Truck crane driver ranks: what rank is needed, how many are there, what is the maximum?

Drivers who have received the specialty “Automotive Crane Operator” are allowed to work on a truck crane. A profession can be acquired from scratch, or it can also be obtained through the retraining of specialists who already have some kind of working specialty. But even after receiving a basic education, you will not be able to work on any crane machines - you must qualify for the appropriate category. What categories does Russian legislation provide for a truck crane? What is the maximum grade for a truck crane operator? How do discharges depend on the load capacity and boom reach? We will answer these and other questions in the article.

Basic knowledge and skills

To operate a truck crane, ranks are assigned from 4 to 8. Accordingly, immediately after initial training, the truck crane operator receives the fourth rank. Such a specialist must know the structure of mechanisms and booms, be able to move the crane to the transport and working position, and also perform a variety of loading and unloading operations.

The list of necessary knowledge also includes how to store a cable, as well as requirements for pulleys, ropes and mechanisms for holding and capturing loads.

Of course, a basic 4th category truck crane operator must be a good driver and know the rules of the road, as well as be able to drive an appropriately sized vehicle chassis. In addition, basic knowledge includes identifying malfunctions in the operation of machine devices and methods for eliminating them (not requiring the involvement of qualified specialists).

A 4th grade truck crane operator can work with machines with a lifting capacity of up to 6.3 tons.

To move to the next level, the operator must work in the current category for at least two years and undergo appropriate retraining.

Training of truck crane operators

The truck crane operator is a universal specialist. He controls crane equipment during loading and unloading operations, he is also a driver, a repairman - an incomplete list of the driver’s responsibilities.

Before leaving for the site, checks the safety of the vehicle and the operability of the mechanical and hydraulic systems of the truck crane. At the work site, the driver selects a location for installing the truck crane. Assess the strength of the wind and must ensure that there are no strangers in the area where loads are carried.

We are talking about obtaining 2 professions: an oversized truck driver and a crane operator. The primary basic complex of professional knowledge and practical skills is given on a permanent basis. At the end of the educational course, certification tests are carried out.

The examination commission is headed by an inspector from Rosgostekhnadzor. Successful passing of the theoretical exam and practical test provides the basis for obtaining a license to operate a truck crane. A 4th category truck crane operator qualification is awarded.

What knowledge is expected to be obtained in the training program:

  • Methods and methods of slinging and tying loads.
  • Mastery of slinger and driver signaling.
  • Safe operation of a truck crane during installation and loading and unloading operations.
  • Ensuring electrical safety when working near overhead power lines.

Practical skills of a crane operator:

  • Unloading and loading of railway and motor vehicles.
  • Participation in the installation of building structures.
  • Troubleshooting.
  • Adjustment of loading and lifting devices.

Personal qualities that are important are: distribution of attention with an emphasis on the danger zone, composure, coordination of movements when driving, quick reaction, resistance to stress.

Truck crane operator 5th category

The next among the ranks of a truck crane operator is the fifth. Specialists who have worked at level 4 for at least two years are allowed to recertify. In addition to the basic knowledge that a truck crane operator of any category must have, it is necessary to obtain a locksmith qualification of at least category 5, to know the design, features of maintenance, refueling, repair and operation of truck cranes up to 10 tons.

A 5th category truck crane operator is allowed to work with machines with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons.

Training and responsibilities of a truck crane operator

Truck cranes are used everywhere where work is carried out on the construction of high-rise buildings and structures. This technique is also used for loading large and fairly heavy cargo. Therefore, there is no need to argue about the demand for the profession of a driver of this type of loading equipment. To obtain a standard certificate, you only need to undergo training as a truck crane operator. Usually, in accordance with the course program, students carefully study the structure of a truck crane, the operating principle of its instruments and mechanisms that are important for safe and most efficient operation.

What does receiving a rank give to a truck crane operator?

According to the norms of the General Provisions, everyone who has mastered a profession is provided with a certain rank according to the tariff and qualification characteristics. As a rule, for a truck crane operator, the discharge has a fairly large impact. It lies in the number of vacancies offered and in the amount of wages.

More qualified specialists with the sixth - eighth category receive a significantly higher salary than truck crane operators with the fourth - fifth category. And in the labor market, the choice of vacancies and the speed of employment largely depend on the rank. You can also take training courses to improve your qualifications.

But do not forget - the higher the rank of a specialist, the more he must know and be able to do, the higher the requirements when applying for a job.

After completing a vocational course containing both practical and theoretical lessons, the student must pass an exam. When the exam, which is usually attended by one of Rostechnadzor inspectors, is successfully passed, the student receives a truck crane driver’s license and from that moment is considered a specialist.

A specialist by profession, a truck crane driver must have a good knowledge of the rules for the safe operation of the equipment assigned to him, be able to read drawings and operate truck cranes.

