Foam generator for car wash: device and modification with your own hands

Hello, dear friends! Today we have a very interesting topic. Especially for those who prefer to wash their car with their own hands or think that the current prices for a car wash are too high. That is, he is going to switch from professional car wash services to manual ones. Therefore, the topic of our conversation is the foam generator.

But not GPSS, which is used to extinguish fires by supplying foam. And not generators for foam concrete. Although their rental may be of interest to some, it is not about them.

We are talking about a special high-pressure device that is used for contactless car washing. This is a kind of gardening tool that allows you to wash your own car in the territory of a private house or even in the courtyard of a high-rise building (who is not afraid of neighbors or other threats).

Of course, the job can be done with a regular low pressure sprayer. However, you will not be able to get a high-quality result from a sprayer. But foamers create a homogeneous and finely dispersed foam. Due to this, a wonderful effect is achieved. I use it myself, so I know what I’m talking about.

Device Features

It doesn’t matter whether you buy an Italian foam generator or order one from China, structurally they all look about the same.

The design includes:

  • gun;
  • mixer;
  • balloon.

A special nozzle, as well as a foam-creating tablet, ensure that this mixture is supplied under high pressure. As a result, the car is quickly coated with a layer that removes dirt.

Such washing cannot be called completely contactless. If you want results, you will also have to work with sponges or brushes.

An important characteristic on which the operation and the best indicator of efficiency depends is the volume of the tank. Usually they are made for 25-100 liters. The compressed air supplied from the cylinder should have a pressure of 5-6 bar. At the outlet, the manual foam generator has a special regulator. It allows you to control the pressure using a built-in pressure gauge.

Sprayer or generator?

This is where a very important point arises. If you need a mini-wash, I advise you to choose a foam generator. Although many sellers offer to buy a sprayer for car washing. Some even pass off an ordinary sprayer as a supposedly highly efficient foam generator.

In some cases, a universal sprayer can perform well. But it is inferior to foam because it is not able to create the same persistent foam. At the exit you get a regular emulsion, the efficiency of which is much lower.

Therefore, I will teach you to distinguish sprayers from generators.

  • the sprayer circuit does not provide for the presence of a regulator to control the quality of the mixture;
  • The sprayer has a larger nozzle at the outlet than the foam sprayer.

These distinctive characteristics are enough to make the right purchase.

If we talk specifically about manufacturers, then you should pay attention to the following brands:

  • Karcher;
  • Monsoon;
  • Calm (Stihl);
  • Huter (Huter);
  • Bosch;
  • Elitech;
  • Procar;
  • Idrobase;
  • Interskol;
  • Champion;
  • Patriot.

The price range varies, so rely on your available budget. I’ll say right away that you shouldn’t buy cheap devices. A good quality sprayer will be more useful than a low-grade foam sprayer.

Go to Aliexpress, read reviews, explore different stores. The Internet works 24 hours a day, so information about a particular model can always be found out.

Safety precautions

When making a foam generator, you need to take into account that the container in the sprayer can withstand pressure up to 4-5 atm . When pumping air into it, be sure to monitor the pressure gauge reading or control the pressure with the relief valve.

Do not use the device for other purposes than for its intended purpose by pouring toxic or flammable substances into the container.

When working with a foam generator, it is recommended to use special clothing and personal protective equipment to avoid foam getting into your eyes and sensitive parts of the body.

How does a foam generator work?

Now let's study the principle of operation of such a device. What is he like? The work is carried out on the basis of fairly clear processes.

In short, due to compressed air, a special shampoo passes through a foaming agent and the finished product is obtained, that is, foam. Conventionally, the education process is divided into two stages.

  • Primary foam. A stream of water under high pressure comes out through a nozzle and mixes with the shampoo. At the same time, air is added to the mixture, supplied through special holes. But such foam does not have the necessary characteristics, so it is not suitable for washing a car.
  • Ready foam. Here the so-called tablet plays the main role. The mixture we obtained in the first stage passes through the tablet at high speed. This is a small device that ensures the creation of a foam mass with the desired characteristics. The foaming tablet is made of corrosion-resistant wire. They have different cell sizes. It is important to obtain high expansion foam. This directly affects the quality of the car wash.

At the exit we get a stream of foam, which is easily applied to the car using a hose and then washed off with water.

