Felling Trees with a Chainsaw: A Beginner's Guide

The process of felling large trees with a chainsaw requires the availability of professional-grade tools, special equipment and knowledge of the relevant section of safety regulations. This information is about how to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw without the risk of damaging buildings and landscaping elements located at a short distance.

Cutting down trees yourself with a chainsaw allows you to save money on paying a specialist, and also choose a convenient time for this work. A positive result is facilitated by the presence of a semi-professional or better professional-class chainsaw.

Specifics of using household chainsaw equipment

Trying to cut trees with a household-grade chainsaw with a low-power drive and a short bar is undesirable in terms of safety:

  • the productivity of such work is extremely low;
  • the risk of the headset getting stuck in the cut increases;
  • high loads negatively affect the service life of such a tool.

The scope of household chainsaws of medium and low power categories includes:

  • tree crowning;
  • pruning thick branches;
  • cutting locks in construction wood during the construction of log cabins.

Disposable or any other kind of forest felling is the prerogative of powerful and productive professional-level models. At the same time, it is not recommended to use electric saws to fell large trees. With the same power as gasoline models, the torque of the electric saw range is significantly lower.

Working alone is prohibited. A companion may be required to assist in the event of an injury. His responsibilities also include additional control over the felling process and giving signals in the event of an emergency.

Sawing branches and trunk

Sawing branches

We begin to cut down the branches from the bottom of the lying tree. First we make a cut at the bottom, then finish it at the top. Large branches should be cut not at the very base, but a little further. And then, we will remove the knot separately.

Sawing the trunk

The trunk must be sawed as follows:

  1. Using a chainsaw, we cut half of the trunk from the top;
  2. Without removing the saw, insert the wedge and drive it in well with a hatchet (this way you will avoid clamping the saw between the halves of the trunk);
  3. finish it to the end.

If the chainsaw bar is still stuck in the trunk, you should not try to pull it out. Stop the motor and push the barrel on both sides of the cut from the bottom until the saw comes out.

About safety rules

Both an experienced farmer and, especially, a beginner need to know the rules of safe work when cutting down trees.

Let us outline the main points of safe felling and sawing of wood:

  1. When working in the garden (forest), and even with a gasoline-powered saw, smoking is strictly prohibited. Dry trees + gasoline can save you from the need to cut anything, because there will be nothing left to cut - just a pile of ash!
  2. Before work, make sure that no one or nothing will disturb you. It’s like in war – there shouldn’t be any women, children or animals!
  3. Hold the tool firmly with both hands. If you drop a chainsaw, you can be left not only without a tree, but also without limbs!
  4. Do not cut wood vertically with the edge of the saw; a kickback effect may occur and the tool will be thrown directly at you.
  5. Wear work gloves and clothing and protect your face from splinters and dust. To make it easier to work, wear special soundproof headphones, otherwise the buzzing of the chainsaw will be remembered for a long time.
  6. Use the tree trunk as a shield and start cutting from the back side.
  7. Study the technical aspects well and draw up a work plan for yourself. Don't be overconfident, even if you have a lot of experience. After all, according to statistics, it is experienced lumberjacks who are injured more often.

Initial stage of preparatory work

Self-felling of trees with a chainsaw is carried out in a certain sequence.

Preparation for the main job begins with studying the safety requirements:

  • checking the correct sharpening of the saw chain and the serviceability of the chainsaw as a whole;
  • selection of comfortable shoes, clothing and protective equipment, the minimum list of which includes glasses and mittens.

At the second stage, it is necessary to calculate different options for the trajectory of the fall of the trunk with minimal damage to the surrounding area.

The following mandatory factors must be taken into account in the calculations:

  • tire length;
  • engine traction characteristics;
  • trunk thickness, wind strength and direction.

