Legal status and rights for a mini tractor. Registration, license, passport

What category does a mini tractor belong to?

To determine the category of a mini tractor, you need to refer to the Traffic Rules, according to which vehicles subject to registration with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with the assignment of license plates include self-propelled equipment:

  • with engine power exceeding 4 kW (5 hp);
  • with a volume above 50 cm3;
  • moving at a speed of over 30 km/h on paved roads.

Most models of mini tractors do not reach these indicators in terms of their technical characteristics and are not included in the category of conventional vehicles. However, there are also those whose engine power is quite high, although the speed does not exceed 30 km/h.

A mini tractor can be defined as a multifunctional self-propelled machine designed for cargo transportation, utility and gardening work, the power of which ranges from 10 to 50 hp. With.

Although the characteristics of this unit make it possible not to classify it as an ordinary vehicle, when driving onto a public road, it becomes one, and you can move on it along the road traffic conditions only if you have a document giving the right to drive a tractor and other special equipment.

About company

The Minsk Tractor Plant was founded in 1946, almost immediately after the end of the war, when not only industry, but also agriculture was actively reviving.
Initially, starting engines were produced, and the company came to the direct production of tractors in 1953, when the first models with pneumatic tires were produced.

The systematic development of the enterprise helped it to withstand the difficult years of perestroika, when plants and factories were closed every day. Moreover, MTZ products have received ISO-9001 certificate - this is a certain quality mark that is used to mark companies.

This made it possible to significantly expand the list of potential clients, which was previously limited to the countries of the former USSR. Now, MTZ tractors and minitractors are actively supplied to various European countries, successfully competing with foreign analogues, such as the Japanese Kubota and Yanmar, the Chinese Bulat 120, and the American Scout.

Today, almost every tenth tractor in the world is a product of the Minsk plant, which indicates the extraordinary popularity of Belarusian agricultural machinery.

What rights are needed to drive a mini tractor in Russia?

In order to operate special equipment without violating the legislation of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 1999 On approval of the Rules for admission to driving self-propelled machines and issuing tractor driver (tractor driver) licenses with the latest changes as of April 26, 2020), it is necessary to have a special license for a tractor driver, which is issued not by the traffic police, but by the Gostekhnadzor service.

Like automobile licenses, tractor licenses are also divided into several categories. For mini tractors, depending on their design and characteristics, the following are relevant:

  • B - for tracked and wheeled vehicles with engine power up to 35 hp. With.;
  • C - for wheeled vehicles with power from 35 to 150 hp. With.;
  • E - for tracked vehicles with engine output over 35 hp. With..

When you don't need to get a license

You can do without registering a license for a mini tractor if you meet the only condition: avoid driving on public roads.

It is allowed to move freely on the unit:

  • across the site;
  • along the forest belt;
  • on the field;
  • on the road in the forest.

Fines that can be imposed on the driver of a walk-behind tractor

Although the device is neither a vehicle nor a means of transportation, operating it may result in a fine under Article 12.7. But in this case only the driver himself will be to blame. Administrative punishment is easy to avoid. How to do this is described in the section below.

Punishment can only be for the following offenses:

  • driving an improvised device;
  • driving without a license;
  • being on the roadway in a vehicle without permission;
  • obstruction of traffic;
  • drunk driving.

The main fine, which combines all other points, is the fine for obstructing traffic. In this case, the driver is punished as a pedestrian, since he cannot legally obtain the status of a driver: the equipment does not belong to the category of a vehicle.

And even intoxication is classified as a violation of public order, not traffic rules. But this does not relieve the person of guilt, and he, like the drivers, can be brought to trial and to the confiscation of the technical device.

Don’t think that the fine for driving a walk-behind tractor is small. It can amount to several thousand rubles depending on the situation. In aggravating circumstances: intoxication, causing harm to a pedestrian, you can receive administrative or even criminal liability.

Mini tractor registration

If the car will work exclusively on the site and will never appear on the additional road, it is not necessary to register it. But if leaving the equipment on a public road, at least occasionally, cannot be avoided, then the tractor must be registered within 10 days after purchase, and in case of delay you will have to pay a fine.

To obtain a registration certificate and license plates, contact the regional office of Gostekhnadzor, providing:

  • application completed in accordance with the sample;
  • document on ownership of special equipment;
  • owner's passport with registration at the place of residence;
  • if the equipment was previously registered - the previous registration document;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • with an engine volume exceeding 50 cm3 or a motor power exceeding 5 liters. With. — the original passport of the self-propelled vehicle (PSM) indicating the details of the previous owner, his signature and seal (if it is a legal entity);
  • tractor driver's license;
  • if the maximum speed of the unit exceeds 25 km/h - MTPL policy;
  • a copy of the cargo customs declaration with a wet seal, the seller’s signature and the inscription “Copy is correct.”

How to make a homemade product

To register homemade equipment with Gostekhnadzor, they provide:

  1. The unit itself, the condition of which is assessed by a special commission, after which it draws up an expert opinion on its compliance:
      environmental standards;
  2. technical standards.

The expert commission will also check the availability of signaling and lighting equipment and, if the equipment meets the safety requirements, will issue a technical condition report, which will serve as the basis for issuing a technical passport, registration certificate and issuing license plates.

  1. Application for registration of a homemade tractor.
  2. Owner's passport with registration at the place of residence.
  3. Sales receipts for all purchased parts and components used in assembling the machine.

Why may registration be refused?

