How to cut a log into boards with a chainsaw: equipment and technology. Homemade sawmill from a chainsaw

Edged boards are an environmentally friendly and easy-to-process material, but the cost of 1 cubic meter of high-quality wood will be quite expensive. In cases where you need to purchase a large amount of building materials, many home craftsmen think about making their own lumber.

To independently produce high-quality boards or timber, you cannot do without the use of special woodworking devices. New equipment will cost tens of thousands of rubles. Therefore, if you want to start making such a device yourself, the article will describe a step-by-step guide on how to make a band sawmill with your own hands with minimal financial costs.

Homemade chainsaws or what else the “Friendship” chainsaw is suitable for

Homemade chainsaws or what else the “Friendship” chainsaw is suitable for
. It all started this summer, when a good friend of mine, a mechanic, gave him an old “Friendship” chainsaw that he no longer needed, so that I could figure out something with it. The first thought was something radio-controlled, big, on huge wheels, like a Badge.

But soon a slightly different idea appeared in my head... something like a moped or a scooter... Without thinking twice, I took up iron corners, an old bicycle frame, an angle grinder and welding! At first the basis was something like a scooter, that is, just two parallel corners, a wheel between them and the entire “front” of the bicycle. The engine itself was attached to this structure. Everything is simple and primitive: The main task was the transmission! The engine is not the strongest, and at first it simply did not pull the whole structure:

Therefore, we did the following: we reduced the drive gear and thereby made the gear ratio larger:

Now he just drove off! There was a lot of joy, but not for long.. One day I adjusted the carburetor correctly and everything began to repeat itself: the engine stalls when trying to drive. I was disappointed, but it was impossible to remain inactive and we decided to radically change everything. A lot of things have been redone! The most important thing is the transmission: now I have already installed 4 gears, the design is very complex, the chains had to be tensioned somehow, but we also solved this with the help of adjusting bolts. The engine also had to be moved forward, as on motorcycles and mopeds, plus the frame was changed and the seating position was more comfortable. They also strengthened the front. The view became better, I personally liked it madly) So it was in almost perfect technical condition, but the appearance... all rusty, dirty... no! Upon arrival in the city, and there I took this rustic toy with me, I wanted to paint it) and make a mess) The engine was removed. The frame was sanded and painted. I chose purple, but I was a little mistaken; I wanted to go even darker. By the way, the recently appeared fenders and trunk were also polished and installed with new bolts. The engine, tank, and gearbox were painted black so that gasoline, oil and dirt would not be so noticeable. After that, everything was carefully assembled, the fuel supply systems were connected, we tried to start it, we adjusted the carburetor and... Well, that was it, that was the end. The moped was completely ready for travel! That's all for now. In conclusion, I want to say that he survived the winter well, and the other day I opened the season) Good luck and friendship to everyone


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The second option is how to make a sawmill with a chainsaw

Another simple option on how to make a sawmill for your chainsaw, which involves the use of the following consumables:

  1. A channel measuring 10 by 5 and at least 5 meters long. Length affects the size of the logs to be cut. The larger the size of the logs, the length of the channel should be appropriate
  2. Steel corner size 5x5 cm
  3. Steel tube up to 1 meter and diameter 15-20 mm
  4. Fasteners in the form of bolts and nuts

The principle of manufacturing the second version of the sawmill is that the channel is a guide for the movement of the tool. A corner is used as movable rollers, which is located on the upper part of the channel. A tube is attached to the corners, which are rigidly connected to each other, and a chainsaw is fixed to it.

The photo shows what the finished product for sawing logs looks like. How to use it is as simple as making it. Place it on the top of the workpiece, measure the required size of the board (thickness of the final product), start the unit and walk along the log from start to finish. The decisive role is played by the time that must be taken to correctly align the tool, but this disadvantage is compensated by the simplicity of the unit’s design.

Pros and cons of such devices

The advantage is that with the help of one unit (chainsaw) you can solve many problems - use the chainsaw in the traditional way for cross-cutting and place it on a frame for cutting logs into moldings.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • Poor performance.
  • Significant consumption of fuel and oil for cutting 1 cubic meter.
  • Thick cut, a large percentage of the wood goes into sawdust.
  • Significant, accelerated wear of the chainsaw itself and saw accessories.

As a result, the device can be useful and beneficial when relatively regularly it is necessary to saw small, but not absolutely negligible, volumes of wood. For large volumes, when you need to cut quickly and efficiently, it is better to use traditional sawmills. And vice versa, for sawing only 2-5 logs there is also no point in buying or constructing such a structure.

