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Trade and Industrial Company SpetsNeftemash carries out comprehensive supplies of new cargo and specialized vehicles based on highway and all-terrain chassis of the KAMAZ, MAZ, URAL, KRAZ, MZKT, TATRA brands with delivery to all regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries with the possibility of purchasing on lease and credit at favorable prices financial terms at dealer and negotiated prices using a special discount system.

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And of course, an important aspect that significantly influences the planning of activities when purchasing vehicles is the determination of costs for fuels and lubricants. Below you can find some data from official sources.

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Fuel consumption rates

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2008 N AM-23-r

“On the introduction of methodological recommendations “Consumption standards for fuels and lubricants in road transport”

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 395 “On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 32, Art. 3342) and in order to implement the order of the Ministry of Transport dated 24.06. 2003 N 153 “On approval of the Instructions for accounting for income and expenses for ordinary activities in road transport” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 24, 2003, registration N 4916):

Introduce the methodological recommendations “Consumption standards for fuels and lubricants in road transport.”

Deputy Minister A.S. Misharin Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2008 N AM-23-r


“Standards for fuel and lubricant consumption in road transport”

I. General provisions

1. Methodological recommendations “Consumption standards for fuels and lubricants in motor transport” (hereinafter referred to as fuel consumption standards) are intended for motor transport enterprises, organizations involved in the management and control system, entrepreneurs, etc., regardless of the form of ownership operating automotive equipment and special rolling stock on automobile chassis on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. This document provides the values ​​of basic, transport and operational (including surcharges) fuel consumption standards for general purpose rolling stock, fuel consumption standards for the operation of special vehicles, the procedure for applying standards, formulas and methods for calculating standard fuel consumption during operation, reference regulatory data on lubricant consumption, values ​​of winter allowances, etc.

3. The consumption rate of fuels and lubricants in relation to road transport implies an established value for the measure of its consumption when operating a vehicle of a specific model, brand or modification.

The consumption standards for fuels and lubricants in road transport are intended for calculating the standard value of fuel consumption at the point of consumption, for maintaining statistical and operational reporting, determining the cost of transportation and other types of transport work, planning the needs of enterprises for the supply of petroleum products, for calculating the taxation of enterprises, implementing mode of economy and energy conservation of consumed petroleum products, settlements with vehicle users, drivers, etc.

When normalizing fuel consumption, a distinction is made between the basic value of fuel consumption, which is determined for each model, brand or modification of a car as a generally accepted norm, and the calculated standard value of fuel consumption, which takes into account the transport work being performed and the operating conditions of the vehicle.

  • Fuel consumption standards for onboard trucks KAMAZ, URAL, MAZ, KRAZ, TATRA, GAZ, MZKT, BAZ

Weight indicators:. Power transmission

Maz 5336. What is the diesel fuel consumption at idle? United forum of truck and special equipment owners It is better to lift the engine by the right head, and then lower it to the floor so that the opposite head rests on the manifold, and the block connector on the pallet rests on a vertically placed sleeve in the middle of the block. An important part of this system is the MAZ 5336 compressor, which supplies air to the interconnected cylinders, an important component of the high-quality and safe functioning of the car.
  1. Camshaft;
  2. Drive gears;
  3. Rocker arm;
  4. Pushers;
  5. Valve mechanism.

Modification 026 • The parking brake system is needed to brake the machine in the event of a failure of the working system.

Fuel consumption of onboard vehicles

For onboard cargo vehicles and road trains, the standard value of fuel consumption is calculated using the formula:
Qн = 0.01 x (Hsan x S + Hw x W) (1 + 0.01 x D), (3)

where Qн is the standard fuel consumption, l;

S—mileage of a car or road train, km;

Hsan is the fuel consumption rate for the mileage of a car or road train in running order without load;

Hsan = Hs + Hg x Gnр, l/100 km,

where Hs is the basic fuel consumption rate for the mileage of a car (tractor) in running order, l/100 km (Hsan = Hs, l/100 km, for a single car, tractor);

Hg is the fuel consumption rate for the additional weight of a trailer or semi-trailer, l/100 t km;

Gnр is the dead weight of the trailer or semi-trailer, t;

Hw—fuel consumption rate for transport work, l/100 t km;

W is the volume of transport work, t km: W = Ggr Sgr (where Ggr is the mass of the cargo, t;

Sgr — mileage with load, km);

D — correction factor (total relative increase or decrease) to the norm, %.

For cargo flatbed vehicles and road trains performing work counted in ton-kilometers, in addition to the basic norm, the fuel consumption rate increases (calculated in liters per ton of cargo per 100 km run) depending on the type of fuel used: for gasoline - up to 2 l; diesel fuel - up to 1.3 l; liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - up to 2.64 l; compressed natural gas (CNG) - up to 2 cubic meters. m; with gas-diesel power, approximately up to 1.2 cubic meters. m of natural gas and up to 0.25 liters of diesel fuel.

When operating cargo flatbed vehicles, tractors with trailers and truck tractors with semi-trailers, the fuel consumption rate (l/100 km) for the mileage of the road train increases (calculated in liters for each ton of trailers and semi-trailers’ own weight) depending on the type of fuel: gasoline - up to 2 l; diesel fuel - up to 1.3 l; liquefied gas - up to 2.64 l; natural gas - up to 2 cubic meters. m; with gas-diesel engine power, approximately up to 1.2 cubic meters. m - natural gas and up to 0.25 liters of diesel fuel.