Advantages and disadvantages

This mini high pressure washer has important advantages:

  • the components of the liquid are converted into foam without loss;
  • the output creates a stable mixture with excellent cleaning properties;
  • foam consumption and parameters can be adjusted;
  • One charge of a 50-liter cylinder allows you to wash from 10 to 15 cars.

But there are a couple of disadvantages:

  • you will have to constantly refill the cylinder with compressed air;
  • you need to install a compressor.

Having a good sink at your disposal, using a special adapter, you can combine them into a common device. An excellent solution for those who have already acquired a car wash and want to increase the efficiency of their car washing equipment.

Some even create a homemade apparatus from a fire extinguisher or other improvised means. There are even a number of special videos where everything is clearly shown. But I would not recommend doing such things. If you want a device for supplying foam and a really high-quality car wash, spare no expense and buy yourself a good generator, even a Chinese one.

But revision is another matter. When buying a household or professional foam cleaner, many note that some spare parts are insufficiently effective.

Three ways. Which is better?

The first is the traditional way

— remove the unit, wash it with a high-pressure washer and chemicals, then completely disassemble it, place the parts in a bath of chemicals and wash them.
The method is not suitable for everyone - it is labor-intensive
and expensive, so we will not dwell on it in detail.

Soft rinsing: safe, but not always sufficient

The second method is soft washing

, is well suited for the vast majority of car owners. The essence of this method is as follows: you need to drain the old oil and fill in a new one with a high alkaline number, ideally diesel oil; do not be afraid to pour it into a gasoline engine. For a more “gentle” engine (for example, it is designed for a viscosity of 5W30), you can use mineral oil. After filling, you need to drive about 2 thousand kilometers, then drain it, replace it with the same one, or, to make the effect more noticeable, you should also fill in a soft flush; there are quite a lot of them on sale.

By the way, washing significantly enhances the cleaning properties of the oil. However, sometimes this procedure is not enough. In any case, it is advisable to start cleaning the engine with a soft flush, since this is a safe and correct method


Aggressive washing: testing products

The third method is aggressive flushing. You need to pour a special liquid into the engine, directly into the old oil, start it, let it run for about half an hour (depending on what the instructions suggest), then the flush is drained directly with the old oil.

However, not all flushes do their job well; in addition, flushes are quite aggressive, which affects sealing gaskets and seals.

Recently, on the Internet, there has been more and more discussion about the effectiveness of flushing and decarbonizing an engine using the addition of Dimexide.

, it can be bought in pharmacies. Today I bought this drug for testing, it cost me 54 rubles, and we will conduct experiments.

In addition to this drug, white spirit and grease remover, which have become leaders in popular experiments, will take part in the tests.

What is more effective?

So, so that the conditions are equal for each product, we take one piston, saw it into pieces, place each piece in a separate flask, and fill these pieces with white spirit, grease remover and Dimexide. We place the flasks on the tile so that the liquids do not cool down and Dimexin does not crystallize.

We observe a reaction in the flask with a grease remover, some kind of foam appears, the white spirit does not show any signs of life. After a few minutes, we see that the liquid in the flask with Dimekid has become very dark, the grease remover too, although less, the white spirit did not work at all.

The pharmaceutical product performed best

, sludge is easily removed even without mechanical action, white spirit did not give any tangible result.
The grease remover did its job, only the surface became somewhat dull and rough - it is obvious that it enters into a chemical reaction with aluminum
, so it should not be recommended to pour it into the engine under any circumstances.

To use Dimexide as a rinse, you need to pour 100 ml for each liter of oil. drug. We have previously cleaned the engine and pistons this way.

, everything cleaned up just fine, we expected the effect, but didn’t think it would turn out so well.

So, it has been verified that Dimexide works and can be used to clean the engine, especially since the cost of the drug is more than affordable. It’s up to you to decide whether to pour it into your car or use special chemicals... But, remember, about all those nuances and destructive actions that were discussed in articles on our channel earlier, you can also ruin the engine.


A little about the improvement

How can you make your foam generator work even better? Here we are talking about increasing productivity, that is, increasing the amount of foam created.

No complex repairs will be required. And you won’t have to open the generator drawing. The essence of the modification is to make the attachment work better.

I note that many foamers experience problems with mixing components due to the imperfection of the standard nozzle. The water is supplied under low pressure, so although the shampoo gets into the mixture, complete mixing does not occur. There are models with a too narrow hole through which shampoo is supplied. The water simply does not allow the detergent to push through there.