Recommendations for making a sawmill

The sawmill is a dangerous type of tool. It is considered a large-sized device. Therefore, before designing, it is necessary to select the place where this unit will be operated. A garage, shed or utility room are perfect. This room should be spacious and bright. You can also work with a sawmill outdoors, but in this case you will need to install a canopy.

If you have an electric motor, you need to take a responsible approach to the installation of wiring and fastening of the necessary machines. It is also advisable to have a room where the finished boards will be placed. When constructing a device at home, it is necessary to take the cutting elements responsibly. When operating the sawmill, you should also follow safety regulations.

  • Monitor cable connections and ensure they are in good condition.
  • Ensure the integrity of the grounding cables.
  • If it is necessary to replace the saw or eliminate damage, it is necessary to unplug the sawmill from the power supply.
  • In the event of a short circuit, be sure to immediately turn off the sawmill.
  • The user of the device should not be near the sawdust ejection pipes.
  • The sawmill must have a strong support.
  • When working with the machine, the log must always be secured to the rails.

When manufacturing a sawmill and when working with it, it is necessary to control all components, connections and stability of the mechanism. After meeting these requirements, you can start the device.

We looked at how to assemble a sawmill yourself. This unit is perfect for woodworking. Will help during construction. And it’s quite easy to make it yourself. Must have skill in using tools. These devices come in several types. Before you begin, you need to prepare drawings for work and strictly observe all dimensions so that there are no errors during operation.

Motor drill - drill holes in the ground quickly and efficiently

If you need to drill holes in the ground in order to install posts in them, then you need to use a chainsaw attachment. Using a hand drill for such purposes requires significant physical effort, so a two-stroke motor from a chainsaw and an auger attachment will help make the work easier.

There are a lot of varieties of such set-top boxes, so when purchasing them, it is important to clarify for what purpose the device is needed. With their help you can drill not only soil, but also ice

Fishermen will appreciate this device, since drilling ice is much more difficult than drilling soil.

To install the attachment on the tool, you will need to remove from the chainsaw not only the chain with the bar, but also the drive sprocket with the clutch. The attachment comes complete with a special adapter coupling, which is installed on the shaft instead of the drive sprocket. If you think that an electric drill is better, then you are mistaken, because a gasoline engine is not only more powerful, but also mobile.

Mechanized sharpening on a machine

In addition, each tool model has its own tooth pitch, the value of which for household and semi-professional models is associated with the power of the chainsaw and the torque that the drive develops. For example, for rip sawing, the pitch is taken smaller (for example, 0.325 inches). In this case, work productivity will decrease, but the required force will be significantly lower.

When purchasing a chainsaw, it is advisable to acquire a special template (see Fig. 3), with which you can easily set the optimal values ​​of the tooth angles. It is used to control the values ​​of the rear angles of the upper and end blades, as well as the front edge angle (it is indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions and can vary within 65...80°).

It is especially important to use a template to estimate the clearance angle of the upper blade. This chainsaw chain sharpening angle is otherwise very difficult to determine, and yet it must be maintained within fairly limited limits - from 50 to 60°

The sharpening angle of the chainsaw chain can be changed, depending on what work will be done. As the hardness of the wood increases, its value should decrease. In general, the optimal angle value is 10...12° for longitudinal cutting, and 25...30° for cross cutting.

Figure 3 – Appearance of a template for sharpening chainsaw teeth

Sharpening can be done manually using a round file with a working diameter of 4...5.5 mm, or on a machine

In the first case, it is extremely important to correctly position the tool relative to the tooth being sharpened. The upper edge of the working part of the file is located approximately a fifth above the upper edge of the tooth

The tool is positioned perpendicular to the chain axis, and at an angle of 25...30° to the upper edge of the tooth

Additionally: How to remove and change the drive sprocket on a chainsaw

Sharpening on a machine is much more convenient and does not require highly qualified performers. Technical characteristics of the partner 350 chainsaw. The partner 350 s is considered the most common saw from the “partner” series. This model is used for longitudinal and cross cutting of wood. Such machines are electrically driven and equipped with special grinding wheels.

For a household workshop, it is worth purchasing compact units that do not take up much storage space and are suitable for quick and high-quality sharpening of chainsaw chains from different manufacturers. Such units should operate from a stationary power supply with a voltage of 220 V, have low power consumption (up to 100 W) and be easy to install on the circuit.