Fuel consumption of onboard domestic vehicles

Model, brand, modification of the carBasic rate, l/100 kmFuel
GAZ-2310 “Sobol” (ZMZ-40522-4L-2,464-145-5M)14,7B
GAZ-2704 “Farmer” g/p (GAZ-560-4L-2,134-95-5M)11,9D
GAZ-2943 “Farmer” (ZMZ-402-4L-2,445-100-4M)16,7B
GAZ-3302 (ZMZ-405220-4L-2,464-145-5M)15,3B
GAZ-3302 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4063.10-4L-2.3-110-5M)15,5B
GAZ-3302, -33021 “Gazelle” (ZMZ-4025.10-4L-2,445-90-5M)16,5B
GAZ-3302, -330210 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,448-100-4M)16,5B
GAZ-33021 (ZMZ-4025.10-4L-2,445-90-4M)16,9B
GAZ-33021 (UMZ-42150-4L-2.89-89-5M)16,6B
GAZ-330210 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,448-100-5M)16,0B
GAZ-33023-16 (6 seats) (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,445-100-5M)15,7B
GAZ-33027 "Gazelle" (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,445-100-5M)17,0B
GAZ-33073 (ZMZ-511.10-8V-4.25-125-4M)24,9B
GAZ-3309 (GAZ-5441.10-4L-4.15-116-5M)17,0D
GAZ-33104 "Valdai" (D-245.7E2-4L-4.75-117-5M)17,3D
GAZ-52, -52A, -52-01, -52-03, -52-04, -52-05, -52-54, -52-74, -53F22,0B
GAZ-52-07, -52-08, -52-0930,0CH
GAZ-52-27, -52-2821 (gasoline 22)JV
GAZ-53, -53A, -53-12, -53-12-016, -53-12A, -53-50, -53-7025,0B
GAZ-53-07, -53-1937,0CH
GAZ-53-2725,5 (25)JV
GAZ-63, -63A26,0B
GAZ-66, -66A, -66AE, -66E, -66-01, -66-02, -66-04, -66-05, -66-1128,0B
ZIL-130, -130A1, -130G, -130GU, -130S, -130-76, -130G-76, -130GU-76, -130S-76, -130-80, -130G-80, -130GU-8031,0B
ZIL-131, -131A41,0B
ZIL-133G, -133G1, -133G2, -133GU38,0B
ZIL-138A, -138AG32 (atJV
ZIL-151, -151A39,0B
ZIL-157, -157G, -157K, -157KG, -157KD, -157KE, -157KYu, -157E, -157Yu39,0B
ZIL-431410, -431411, -431412, -431416, -431417, -431450, -431510, -431516, -43191731,0B
ZIL-43161032 (31)JV
ZIL-431410 (D-243-4L-4.75-78-5M)19,5D
ZIL-433110 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M)33,0B
ZIL-43317 (KAMAZ-740-8V-10.85-210-9M)27,0D
ZIL-433360 (ZIL-508.100040-8V-6.0-150-5M)31,5B
ZIL-433362 (ZIL-375-8V-7.0-175-5M)36,2B
ZIL-4334 (8V-8.74-159-5M)25,3D
ZIL-5301 (D-245 MMZ-4L-4.75-105-5M)14,8D
ZIL-5301 PO (Caterpillar-3054-4L-3.9-136-5M)15,0D
ZIL-534330 (YaMZ-236A-6V-11.15-195-5M)20,5D
KamAZ-4310, -4310531,0D
KamAZ-5320 (YaMZ-238F-8V-14.86-320-5M)25,5D
KamAZ-53202, -53212, -5321325,5D
KamAZ-5320822.5+6.5D orJV
KamAZ-53212 (YaMZ-238F-8V-14.86-320-5M)26,4D
KamAZ-53212A (KAMAZ-7403.10-8V-10.85-260-10M)26,3D
KamAZ-53215 (KAMAZ-740.11-8V-10.85-240-10M)24,5D
KamAZ-53215N (KAMAZ-740.13-8V-10.85-260-10M)26,6D
KamAZ-5321721.5+6.5D or 26DJV
KamAZ-5321823+6.5D or 26DJV
KamAZ-5321922+6.5 or 26DJV
KrAZ-255B, -255B142,0D
KrAZ-257, -257B1, -257BS, -257S38,0D
KrAZ-260, -260B1, -260M42,5D
MAZ-437041-262 (D-245.30E2-4L-4.75-150-5M)18,9D
MAZ-516, 516B26,0D
MAZ-5334, -5335, -53350123,0D
MAZ-53362 (YaMZ-238-8V-14.86-300-8M)24,3D
MAZ-53366 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-5M)25,5D
MAZ-5337, -5337123,0D
MAZ-6303 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M)26,0D
MAZ-6303 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M)24,0D
MAZ-63171 (TMZ-8421-8V-17.26-360-9M)27,2D
MAZ-7310, -731398,0D
UAZ-3303 (4L-2,446-90-4M)16,5B
UAZ-33032, -3332-0121,5B
UAZ-33094 “Farmer” (UMZ-4218-4L-2.89-84-4M)16,8B
UAZ-3909 (APV-U-05) (UMZ-4178-4L-2,445-92-4M)17,0B
UAZ-451, -451D, -451DM, -451M14,0B
UAZ-452, -452D, -452DM16,0B
Ural-355, -355M, -355MS30,0B
Ural-375, -375AM, -375D, -375DM, -375DU, -375K, -375N, -375T, -375Yu50B
Ural-377, -377N44B
Ural-4320, -4320232D

