Rights to a truck crane: categories and categories of crane operators

Drivers who have received the specialty “Automotive Crane Operator” are allowed to work on a truck crane. A profession can be acquired from scratch, or it can also be obtained through the retraining of specialists who already have some kind of working specialty. But even after receiving a basic education, you will not be able to work on any crane machines - you must qualify for the appropriate category. What categories does Russian legislation provide for a truck crane? What is the maximum grade for a truck crane operator? How do discharges depend on the load capacity and boom reach? We will answer these and other questions in the article.

What does a crane operator do?

The professional responsibilities of a crane operator include:

  • control of the mechanism (unloading, loading, movement of building materials);
  • control over cargo securing;
  • ability to understand the signal commands of the slinger;
  • monitoring the readings of instrumentation;
  • performing technical inspection;
  • feasible participation in preventive and routine repairs of the crane;
  • lubricating components and parts.

The crane operator must:

  • know the purpose, principle of operation of the lift, the design of assembly units and lifting mechanisms;
  • be able to use safety devices;
  • know plumbing at the level of requirements provided for a 4th category locksmith;
  • comply with labor protection and fire safety regulations when operating the crane, as well as industrial sanitation rules;
  • manage units with a lifting capacity of 10-14 tons;
  • know the current supply device for powering the machine, electrical equipment for starting or stopping electric motors of actuators.

The lifting device operator must have the following qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • communication skills;
  • instant response;
  • stress resistance;
  • discipline;
  • observation;
  • perseverance;
  • composure;
  • prudence.

Due to the fact that the operator works at high altitude and is in a confined space, he must have excellent health, physical endurance, 100% vision and hearing.


Each employee who receives a specialty related to the operation of a crane must have a qualification level. The volume of work performed, the degree of responsibility and the level of wages depend on this. Specialists of 6-8 categories have much higher incomes than 4-5 categories.

Highly qualified professionals are always in demand on the labor market and are in great demand among employers.

There are 5 categories of crane operators in total. The dependence of qualifications on the lifting capacity of crane equipment has the form:

  • 4th initial category - control of a crane up to 6 tons;
  • 5th category - mechanisms 6-10 tons;
  • Category 6 - wheeled and tracked loaders of all types with a tonnage of 10-20 tons;
  • 7th category - working load capacity 20-40 tons;
  • 8 highest category - 40-60 tons.

All these categories are assigned by Gostekhnadzor. An entry-level certificate is issued to the student immediately after college. If the certification exam is passed excellently, they may be assigned category 5. After this, every year you must pass a knowledge test.

If you want to improve your professional skills, an employee must work at the enterprise on one machine for a year without violating safety regulations. In order to obtain a crane operator’s certificate for operating a heavy overhead crane, tower crane or beam crane, training is continued at special retraining courses.

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Average salary of crane operators (tower crane operators) in Russia

Given the special responsibility and qualifications, the salary of a tower crane operator cannot be low.

In construction, this is one of the most sought-after and well-paid vacancies. However, a crane operator rarely earns a fixed rate - the level of remuneration depends on the number of shifts worked.

Employers often indicate a minimum salary in advertisements. Everything else is a percentage of the work completed. However, this is far from uncommon for blue-collar jobs.

A crane operator can earn from 40 to 100 thousand rubles. Much, of course, depends on the level of qualifications and experience.

Certification and certificate of truck crane operator

After training, the crane operator must undergo certification and confirm his knowledge to the commission. Our students pass the exam 100% of the time. The certificate is presented in person or sent by mail, courier, or courier service.

If a truck crane driver’s license is missing, the inspector interprets this as a violation of industrial safety requirements and in accordance with Art. 9.1 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation imposes penalties:

  • Private owner – 2,000-3,000 rubles;
  • Enterprise employee – 20,000-30,000 rubles and a ban on work for 6-12 months.
  • Organizations – 200,000-300,000 rubles. or freezing activities for 3 months.

It is necessary to improve your qualifications and confirm them by passing certification at least once every five years. Some organizations require training to be completed annually.

How to get a job

A crane operator is a consistently in-demand profession, regardless of the field of activity. To begin with, you can study vacancies on websites and in newspapers, send your resume to different organizations.