When choosing a machine, you need to pay attention to the following technological characteristics:

  • Possibility of processing teeth with different thicknesses of the upper edge and different chain pitches;
  • The ability to adjust the sharpening angle, within the limits specified earlier;
  • Availability of replaceable grinding discs;
  • Constant value of the cutting width.

Optionally, the machines can also be equipped with a miniature electric light bulb, which illuminates the working area, as well as a hydraulic booster, which facilitates sharpening.

Safety of work is ensured by a folding safety shield.

Safety precautions

When working with a chainsaw, you must follow safety rules; they will help you avoid injuries and unpleasant situations:

  • People, especially children, should not be allowed onto the work site.
  • When working with a circular saw, be sure to wear a special protective cover on it.
  • During the process of sawing logs, you should use protective equipment against sawdust and noise.
  • It is necessary to have a first aid kit with medications to treat the wound during cuts.
  • Do not pour gasoline into a heated tank of a chainsaw.
  • The chainsaw must be used only for its intended purpose; it is prohibited to turn it on at full power if it is not in use.
  • Installation of logs is carried out only on the right side.
  • When working with equipment, it is strictly forbidden to press it with force.

If you follow safety precautions, the work will not be difficult, and the result will be high-quality material without harm to health.

A chainsaw is a versatile piece of equipment that is easy to use. Craftsmen can use it on a personal plot, in a private house. In addition to producing boards, it is used for repair work on outbuildings and wooden decorative elements. You don’t need a large number of boards; just take a couple of logs.

Device for cutting boards

In conclusion of the article, I would like to mention such a device as a stand for cutting boards using a chainsaw. Essentially, this is a mini sawmill that you can assemble on your own site, install a chainsaw in it and cut tree trunks into boards.

There are quite a lot of options for sawmills made from chainsaws, some are factory-made, like LOGOSOL, and some are home-made. We invite you to watch a video about the operation of a homemade, budget sawmill using a chainsaw.

Types of log cutting

Before you start cutting the workpiece, you need to decide how to get a high-quality final product with the least amount of waste. The wood is uneven in quality; the lower part of the trunk produces the most valuable lumber. When sawing logs, you can obtain the following types of lumber:

  • timber - lumber, more than 10 cm thick and wide. The most common type is four-edged timber, square in cross-section. Used as a building material and in furniture production;
  • board - lumber, up to 10 cm thick and twice as wide as the thickness. Boards are obtained from logs or beams and are used in construction and in the furniture industry.

Having theoretical knowledge and practical skills, you can make boards and beams with your own hands.

Sawmill Logosol

This type of logging equipment is suitable for small-scale construction, as it significantly simplifies and speeds up the process of sawing wood. However, making such a machine with your own hands is quite difficult.

To make a carriage for a chainsaw and a frame with your own hands, you will need drawings of this design. They are attached below along with a photo of the finished machine.

As can be seen from the proposed drawings, the apparatus consists of three main parts:

  • Chainsaw carriage.
  • Guides for smooth and even movement of the carriage.
  • Log supply unit.

We figured out how to make a carriage in the previous example. This design can be used, but it needs to be modified. You will need to install wheels and a limiting mechanism on the frame. Thanks to them, the carriage can easily move along the guides and will not fall off while sawing logs.

The guides themselves must be made of strong and wear-resistant material. For a homemade sawmill, it is recommended to use ordinary railroad rails. Depending on the preferred dimensions of the machine, select the desired length of rails. If necessary, they are welded together, and the seams are cleaned to avoid large differences. In the far part of the rail, a stop for the log is welded. It will not allow it to move during the sawing process.

As an example of the main structural components, we used drawings from the Logosol company, the official manufacturer of woodworking equipment around the world.

The log feed unit is one of the most complex parts of this device.

  • Firstly, it must regulate the height of the log. For this purpose, a gear rack is installed on the lifting devices. The movement is performed by a handle that drives a gear wheel. The reverse movement of the lifting part can be limited using a ratchet mechanism.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to restrain the log so that it does not roll on its side. This is quite easy to do. You can use corners made of any durable material that are placed under the wood and prevent it from moving. It is also possible to provide stronger clamps that are screwed directly to the log feed unit. But then problems may arise with adjusting them to different tree sizes

Next, all that remains is to assemble the machine into a single structure. After this, it will be possible to use it to harvest large quantities of wood. This video shows the machine in working condition:

Reserves for expanding functionality

The list of operational capabilities of chainsaws has been expanded and successfully implemented due to removable additional equipment. It includes attachments and accessories for a wide variety of purposes.