Fuel consumption of onboard vehicles of foreign manufacturers

Model, brand, modification of the carBasic rate, l/100 kmFuel
Avia A-20H, A-21K, -21N11,0D
Avia A-30N, A-31L, -31N, -31P13,0D
DAF 95.350 (6L-11.63-354-16M)23,5D
Ford Transit 350 Single Cab 2.4D (4L-2,402-116-5M)10,2D
IFA W50L20,0D
Iveco ML 75E (6L-5,861-143-5M)21,4D
Magirus 232 D 19L24,0D
Magirus 290 D 26L34,0D
Mercedes-Benz 1843 Actros (6V-11,946-428-16M)25,6D
Mercedes-Benz 2540 L/NR Actros (6V-11,946-394-16M)23,1D
Mercedes-Benz 2640 L Actros (6V-11,946-394-16M)23,8D
Mercedes-Benz 813D (4L-2,299-79-5M)14,1D
Scania R 114 LB 380 (295/60R22.5) (6L-10.64-380-14M)20,3D
Scania R 124 LB 420 (295/60R22.5) (6L-11.72-420-14M)21,3D
Tatra 111R33,0D
Volvo F10 (6L-9,607-285-12M)20,9D
  • Fuel consumption standards for truck tractors KAMAZ, MAZ, URAL, KRAZ, TATRA, GAZ, MZKT, BAZ
  • MAZ-551608

    with two replaceable paper filter elements Supercharging None Liquid cooling system, closed type, with forced circulation of coolant, designed for all-season use of low-freezing liquids Centrifugal type water pump, driven by a maple belt from the crankshaft pulley Axial type fan, with flow direction from the engine to the radiator , permanent drive Generator model 1322. After all, even if we are talking about outdated modifications, their technical old age and removal from the assembly line does not mean that there will not be buyers for these models.

    Fuel consumption of tractors

    For truck tractors, the standard value of fuel consumption is calculated similarly to cargo flatbed vehicles and road trains with trailers and semi-trailers using formula (3).

    Fuel consumption of domestic tractors

    Model, brand, modification of the carBasic rate, l/100 kmFuel
    GAZ-63D, -63P26,0B
    ZIL-130AN, -130V, -130V1, -130V1-76, -130V1-831,0B
    ZIL-131V, -131NV41,B
    ZIL-131 NV (ZIL-375-8V-7.0-180-5M)43,5B
    ZIL-13305A (ZIL-6454-8V-9.56-200-9M)26,7D
    ZIL-137, -137DT42,0B
    ZIL-157V, -157KV, -157KDV38,5B
    ZIL-164AN, -164N31,0B
    ZIL-441510, -44151631,0B
    ZIL-441510 (ZIL-375-8V-7.0-180-5M)42,0B
    ZIL-442160 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M)30,6B
    ZIL-541730 (YaMZ-236 BE-7-6V-11.15-250-8M)17,6D
    KAZ-608, -608V, -608V231,0B
    KAZ-608V1 (ZIL-375)45,0B
    KamAZ-44108-10 (KAMAZ-740.30-8V-10.85-260-10M27,9D
    KamAZ-5410, -54101, -5411225,0D
    KamAZ-5410 (YaMZ-238M-8V-14.86-240-5M)25,0D
    KamAZ-54112 (YaMZ-238-8V-14.86-240-5M)26,0D
    KamAZ-54112 (KAMAZ-7403.10-8V-10.85-260-10M)25,0D
    KamAZ-54115 (KAMAZ-740.11-8V-10.85-240-10M)22,0D
    KamAZ-541150 (KAMAZ-740.11-8V-10.85-240-10M)22,2D
    KamAZ-54115S (KAMAZ-7403.10-8V-10.85-260-10M)23,7D
    KamAZ-5411823.5+6.5D or 26DJV
    KamAZ-5425 (Cummins-6L-10.0-327-12M)21,4D
    KamAZ-54601 (KAMAZ-740.50-8V-11.76-360-8M)20,4D
    KamAZ-6460 (KAMAZ-740.50-8V-11.76-360-16M)25,8D
    KZKT-7427, -7428140,0D
    KrAZ-255V, -255V140,0D
    KrAZ-255L, -255L1, -255LS41,5D
    KrAZ-258, -258B137,0D
    LIAZ 11042127,0D
    MAZ-537, -537T100,0D
    MAZ-5429, -543023,0D
    MAZ-543202-2120 (YaMZ-236NE-6V-11.15-230-5M)18,9D
    MAZ-54321, -5432625,0D
    MAZ-54322, -54322127,0D
    MAZ-54323, -5432428,0D
    MAZ-54323-032 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M)21,5D
    MAZ-543240-2120 (YaMZ-238DE-8V-14.86-317-8M)25,9D
    MAZ-54329 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-5M)22,0D
    MAZ-5433, -5433123,0D
    MAZ-5440 (YaMZ-7511.10-8V-14.86-400-9M)17,8D
    MAZ-544008 (YaMZ-7511.10-8V-14.86-400-14M)19,6D
    MAZ-6422, -64226, -64227, -642271, -6422935,0D
    MAZ-6422.9 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M)25,3D
    MAZ-642208 (YaMZ-7511.10-8V-14.86-400-9M)20,7D
    MAZ-64229 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M)24,6D
    MAZ-643008 (YaMZ-7511.10-8V-14.86-400-9M)22,2D
    MAZ-7310, -73101, -731398,0D
    MAZ-MAN-543268 (MAN-2866 F20-6L-11,967-400-16M)20,0D
    MAZ-MAN-642269 (MAN-6L-12,816-460-16M)21,5D
    Ural-375S, -375SK. -375SK-1, -375SN 49,0B
    Ural-377S, -377SK, -377SN44,0B
    Ural-43202-0111-31 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-5M26,0D
    Ural-4420, -4420231,0D
    Ural-Iveco-633913 (Iveco-6L-12.88-380-16M)25,8D

