Ignition of the chainsaw. Device, circuits, malfunctions.

Basic malfunctions and their elimination

If you cannot start the saw the first time, there may be several circumstances. In most cases, the problem is related to the spark plug:

  • wear of the electrode or damage to the clay insulator;
  • loose fit of the removable cap (if any);
  • sparks flying along the clay winding, a sign of which is a brown residue on the outer shell;
  • cracks in the spark plug cap (a saw with this problem will continue to work, but may cause pain to the user when touched).

If no problems were found with the spark plug, it is recommended to inspect the wires coming from the coil. They may be torn or have other mechanical damage. Wire breaks inside the insulation are likely, so from time to time it is impossible to find these violations during a visual inspection.

The cause of the breakdown may lie in the shutdown switches. It's not difficult to check them. To do this, you need to disconnect the wires from the module, and then check the ignition. If a spark occurs after switching off, the switch must be replaced.

How to set the ignition on a chainsaw

The ignition of the chainsaw must be adjusted from time to time. This action involves setting the correct spark plug gap between the coil and the flywheel. The parameter depends on the chainsaw model. It is indicated in the instructions for use. The average value is 0.2-0.4 mm. Having the correct gap is important so that the spark appears at the right moment, i.e., not earlier and not much later than the fuel supply.

Special templates will help you adjust the ignition on a chainsaw, but it is not always advisable to obtain them for one-time use. Therefore, they can be replaced with a homemade one. To produce it, you need to cut a strip from a plastic bottle. The part of the container where there is no relief embossing is suitable. After which you can install the ignition, proceeding in the following sequence:

  • Unscrew the ignition bolts a little to loosen them.
  • Connect the magnets located on the flywheel to the ignition coil.
  • Press the plastic plate between the flywheel and the coil, and then tighten the bolts back.
  • Pull out the strip.
  • Turn the flywheel a full turn a couple of times in order, while doing this you need to make sure that it does not cling anywhere.

If the diagnostics revealed any malfunctions of the coil and it was not possible to adjust it, then the part must be replaced, since repair is impractical.


https://yasenevo-flowers.ru/sadovaya-tehnika/zazhiganie-na-benzopile-kak-proverit-i-nastroit.html https://benzopilok.ru/remont/zazhiganie-benzopily-druzhba.html https:// specmahina.ru/benzopila/ustanovka-zazhiganiya.html

Why does a chainsaw stall when heating up?

It often happens that the chainsaw starts when cold, but stalls when it warms up. This behavior of the tool can be caused by the following reasons:

  • The carburetor is not adjusted correctly. This problem can be identified by how the device starts up when cold. If it is carried out without closing the air damper, and the engine starts without a preliminary flash, this means that after the engine warms up, fuel floods the spark plug. The solution to this problem is to adjust the carburetor. Details about carburetor adjustment
  • Malfunction of the coil (ignition module). This problem can be identified by sequentially checking the spark, first on a cold and then on a hot engine. If there is no spark on a hot engine, then you need to replace the ignition coil.
  • Spark plug faulty. In this situation, as in the case of a faulty ignition module, the spark disappears when the engine heats up. You need to replace the spark plug with a new one, and if this does not solve the problem, you should check the ignition module and the distance between it and the flywheel.

Chainsaws "Ural": malfunctions and repairs

Any tool breaks. And that's a fact. As practice shows, modern foreign chainsaws suffer from breakdowns no less often than domestic gas-powered tools.

Among the typical breakdowns of Ural chainsaws, the most common are faults with motors. They may not turn on, have poor idle speed, stall under load, or not turn off at all.

There may be several explanations for the fact that the Ural chainsaw does not start:

  • lack of fuel, its low quality or incorrect proportion of preparation;
  • malfunctions with the fuel system: once the gas tank or fuel supply pipes are sealed, which, on top of everything else, also become littered;
  • faulty spark plug or flywheel - as a result, there is no spark required to ignite the fuel;
  • a dirty air filter through which air, and therefore oxygen, does not pass to start the combustion process;

If the chain saw starts and stalls, the cause should be looked for in the carburetor. It is necessary to adjust its jets so that fuel and oxygen are supplied according to the load that is expected from it.

The situation when the engine heats up and stalls is also familiar to many users of Ural gas powered tools. Replacing the spark plug, oil, cleaning the air filter or replacing the piston can help fix it.

A working motor should run smoothly without jerking.

The ringing knock of the engine when idling Ural chainsaws is a reason to pay attention to the cylinder. It could be damaged and need replacing.


Chainsaw , thanks to its good power and sufficient length of the bar, allows it to be classified as a professional felling saw. Its main purpose is felling forests and sawing logs. It will no longer be able to saw through knots, and it will be extremely inconvenient at a construction site due to its large weight and size.

Carburetor adjustment

The first cause of problems with the carburetor is spark plugs filled with fuel mixture. This does not mean that you need to immediately disassemble the carburetor. First of all, pay attention to the gasoline valve; sometimes it is enough to bend it a little inward. This operation will reduce the amount of fuel supplied.

If this does not help, then move on to a simple carburetor setup operation:

  • Tighten the fuel screw all the way.
  • Unscrew it back 3 full turns.
  • Tighten the propeller all the way.
  • Loosen the propeller 2 full turns.

Don’t forget to check the seals for leaks to eliminate the possibility of air being sucked into the system; this can also cause a malfunction when the chainsaw starts and stalls.

The procedure for checking and adjusting the correct operation of the engine

The most vulnerable element of a carburetor engine is the spark plug. It also allows us to judge the probable causes of malfunction of individual components of a gasoline engine. The following procedure is recommended.

