The largest and most powerful bulldozers in the world


The Russian-made tractor is impressive with its dimensions. Only its length reaches 12.5 m, and its weight is about 106 tons. It should be borne in mind that the bulk of the weight is borne by the attachments. The package includes a motor with water cooling function.

The bulldozer is controlled using two levers. Stopping the T-800 occurs by pressing the bottom panel. It only works when the engine is running. If the bulldozer stalls while moving, the automatic braking function will work.

The tractor cannot boast of speed. The maximum speed is 14 km/h. But, for a unit of this level, the main thing is not speed, but power capabilities. The T-800 copes well with the job of moving rocks. Today it is actively used for construction work and in the industrial sector.

American super bulldozer

The largest commercially produced bulldozer today is the American Caterpillar D11TCD bulldozer. Its weight indicators are at 112 tons. These indicators also take into account the loosening system, the installation of which is optional. Without it, its weight is slightly lower - 104.2 tons. The unit is equipped with an engine producing 913 hp. power, and its volume is 32.2. This model is also equipped with a large fuel tank that can hold 1609 liters. The dimensions of the Caterpillar bulldozer are more modest compared to its Japanese counterpart. So, the length is 8.77 m, the width is 4.38 m, and the height parameters reach 4.72 m.

Be sure to read: Bulldozer Komatsu D 65

Komatsu D575A

The largest bulldozer in the world

Today this unit is considered the largest bulldozer in the world. The Japanese company first presented the future model back in 1981. Due to economic circumstances, its production began 10 years later. Coal mining enterprises located in America and Australia were mainly interested in the giant.

Today the bulldozer is equipped with a 1150 hp engine. Therefore, it is used for work where powerful traction is needed. This tractor is powered by diesel. Its capabilities include water cooling and turbocharging.

Giant Japanese bulldozer

One of the largest bulldozers in the world is represented by the Japanese KOMATSU D575A-3SD. This is one of the few super bulldozers that were mass-produced. A similar technique was developed back in 1991. The unit has the following technical characteristics:

  1. Weight is 153 tons, which is only 30 tons less than the world record holder.
  2. The total engine power is 1150 hp. In addition, all the energy received by the unit is directed precisely into traction, and not into developing speed.
  3. At one time, such a machine is capable of moving up to 70 m3 of earth, which corresponds to the area of ​​a tennis court.

Bulldozer Komatsu

To transfer the unit, you need to use 5 trucks, and to transport only the dump you will need one of them.

The design of the blade itself was made in such a way that 90% of the load is located on it, while other models simply push it in front of itself. The Japanese bulldozer 575A is used to simultaneously transport a large volume of soil. In total, the manufacturer produced 88 models of such heavy equipment, which are still working in the quarries of New Zealand, Australia, and also on the American continent. Such units are not currently produced.

ACCO dozer

It can be added to this list as the largest bulldozer in the world, which no one has ever seen. According to the project, the tractor weighs 183 tons. It was assumed that he would clear large areas for construction. To do this, it was equipped with a powerful engine of 1300 hp. It was planned that the unit would be exported to Libya. But the UN, suspecting the president of this country in connection with terrorism, imposed sanctions on this order. As a result, the giant ACCO dozer was never put into operation.

Today, the manufacturing company has ceased its activities. What will happen to the largest unit is unknown. Perhaps it will take its rightful place in a museum or become a pile of scrap metal.

Acco Super Bulldozer

The Acco Super Bulldozer is considered the largest model of this type of equipment ever created. The weight of this giant is 183 tons. But even taking into account the final creation of this machine by the Italian manufacturer Umberto Acco, for political reasons it was never transferred to the customer. In addition, the super bulldozer itself was not used for its intended purpose and there is not even confirmation that sea trials were carried out. The history of this equipment began in the first half of the 80s, when the owner, Umberto Acre, decided to produce it on a special order received from the leader of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi.

At that time, large-scale transformations and rapid infrastructure construction began in Libya, which required the use of such large equipment.

Bulldozers are used in construction and repair work

However, after the demise of ACCO, which happened in 2008, the question arose about the fate of the world's largest super bulldozer. It is assumed that the ACCO dozer will be dismantled for scrap. As a result, the only monument in the world will remain unappreciated and will be lost. Alas, there are not many photos of this technique on the Internet, which does not allow us to examine it in detail.

Record holder parameters

A similar machine was built largely from spare parts produced by Caterpillar. The equipment is driven by 2 Caterpillar engines, each of which produces 675 hp, so the total power of the unit is 1350 hp. With. The main part of the components was produced specifically for this super bulldozer. Thus, the width of the dump is about 7 meters, the height reaches 2.7 meters. At that time, no one was producing such elements. Therefore, the machine produced by ACCO for Colonel Gaddafi is rightfully the most powerful bulldozer in the world.

