Chainsaw chain oil – which one to use, how to choose and fill it correctly, the best brands

Timely lubrication of the cutting part of the chain not only improves performance and performance, but also extends the life of the chainsaw and avoids unexpected breakdowns. Let’s look at whether chainsaw chain oil has any special features, which one to use for better performance, how to determine its required level, which brands are the best today and what are the selection criteria, and whether they can be replaced with cheaper analogues.

Automatic chain lubrication Source

Chain oil

Almost all chainsaws come with an instruction manual. Such a manual states that in all cases it is necessary to fill in chain oil with a high adhesive effect.

Adhesion is an indicator characterizing the degree of adhesion of the lubricant to the surface of the chain bar.

Adhesive oil is required for chain operation for the following reasons:

  1. When the device is operating, the chain moves at high speed. If you use oil with a low adhesion index, then during operation it will be scattered due to inertia. You can check this yourself by simply adding a regular lubricant to the surface and adding gas.
  2. The oil must have high lubricating properties. At a high speed of movement of the tire, it can become very hot, due to which the metal used during manufacturing becomes soft and less wear-resistant.

Lubricating oil in various containers

It is worth considering the fact that when using a chainsaw for a long time, a large amount of oil will be required, since it is quickly wiped off the surface of the tire. A variety of companies are involved in the production of chain lubricants.

Maximum number of revolutions

To limit this indicator, you need to use a screw marked H. To increase the number of revolutions, turn it clockwise , and to reduce them in the opposite direction. The maximum frequency should not exceed 15000 rpm.

If you make this figure larger, the device’s engine will wear out, which will lead to problems in the ignition system. When rotating this screw, you need to take into account the ignition processes of the device. If the slightest malfunctions appear, then the maximum speed value must be reduced.

What parts of a chainsaw need oil?

A modern chainsaw is represented by a complex mechanism, which consists of a large number of different elements. The following elements require lubrication:

  1. A chain is an element on which blades for sawing wood are attached. It consists of a large number of individual elements movably connected to each other. When using the device, the surface may become very hot. In this case, the metal can rust due to high humidity, which significantly reduces its service life.
  2. The engine is the part of the chainsaw through which rotation is transmitted to the bar. Modern engines also need a lubricant that can significantly extend their service life. Different lubricating products are used to lubricate the chain and engine, which is worth considering.

Pouring oil into a chainsaw

The operating instructions also indicate which parts of the chainsaw need lubrication.


Mineral-based oil with adhesive additives that positively affect the functionality of the tool used. Lubrication helps reduce friction where the chain meets the bar and sprocket. The product is completely biodegradable after use.


  • increases the service life of the chainsaw;
  • reduces wear rates;
  • is consumed moderately;
  • excellent adhesive properties.

Price 1 liter - 250 rub.

When to use special chain oil?

Manufacturers recommend using special oil to lubricate the chain in all cases of using a chainsaw. This recommendation is related to the following points:

  1. The oil pump may fail. This is due to the special properties of the lubricant.
  2. The use of waste or other oils for other purposes reduces the tool’s ability to perform at high speeds.
  3. If the tire is heavily worn, you cannot install a new chain on it. This is due to increased surface wear. It is recommended to purchase at least four chains for frequent work.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to work without oil poured into the tank. When refueling the chainsaw, the tire must be lubricated.

When using special oil to lubricate the chain, you need to pay attention to its quality, since the composition should not contain various impurities or debris. Otherwise, the oil pump may quickly fail.

Chainsaw chain lubrication

Almost all manufacturers of chainsaws and components produce lubricants. Chainsaw chain oil protects the metal from rapid wear and corrosion. In addition, chain oil stays on the surface for a long time even during long-term operation of the device.

Determining the required level

For confident operation, it is important to know not only what kind of oil to pour into the chainsaw to lubricate the chain, but also what its level should be in the tank. As a rule, the manufacturer of electric models puts special marks on the containers and gives appropriate recommendations in the technical documentation.

For gasoline analogues, the device looks simpler. In most modern models, the volumes of gas and oil tanks are proportional to each other. This means that as you work, they will be consumed at the same rate. Therefore, it is better to fill them to the top immediately before use, so that during intense work there is no need to refuel one or the other.

If the oil for a chainsaw or its gasoline variant is consumed excessively, the only drawback will be cost overrun. Another thing is lack of lubrication. The result may be serious consequences of the following nature:

  • Tire failure.
  • Rapid wear of the guide groove.
  • Jamming and grinding of the drive sprocket.
  • Boring, dropping or breaking the chain.