  • Remove the spark plug and inspect it. A dry spark plug with a slight brown tint to the electrodes can be considered serviceable.

Carbon deposits on the spark plug

Chainsaw ignition coil

When installing a new electrical module on the engine, the magneto clearance should be adjusted. The optimal distance between the flywheel and the ignition coil is 0.2-0.4 mm for most chainsaws.

Gap between magneto and flywheel

To be sure, it is recommended to carefully study the documentation for the purchased model and follow the manufacturer’s requirements.

With such a small gap, it will not be possible to use the available measuring tool for direct measurement. In practice, for Husqvarna saws, a template is used in the form of a spacer, cut from thin and flexible sheet material of the required thickness. It is clamped in the space between the flywheel and the coil when installing it, and then pulled out.

To avoid the need to adjust the ignition, operate the tool carefully, avoiding impacts. In particular, this applies to chainsaws with electronic chips in the ignition system, as they are very sensitive to mechanical damage.

How to refill the Ural chainsaw?

A 2-stroke engine is a capricious thing that requires not only gasoline, but also lubrication.
According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, fuel with an octane rating of 76 and 80 is suitable for Ural chain saws. Unfortunately, you won’t find them at responsible gas stations for a long time. Another question arises: is it possible to fill a Ural chainsaw with 92 gasoline, like most modern power tools? It is possible, but you should be more careful about adjusting the carburetor and ignition, which, like the engine, will begin to wear out faster. Resourceful people have long figured out how to convert their outdated Uralov models to 92 gasoline. To do this, you need to lower the octane number of AI-92 or AI-95 gasoline by adding 70 g of diesel fuel to one tank of the fuel mixture. The engine practically does not feel the difference with this additive and operates in normal mode.

The proportions for the gasoline oil mixture should be as follows: 50 ml of motor oil (preferably not for mopeds) per 1 liter of gasoline.

Why does the chainsaw not pick up speed and stalls?

If the saw cannot gain speed or stalls when you press the gas, then most likely this is not caused by a leak in the carburetor or crankcase. This problem can be resolved by checking for leaks and adjusting the carburetor.

In addition, this malfunction may be associated with a defect in the fuel tank breather. Due to the formation of a vacuum in the fuel tank during the operation of the chain saw, the required volume of the fuel mixture does not enter the engine, as a result of which it cannot gain speed or stalls. If you stop the chainsaw, open and close the fuel tank and turn it on again, it will work normally for about five minutes, and then again stop picking up speed or stall.

Another possible reason that the chain saw is not able to gain speed may be excess carbon deposits in the muffler, which makes it difficult for exhaust gases to escape, which reduces engine power and speed.

Configuration algorithm

Calibrating the Ural 2 Electron carburetor saw involves changing the amount of the fuel mixture and its quality characteristics. There are two types of settings.

Setting idle time

Before making any adjustments, make sure that:

  1. The engine is stable and the chain does not move.
  2. There is no strong smoke.

READ How to remove the clutch on a STIHL chainsaw

The setup algorithm looks like this:

  1. The Ural engine starts and warms up a little. Screw #3 sets the minimum speed to keep the chain in place. If the mixture is too thick (there is a lot of smoke coming from the exhaust pipe), then screw No. 1 should be slightly tightened. This will reduce smoke and increase speed.
  2. Then you need to return all settings to the minimum and stable speed level. This is done by partially unscrewing screw No. 3.
  3. The next step is to check the throttles on the engine. If the speed increases quickly after pressing the throttle lever firmly, everything is done correctly and the #3 screw should be securely fastened in this position.

If the engine stops or the speed increases slowly, screw No. 1 should be unscrewed slightly. To increase speed, screw #3 is slightly tightened. After the engine, the Ural saw engine is re-checked for throttle operation.

Setting the maximum power

Power adjustment on the Ural 2 Electron chainsaw is made only after a period of breakdown (25 hours) and after setting the idle speed.

Not fully tightening the screw means more air and less fuel. When unscrewing the auger, the opposite happens, that is, an enriched combustible mixture. The most preferred position of the screws can only be determined experimentally.

In the process of tuning the Ural carburetor, you must remember the following principles for the correct operation of the chainsaw:

  1. The engine should always have good cutting performance and the smoke should be moderate.
  2. The engine should always have excellent throttle response. In this case, during the process of sawing wood, the chain should not stop, the saw overheats, and the engine brakes on its own.

If the carburetor is completely aligned and the engine stops, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Screw No. 1 is fully tightened until it stops, and after one turn no more.
  2. Screw No. 2 is screwed in as far as possible, and then tightened half a turn.

This will allow you to return the adjusting screws to their original position, and then correctly adjust the carburetor of the Ural chainsaw in accordance with the standards described above.

Basic malfunctions and their elimination

If you cannot start the saw the first time, there may be several reasons. Most often the problem is related to the spark plug:

  • wear of the electrode or damage to the ceramic insulator;
  • loose fit of the removable cap (if any);
  • sparks flying along the ceramic winding, a sign of which is a brown residue on the outer shell;
  • cracks in the spark plug cap (a saw with this problem will continue to work, but may cause pain to the user when touched).

If no problems were found with the spark plug, it is recommended to inspect the wires coming from the coil. They may be torn or have other mechanical damage. Wire breaks inside the insulation are possible, so sometimes these violations cannot be detected by visual inspection.

The cause of the breakdown may lie in the shutdown switches. It's easy to check them. To do this, you need to disconnect the wires from the module and then check the ignition. If a spark appears after switching off, the switch must be replaced.