Be sure to read: Caterpillar technology

Russian giant bulldozer

Heavy bulldozers, developed and put on the assembly line back in Soviet times, were produced until recently by the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. Their production began in 1983. ChTZ T800 is the only modern machine produced in Russia, which has the following parameters:

  1. Weight is 103 tons.
  2. The engine produces 820 hp. With.
  3. The maximum speed is 14 km/h.
  4. The giant's maximum traction force is around 140 tons.

ChTZ T800

At the time of the release of the first T800 models, it was considered the most powerful bulldozer in operation at that time and competed only with the Japanese. It was first used in 1983 at the construction site of the South Ural Nuclear Power Plant. But its competitor Komatsu was produced only in 1991. The T800 was entered into the book of records as the largest and most powerful bulldozer of Soviet and then Russian production. The unit has proven itself positively in the development of mines, as well as in the process of diamond mining in difficult conditions.

The Russian super bulldozer effectively copes with work in permafrost conditions and crushes durable soils. This eliminated the need for blasting to develop sites, because this causes microcracks to appear in diamonds, which reduces the cost of the mined raw materials.

This equipment is equipped with a 6DM-21T engine, which has a four-stroke operating mode, and is also additionally reinforced with a gas turbine supercharger. To prevent overheating, it is equipped with intermediate cooling. The operation of a diesel engine occurs through direct injection of fuel into the combustion chamber. The volume of the fuel tank is 2050 liters. This unit is considered the largest bulldozer produced in Europe.

TOP of the largest bulldozers in the world

Even the serial super-heavy bulldozers of the world are equipment produced in single copies. Piece-by-piece, manual assembly increases the price of such machines, as well as the difficulty of transporting them to the place of work. But for customer companies this does not matter. Price, without a doubt, is important to them. However, it is much more important that such machines can perform work that others simply cannot do.

These powerful, crawler-mounted machines, equipped with blades and, in most cases, a rear ripper, have good productivity and move huge amounts of rock.

The largest bulldozer in the world – Acco Dozer

The title of the world's largest bulldozer has been held since 1983 by the Acco superdozer, weighing 183 tons. Unfortunately, he suffered a sad fate - instead of his labor exploits, he was turned into a museum and put on display near the head office of one of the Italian companies.

The fact is that the Acco super-bulldozer was created by the Italian company Umberto Acco on the personal order of Muammar Gadafi. However, due to force majeure circumstances - the imposition of sanctions against Libya - it was never shipped to the customer.

The giant, weighing 183 tons, is driven by a power unit consisting of two Caterpillar engines with a total power of 1,350 hp. The dimensions of the working equipment of the largest bulldozer are impressive: the height of the single-shank ripper is 3 meters, and the blade width is 7 m.

Komatsu D575A-3

The world's largest crawler bulldozer, which was produced in more than one copy, is the Japanese Komatsu D575A-3. The machine began to be produced in the early 90s of the last century, but the prototype was shown at the American construction equipment exhibition CONEXPO/CON-AGG in 1981.

The largest Komatsu bulldozer weighs only 30 kg less than the super heavyweight Acco - 152.6 kg. A standard blade of 7.5 x 3 meters is capable of moving up to 70 cubic meters of earth, and when using a special blade - up to 90 m3. When working in coal mines, the SA12V170E engine with a power of 1,150 hp helps this Colossus move three-meter stone blocks.

The main buyers of these machines are American, Canadian and Australian mining companies. Over the years of production of Komatsu D575A bulldozers, about 90 units have been produced.

Caterpillar D11 CD

The heaviest and largest bulldozer in the world produced today is the American Caterpillar D11 CD/ D11T CD, which has an operating weight of 112.7 tons. The fortress is equipped with a CAT C32 diesel engine with a power of 850 hp. environmental class Tier 4 final.

It is 3 meters shorter than the record holders Komatsu and Acco. The length of the machine with a standard blade is 8.76 m. The Caterpillar D11 bulldozer is equipped with a blade capable of moving up to 44 cubic meters of rock.

The largest Russian bulldozer

The T 800 bulldozer produced by ChTZ was first shown to the general public in 1983. The machine weighs 106 tons, of which a third is attached equipment, and is equipped with a 6DM-21T engine producing 820 hp. It is noteworthy that the bulldozer of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest and most productive in the world!

A total of 10 T-800 bulldozers were produced in Chelyabinsk. With the severance of economic ties caused by the collapse of the USSR, the huge domestic bulldozer ceased to be in demand. And although representatives of South Africa, India and Tajikistan showed interest in it in 2010, the matter never progressed beyond negotiations.

Author: TECHNOmagazine

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