Safety precautions when cutting

When performing tree felling procedures, it is necessary to ensure full safety precautions for both individuals and employees of organizations. You cannot fell trees yourself. Having a partner is a must. You should not light an open fire when working, and if there is one, you should extinguish it before turning on the chainsaw. Also you can't smoke. You should take care in advance to protect your face from sawdust, as they always fly off when cutting wood.

Be sure to work with a partner

Before sawing a tree, you need to make sure that if it falls, it will not affect people , living beings, or damage cables or wires through which current passes. Do not work in strong winds. It is advisable to calculate in advance the direction of fall of the trunk down to the exact contour on which all the rods and other elements are cleared, so as not to damage the tree, and also not to cause its inertial revolution.

When working with full-length, thick posts, the chainsaw is held with both hands, and tension is constantly felt.

You should not carry out work using only the outer part of the saw, as this will lead to strong kickback and automatic shutdown of the device, which can ruin the entire work by making sloppy movements.

When cutting thick posts or massive branches, it is advisable to raise the chainsaw to shoulder height.

How to cut wood correctly - basic rules and technology

The main aspects necessary to comply with when cutting trees:

  1. If the trees are dry, then no sources of not only sparks, but also smoke should be allowed, since adding gasoline to dry wood can cause a fire, which not only slows down the work process, but also harms the environment.
  2. Before turning on the chainsaw, you need to look around. There should be no children or animals nearby. Only workmates or bosses.
  3. You should always try to hold the chainsaw. Even if malfunctions occur and it automatically turns off, you should behave carefully, since falling of the device with a sharp part can lead to dire consequences.
  4. Workers prepare in advance for sawing wood. Wear thick clothing and a face mask to cover the entire body from possible ingress of dust and dirt.

    To get rid of the continuous sound of a chainsaw, it is necessary to use sound-isolating headphones, otherwise headaches may occur during prolonged and regular work.

  5. The tree trunk should act as a kind of shield for the worker, so to cut it, the opposite side of the plant is first marked.

First, all the technological features are determined , only then you need to clearly plan the stages of work, which will help to ensure that you protect yourself from the impact of the weight of a falling tree. Even with extensive work experience, it is necessary to constantly take care of your own safety, since the highest number of injuries are suffered by workers who have been in this field for a long time and are accustomed to a constantly tense and dangerous environment.

The next stage of preparation

  • The felling of large trees in the coastal zone requires careful preparation. Sawing a trunk that has fallen into the water creates many problems, the solution of which will require additional investment.
  • You should also decide on escape routes if the situation gets out of control. The felled tree still needs to be sawed and removed, so it is advisable to provide fairly convenient access to the place where the trunk is cut.
  • When felling large trees, the risk of large branches falling should be avoided. The problem in each specific case is solved individually, in the best case - by renting an articulated lift or paying for the services of an industrial climber. The information received from experienced sawyers will help you avoid mistakes that are typical for the first trial of strength.
  • When preparing the workplace for safe approach and movement, it is necessary to clear the surrounding area of ​​branches, leaves and other foreign objects.

Basic safety rules

How to use a chainsaw of a particular model is not written anywhere better and more accurately than in the corresponding instructions from the manufacturer (and instructions always accompany such products).

A detailed study of it will clearly not be a waste of time. The main components of the instrument, features of startup and maintenance, and safety precautions are indicated there.

On the other hand, there are general rules for working with a chainsaw and safety principles that must be followed regardless of the brand of the tool and the experience of the master.


Even if you only need to cut a few logs into firewood for the stove, it is worth wearing protective equipment. The head must be wearing a helmet with a face mask and headphones. Gloves made of hard material are put on your hands.

When felling trees, wear a brightly colored jacket made of durable fabric and cut-resistant pants. Of course, more requirements are placed on the equipment of a professional feller than on the clothing of an ordinary person. But in any case, it should be comfortable, wear-resistant, breathable, and should not hinder movement during work.

It is advisable to wear boots or other closed, comfortable and durable shoes on your feet. The lower part of the trouser legs should not flutter in the wind. For professionals, they produce special boots with steel plates that protect the lower leg from possible cuts.