DIY assembly

  1. We remove the entire winding from the old magneto coil;
  2. We wind a wire used for winding transformers on a coil with a diameter of 0.8 mm. We count 250 turns;
  3. After each layer we lay paper or varnished cloth. This is necessary for insulation;
  4. We solder the beginning of the winding to the core, and connect the end to the ignition breaker;
  5. Cover the coil with insulating tape. We leave the capacitor circuit as is;
  6. We draw conclusions with two mounting wires through the seal (you can use a piece of rubber hose);
  7. We install the ignition coil, which will serve as a transformer. For these purposes, coils from Volga, Zhiguli and other cars are best suited. You should not use ignition coils from motorcycles and mopeds, they give a weak spark. We remove the resistor from the coil, fasten the part with a clamp to the chainsaw frame;
  8. We fasten the wires coming from the “snail”. We connect the wire coming from the capacitor to the “VK” terminal of the ignition coil, the second, coming from the ground through the magneto, also to the ignition coil, but on the other side (there is no “VK” designation in this place). For convenience, we use multi-colored wires;
  9. We connect the ignition coil to the spark plug using a high-voltage wire.

Our ignition system is ready!

Modern chainsaws, thanks to the contactless ignition system, have become more practical and convenient to use. These coils require virtually no maintenance; the only thing needed is control and correct gap setting. The life of the saw depends on how it is installed. Use our tips to extend the life of your tool!

How to set the ignition on a chainsaw

The ignition of the chainsaw must be adjusted from time to time. This action involves setting the correct spark plug gap between the coil and the flywheel. The parameter depends on the chainsaw model. It is indicated in the instructions for use. The average value is 0.2-0.4 mm. Having the correct gap is important so that the spark appears at the right moment, i.e., not earlier and not much later than the fuel supply.

Special templates will help you adjust the ignition on a chainsaw, but it is not always advisable to obtain them for one-time use. Therefore, they can be replaced with a homemade one. To produce it, you need to cut a strip from a plastic bottle. The part of the container where there is no relief embossing is suitable. After which you can install the ignition, proceeding in the following sequence:

  • Unscrew the ignition bolts a little to loosen them.
  • Connect the magnets located on the flywheel to the ignition coil.
  • Press the plastic plate between the flywheel and the coil, and then tighten the bolts back.
  • Pull out the strip.
  • Turn the flywheel a full turn a couple of times in order, while doing this you need to make sure that it does not cling anywhere.

If the diagnostics revealed any malfunctions of the coil and it was not possible to adjust it, then the part must be replaced, since repair is impractical.


https://yasenevo-flowers.ru/sadovaya-tehnika/zazhiganie-na-benzopile-kak-proverit-i-nastroit.html https://benzopilok.ru/remont/zazhiganie-benzopily-druzhba.html https:// specmahina.ru/benzopila/ustanovka-zazhiganiya.html

Structural components

All two-stroke gasoline engines have a similar operating principle, and therefore the ignition system in them has a standard structure and design.

Chainsaw ignition device:

  • Magneto: a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy and provides a pulse of current to the chainsaw's spark plug;
  • Spark plug: designed to ignite the fuel-air mixture through a discharge that occurs between the electrodes;
  • Electrical cable;
  • Engine shutdown button.

Plugs come in spark, arc, glow and catalytic types. Chainsaws use spark plugs for 2-stroke engines. The schematic diagram of the chainsaw ignition is shown in the image.

Chainsaw ignition circuit

Basic malfunctions of the ignition system of chainsaws

Having roughly understood how the ignition system of Chinese or domestic chainsaws works, you can already figure out what problems there may be with this mechanism and how to fix them.

Spark plug

Most often, breakdown occurs due to the spark plug. It is worth checking whether the insulator is damaged and whether the electrode is worn out. The entire spark plug is checked for integrity and absence of defects - this includes the integrity of the wires from the coil, the presence of insulating material, etc.

High voltage wire

Next, check the spark plug wires. Often they can run in such a way that there are many bends. In those places the wire can be damaged, while outwardly looking perfect. Next, inspect the spark plug cap and ignition wire. There should be no brown coating on it. If there is one, this means that the spark does not shoot in the right place, but in all parts near the ceramic insulator. The cap may also have damage - cracks, chips. The check must be carried out carefully, because a damaged insulating layer can result in an electric shock.

On/off button

A frequent breakdown of the ignition system is a malfunction of the shutdown switch. To check it, the wires are disconnected from the module and the functionality of the saw is checked. If there is a spark, the problem is in the switch.

Problems with ignition modules (coils) of chainsaws

Husqvarna chainsaw ignition coil

The switch and the ignition module that regulates its operation can often fail. The coil may also be faulty. If all elements of the ignition system are in working order, but there is no spark, the module and coil are suspected. And the problem with the malfunction of these elements is that you cannot repair the module or fix part of the coil - they need to be replaced. Of course, if possible, it is better to install the module from some old saw and understand whether this is the problem. After all, you can simply make a mistake at some stage and suspect what actually works.

You should not trust all kinds of testers - they often show false information about the serviceability of the ignition system. Only diagnostics with another module or coil will be reliable.

If the electronic module is bad, the following sign is observed: as soon as the chainsaw heats up, a very weak spark is given. Also, after refueling, the unit may not start. This is observed due to the fact that the coil or module gets very hot, their resistance increases, so the spark weakens.

If there are breakdowns in the ignition system, and there is no experience in repairing them, you should not try to repair everything yourself. Basic things, such as checking the integrity of a spark plug or wires, can be carried out at home, but more complex diagnostics, and even more so the replacement of units, should be carried out by professionals. And then you can be confident in the quality of the work performed.