    Fuel consumption of foreign tractors

    Model, brand, modification of the carBasic rate, l/100 kmFuel
    Avstro-Fiat CDN-13026,0D
    Chepel D-45022,0D
    Chepel D-450.8625,0D
    DAF FT/FA 95 XF 380 (6L-12,58-381-16M)19,0D
    DAF 95.XF 430 (6L-12.58-428-16M)16,5D
    DAF 95.480 (6L-12.58-483-16M)18,6D
    Faun H-36-40/4585,0D
    Faun H-46-40/4990,0D
    International H921 (Cummins) (6L-10.8-350-12M20,6D
    Iveco 190.36/PT (6L-13,798-375-16M)19,0D
    Iveco 190 36 PT Turbo Star (6L-13,798-377-16M16,0D
    Iveco 440 E 47 (6L-13,798-470-16M)17,5D
    Iveco AT440 S43 (with fairing) (6L-10.3-430-16M)16,9D
    Iveco MP440 E42 (with fairing) (6L-13,798-420-16M19,8D
    KNVF-12T Camacu-Nissan45,0D
    MAN 19.463 FLS (6L-12,816-460-16M)16,0D
    MAN 19.372 (6L-11,961-370-16M)17,0D
    MAN 26.413 TGA (6L-11,967-410-16M)19,7D
    MAN 26.414 (6L-11,967-410-16M)16,6D
    MAN 26.463 FNLS (6L-12,861-460-16M)17,0D
    MAN F 2000 334 DFAT (with SP-240) (6L-11,967-410-16M)22,3D
    MAN TGA 18.350 (6L-10,518-350-16M)15,5D
    Mercedes-Benz-1635S, -1926, -1928, -193523,0D
    Mercedes-Benz 1733 SR (6V-10,964-340-16M)17,4D
    Mercedes-Benz 1735 (8V-14.62-354-16M)23,7D
    Mercedes-Benz 1735 LS (8V-14.62-269-16M)18,7D
    Mercedes-Benz 1832 LSNRA (6V-11,946-320-16M)17,1D
    Mercedes-Benz 1834 LS (6V-10,964-340-16M)18,5D
    Mercedes-Benz 1838 (8V-12,763-381-16M)24,0D
    Mercedes-Benz 1840 Actros (6V-11.95-394-16M)17,0D
    Mercedes-Benz 1850 LS (8V-14,618-503-16M)20,4D
    Mercedes-Benz 2653 LS 33 (8V-15,928-530-16M)19,5D
    Mercedes-Benz 3340 Actros (6V-11,946-394-16M)20,4D
    Praga ST2-W23,0D
    Renault AE 430 Magnum (6L-12.0-430-18M)18,9D
    Renault R 340 ti 19T (6L-9.8-338-9M)19,0D
    Renault Premium HR 400.18 (6L-11,1-392-18M)18,6D
    Scania P114 GA 6×4 NZ340 Griffi (6L-10.64-340-9M)18,7D
    Scania R 113 MA/400 (6L-11,021-401-14M)16,0D
    Scania R 124 LA 400 (6L-11.7-400-12M)16,0D
    Scania R 420 LA (6L-11,705-420-14M)17,7D
    Scoda-LIAS-100.42, -100.4524,0D
    Volvo F-893224,0D
    Volvo FH 12 (6L-12.0-405-14M)15,7D
    Volvo FH 12/380 (6L-12,13-380-14M)15,0D
    Volvo FH 12/420 (6L-12,13-420-14M)16,5D
  • Fuel consumption rates for KAMAZ, MAZ, URAL, GAZ, KRAZ, TATRA, MZKT, BAZ dump trucks
  • Engine

    MAZ-5336 is equipped with a 6-cylinder 4-stroke V-shaped diesel unit “YAMZ-6562.10” (manufacturer: Yaroslavl Motor Plant). The engine complies with Euro-3 standard. The power plant is located longitudinally in the front part of the cabin and has a pre-heating system that allows you to start the unit even in severe frosts.

    Characteristics of the YaMZ-6562.10 motor:

    • working volume – 11.15 l;
    • rated power - 250 hp;
    • torque – 1030 Nm.

    Dump truck fuel consumption standards

    For dump trucks and dump truck trains, the standard value of fuel consumption is calculated using the formula:
    Qн = 0.01 x Hsanc x S x (1 + 0.01 x D) + Hz x Z, (4)

    where Qн is the standard fuel consumption, l;

    S — mileage of a dump truck or road train, km;

    Hsanc is the fuel consumption rate of a dump truck or a dump truck train:

    Hsanc = Hs + Hw x (Gpr + 0.5q), l/100 km,

    where Hs is the transport norm taking into account transport work (with a load factor of 0.5), l/100 km;

    Hw is the rate of fuel consumption for the transport operation of a dump truck (if the coefficient 0.5 is not taken into account when calculating Hs) and for the additional weight of a dump trailer or semi-trailer, l/100 t x km;

    Gpr - dead weight of a dump trailer, semi-trailer, t;

    q - load capacity of a trailer, semi-trailer (0.5q - with a load factor of 0.5), t;

    Hz - additional fuel consumption rate for each trip with a load of a dump truck, road train, l;

    Z—number of loaded riders per shift;

    D — correction factor (total relative increase or decrease) to the norm, %.