Work sequence

The use of single-cut cutting of a trunk in amateur sawing practice is justified only when felling trees of moderate height and small diameter, in the range of 100-150 mm. Working with thick trunks requires compliance with the requirements of standard technology.

  • The first upper cut is made from the side of the planned laying of the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees and to a depth of up to a quarter of its diameter. The bottom cut is made horizontally until both cuts meet.
  • The most critical stage of the work is the felling cut, which is performed from the side opposite to the place where the felled tree is laid. Before you begin, you need to once again make sure that there are no people or animals in the surrounding area, check that you have a secure grip on the tool, and take a position that is comfortable for work.
  • The felling cut is made parallel to the bottom one, 50 mm lower. The technology dictates that the cut is approximately 1/10th of the diameter of the trunk, which is used as a kind of hinge.

If the requirements for the size of the undercut, the location of the guide and felling cuts are not met, the direction of the tree's fall, especially in windy weather, may become unpredictable.

What do you need to know first?

There are a range of factors that influence the correct felling of timber. The most important conditions are divided into two categories: the technical component of the process and ensuring the safety of all persons involved.

Be safe when cutting

The technical side of the issue usually requires an immediate solution when choosing a chainsaw, since each model is designed only for a certain thickness, density and structure of wood. Sawing is usually done quite slowly. Acceleration is only possible when working with well-yielding wood or thin trunks (you can even use a mini chainsaw for this). Usually such plants are not of great value, so they are cut down very rarely.

You need to take into account the thickness of the tree in advance , comparing it with the selected chainsaw model (see rating of the best chainsaws). The device must optimally meet a specific power goal. If the length of the device’s tire does not exceed 35 cm, then the maximum diameter of the tree trunk with which the work is carried out is 30 cm. When the length of the tire reaches 65 cm, then you can cut down options up to 60 cm in diameter.

For the most massive types of wood, complex and very powerful chainsaws are used (see the most reliable chainsaws), which exceed the standard weight. The length of the tire in them is above 65 cm.

The sawing technology also changes along with the thickness of the target. One cut can reliably cut down trees up to 20 cm in diameter. If this indicator exceeds this threshold, you need to make several cuts in order to cut down the tree without damaging the device and without much effort on the part of the workers.

Russian-made chainsaws are no worse than foreign ones in many respects.

Chainsaw Lesnik meets all international standards for quality and safety.

The Ural chainsaw is very easy to use and therefore popular among consumers.

The greater the height of the tree, the more problematic compliance with safety regulations becomes . Sawing also becomes more difficult, since greater weight requires some effort and greater power of the device. Sometimes you have to make cuts in a group, maintaining a level distance, that is, making them at different heights.

You need to measure the center of gravity in advance to determine the fall of the tree. This indicator is influenced by the shape of the crown, as well as the characteristics of the trunk itself. These criteria influence not only the position of workers, but also the proposed cutting locations, which are optimal. Usually the trunk needs to be cut down completely and at the root, but sometimes a certain part of it is required, which also affects the cutting process.

Recommendations from professional sawyers

It is better to practice the primary skills of logging work on dry trees of small diameter, which can be easily found in the nearest forest. As a rule, confidence in your actions appears after practicing 3-5 attempts.

  • To prevent the headset from jamming in the cut, it is recommended to use wooden wedges. The use of metal analogues is undesirable due to the risk of damage to the chain when the saw kicks back.
  • When making a felling cut, it is necessary to constantly monitor the verticality of the trunk; adjustments to the work process can be made by an unexpected gust of wind.
  • As a rule, the time the large trunk falls is enough to remove the saw from the cut, turn off the engine and promptly leave the work area.

It is strictly prohibited to be in the workplace at this time, since when it hits the ground, the lower part of the trunk jumps to a height of up to one and a half meters.

