Making a garden branch shredder with your own hands - step-by-step guide, drawings and useful recommendations

Any summer resident or owner of a country house with a garden knows about the problem of recycling plant waste. Not so long ago, a device became popular - a branch chopper. It has a fairly simple structure, so craftsmen never tire of coming up with options on how to make it with their own hands, using different bases. One of the most popular options floating around the Internet is a grinder grinder. Let's look at the stages of its production.

Types of engines

A homemade branch chopper has one basic design. The difference may be in the power of the electric motor. For more powerful devices, a gasoline engine is used; it can be used to chop trees with trunks with a diameter of more than 100 mm. Gasoline cars are distinguished by their mobility due to their independence and independence from power sources.

Electric drives for garden wood chippers are divided into three main types based on power:

  1. To process waste in small areas, an engine with an operating power of up to 1.5 kW is used; it is capable of grinding branches with a diameter of up to 2 cm.
  2. When chopping branches up to 4 cm, a drive with a power of up to 4 kW is used on a personal plot.
  3. A value of 6 kW or more is used when working on wood waste collection in large areas.

Torque is transmitted using a chain or belt drive, or by installing shredder blades on the engine shaft itself.

Installation of the device

Secure the trimmer motor to a solid base made of wood using clamps. Adjust its position so that it is convenient to service this unit, control and add fuel, start the engine and regulate the speed of the cutting device.

We also firmly fix the mower bar to the base. To do this, you can use its handle, securely fastening it in the required place and pulling it to the board with steel clamps.

Then attach the cutting device to the end of the rod.

Check the quality of fastening of all components and carry out a test run of a homemade shredder. Depending on the thickness of the stems of the crushed raw materials, it is possible to use a cutting attachment with fishing line or knives. If necessary, you can use a higher power motor to work with coarse plant waste.

For ease of work, it is better to grind raw materials together. The first worker periodically loads the plants, and the second one regulates the number of revolutions of the trimmer's cutting head.

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