Most of the range of attachments is aimed at completing branded models. The capabilities of budget chainsaws in this regard are very limited.

  • Even a small kit allows you to mechanize a significant part of the household work associated with special processing of wood and metal, drilling wells, and caring for ornamental shrubs.
  • It is possible to use the saw as a boat motor, lawn trimmer, gas cutter or household compressor.
  • The efficiency of using replacement equipment is facilitated by stable traction characteristics and efficiency of power units, adaptation of branded chainsaw equipment to difficult climatic factors.

In practice, it has been proven that chainsaws from leading brands can be successfully operated in a wide temperature range.

Overview of some options

We will tell you about the two most popular designs that provide the best quality when working, and you yourself will determine which is more convenient and preferable in your case.

Homemade option

First, let's look at how to make a device for sawing logs with a chainsaw with your own hands.

The instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • It is best to use a frame from an old school desk or a square pipe with a side of 20x20 or slightly larger.
  • First of all, two clamps are made, these are elements 50-60 cm long, at one end of which a crossbar with two holes for tightening bolts and a small protrusion in the middle for clamping the tire is welded, an element of the same configuration is attached on top, the photo below shows ready-made elements, as you can see, everything is quite simple, and if you have a welding machine on hand, you can make them very quickly.

The clamps should be sized so that the width of the bolts is slightly greater than the height of the bar

  • To longitudinally saw a log with a chainsaw, you need a support frame, the width of which should be 7-8 centimeters less than the length, two elements 10 cm long are welded perpendicular to two of the sides, they should be a little larger so that the clamps fit into them, you need install two fixing bolts; for this, a hole is drilled and nuts are welded in order to screw the fasteners into them; a handle is welded in the middle for ease of movement.
  • The system is assembled in the following way: first, the clamps are inserted into the grooves, after which the chainsaw bar is inserted and carefully fixed. The distance is selected depending on the thickness at which sawing needs to be done. To understand how this is done, look at the photo, which shows the assembled structure, the price of the issue is several metal elements and rental of welding for an hour.

This is what the device looks like after assembly

Now we’ll tell you how to cut a log into boards with a chainsaw using this design:

  • You will need two sawhorses to serve as supports, they should be of such a height as to ensure ease of work.
  • A reliable metal strip or durable board is best suited as a guide. You can make this element from a corner or other metal products.
  • A log is placed below, which needs to be set to the desired height, after which work can begin. After the first pass, the log is raised to the desired height and the process is repeated.

The work is quite simple, the main thing is to set everything accurately and fix it securely

Ready solution

The Big Mill Timberjig option is very popular; it is a special kit for equipping a mini sawmill. Sawing logs into boards with a chainsaw using this device is simple and effective.

By purchasing this option, you get everything you need; we’ll tell you how to organize the cutting of logs:

The design is very well thought out and is simple and reliable.

  • First you need to connect two strong and even boards together, as a result you should get a T-shaped structure. This will be a stubborn ruler.
  • Next, make two L-shaped stops; the delivery set includes corners that are designed specifically for these purposes.
  • Roll up the log and place it on comfortable and reliable bars. Attach supports to its ends with self-tapping screws; you should not use nails, since they are much more difficult to remove later.
  • Next, a ruler is attached to the installed wooden supports; this is done using clamps, which are also included in the kit, remember that the cut line does not go along the edge of the guide, but 10 millimeters higher.
  • Before cutting a log into boards with a chainsaw, we recommend raising one side by about 30 degrees, this will make it much more convenient to work. Fix this position with the help of two supports; if something is not clear to you in the description, look at the photo, everything is shown clearly on it, in addition, the kit always comes with instructions with detailed diagrams.

How to cut a log into planks with a chainsaw? This device allows you to do this easily and quickly


You can cut logs or beams into boards without a sawmill or other massive equipment; an ordinary chainsaw, after a little modernization, can become your best assistant. The video in this article will help you understand this topic even better.

Attachments and accessories for chainsaws

There are several reasons for this wide range of jobs performed by chainsaws. First, this is the presence of a massive (in relation to its own weight), small-sized, reliable and undemanding internal combustion engine, capable of operating in the most demanding conditions. The diaphragm type carburetor and sealed fuel supply system allow the saw to operate in various positions, except perhaps completely upside down. The successful design of the centrifugal clutch firmly protects the systems and components of the chainsaw from overloads and breakdowns. How to cut a log lengthwise To cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw. Simplicity of power take-off is also important; You can simply connect any device to the output shaft of the tool. And, in the end, the advantages of a chainsaw include autonomy, which allows you to use it anywhere.