It is difficult to get a job without work experience, but it is possible. First, you will have to undergo an internship and work as an assistant driver. The payment will be minimal, about 20-25 thousand rubles.

Many offers on the labor market are associated with shift work, while the level of earnings in the northern regions is much higher than in the European part of Russia.

Where to train as a crane operator

You can learn to become a crane operator at a training center according to an approved program. People with secondary specialized education without medical contraindications are allowed to study.

Training of railway crane operators is also carried out in specialized centers, but in some cases it is practiced for teachers to travel to the customer’s enterprise to conduct training directly on the job site. Sometimes classes are conducted remotely via the Internet, but they are unproductive and ineffective.

You can undergo training in Moscow to become a crane operator (including a high-altitude crane operator) in many professional training centers. Choose where to study based on the following criteria:

  • reasonable price for you;
  • convenient location: close to the metro station of your home or current work;
  • where they teach not only basic skills, but also provide an introduction to new technologies in lifting equipment and the basics of its safe use;
  • the possibility of obtaining a certificate of completion and a certificate of assignment of a profession.

What is the procedure for assigning a rank?

Answer to the question: According to (ed.

dated September 20, 2011) “On approval of the “General Provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers in the National Economy of the USSR”; section “Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy” of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, issue 1″ and for a crane operator categories from 2 to 6 are provided.

According to the “Standard labor protection instructions for a crane operator (crane operator). RD 34.03.272-93" (approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation on January 26, 1993) persons at least 18 years old who have passed a preliminary medical examination and have no contraindications to performing the above work are allowed to work in this working profession. When hired, a worker must undergo induction training.

Before being allowed to work independently, a worker must undergo training in a professional training program.

After training and certification you receive:

  • Certificate of assignment to the profession "automotive crane operator"

  • Truck crane driver's license

With our support:


specialists received certificates for non-destructive testing


specialists received advanced training certificates


specialists received certificates in working specialties


specialists were certified in labor protection and fire safety standards

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Truck crane operator 8th category

In order to receive the maximum rank of truck crane operator - eighth - you must have secondary vocational education, i.e. obtain any working specialty. Another requirement is to have worked on truck cranes in the lower grades for at least two years (meaning total professional experience in this specialty).

To operate an 8th category truck crane, a specialist must master all the knowledge and skills listed above. It is also required to obtain the qualification of a 6th category mechanic.

An 8th grade truck crane operator can work with a lifting capacity of up to 60 tons.

To work on large truck cranes with greater lifting capacity, specialists with the maximum rank of truck crane operator are hired, who undergo additional training from the manufacturer of special equipment or its representatives.

How to get a certificate

The main document confirming the right to operate a lifting device is a crane operator’s certificate, which indicates the type of equipment allowed to be operated and the qualification category.

In order to train as a crane operator, you must undergo theoretical and practical classes in special conditions and pass a certification exam.

The exam takes place in the presence of a certification commission, which necessarily includes a representative of Rostechnadzor to certify the “crust”: specialization and category of worker (4th or 5th).

The coveted “crust” gives the right to work as a crane operator by profession and increase the rank.

How long does it take to study to become a crane operator?

The intensity of study depends on the desire of the employee and his skills. On average, the duration of the preparatory courses lasts about 3 months, of which 1 month is devoted to theory, 2 to practice.

Time allocated for training:

  • Training for tower cranes, bridge, portal and railway types, as well as stacker cranes and manipulators: theory - 160 hours;
  • practice - 240 hours.
  • Truck crane operator training:
      theory - 160 hours;
  • practice - 160 hours.
  • Advanced training for the driver of any lifting unit:
      theory - 96 hours;
  • practice - 104 hours.
  • Recertification - 24 hours.
  • The preparatory program is allocated:

    • 40 hours — pre-certification training on “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures”;
    • 16 hours - industrial safety course.

    If you are planning to enter a vocational school, choosing the specialty of a crane operator, then the time required for training will be:

    • after 9th grade:
    • 3 years at school,
    • 4 years in college or technical school;
  • after 11th grade:
    • 10 months at school,
    • 2 to 3 years at a college or technical school.

    In such educational institutions, more time is needed for training than in courses, since in addition to gaining knowledge in the profession, students go through a high school program and gain driving experience for longer.