The hole in the carburetor casing through which the standard cable passed is drilled out to d9 mm and an M10x1 thread is cut. From the end of the casing to the center of the hole, a 2 mm wide cut is made to pass the cable and an adapter sleeve with an M10x1 thread and a length of 22-25 mm is installed. Such bushings are used in household lighting fixtures (chandeliers, sconces, etc.) for attaching sockets. A through cut 2 mm wide is made along the entire length of the sleeve for laying the cable. On the side opposite to the standard external thread of the bushing, cut an internal M7 thread to a depth of 12-15 mm to install the bowden.

On the beveled plane of the carburetor casing, starting directly from the corner boss, select a groove 16 mm wide and 32 mm deep to accommodate the uterus of the carburetor adjusting screw (pin) during assembly ( photo 3 ).

Insert the cable and install the cylinder on the throttle lever. Pass the cable through the adapter sleeve and Bowden, select the play of the cable sheath and check the operation of the cable. When you turn the shifter handle, the cable should move easily all the way, fully opening the throttle valve. First install the carburetor casing on the studs, then the carburetor and casing cover, tighten the fastening nuts.


New engine operating conditions require improved cleaning of the intake air, for example, on a walk-behind tractor when there is a lot of dust around. For this purpose, the standard mesh filter is supplemented with two filter inserts, which are segments of the filter element of the air filter of a VAZ car, which are cut together with a perforated steel tape ( photo 4 ). After this, the air filter is installed in its original place.


Remove the deflector and crankcase cover from the engine. In the side wall of the crankcase, below the contact block, at a distance of 30 mm from the parting line of the crankcase with the deflector, drill a hole d8.5 mm, move the drill forward and drill the crankcase wall, without bringing the drill to the formative wall of the volute.

A hole d4.5 mm is drilled in the crankcase stiffener rib obliquely from top to bottom (next to the contact screw). A single-pole radio terminal (socket) with a soldered wire 10-12 cm long in vinyl chloride insulation is inserted into a hole d8.5 mm.

Additionally, a tube made of vinyl chloride d4 mm is put on the wire and passed through holes d8.5 and d4.5 mm to the contact screw. Loosen the screw under which the wire from the control winding of the magneto is connected, and insert the bare and soldered end of the newly installed wire under it, bend it in a loop around the screw (under the washer) and tighten the screw. Reinstall the crankcase cover and deflector. Thus, the end of the magneto control winding is connected in parallel to the terminal. By inserting into the terminal an ordinary single-pole plug with a wire going to the engine control place (remote control), where a button is attached that closes the wire to ground, it is possible to turn off the engine remotely. Wire cross-section - 1-1.5 mm2, type - multi-core, mounted in vinyl chloride insulation, button - motorcycle type to turn on the sound signal or radio button to turn it on. It is more convenient to use a motorcycle button on the steering wheel, and a radio button on the control panel. Photos 5 and 6 show the wiring and installation of the socket (terminal), respectively.


Changing the ignition timing on a chainsaw engine is most easily achieved by angular movement of the magneto board relative to the crankshaft. Using the operating instructions for the Ural chainsaw, remove the flywheel housing cover, flywheel and magneto from the engine. The studs securing the magneto to the engine crankcase are turned out. The control coil and high-voltage transformer are removed from the magneto. An additional 600 turns of PEV or PETV wire with a cross section of 0.12 mm are wound onto the control coil and covered with a layer of insulating tape. An L-shaped contact petal is installed on top of the tape, which is attracted to the windings with several layers of insulating tape. The end of the additional winding is soldered to the petal.

A bracket is made from sheet aluminum 4 mm thick ( Fig. 4 ), onto which a carrier with a leash is attached ( Fig. 5 ).

Chainsaw "Ural-Electron"

As you know, in the Soviet Union there were 2 models of gasoline saws - “Ural” and “Druzhba” and electric “Parma”. If “Druzhba” was originally intended for private farms, then “Ural” was developed as a “professional” saw purely for felling work. The Druzhba and Ural chainsaws have a similar design, but there are some differences.

The difference between the Ural chainsaw and the Druzhba chainsaw

  • Great power. 5 hp versus 4 for “Druzhba”
  • Less weight. “Ural” weighs 11 kilograms, and “Druzhba” 12.5.
  • On the Ural, the gearbox allows you to rotate the saw set 90 degrees to make felling easier.
  • The handles are placed upward, just like, for example, on the “horned” Husqvarna.” This makes work much easier in deep snow and saves the fellers’ backs.
  • The Ural is also equipped with a chain lubrication system, but Druzhba did not have such a system.
  • The Ural was equipped with a hydraulic wedge. This is a device for felling sawn trees in the desired direction.

Domestic chainsaws from the times of the USSR had another significant difference from modern motor saws. This is a necessary break-in! If any modern saw does not require running-in as such, the only thing that is recommended is not to work at full speed (read more about running-in of modern chainsaws HERE), then “Ural” and “Druzhba” had to undergo it before work.

Running in the Ural chainsaw

The run-in of the Ural chainsaw began with idling until at least four full tanks were used up. In this case, the proportion of oil and gasoline for running in a Ural chainsaw should be 1:15, that is, 1 liter of oil should be poured into 15 liters of gasoline.

After the saw has idled, running-in continues during operation. The chainsaw should not be subjected to full loads for 25 hours. The fuel mixture is prepared in the same proportions as when running in at idle.

Specifications and description

At this point, you can familiarize yourself with each model separately, and determine for yourself which one is most suitable for you. So let's get started.