However, do not forget that amateur chainsaws are not designed to work all day in intensive mode.

Band sawmill

This mechanism is one of the complex types. To manufacture it, you will need to purchase expensive materials, including an engine of the required power, prepare a machine movement system and carry out complete debugging and configuration of the equipment. Making it at home can be extremely difficult and expensive.

The principle of operation of a band sawmill lies in its name. The cutting element is a long saw blade rolled into a ring. This ring is installed on the pulleys. To prevent the tape from flying off during heating, car or motorcycle wheels are used as a pulley. They provide the necessary elasticity.

The main structural element that needs to be given priority attention is the frame. It is this that will hold the cutting elements, drive, and engine. The frame also provides smooth movement along the guides and adjustment of the cutting thickness

Assembly of the structure should begin with the frame

The frame also provides smooth movement along the guides and adjustment of the cutting thickness. The assembly of the structure should begin with the frame.

The engine plays an important role in the sawing process. An insufficiently powerful system will lead to frequent saw jams and low efficiency, while a system that is too powerful can break the cutting element. As a rule, electric motors with a power of 2 kW are used. The engine is placed on the side of the frame opposite the cutting mechanisms.

The easiest part is installing the guides. It is allowed to use any durable materials - rails, channels, I-beams. The distance between two parallel guides is the diameter of the largest log that will be sawed on this sawmill. The guides are mounted on supports installed every half meter. The parts are fastened together by welding.

Advice! Such designs are often used by small enterprises. At a relatively low cost, you can get an effective tool capable of longitudinal sawing a large number of logs. However, for one-time use the tool cannot be called effective - the costs are too high.

This video describes the process of sawing wood with a band sawmill. This will allow you to evaluate its effectiveness, as well as notice the main positive and negative aspects.

Using the above drawings and descriptions, you can make a carriage for a chainsaw with your own hands. It must be remembered that a chainsaw is an extremely dangerous tool. All parts of the structure, especially those holding the saw bar, must be reliable and strong. Parts should not “walk” when a load is applied. Otherwise, you may suffer serious cuts or traumatic amputations of body parts. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is recommended to entrust the assembly of the mechanism to professionals or purchase a ready-made kit.


Using the chain carriage included in the mini sawmill, you can cut all types of wood - from hard oak to knotty pine. The accuracy of setting the sawing parameters is set by the operator, and almost all models of chain saws provide a smooth surface that is easy to process in the future. The removal of sawdust, which is formed during the sawing process of wood, is carried out by a saw chain, and at the end of the process, the boards can be finally cleared of waste. The carriage is adjusted to a distance of 2 meters between logs (for longer logs) or 1 meter for shorter pieces of wood, which is suitable for cutting fruit trees.

The mini chain sawmill with carriages model F2 is made of durable aluminum alloy, which has a protective coating. The maximum weight of timber that can be processed using these carriages is 1000 kg, with the longest processed log being 3800 mm. If it is necessary to work with long logs, the frame can be extended with fragments of the same type, which are available upon additional order. Also, several log lifts can be installed on or next to the frame, which allows you to process long logs with high productivity, while maintaining all the accuracy parameters.

Features of a homemade sawing option

It is easy to saw a log into boards using a homemade tool. Manufacturing the equipment is simple:

As a support, you need to use a frame from a school desk or a pipe with a cross-section in the form of a square, its optimal size is 20x20, more is allowed. Build two clamps, mount a cross member with two holes for tie bolts at one end, and make a protrusion in the middle for the tire. For longitudinal sawing of logs into boards, it is important to make a support frame; its width must be 7–8 cm less than the length. Then two elements 10 cm long are welded to both sides, holes are made for the bolts, and a handle is attached in the middle for ease of operation. After this, insert the clamps into the grooves, the tire is installed, and everything is carefully fixed.

Working with a homemade tool is not difficult; for this you will need two sawhorses, they will serve as a support, and you also need to prepare a metal strip or board, the element will be a guiding element. A log is placed underneath and the required height for work is adjusted.