    The theoretical course takes place in classrooms with special equipment and illustrative materials, thanks to which you can study the lifting mechanism. The program covers issues such as:

    • classification and purpose of cranes, tonnage, design;
    • types of lifting devices and slings;
    • features of the work performed by the crane;
    • culling methods;
    • rules of safe operation;
    • safety devices and their use.

    In addition, teachers teach future specialists how to interact with slingers, correctly fill out a logbook, and use a 2-way radio communication system.


    Practical training is mandatory and training centers provide basic facilities for this. After practice, the operator can work on the crane, identify faults and correct them in a timely manner, and operate the device under different weather and climatic conditions.

    This is interesting: Design and diagram of tower cranes

    What a specialist should know and be able to do

    Most of all qualities come from the need to have a certain set of knowledge and skills. Especially if all the work will be carried out at high altitude. Here you need not only not to be afraid, but to maintain clarity of mind, be calm and attentive.

    It is worth saying that what will happen on the site depends on what kind of professional the crane operator is.

    A professional crane operator will need to know:

    • Safety rules on site;
    • How to properly place and secure various types of cargo;
    • All the signals that slingers use.

    Training of truck crane operators

    The truck crane operator is a universal specialist. He controls crane equipment during loading and unloading operations, he is also a driver, a repairman - an incomplete list of the driver’s responsibilities.

    Before leaving for the site, checks the safety of the vehicle and the operability of the mechanical and hydraulic systems of the truck crane. At the work site, the driver selects a location for installing the truck crane. Assess the strength of the wind and must ensure that there are no strangers in the area where loads are carried.

    We are talking about obtaining 2 professions: an oversized truck driver and a crane operator. The primary basic complex of professional knowledge and practical skills is given on a permanent basis. At the end of the educational course, certification tests are carried out.

    The examination commission is headed by an inspector from Rosgostekhnadzor. Successful passing of the theoretical exam and practical test provides the basis for obtaining a license to operate a truck crane. A 4th category truck crane operator qualification is awarded.

    What knowledge is expected to be obtained in the training program:

    • Methods and methods of slinging and tying loads.
    • Mastery of slinger and driver signaling.
    • Safe operation of a truck crane during installation and loading and unloading operations.
    • Ensuring electrical safety when working near overhead power lines.

    Practical skills of a crane operator:

    • Unloading and loading of railway and motor vehicles.
    • Participation in the installation of building structures.
    • Troubleshooting.
    • Adjustment of loading and lifting devices.

    Personal qualities that are important are: distribution of attention with an emphasis on the danger zone, composure, coordination of movements when driving, quick reaction, resistance to stress.

    Truck crane operator 6th category

    The requirements for a 6th grade truck crane operator are more stringent. In addition to basic skills, a specialist must obtain the qualification of a 6th category mechanic, accept and hand over work shifts, keep records of the operation of truck cranes, perform routine repairs and maintain the machine as part of a team. Also, for a 6th category truck crane operator, the range of permissible operations during loading and unloading operations increases.

    A 6th category truck crane operator can work on machines with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tons.

    Qualification categories of crane operators

    A crane operator's certificate of the initial 4th category gives the right to operate a truck crane with a lifting capacity of up to 6 tons. An annual knowledge test is required. An applicant for professional development is required to work in an organization for a year using one technical device without violating safety regulations.

    Example of a truck crane operator certificate

    The length of service and acquired experience give the right to take advanced training courses. Retraining of the driver involves studying and mastering crane equipment with a higher lifting capacity.

    Dependence of the qualification level of the crane operator and the lifting capacity of the truck crane:

    • Category 5 – the right to operate self-propelled loading mechanisms with a capacity of up to 10 tons.
    • 6th category – mastering crane equipment with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tons.

    A 6th category driver is familiar with the work of a crane operator on any crane. The limitation is only by tonnage. Increasing the qualification level gives the right to switch to a machine with increased payload capacity:

    • 7th category – cranes up to 40 tons.
    • Category 8 – up to 60 tons, with a gradual increase.

    In the work of a top-class crane operator, the only limitation is the achieved tonnage level. Moving to the next level requires preparation, experience and skills.