    When operating dump trucks with dump trailers, semi-trailers (if the basic rate is calculated for the vehicle, as for a truck tractor), the fuel consumption rate increases for each ton of the trailer's, semi-trailer's own weight and half of its rated load capacity (load factor - 0.5): gasoline - up to 2 l; diesel fuel - up to 1.3 l; liquefied gas - up to 2.64 l; natural gas - up to 2 cubic meters. m.

    For dump trucks and road trains, the fuel consumption rate (Hz) is additionally established for each trip with a load when maneuvering at loading and unloading areas:

    — up to 0.25 liters of liquid fuel (up to 0.33 liters of liquefied petroleum gas, up to 0.25 cubic meters of natural gas) per unit of dump rolling stock;

    - up to 0.2 cubic meters m of natural gas and 0.1 liter of diesel fuel approximately with gas-diesel engine power.

    For heavy-duty dump trucks of the BelAZ type, the additional diesel fuel consumption rate for each trip with a load is set at up to 1 liter.

    In cases of operation of dump trucks with a payload coefficient above 0.5, it is allowed to normalize fuel consumption in the same way as for on-board vehicles according to formula (3).

    Fuel consumption standards for dump trucks of domestic manufacturers

    Model, brand, modification of the carBasic rate, l/100 kmFuel
    BelAZ-540, -540A135,0D
    BelAZ-549, -7509270,0D
    BelAZ-7510, -7522135,0D
    BelAZ-7523, -7525160,0D
    GAZ-93, -93A, -93AE, -93B, -93V23,0B
    GAZ-SAZ-2500, -3507, -350828,0B
    GAZ-SAZ-4301 (GAZ-542-4L-6,235-125-5M)17,5D
    GAZ-SAZ-4509 (GAZ-542-6L-6,235-138-4M)17,0D
    GAZ-SAZ-4509 (GAZ-542-6L-6,235-125-5M)16,7D
    ZIL-MMZ-4502, -45021, -45022, -450537,0B
    ZIL-MMZ-45054, -138AB37,5LNG
    ZIL-MMZ-45065; -4508 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M) 32,2B
    ZIL-MMZ-450650 (D-245.9-4L-4.75-136-5M)24,0D
    ZIL-MMZ-45085 (ZIL-508-8V-6.0-150-5M)39,5B
    ZIL-MMZ-4520 (ZIL-645-8V-8.74-185-9M)27,5D
    ZIL-MMZ-554, -55413, -554M37,0B
    ZIL-MMZ-555, -555A, -555G, -555GA, -555K, -555N, -555E, -555-76, -555-8037,0B
    ZIL-MMZ-585, -585B, -585V, -585D, -585Em, -585I, -585K, -585L, -585M36,0B
    KAZ-600, -600AV, -600B, -600V36,0B
    KamAZ-55102 (YaMZ-238-8V-14.86-240-10M)35,0D
    KamAZ-5511 (YaMZ-238-8V-14.86-240-5M)35,6D
    KamAZ-55111 (YaMZ-238M-8V-14.86-240-5M)36,5D
    KamAZ-55111A (KAMAZ-7403.10-8V-10.85-260-10M)38,3D
    KamAZ-55111A (KAMAZ-7403.10-8V-10.85-260-5M)43,3D
    KamAZ-5511831+9.0D or 35DLNG
    KamAZ-65111 (KAMAZ-740.10-8V-10.85-260-10M)36,0D
    KamAZ-65115 S (KAMAZ-740.11-8V-10.85-240-10M)32,2D
    KrAZ-256, -256B, -256B1, -256B1S48,0D
    MAZ-510, -510B, -510V, -510G, -511, -512, -513, -513A28,0D
    MAZ-5516 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M)42,0D
    MAZ-5516-030 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M)47,8D
    MAZ-5516-30 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M)48,0D
    MAZ-551603-021 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-8M)46,3D
    MAZ-5549, -555128,0D
    MAZ-5551-020 R2 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-5M)35,7D
    SAZ-3503, -350426,0B
    Ural-45286-01 (YaMZ-236NE2-6V-11.15-230-5M)44,5D
    Ural-55571 (YaMZ-236-6V-11.15-180-5M)34,5D

    Fuel consumption rates for dump trucks of foreign manufacturers

    Model, brand, modification of the carBasic rate, l/100 kmFuel
    Avia A-30KS15,0D
    Iveco Euro Trakker Cursor 1 (6L-12,88-440-16M)49,2D
    Scania C 124 (6L-11.72-360-9M)49,4D
    Tatra-138S1, -138S336,0D
    Tatra-148S1M, -148S336,0D
    Tatra-T815C1, -T815C1A, -T815C342,0D
    Volvo FM 12 (6L-12,1-420-14M)38,6D
    Volvo FM 12 (6L-12.8-400-9M)40,5D
  • Fuel consumption standards for KAMAZ, MAZ, URAL, GAZ, KRAZ, TATRA, MZKT, BAZ vans
  • Ural-4320 • Power plant

    Its components are as follows: a high-pressure fuel pump with a built-in regulator and corrector; fuel priming pump; nozzles; filters for coarse and fine purification of diesel fuel; low and high pressure fuel lines. tip Among other features of the truck is a fuel system that combines fuel pumps of different pressures and is also equipped with an all-mode speed controller.