Power of the saw "Friendship - 2"

This model is equipped with an engine that runs on gasoline and a two-stroke engine. It has a fairly high power, which is about 2.2 kW, due to which the rotational speed reaches 8700 rpm (which is two times less than that of the Ural chainsaw). It is this feature that allows high-level performance to be produced in a fairly short time range.

Moreover, it is a new product that has the highest quality and excellent assembly. The model itself has a fairly presentable appearance, as it is made according to the latest modern developments of the manufacturer. In addition, its owner will be able to enjoy specially designed features that have not previously been used in other models. This advantage contributes to the high balancing of the chainsaw.

Chainsaw friendship 2

If we talk about external developments, then we can say with full confidence that it is very convenient to use, thanks to the handle with an excellent grip built into its design. The functionality of the saw is designed in such a way that you cannot get burned by a running hot engine, which is the case with most other chainsaws from other manufacturers, since it cools itself during operation.

The body is made of high-quality material, which is not affected by increases in air temperature, and also does not change its characteristics over many years, so the chainsaw of this model will look great for decades. Moreover, absolutely all internal spare parts and parts are securely hidden inside the tool, thereby protecting them from corrosion and external influences.

It is also important that this model is equipped with a mechanical chain brake, the main purpose of which is to protect you from accidental chain drop. Since he is able to stop the operation of equipment in seconds. Thus protecting you from accidents.

The Friendship 2 m chainsaw is perfect for working on your summer cottage, as with its help you can easily cope with sawing and harvesting firewood, dry branches and twigs on trees, as well as small-diameter trees.

It is also worth noting that it is equipped with rubber shock absorbers, thanks to which vibration feedback and various vibrations are minimized. This model is a real find for summer residents, farmers, people engaged in professional activities related to working with a saw.

Chainsaw “Friendship – 4” – instruction manual

This model is designed for high-quality and high-speed cutting of wooden materials. This type of chainsaw has an improved and latest modern design.

Moreover, it is quite powerful and at the same time its weight is relatively low. The model also has a quick and easy start system, a quick chain stop system and vibration damping system. Also included are goggles and gloves for your safety.

Chainsaw Friendship 4

The chainsaw has excellent weight distribution, making working with it a real pleasure, as it is efficient and convenient. Thanks to the instant chain stop feature, the tool will not accidentally injure you or people around you.

The model also has a kind of drive coming from the engine (gasoline) with a manual start-up system. And thanks to the anti-vibration feature, you can work comfortably with the saw.

SpecificationsChainsaw “Friendship – 2”Chainsaw “Friendship – 4”
Chainsaw classHouseholdHousehold
engine's typeTwo-stroke petrolTwo-stroke petrol
Tire length45 cm45 cm
Working volume45 cm cube45 cm cube
Engine power2.1 kW2.6 kW
Chain pitch1.5/0.325 inch1.5/0.325 inch
Fuel typeGasoline (A-92) + oil for two-stroke enginesGasoline (A-92) + oil for two-stroke engines
Startup typeManualManual Fuel volume. tank:520 ml
Oil tank size260 ml260 ml
Fuel tank volume550 ml550 ml
Chain lubricationAutomaticAutomatic
Weight4.5 kg4.5 kg
Guarantee12 months12 months

Troubleshooting Tips

Fuel transfusion and filling of a chainsaw spark plug can be one-time and accidental. For example, “over-pumping” with a pump cap (primer): the engine does not start immediately, the operator presses his finger on the cap again and again, tries to start it, then pumps it up again.

In this case, the reason is not at all in the carburetor. You need to unscrew the spark plug and ventilate the combustion chamber by pulling the starter cord several times, as when starting. The candle is wiped, dried on the flame of a gas burner or burner, or another one is used. They check the spark, put the spark plug in place. They try to start it first without choke.

If it does not start after 3-4 jerks, press the pump cap 2-3 times. They try again. That is, after an overflow, it is better not to pump up the fuel first, but to pump it up incrementally. Until the engine starts.

Candles sometimes require their own maintenance and care.

  • Inside, around the insulator, there should absolutely be no soot or dirt.
  • The contact between the electrode and the plate from the spark plug body is cleaned with “zero” sandpaper. Carefully, without rounding the end of the electrode.
  • You need to know the recommended spark plug gap indicated in the instructions for each chainsaw model (from 0.5 to 0.65 mm or more).
  • To accurately adjust the spark plug gap, special feelers are used - a fan-shaped set of plates of different calibrated thicknesses, which fold into a handle like a folding knife. Sold in auto tool and spare parts stores.
  • When working in winter, it is better to store the chainsaw at low temperatures. When taken out of the heat and into the cold, a sharp temperature change can cause condensation to form everywhere, including in the ignition system, and this is harmful.

One of the reasons for the lack of spark in a chainsaw is described in the following video, where they also talk about how to fix the breakdown:

Modern chainsaw ignition systems are quite compact and reliable. You just need to protect them from direct moisture, shock, and exposure to extreme temperatures. And then there will be no problems with the lack of spark during startup. Also, 1-2 spare spark plugs that are known to work will not be superfluous.

The chainsaw's ignition system is a series of parts that produce a spark when the tool's engine starts. In most cases, the ignition system is a fairly reliable unit, but sometimes, for various reasons, some of its parts fail. Let's study the features of repairing and adjusting the main elements of the chainsaw ignition system.

Malfunctions and repairs

If malfunctions or breakdowns are identified during operation, then routine repairs of the Ural-2 Electron chainsaw are performed with your own hands.

Remove the bearings from the crankshaft and gears. The carburetor is not disassembled. Disassembly is carried out only in cases of extreme necessity, for example, the ignition system is working properly, the carburetor is adjusted, but the chainsaw is not working.