There are two methods by which you can improve the lack of factory foams.

  1. Replace the injector. You will need a screw nut. This is a fastener that is used in computers and holds the motherboard on it. The advantage is that the nut is soft and easy to drill. A drill with a diameter of 1 mm is required. At low speeds it makes a hole in the middle of the nut without damaging the thread. A slot is made on the end side for a screwdriver. The resulting device is screwed into the nozzle. That's not all. We take the same nut, but a little larger, and also a 2 mm drill. Make a hole and widen it to a cone with a file. Only on the side that will be facing the inside of the nozzle. Install the nozzle. Take a pen rod (preferably gel) and cut a tube 30-40 mm long. A hole of about 4.6 mm is made on top of the nozzle. This is ideal. This way the tube will fit tightly. Treat everything with sealant, wait until it dries and check the operation of the foam generator.
  2. For nozzles that have a mesh. It serves to break the flow of water and create foam. The problem is that the meshes wear out quickly. For modification, take a jet from a carburetor Zhiguli car and a mesh made of stainless steel. The jet is installed in place of the standard injector. Be guided by the sizes. The mounting hole will have to be drilled out to fit the jet. We remove the standard grid and make a new one using its template. It is advisable to choose a mesh whose cell diameter does not exceed 2 mm. 1.5mm would be ideal. Put it in place of the old one and try out the effect of the modification yourself.

The cost of such a modification may be zero if the necessary materials are available.

Necessary materials

For the future foam generator to operate efficiently, the purchase of expensive components, as well as the use of new parts and devices, is not necessary. When making a device with your own hands, you will need the following parts and materials:

  • container from a garden sprayer. Suitable containers for this include garden and vegetable garden sprayers, manual pump-type, garden comfort 12 l, Stanley pump-action, petrol garden backpack, manual pump-type, as well as the “Quasar” or “Beetle” models.

From the Zhuk sprayer

  • For these models, the pump or pump is dismantled;
  • pressure gauge with scale up to 10 atm;
  • nipple with a shut-off valve that allows air to flow in one direction; two 0.5-inch fittings with four nuts and gaskets;
  • valve that regulates the supply of foam;
  • metal tube and nozzles for spraying water;
  • reinforced hose that can withstand pressure up to 8 atmospheres;
  • hose adapter;
  • clamps for connecting fittings with hoses;
  • foam tablet.

When selecting materials, the first step is to determine a container that can withstand pressure up to 6 atmospheres. An intact garden sprayer fits these requirements quite well. You can buy a foam tablet in a store or make it yourself.

The basis for the functioning of the foam generator from the Zhuk sprayer is a metal mesh, which can be easily made from a metal brush intended for washing dishes, or a tightly knitted lump of fishing line.

Search for spare parts by car vin code

Where to buy shampoos? In any automotive chemical store. But it is very important to understand how to use special chemistry.

Cities such as Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and many others offer a huge range of special active foam. To be more precise, the concentrate is sold.

DIY car shampoo - recipes and possible substitutes

Car shampoo is an important element for keeping your car clean. Branded products are expensive, although they are effective. Is it possible to make a car wash product with your own hands that is not inferior in effectiveness to the best industrial designs? Of course, visiting a car wash will solve problems with dirt, but it is expensive, especially in the summer, when the car requires more thorough cleaning and, moreover, it will have to be done more often. Therefore, let's see how you can make your own car detergent.

Operating principle

So, we will design an air-liquid foam generator with a passive bubbler. This type of this class of devices is technically simple and accessible for self-production, and its performance and foam expansion indicators are sufficient for an individual car wash. Air-liquid means that the foaming agent is liquid (a solution of car shampoo in water), and the foam filler is atmospheric air.