Technique for sawing logs lengthwise

The difficult part in this process is making the first cut; for this you need:

  • Mount the leading ruler; it consists of two boards fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Place the log on the supports and secure its position firmly.
  • Check if the log is level using a level.
  • Using self-tapping screws, secure the guide ruler to the supports.
  • Fix another guide in a horizontal position; the element will rest against the ground, but at the same time fix the log.
  • Saw the log.

During the second cut, specialists may not use a leading ruler; the resulting board will serve as a guide. The second cut is made perpendicular to the first.

Secrets of cross cutting

A crosscut saw is used to produce firewood or decorative interior elements. Sawing is carried out according to the following principles:

  • Place the log in a horizontal position on wooden supports, the height should be 0.5 m.
  • Clean it from the bark.
  • Using an ax or saw, make small marks along the entire length; they should be located at the same distance from each other.
  • Make a cut along the cuts.

Cross cutting does not require the use of special devices or attachments. An ordinary chain is perfect for such work, but its rings must be strong.


Crossing is used for sawing logs for firewood, and also for creating cross wooden discs for building garden benches, decorating garden paths, etc.

We cut boards with a chainsaw. Do-it-yourself carriage for a chainsaw.

cutting is done as follows:

  • Install the log horizontally on wooden supports 0.5 m high.
  • If necessary, you can peel it off the bark.
  • Using an ax or saw, make marks at equal distances from each other.
  • Tagging, cutting out magazines.

Special nozzles and chains are not needed for this work. Suitable chain.


What it is? This device will be useful to everyone involved in wood processing and harvesting. The main function of the nozzle is to remove bark from the tree. Reviews say that this device copes well with branches and other irregularities on trunks. Most of all, this tool is useful in the construction of wooden houses. All the advantages of the Shtil-180 chainsaw attachment are felt while working with it.

Nozzles with different characteristics are produced. So, the working width can be 80 or 100 millimeters. Cutting parts can be sharpened if necessary, or new ones can be purchased from the manufacturer.

Installation is simple. The device is installed on studs, but they should be slightly longer than the standard ones. These pins can be found complete with the attachment. The tool is driven by a pulley installed in place of the standard drive sprocket.


By design, debarkers are divided into drum and disk. The first ones are used mainly for removing bark from logs (cinders); the disk ones cut out mounting grooves, cups, recesses, etc.

The working part of the devices consists of a drum or cutter mounted in a bearing unit. Like most chainsaw attachments, debarkers are driven by a V-belt drive. a driven pulley on their axis for this purpose.

. To rip a log with a chainsaw, you need a support frame. By selecting the diameters of the pulleys and changing the engine speed using the accelerator, you can obtain the optimal rotation speed of the working tool, which provides the necessary processing parameters.

Why does a chainsaw need attachments?

The greatest value is the chainsaw drive. It is this that allows you to upgrade the tool, giving it additional functions. At first glance, it may seem that such devices are unnecessary. Having a chainsaw in use, you can:

  • cut down dried dead trees;
  • cut stumps into small fragments;
  • carefully, evenly saw boards for the construction of all kinds of structures: a barn, a doghouse, a greenhouse.

Chainsaw attachment for bevel cuts

However, using an attachment, you can greatly expand the functionality/operational capabilities of the chainsaw. Such devices allow:

  • drill an ice hole (indispensable for winter fishing);
  • prepare a large amount of firewood for the winter;
  • use the tool as a motor for a rubber/wooden/metal boat;
  • saw logs not crosswise, but lengthwise, preparing lumber of the required dimensions;
  • cut natural and artificial stone, ceramic tiles;
  • grind, grind surfaces, ends, uneven edges;
  • trim hedges, creating fancy geometric shapes;
  • make holes in the soil for upcoming plantings;
  • process beams, boards, logs (cut grooves, cups);
  • remove bark from timber in a thin, neat layer.

Device for longitudinal cutting of logs

Benefits of using detachable chainsaw attachments

Think about it: previously, at least 5-6 tools would have been required to perform all the work listed above. This would inevitably lead to a lot of money, constant trips to the hardware store and temporary losses. In addition, a really high-quality tool is expensive and difficult to find.