    Truck crane operator 5th category

    The next among the ranks of a truck crane operator is the fifth. Specialists who have worked at level 4 for at least two years are allowed to recertify. In addition to the basic knowledge that a truck crane operator of any category must have, it is necessary to obtain a locksmith qualification of at least category 5, to know the design, features of maintenance, refueling, repair and operation of truck cranes up to 10 tons.

    A 5th category truck crane operator is allowed to work with machines with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons.

    Requirements for the quality of training

    Educational institutions, full-time, evening, and distance courses that have permission to train specialists and issue licenses for truck cranes must meet the following criteria: have a state license for training and recertification of drivers. Requirements for teaching staff:

    • Higher education, specialization in teaching profile.
    • Pedagogical experience in this field of knowledge.
    • Development of training and professional development programs.

    Video: Crane operator short course


    The crane operator profession is taught in secondary specialized educational institutions: colleges, technical schools, lyceums, schools. The most famous include:

    • Automotive and Transport Technology College in Uralsk and Kaluga;
    • road construction technical school in Chelyabinsk;
    • industrial and economic college and road transport college in Yekaterinburg;
    • Road and Petrodvorets College in St. Petersburg;
    • College of Modern Technologies named after. M.F. Panova and Technological College in Moscow;
    • College of Professional Technologies and College of Construction and Forestry in Omsk;
    • metallurgical college in Samara;
    • industrial college in Voronezh;
    • technical school of transport and service and industrial and metallurgical technical school in Krasnoyarsk;
    • road construction technical school in Khabarovsk;
    • college of water transport in Tyumen;
    • architecture and construction college and transport technical school in Barnaul;
    • College of Transport and Road Management in Lipetsk;
    • College of Transport and Construction Technologies in Cheboksary;
    • Technological College in Tula.

    Salary overview

    The minimum salary for a tower crane operator in Russia is about 25 thousand. The maximum income is for highly qualified specialists of the 8th category. Such a worker can receive 100,000 or more for his work. Workers in Ugra, Sakhalin, Stavropol, the Urals and the Omsk region have greater income. Here the employer can pay on average up to 90,000.

    Tower crane operators in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Kerch, Izhevsk, and Kazan have the lowest income. Here, a truck crane worker earns an average of 30-35 thousand per month.

    The most in demand are crane operators in the capital and region. It is in this region that more than 42% of all vacancies with a salary from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles are posted. per month. Next comes the Novosibirsk region - 22.1%. Third place goes to St. Petersburg – 6%.

    Of all open vacancies, 17% offer salaries of 60-80 thousand rubles. 43.8% - from 40,000 to 60,000. And 29.5% of ads offer 20-40 thousand per month. 9.7% of employers promise to pay less than 20 thousand. Large salaries for specialists from private enterprises and firms. Government workers earn less. Specialists who get jobs using the shift method receive several times more.

    Among similar vacancies by profession and salary are: PES operator, pipe layer operator, asphalt paver operator, bulldozer operator.

    Some features

    The driver’s earnings consist of a main, fixed part and an additional part, namely:

    • calculation of bonus payments;
    • bonuses for meeting indicators and professional excellence;
    • regional and federal additives.

    Their size and payment procedure are stipulated by a collective agreement, the charter of a particular enterprise, or a bilateral work contract.

    The tariff base for the driver's remuneration is determined by an 8-hour working day and a 5-day week. All overtime and additional output are paid in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. For shift workers, the terms of payment and working hours are stipulated by the work contract or agreement. As a rule, their income is much higher than that of workers on the mainland.

    Considering the high level of income of machinists, we must not forget how much physical and nervous overload the worker has to overcome every day. After all, they significantly worsen a person’s health and ultimately reduce their quality of life.

    What affects the amount of earnings

    To determine how much crane operators are paid in Russia, you need to study their demand in the country’s labor market.

    The salary is determined by the region and the number of crane operator vacancies in that region. The biggest shortage of specialists in this profession is in:

    • Moscow and region – 9.5%
    • Krasnodar – 5.2%
    • Tatarstan – 4.5%
    • Novosibirsk - 5.3%
    • Krasnoyarsk – 4.1%
    • Leningrad region - 3.3%
    • Kemerovo - 3.2%
    • Bashkortostan – 2.9%
    • Volgograd – 2.7%
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