The principle of operation of a foam generator of this type is illustrated in the figure:

Operating principle of a foam generator for car washing

Depending on the method of supplying the foaming agent and filler, this device can be structurally designed:

  • Injection (supercharged) - the foaming agent and filler are supplied forcibly under pressure. The possibilities for adjusting the expansion rate and foam consumption are the widest. “Range” (see below) is the greatest. Air compressor – low or medium performance for a pressure of 4-5 ati (4-5 bar (approx.) or 55-70 psi). Shampoo consumption for washing a passenger car is 30-50 ml; water for foaming agent – ​​5-6 liters.
  • Direct ejection (supercharged) - air is also supplied forcibly and sucks the foaming agent from a supply container with atmospheric drainage, as in a cologne atomizer with a pear. Structurally simpler than before. type (no need for a pressure vessel), but the ability to set foam parameters is somewhat narrower. Compressor for pressure from 2-2.5 ati (bar, or 29-36 psi); water and shampoo consumption approx. 1.5-2 times more than before. case. With a low-performance compressor (for inflating tires), it is possible to obtain only low-expansion foam. Most foam nozzles for washing guns are built according to this scheme.
  • Reverse ejection - a jet of foam concentrate from the nozzle draws in atmospheric air. Its flow rate is determined by the pressure drop at the nozzle exit, which cannot be more than 1 atm (0.987 bar or 14.5 psi), so it is impossible to obtain high-expansion foam. The additional parameters relevant for a car wash (see below) are unsatisfactory, but using a model of such a device using a washing gun with a mud cutter and cutting a plastic bottle with a “waist” (below in the figure), you can clearly understand the principle of operation and learn how to adjust the foam.

Extra options

The performance of a foam car wash is significantly influenced by additional parameters of the foam generator:

  • range of foam jet ejection (range) - the greater the distance you can “shoot” a given area, the less time it takes to wash and the better its quality will be, because the foam sprayed at the beginning has less risk of “overstaying”;
  • homogeneity of the jet - washes the car preeminently. foam from the dense core of the jet, and the flakes that form the halo flow down more uselessly;
  • transverse compression of the jet - washing foam with a compressed “shovel” results in much less loss of surfactants than with a “broom” that is round in cross section.

Injection generators “shoot” the farthest, 3 m and further. The uniformity and compression of the jet is largely determined by the spray nozzle, see below.

Another generator

Some foam nozzles for washing guns are produced with double bubbling, active pneumatic and passive. Air is pumped into the supply tank through a sprayer in the form of a stream of bubbles through a foaming agent, above the surface of which a cap of low-expansion foam is formed. When you press the shutter, part of it enters a chamber with a passive bubbler, which increases the foam expansion rate. Due to this, the range of jet emission sharply decreases, but a household pump sprayer can be very easily adapted to a generator of this type for washing small surfaces (see below), and the possibility of using it for its intended purpose is not lost.

This is interesting: We make anticorrosive for cars with our own hands

1 Recommendations on how to wash a car with minimal time and money

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DIY car shampoo without harmful substances

Each car owner uses various car care products. Among the many types, the most common is car shampoo. A high-quality option allows you to give your car a beautiful appearance and clean it from dirt and dust. Today we will look at how to create a car shampoo with your own hands, which will not contain harmful substances and chemicals.

Cosmetic treatment of a car is a rather responsible procedure that requires certain knowledge and skills. Let's explore which shampoo for contactless washing is more profitable to buy? Of course, car owners want their car to be in well-maintained condition, but not to suffer from the negative effects of chemicals that destroy the paint.

Purpose and operating principle of a fine particle generator

During operation, the foam generator for washing, due to the high pressure inside the working cylinder, creates foam, which is applied to the body panels to clean them. The composition successfully combats the most persistent stains. In this case, the mechanical impact is minimal.

The use of the active composition of the foam allows for comprehensive cleaning of contaminants:

  • dust and dirt;
  • persistent organic compounds;
  • microflora.

The main obstacle to individual use of the current type of design is the high price of a professional product. An expensive machine does not justify the cost when used periodically to wash one car. Therefore, homemade installations for contactless washing are popular.


Structurally, a foam generator for a car wash is similar to any overpressure unit - from a garden sprayer to a cylinder for pumping liquefied gas. The design of the device includes the following elements:

  1. High pressure cylinder.
  2. Foaming agent.
  3. A sprayer that provides flow and fineness of spray.
  4. Connecting hoses are of sufficient length.

The source of foam formation is a special foam tablet. This element is a finely porous mesh made of corrosion-resistant wire. After passing through the tablet, a liquid fraction with a high specific gravity is formed.

Types of funds

On the market or in an auto store you can find products presented in the following form:

All the products that you can buy or make with your own hands can be divided into:

If you are going to make shampoo according to a recipe, this involves using it in a domestic environment. After making this mixture, you can wash your car with a bucket of water and a sponge.

You can achieve a large amount of foam by using special attachments for whipping the composition.

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