Now this problem can be solved by purchasing additional attachments. The need to purchase a whole set of tools is a thing of the past. Having a high-quality saw of a well-known brand (preferably German or Japanese) on your farm, you can equip it with additional working tools. Other advantages of these products include:

  1. Space saving. There is no need to allocate additional shelves, space in the pantry, or trunk for storing/transporting the necessary tools. The attachments are compact and lightweight.
  2. Easy to install. Changing the working tool occurs quickly and does not require much effort. As you develop your skill, replacing one attachment with another will take just a few minutes.
  3. Saving money. On average, the cost of attachments is 2-3 times lower than the corresponding tool/equipment. Some devices even replace machines (for example, a nozzle for longitudinal cutting).
  4. Quality. From a technical point of view, the attachments are in no way inferior in characteristics to a full-fledged tool.
  5. High power. Chainsaws are initially designed taking into account increased operating loads, and therefore their drive is distinguished by excellent performance. Consequently, any nozzle used inherits this indicator.

Using different attachments allows you to save on tools

Using attachments, you can solve a wide range of problems - construction, household, household, repair. Craftsmen even make such devices on their own, creating a wide variety of tools.

Why it is not recommended to connect attachments to a chainsaw

There are also disadvantages, and it is worth paying due attention to them. If you incorrectly calculate the operating load and do not pause to allow the engine to cool, you can damage the engine.

Replacement or repair will cost a pretty penny.

To prevent wear of the main components and reduce maintenance and repair costs, the drive power, or more precisely, the torque, should be taken into account. There are attachments that accelerate tool wear:

  • outboard motor;
  • Boer;
  • calm;
  • Bulgarian.

When performing grinding work, you need to take into account the dust rising into the air. It can clog air intake filters, which impairs heat flow, increasing the risk of equipment failure.

These shortcomings can be compensated for by the quality of equipment. By using a chainsaw from well-known brands that has excellent performance, you can avoid wear and tear. We should not forget about timely maintenance.

Design selection

The design of a circular sawmill is being developed for specific needs. Productivity, log width, even cut along the entire length of the workpiece require certain technical solutions in the assembled equipment. When feeding manually, the plane wave of the resulting board increases. The size of the saw blade and the limits of its displacement relative to the stop pad will determine the maximum size of the wood for sawing.

Main nodes

The components of the future machine must first be correctly positioned on the drawing. The device of any homemade disk sawmill includes:

  • frame. Unites all components into a functional whole. At the same time, the distance between parts must allow for safe DIY work, maintenance, cooling, and waste disposal. The main qualities are stability, rigidity;
  • engine. The electric three-phase version is selected according to power and number of revolutions. Operating voltage 380 V. If there is no connection to the network, install a gasoline engine with a step-up gearbox;
  • cutting unit. Placed horizontally, vertically. Consists of one disk or two (corner). A single saw can be fixed in one specified position or rotated 90° to eliminate reverse idling (cutting an angle);
  • supply line. A simple homemade product is limited to a fixed table with manual feed. This type is used for small DIY work with small workpieces. A massive log is fed under the knife on a carriage;
  • Remote Control. Performs on/off operations, available control switches (revolutions, feed, indication). It is carried out to a place on the frame that is convenient for work and control of the process.

Two disks

The design of a circular sawmill with two simultaneously operating cutting tools allows the processing productivity to be increased. They are located at right angles to each other. Such homemade devices are more difficult to manufacture.

Each disk is equipped with its own motor and drive. The rotation frequency is selected to be the same.

Types of cuts

The horizontal movement of the angular pairs of the disk with the drive mechanism occurs on a movable carriage. Guides are placed under it. To adjust the relative position of circular saws with your own hands, each pair is equipped with adjustment devices.


A typical chainsaw carriage design consists of the following parts:

  1. Support frame with guides, which are assembled directly at the site of use using standard sections.
  2. Systems for automatic control of woodworking parameters, which include a limit switch, cutting depth control sensors, temperature detectors, units for measuring current tool vibrations, etc. The set of such units is different for each carriage manufacturer.
  3. Measuring scales installed on guides.
  4. Carriage movement motor.

The equipment does not require additional maintenance.

As an example, let's look at the design and capabilities of the Logosol F2 Farmer portable sawmill with a carriage for a chainsaw. It is intended for longitudinal sawing of logs with a diameter of up to 60 cm and is assembled from standard sections 1 m long, which are made of anodized aluminum.

There are two drive options:

  • For chainsaws with manual feed, a design with a 4-meter guide is used, along which vertical and horizontal movement of the carriage is carried out. The most suitable type of chainsaw for such a chain sawmill is the Stihl MS391. Engine power is 3.3 kW and weighs 6.4 kg. If you use a higher-power saw, for example, Stihl MS661, the cutting will go even faster.
  • For chainsaws that are equipped with an automatic feed function, Logosol Log Moulder is more suitable. This is a complex that includes a drive carriage that has the ability to change the performance and speed of movement of the saw blade depending on the resistance force of the material being processed. The installation is used primarily for electric saws, but can also be adapted for gasoline ones.