Repairing a chainsaw Source

A little about lubrication of a chainsaw chain by working off

Used oil is oil that has already served its useful life in an engine or gearbox. It is often used to save money, including when servicing the chainsaw.

It is worth considering that working out can lead to rapid wear of the structure.

This can be associated with the following points:

  1. Often the breakdown is associated with a large amount of metal shavings in the composition. It gets there during the operation of the engine and gearbox, then accumulates in the pan.
  2. When metal shavings come into contact with a tire, they become like an abrasive. Due to this, the process of surface wear is significantly accelerated. The sprocket and bearing are worn out.
  3. Mining also has a negative impact on the connection points of the moving elements of the chain. Due to severe wear, the likelihood of its breakage during operation increases.

Waste oil

The above information indicates that in all cases you need to use a special product that is designed for this purpose. Processing that was previously used in the engine or gearbox is not suitable for a chainsaw.

About the carburetor design

The carburetor serves to mix the flammable mixture with air while maintaining predetermined proportions. If clear doses are not followed, the proper operation of the engine is at risk. When a huge amount of air enters during mixing of the components, but there is not enough fuel, then such a mixture is considered “lean”.

Oversaturation should not be allowed, because with a larger amount of fuel compared to air, malfunctions or engine wear are also likely. adjustment is needed not only before initial use, but also when any differences in its operation are detected. Before working with a chainsaw, do not forget to run it in.

Carburetor components

The carburetor design contains a standard set of parts, but may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. Components:

  1. The basis . This is a special tube that is visually similar to an aerodynamic design. Air passes through it. In the transverse direction, a damper is located in the middle of the pipe. Its position can be changed. The more it is extended into the passage, the less air enters the engine.
  2. Diffuser . This is the constricted part of the tube. With its help, the air supply speed increases precisely in the segment from which the fuel comes out.
  3. Channels for fuel supply. The fuel mixture is contained in the float chamber, then passes into the nozzle, from which it flows into the atomizer.
  4. Float chamber . It is a separate structural element, reminiscent of the shape of a tank. Designed to constantly maintain the optimal level of fuel fluid before entering the channel from which air enters.

Don't know which chainsaw to choose? Read our article.

Are you looking for cheaper models, but reliable and time-tested? Pay attention to Russian-made chainsaws.

Or explore foreign chainsaw manufacturers such as Shtil.

How should a chain oil lubrication system work?

To ensure reliable operation of the chainsaw, a special chain oil lubrication system is installed. An example is the following information:

  1. Fuel tanks are selected by volume, taking into account that when the fuel is completely used up, some oil should remain. In addition, it is important to correctly set the carburetor so that fuel is not quickly produced.
  2. With a slow decrease in oil at the time of use of the saw, the lubrication efficiency decreases several times, and the conductivity of the channels also decreases. Over time, a malfunction may appear that will be quite difficult to fix.
  3. It is recommended to check the condition of the oil pump from time to time. If necessary, you can adjust the performance using a special screw.
  4. You can check the correct operation of the pump yourself. To do this, the tire is brought to an illuminated surface. If oil splashes appear on it, then the design is working correctly. Lubricant consumption is adjusted depending on the specific situation.

Saw chain lubrication system

A sign that an insufficient amount of lubricant is getting into the cutting zone is strong heating and the appearance of smoke and an unpleasant odor when cutting wood. When heated strongly, the metal expands, causing the chain to become pinched in the groove. The effectiveness of the lubrication rate decreases when the tire gets into the ground. That is why, if the saw is not used carefully, it will quickly wear out. When chain oil comes into contact with the ground, it collects various substances, due to which the heating of the metal accelerates.

Main characteristics

The Shtil chainsaw chain lubrication system consists of:

  • guide bar;
  • saw chain;
  • oil pump.

The oil supply by the pump has a special adjustment. The chainsaw chain is lubricated constantly during operation of the device. Therefore, chainsaw chains have a long service life.

During operation, the chain requires a constant supply of lubricant. Its continuous supply must be ensured. This is required by the design of the device. While the chainsaw is running, the oil leaves the bar groove and is instantly absorbed by the sawdust.

For this reason, the chain is lubricated automatically. Some chainsaw chains are equipped with a system that regulates the exact amount of lubricant supplied. The cheapest devices are equipped with a hand pump, which is powered by a drive located on the handle.