How to cut down branches correctly

The branches are cut down after the tree has fallen. And this process also requires extreme composure. There is a high probability of kickback here, and therefore it is recommended not to use (or use as little as possible) the nose part of the tool.

Note! According to statistics, loggers receive most injuries when they are cutting branches.

The chainsaw can be leaned against your hip or against a tree - these are the optimal positions. First of all, you need to work with the branches that, when the tree was still standing, were closest to the ground. And in the upper part of the trunk, it is more convenient to cut branches by turning the chainsaw on its side. As for thick branches, it is permissible to cut them down in parts.

Features of sawing a trunk on the ground

Subsequent cutting of trees with a chainsaw lying directly on the ground can create a lot of inconvenience. In particular, touching the working saw set to the ground can initiate the entry of abrasive material into the assembly and forced wear of the guide bar and saw chain shanks.

It is better to lift the butt with a long lever and place a flat piece of wood with a diameter of 100-150 mm under the bottom. The efforts made are compensated by increased operating comfort and safety of the material part.

When bucking a trunk lying on a slope, cleared of branches, it should be secured with stakes driven into the ground. When sawing, it is recommended to always remain on the elevated side.

How to cut down a thick tree with a chainsaw

There are several ways to cut down a thick tree and all of them require the use of special equipment. The first method is to fell the tree in parts; this method is shown in the video below.

Thick trees are more difficult to cut down, so you should not try and risk your health if you have never had to cut down trees before.

Another way is to fell the entire tree with the trunk stretched in the desired direction. The cable is fixed to the trunk at a height of at least 5-6 meters, after which a wedge is cut out from the side of the planned fall of the trunk and the cable is tensioned. You can tighten the cable using a winch, a tractor or a car. Next, the feller trims the trunk on the side opposite to the cut wedge. If the length of the tire is not enough, then another cut is made at a height of at least 30 cm from the previous one, after which the wood between the cuts is affected. This is necessary so that the feller has the opportunity to bury the tire to a greater distance.

It is worth noting that the process of felling thick trees is highly individual and depends on many factors. It is for this reason that cutting down a large tree without experience is very difficult and dangerous.

Features of pruning branches

A significant part of the traumatic situations due to reverse impacts occurs when trimming thick branches and twigs, so for this work it is better to use a lightweight and easier-to-use garden-grade tool.

It is more convenient to start stripping the trunk from the top of the cut tree to the butt. It is strictly forbidden to cut branches with the end of the headset. In this option, the number of spontaneous emissions and the risk of injury increases significantly.

When the emergency stop system is frequently activated, the tool motor and saw kinematics are subjected to extreme loads, which negatively affect the longevity of the tool as a whole.

Techniques for felling and sawing wood

So, let's figure out how to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw?

Preparatory work

Preliminarily assess the condition of the chainsaw: check the level of gasoline and oil, make sure the tool is in full working order. Prepare everything you need for work.

Before starting to work with wood, it is necessary to evaluate all working factors:

  1. Is the tree standing straight or tilted?
  2. We determine in which direction the tree needs to be felled;
  3. We clear the work space (remove unnecessary objects, cut down protruding shoots, twigs, bushes, etc.);
  4. We prepare the tree itself: we remove root burrs, branches and twigs located below shoulder level.

Tip: To properly fell a tree, you need to pick up an ax and place it parallel to the tree at arm's length. Now move in this position towards the fall until the tree visually becomes the size of your ax. Now you are standing in the place where the top will lie. If there are no obstacles on your way, then the choice of side of the dump is correct. And, if there were obstacles, try to eliminate them, or choose a different angle of incidence.

How to cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw?

To cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw with high precision, a horizontal design is used. It consists of a strong, rigid frame, as well as a chainsaw bar, which is attached to the frame at the beginning and end of the blade. If necessary, the place where the bar is fixed can be changed, which will make it possible to adjust the width of the cut. The only drawback of this design is the restrictions on the thickness of the log, which should be no more than the width of the cutting blade.