Goats for sawing firewood with a chainsaw - the correct manufacturing algorithm

Nowadays you can find a large number of all kinds of goats, which greatly facilitate the preparation of wood for the winter. However, you can make such a device for sawing logs with a chainsaw yourself.

First, draw up a drawing of further work. In it, indicate the dimensions of the elements and their location in the future structure.

After this, prepare the necessary materials. For production you will need:

  • Bars;
  • Pillars made of strong wood;
  • Metallic profile.

After this, you can proceed directly to assembling the goat. At the same time, take into account your height, otherwise sawing logs on the manufactured device will be inconvenient. In most cases, for comfortable work you will need a goat with a height of 120–150 cm.

When making a structure, be sure to take care of personal safety. To do this, make the device as strong and stable as possible on the ground surface.

We cut the trunk across - there will be no difficulties!

As you can see, longitudinal sawing with a chainsaw is a rather labor-intensive process. If you want to get logs by sawing the trunk crosswise and then make boards from them, the operation will be impractical due to the large expenditure of effort. Most often, cross-cutting is used when it is necessary to make country street furniture from wood - tables, benches, small benches. It is also recommended for preparing firewood and for decorating garden paths using sawn logs. In such situations, logs are cut into disks of small thickness (up to 15 cm).

Cross cutting is used in the manufacture of country furniture

The cross cutting process is as follows:

  • 1. Place the trunk on trestles 70–80 cm in height (they should be as stable as possible).
  • 2. Remove the bark from the wood, if any.
  • 3. Make a small cut. It will play the role of a guide groove.
  • 4. Rotate the barrel being processed 90°. The tire of a power tool must run strictly along the intended groove.
  • 5. If you need logs, make notches on the tree with an ax.
  • 6. Sawing the trunk.

Carriage for longitudinal cutting of logs

Transverse and longitudinal cutting of logs must be carried out in compliance with safety standards. It is advisable to carry out work in thick clothing, gloves, glasses, and headphones. Prepare a first aid kit in advance - a chainsaw is a potentially unsafe tool that can cause serious injury to a person. Always move the saw forward along the guide and do not try to push it harder. The tool should move freely.

The chainsaw must not be raised above the shoulders. The tool must only be run on the ground. In this case, the chain brake must be in the engaged state. Its release is carried out just before the start of cutting logs. Do not fill the gasoline container if the saw has recently been used. You should wait until the tool and fuel tank cool down. Take care to carry out work safely. And then sawing up tree trunks on your own will not lead to dire consequences. Good luck.


DIY chainsaw carriage. Blueprints

Since the price of professionally produced equipment (similar to that described in the previous section) ranges from 2500 to 3000 US dollars, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that you can make your own carriage design for longitudinal sawing of timber.

Depending on the size of the chainsaws used, the dimensions of the carriage assembly, as well as its appearance, are shown in the figure.

The manufacture and assembly of a carriage for a chainsaw is carried out in the following sequence. First, the drive motor is prepared for installation. To do this, remove the drive pulley and install the engagement clutch, resulting in a finished cutting head. A support bracket must be made for the motor mounting plate. By changing the diameter of the pulley, you can control the cutting speed of timber - up to 2.5 times faster than allowed by the base engine speed. To reduce the temperature and eliminate the possibility of engine jamming, its output shaft is ground so that the chain drive sprocket, without taking into account the dimensions of the central bearing, fits tightly to the bracket.

The presence of a belt drive on the shaft that drives the chain protects the engine from vibration and shock generated by the chain. All that remains is to adjust the gearing to get the correct chain speed. Then it is necessary to install bearings on the drive shaft for more intense operating conditions, with increased load-bearing capacity.

Most home renovation and construction work requires the availability of the necessary materials. Buying boards or timber of the right size is not a problem, but sometimes you need lumber of a certain size. Planks of one or another type of wood, non-standard thickness or width are often required. Finally, there are simply several logs from which to cut boards. It is possible to solve such problems; you only need a DIY chainsaw carriage.

This simple device allows you to make a carriage, timber or boards of the required thickness from logs of any type. This device is especially valuable because it makes it possible to process non-standard logs - short, uneven or strongly curved. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

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