Scheme for checking the operation of the chain lubrication system.

A special oil has been specially developed for good chain lubrication. After use, it quickly decomposes, so there is no disruption to the ecological system. You can also use the following brand oils:

  • M6;
  • M8.

The gear lubricant is absolutely not suitable for the job. In winter, it hardens, as a result the oil system becomes clogged, and you have to clean it completely.

In winter, chain lubrication requires special attention. in severe frost it thickens and resembles Vaseline. Therefore, to operate in winter, it is necessary to lubricate chainsaws with special winter oil, which has a thinner consistency.

It is not always possible to purchase such a lubricant. To solve the problem, diesel fuel is mixed with oil, the viscosity is reduced. However, if the previously filled oil remains in the crankcase, then adding diluted oil will not have a positive effect; the system channels will remain clogged. There is only one way out - heating the chainsaw in a warm room.

If the chain oil does not solidify too much, you can try to melt it by running the saw at low idle speed.

Universality problems

Universal oil for lubricating chainsaw chains has relatively unattractive performance properties. It is worth considering that even lubricant manufacturers do not indicate their 100% versatility.

An incorrect choice leads to the fact that the wear of the structure increases by approximately 10% and the working life of the saw set is reduced.

The information above indicates that there are no universal options for oils. That is why when choosing, you need to pay attention to operational properties, in particular, temperature conditions.


A budget substitute for expensive chain oil. Due to the presence of functional additives in its composition, it has a number of unique properties. In particular, the use of “Caliber” allows you to increase the service life of the chain and the entire unit as a whole. There is a special scale on the side of the canister showing the amount of lubricant available.


  • mineral base;
  • protects against corrosion;
  • low evaporation rates;
  • reduces chain vibrations;
  • It is used sparingly.

The cost of 1 liter is 275 rubles.

Performance properties

When producing branded and standard oils, standards related to viscosity or density, as well as the concentration of foreign impurities, are taken into account. Among the features we note the following points:

  1. Organic and mineral compositions practically do not differ in their performance qualities. This is due to the fact that the lubricant flies off the surface of the tire quite quickly. There is no point in overpaying significantly for the purchase of expensive lubricants, since the difference is insignificant.
  2. The protective properties of mineral compositions are significantly higher than those of natural ones. That is why it is recommended to use such oils for one-time work.
  3. If there are only a few days between jobs, then it is recommended to use organic compounds. They are much cheaper than mineral ones and are characterized by high efficiency in use.

If you are using lubricant for the first time, you should hold the saw at medium speed for several minutes and check whether it is suitable for your specific model. Such oils are also characterized by the temperature at which they can maintain their performance characteristics.

Choosing engine oil

Saw chain oil is not always used as an all-purpose option. Often, the option for the engine from which the tire receives rotation is also filled. When choosing it, the following points are taken into account:

  1. You should give preference exclusively to the options recommended by the saw manufacturer.
  2. Mineral lubricants are more popular, as they are more effective in use.
  3. Products from well-known manufacturers are characterized by higher performance characteristics.
  4. The recommended temperature regime must also be taken into account. Some versions cannot be operated at too low a temperature, as this leads to an increase in viscosity. Too high a viscosity causes structural damage when operating at high speeds.

Various brands of chainsaw oils

If you do not add lubricant to the engine in a timely manner, it can quickly wear out or even fail.

What is needed to fix the problem?

Repairing a chainsaw does not require a large arsenal of household tools. First of all, this:

  • screwdrivers. Cross and flat to remove the casing, chain or other components that are fastened with flat bolts and will definitely be needed to properly repair the chainsaw;
  • a set of spanners and wrenches of different sizes. They will be needed when disassembling the engine and other moving parts. Repairing such parts sometimes involves dry cleaning, so they will be needed to scrape off excess dirt;
  • key for removing spark plug;
  • a diagram of the chainsaw itself in order to know how certain components work and how to properly maintain them.

Signs of a chainsaw engine malfunction

If you experience at least one of the symptoms listed below:

  • chainsaw won't start
  • chainsaw starts and stalls
  • the engine does not gain power
  • The engine stalls when running or runs rough

then we can say that there is a malfunction in the chainsaw engine. Below we will take a closer look at possible breakdowns and their causes.