According to the rules approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation, refusal to register special equipment can be received for the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect execution of documents, including corrections and additions.
  2. Providing copies instead of the required originals.
  3. Non-compliance of the design of a home-made or converted unit with technical norms, standards and requirements related to the safety of its operation for the life, health and property of people, as well as for the environment (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 2020 No. 1503).

What is a walk-behind tractor?

One of the types of agricultural machinery, which involves mechanized tillage and movement over fairly long distances, is a walk-behind tractor. The configuration of this vehicle provides for the presence of a trailer in which various tools or other accessories can be located. The question of whether or not a license to drive a walk-behind tractor is needed is especially acute, since in villages this type of vehicle can sometimes be used for other purposes.

In accordance with the norms of current legislation, the answer to the question of whether walk-behind tractors are vehicles is no, despite the presence of a wheelset, as well as an engine that powers the structure. The presence of a trailer does not in any way affect the status of the equipment. In addition, the Road Traffic Rules (hereinafter referred to as traffic rules) do not contain any references or restrictions regarding driving this type of agricultural machinery. There are also no other clear instructions on how to use it. Thus, not a single regulatory document contains an algorithm for driving this vehicle and a list of necessary papers that the person driving the walk-behind tractor must have with him. Accordingly, traffic regulations do not apply to such people.

Despite the fact that this equipment is not transportable, it has its own power. So, for small-scale field work, a unit with 9 horsepower is sufficient.

Is it possible to drive a mini tractor on public roads?

You can go to road access roads and drive along them using special equipment if a number of mandatory conditions are met.

Movement under additional traffic rules in general cases

Travel on public roads is possible if:

  1. The driver has a tractor driver's license.
  2. Equipment registration certificates.
  3. Equipment:
      front running white headlights;
  4. red reflectors at the rear and also on the side of the trailer, if equipped.

When moving on a public road, the driver must comply with the following rules:

  • do not impede the movement of main vehicles;
  • stick to the right lane;
  • If necessary, pull over to the side of the road to allow cars gathered behind you to pass.

Transporting people on a mini tractor is strictly prohibited in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 22.8 of the traffic rules.

Traffic according to additional traffic regulations in case of intended use of a mini tractor

In a situation where the owner of a self-propelled vehicle is driving his unit along the DOP, in order to take part in utility, cleaning and other activities at the invitation of the relevant services, he must have:

  • a special pass, previously issued and issued by the relevant organization;
  • tractor driver's license;
  • registration certificate from Gostekhnadzor;
  • It is mandatory to equip the vehicle with front lights and reflective elements.

What problems may arise when using a mini tractor?

There are a number of problems that can arise when using self-propelled units, both due to the driver’s fault and for other reasons.

If not registered

In a situation where it is planned to drive a mini tractor with an engine capacity of over 50 cm3 and a motor power exceeding 5 liters according to additional traffic conditions. pp., but the equipment is not registered with Gostekhnadzor within 10 days after purchase, when meeting with the traffic police there is a threat of fines:

  • in the amount from 100 to 300 rubles. (or deprivation of rights for a period of 3 months to six months) for violating the operating standards of self-propelled vehicles in accordance with Art. 9.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • from 500 to 800 rub. for a primary violation and 5,000 rubles. if repeated, with deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months for driving an unregistered vehicle (clause 1 of article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
  • 1500-2000 rub. for violation of state registration rules (clause 1 of article 19.22 of the Administrative Code).

The unit can also be detained and moved to a special parking lot using a tow truck, and the owner will have to pay the cost of transportation and storage of the vehicle in accordance with clause 11 of Art. 27.13 Code of Administrative Offences.

Difficulties cannot be avoided if you intend to sell self-propelled equipment that has not been registered.

Problems with registering used equipment

  1. When purchasing a used mini tractor, you need to check whether the machine complies with the accompanying documentation, especially if it was not registered by the previous owner. Any discrepancy in design, markings, etc. will be an obstacle to registration.
  2. If the purchased equipment has an engine power of more than 5 hp. With. or with a volume exceeding 50 cm3 has already been in operation, then it is necessary to check the presence of a PSM (passport for a self-propelled vehicle). In the absence of this document, difficulties with registration will inevitably arise, and the process will drag on for a long time.
  3. To register a used mini tractor with Gostekhnadzor, you must provide:
      technical inspection report;
  4. checks confirming payment of transport tax.

Driving a mini tractor while intoxicated

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for driving self-propelled special equipment while intoxicated, liability is provided in the form of:

  • deprivation of rights for a period of one and a half to two years;
  • imposition of a fine in the amount of 30,000 rubles.

A competent approach to purchasing a mini tractor and knowledge of all the nuances associated with its registration and obtaining rights will save the owner from problems and help avoid troubles. To decide on the need to obtain a “tractor” license, it is important to consider whether the car will at least occasionally drive onto public roads or not, and then make an unambiguous decision.

Is a driver's license revoked if a tractor driver's license is revoked?

If the license for one type of transport is revoked due to traffic violations, the license for any other vehicle is automatically revoked.

If the driver has committed an administrative violation, then according to Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences, he is deprived of the opportunity to drive all vehicles. It doesn’t matter who issued the driver’s license, the traffic police or any other authorized organization.

Thus, if a driver is deprived of any type of license, then he is not able to drive any type of vehicle:

  • engine capacity is more than 50 cubic meters;
  • maximum speed over 50 km per hour;
  • tractors, trolleybuses, trams and other types of vehicles.

Do you have a driver's license to drive a tractor? How did you receive it?

Excavator rights

How to assemble a homemade tractor and register it

Tractor T-40: technical specifications, alternator belt size, electrical diagram

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