You can adjust the thickness of the resulting material using a guide. In practice, the most difficult thing is to make the first cut. For greater accuracy, you will need to attach another guide to the frame, which serves as a base. During further longitudinal cutting of the log, the surface from the previous cut will serve as the base.

The advantage of this design is its ease of use. Immediately before sawing the log lengthwise, you will need to securely fasten it. Otherwise, it will create vibrations and the cut will turn out uneven. In order to avoid jamming of the chainsaw cutting bar, wedges will need to be regularly inserted into the cuts made.

It must be remembered that before starting longitudinal sawing with a chainsaw, the log must be square in shape. To do this, cut off the top layer of wood on all sides. Only after this can you begin sawing the existing log.

Longitudinal cutting of a log with a chainsaw requires maximum precision. The cutting line must be constantly monitored and wedges must be inserted and removed. Thus, the operator will be able to obtain smooth products, which can later be used for the construction of outbuildings.

How to cut plywood without chipping with a circular saw?

It is recommended to cut on a flat floor. The plywood sheet is laid on wooden blocks of equal thickness, placed perpendicular to the cutting line. Full support from below ensures that no corner of the sheet breaks off at the end of the cut. A metal or wooden guide is installed on top, which is fixedly fixed with clamps.

In order to cut laminated plywood accurately and without chipping, you need:

  • Setting the minimum cutting depth. On the opposite side of the sheet, the teeth should protrude 2–3 mm. With this setting of the cutting depth, the blade does not chop, but carefully cuts the wood.
  • Choosing the right circular saw. For gentle cutting, a blade with a minimum size and a large number of teeth (for example, 40) is selected.
  • Low feed speed of the cutting blade when moving without stopping. In this case, the teeth do not cut, but gently cut the wood without chipping. To properly cut laminated plywood, it is also recommended to adjust the blade speed to maximum. Disadvantage of the method: the carpenter runs the risk of overheating the canvas.
  • Laying adhesive tape in place of the cut. To do this, it is recommended to use masking tape that does not leave marks on the surface of the sheet. Upon completion of the work, the tape is removed at an angle of 90°, moving towards the cut.

If you have to process laminated plywood, it is recommended to also tape the sole of the circular saw. This avoids scratches on the front surface of the sheet.

Both an electric jigsaw and a circular saw are suitable for cutting such material. The first option is indispensable in the case of a figured cutting path.

To cut thick plywood without chipping with an electric jigsaw, it is recommended to use any of two types of blades:

  • finishing series CleanWood (Bosch);
  • on metal.

A regular circular saw is also suitable for even cutting of a sheet of plywood. It is enough to install a blade with a fine tooth (for example, 40), adjust the cutting depth within 12–13 mm and lay the sheet on even wooden blocks. It is recommended to make the cut along the guide, with a low tool feed speed and without interruptions.

If the front surface of the sheet is laminated, then the cut area is preliminarily covered with masking tape.

For anyone who doubts which saw is best to cut plywood, we recommend contacting a specialized company with laser cutting and professional cutting equipment.

Maintaining safety while working

To avoid failures and accidents, you must follow safety precautions when working with materials and tools:

  1. When working, do not allow strangers to enter the work area, especially children.
  2. While working,
    you should use protection from noise and sawdust that is thrown during cutting.
  3. You should have a first aid kit with everything you need to use in case of cuts.
  4. When using a circular saw, it must be equipped with a protective cover.
  5. Do not pour gasoline into a hot chainsaw
  6. Use the chainsaw only for its intended purpose and do not run it at full power if it is not working.
  7. Do not press the saw too hard while working.
  8. The log for sawing should be installed on the right side.

Chainsaw. This is a handy tool that you can use to make your own boards. It is suitable for use on a private farm where it is necessary to renovate or build new outbuildings. In such cases it is not required. Therefore, they can be easily cut from any logs of the required size. Once you get the hang of it, the work gets done quickly and the quality of the boards is excellent.

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