    Main (nominal) power 1176 kW
    Reserve (max) power 2193.6 kW
    engine's typediesel, 4-stroke
    Engine displacement14.86 l
    Number, arrangement of cylinders8, V-shaped
    Cylinder operating order1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8
    Bore/Stroke130 x 140 mm
    Compression ratio16,5:1
    Rated speed2100 min-1
    Engine management systemmechanical, without CAN bus support
    Fuel injection systemdirect injection, injection pump with mechanical regulator
    Type of air pressurizationnaturally aspirated (atmospheric)
    Cooling systemliquid
    Fan power take-off7 kW
    Load acceptance step (step-load, G2), rel. main power 100 %
    Electrical System Rated Voltage24 V
    Specific fuel consumption 3:
    at 100% nom. power 227 g/kWh
    at 75% nom. power — g/kWh
    at 50% nom. power — g/kWh
    Oil consumption for waste, at 100% power
    - regarding fuel consumption0 %
    — specific oil consumption1.135 g/kWh
    Refill containers:
    - Lubrication system22 l
    — cooling system 440 l
    Standard oil change period 5250 hours
    Dimensions (L x W x H)1220 x 1005 x 1220 mm
    Weight (without oil and coolant)1075 kg
    Lifetime before major overhaul12000 operating hours

    Van fuel consumption standards

    For vans, the standard value of fuel consumption is determined similarly to on-board trucks using formula (3).
    For vans operating without taking into account the weight of the cargo being transported, the normalized value of fuel consumption is determined taking into account an increasing correction factor - up to 10% of the base standard.

