/ Hanvan

XCMG has launched a new series of Hanvan Ie series (Hanfong - Chinese wind) heavy trucks in the Xuzhou Industrial Zone. The model range was developed by Chinese engineers and designers over three years. 2.5 billion yuan have already been invested in this project. The production capacity of the automobile plant will soon be 60,000 heavy trucks and 80,000 cabs.

The cabin complies with European safety requirements (European standard ECE R29 rules for frontal, side impacts and rollovers). The high level of cabin sound insulation made it possible to reduce internal noise by 4–5 dB. It is surprising to see the availability of modern electronic safety devices, such as the FCWS system, which controls the distance to the vehicle ahead; LDWS system, which monitors the position of the machine relative to the median strips, TMPS tire pressure monitoring system and ALS equipment.

The new series is based on chassis of various load capacities, designed for mounting various equipment for the construction industry, including dump trucks and concrete mixers. For truck drivers, two- and three-axle truck tractors will be offered, designed to work as part of a road train with a gross weight of 40 tons.

The two-axle Hanvan Ie336 is equipped with a Weichai WP10.336E40 engine with a power of 336 hp, which meets the China-4 environmental standard. The engine is mated to a Fast 12JSD 160TA 12-speed manual gearbox. The Hanvan Ie440 6x4 three-axle tractor is equipped with a 6-cylinder 11-liter Xikang ISM11E4 420 engine with a power of 420 hp. and a 16-speed manual transmission FAST 16JSD200T.


The relatively young Chinese company JAC has enriched the automotive market with reliable cars. It tries to combine the developments of various world-famous enterprises in its vehicles. Therefore, this Chinese special equipment entered various markets, including Russia.

JAC vans are distinguished by their ergonomics. Among the Chinese trucks presented, the cabs of this brand are the most convenient and comfortable. Almost all models of this company have a sleeping place. Spare parts for JAC can be purchased at almost every company that provides repairs for Chinese trucks.

JAC vans and dump trucks are distinguished by their visibility. This is due to the presence of large windows and rear-view mirrors. The Chinese tractor of this brand is quite good in urban cargo delivery conditions.


Debut of the new Chaoyue C500 joint venture Nanjing IVECO Motor Co. (NAVECO), Ltd took place at the recent Guangzhou Auto Show. The automaker has not yet clarified the technical details of the new C500 prototype for the Chinese market. It is clear that NAVECO is entering the Chinese market with a new brand, Chaoyue LTD trucks, for which a series has already been formed of the light 3.5-ton C100 delivery vehicle, the C300 urban medium-duty truck with a gross weight of up to 6.7 tons, and the promising 12-ton C500 chassis.

As reported in the Chinese press, Chaoyue C500 trucks will receive environmentally friendly engines (China-4) from a new joint venture formed by the Italian company Fiat Power and the Chinese engine manufacturer Shanghai Diesel VM.

The C100 and C300 cars are equipped with SOFIM series diesel engines (Euro 4 class) with a power of 92 kW and a maximum torque of 320 N∙m, a localized IVECO SOFIM diesel engine at the NAVECO enterprise.

In Russia, NAVECO is represented by the C300 model with a gross weight of 6.7 tons; according to available information, sales of the C500 with a Cummins ISF3.8s5168 Euro 5 engine with a power of 125 kW and a maximum torque of 600 N∙m will begin at the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016. This car is being developed specifically for the Russian market.


Chinese Shaanxi brand trucks have a fairly strong foothold in the Russian vehicle market. They supply vehicles whose cab is similar to the MAN F2000.

Due to the fact that Russia has rather harsh climatic conditions, the Chinese Shaanxi truck provides electric torch heating of the fuel mixture. The filter is also heated, but by an electrical mechanism. The cabin has a cabin heater.

Foton dump trucks

Foton (Beiqi Futian Motor Co., Ltd) is another young one, formed only in 1996 from more than a hundred small ones as a result of their merger. The campaign is state-owned and to this day does not lose its leadership position in the market for large vehicles.

Foton Motors strictly monitors compliance with international quality standards "ISO 9001", which has allowed it to achieve an exceptional reputation.

The company has found its share of consumers and produces equipment under the AUMAN brand.

AUMAN dump trucks began rolling out of production lines in 2002, and just two years later they were awarded the award for the commercial vehicle with the highest number of safety points. Technologically, AUMAN is not much different from Shaanxi and almost completely replicates them in terms of basic assembly units.

Beifang Benchi dump trucks

Beifang Benchi products are a joint development of two companies: FIRMAKO and DaimlerChrysler. Dump trucks of this campaign are produced under a license purchased from Mercedes, however, their production in China began only after eight years of their withdrawal from production in Europe.

In 2003, the license expired, and the company was forced to switch to developing its own models and components. As a result, the emergence of a new player in the market - the Baotou North-Benz (Beifang-Benchi) Heavy-duty Trucks Co. campaign. And although the exterior of these trucks is the driest compared to their competitors, they remain the most popular in China.

Today, Chinese trucks have no equal with such a popular price-quality ratio and the majority of consumers will find the best Chinese truck for themselves. In addition, he will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of models and their quality. So, when choosing a good truck for yourself, do not bypass Chinese production and pay due attention to it.


CAMC is part of the Hualing Automobile Group holding company. About a third of the company's shares are state-owned, which guarantees a certain level of quality and economic sustainability of production. The production technology was borrowed from the Japanese concern Mitsubishi. Camc trucks are equipped with American Cummins engines and a gearbox from the Chinese Shaanxi.

CAMC trucks are equipped with the latest electronics, the quality of which, alas, is still unknown. The cabin's level of comfort is not inferior to its European counterparts. So far there are very few such cars in our country.

Also read:

  • Chinese trucks Foton BJ1039 – operating features and technical characteristics
  • Chinese JAC truck: technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, operating features
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