The operator must also be able to identify and troubleshoot the device, comply with the standards for the consumption of material, fuel, and raw materials when directly performing the work.

Job description and area of ​​responsibility of a truck crane operator

Due to the increased demand for this profession, many people who have not previously experienced training to become a crane operator are wondering how to quickly obtain a license to operate a truck crane. First, it is necessary to clarify that rights, as such, are not issued - they are successfully replaced by a certificate of the established form. In addition to the certificate, permission to drive a certain category of transport is attached.

As for the speed of obtaining the document, it is not recommended to rush in this matter; it is better to undergo high-quality training, because the specialist is entrusted with great responsibility. For example, at a construction site, the crane operator must independently choose the location for installing the device, taking into account the condition of the soil, its topography, the direction and strength of the wind, and the proximity of the electrical lines.

Every professional and novice specialist should know about such a document as the job description of a truck crane operator. It provides the basic provisions, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the crane operator.

The main provisions include paragraphs containing documents accepted for management and general responsibilities. Job responsibilities include compliance with safety precautions and correct operating conditions during the work process.

The loading equipment operator can independently make decisions during the course of work, as well as make proposals for improving the work process.

Truck crane operator 6th category

The requirements for a 6th grade truck crane operator are more stringent. In addition to basic skills, a specialist must obtain the qualification of a 6th category mechanic, accept and hand over work shifts, keep records of the operation of truck cranes, perform routine repairs and maintain the machine as part of a team. Also, for a 6th category truck crane operator, the range of permissible operations during loading and unloading operations increases.

A 6th category truck crane operator can work on machines with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tons.

Truck crane operator 7th category

To work on Ivanovets KS-35714, the truck crane operator must have a 7th category.
To operate a truck crane at the 7th category, secondary vocational education is required. This can be any working specialty. To become a 7th grade truck crane operator, you need to work on truck cranes for at least 2 years with a lower grade. These requirements are mandatory for progression to the next level.

A 7th category truck crane operator is allowed to work on machines with a lifting capacity of up to 40 tons.

Truck crane driver training

Profession code - 13788

A truck crane driver or truck crane operator is a specialist who operates a truck crane and carries loads with it. The requirements for this profession are very strict, since the cost of a mistake can be high. This is why quality training is so important.

Main responsibilities of a truck crane operator

The range of responsibilities of a truck crane operator includes:

  • monitoring the condition of an automobile crane;
  • elimination of defects in the operation of equipment (independently or as part of a work team);
  • delivery of the crane to the work site;
  • checking the quality of the work site where the equipment will be installed;
  • installation of a truck crane on site;
  • assessment of weather conditions and the possibility of carrying out work in a specific situation;
  • directly lifting, lowering and moving loads in accordance with the slinger’s commands;
  • maintaining a logbook, waybills;
  • reading drawings in accordance with the category;
  • compliance with safety precautions when moving goods.

Truck crane operator 8th category

In order to receive the maximum rank of truck crane operator - eighth - you must have secondary vocational education, i.e. obtain any working specialty. Another requirement is to have worked on truck cranes in the lower grades for at least two years (meaning total professional experience in this specialty).

To operate an 8th category truck crane, a specialist must master all the knowledge and skills listed above. It is also required to obtain the qualification of a 6th category mechanic.

An 8th grade truck crane operator can work with a lifting capacity of up to 60 tons.

To work on large truck cranes with greater lifting capacity, specialists with the maximum rank of truck crane operator are hired, who undergo additional training from the manufacturer of special equipment or its representatives.

Requirements for the quality of training

Educational institutions, full-time, evening, and distance courses that have permission to train specialists and issue licenses for truck cranes must meet the following criteria: have a state license for training and recertification of drivers. Requirements for teaching staff:

  • Higher education, specialization in teaching profile.
  • Pedagogical experience in this field of knowledge.
  • Development of training and professional development programs.

Video: Crane operator short course

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Answers to popular questions

How many categories of truck crane driver are there?

The profession of a truck crane driver provides for five qualification categories: from fourth to eighth.

What category is needed for a 25 ton truck crane?

To operate a 25 ton truck crane, a 7th category is required, i.e. The driver must have a specialized secondary education and at least two years of professional experience.

What is the maximum grade for a truck crane operator?

The maximum rank of a truck crane operator is 8. It allows you to manage and carry out operations on truck cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 60 tons. A further increase in carrying capacity is carried out within the 8th category during advanced training.

How do the ranks of a truck crane driver depend on the boom reach?

Formally, the ranks of a truck crane operator do not depend on the boom reach; they are determined only by the lifting capacity of the machine. There is a connection, but only indirectly - just as the lifting capacity and boom length of a truck crane are directly related.

Previously, we wrote about what the form of a truck crane waybill should be and how to fill it out correctly.

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