After disassembling the engine crankcase, install a paper gasket and reassemble it.

When replacing seals, new elements are mounted with light blows of a hammer through a wooden mandrel into the mounting sockets of the crankcase and bearing cap.

Straightening corrects the curvature of the saw bar.

Does not start

Chainsaw Ural-2T Electron will not start if there is no fuel in the tank or the fuel chamber is empty. If the fuel supply is poor, clean the gas line and filters of the sump and carburetor. When the engine is oversaturated with fuel and the spark plug electrodes are completely immersed in it, the cylinders are purged.

If there is no spark between the electrodes, clean the spark plugs, wash them with gasoline, set the gap to 0.6 mm, and replace them if necessary.

Carburetor settings

To ensure the stability of the crankshaft, minimal consumption of materials and reduce air pollution, adjust the carburetor of the Ural chainsaw.

CWs are regulated by changing the quality and quantity of the fuel mixture. The quantity is adjusted by turning the screw that limits the movement of the throttle control lever towards closing, and the quality is adjusted by turning the chainsaw carburetor screw.

To adjust the XO, you need to start the engine and warm it up at low and medium speeds. In this case, the screw is turned until the moment at which the saw chain does not move along the bar.

Adjustment to maximum power is made with the carburetor screw after 25 hours of running-in and after adjusting the CO by leaning or enriching the mixture in operating mode. When screwing, the mixture becomes lean; when unscrewing, it becomes richer.

How to tune a carburetor

In fact, the basic and initial settings must be performed directly at the factory where the saw was manufactured. The starting characteristic data is stored for a certain amount of time after work with this product has begun.

Carburetor adjustment

The Ural chainsaw carburetor must be adjusted in order to be able to select the most suitable mixture (fuel) parameters for operating the saw in various modes. To do this, you will need wrenches of different sizes, a saw data sheet and a screwdriver.

Undoubtedly, since this tool is quite powerful and practical, the adjustment process has its own specific features that should not be forgotten, namely:

  1. immediately before work, read the (technical) manual, in which you can find all the answers to your questions regarding working with this power tool. And it’s important that you remember the settings that were set by the manufacturer;
  2. The second thing you should not forget is that the adjustment must be made exclusively in idle mode. Start the engine and let it run for a while, but don't rev it too high. After which you must use the (adjusting) screw to bring the engine to such a degree that it itself begins to gradually and smoothly gain speed, but the chain should not mix along the tire itself;
  3. It is necessary to continue adjusting the chainsaw of the carburetor of the Ural chainsaw at low speeds, it is best if it is medium.
    But remember that it should work without any jerks;
  4. After this procedure, you need to check the throttle response of the engine itself. To do this, you need to set the speed to the lowest possible speed while gradually unscrewing the screw. Then sharply press the lever all the way to the bottom and stay in this position for about three seconds. But if you notice that the motor picks up speed too slowly or stalls altogether, then you need to unscrew the screw a little more;
  5. When the saw is working normally, then you should practically fix the screw (adjustment) with a lock nut.

Common faults and repairs of the Ural chainsaw

In general, the domestic instrument has proven to be quite reliable and easy to maintain. However, it is also susceptible to breakdowns, which are mainly due to improper use of the saw.

Many beginners often do not know how to start a Ural chainsaw. This is quite easy to do. To do this, follow the specified algorithm:

  1. fill in fuel and oil to lubricate the chain, then press the primer several times to pump gasoline;
  2. then move the throttle lever to the closed position and pull the starter cable;
  3. after the characteristic sound appears, switch the throttle lever to the middle position;
  4. Start the chainsaw again and let it run for about 15 seconds. After this, move the throttle lever to the very bottom and press the gas lever to release the throttle. Then you can continue working with the chainsaw;
  5. If, after all the procedures performed, the saw heats up and stalls, then you need to press the primer several more times to pump up the fuel.

Next, you need to figure out how to properly break in a new Ural chainsaw? To do this, the large tank of the unit is filled with gasoline mixed with oil, and lubricant is poured into a separate tank for oil. After this, the chainsaw should be started and run for at least 10 minutes. Then you need to turn off the engine and repeat the procedure. It should take one full tank of fuel to fully break in the tool.

If you ignore the break-in procedure, you will notice that your saw starts and stalls immediately after starting - the reason for this lies in the engine and carburetor that are not prepared for operation. This is precisely why the saw manufacturer advises running it in.

Often saw owners are faced with a problem in which they hear a ringing knock from the engine at idle - in this case, the Ural chainsaw can be repaired quite simply. To do this, you need to inspect the cylinder - it was probably damaged during a reverse impact. The malfunction can be eliminated by aligning the cylinder walls. If it cannot be repaired and the saw does not start, you will have to buy a new cylinder.

Next you need to learn how to adjust the carburetor on a Ural chainsaw? To do this, you need to start the tool and turn the screw responsible for the idle operation of the saw. Turning the screw clockwise will increase the engine speed, and counterclockwise will decrease it. The Ural chainsaw carburetor should be adjusted after every 25 fuel tanks used.

If during cleaning you notice that there is no spark, then the adjustment procedure must be performed at the moment a breakdown is detected. The next important question is how to set the ignition on the Ural chainsaw. To do this you need to act in this order:

  1. Start the engine and warm it up at low speeds;
  2. Set the most stable turns of the tire without the chain moving along it;
  3. After this, set the minimum speed;
  4. Press the gas lever sharply. If the engine speed instantly increases, it means the ignition is set correctly.