    Fuel consumption standards for vans of domestic manufacturers

    Model, brand, modification of the carBasic rate, l/100 kmFuel
    BAGEM 27856V (D-245.7E2-4L-4.75-117-5M)19,5D
    VIS-2345-0000012 (VAZ-2106-4L-1.57-75.5-4M)9,3B
    GAZ-2705 (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,445-100-5M)15,0B
    GAZ-2705 (ZMZ-5143.10-4L-2.24-98-5M)11,3D
    GAZ-2705 (g/p; ZMZ-4062.10-4L-2.3-150-5M)14,5B
    GAZ-2705 (g/p; ZMZ-405220-4L-2,464-145-5M)15,1B
    GAZ-2705 (g/p; ZMZ-40260F-4L-2,445-86-5M)16,2B
    GAZ-2705 (g/p; ZMZ-405220-4L-2,464-140-5M)14,7B
    GAZ-2705 (g/p; ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-110-5M)14,3B
    GAZ-2705 (g/p; ZMZ-405220-4L-2,464-140-5M)14,5B
    GAZ-2705 (g/p; UMZ-4215СО-4L-2.89-110-5М)16,0B
    GAZ-2705 (UMZ-421500-4L-2.89-96-5M)17,4B
    GAZ-2705ADCh (9 seats; ZMZ-405220-4L-2 464-140-5M)17,7B
    GAZ-2705AZ (9 seats; ZMZ-405220-4L-2,464-140-5M)17,1B
    GAZ-2705AZ (13 seats; ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-98-5M)16,5B
    GAZ-2705-014 (ZMZ-4063-4L-2.3-110-5M)15,0B
    GAZ-2705-034 “Combi” (g/p ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-110-5M)15,3B
    GAZ-270500-44 (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,445-100-5M)16,0B
    GAZ-27057-034 (ZMZ-4063A-4L-2.3-110-5M)16,9B
    GAZ-27057ADCh (7 seats; ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-98-5M15,9B
    GAZ-27057ADCH (7 seats; SGU ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-98-5M)16,6B
    GAZ-27181 (ZMZ-4025.10-4L-2,445-90-5M)17,3B
    GAZ-27181 (ZMZ-4025.10-4L-2,445-100-4M)17,7B
    GAZ-2747 (g/p; ZMZ-4063D-4L-2.3-110-5M)16,2B
    GAZ-2752 “Sobol” (ZMZ-4063-4L-2.3-110-5M)14,0B
    GAZ-2752 “Sobol” (g/p ZMZ-40630С-4L-2,3-98-5М)13,5B
    GAZ-2752 “Sobol” (ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-110-5M)13,7B
    GAZ-2752-0000010″Bison-2000″ (armor ZMZ-4063.10-4L-2.3-110-5M)15,4B
    GAZ-2752-414 (g/p; ZMZ-40522A-4L-2,464-140-5M14,3B
    GAZ-27527 (g/p; ZMZ-40522A-4L-2,464-145-5M)15,4B
    GAZ-2757AO (ZMZ-4063A-4L-2.3-110-5M)16,0B
    GAZ-2968 O'gara-Bizon (armored, GAZ-2752 chassis) (ZMZ-4063С-4L-2,3-98-5М)15,3B
    GAZ-32590N (operational headquarters with SGU ZMZ-405220-4L-2,464-140-5M)16,5B
    GAZ-33021 “Warrior” (armored ZMZ-4026-4L-2,445-100-5M)19,0B
    GAZ-33021-1214, ZSA-27071 (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,448-100-5M)17,5B
    GAZ-33022 (ZMZ-4025.10-4L-2,446-90-5M)16,5B
    GAZ-33022-0000310 (ZMZ-4026.10-4L-2,445-100-5M)16,2B
    GAZ-33027 (armored, ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-110-5M)17,6B
    GAZ-33094 (GAZ-5441.10-4L-4.15-116-5M)17,8D
    GAZ-37972 (ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-98-5M)16,4B
    GZSA-3702, -(KMZ)-371223,0B
    GZSA-37021, -3704134,0CIS
    GZSA-37022, -3704224,0LNG
    GZSA-3706, -(KMZ)-3705, -3711, -37111, -37112, -3712*(2)*27,0B
    GZSA (KMZ)-3712224 (23)LNG
    GZSA-3713, -371429,0B
    GZSA (KMZ)-371628,0B
    GZSA (KozMZ)-3718*(3)29,0B
    GZSA (KozMZ)-371929,0B
    GZSA (KMZ)-372127,0B
    GZSA (KMZ)-3723127,0B
    GZSA (KMZ)-372627,0B
    GZSA-3742, -3742129,0B
    GZSA-891, -892, -893A23,0B
    GZSA-891V, -893B24,0LNG
    GZSA-949, -95027,0B
    DISA-29521 (armored, sh.GAZ-2752) (GAZ-560-4L-2,134-95-5M)11,4D
    DISA-2955 (armored, w. ZIL-5301) (D-245-4L-4.75-107-5M)19,3D
    ErAZ-373, -37301, -37302, -37304, -3730515,0B
    ErAZ-762, -762A, -762B, -762V14,0B
    ZIL-433360 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M)34,5B
    ZIL-433362 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M)35,0B
    ZIL-47410A (sh. ZIL-5301) (D-245.12-4L-4.75-109-5M)15,1D
    ZIL-474110 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M)34,2B
    ZIL-474110 (sh. ZIL-433362) (D-245.12-4L-4.75-109-5M)17,7D
    ZIL-5301 EO (D-245.12-4L-4.75-109-5M)15,2D
    ZIL-534332 (YaMZ-236A-6V-11.15-195-5M)26,5D
    IZH-2715, -27151, -271501, -27151-0111,0B
    IZH-27156-016 (UZAM-412E-4L-1,584-80-4M)10,0B
    IZH-2717 (VAZ-2106-4L-1,569-75-5M)9,4B
    IZH-2717-220 (UMPO-331410-4L-1,699-85-5M)9,7B
    IZH-2717-230 (VAZ-2106-4L-1,569-75-5M)9,5B
    KamAZ-43114R (KAMAZ-740.31-8V-10.85-240-10M)32,0D
    KamAZ-53212 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-5M)31,5D
    KamAZ-53212A (KAMAZ-7403.10-8V-10.85-260-10M)30,6D
    KamAZ-532150 (KAMAZ-740.11-8V-10.85-240-10M)28,0D
    KamAZ-65201 (KAMAZ-740.50-8V-11.76-360-16M ZF46,5D
    MAZ-53371 (YaMZ-236M2-6V-11.15-180-5M)26,2D
    MAZ-53366 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-6M)25,0D
    LuMZ-890, -890B34,0B
    LuMZ-945, -94810,0B
    LuMZ-946, -94915,0B
    Maud. (KMZ)-35101 27,0B
    Maud. (GZSA)-3767 28 (27)LNG
    Maud. (KMZ)-39011 24,0B
    Maud. (KozMZ)-39021, -39031 29,0B
    Maud. (KMZ)-54423 28,0D
    Maud. (KozMZ)-5703 28,0D
    Moskvich-2733, -273411,0B
    Ratnik-29453 (gaz-2705 highway) (ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-98-5M)16,0B
    Ratnik-29453 (gaz-2705 highway) (ZMZ-40522-4L-2,464-140-5M)16,1B
    RAF-22031-1, -22035, -22035-0115,0B
    RIDA-222210 (sh.GAZ-2705) (ZMZ-40630A-4L-2.3-98-5M)15,3B
    RIDA-222211 (s.GAZ-27057) (GAZ-560-4L-2,134-95-5M)13,7D
    UAZ-3303-0001011APV-04-01 (4L-2,445-92-4M)17,5B
    UAZ-3741 (UMZ-4178-4L-2,446-90-4M)16,5B
    UAZ-3741 (UMZ-4178-4L-2,446-76-4M)16,8B
    UAZ-3741 "DISA-1912 Zaslon" (4L-2,445-92-4M)17,6B
    UAZ-374101, -39620117,0B
    UAZ-3909 (g/p) (UMZ-4178-4L-2,445-90-4M)16,5B
    UAZ-3909 (g/p) (UMZ-4178-4L-2,445-76-4M)18,5B
    UAZ-3909 (g/p) (ZMZ-40210L-4L-2,445-81-4M)17,3B
    UAZ-3909 (UMZ-4178-4L-2,446-92-4M)16,8B
    UAZ-39099 “Farmer” (g/p) (UMZ-4218.10-4L-2.89-98-4M)18,0B
    UAZ-390992 (g/p; ZMZ-410400-4L-2.89-85-4M)17,0B
    Ural-326031 (YaMZ-236NE2-6V-11.15-230-5M)29,9D
    Ural-4320-0111-41 (armored) (YaMZ-236NE2-6V-11.15-230-5M)33,3D