Self-selection criteria

Problems often arise due to the fact that it is impossible to find a suitable branded oil. Many experts recommend choosing an analogue from well-known manufacturers that will ensure long-term operation of the device. Among the features of choosing a chain lubricant, we note the following points:

  1. There are budget and expensive analogues on sale. The price may depend on a variety of parameters, for example, resistance to heat.
  2. The constant use of products from one brand allows you to open up all the possibilities of a lubricant. Having selected a high-quality product from a well-known manufacturer, you can purchase it regularly.
  3. You cannot purchase lubricant with bright sediment and fractional separation. Moreover, such an offer is often much cheaper than branded options.
  4. If a product of a little-known brand is purchased, then consumer reviews are studied before doing so. On the Internet you can find quite a large number of different blogs and services where you can find reviews. Of course, not everyone needs to be believed, as some will be placed as part of an advertising campaign. Do not forget that good oil will not be cheap.
  5. It is forbidden to mix mineral and organic oil, as their performance characteristics are significantly reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to drain the old substance, after which only a new one can be poured.

The operation of the lubrication system must be monitored in a timely manner. If you choose the wrong oil, the service life of the saw is reduced several times.

Adjusting oil density to external temperature factors

The performance characteristics of the lubricant decrease when it is used when the ambient temperature drops to -20 degrees Celsius and below. Also, at low temperatures, the pump responsible for supplying oil does not work properly. The solution to this problem is often mixing the thickened composition with kerosene. Such an additive provides the required density of the substance, but it is still recommended to reduce the applied load. If the ambient temperature is too low, you need to monitor the effectiveness of lubrication of the main elements. This recommendation can also be attributed to the fact that the liquid in the wood begins to freeze, increasing the hardness and reducing the degree of workability. Too high a load causes rapid wear. An increase in viscosity makes engine operation more difficult. This is why many manufacturers indicate the conditions under which a chainsaw can be used.

Top brands

Chainsaw lubricant is produced today by the following popular manufacturers:

  1. Stihl.
  2. Husqvarna.
  3. Makita.
  5. Ryobi.
  6. Anchor.
  7. Polar Lube.

The most widely purchased lubricants are from the German company Stihl. Three popular varieties:

  • ForestPlus – with increased adhesion, for work at temperatures down to -15 °C.
  • BioPlus is biodegradable and suitable for use in cold temperatures down to -15°C.
  • SynthPlus – allows you to operate the saw in cold temperatures down to -25 °C.

Good to know! When solving the problem of which chainsaw oil is best suited when there are several different mixtures, you need to know that substances of the same type, but from different brands, can be mixed. However, it is not recommended to store this mixture for a long time. At the same time, under no circumstances should you mix oils of different types, for example, synthetic and mineral, even from the same company!

Starting a chainsaw in the cold Source

The danger of using counterfeit oil

Cheap lubricants are inferior in properties to branded products. At the same time, manufacturers of expensive versions indicate that the saw should be used with the least load. In addition, you should consider:

  1. Counterfeiters accelerate the wear and tear of the material. Moreover, if the structure is severely worn, it cannot be repaired under warranty, since non-recommended oil was poured during operation.
  2. Rapid wear can cause the engine or tire to fail quickly. A fuel-powered engine is a combination of various moving elements. In order to reduce their wear, a certain amount of a special lubricant is added to the design, which also provides the required cooling. During operation, due to heating and slow wear of the metal, the properties of the oil change significantly. That is why from time to time it is necessary to completely replace it.

In order to eliminate the possibility of counterfeiters, it is recommended to purchase lubricant for chainsaws in specialized stores. Only in this case can you count on the fact that the information on the packaging will correspond to the real one.


Suitable for all types of saw chains. Increases the efficiency of using the tool, while reducing the friction force in places where the chain comes into contact with the bar and sprocket. Thanks to the formation of a durable oil film, the unit works perfectly under heavy loads.


  • reliably protects against wear and corrosion;
  • reduces the coefficient of friction;
  • can be used regardless of the season.

A canister with a volume of 0.946 liters costs 260-280 rubles.

Storage Features

It is recommended to store new and used chains in oil baths. This recommendation is due to the fact that prolonged exposure to humidity may cause severe corrosion on the surface. You can also use waste or motor oils for storage, since in this case it is important to protect the metal from corrosion.

Used oil storage

In conclusion, we note that only if the basic recommendations are followed, long-term operation of the structure can be ensured. The cost of a tire or chain, as well as the engine, is very high; if improperly lubricated, they can become completely unusable in just a few hours of operation. Therefore, you can save a lot by purchasing the right lubricant for the chain and engine.

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