A very common question for beginners is whether a Ural chainsaw can be filled with 92 gasoline? The manufacturer recommends using 80-grade gasoline, so AI-92 fuel is not suitable for operating the tool. Because of this, the question of how to convert a Ural saw to 92 gasoline is becoming one of the most asked. To solve this problem, the chainsaw will need to be equipped with new valves and a piston. You can purchase them at any auto parts store. After replacement, you can confidently fill in 92nd fuel without worrying about premature engine wear.

Features of using a chainsaw

Rules for the use and maintenance of the Electron Ural 2t chainsaw:

  • for optimal functionality of the tool, use a fuel mixture in a ratio of 1:50, this is the optimal ratio for high-quality operation of a two-stroke engine;
  • after a break in work, use only fresh fuel mixture;
  • regularly check the condition of the chain and bar, make sure that the chain receives lubricant;
  • use high-quality fuel, high-viscosity oil and pure gasoline;
  • store the saw in a dry place, under a waterproof cover;
  • upon completion of work, clean the chainsaw body from dirt;
  • work only with hearing protection and cover your face with a special plastic mask;
  • replace fuel and air filters and spark plugs according to the instructions;
  • Adjust the chainsaw carburetor annually.

How to adjust the carburetor on a Ural chainsaw?

The carburetor is adjusted in idle mode using the adjusting screw. If the carburetor is adjusted correctly with the screw, the engine will increase speed on its own without moving the chain along the tire.

Video about adjusting the carburetor of a Ural chainsaw:

How to adjust the ignition on a Ural chainsaw?

The ignition adjustment of the Ural chainsaw is done as follows: turn on the saw and allow the engine to warm up, then the owner of the saw determines when the tire set produces the most stable speed, and then switches the tool to low speed and sharply pulls out the starter cord. As a result of this action, the engine speed will increase, this will mean that the ignition is set correctly.

Ignition circuit for the Ural 2 Electron chainsaw:

Malfunctions of the Ural 2-T Electron chainsaw

Owners of the Ural 2T Electron chainsaw may encounter the following most common tool malfunctions:

Lack of high-quality sawing, the tire moves “heavily” on wood and produces small chips.

Reason: the chain is dull and needs sharpening or replacement.

There is a strong noise, knocking, rattling when the chainsaw is operating.

Reason: the carburetor needs to be adjusted, the carburetor needs to be adjusted in the service.

The saw began to stall right during operation, or completely refused to start.

Reason: poor quality fuel, ignition problems, the spark plug may need to be replaced or cleaned of carbon deposits.

The design and principle of operation of the chainsaw ignition system

The standard ignition system of a carburetor engine consists of:

  • magneto;
  • spark plug;
  • an electrical cable connecting them to each other;
  • engine shutdown keys.

A magneto is a type of alternator that supplies electricity to the spark plugs. It consists of a stationary winding of an inductance coil and a permanent magnet mounted on a flywheel that rotates with the crankshaft of a gasoline engine. The moving magnetic field creates an electromotive force in the low-voltage winding, which is converted by the transformer into a voltage with a potential sufficient to produce a spark.

For contact magnetos, the first terminal of the high-voltage winding is connected to the spark plug, and the second is connected to the ground through a mechanical switch. At a certain moment, a special design element separates the contacts, which leads to a sharp increase in voltage in the network and a spark in the interelectrode space of the spark plug.

To prevent overheating and oxidation of the breaker contacts, a capacitor is connected to the electrical circuit.

The ignition circuit of a chainsaw with a contactless magneto is based on the operation of a control coil, which plays the role of a voltage regulator. The electronic unit also includes a diode, a capacitor and a thyristor that passes current with a voltage of a certain value. When it opens, the capacitor is intensively discharged, forming a current in the turns of the primary winding, which is induced into a high-voltage voltage, causing a breakdown on the spark plug installed in the cylinder. The electrical network operates in pulse mode in time with the rotation of the crankshaft and the translational movement of the cylinders.

Ignition time

The mechanical device and factory settings of the magnets ensure that the timing of the spark discharge coincides with the optimal position of the moving piston. In four-stroke gasoline engines, spark penetration must occur before the piston reaches top dead center - this is because it takes some time for the air-fuel mixture to fully ignite. The speed of movement of engine parts is comparable to the speed of ignition of the fuel, so the piston manages to travel a certain path from the moment of the spark to the moment when the burning gases create extremely high pressure.

Each engine has an ignition timing. It is equal to the rotation of the crank, expressed in degrees, from the moment the spark plug breaks in the interelectrode space until the moment the piston is at top dead center. This indicator depends on many parameters, including the design features of the engine and the properties of the fuel mixture.

When is ignition required? There are main symptoms of system failure:

  • The engine does not start;
  • The motor runs, but with noticeable interruptions;
  • There is a decrease in tool power.

In these cases, do not rush to contact the service center. Try adjusting the ignition first.

Ignition of the chainsaw. Device, circuits, malfunctions.

The ignition system of a chainsaw is a whole complex of parts with which a spark is generated when the engine starts. It is needed in order to ignite the fuel and bring the engine into a state of real long-term operation. The main element of the ignition system is the spark plug, which must be ignited every time the engine is in a suitable operating cycle. And although the system is reliable and well-thought-out, it requires repair from time to time, so the user needs to know how his chainsaw works, and what he can do to repair its ignition system.

Ignition device for chainsaws “Ural-Electron two T” and “Friendship”

Chainsaw engines “Ural-Electron two T” or “Druzhba”, also “Taiga-214-Electron” have a slightly different ignition system. Yes, they are used there

Electric magnetos of non-contact type. In other words, they do not have a contact mechanical breaker.