    *(1) GZSA - Gorky Specialized Vehicles Plant

    *(2) KMZ - Caspian Machine-Building Plant

    *(3) KozMZ - Kozelsky Machine-Building Plant

    *(4) NZAS - Neftekamsk dump truck plant

    Fuel consumption of frogs from foreign manufacturers

    Model, brand, modification of the carBasic rate, l/100 kmFuel
    Avia A-20F11,0D
    Avia A-30F, -30KSU, -31KSU13,0D
    Guk A-03, A-06, A-07M, A-11, A-13, A-13M14,0B
    Ford Accorn F 150 (armored, 6V-4,2-210-5M)16,0B
    Ford E-350 (armor, 8V-5.77-210-4A)23,0B
    Ford Econoline E350 (armor, 8V-5.77-210-4A)21,0B
    Ford Econoline E350 (armor, 8V-5,4-232-4A)21,5B
    Ford Econoline F 450 (armor, 8V-7,498-245-5M)32,0B
    Ford Transit 100C (armor, 4L-1,994-115-5M)16,2B
    Ford Transit 2.5D (4L-2,496-70-5M)8,4D
    Ford Transit Connect 1.8TD (c/m. 4L-1,753-90-5M)8,2D
    Ford Transit FT 150/150L 2.5 T (4L-2,498-85-5M)10,5D
    Ford Transit FT-190L (4L-2,496-76-5M)9,0D
    IFA-Robur LD 3000KF/STKo17,0D
    Isuzu 27958D (4L-4.57-121-5M)16,2D
    Iveco 50.9, -60.11 (4L-3,908-100-5M)13,8D
    Iveco 65.10 (4L-3,908-100-5M)14,6D
    Iveco 79.12 (4L-3,908-115-5M)14,7D
    Iveco Daily 49.10 (4L-2.5-103-5M)13,0D
    Iveco Euro Cargo (6L-5,861-143-6M)19,4D
    Iveco Euro Cargo ML 150 E 18 (armor 6L-5,861-177-9M)23,0D
    Iveco MT-190 E 30 (armored, 6L-9.5-345-16M)28,0D
    MAN 15.220 (6L-6,871-220-6M)22,0D
    MAN 15.224 LC (6L-6,871-220-6M)22,6D
    MAN 8.145 4.6D (4L-4.58-140-5M)15,4D
    Mercedes-Benz 1317 (6L-5,958-165-6M)20,7D
    Mercedes-Benz 1838L (8V-12,756-381-16M)25,8D
    Mercedes-Benz 308D (armored, 4L-2,289-79-5M)10,8D
    Mercedes-Benz 312D (5L-2,874-122-5M)11,5D
    Mercedes-Benz 312D (armored, 5L-2,874-122-5M)13,7D
    Mercedes-Benz 408D (4L-2,299-79-5M)10,0D
    Mercedes-Benz 408D (armored, 4L-2,299-79-5M)11,4D
    Mercedes-Benz 410 (armored, 4L-2,297-105-5M)16,0B
    Mercedes-Benz 410D (armored, 5L-2,874-95-5M)14,5D
    Mercedes-Benz 416CDI Sprinter 2.7D (armor 5L-2,686-156-5M)15,5D
    Mercedes-Benz 609D (4L-3,972-90-5M)14,3D
    Mercedes-Benz 809D (4L-3,729-90-5M)13,1D
    Mercedes-Benz 811D (4L-3,729-115-5M)13,8D
    Mercedes-Benz 814D (6L-5,958-132-5M)18,9D
    Mercedes-Benz LP 809/36 (4L-3.78-90-5M)17,0D
    Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 414 2.3 (armor 4L-2,295-143-5M)17,8B
    Mitsubishi L400 2.5 D (4L-2,477-99-5M)10,3D
    Nusa C-502-1, C-521С, C-522С14,0B
    Renault Kangoo 1.4 (4L-1.39-75-5M)8,6B
    Renault Kangoo Express 1.4 (4L-1.39-75-5M)8,3B
    TA-943A, -943N22,5B
    TA-949A, -1A424,0B
    Volkswagen LT 35 (4L-2,799-158-5M)11,0D
    Volkswagen Transporter (4L-2.0-84-5M)11,0B
    Volkswagen Transporter 1.9D 7H (4L-1,896-86-5M)9,8D
    Volkswagen Transporter 2.5 (armor 5L-2,459-110-5M)13,5B
    Volkswagen Transporter T4 2.5 (armor 5L-2,461-115-5M)14,1B
    Volkswagen Transporter T4 2.5 syncro (armor. 5L-2,459-110-5M)16,0B
    Volkswagen Transporter T4 2.5D (armor. 5L-2,461-102-5M)10,5D
    Volkswagen Transporter T4/T4 (armor 5L-2,37-78-5M)10,5D
    Volvo FL 10 (6L-9,607-320-14M)27,0D
    Volvo FL 608 (6l-5,48-180-6M)19,7D
    Volvo FL 614 (6L-5.48-180-6M)21,2D
    Volvo FL 626 5.5D (6L-5.48-220-9M)25,0D
    DISA-29615 (armored, Ford Transit (4L-2,295-146-5M)14,2B
    DISA-296151 (armored, Ford Transit Connect) (4L-1,753-90-5M)9,0D
    NAME-M19282 (armored, Ford Transit) (4L-2,402-125-5M)13,5D

    Modifications, photo: Photo modifications

    Models of this type, which were produced in naturally aspirated basic versions and turbocharged versions, have earned a reputation as the most impeccable and reliable engines of domestic production. dm, designated VAZ-2106, its modification VAZ-21063; the Likinsky Automobile Plant bus, with an overall length of 11.4 meters, is designated LiAZ-5256, its modification LiAZ-52564; The Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant dump truck, with a total weight of 10.8 tons, is designated ZIL-MMZ-4502, its modification ZIL-MMZ-45022, etc.

    Owner reviews Truck design

    YaMZ 238 engine: technical characteristics, fuel consumption, service life, reviews In all of these cases, the rationing of liquid fuel consumption for gas-cylinder vehicles is carried out in the same sizes as for the corresponding basic gasoline vehicles. From the waybill it was established that the GAZ-24-10 taxi car, operating in mountainous areas at an altitude of 500 - 1500 meters, covered a distance of 244 kilometers.
    • Malfunction of the high pressure fuel pump due to low-quality diesel fuel;
    • Contamination or wear of the gas distribution mechanism due to untimely replacement of the oil filter and the use of an unsuitable lubricant;
    • Formation of cracks and chips in the crankshaft bearings due to excessive high loads;
    • Wear and formation of defects on the surface of the piston rings.
    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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