What does this mean? The induced current is generated by a high voltage transformer. With all this, its primary winding has a series connection with the thyristor through the charging winding, a capacitor diode, and also a control winding. Due to such a complex system, current passes through the thyristor only when a certain electronic potential reaches it.

As the thyristor is open, the capacitor is discharged to ground. While a current with a huge impulse passes through the primary winding, the secondary makes a huge inductive voltage, which causes a spark at the spark plug. In other words, due to the thyristor and the control winding, a contactless breaker operates, which has the highest reliability because it has no wearing parts.

The design of the ignition system of modern chainsaws

Magneto Stihl MS 180

Previously, ignition systems were quite unreliable, but they have now improved. So, in their control system there are elements that regulate the impulse depending on the speed of the saw. Because of this, the engine works more efficiently, which increases the overall efficiency of the tool. In addition, such elements are important, since they make it easier to start the saw at first.

A more fundamental fact is the reliability of modern systems. If previously the ignition failed very often, now all its components are so strong and high-quality that they need repair very rarely.

So, a modern chainsaw ignition system consists of a flywheel magneto, a spark plug, a wire and an ignition switch. There are contact and non-contact magnetos. The device of the first is quite ordinary: permanent magnets (installed in the flywheel rim), an ignition coil, a capacitor and a breaker. The coil, in turn, includes the core, as well as the primary and secondary windings of the transformer. Another important element is the spark plug. Its design is as follows: central and side electrodes, insulator, outer casing.

The chopper and the primary winding of the coil are connected alternately. The switch is switched off due to the presence of a cam on the crankshaft. The primary winding is alternately connected not only to the breaker, but also to the shutdown button. The magneto is installed in the crankcase on the left, secured at the base with two studs and nuts.

With the help of flywheel magnets, a magnetic field is generated that crosses the coil. Because of this, if the contacts in the primary winding are closed, a weak current appears. Accordingly, when the contacts are open, there is no magnetic field and an EMF is induced in the secondary winding. Because of this, a current of high voltage appears, which is supplied to the spark plug and gives a spark to ignite the fuel. At this moment, the piston is practically near top dead center (four mm below it).

High voltage wire

Next, the spark plug wires are inspected. Often they can run in such a pattern that there are many twists and turns. In those places the wire can be damaged, but it still looks perfect from the outside. Next, inspect the spark plug cap and ignition wires. There should be no coffee residue on it. If there is one, this means that the spark is not shooting in a suitable place, but in all parts near the clay insulator. The cap may also have damage - cracks, chips. The check must be carried out carefully, because due to the warped insulating layer you can get an electric shock.

Basic malfunctions of the ignition system of chainsaws

Having roughly understood how the ignition system of Chinese or Russian-made chainsaws works, you can already figure out what difficulties there may be with this mechanism and how to remove them.


During the entire production of the chainsaw, Friendship 4 has not undergone any major design changes. Let's see what minor changes have occurred in the design of the chainsaw:

  • 1950 - 1960. The first structural modification concerned a change in the mounting option for the handles; they began to be attached to the fan cover, and subsequently the fastening was moved to the clamp that connected the engine and gearbox.
  • 1960 - 1980. At this time, a modification of the chainsaw called Druzhba - 4A, which had two main advantages: a contact magneto and the well-known KMP-100 carburetor, entered the assembly line and was produced for 20 years. At the end of the 80s, the Druzhba.4A modification of the chainsaw was discontinued.
  • Late 1980s. Release of the Druzhba-4M Electron modification. Electronic ignition .
  • 1990s. Equipping the chainsaw with a modern (at that time) carburetor KMP-100U. Changes in the saw set - the use of modern type chains.

Many people are confused and say that a number of other changes were made to the Druzhba 4 chainsaw, such as a removable starter, a detachable crankcase and a removable cylinder, but they are deeply mistaken. All these changes were made on the Ural chainsaw, the basis of which was Druzhba.

Basic faults

Rarely, but still other malfunctions occur with the saw. For example, there is no spark at the spark plug or the chainsaw does not start at all. For a better understanding and assimilation of information on troubleshooting such faults, we recommend watching the video.

The design and principle of operation of the chainsaw ignition system

The standard ignition system of a carburetor engine consists of:

  • magneto;
  • spark plug;
  • an electrical cable connecting them to each other;
  • engine shutdown keys.

Ignition circuit for the Ural chainsaw

A magneto is a type of alternator that supplies electricity to the spark plugs. It consists of a stationary winding of an inductance coil and a permanent magnet mounted on a flywheel that rotates with the crankshaft of a gasoline engine. The moving magnetic field creates an electromotive force in the low-voltage winding, which is converted by the transformer into a voltage with a potential sufficient to produce a spark.

For contact magnetos, the first terminal of the high-voltage winding is connected to the spark plug, and the second is connected to the ground through a mechanical switch. At a certain moment, a special design element separates the contacts, which leads to a sharp increase in voltage in the network and a spark in the interelectrode space of the spark plug.

To prevent overheating and oxidation of the breaker contacts, a capacitor is connected to the electrical circuit.

The ignition circuit of a chainsaw with a contactless magneto is based on the operation of a control coil, which plays the role of a voltage regulator. The electronic unit also includes a diode, a capacitor and a thyristor that passes current with a voltage of a certain value. When it opens, the capacitor is intensively discharged, forming a current in the turns of the primary winding, which is induced into a high-voltage voltage, causing a breakdown on the spark plug installed in the cylinder. The electrical network operates in pulse mode in time with the rotation of the crankshaft and the translational movement of the cylinders.

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